war - Krieg; Krieg führen


Chapter - Kapitel, Abschnitt, Verband, Ortsverband, Sektion

laying - Auflegen, legend; (lay) Auflegen, legend

[Ts'ao Kung, in defining the meaning of the Chinese for the title of this chapter, says it refers to the deliberations in the temple selected by the general for his temporary use, or as we should say, in his tent. See. § 26.]

defining - bestimmen, definieren, definieren

Chinese - chinesisch; Chinesen

refers - verweist; überweisen (an)

deliberations - Überlegungen; Abwägung, Abwägung

Temple - Tempel, Schläfe, Bethaus, Synagoge

selected - ausgewählt; auswählen

general - allgemein, generell, General

temporary - zeitweilig, temporär, vorübergehend, Zeitarbeitskraft

tent - Zelt

1. Sun TzĹ­ said: The art of war is of vital importance to the state.

vital - Leben

importance - Bedeutung; Wichtigkeit, Belang

state - Umstände ;Status , Zustand , Stand , Staat ;staatlich;darlegen, festlegen, konstatieren, festsetzen;Bundesland

2. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.

matter - Materie; Masse, Substanz, Stoff, Angelegenheit, Anlass

Death - Tod, Exitus, der Tod, Untergang

either - auch nicht; beide; auch, ebenso, ebenfalls, entweder, entweder

safety - Sicherheit, Gefahrlosigkeit, Griffsicherung, Safety

ruin - Ruine, Ruin, Ruin, ruinieren, auf die Knie zwingen, vernichten

hence - von hier, fort, von dannen, daher, deshalb

inquiry - Anfrage, Erkundigung, Abfrage, Untersuchung, Erforschung

on no account - in keinem Fall, unter (gar) keinen Umständen

neglected - vernachlässigt; vernachlässigen, verabsäumen, versäumen

3. The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

governed - regiert; regieren, steuern, regulieren, lenken, regeln

constant - beständig, konstant, regelmäßig, stetig

factors - Faktoren; Faktor, Faktor, Faktor

account - Rechnung, Bericht, Rechnung, Konto

seeking - suchen

determine - bestimmen, eingrenzen, festlegen

conditions - Bedingungen; Bedingung, Kondition, Bedingung, Voraussetzung

obtaining - zu erhalten; erlangen, erhalten, bestehen

field - Feld, Gefilde, Heide, tHeideland

4. These are: (1) The moral law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth; (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.

moral law - Sittengesetz

Heaven - Der Himmel; Himmel, Firmament, Paradies

earth - Erde, Land, Grund

commander - Befehlshaber, Kommandant, Kommandeur, Kommandör

method - Methode; Verfahrensweise, Art und Weise, Weg

discipline - Disziplin; Strafe, Bestrafung, disziplinieren

[It appears from what follows that Sun Tzŭ means by "Moral Law" a principle of harmony, not unlike the Tao of Lao Tzŭ in its moral aspect. One might be tempted to render it by "morale," were it not considered as an attribute of the ruler in § 13.]

Appears - Erscheint; erscheinen, auftauchen, erscheinen, auftauchen

law - Gesetz, Jura, Rechtswissenschaft

principle - Grundsatz, Prinzip, Naturgesetz

harmony - Harmonie, Einklang, Wohlklang, Harmonielehre

unlike - im Gegensatz zu; ungleichartig, anders, ungleich

Lao - Laote, Laotin, Laotisch, Lao

aspect - Aspekt, Aktionsart

be tempted - in Versuchung kommen, in Versuchung sein

render - leisten, wiedergeben

morale - Moral

considered - berücksichtigt; überlegen, überlegen, halten, betrachten

attribute - Eigenschaft, Merkmal, Attribut, Beifügung, zuschreiben

ruler - Lineal; Herrscher

5, 6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

moral - moralisch, sittlich, Moral

causes - Ursache, Anlass, Grund, Sache, verursachen, auslösen, lassen

accord with - übereinstimmen mit

regardless - egal; rücksichtslos; trotzdem, dennoch

undismayed - unverdrossen

danger - Gefahr, Risiko, Bedrohung; (dang); Gefahr, Risiko, Bedrohung

[Tu Yu quotes Wang TzĹ­ as saying: "Without constant practice, the officers will be nervous and undecided when mustering for battle; without constant practice, the general will be wavering and irresolute when the crisis is at hand."]

quotes - Zitate; Zitat

officers - Offiziere; Funktionär, Funktionärin, Beamter, Beamtin, Offizier

nervous - nervös

undecided - unbestimmt, unbeantwortet, unschlüssig, unentschieden

mustering - Musterung; antreten lassen

battle - sich schlagen, kämpfen; Schlacht, Kampf; Gefecht (Luftwaffe)

wavering - schwankend; wankelmütig

irresolute - unentschlossen

crisis - Krise

7. Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat, times and seasons.

signifies - bedeutet; bedeuten

heat - Hitze, Wärme

seasons - Jahreszeiten; Jahreszeit, Saison; abschmecken (würzen), würzen

[The commentators, I think, make an unnecessary mystery of two words here. Meng Shih refers to "the hard and the soft, waxing and waning" of Heaven. Wang Hsi, however, may be right in saying that what is meant is "the general economy of Heaven," including the five elements, the four seasons, wind and clouds, and other phenomena.]

commentators - Kommentatoren; Kommentator, Kommentatorin

unnecessary - nicht notwendig, unnötig

mystery - Geheimnis, Rätsel

soft - sanft, mild, weich

waxing - Wachsen, Waxing; (wax); Wachsen, Waxing

waning - (wane) abnehmen, abflauen, schwinden; (wan) (wane) abnehmen

economy - Wirtschaft, Ökonomie, Binnenwirtschaft

elements - Elemente; Element

wind - aufspulen, rollen, blasen, aufwickeln, abspulen

clouds - Wolken; verschleiern

phenomena - Phänomene

8. Earth comprises distances, great and small; danger and security; open ground and narrow passes; the chances of life and death.

comprises - umfasst; bestehen aus, beinhalten

distances - Entfernungen; Distanz, Entfernung, Abstand, Ferne, Weite

Security - Sicherheit, Schutz, Sicherheitsdienst, Wertpapier

ground - Masse (elektrisch); Erdboden, Grund, Boden

narrow - eng, schmal, knapp

passes - Pässe; (to pass) durchgehen, passieren, durchlaufen

chances - Chancen; riskieren, zufällig geschehen; Chance, Zufall

9. The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage and strictness.

virtues - Tugenden; Tugend, Tugend, Keuschheit, Tugend

wisdom - Weisheit

sincerity - Aufrichtigkeit, Ehrlichkeit

benevolence - Wohlwollen; Gutmütigkeit

courage - Courage, Herz, Mut, Tapferkeit

strictness - Strenge, Genauigkeit

[The five cardinal virtues of the Chinese are (1) humanity or benevolence; (2) uprightness of mind; (3) self-respect, self-control, or "proper feeling;" (4) wisdom; (5) sincerity or good faith. Here "wisdom" and "sincerity" are put before "humanity or benevolence," and the two military virtues of "courage" and "strictness" substituted for "uprightness of mind" and "self-respect, self-control, or ˜proper feeling.'"]

cardinal - grundsätzlich; kardinalrot; Grundzahl, Kardinalzahl, Kardinal

humanity - die Menschheit; Menschheit; Humanität, Menschlichkeit

uprightness - Aufrichtigkeit; Geradheit

mind - Verstand, Geist, Sinn, Bewusstsein, Gedächtnis, Gedanken

respect - Achtung, Respekt, respektieren

self-control - (self-control) Selbstbeherrschung

proper - richtig, passend, angemessen, eigentlich, Eigenname

Faith - Glaube; Vertrauen

put before - vorgemacht

military - Militär

substituted - ersetzt; ersetzen, auswechseln, Ersatz, Ersatzspieler

10. By Method and discipline are to be understood the marshalling of the army in its proper subdivisions, the gradations of rank among the officers, the maintenance of roads by which supplies may reach the army, and the control of military expenditure.

marshalling - rangieren; Marshalling; (marshal); Marschall, Feldmarschall

army - Heer, Landstreitkräfte, Armee, Heeresamt

subdivisions - Unterabteilungen; Unterteilung, Unterteilen

gradations - Abstufungen; Abstufung

rank - (sozialer) Stand, Rang, Dienstgrad

among - unter, zwischen, untereinander

maintenance - Instandhaltung, Wartung, Unterhalt

supplies - Vorräte; Stellvertretung, Versorgung, Vorrat; liefern

reach - erreichen; erzielen, greifen (nach)

control - steuern, kontrollieren, regeln, Kontrolle, Kontrollen, Regelung

expenditure - Aufwand; Aufwendung

11. These five heads should be familiar to every general: he who knows them will be victorious; he who knows them not will fail.

familiar - vertraut; bekannt

he who - derjenige

victorious - siegreich, obsiegend, triumphierend, triumphal, siegesstrahlend

fail - mangelhaft (Zensur 5), ungenügend (Zensur 6);jdn. im Stich lassen;fehlschlagen, scheitern, misslingen, versagen

12. Therefore, in your deliberations, when seeking to determine the military conditions, let them be made the basis of a comparison, in this wise:"

therefore - deswegen, deshalb, darum, also (folglich), daher

basis - Fundament; Basis, Grundlage

comparison - Vergleich, Komparation, Vergleichen, Vergleichung

wise - weise; klug, vernünftig

13. (1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law?

sovereigns - Souveräne; souverän, Souverän

imbued - durchdrungen; tränken, durchdringen

[I.e., "is in harmony with his subjects." Cf. § 5.]

cf - vgl

(2) Which of the two generals has most ability?

generals - Generäle; allgemein, generell, allgemein, General

ability - Fähigkeit

(3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth?

whom - wen; wem; dem, der, den, die

lie - lügen; (lie down) sich hinlegen

advantages - Vorteile; Vorteil, Vorteil, Vorzug, Vorteil

derived - abgeleitet; erlangen, herleiten, ableiten, herleiten, ableiten

[See §§ 7, 8]

(4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced?

side - Seite; Flanke, Rand, Mannschaft, Team

rigorously - rigoros

enforced - durchgesetzt; vollstrecken, durchsetzen, durchsetzen (1), de

[Tu Mu alludes to the remarkable story of Ts'ao Ts'ao (A.D. 155-220), who was such a strict disciplinarian that once, in accordance with his own severe regulations against injury to standing crops, he condemned himself to death for having allowed his horse to shy into a field of corn! However, in lieu of losing his head, he was persuaded to satisfy his sense of justice by cutting off his hair.

alludes - anspielt; andeuten, erwähnen

remarkable - bemerkenswert, verwunderlich, denkwürdig, beachtenswert

such - solch, derartig, so ein

strict - streng

disciplinarian - Vorgesetzter; Vorgesetzte

accordance - Übereinstimmung

severe - schwerwiegend; streng

regulations - Vorschriften; Regeln

against - gegen, mit, wider

injury - Verletzung, Wunde, Verwundung

crops - Ernten; Ernte, Haarschnitt, Schnitt

condemned - Verurteilt; verurteilen, verurteilen, verdammen, verurteilen

allowed - erlaubt; erlauben, zulassen, akzeptieren, erlauben, zulassen

Shy - schüchtern, scheu, verlegen

corn - Mais; Korn, Getreide, Hühnerauge

lieu - anstatt

persuaded - überredet; überreden, gewinnen, verführen, bestechen

satisfy - befriedigen, zufriedenstellen

sense - Sinn; Gefühl, Verstand, Bedeutung, wahrnehmen, empfinden

justice - Gerechtigkeit, Genugtuung, Justiz

cutting off - (cut off) wegschneiden, abschneiden, abstellen

Ts'ao Ts'ao's own comment on the present passage is characteristically curt: "when you lay down a law, see that it is not disobeyed; if it is disobeyed the offender must be put to death."]

comment - Kommentar; kommentieren; Erläuterung, Anmerkung, Vermerk

passage - Durchfahrt, Ăśbergang, Gang

characteristically - charakteristisch

curt - brüsk, knapp, kurzangebunden, barsch

lay - legen; richten (Tisch)

disobeyed - nicht gehorcht; missachten, nicht gehorchen

offender - Straftäter; Täter

(5) Which army is the stronger?

[Morally as well as physically. As Mei Yao-ch'en puts it, freely rendered, "esprit de corps and ˜big battalions.'"]

morally - moralisch

physically - physisch; physikalisch

freely - frei

rendered - erbracht; leisten, wiedergeben

esprit - Esprit

corps - Korps; .; (corp) Korps

battalions - Bataillone; Bataillon

(6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained?

highly - am Höchsten, hoch

[Tu Yu quotes Wang TzĹ­ as saying: "Without constant practice, the officers will be nervous and undecided when mustering for battle; without constant practice, the general will be wavering and irresolute when the crisis is at hand."]

(7) In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment?

constancy - Konstanz, Beständigkeit, Ausdauer

Reward - Belohnung, Lohn

punishment - Strafe, Bestrafung

[On which side is there the most absolute certainty that merit will be properly rewarded and misdeeds summarily punished?]

absolute - absolut; rein

certainty - Gewissheit

merit - Verdienst

properly - ordnungsgemäß, ordentlich, richtig, vernünftig

rewarded - belohnt; Belohnung, Lohn

misdeeds - Untaten; Missetat

summarily - Kurzfristig

punished - bestraft; bestrafen, strafen

14. By means of these seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat.

considerations - Überlegungen; Erwägung, Überlegung, Überlegung, Rücksicht

forecast - vorhersagen, prognostizieren, Schätzung, Vorhersage, Prognose

victory - Sieg

defeat - vernichten, ablehnen, vereiteln, besiegen; Niederlage

15. The general that hearkens to my counsel and acts upon it, will conquer:"let such a one be retained in command! The general that hearkens not to my counsel nor acts upon it, will suffer defeat:"let such a one be dismissed!

hearkens - erhört; horchen, hören, lauschen

counsel - Ratschläge; Beratung; Rat, Ratschlag, Anwalt, Anwältin

acts - Handlungen; Handlung, Tat, Akt, Gesetz

upon - auf; mit

conquer - erobern

retained - zurückgehalten; behalten, festhalten

Command - Befehl, Kommando, befehlen, kommandieren, gebieten, beherrschen

nor - weder noch, auch nicht

suffer - leiden; erleiden

dismissed - entlassen, entlassen, abweisen, einstellen, zurückweisen

[The form of this paragraph reminds us that Sun TzĹ­'s treatise was composed expressly for the benefit of his patron Ho Lu, king of the Wu State.]

reminds - Erinnert; erinnern, in Erinnerung bringen

treatise - Abhandlung, Traktat

composed - komponiert; zusammenstellen, zusammensetzen, komponieren

expressly - ausdrücklich

benefit - Vorteil; Nutzen; Leistung; Benefizkonzert, Benefizveranstaltung

patron - Schirmherr, Patron, Mäzen, Kunde, Inhaber, Stammkunde

king - König

state - Staat, Land, Bundesland, Zustand, erklären, darlegen, nennen

16. While heeding the profit of my counsel, avail yourself also of any helpful circumstances over and beyond the ordinary rules.

heeding - beachtet; beherzigen, beachten

profit - Gewinn, Profit, nützen, profitieren, erreichen, gewinnen

avail - zur Verfügung; ausnutzen; helfen, nützen, Erfolg

helpful - hilfreich

circumstances - Umstände; Umstand, Umstand

beyond - darüber hinaus; jenseits

ordinary - Heroldsbild; gewöhnlich, normal

17. According as circumstances are favourable, one should modify one's plans.

according - nach; Übereinstimmung, Einvernehmen

favourable - günstig

modify - ändern, abändern, modifizieren

[Sun TzĹ­, as a practical soldier, will have none of the "bookish theoric." He cautions us here not to pin our faith to abstract principles; "for," as Chang Yu puts it, "while the main laws of strategy can be stated clearly enough for the benefit of all and sundry, you must be guided by the actions of the enemy in attempting to secure a favourable position in actual warfare." On the eve of the battle of Waterloo, Lord Uxbridge, commanding the cavalry, went to the Duke of Wellington in order to learn what his plans and calculations were for the morrow, because, as he explained, he might suddenly find himself Commander-in-chief and would be unable to frame new plans in a critical moment.

practical - praktisch; Praktikum

soldier - Soldat, Soldatin, Kämpfer

none - kein, nichts, keines, keine, keiner, gar nicht

bookish - buchmäßig; gelehrte

theoric - theorethisch

cautions - Warnungen; Warnung, Vorsicht, Vorsicht, Achtsamkeit

pin - Zapfen, Bolzen, Schraubendrehereinsatz; feststecken, anheften

abstract - Auszug, Zusammenfassung, abstrakt, trennen, entziehen

principles - Grundsätze; Grundsatz, Prinzip

laws - Gesetze; Gesetz, Jura, Rechtswissenschaft

strategy - Strategie

stated - erklärt; Staat, Staat, Land

Clearly - Eindeutig; klar, deutlich

sundry - Verschiedenes; verschiedene, allerlei

guided - geführt; lenken, führen, anleiten, leiten; Handbuch, Anleitung

enemy - Feind, Feindin, Gegner, Gegnerin, feindlich

attempting - versuchen, Versuch, Bestreben

secure - sicher, geschützt, beschützt, zuverlässig

position - Stellung, Position, Arbeitsplatz, Stelle, positionieren

actual - tatsächlich, konkret, gegenwärtig, aktuell

warfare - Kriegsführung

eve - Vorabend

Lord - Gebieter; Herr; herrschen

commanding - Befehl, Kommando

cavalry - Reiterei, Kavallerie

Duke - Herzog; Großherzog

calculations - Berechnungen; Berechnung

morrow - morgen; Morgen

suddenly - plötzlich, urplötzlich

chief - Häuptling, Oberhaupt, Chef

unable - unfähig, untauglich

frame - ausarbeiten, entwerfen, einfassen, einrahmen, festlegen

critical - kritisch

The Duke listened quietly and then said: "Who will attack the first tomorrow"I or Bonaparte?" "Bonaparte," replied Lord Uxbridge. "Well," continued the Duke, "Bonaparte has not given me any idea of his projects; and as my plans will depend upon his, how can you expect me to tell you what mine are?" [1] ]

quietly - ruhig, leise

attack - Attacke, Angriff, Anfall, angreifen, attackieren

replied - geantwortet; antworten, erwidern, Antwort, Entgegnung, Antwort

continued - fortgesetzt; fortsetzen, weiterhin

Depend - abhängen, ankommen

expect - erwarten

mine - mein, meiner

18. All warfare is based on deception.

based - basiert; Bas

deception - Betrug, Betrügerei, Täuschung

[The truth of this pithy and profound saying will be admitted by every soldier. Col. Henderson tells us that Wellington, great in so many military qualities, was especially distinguished by "the extraordinary skill with which he concealed his movements and deceived both friend and foe."]

truth - Wahrheit, Treue

pithy - kernig, knackig, markig, prägnant

profound - tiefgründig; tiefgehend, profund

admitted - zugelassen; einlassen, zulassen, zugeben, eingestehen, erlauben

Col - Oberst; Spalte, Sp. Spalte (Tabelle)

qualities - Eigenschaften; Qualität, Qualität, Eigenschaft, Qualität

especially - besonders, extra, speziell, außergewöhnlich, originell

distinguished - ausgezeichnet; unterscheiden, erkennen, auszeichnen

extraordinary - außerordentlich, außergewöhnlich

concealed - versteckt; verbergen, verheimlichen, verschleiern, verschweigen

movements - Bewegungen; Bewegung, Bewegung, Satz

deceived - getäuscht; betrügen, täuschen

foe - Feind

19. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.

Seem - scheinen, dünken

forces - Kräfte; zwingen, forcieren, erzwingen; Stärke, Macht, Einfluss

inactive - untätig

20. hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.

hold out - hinstrecken (z. B. Hand), aushalten, ausharren

baits - Köder, Luder, Fischköder

entice - verlocken; locken, verführen

feign - vorgeben, vortäuschen, vormachen, fingieren, ausdenken

disorder - Unordnung; Unruhen; Störung

crush - verknallt; Schwarm; zerdrücken

[All commentators, except Chang Yu, say, "When he is in disorder, crush him." It is more natural to suppose that Sun TzĹ­ is still illustrating the uses of deception in war.]

Except - ausnehmen, ausklammern, ausschließen, widersprechen, außer

more natural - naturgemäßere

suppose - annehmen, vermuten, vermeinen

illustrating - illustrieren, illustrieren

21. If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him.

superior - überlegen, höher, höherstehend, übergeordnet, Vorgesetzter

strength - Stärke, Kraft, Festigkeit, Mumm

evade - ausweichen; meiden; sich entziehen

22. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.

opponent - Gegner, Gegnerin, Gegner (1, 3), Gegenspieler

choleric - Choleriker

temper - Gereiztheit, Laune, Temperament, Anlassen, Ausheizen

seek - suchen

irritate - reizen, irritieren, ärgern

pretend - vorgeben, prätendieren, vortäuschen, so tun, als ob

weak - schwach; out, unschön, häßlich, uninteressant

[Wang TzĹ­, quoted by Tu Yu, says that the good tactician plays with his adversary as a cat plays with a mouse, first feigning weakness and immobility, and then suddenly pouncing upon him.]

quoted - zitiert; Zitat

tactician - Taktiker, Taktikerin

adversary - Gegner, Gegnerin, Widersacher, Widersacherin

feigning - vortäuschen; heuchelnd, fingierend

weakness - Schwäche, Faible

immobility - Unbeweglichkeit; Immobilität

pouncing - aufgesprungen; zuschlagen; bimsen

23. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest.

ease - Leichtigkeit, Mühelosigkeit, Behaglichkeit, Bequemlichkeit

rest - Ruhe, Stütze, Lehne, ein Ăśbriges; bleiben, ruhen, ausruhen

[This is probably the meaning though Mei Yao-ch'en has the note: "while we are taking our ease, wait for the enemy to tire himself out." The Yu Lan has "Lure him on and tire him out."]

though - aber; trotzdem, doch, allerdings, obwohl, obgleich

tire - Reifen, Pneu (schweiz.); ermüden

lan - lokales Netz

lure - locken; ködern; Köder

If his forces are united, separate them.

United - Vereint; vereinen

separate - einzeln, getrennt, separat, trennen

[Less plausible is the interpretation favoured by most of the commentators: "If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them."]

plausible - plausibel, glaubhaft

interpretation - Interpretation, Auslegung, Deutung, Dolmetschen

favoured - bevorzugt; begünstigen, bevorzugen

sovereign - souverän

accord - Vereinbarung; Übereinstimmung, Einvernehmen, Übereinkommen

Division - Teilung; Teil; Division; Abteilung

24. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

appear - erscheinen, auftauchen, auftreten

expected - erwartet; erwarten, erwarten, erwarten

25. These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand.

devices - Geräte; Gerät

leading - führend; führen; (lead) führend; führen

divulged - enthüllt; verbreiten, bekannt machen, preisgeben, verraten

beforehand - vorher

26. Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought.

ere - hier

fought - gekämpft; Kampf, Schlacht

[Chang Yu tells us that in ancient times it was customary for a temple to be set apart for the use of a general who was about to take the field, in order that he might there elaborate his plan of campaign.]

ancient - alt, uralt, antik

customary - Gewöhnlich; üblich

set - gesetzt; Seth

apart - auseinander; getrennt; beiseite; entzwei, in Stücke

elaborate - ausarbeiten; ausführlich, durchdacht, ausführen

campaign - Einsatz, Feldzug, Heereszug, Kampagne, einsetzen

The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand. Thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at all! It is by attention to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose.

thus - also; auf diese Weise, so, demnach, folglich, dieses

calculation - Berechnung

lead - führen, anführen, leiten;aus Blei;Aufmacher ;Anschlussdraht , Blei , Führung

attention - Aufmerksamkeit, Beachtung, Wachsamkeit, Achtung, Habachtstellung

foresee - vorhersehen, voraussehen

Likely - gleicht, ähnlich, wahrscheinlich, voraussichtlich

[1] "Words on Wellington," by Sir. W. Fraser.


waging - zu führen; wedeln, schwänzen, Wedeln

[Ts'ao Kung has the note: "He who wishes to fight must first count the cost," which prepares us for the discovery that the subject of the chapter is not what we might expect from the title, but is primarily a consideration of ways and means.]

wishes - Wunsch, wünschen, wünschen

fight - kämpfen; Kampf, Schlacht

count the cost - die Kosten berechnen

discovery - Entdeckung

primarily - in erster Linie

consideration - Berücksichtigung; Erwägung, Überlegung, Rücksicht, Vergütung

1. Sun TzĹ­ said: In the operations of war, where there are in the field a thousand swift chariots, as many heavy chariots, and a hundred thousand mail-clad soldiers,

operations - Operationen; Betrieb, Betrieb, Operation, Operation, Operation

swift - Mauersegler; schnell; Segler; Garnwinde

chariots - Streitwagen, Triumphwagen

heavy - heftig, schwer, stark (Regen)

mail - Post versenden; Post, post

clad - kaschiert, gekleidet; (clothe); bekleiden, anziehen

soldiers - Soldaten; Soldat, Soldatin, Kämpfer

[The "swift chariots" were lightly built and, according to Chang Yu, used for the attack; the "heavy chariots" were heavier, and designed for purposes of defence. Li Ch'uan, it is true, says that the latter were light, but this seems hardly probable. It is interesting to note the analogies between early Chinese warfare and that of the Homeric Greeks. In each case, the war-chariot was the important factor, forming as it did the nucleus round which was grouped a certain number of foot-soldiers.

lightly - leichtfertig; leicht

chariot - Streitwagen; Triumphwagen

heavier - Schwerer; heftig, schwer, stark (Regen)

purposes - Zwecke; absicht, Absicht, Einsatzzweck, Zweck

defence - Verteidigung, Abwehr

Seems - Scheint; scheinen, dünken

hardly - hart, rau, kaum

probable - glaubhaft, wahrscheinlich

analogies - Analogien; Analogie

Greeks - Griechen; griechisch, Griechisch

case - Fall; Gehäuse, Prozess, Kiste, Fach

factor - Faktor

nucleus - Kern; Atomkern; Zellkern, Nukleus, Silbenkern, Silbengipfel

round - runden; Kontrollgang, Runde, Rundgang, rund

Certain - gewiss, sicher, irgendein, bestimmt

With regard to the numbers given here, we are informed that each swift chariot was accompanied by 75 footmen, and each heavy chariot by 25 footmen, so that the whole army would be divided up into a thousand battalions, each consisting of two chariots and a hundred men.]

regard - schätzen, betrachten, berücksichtigen, achten; Aufmerksamkeit

informed - informiert; benachrichtigen, mitteilen, informieren

accompanied - begleitet; begleiten, begleiten, begleiten, begleiten, geleiten

footmen - Lakaien; Lakai

divided - geteilt; aufteilen, teilen, einteilen, teilen, dividieren

consisting - zusammensetzend, besteht aus; bestehen (aus)

with provisions enough to carry them a thousand li,

Provisions - Bestimmungen; Vorrat-p

[2.78 modern li go to a mile. The length may have varied slightly since Sun TzĹ­'s time.]

Length - Länge, Längenmaß, Pferdelänge

varied - abwechslungsreich; variieren, verändern, sich ändern, de

slightly - ein wenig, leicht

Since - Seit wann; seitdem, seither, weil, da

the expenditure at home and at the front, including entertainment of guests, small items such as glue and paint, and sums spent on chariots and armour, will reach the total of a thousand ounces of silver per day. Such is the cost of raising an army of 100,000 men.

entertainment - Unterhaltung

guests - Gäste; Gast, Gast, Gast, gastieren

items - Gegenstände; Ding

glue - Klebstoff, Leim, Kleber, leimen, kleben

sums - Summen; Betrag, Summe, Geldbetrag

armour - Panzer, Rüstung

Total - Insgesamt; Gesamtbetrag, Gesamtsumme, ganz, komplett, total

ounces - Unzen; Unze(n); Unze, Unze (Masseeinheit)

silver - versilbern; silbern, Silber; Silberbesteck

per - je, pro, für, per

raising - Erhöhung; Erhebung; Großziehen, Aufziehen

2. When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, the men's weapons will grow dull and their ardour will be damped. If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your strength.

engage - engagieren; beschäftigen; anstellen; angreifen, anlegen

fighting - (fight) kämpfen, sich streiten; (fight) (fight) kämpfen

weapons - Waffen; Waffe

dull - stumpf; fad, langweilig, matt, blöd, blöde

ardour - Eifer; Begeisterung, Ăśberschwang, Hitze

damped - gedämpft; feucht, Feuchtigkeit, ersticken, dämpfen, dämpfen

siege - Belagerung

exhaust - erschöpfen, dezimieren, Auspuff, Abgas, Abluft

3. Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.

protracted - langwierig; verlängern, sich ziehen, sich hinziehen

resources - Ressourcen; Betriebsmittel, Hilfsquelle, Ressource

Equal - Gleichberechtigt; gleich; gleichen; Gleichgestellter

strain - Belastung; Spannung, starke Inanspruchnahme, Zug; anstrengen

4. Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardour damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.

dulled - abgestumpft; stumpf, fad, langweilig, matt, stumpf, blöd, blöde

exhausted - erschöpft; erschöpfen, dezimieren, erschöpfen, Auspuff, Abgas

treasure - Schatz; schätzen

chieftains - Häuptlinge; Häuptling

spring up - aus dem Boden schießen, (Wind) aufkommen

advantage - Vorteil; Vorzug

extremity - Extremität, äußerstes Ende, Äußerste, Extremste

avert - abwenden, verhindern

consequences - Folgen; Konsequenz, Folge, Konsequenz, Folge, Konsequenz

ensue - folgen, ansetzen, erfolgen, nachfolgen

5. Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.

stupid - dumm, doof, blöd, Dummkopf

haste - Eile, Hast

cleverness - Klugheit; Pfiffigkeit, Gewandtheit, Raffinesse

associated - verbunden; Weggefährte, vereinigen

delays - Verzögerungen; Verspätung, Verzögerung, Verzug

[This concise and difficult sentence is not well explained by any of the commentators. Ts'ao Kung, Li Ch'uan, Meng Shih, Tu Yu, Tu Mu and Mei Yao-ch'en have notes to the effect that a general, though naturally stupid, may nevertheless conquer through sheer force of rapidity. Ho Shih says: "Haste may be stupid, but at any rate it saves expenditure of energy and treasure; protracted operations may be very clever, but they bring calamity in their train." Wang Hsi evades the difficulty by remarking: "Lengthy operations mean an army growing old, wealth being expended, an empty exchequer and distress among the people; true cleverness insures against the occurrence of such calamities." Chang Yu says: "So long as victory can be attained, stupid haste is preferable to clever dilatoriness." Now Sun TzĹ­ says nothing whatever, except possibly by implication, about ill-considered haste being better than ingenious but lengthy operations.

concise - kurz, prägnant, knapp, konzis

effect - Auswirkung, Eindruck, Effekt, Kraft

naturally - natürlich

nevertheless - nichtsdestoweniger, trotzdem, lauch wenn, dennoch

sheer - durchsichtig; scheren, ausreißen, gieren; rein, blank

force - Kraft; zwingen, forcieren, erzwingen; Stärke, Macht, Einfluss

rapidity - Schnelligkeit

rate - Wechselkurs, Devisenkurs, Kurs; Kommunalsteuer

saves - rettet; retten, erretten, sichern, speichern, sparen, speichern

energy - Energie

clever - geschickt; clever, ausgekocht, patent, klug, gescheit

calamity - Verhängnis; Unheil, Kalamität

evades - ausweicht; ausweichen, meiden, sich entziehen

difficulty - Schwierigkeiten; Schwierigkeit

remarking - bemerken; Anmerkung, Bemerkung

lengthy - lang, ausgedehnt, langdauernd, langwierig

growing old - alternd

wealth - Reichtum, Vermögen, Fülle

expended - verbraucht; aufwenden, ausgeben (Geld), aufbrauchen

empty - leer; leeren, entleeren, ausleeren, leer machen

Exchequer - Staatskasse; Kasse, Fiskus

distress - Kummer, Bedrängnis, Drangsal, Bekümmerung, Not

insures - versichert; versichern, versichern

Occurrence - Vorkommen; Vorfall

calamities - Kalamitäten; Unheil

attained - erlangt; erreichen, erlangen

preferable - vorzuziehen

dilatoriness - Dilatanz; Zaudern

whatever - Jacke wie Hose; was immer, was auch immer, egal, naja, nebbich

Possibly - vielleicht, eventuell, möglicherweise, negated: unmöglich

implication - Implikation; Auswirkung, Folge, Tragweite, Bedeutung, Andeutung

ill - krank, siech, übel, schlecht, Übel

ingenious - ingeniös, genial, findig

What he does say is something much more guarded, namely that, while speed may sometimes be injudicious, tardiness can never be anything but foolish"if only because it means impoverishment to the nation. In considering the point raised here by Sun TzĹ­, the classic example of Fabius Cunctator will inevitably occur to the mind. That general deliberately measured the endurance of Rome against that of Hannibals's isolated army, because it seemed to him that the latter was more likely to suffer from a long campaign in a strange country. But it is quite a moot question whether his tactics would have proved successful in the long run. Their reversal it is true, led to Cannae; but this only establishes a negative presumption in their favour.]

guarded - bewacht; Wächter, Parierstange, Schutz, schützen, bewachen

namely - und zwar, nämlich

Speed - Geschwindigkeit; Drehzahl, Gang, rasen, Tempo, Eile

injudicious - unüberlegt

tardiness - Unpünktlichkeit, Verspätung

foolish - dumm, närrisch, töricht

impoverishment - Verarmung

nation - Staat, Nation, Volk

considering - in Betracht ziehen; entsprechend, unter Berücksichtigung

raised - angehoben; Gehaltszulage; aufsteigen, anheben, erhöhen

classic example - Schulbeispiel (fig.)

inevitably - unausweichlich; zwangsläufig; erwartbarerweise

occur - auftreten; passieren, vorkommen, stattfinden, einfallen

deliberately - absichtlich

measured - gemessen; Maß

endurance - Ausdauer

Rome - Rom

Hannibals - Hannibal

isolated - isoliert; isolieren, absondern, abdichten

seemed - schien; scheinen, dünken

strange - seltsam, sonderbar, komisch, verwunderlich, fremd, ausländisch

moot - strittig; Volksversammlung, Streit

whether - ob

tactics - Taktik, Taktik

proved - er/sie hat/hatte bewiesen, beweisen, erhärten

successful - erfolgreich

reversal - Umkehrung; Umschwung, Stornierung, Storno

led - geführt; LED; (lead) führen, anführen

Cannae - Können

establishes - einrichtet; feststellen, etablieren, eröffnen, gründen

presumption - Anmaßung; Annahme; Überheblichkeit; Vermutung

favour - Gefallen; begünstigen, bevorzugen

6. There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.

instance - Beispiel, Fall, Instanz

benefited - begünstigt; Vorteil, Nutzen, Leistung, Benefizkonzert

prolonged - langwierig; ausdehnen, verlängern, hinauszögern

7. It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on.

thoroughly - gründlich, vollkommen, total, durch und durch

acquainted - kennengelernt; vertraut machen, in Kenntnis setzen

evils - Sünde, übel, üblen, Ăśbel

profitable - gewinnbringend, profitabel, lukrativ, einträglich

[That is, with rapidity. Only one who knows the disastrous effects of a long war can realize the supreme importance of rapidity in bringing it to a close. Only two commentators seem to favour this interpretation, but it fits well into the logic of the context, whereas the rendering, "He who does not know the evils of war cannot appreciate its benefits," is distinctly pointless.]

disastrous - katastrophal

effects - Auswirkungen; Auswirkung, Wirkung, Eindruck, Effekt, Effekt

realize - verwirklichen, realisieren

supreme - übergeordnet; höchster, oberster

logic - Logik, logische

context - Kontext, Zusammenhang

whereas - wohingegen, wogegen, während, wobei

rendering - wiedergebend, huldigend, Aufführung; (render) wiedergebend

appreciate - zu schätzen wissen, würdigen, verstehen, begreifen

benefits - Vorteile; Vorteil, Nutzen, Leistung, Benefizkonzert

distinctly - deutlich

pointless - stumpf; gegenstandslos, irrelevant, sinnlos, witzlos, zwecklos

8. The skilful soldier does not raise a second levy, neither are his supply-waggons loaded more than twice.

skilful - gewandt, gekonnt, geschickt, erfahren

raise - Gehaltszulage; aufsteigen, anheben, erhöhen, heranziehen

levy - Umlage; Erhebung; erheben

neither - weder; weder X noch Y; keiner, keines

supply - Stellvertretung, Versorgung, Vorrat; liefern

loaded - geladen; Last, Beschickung (Ladung), Belastung; beladen

[Once war is declared, he will not waste precious time in waiting for reinforcements, nor will he return his army back for fresh supplies, but crosses the enemy's frontier without delay. This may seem an audacious policy to recommend, but with all great strategists, from Julius Caesar to Napoleon Bonaparte, the value of time"that is, being a little ahead of your opponent"has counted for more than either numerical superiority or the nicest calculations with regard to commissariat.

declared - erklärt; bekanntmachen, bekanntgeben, deklarieren, ausrufen

waste - Abfall; verschwenden

precious - kostbar, wertvoll, süßlich, kitschig

reinforcements - Verstärkung, Verstärkung, Verstärkung, Verstärkung

fresh - kess (frech), frisch, frech, pampig (ugs.)

crosses - Kreuz

frontier - Grenze, Landesgrenze, Staatsgrenze

delay - Verspätung, Verzögerung, Verzug

audacious - kühn

policy - Politik; Regelwerk, Strategie, Regeln; Polizze (österr.)

recommend - empfehlen

strategists - Strategen; Stratege

Caesar - Cäsar, Caesar, Zäsar, Kaiser

value - Wert, Wichtigkeit, Notenwert, Tonwert, Werte, schätzen

ahead - voraus, vorne, vorn, oben, geradeaus

counted - gezählt; rechnen, abzählen, zählen

numerical - Numerisch

superiority - Überlegenheit

Commissariat - Kommissariat

9. Bring war material with you from home, but forage on the enemy. Thus the army will have food enough for its needs.

material - materiell; Material, Rohstoff

forage - Futtermittel; Fourage, Viehfutter, Pferdefutter, fouragieren

[The Chinese word translated here as "war material" literally means "things to be used", and is meant in the widest sense. It includes all the impedimenta of an army, apart from provisions.]

translated - übersetzt; übersetzen, übertragen, verdolmetschen, dolmetschen

literally - buchstäblich

widest - am breitesten; breit, weit

10. Poverty of the State exchequer causes an army to be maintained by contributions from a distance. Contributing to maintain an army at a distance causes the people to be impoverished.

poverty - Armut

maintained - unterhalten, warten, beibehalten, aufrechterhalten

contributions - Beiträge; Beitrag, Beitrag, finanziellinanzieller Beitrag

distance - Distanz, Entfernung, Abstand, Ferne, Weite, entfernen

contributing - einen Beitrag leisten; beisteuern, beitragen

impoverished - verarmt; arm

[The beginning of this sentence does not balance properly with the next, though obviously intended to do so. The arrangement, moreover, is so awkward that I cannot help suspecting some corruption in the text. It never seems to occur to Chinese commentators that an emendation may be necessary for the sense, and we get no help from them there. The Chinese words Sun TzĹ­ used to indicate the cause of the people's impoverishment clearly have reference to some system by which the husbandmen sent their contributions of corn to the army direct. But why should it fall on them to maintain an army in this way, except because the State or government is too poor to do so?

balance - Gleichgewicht; Ausgewogenheit; Bilanz, Saldo, Guthaben, Rest

Obviously - Offensichtlich; augenscheinlich

intended - beabsichtigt; gedacht; (intend); beabsichtigen, vorhaben

arrangement - Vereinbarung; Anordnung

Moreover - außerdem, überdies, des Weiteren, obendrein

awkward - peinlich; ungeschickt, unbeholfen, umständlich, tollpatschig

suspecting - vermuten, misstrauen, verdächtigen, einen Verdacht haben

corruption - Korruption; Verderbnis, Verdorbenheit, Verkommenheit

emendation - Verbesserung

necessary - nötig, notwendig, erforderlich, zwangsläufig, geboten

indicate - anzeigen, anweisen, andeuten, auf etwas deuten, blinken

cause - Ursache, Anlass, Grund, verursachen, auslösen, lassen

reference - Referenz; Quelle; referenzieren; sich beziehen

system - System, Ordnung, Verbund, Akkolade

Direct - direkt, unmittelbar, beaufsichtigen, inszenieren, befehlen

maintain - unterhalten, warten, beibehalten, aufrechterhalten

government - staatlich;Regierung , Regierung , Landesregierung

11. On the other hand, the proximity of an army causes prices to go up; and high prices cause the people's substance to be drained away.

proximity - Nähe, Nachbarschaft

high prices - Teuerung

substance - Substanz, Stoff

drained - entwässert; Abfluss, entwässern, abfließen lassen, ablassen

[Wang Hsi says high prices occur before the army has left its own territory. Ts'ao Kung understands it of an army that has already crossed the frontier.]

territory - Gebiet; Territorium; Revier

crossed - gekreuzt; Kreuz

12. When their substance is drained away, the peasantry will be afflicted by heavy exactions.

peasantry - Landbevölkerung; Bauernschaft

afflicted - behaftet; bekümmern

exactions - Ausschreitungen; Eintreibung

13, 14. With this loss of substance and exhaustion of strength, the homes of the people will be stripped bare, and three-tenths of their incomes will be dissipated;

Loss - Verlust, Ausfall; Kursverlust

exhaustion - Erschöpfung, Ermattung

stripped - entkleidet; Zeichenketten

bare - knapp, kahl, nackt, bloß; entblößen, abnehmen, freimachen

tenths - Zehntel; zehnte

incomes - Einkünfte; Einkommen

dissipated - verpufft; zerstreuen, zerteilen, verscheuchen, lösen, abbauen

[Tu Mu and Wang Hsi agree that the people are not mulcted not of 3/10, but of 7/10, of their income. But this is hardly to be extracted from our text. Ho Shih has a characteristic tag: "The people being regarded as the essential part of the State, and food as the people's heaven, is it not right that those in authority should value and be careful of both?"]

mulcted - vervielfältigt; Geldstrafe

income - Einkommen

extracted - extrahiert; Auszug, Auszug, Extrakt

characteristic - charakteristisch, bezeichnend, kennzeichnend, typisch, Merkmal

tag - markieren, kennzeichnen; Anhänger, Kennzeichen, Marke

regarded - betrachtet; schätzen, betrachten, berücksichtigen

essential part - Hauptbestandteil

those - die; jene

authority - Autorität; Autorität; Behörde

careful - vorsichtig, behutsam, sorgfältig

while Government expenses for broken chariots, worn-out horses, breast-plates and helmets, bows and arrows, spears and shields, protective mantlets, draught-oxen and heavy waggons, will amount to four-tenths of its total revenue.

Government - Regierung; Rektion

expenses - Ausgaben; Ausgabe, Aufwand, Verlust

breast - Brust; -brust, Entenbrust

plates - Teller; Platte (Druckplatte); Lagerplatte, Lochstein (Uhr)

helmets - Helme; Helm

bows - Bücklinge, Bögen; (bow) Bücklinge, Bögen

arrows - Pfeile; Richtungspfeil, Pfeil

spears - Speere; Speer, Lanze (Wurflanze); aufspießen, spießen

shields - Schilder; Schild, abgeschirmt, Abschirmung; abschirmen

protective - Schutz

draught - Tiefgang; Spielstein

oxen - Ochsen

amount to - etw. gleichkommen;ausmachen, betragen, sich beziffern auf

revenue - Einnahme

15. Hence a wise general makes a point of foraging on the enemy. One cartload of the enemy's provisions is equivalent to twenty of one's own, and likewise a single picul of his provender is equivalent to twenty from one's own store.

Foraging - Futtersuche; Fourage, Viehfutter

cartload - Wagenladung; Fuhre, Ladung

equivalent - gleichwertig, entsprechend, äquivalent, Entsprechung, Äquivalent

likewise - ebenfalls

single - einzeln, einzig, allein, einheitlich

provender - Proviant; Futter

store - Laden; Lager, Speicher, Vorrat, Lagerbestand, lagern, speichern

[Because twenty cartloads will be consumed in the process of transporting one cartload to the front. A picul is a unit of measure equal to 133.3 pounds (65.5 kilograms).]

cartloads - Wagenladungen; Fuhre, Ladung

consumed - verbraucht; verbrauchen, verzehren, verzehren, aufnehmen

process - weiter verarbeiten, verarbeiten, entwickeln; Verfahren

transporting - transportierend; (transport); transportieren, befördern

unit - Einheit

measure - Maß; Messung, Maßstab, Takt, Maßnahme, messen, abmessen

kilograms - Kilogramm

16. Now in order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to anger; that there may be advantage from defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards.

kill - vernichten, totmachen, löschen, zerstören, töten

roused - geweckt; wachrufen, wecken

anger - Ärger, Zorn, Wut, Groll

defeating - vernichten, ablehnen, vereiteln, besiegen; Niederlage

rewards - Belohnungen; Belohnung, Lohn

[Tu Mu says: "Rewards are necessary in order to make the soldiers see the advantage of beating the enemy; thus, when you capture spoils from the enemy, they must be used as rewards, so that all your men may have a keen desire to fight, each on his own account."]

beating - Schlagen, Prügel, Verprüglung, vernichtende Niederlage

capture - erfassen; Fang, Festnahme, Gefangennahme, Erfassung

spoils - plündern, ruinieren, verderben, kaputtmachen, verwöhnen

keen - eifrig, scharf

desire - begehren; Begehren, Wunsch

17. Therefore in chariot fighting, when ten or more chariots have been taken, those should be rewarded who took the first. Our own flags should be substituted for those of the enemy, and the chariots mingled and used in conjunction with ours. The captured soldiers should be kindly treated and kept.

flags - markieren, beflaggen, kennzeichnen; Kennzeichen, Platte, Flag

mingled - vermengt; vermischen, vermengen, untermischen

conjunction - Verbindung; Zusammenhang; Konjunktion, Bindewort

captured - gefangen genommen; Fang, Festnahme, Gefangennahme, Erfassung

kindly - freundlich, freundlicherweise, gütig, liebenswürdig

treated - behandelt; behandeln, bewirten, einladen, heilen, kurieren

18. This is called, using the conquered foe to augment one's own strength.

conquered - erobert; erobern

augment - Augmentieren; vergrößern, erhöhen, vermehren, wachsen, zunehmen

19. In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns.

campaigns - Kampagnen; Einsatz, Feldzug, Heereszug, Kampagne, einsetzen

[As Ho Shih remarks: "War is not a thing to be trifled with." Sun TzĹ­ here reiterates the main lesson which this chapter is intended to enforce."]

remarks - Bemerkungen; bemerken; Anmerkung, Bemerkung

trifled - getrickst; Trifle

reiterates - wiederholen; reiterieren

enforce - vollstrecken; durchsetzen; durchsetzen (1); checkbekräftigen

20. Thus it may be known that the leader of armies is the arbiter of the people's fate, the man on whom it depends whether the nation shall be in peace or in peril.

leader - Anführer, Anführerin, Leiter, Hauptmann

armies - Armeen; Heer

arbiter - Schlichter, Schiedsrichter, Vermittler, Schiedsmann

fate - Schicksal, Los, Geschick

depends - abhängt; abhängen, ankommen

shall - sollen

peace - Ruhe, Frieden, Friede

peril - Gefahr, Risiko


stratagem - Strategeme; Kriegslist, Strategem

1. Sun TzĹ­ said: In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to capture an army entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than to destroy them.

intact - unversehrt; intakt

shatter - zerbrechen; zum Zerspringen bringen, zerschmettern

destroy - zerstören, vernichten

entire - vollständig; ganz, gesamt

regiment - Regiment

detachment - Abtrennung; Militäreinheit, Trennung, Abteilung

[The equivalent to an army corps, according to Ssu-ma Fa, consisted nominally of 12500 men; according to Ts'ao Kung, the equivalent of a regiment contained 500 men, the equivalent to a detachment consists from any number between 100 and 500, and the equivalent of a company contains from 5 to 100 men. For the last two, however, Chang Yu gives the exact figures of 100 and 5 respectively.]

Fa - Fußballverband

consisted - bestand; zusammensetzend, besteht aus; bestehen (aus)

nominally - nominell

contained - enthalten

consists - zusammensetzend, besteht aus; bestehen (aus)

contains - enthält; enthalten

Last - letzte, zuletzt, letzter, vorig; dauern, andauern

exact - exakt, genau, fordern, abverlangen

figures - Zahlen; Abbildung, Figur, Gestalt, Ziffer, Form

respectively - bzw

2. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

battles - Schlachten; sich schlagen, kämpfen; Schlacht

excellence - Exzellenz; Vortrefflichkeit

resistance - Widerstand

[Here again, no modern strategist but will approve the words of the old Chinese general. Moltke's greatest triumph, the capitulation of the huge French army at Sedan, was won practically without bloodshed.]

strategist - Stratege

approve - billigen, genehmigen, zusagen

triumph - Sieg, Erfolg

capitulation - Kapitulation

huge - riesig

French - Französisch

sedan - Sänfte; Limousine

practically - praktisch

bloodshed - Blutvergießen, Blutbad

3. Thus the highest form of generalship is to baulk the enemy's plans;

generalship - Generalstabsarbeit; Generalrang

baulk - zögern; Hindernis, Hemmnis, Hauptbalken

[Perhaps the word "balk" falls short of expressing the full force of the Chinese word, which implies not an attitude of defence, whereby one might be content to foil the enemy's stratagems one after another, but an active policy of counter-attack. Ho Shih puts this very clearly in his note: "When the enemy has made a plan of attack against us, we must anticipate him by delivering our own attack first."]

Perhaps - vielleicht, wohl

balk - sich sträuben; Hindernis, Hauptbalken, Hemmnis

expressing - bekunden, Eilzug, Schnellzug, ausdrücklich; ausdrücken, äußern

implies - impliziert; implizieren, zur Folge haben, implizieren, bedeuten

attitude - Haltung; Einstellung, Attitüde, Orientierung, Ausrichtung

whereby - wodurch

content - Inhalt; (to be content with) sich mit etwas begnügen

foil - Florett, Folie, Metallfolie; Fischblase; Absicht durchkreuzen

stratagems - Strategeme; Kriegslist, Strategem

active - aktiv; gewandt, flink, tätig, rührig

counter-attack - (counter-attack) Gegenangriff

anticipate - antizipieren; vorgreifen; voraussehen, vorausahnen

delivering - ausliefern; erlösen, befreien, gebären, liefern, abliefern

the next best is to prevent the junction of the enemy's forces;

prevent - verhindern, vorbeugen, etwas daran hindern (zu geschehen)

junction - Kreuzung, Knotenpunkt, Grenzzone

[Isolating him from his allies. We must not forget that Sun TzĹ­, in speaking of hostilities, always has in mind the numerous states or principalities into which the China of his day was split up.]

isolating - isolieren, absondern, abdichten

allies - vereinigen, verbinden; Bündnispartner, Verbündete

hostilities - Feindseligkeiten; Feindseligkeit, Feindschaft

numerous - zahlreich, vielzählig

States - Staaten; Staat, Staat, Land

principalities - Fürstentümer; Fürstentum

China - China, Porzellan

split - gespalten; Riss, Spalt, Spaltung, Spagat

the next in order is to attack the enemy's army in the field;

[When he is already at full strength.]

and the worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities.

besiege - belagern, einkesseln, umzingeln, umstellen

4. The rule is, not to besiege walled cities if it can possibly be avoided.

avoided - vermieden; ausweichen, meiden, fernbleiben, vermeiden

[Another sound piece of military theory. Had the Boers acted upon it in 1899, and refrained from dissipating their strength before Kimberley, Mafeking, or even Ladysmith, it is more than probable that they would have been masters of the situation before the British were ready seriously to oppose them.]

theory - Theorie

acted - gehandelt; Handlung, Tat, Akt, Gesetz

refrained - zurückhaltend; zurückhalten; Refrain, Kehrreim

dissipating - zerstreuen, zerteilen, verscheuchen, lösen, abbauen

masters - Haupt.., Grund, Meister, führend, leitend; bewältigen, meistern

British - Britisch; Briten, Brite, Britin

seriously - ernst, ernsthaft

oppose - ablehnen; widersprechen

The preparation of mantlets, movable shelters, and various implements of war, will take up three whole months;

preparation - Vorbereitung; Präparat

movable - beweglich

shelters - Schutzräume; Zuflucht, Obdach

various - verschiedene

implements - Geräte; Werkzeug

[It is not quite clear what the Chinese word, here translated as "mantlets", described. Ts'ao Kung simply defines them as "large shields," but we get a better idea of them from Li Ch'uan, who says they were to protect the heads of those who were assaulting the city walls at close quarters. This seems to suggest a sort of Roman testudo, ready made. Tu Mu says they were wheeled vehicles used in repelling attacks, but this is denied by Ch'en Hao. See supra II. 14. The name is also applied to turrets on city walls.

clear - klar, durchsichtig, hell, frei

Simply - einfach

defines - definiert; bestimmen, definieren, definieren

protect - schützen, beschützen

assaulting - anzugreifen; Anschlag, Überfall, Angriff, überfallen, angreifen

at close quarters - ganz in der Nähe, eng beieinander

suggest - vorschlagen

sort - Sortierung, Gattung, Art, Sorte; sortieren, ordnen

Roman - Römer; röm. römisch, römisch

testudo - Schildkröte

wheeled - auf Rädern; Rad

vehicles - Fahrzeuge; Fahrzeug

repelling - abweisend, zurückweisend; (repel); zurückweisen, abweisen

attacks - Angriffe; Attacke, Angriff, Angriff, Attacke, Anfall, Anfall

denied - verweigert; leugnen, bestreiten, dementieren

supra - oben

applied - angewendet; zutreffen, auflegen, anwenden, anlegen

turrets - Revolver; Tourelle, Türmchen

Of the "movable shelters" we get a fairly clear description from several commentators. They were wooden missile-proof structures on four wheels, propelled from within, covered over with raw hides, and used in sieges to convey parties of men to and from the walls, for the purpose of filling up the encircling moat with earth. Tu Mu adds that they are now called "wooden donkeys."]

fairly - gerecht

several - mehrere, einige, verschiedene, checkeinige

wooden - hölzern, Holz-

missile - Rakete; Geschoss, Fluggeschoss, Lenkflugkörper, Lenkwaffe

Proof - Beweise; Beweis; polierte Platte; aufgehen lassen

structures - Strukturen; Struktur, Struktur, Struktur, Datenstruktur

wheels - Räder; Rad

propelled - angetrieben; antreiben

within - in, innerhalb

covered - abgedeckt; Deckel, Abdeckung, Deckung, Versteck

raw - roh; Roh-; rau

hides - versteckt; verbergen, verheimlichen, verstecken, verdecken

sieges - Belagerungen; Belagerung

convey - vermitteln; befördern, transportieren, verfrachten, übermitteln

purpose - absicht, Absicht, Einsatzzweck, Zweck

filling up - auffüllend

encircling - einkreisend; (encircle); umzingeln, einfassen

moat - Burggraben

donkeys - Esel; Grauchen

and the piling up of mounds over against the walls will take three months more.

piling up - anschichtend

mounds - Hügeln; Erdhügel, Erdwall, Hügel

[These were great mounds or ramparts of earth heaped up to the level of the enemy's walls in order to discover the weak points in the defence, and also to destroy the fortified turrets mentioned in the preceding note.]

ramparts - Wälle; Festungswall, Wall, Bollwerk

heaped up - geschüttet

level - Niveau; eben; auf gleicher Höhe

discover - entdecken; erleben, erfahren, dabei sein

fortified - gestärkt; befestigen, verstärken, stärken, verstärken

mentioned - erwähnt; Erwähnung, erwähnen

preceding - vorangegangen; vorangehen, vorausgehen

5. The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to the assault like swarming ants,

irritation - Ärger, Irritation, Verärgerung

launch - Markteinführung; anstoßen, starten (Rakete), abschießen, gründen

assault - Anschlag, Überfall, Angriff, überfallen, angreifen

swarming - Ausschwärmen; (to swarm) wimmeln, schwärmen

Ants - Ameisen; Ameise

[This vivid simile of Ts'ao Kung is taken from the spectacle of an army of ants climbing a wall. The meaning is that the general, losing patience at the long delay, may make a premature attempt to storm the place before his engines of war are ready.]

vivid - lebendig, lebhaft, anschaulich

simile - Vergleich, Gleichnis

spectacle - Spektakel, Schauspiel

patience - Geduld

premature - frühreif; vorzeitig, verfrüht

attempt - versuchen; Versuch, Bestreben, Bestrebung, Anschlag, Attentat

storm - stürmen; Sturm

engines - Motoren; Motor, Triebwerk

with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while the town still remains untaken. Such are the disastrous effects of a siege.

third - dritte; Dritter, Dritte, Drittel, Drittel, Terz, dreiteilen

slain - erschlagen

remains - bleibt; Überrest (2), de

untaken - ungelöst

[We are reminded of the terrible losses of the Japanese before Port Arthur, in the most recent siege which history has to record.]

reminded - Erinnert; erinnern, in Erinnerung bringen

losses - Verluste; Verlust, Ausfall; Kursverlust

Japanese - japanisch; Japaner (Japanerin; Japanese ); Japanisch

port - Schlitz, Backbord, Portwein, Hafen; portieren, übertragen

recent - jüngst, neu, kürzlich, frisch

record - protokollieren, erfassen, aufzeichnen, aufnehmen; Akte

6. Therefore the skilful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field.

subdues - unterwirft; unter Kontrolle bringen, unterwerfen, unterwerfen

troops - Truppe-p

captures - Erfassungen; Fang, Festnahme, Gefangennahme, Erfassung, fangen

overthrows - umstürzt; umstürzen (Politik)

Kingdom - Königreich, Königtum

[Chia Lin notes that he only overthrows the Government, but does no harm to individuals. The classical instance is Wu Wang, who after having put an end to the Yin dynasty was acclaimed "Father and mother of the people."]

Chia - Chia, Mexikanische Chia, Chia, Kalifornische Chia

harm - Schaden

individuals - Einzelpersonen; Individuum

classical - klassisch

dynasty - Dynastie, Herrschergeschlecht, Herrscherhaus, Herrscherhaus

Acclaimed - Gefeiert; zujubeln; Beifall

7. With his forces intact he will dispute the mastery of the Empire, and thus, without losing a man, his triumph will be complete.

dispute - Streit, Disput, Debatte, erörtern, bestreiten

mastery - Beherrschung; Meisterschaft

Empire - Reich, Imperium, Kaiserreich, Kaisertum, Weltreich

[Owing to the double meanings in the Chinese text, the latter part of the sentence is susceptible of quite a different meaning: "And thus, the weapon not being blunted by use, its keenness remains perfect."]

owing - geschuldet; schulden, schuldig sein, schulden, schuldig sein

double - doppelt; doppel-; doppellagig, zweilagig, gefüllt, kontra-

meanings - Bedeutungen; Bedeutung, Sinn

susceptible - anfällig, beeindruckbar, empfänglich, empfindlich

weapon - Waffe

blunted - schonungslos, offen, ungehobelt, sehr deutlich; abstumpfen

keenness - Eifer; Schärfe

This is the method of attacking by stratagem.

attacking - Attacke, Angriff, Angriff, Attacke, Anfall, Anfall, angreifen

8. It is the rule in war, if our forces are ten to the enemy's one, to surround him; if five to one, to attack him;

surround - umgeben, umringen, umzingeln

[Straightway, without waiting for any further advantage.]

straightway - ohne Umschweife; schnurstracks

further - fördern; weiter, ferner, des Weiteren

if twice as numerous, to divide our army into two.

divide - aufteilen, einteilen, dividieren, Trennlinie

[Tu Mu takes exception to the saying; and at first sight, indeed, it appears to violate a fundamental principle of war. Ts'ao Kung, however, gives a clue to Sun TzĹ­'s meaning: "Being two to the enemy's one, we may use one part of our army in the regular way, and the other for some special diversion." Chang Yu thus further elucidates the point: "If our force is twice as numerous as that of the enemy, it should be split up into two divisions, one to meet the enemy in front, and one to fall upon his rear; if he replies to the frontal attack, he may be crushed from behind; if to the rearward attack, he may be crushed in front.

exception - Ausnahme, Ausnahmebedingung, Exception

sight - Sehenswürdigkeit, Gesicht, Visier, erblicken, anvisieren

indeed - tatsächlich; in der Tat, genau, allerdings, checkgewiss

violate - verletzen, brechen, überschreiten, mißachten

fundamental - Grundlage; grundlegend, fundamental, grundsätzlich

clue - Anhaltspunkt, Hinweis, Faden, Indiz, informieren, unterrichten

regular - regulär, regelmäßig, Gleichmäßig, normal, gewöhnlich, Stammgast

diversion - Ablenkung, Ablenkungsmanöver, Unterhaltung

elucidates - erhellt; erläutern, verdeutlichen, erklären

divisions - Abteilungen; Teilung, Teil, Division, Abteilung, Division

replies - antworten, erwidern, Antwort, Entgegnung, Antwort

frontal - frontale

crushed - erdrückt; Schwarm, zerdrücken

rearward - nach hinten; hinter, rückwärtig

This is what is meant by saying that ˜one part may be used in the regular way, and the other for some special diversion.'Tu Mu does not understand that dividing one's army is simply an irregular, just as concentrating it is the regular, strategical method, and he is too hasty in calling this a mistake."]

dividing - Aufteilen; abteilend, teilend; (divide); aufteilen, einteilen

irregular - irregulär, unregelmäßig

concentrating - konzentrieren, sich konzentrieren, konzentrieren, konzentrieren

strategical - strategisch

hasty - voreilig; hastig, eilig

9. If equally matched, we can offer battle;

equally - gleichermaßen, gleichmäßig

matched - übereinstimmen; Wettkampf, Kampf (Sport)

[Li Ch'uan, followed by Ho Shih, gives the following paraphrase: "If attackers and attacked are equally matched in strength, only the able general will fight."]

paraphrase - Umschreibung, sinngemäße Wiedergabe, umschreiben

attackers - Angreifer, Angreiferin, Stürmer, Stürmerin

attacked - angegriffen; Attacke, Angriff, Angriff, Attacke, Anfall, Anfall

if slightly inferior in numbers, we can avoid the enemy;

inferior - untergeordnet, nachgeordnet, unterlegen, tiefer, minderwertig

avoid - ausweichen; meiden, fernbleiben, vermeiden, entkräften

[The meaning, "we can watch the enemy," is certainly a great improvement on the above; but unfortunately there appears to be no very good authority for the variant. Chang Yu reminds us that the saying only applies if the other factors are equal; a small difference in numbers is often more than counterbalanced by superior energy and discipline.]

Certainly - sicherlich, zweifellos, gewiss, freilich

improvement - Verbesserung

unfortunately - leider, unglücklicherweise

variant - Variante

applies - gilt; zutreffen, auflegen, anwenden, anlegen

counterbalanced - ausbalanciert; Gegengewicht

if quite unequal in every way, we can flee from him.

unequal - ungleich

flee - fliehen, flüchten, entfliehen

10. Hence, though an obstinate fight may be made by a small force, in the end it must be captured by the larger force.

obstinate - hartnäckig, starrköpfig, stur, widerspenstig, widerborstig

11. Now the general is the bulwark of the State: if the bulwark is complete at all points; the State will be strong; if the bulwark is defective, the State will be weak.

bulwark - Bollwerk; Schanzkleid

defective - fehlerhaft, defekt, mangelhaft, unvollständig

[As Li Ch'uan tersely puts it: "Gap indicates deficiency; if the general's ability is not perfect (i.e. if he is not thoroughly versed in his profession), his army will lack strength."]

tersely - kurz und bündig; knapp, prägnant, gedrängt, konzis

gap - Zahnlücke; Lücke, Bresche, Leerstelle, Kluft

indicates - anzeigt; anzeigen, anweisen, andeuten, anzeigen, andeuten

deficiency - Mangel

versed - versiert; Strophe

profession - Bekenntnis; Beruf, Profession, Profess, Gelübde

lack - ermangeln, fehlen

12. There are three ways in which a ruler can bring misfortune upon his army:"

misfortune - Pech, Ungemach, Unglück, Unfall, Unheil

13. (1) By commanding the army to advance or to retreat, being ignorant of the fact that it cannot obey. This is called hobbling the army.

advance - erhöhen, erheben, befördern, vorrücken, Fortschritt, Vorschuss

retreat - Rückzug

ignorant - unwissend; ignorant

obey - gehorchen; befolgen

hobbling - humpelnd; Fußfessel, Spannstrick

[Li Ch'uan adds the comment: "It is like tying together the legs of a thoroughbred, so that it is unable to gallop." One would naturally think of "the ruler" in this passage as being at home, and trying to direct the movements of his army from a distance. But the commentators understand just the reverse, and quote the saying of T'ai Kung: "A kingdom should not be governed from without, and army should not be directed from within." Of course it is true that, during an engagement, or when in close touch with the enemy, the general should not be in the thick of his own troops, but a little distance apart. Otherwise, he will be liable to misjudge the position as a whole, and give wrong orders.

tying - zusammenbinden

thoroughbred - vollblütig, reinrassig, Englisches Vollblut

gallop - Galopp; galoppieren

the reverse - das genaue Gegenteil

quote - Zitat; Anführungszeichen; zitieren; Preisangebot machen

Ai - KI

directed - gerichtet; direkt, unmittelbar, beaufsichtigen, inszenieren

engagement - Verpflichtung; Bindung; Verlobung, Verlöbnis, Gefecht

touch - anfassen, berühren, Berührung, Tasten, Spur

thick - dick; dicht; plump; mitten in

otherwise - sonst

liable - haftbar; fehlbar

misjudge - falsch einschätzen; falsch beurteilen, voreilig aburteilen

14. (2) By attempting to govern an army in the same way as he administers a kingdom, being ignorant of the conditions which obtain in an army. This causes restlessness in the soldier's minds.

govern - regieren, steuern, regulieren, lenken, regeln

administers - verwaltet; darreichen, verabreichen, verwalten, administrieren

obtain - erlangen, erhalten, bestehen

restlessness - Ruhelosigkeit, Unruhe

minds - Köpfe; Verstand, t+Geist, t+Sinn, Bewusstsein

[Ts'ao Kung's note is, freely translated: "The military sphere and the civil sphere are wholly distinct; you can't handle an army in kid gloves." And Chang Yu says: "Humanity and justice are the principles on which to govern a state, but not an army; opportunism and flexibility, on the other hand, are military rather than civil virtues to assimilate the governing of an army""to that of a State, understood.]

sphere - Kugel; Sphäre, Bereich

civil - zivil, bürgerlich, zivilisiert

wholly - ganz

distinct - deutlich

handle - handhaben; Henkel, Hantel, Griff, Türklinke; abarbeiten

kid - Gör, Kind

gloves - Handschuhe; Handschuh

opportunism - Opportunismus

flexibility - Flexibilität

assimilate - assimilieren

governing - regieren, steuern, regulieren, lenken, regeln, regieren, regeln

15. (3) By employing the officers of his army without discrimination,

employing - Anstellung; einstellen, anstellen, anwerben, einsetzen

discrimination - Diskriminierung, Unterscheidung, Schlechterstellung

[That is, he is not careful to use the right man in the right place.]

through ignorance of the military principle of adaptation to circumstances. This shakes the confidence of the soldiers.

ignorance - Unwissenheit, Unwissen, Nichtwissen

adaptation - Anpassung; Kompromiss, Ad­ap­ta­ti­on, Bearbeitung

shakes - schüttelt; schütteln, erschüttern, schütteln, erschüttern

confidence - Selbstgewissheit; Zuversicht; Vertrauen, Zutrauen

[I follow Mei Yao-ch'en here. The other commentators refer not to the ruler, as in §§ 13, 14, but to the officers he employs. Thus Tu Yu says: "If a general is ignorant of the principle of adaptability, he must not be entrusted with a position of authority." Tu Mu quotes: "The skilful employer of men will employ the wise man, the brave man, the covetous man, and the stupid man.

refer - verweisen; überweisen (an)

employs - beschäftigt; einstellen, anstellen, anwerben, einsetzen

adaptability - Anpassungsfähigkeit

entrusted - anvertraut; anvertrauen

employer - Arbeitgeber, Arbeitgeberin

Brave - tapfer, mutig, Krieger

covetous - begehrlich

For the wise man delights in establishing his merit, the brave man likes to show his courage in action, the covetous man is quick at seizing advantages, and the stupid man has No fear of death."]

delights - Köstlichkeiten; Freude, Entzückung, Wohlgefallen

establishing - feststellen, etablieren, eröffnen, gründen, niederlassen

seizing - (to seize) erfassen, ergreifen, anpacken; (seize); ergreifen

No fear - Keine Bange!

16. But when the army is restless and distrustful, trouble is sure to come from the other feudal princes. This is simply bringing anarchy into the army, and flinging victory away.

restless - unruhig; ruhelos, rastlos, checkunruhig

distrustful - misstrauisch

trouble - Probleme; Ärger; Schwierigkeit; Anstrengung, Bemühung, Mühe

feudal - feudal

princes - Prinzen; (prince) Fürst, Prinz

anarchy - Anarchie

flinging - Schleudern; Affäre (Liebesaffäre)

17. Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory: (1) He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

essentials - Wesentliches; essenziell, notwendig, unverzichtbar, wesentlich

[Chang Yu says: If he can fight, he advances and takes the offensive; if he cannot fight, he retreats and remains on the defensive. He will invariably conquer who knows whether it is right to take the offensive or the defensive.]

advances - Vorschüsse; erhöhen, erheben, befördern, vorrücken, Fortschritt

offensive - beleidigend; offensiv; Offensive, Angriff

retreats - Rückzugsgebiete; Rückzug

defensive - Verteidigungs-, Abwehr-, defensiv, zurückhaltend, abwehrend

invariably - ausnahmslos

(2) He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.

[This is not merely the general's ability to estimate numbers correctly, as Li Ch'uan and others make out. Chang Yu expounds the saying more satisfactorily: "By applying the art of war, it is possible with a lesser force to defeat a greater, and vice versa.

merely - bloß, lediglich, nur, schier

estimate - Schätzung, Abschätzung, Kostenvoranschlag, abschätzen

correctly - korrekt, genau, richtig

expounds - erklärt; erläutern, erklären, darlegen, verbreiten

satisfactorily - zufriedenstellend

applying - zutreffen, auflegen, anwenden, anlegen

lesser - abzgl. abzüglich, weniger, kleiner, wenig

vice - Laster; der Schraubstock

The secret lies in an eye for locality, and in not letting the right moment slip. Thus Wu TzĹ­ says: ˜With a superior force, make for easy ground; with an inferior one, make for difficult ground.'"]

secret - Geheimnis

lies - Lügen; (lie down) sich hinlegen

locality - Ortschaft

slip - Ausrutscher; Versprecher; Rutschen (geradeaus); Lapsus

(3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.

whose - wessen; dessen, deren, wem gehört/gehören?

animated - animiert; lebendig, beseelt, bewegt, lebhaft, belebt, beleben

spirit - Geist, Seele, Stimmung, Schnaps

throughout - durchgehend; überall

ranks - Dienstgrade; (sozialer) Stand, Rang, Dienstgrad

(4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.

(5) He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.

capacity - Kapazität; Befugnis

interfered - eingemischt; eingreifen, einmischen

[Tu Yu quotes Wang TzĹ­ as saying: "It is the sovereign's function to give broad instructions, but to decide on battle it is the function of the general." It is needless to dilate on the military disasters which have been caused by undue interference with operations in the field on the part of the home government. Napoleon undoubtedly owed much of his extraordinary success to the fact that he was not hampered by central authority.]

function - Funktion, Funktionalität, Aufgabe, Feier

broad - breit, deutliche, großräumig

instructions - Anweisungen; Unterricht, Anweisung, Anweisung, Assemblerbefehl

needless - unnötig, überflüssig

dilate - ausdehnen; dilatieren, weiten, vergrößern, erweitern

disasters - Katastrophen; Desaster

caused - verursacht; Ursache, Anlass, Grund, Sache, verursachen

undue - übertrieben; unangemessen

interference - Einmischung; Interferenz, Störung, Eingriff

Undoubtedly - Zweifelsohne; zweifellos

owed - geschuldet; schulden, schuldig sein, schulden, schuldig sein

hampered - behindert; stören, behindern, hemmen, hindern; Geschenkkorb

central - zentral, mittig

Victory lies in the knowledge of these five points.

knowledge - Wissen, Kenntnis

[Literally, śThese five things are knowledge of the principle of victory.ť]

18. Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.

fear - fürchten, befürchten, Angst haben; Furcht, Schreck, Befürchtung

Gained - Gewonnen; Gewinn, Zunahme, Verstärkung; erwerben, gewinnen

[Li Ch'uan cites the case of Fu Chien, prince of Ch'in, who in 383 A.D. marched with a vast army against the Chin Emperor. When warned not to despise an enemy who could command the services of such men as Hsieh An and Huan Ch'ung, he boastfully replied: "I have the population of eight provinces at my back, infantry and horsemen to the number of one million; why, they could dam up the Yangtsze River itself by merely throwing their whips into the stream.

cites - zitiert; (cite) zitiert

prince - Fürst; Prinz, Königssohn, Königsenkel, König

vast - riesig; beträchtlich, weit, ausgedehnt, enorm

chin - Kinn

Emperor - Der Kaiser; Kaiser, Imperator

warned - gewarnt; warnen, mahnen, warnen

despise - verachten

services - Dienstleistungen; warten; Bedienung, Dienstleistung, Betrieb

boastfully - angeberisch

population - Bevölkerung; Population; Bevölkerungszahl, Einwohnerzahl

provinces - Provinzen; Provinz, Land

infantry - Infanterie; Infanterie-Regiment

horsemen - Reitern; Reiter

dam up - eindämmen, abdämmen

itself - von selbst, von allein, sich selbst

throwing - Werfen; (to throw) schmeißen; (throw) Werfen; (to throw) schmeißen

whips - Peitsche, Knute, Zagel, peitschen, auspeitschen, anpeitschen

stream - Bach; Strom; Datenstrom; strömen; streamen

What danger have I to fear?" Nevertheless, his forces were soon after disastrously routed at the Fei River, and he was obliged to beat a hasty retreat.]

disastrously - verhängnisvoll

routed - geroutet; Rotte

obliged - verpflichtet; verpflichten, einen Gefallen tun

beat - Schlag ;jdn. bezwingen

If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

succumb - erliegen, nachgeben, unterwerfen, sich ergeben, sterben

[Chang Yu said: "Knowing the enemy enables you to take the offensive, knowing yourself enables you to stand on the defensive." He adds: "Attack is the secret of defence; defence is the planning of an attack." It would be hard to find a better epitome of the root-principle of war.]

enables - ermöglicht; berechtigen, befähigen, ermöglichen, anordnen

epitome - Inbegriff; Verkörperlichung; Abriss

root - wurzeln; Haupt, Wurzel, Nullstelle [math.]


tactical - taktisch

dispositions - Veranlagungen; Neigung, Gesinnung, Hang, Veranlagung

[Ts'ao Kung explains the Chinese meaning of the words for the title of this chapter: "marching and countermarching on the part of the two armies with a view to discovering each other's condition." Tu Mu says: "It is through the dispositions of an army that its condition may be discovered. Conceal your dispositions, and your condition will remain secret, which leads to victory; show your dispositions, and your condition will become patent, which leads to defeat.

view - Aussicht; Anblick, Ansicht, Aufruf, View, sehen

discovering - Entdeckung; entdecken, erleben, erfahren, dabei sein

condition - Zustand; Bedingung, Kondition, Voraussetzung, Verfassung

discovered - entdeckt; entdecken, erleben, erfahren, dabei sein

conceal - verbergen, verheimlichen, verschleiern, verschweigen

remain - Überrest (2); Überreste (3); sterbliche Überreste (3); bleiben

leads - führt; führen, anführen

patent - Patent

Wang Hsi remarks that the good general can "secure success by modifying his tactics to meet those of the enemy."]

modifying - ändern, abändern, modifizieren

1. Sun TzĹ­ said: The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.

fighters - Kämpfer, Kämpfer, Jäger, Jagdflugzeug

themselves - selbst; sich; sich selber

possibility - Möglichkeit

opportunity - Gelegenheit, Chance, Möglichkeit

2. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.

ourselves - uns selbst; uns

provided - zur Verfügung gestellt; sorgen, den Unterhalt sichern, besorgen

[That is, of course, by a mistake on the enemy's part.]

3. Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat,

fighter - Kämpfer; Jäger, Jagdflugzeug

[Chang Yu says this is done, "By concealing the disposition of his troops, covering up his tracks, and taking unremitting precautions."]

concealing - verbergen, verheimlichen, verschleiern, verschweigen, verstecken

disposition - Neigung, Gesinnung, Hang, Veranlagung, Einteilung

covering up - zudeckend

tracks - Spuren; Spur, Fußspur, Fußsohle, Trampelpfad, Bahn, Bahn

unremitting - unablässig

precautions - Vorsichtsmaßnahmen; Vorsorge, Vorsichtsmaßnahme

but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy.

4. Hence the saying: One may know how to conquer without being able to do it.

5. Security against defeat implies defensive tactics; ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive.

[I retain the sense found in a similar passage in §§ 1-3, in spite of the fact that the commentators are all against me. The meaning they give, "He who cannot conquer takes the defensive," is plausible enough.]

retain - beibehalten; behalten; festhalten

spite - Bosheit; trotz

6. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; attacking, a superabundance of strength.

insufficient - unzureichend, ungenügend

superabundance - Superüberfluss; Ăśberfluss

7. The general who is skilled in defence hides in the most secret recesses of the earth;

hides - versteckt; (hide) verstecken, verheimlichen

most secret - geheimste

recesses - Pausen; Vertiefung, Winkel, Aushöhlung, qualifier

[Literally, "hides under the ninth earth," which is a metaphor indicating the utmost secrecy and concealment, so that the enemy may not know his whereabouts."]

ninth - neunte; Neunter; Neuntel

metaphor - Metapher

indicating - anzeigend; anzeigen, anweisen, andeuten, anzeigen, andeuten

utmost - äußerst, höchst, Äußerstes, Möglichstes

secrecy - Geheimhaltung; Geheimniskrämerei, Geheimnistuerei

concealment - Verheimlichung; Verborgenheit, Geborgenheit

whereabouts - Wo ist er; Verbleib; (whereabout) Wo ist er; Verbleib

he who is skilled in attack flashes forth from the topmost heights of heaven.

flashes - blinkt; aufleuchten, blitzen, aufflammen

forth - weiter; heraus, hervor

topmost - ganz oben; oberst

heights - Höhen; Höhe, Größe

[Another metaphor, implying that he falls on his adversary like a thunderbolt, against which there is no time to prepare. This is the opinion of most of the commentators.]

implying - impliziert; implizieren, zur Folge haben, implizieren, bedeuten

thunderbolt - Donnerkeil, Blitzstrahl, Blitz mit Donnerschlag

Thus on the one hand we have ability to protect ourselves; on the other, a victory that is complete.

8. To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence.

ken - (know) kennen

herd - Herde

acme - Höhepunkt, Gipfel, Blüte des Lebens

[As Ts'ao Kung remarks, "the thing is to see the plant before it has germinated," to foresee the event before the action has begun. Li Ch'uan alludes to the story of Han Hsin who, when about to attack the vastly superior army of Chao, which was strongly entrenched in the city of Ch'eng-an, said to his officers: "Gentlemen, we are going to annihilate the enemy, and shall meet again at dinner.

germinated - gekeimt; keimen

vastly - erheblich, ungeheuer

strongly - stark

entrenched - verschanzt; graben, ausheben, eingraben, verschanzen

gentlemen - Herr, Herr, Herr, meine Herren

annihilate - auslöschen; vernichten

meet again - wiedersehen

The officers hardly took his words seriously, and gave a very dubious assent. But Han Hsin had already worked out in his mind the details of a clever stratagem, whereby, as he foresaw, he was able to capture the city and inflict a crushing defeat on his adversary."]

dubious - zweifelhaft; dubios, fragwürdig, ominös, zwielichtig, unsicher

assent - zustimmen, behaupten

foresaw - vorhersehen, voraussehen

inflict - auferlegen; zufügen, checkverhängen

A crushing defeat - eine vernichtende Niederlage

9. Neither is it the acme of excellence if you fight and conquer and the whole Empire says, "Well done!"

[True excellence being, as Tu Mu says: "To plan secretly, to move surreptitiously, to foil the enemy's intentions and balk his schemes, so that at last the day may be won without shedding a drop of blood." Sun TzĹ­ reserves his approbation for things that

secretly - heimlich, insgeheim

surreptitiously - heimlich

intentions - Absichten; Absicht

schemes - Schemata; Programm

shedding - abwerfen; vergießen; (shed) abwerfen; vergießen

drop - fallen lassen, senken, weglassen, aufgeben

blood - anbluten

reserves - Reserven; Reservieren

approbation - Zustimmung, Genehmigung, Billigung

"the world's coarse thumb

coarse - grob, grobkörnig, derb, primitiv

thumb - Daumen; durchblättern

And finger fail to plumb."

finger - fingern

fail - mangelhaft (Zensur 5)

plumb - lotrecht; loten

10. To lift an autumn hair is no sign of great strength;

lift - Lüften (Bremse), Lift, Aufzug; fördern, Auftrieb geben, heben

sign - Wert, Zeichen, Hinweistafel, Indiz; unterschreiben, signieren

["Autumn hair" is explained as the fur of a hare, which is finest in autumn, when it begins to grow afresh. The phrase is a very common one in Chinese writers.]

fur - Fell, Pelz, Fell (gegerbt)

Hare - Hase

afresh - von neuem; neu, wieder

to see sun and moon is no sign of sharp sight; to hear the noise of thunder is no sign of a quick ear.

moon - Mond, Erdtrabant, Erdsatellit

sharp - scharf; scharfsinning; spitz, -is, hoch, stechend

noise - Lärm, Geräusch, Krach, Rauschen, Störung

thunder - Donner; Donnern

[Ho Shih gives as real instances of strength, sharp sight and quick hearing: Wu Huo, who could lift a tripod weighing 250 stone; Li Chu, who at a distance of a hundred paces could see objects no bigger than a mustard seed; and Shih K'uang, a blind musician who could hear the footsteps of a mosquito.]

instances - Instanzen; Beispiel

tripod - Dreifuß, Stativ, Dreibein, Tripod

weighing - Wiegen; (weigh); wiegen, wägen, abwiegen, auswiegen, abwägen

stone - Stein; Edelstein, Schmuckstein, Kern, steinigen

paces - Schritte; Tempo, Stufe, Schritt

mustard seed - Senfsamen , Senfkorn

blind - blind, unkritisch, ignorant, Jalousie, Blind, Blinder, Blinde

musician - Musiker, q

Footsteps - Fußstapfen; Fußabdruck, Schritt

mosquito - Mücke, Stechmücke; Moskito

11. What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.

ancients - Antike; alt, uralt, antik

excels - übertrifft; ausstechen, übersteigen, übertreffen

[The last half is literally "one who, conquering, excels in easy conquering." Mei Yao-ch'en says: "He who only sees the obvious, wins his battles with difficulty; he who looks below the surface of things, wins with ease."]

conquering - Eroberung; erobern

obvious - offensichtlich; selbstverständlich; deutlich; überdeutlich; offenbar; q

surface - Oberfläche; auftauchen; publik werden, ans Licht kommen

12. Hence his victories bring him neither reputation for wisdom nor credit for courage.

reputation - Ansehen, Ruf, Klang, Bekanntheit

credit - Kredit; annehmen, für bare Münze nehmen, gutschreiben

[Tu Mu explains this very well: "Inasmuch as his victories are gained over circumstances that have not come to light, the world as large knows nothing of them, and he wins no reputation for wisdom; inasmuch as the hostile state submits before there has been any bloodshed, he receives no credit for courage."]

hostile - feindlich, feindselig, gegnerisch, unversöhnlich, antagonistisch

submits - einreicht; sich fügen, vorlegen, einreichen, unterwerfen

Receives - Erhält; bekommen, erhalten, empfangen, kriegen, empfangen

13. He wins his battles by making no mistakes.

[Ch'en Hao says: "He plans no superfluous marches, he devises no futile attacks." The connection of ideas is thus explained by Chang Yu: "One who seeks to conquer by sheer strength, clever though he may be at winning pitched battles, is also liable on occasion to be vanquished; whereas he who can look into the future and discern conditions that are not yet manifest, will never make a blunder and therefore invariably win."]

superfluous - überflüssig

devises - Erfindungen; ausdenken, entwerfen, erdenken, planen

futile - sinnlos, vergeblich

connection - Verbindung, Verknüpfung, Anschluss

seeks - sucht; suchen

pitched - gepitcht; werfen, festsetzen, errichten; Tonhöhe, Tonlage, Pech

Occasion - Gelegenheit; Anlass

vanquished - besiegt; besiegen

discern - erkennen, wahrnehmen, bemerken, feststellen

manifest - manifest; Ladungsliste; Manifest; manifestieren

blunder - Patzer, Schnitzer, Fehler, Fehlgriff

Making no mistakes is what establishes the certainty of victory, for it means conquering an enemy that is already defeated.

defeated - besiegt; vernichten, ablehnen, vereiteln, besiegen; Niederlage

14. Hence the skilful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy.

impossible - unmöglich

[A "counsel of perfection" as Tu Mu truly observes. "Position" need not be confined to the actual ground occupied by the troops. It includes all the arrangements and preparations which a wise general will make to increase the safety of his army.]

perfection - Vollkommenheit, Perfektion

truly - wirklich, wahrhaft, ehrlich, echt

observes - beobachtet; beobachten, beachten, halten, bemerken

confined - eingesperrt; beschränken, Begrenzung

occupied - besetzt; in Anspruch nehmen, belegen, bewohnen, besetzen

arrangements - Vereinbarungen; Anordnung

preparations - Vorbereitungen; Vorbereitung, Präparat

increase - erhöhen; zunehmen, steigen, ansteigen, wachsen

15. Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.

destined - bestimmt; bestimmen, vorbestimmen

fights - Kämpfe; Kampf, Schlacht

looks for - (look for) suchen, nachsehen

[Ho Shih thus expounds the paradox: "In warfare, first lay plans which will ensure victory, and then lead your army to battle; if you will not begin with stratagem but rely on brute strength alone, victory will no longer be assured."]

paradox - Paradoxon, Paradox

ensure - sicherstellen, gewährleisten

lead - führen, anführen, leiten; aus Blei; Aufmacher; Anschlussdraht

rely - sich verlassen (auf)

brute - Tier, brutaler Kerl, brutal, Vieh

alone - allein, einsam, selbst, nur, ausschließlich

assured - gesichert; beteuerte, versicherte, versichert

16. The consummate leader cultivates the moral law, and strictly adheres to method and discipline; thus it is in his power to control success.

consummate - perfekt, vollkommen, vollendet, unübertrefflich

cultivates - kultiviert; kultivieren, anbauen, kultivieren, pflegen

strictly - strenges, grundsätzlich, pingelig

adheres to - (adhere to) aufrechterhalten (Meinung), festhalten an

power - Macht, Kraft, Großmacht, Stärke, Strom

17. In respect of military method, we have, firstly, Measurement; secondly, Estimation of quantity; thirdly, Calculation; fourthly, Balancing of chances; fifthly, Victory.

Firstly - erstens, an erster Stelle

measurement - Messung; Maß

secondly - zweitens

estimation - Abschätzung, Wertschätzung, Meinung

quantity - Quantität, Menge, in Klammern

thirdly - drittens

fourthly - viertens

balancing - Ausgewogenheit, Bilanz, Saldo, Guthaben

fifthly - Fünftes; fünftens

18. Measurement owes its existence to Earth; Estimation of quantity to Measurement; Calculation to Estimation of quantity; Balancing of chances to Calculation; and Victory to Balancing of chances.

owes - schuldet; schulden, schuldig sein, schulden, schuldig sein

existence - Existenz, Dasein

[It is not easy to distinguish the four terms very clearly in the Chinese. The first seems to be surveying and measurement of the ground, which enable us to form an estimate of the enemy's strength, and to make calculations based on the data thus obtained; we are thus led to a general weighing-up, or comparison of the enemy's chances with our own; if the latter turn the scale, then victory ensues. The chief difficulty lies in third term, which in the Chinese some commentators take as a calculation of numbers, thereby making it nearly synonymous with the second term.

distinguish - unterscheiden; erkennen; auszeichnen

terms - Bedingungen; Termin, Semester, Begriff; Spielzeit

surveying - Vermessung; (survey); Umfrage; Untersuchung; Vermessung; überblicken; untersuchen; abschätzen

enable - berechtigen, befähigen, ermöglichen, anordnen, aktivieren

based - basiert; Grundzahl, Unterlage, Basis, Grund; Bettrost

data - Daten; Fakt

obtained - erlangen, erhalten, bestehen

scale - Maßstab; Skala, Kesselsteine, Schuppe; ersteigen, erklettern

ensues - folgt; folgen, ansetzen, erfolgen, nachfolgen, resultieren

thereby - dabei; dadurch, damit, deswegen, darum

nearly - beinahe, fast

synonymous - bedeutungsgleich, gleichbedeutend, synonym, synonymisch

Perhaps the second term should be thought of as a consideration of the enemy's general position or condition, while the third term is the estimate of his numerical strength. On the other hand, Tu Mu says: "The question of relative strength having been settled, we can bring the varied resources of cunning into play." Ho Shih seconds this interpretation, but weakens it. However, it points to the third term as being a calculation of numbers.]

term - Termin, Semester, Begriff; Spielzeit, Saison; Amtszeit

relative - vergleichsweise, relativ, Verwandter, Blutsverwandter, Verwandte

settled - erledigt; abklären

cunning - gerissen; schlau, clever, süß, niedlich

weakens - schwächt; schwächen, abschwächen, schwächeln

19. A victorious army opposed to a routed one, is as a pound's weight placed in the scale against a single grain.

opposed - gegen; ablehnen, widersprechen

routed - geroutet; Route, Leitung, Strecke, Richtung; leiten, routen

weight - Gewicht; beschweren, gewichten

grain - Getreide; Korn, Samenkorn, Maserung

[Literally, "a victorious army is like an i (20 oz.) weighed against a shu (1/24 oz.); a routed army is a shu weighed against an i." The point is simply the enormous advantage which a disciplined force, flushed with victory, has over one demoralized by defeat.

weighed - gewogen; wiegen, wägen, abwiegen, auswiegen, abwägen, erwägen

enormous - enorm, riesig

disciplined - diszipliniert; Disziplin, Strafe, Bestrafung, Disziplin

flushed - gespült; Wasserspülung, Wallung, Schwall; spülen

demoralized - demoralisiert; demoralisieren

Legge, in his note on Mencius, I. 2. ix. 2, makes the i to be 24 Chinese ounces, and corrects Chu Hsi's statement that it equaled 20 oz. only. But Li Ch'uan of the T'ang dynasty here gives the same figure as Chu Hsi.]

equaled - gleich, gleich, gleichen, gleichen, Gleichgestellter

figure - Abbildung; Figur; Gestalt; Ziffer; Form

20. The onrush of a conquering force is like the bursting of pent-up waters into a chasm a thousand fathoms deep. So much for tactical dispositions.

onrush - Ansturm

bursting - platzen, zerplatzen, bersten, sprengen, Bersten

pent - gefesselt

chasm - Abgrund, Kluft, Spalte

fathoms - ergründen, Faden, Klafter (Längenmaß)

deep - tief, tiefgründig, dunkel, Tiefe

Chapter V. ENERGY

1. Sun TzĹ­ said: The control of a large force is the same principle as the control of a few men: it is merely a question of dividing up their numbers.

[That is, cutting up the army into regiments, companies, etc., with subordinate officers in command of each. Tu Mu reminds us of Han Hsin's famous reply to the first Han Emperor, who once said to him: "How large an army do you think I could lead?" "Not more than 100,000 men, your Majesty." "And you?" asked the Emperor. "Oh!" he answered, "the more the better."]

cutting up - zerschneidend

regiments - Regimenter; Regiment

etc - usw

subordinate - untergeordnet, nachgeordnet, Untergebene, Befehlsempfänger

reply - antworten, erwidern, Antwort, Entgegnung

Majesty - Majestät

2. Fighting with a large army under your command is nowise different from fighting with a small one: it is merely a question of instituting signs and signals.

nowise - auf gar keinen Fall

instituting - einrichten, gründen; Anstalt, Institut

signs - Wert, Zeichen, Hinweistafel, Indiz; unterschreiben, signieren

signals - Signale; Signal

3. To ensure that your whole host may withstand the brunt of the enemy's attack and remain unshaken"this is effected by manĹ"uvers direct and indirect.

Host - Zeremonienmeister, Hausherr, Menge; Hostie; Gastgeber sein

withstand - widerstehen; widerstehen (1; 2)

brunt - Hauptlast, Wucht, Hauptsache, aushalten, ertragen

unshaken - unerschüttert

effected - beeinträchtigt; Auswirkung, Wirkung, Eindruck, Effekt, Effekt

indirect - indirekt

[We now come to one of the most interesting parts of Sun TzĹ­'s treatise, the discussion of the cheng and the ch'i." As it is by no means easy to grasp the full significance of these two terms, or to render them consistently by good English equivalents; it may be as well to tabulate some of the commentators'remarks on the subject before proceeding further. Li Ch'uan: "Facing the enemy is cheng, making lateral diversion is ch'i. Chia Lin: "In presence of the enemy, your troops should be arrayed in normal fashion, but in order to secure victory abnormal manĹ"uvers must be employed." Mei Yao-ch'en: "Ch'i is active, cheng is passive; passivity means waiting for an opportunity, activity brings the victory itself." Ho Shih: "We must cause the enemy to regard our straightforward attack as one that is secretly designed, and vice versa; thus cheng may also be ch'i, and ch'i may also be cheng." He instances the famous exploit of Han Hsin, who when marching ostensibly against Lin-chin (now Chao-i in Shensi), suddenly threw a large force across the Yellow River in wooden tubs, utterly disconcerting his opponent. [Ch'ien Han Shu, ch. 3.] Here, we are told, the march on Lin-chin was cheng, and the surprise manĹ"uver was ch'i." Chang Yu gives the following summary of opinions on the words: "Military writers do not agree with regard to the meaning of ch'i and cheng.

most interesting - hochinteressant, interessanteste

discussion - Diskussion, Erörterung, Besprechung

grasp - greifen, erfassen, begreifen, verstehen, Griff, Verständnis

significance - Bedeutung, Signifikanz (1)

consistently - konsequent

equivalents - Äquivalente; gleichwertig, entsprechend, äquivalent, äquivalent

tabulate - tabellieren, ordnen, Tabelle erstellen

proceeding - Wie geht es weiter; fortsetzend, verfahrend; (proceed); vorgehen

lateral - lateral, seitlich, Seiten-, Lateral, Laterallaut

presence - Anwesenheit

arrayed - aufgereiht; Bekleidung, Tracht, Arrangement

fashion - Mode; Stil; fertigen, anfertigen

abnormal - unnormal, ungewöhnlich, anormal, abnormal

employed - beschäftigt; einstellen, anstellen, anwerben, einsetzen

passive - passiv; leidend, leidentlich, passivisch, unterwürfig, Passiv

passivity - Passivität, Passivzustand, Unterwürfigkeit, Passivhaltung

straightforward - geradlinig; aufrichtig, einfach, offen

exploit - Heldentat; Exploit; ausnutzen, ausbeuten

ostensibly - scheinbar

threw - geworfen; Wurf; werfen (du wirfst, er wirft), ich/er/sie würfe

tubs - Wannen; Dose; q

utterly - völlig

disconcerting - beunruhigend; verwirren, stören, vereiteln, beunruhigen, de

surprise - Überraschung; Überraschung

summary - zusammenfassend; Zusammenfassung

Wei Liao TzĹ­ [4th cent. B.C.] says: ˜Direct warfare favours frontal attacks, indirect warfare attacks from the rear.'Ts'ao Kung says: ˜Going straight out to join battle is a direct operation; appearing on the enemy's rear is an indirect manĹ"uver.'Li Wei-kung [6th and 7th cent. A.D.] says: ˜In war, to march straight ahead is cheng; turning movements, on the other hand, are ch'i.'These writers simply regard cheng as cheng, and ch'i as ch'i; they do not note that the two are mutually interchangeable and run into each other like the two sides of a circle [see infra, § 11]. A comment on the T'ang Emperor T'ai Tsung goes to the root of the matter: ˜A ch'i manĹ"uver may be cheng, if we make the enemy look upon it as cheng; then our real attack will be ch'i, and vice versa. The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.'" To put it perhaps a little more clearly: any attack or other operation is cheng, on which the enemy has had his attention fixed; whereas that is ch'i," which takes him by surprise or comes from an unexpected quarter. If the enemy perceives a movement which is meant to be ch'i," it immediately becomes cheng."]

favours - Gefälligkeiten; begünstigen, bevorzugen

rear - hinten; Hinter.., hinterster, Heck, Rück..

straight out - glätten

operation - Betrieb; Operation, Verknüpfung, Aktion, Unternehmen

appearing - erscheinen, auftauchen, erscheinen, auftauchen, erscheinen

straight ahead - geradeaus

mutually - gegenseitig

interchangeable - austauschbar

sides - Seiten; Flanke, Rand, Mannschaft, Team

circle - Kreis, Zirkel, Augenringe, umkreisen, einkreisen

infra - Infra.

confusing - verwirrend; verwirren, konfundieren, verwechseln, vermischen

fathom - ergründen, Faden, Klafter (Längenmaß)

intent - Absicht

fixed - repariert; reparieren, flicken, fixieren, befestigen

unexpected - unerwartet

perceives - wahrnimmt; wahrnehmen

movement - Bewegung; Satz

immediately - sofort, alsbald, unverzüglich, auf der Stelle

4. That the impact of your army may be like a grindstone dashed against an egg"this is effected by the science of weak points and strong.

impact - Auswirkungen; Aufprall, Einschlag, Aufschlag

grindstone - Schleifstein

dashed - gestrichelt; Bindestrich, Gedankenstrich, Querstrich, Strich

5. In all fighting, the direct method may be used for joining battle, but indirect methods will be needed in order to secure victory.

methods - Methoden; Verfahrensweise, Art und Weise, Weg

[Chang Yu says: "Steadily develop indirect tactics, either by pounding the enemy's flanks or falling on his rear." A brilliant example of "indirect tactics" which decided the fortunes of a campaign was Lord Roberts'night march round the Peiwar Kotal in the second Afghan war. [1]

steadily - beständig; stetige, stet, zuverlässig

develop - entwickeln

flanks - Flanken; in der Flanke angreifen, flankieren, Flanke, Flanke

brilliant - strahlend, brillant, genial, Brillant, Diamant

fortunes - Schicksal

Roberts - Robert, Rupprecht

Afghan - Afghane, Afghanin, Afghanisch

6. Indirect tactics, efficiently applied, are inexhausible as Heaven and Earth, unending as the flow of rivers and streams; like the sun and moon, they end but to begin anew; like the four seasons, they pass away but to return once more.

efficiently - effizient

inexhausible - unauflösbar

unending - unendlich

flow - Wasserführung; ich flösse, ich/er/sie floss (floß

streams - Bach, Strom, Datenstrom, strömen, streamen

anew - von neuem; erneut, abermals, neuerlich

pass away - verrauschen, sterben, dahinscheiden, versterben, verscheiden

[Tu Yu and Chang Yu understand this of the permutations of ch'i and cheng. But at present Sun TzĹ­ is not speaking of cheng at all, unless, indeed, we suppose with Cheng Yu-hsien that a clause relating to it has fallen out of the text. Of course, as has already been pointed out, the two are so inextricably interwoven in all military operations, that they cannot really be considered apart.

permutations - Permutationen; Permutation

Unless - wenn nicht, es sei denn

clause - Nebensatz; Teilsatz; Klausel

relating - in Bezug auf; sich beziehen, erzählen, berichten

fallen out - (fall out) ausfallen

inextricably - unentwirrbar

interwoven - verwoben; verweben, verflechten, durchweben, einweben

Here we simply have an expression, in figurative language, of the almost infinite resource of a great leader.]

expression - Ausdruck; Redensart, Miene

figurative - figurativ

almost - fast, beinahe, so gut wie

infinite - unendlich, endlos, unzählige

resource - Betriebsmittel, Hilfsquelle, Ressource

7. There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard.

musical - musikalisch; Musical

combinations - Kombinationen; Kombinieren

rise - steigen; Kursanstieg; Aufgang, Gehaltszulage, Aufschwung

melodies - Melodien; Melodie

8. There are not more than five primary colours (blue, yellow, red, white, and black), yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever be seen.

primary - primär; Vorwahl; Handschwinge

combination - Kombinieren; Kombination, Kombinierte, Kombinat, Vereinigung

produce - produzieren, herstellen, vorlegen, Produkt, Obst und Gemüse

hues - Schattierungen; Farbe, Tönung, Geschrei, Farbton

9 There are not more than five cardinal tastes (sour, acrid, salt, sweet, bitter), yet combinations of them yield more flavours than can ever be tasted.

tastes - Geschmäcker; Geschmack, Schmecken

sour - sauer, herb, säuerlich, sauer vergoren

acrid - sauer; stechend

sweet - Süßigkeit, Bonbon

Bitter - herb, rau, bitter

yield - Ertrag; hervorbringen, er/sie hat/hatte ergeben, weichen

flavours - Geschmacksrichtungen; Geschmack, Aroma, Sorte

tasted - geschmeckt; Geschmack, Schmecken

10. In battle, there are not more than two methods of attack"the direct and the indirect; yet these two in combination give rise to an endless series of manĹ"uvers.

endless - endlos, unbegrenzt, unbeschränkt, unendlich

series - Serie, Fernsehserie, Reihe

11. The direct and the indirect lead on to each other in turn. It is like moving in a circle"you never come to an end. Who can exhaust the possibilities of their combination?

possibilities - Möglichkeiten; Möglichkeit

12. The onset of troops is like the rush of a torrent which will even roll stones along in its course.

onset - Ausbruch; Angriff, Ansturm, checkAnschlag, Anzeichen

rush - stürzen, drängen, hetzen, rasen; Eile, Andrang

torrent - Sturzbach, Sturzflut

roll - Rolle, Roulade, Walze, Semmel; drehen, wälzen, wickeln, rollen

stones - Steine; Stein, Stein, Edelstein, t+Schmuckstein, Stein, Kern

along - entlang, längs, weiter

13. The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim.

quality - Qualität, Eigenschaft, Qualität

decision - Entscheidung, Beschluss

swoop - herabschießen, herabstürzen, Sturzflug

falcon - Falke

strike - streichen; schlagen; prägen; streiken; scheinen; die Fahne streichen; Strike; Streik; Schlag

victim - Opfer

[The Chinese here is tricky and a certain key word in the context it is used defies the best efforts of the translator. Tu Mu defines this word as "the measurement or estimation of distance." But this meaning does not quite fit the illustrative simile in §. 15. Applying this definition to the falcon, it seems to me to denote that instinct of self-restraint which keeps the bird from swooping on its quarry until the right moment, together with the power of judging when the right moment has arrived.

tricky - knifflig; schwierig, heikel, gerissen

key word - Schlüsselwort

defies - trotzt; herausfordern, die Stirn bieten, herausfordern, trotzen

efforts - Anstrengungen; Anstrengung, Aufwand

Translator - Übersetzer, Übersetzerin

fit - passen; (to be fit) in Form sein

illustrative - anschaulich

definition - Begriffserklärung, Definition, Definierung

denote - markieren, kennzeichnen, bezeichnen, anzeigen

instinct - Instinkt

self - Selbst

restraint - Zurückhaltung; Beschränkung, Zügelung, Einschränkung, Zwang

swooping - herabschießen, herabstürzen, stürzen, Sturzflug

quarry - Steinbruch; stöbern; Beute, Jagdbeute, verfolgtes Wild

judging - urteilen (nach), richten; Richter, Jurist

The analogous quality in soldiers is the highly important one of being able to reserve their fire until the very instant at which it will be most effective. When the "Victory" went into action at Trafalgar at hardly more than drifting pace, she was for several minutes exposed to a storm of shot and shell before replying with a single gun. Nelson coolly waited until he was within close range, when the broadside he brought to bear worked fearful havoc on the enemy's nearest ships.]

analogous - vergleichbar

reserve - Reservieren, Bedenken, Vorbehalt, Reserviertheit, Reserve

instant - sofort; augenblicklich, tafelfertig, Moment

effective - wirksam, effektiv, wirkungsvoll, in Kraft

drifting - treiben lassen; Drift, driften, treiben, irren, ziellos ziehen

pace - Tempo, Stufe, Schritt

exposed - ausgesetzt; aufdecken, offenbaren, entblößen, bloßlegen

shot - Schuss; (to shoot up) aufschießen

shell - Muschel; Schale, Eierschale, Hülse, Granate, Hülle, Shell

replying - antworten, erwidern, Antwort, Entgegnung, Antwort

gun - Waffe; Geschütz, Gewehr, Knarre, Revolver

coolly - kühl; gelassen

close range - Nahbereich (Fotografie)

broadside - Breitseite

bear - Bär; (to bear) ertragen, aushalten

fearful - furchtbar; furchtsam, ängstlich, verängstigt

havoc - Zerstörung, Verwüstung, Chaos, Durcheinander

ships - verschicken, verschiffen, abfertigen, befördern; Schiff

14. Therefore the good fighter will be terrible in his onset, and prompt in his decision.

prompt - Eingabeaufforderung; anleiten, antreiben, anstacheln

[The word "decision" would have reference to the measurement of distance mentioned above, letting the enemy get near before striking. But I cannot help thinking that Sun TzĹ­ meant to use the word in a figurative sense comparable to our own idiom "short and sharp." Cf. Wang Hsi's note, which after describing the falcon's mode of attack, proceeds: "This is just how the ˜psychological moment'should be seized in war."]

striking - auffällig; (strike); streichen; schlagen; prägen; streiken; scheinen; die Fahne streichen; Strike; Streik; Schlag

comparable - vergleichbar; qual

idiom - Idiom, Dialekt, Mundart, Redeweise

mode - Betriebsart, Betrieb, Modus, Art

proceeds - Erlöse; vorgehen

psychological - psychologisch

seized - beschlagnahmt; ergreifen, fassen, greifen, packen, ergreifen

15. Energy may be likened to the bending of a crossbow; decision, to the releasing of the trigger.

likened - vergleicht; vergleichen

bending - beugend, biegend; (bend); beugen; biegen, durchbiegen, Kurve

crossbow - Armbrust

releasing - Freigabe, Freisetzung, Befreiung, Erlösung

trigger - Abzug; Auslöser, auslösen, triggern; (trig); Abzug; Auslöser

[None of the commentators seem to grasp the real point of the simile of energy and the force stored up in the bent cross-bow until released by the finger on the trigger.]

stored - gespeichert; Lager

bent - verbogen; (to bend) sich niederbeugen, verbiegen

Cross - Kreuz; Kreuzzeichen; Kreuzung; Cross; Flanke; quer; entgegengesetzt

bow - verbeugen; Verneigung (vor), Verbeugung; Bogen, Bug (Schiff)

released - freigegeben; Freigabe, Freisetzung, Befreiung, Erlösung

16. Amid the turmoil and tumult of battle, there may be seeming disorder and yet no real disorder at all; amid confusion and chaos, your array may be without head or tail, yet it will be proof against defeat.

amid - inmitten; mitten unter

turmoil - Aufruhr, Tumult, Unruhe, Unordnung

tumult - Aufruhr; Tumult, Krach, Lärm, lautes Stimmengewirr

seeming - scheinbar; anscheinend, scheinend; (seem); scheinen, dünken

confusion - Verwirrung, Durcheinander, Konfusion, Verwechslung

chaos - Chaos, Unordnung, Durcheinander . Wirrwarr

array - Bekleidung, Tracht, Arrangement; Feld; Übersicht, Anzahl, Fülle

head or tail - Kopf oder Zahl

[Mei Yao-ch'en says: "The subdivisions of the army having been previously fixed, and the various signals agreed upon, the separating and joining, the dispersing and collecting which will take place in the course of a battle, may give the appearance of disorder when no real disorder is possible. Your formation may be without head or tail, your dispositions all topsy-turvy, and yet a rout of your forces quite out of the question."]

previously - zuvor, vorher, früher, ehemals

separating - einzeln, getrennt, separat, getrennt, separat, trennen

dispersing - verstreut; zerstreuen, qualifier

collecting - Sammeln; (collect); Sammeln

appearance - Erscheinen, Auftritt, Aussehen

formation - Bildung

tail - Schwanz; Zipfel

rout - Routine; Rotte

17. Simulated disorder postulates perfect discipline; simulated fear postulates courage; simulated weakness postulates strength.

simulated - simuliert; simulieren, nachahmen

postulates - Postulate; Postulat

[In order to make the translation intelligible, it is necessary to tone down the sharply paradoxical form of the original.

translation - Übersetzung, Übersetzen, Translation

intelligible - Verständlich

tone - Farbton, Klang, Umgangston, Ton

sharply - scharf, scharfzüngig, spitzzüngig

paradoxical - paradox

original - ursprünglich, ur-, original, originell, Original, ext

Ts'ao Kung throws out a hint of the meaning in his brief note: "These things all serve to destroy formation and conceal one's condition." But Tu Mu is the first to put it quite plainly: "If you wish to feign confusion in order to lure the enemy on, you must first have perfect discipline; if you wish to display timidity in order to entrap the enemy, you must have extreme courage; if you wish to parade your weakness in order to make the enemy over-confident, you must have exceeding strength."]

throws out - (throw out) rauswerfen, hinauswerfen

hint - Hinweis, Tipp, Wink, Fingerzeig

brief - kurz; prägnant; kurze Zusammenfassung; briefen, instruieren

serve - Angabe; dienen; servieren; aufschlagen, den Aufschlag haben

plainly - klar und deutlich; klar

wish - Wunsch; wünschen

display - Anzeige; Vorführung, Vorstellung, Display, Monitor, Bildschirm

timidity - Schüchternheit; Furchtsamkeit

entrap - fangen; verstricken, verleiten

extreme - extrem; Extrem

parade - stolzieren; Exerzierplatz, Korso, Aufzug

confident - selbstbewusst; zuversichtlich, sicher

exceeding - überschreiten, hinausgehen über, übertreffen, übersteigen

18. Hiding order beneath the cloak of disorder is simply a question of subdivision;

hiding - (to hide) verstecken, verbergen

beneath - unter

cloak - Umhang, Pelerine, Deckmantel, verhüllen

subdivision - Untergliederung; Unterteilung, Unterteilen, Unterabteilung

[See supra, § 1.]

concealing courage under a show of timidity presupposes a fund of latent energy;

presupposes - voraussetzt; erfordern, voraussetzen

fund - Kapital, Fonds, finanzieren

latent - latent

[The commentators strongly understand a certain Chinese word here differently than anywhere else in this chapter. Thus Tu Mu says: "seeing that we are favourably circumstanced and yet make no move, the enemy will believe that we are really afraid."]

differently - anders

anywhere - überall, irgendwo

favourably - günstig

circumstanced - umständehalber; Umstand, Umstand

masking strength with weakness is to be effected by tactical dispositions.

masking - Maskierung; tarnend, maskieren

[Chang Yu relates the following anecdote of Kao Tsu, the first Han Emperor: śWishing to crush the Hsiung-nu, he sent out spies to report on their condition. But the Hsiung-nu, forewarned, carefully concealed all their able-bodied men and well-fed horses, and only allowed infirm soldiers and emaciated cattle to be seen. The result was that spies one and all recommended the Emperor to deliver his attack. Lou Ching alone opposed them, saying: ˜When two countries go to war, they are naturally inclined to make an ostentatious display of their strength.

relates - Beziehungen; sich beziehen, erzählen, berichten

anecdote - Anekdote

spies - Spione; Spion, Spionin, Spitzel, ausspionieren, erspähen

forewarned - vorgewarnt; vorwarnen

carefully - sorgfältig; vorsichtig

fed - abgefütterte, gefüttert; (feed) abgefütterte, gefüttert

infirm - schwach, schwächlich, kränklich, gebrechlich

emaciated - ausgemergelt; abmagern, de

cattle - Kühe, Rinder, Rindvieh

recommended - empfohlen; empfehlen, empfehlen

deliver - erlösen, befreien, gebären, liefern, abliefern

inclined - geneigt; neigen, neigen, neigen, Neigung, Anstieg, Gefälle

ostentatious - ostentativ

Yet our spies have seen nothing but old age and infirmity. This is surely some ruse on the part of the enemy, and it would be unwise for us to attack.'The Emperor, however, disregarding this advice, fell into the trap and found himself surrounded at Po-teng.ť]

infirmity - Gebrechen; Gebrechlichkeit

surely - bestimmt, sicherlich

ruse - eine List; Kniff, List, Finte, Betrügerei, Trick

unwise - unklug

disregarding - Gleichgültigkeit, Nichtbeachten

trap - eine Falle; Fallgrube, Falle, Fahrt (im Bergwerk); einfangen

surrounded - umgeben, umringen, umzingeln, umringen

Po - Postanweisung, Postamt

19. Thus one who is skilful at keeping the enemy on the move maintains deceitful appearances, according to which the enemy will act.

maintains - unterhält; unterhalten, warten, beibehalten, aufrechterhalten

deceitful - betrügerisch

appearances - Erscheinungen; Erscheinen

act - handeln; Handlung, Tat, Akt, Gesetz, Akte, Spiel

[Ts'ao Kung's note is "Make a display of weakness and want." Tu Mu says: "If our force happens to be superior to the enemy's, weakness may be simulated in order to lure him on; but if inferior, he must be led to believe that we are strong, in order that he may Keep off. In fact, all the enemy's movements should be determined by the signs that we choose to give him." Note the following anecdote of Sun Pin, a descendent of Sun Wu: In 341 B.C., the Ch'i State being at war with Wei, sent T'ien Chi and Sun Pin against the general P'ang Chuan, who happened to be a deadly personal enemy of the later. Sun Pin said: "The Ch'i State has a reputation for cowardice, and therefore our adversary despises us. Let us turn this circumstance to account." Accordingly, when the army had crossed the border into Wei territory, he gave orders to show 100,000 fires on the first night, 50,000 on the next, and the night after only 20,000. P'ang Chuan pursued them hotly, saying to himself: "I knew these men of Ch'i were cowards: their numbers have already fallen away by more than half.

Keep off - Betreten verboten!;abhalten

be determined - entschlossen sein, gewillt sein

descendent - Nachkomme, Nachfahre, hinuntersteigend

at war - im Krieg

deadly - tödlich

cowardice - Feigheit, Kleinmut, Ängstlichkeit

despises - verachtet; verachten

circumstance - Umstand

accordingly - dementsprechend; logischerweise

border - Grenze; Rand; Beet, Streifen, begrenzen, angrenzen, säumen

first night - Erstaufführung , Premiere

pursued - Verfolgt; verfolgen, folgen, beschreiten, nachjagen, nachgehen

hotly - heiß; erregt, hitzig

cowards - Feiglinge; Feigling, qualifier

In his retreat, Sun Pin came to a narrow defile, which he calculated that his pursuers would reach after dark. Here he had a tree stripped of its bark, and inscribed upon it the words: "Under this tree shall P'ang Chuan die." Then, as night began to fall, he placed a strong body of archers in ambush near by, with orders to shoot directly if they saw a light. Later on, P'ang Chuan arrived at the spot, and noticing the tree, struck a light in order to read what was written on it. His body was immediately riddled by a volley of arrows, and his whole army thrown into confusion. [The above is Tu Mu's version of the story; the Shih Chi, less dramatically but probably with more historical truth, makes P'ang Chuan cut his own throat with an exclamation of despair, after the rout of his army.] ]

defile - verunreinigen; defilieren

calculated - berechnet; kalkulieren, berechnen, ausrechnen, rechnen

pursuers - Verfolger, Verfolgerin

bark - Bellen

inscribed - eingeschrieben; beschriften

archers - Bogenschützen; Bogenschütze

ambush - Hinterhalt; Hinterhalt

near by - dabei, in der Nähe

shoot - schießen; Jagd, Spross (Pflanze), Schuss; flitzen (Auto)

directly - direkt, gerade, unmittelbar

spot - Fleck, Punkt, Pickel, Pustel, Bisschen, Stelle, Ort, Werbespot

noticing - Bekanntmachung, Benachrichtigung, Mitteilung, Kündigungsfrist

struck - angeschlagen; streichen, schlagen, prägen, streiken, scheinen

riddled - durchlöchert; Rätsel

volley - Salve; Volley

thrown - geworfen; Wurf; werfen (du wirfst, er wirft), ich/er/sie würfe

version - Version, Fassung, Ausgabe, versionieren

dramatically - dramatisch

historical - historisch

throat - Kehle, Rachen, Hals, Flaschenhals

exclamation - Ausruf; Exklamation

despair - verzweifeln; Verzweiflung

He sacrifices something, that the enemy may snatch at it.

sacrifices - opfern, opfern, Opfer

snatch - schnappen; klauen, stehlen, Reißen

20. By holding out baits, he keeps him on the march; then with a body of picked men he lies in wait for him.

holding out - ausharrend

picked - ausgewählt; Foto

[With an emendation suggested by Li Ching, this then reads, "He lies in wait with the main body of his troops."]

suggested - vorgeschlagen; vorschlagen, vorschlagen

main body - Baukörper

21. The clever combatant looks to the effect of combined energy, and does not require too much from individuals.

combatant - Kämpfer, Kämpferin, Bekämpfer, Bekämpferin

combined - kombiniert; kombinieren, verbinden, vereinen

require - erfordern; brauchen, benötigen

[Tu Mu says: "He first of all considers the power of his army in the bulk; afterwards he takes individual talent into account, and uses each men according to his capabilities. He does not demand perfection from the untalented."]

considers - überlegt; überlegen, überlegen, halten, betrachten

bulk - Masse; Großteil

individual - Individuum; einzeln, individuell, Einzel-

capabilities - Fähigkeiten; Fähigkeit

demand - Nachfrage, Bedarf, Anspruch, verlangen, bestehen

untalented - unbegabt

Hence his ability to pick out the right men and utilise combined energy.

pick out - aussuchen

utilise - nutzen, einsetzen, verwenden

22. When he utilises combined energy, his fighting men become as it were like unto rolling logs or stones. For it is the nature of a log or stone to remain motionless on level ground, and to move when on a slope; if four-cornered, to come to a standstill, but if round-shaped, to go rolling down.

utilises - nutzt; nutzen, einsetzen, verwenden

unto - zu

rolling - rollend, Walzen; (roll) rollend, Walzen

logs - Protokolle; Logbuch; Log, Holzklotz

nature - Natur, Art

motionless - unbeweglich, reglos, bewegungslos

slope - Steigung, Hang, Abhang, Ableitung

cornered - in die Enge getrieben; Ecke, Winkel, Ecke, Ecke, Ecke

standstill - Stillstand

shaped - geformt; Zustand, Form, Form, Form, Gestalt, Form

[Ts'au Kung calls this "the use of natural or inherent power."]

au - Gold

inherent - inhärent

23. Thus the energy developed by good fighting men is as the momentum of a round stone rolled down a mountain thousands of feet in height. So much on the subject of energy.

developed - entwickelt; entwickeln, entwickeln, entwickeln, entwickeln

momentum - Impuls, Bewegungsmenge, Bewegungsgröße, Schwung, Wucht

rolled - gerollt; Rolle, Roulade, Walze, Semmel; drehen, wälzen, wickeln

height - Höhe; Größe

[The chief lesson of this chapter, in Tu Mu's opinion, is the paramount importance in war of rapid evolutions and sudden rushes. "Great results," he adds, "can thus be achieved with small forces."]

paramount - hervorragend, höchst, überragend, vorrangig

rapid - schnell; Stromschnelle

evolutions - Weiterentwicklungen; Evolution, Evolution

sudden - plötzlich, jäh

rushes - eilt; stürzen, drängen, hetzen, rasen; Eile, Andrang

achieved - erreicht; erreichen, realisieren, schaffen, erreichen, erlangen

[1] "Forty-one Years in India," chapter 46.

India - Indien


[Chang Yu attempts to explain the sequence of chapters as follows: "Chapter IV, on Tactical Dispositions, treated of the offensive and the defensive; chapter V, on Energy, dealt with direct and indirect methods. The good general acquaints himself first with the theory of attack and defence, and then turns his attention to direct and indirect methods. He studies the art of varying and combining these two methods before proceeding to the subject of weak and strong points.

attempts - versuchen, Versuch, Bestreben

sequence - Reihenfolge; Sequenz

chapters - Kapiteln; Kapitel

dealt - behandelt; Menge, Handel, Teil, Abkommen

acquaints - Bekanntschaften; vertraut machen, in Kenntnis setzen

varying - unterschiedlich; variieren, verändern, sich ändern, de

combining - kombinieren, verbinden, vereinen

For the use of direct or indirect methods arises out of attack and defence, and the perception of weak and strong points depends again on the above methods. Hence the present chapter comes immediately after the chapter on Energy."]

arises - entsteht; sich erheben, aufstehen, entstehen, auftreten

perception - Wahrnehmung

1. Sun TzĹ­ said: Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle, will arrive exhausted.

Whoever - wer immer, wer auch immer

awaits - erwartet; erwarten, harren, warten

hasten to - zueilen

2. Therefore the clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.

imposes - auferlegt; auferlegen, aufzwingen, auferlegen

allow - erlauben, zulassen, akzeptieren, mit einberechnen

imposed - auferlegt; auferlegen, aufzwingen, auferlegen

[One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all. [1] ]

mark - Markus

3. By holding out advantages to him, he can cause the enemy to approach of his own accord; or, by inflicting damage, he can make it impossible for the enemy to draw near.

holding - haltend; (hold) haltend

approach - sich nähern, nahekommen, ähnlich sein

inflicting - zufügen, de

damage - Schaden; beschädigen

draw near - nahen

[In the first case, he will entice him with a bait; in the second, he will strike at some important point which the enemy will have to defend.]

bait - Köder, Luder, Fischköder

defend - verteidigen

4. If the enemy is taking his ease, he can harass him;

harass - belästigen; quälen, verfolgen

[This passage may be cited as evidence against Mei Yao- Ch'en's interpretation of I. § 23.]

cited - zitiert; zitieren

evidence - Beweise; Beweis, Indiz, Beweismittel

if well supplied with food, he can starve him out; if quietly encamped, he can force him to move.

supplied - geliefert; Stellvertretung, Versorgung, Vorrat; liefern

starve - verhungern, Hungers sterben, verhungern lassen, aushungern

encamped - gelagert; lagern

5. Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected.

hasten - hasten, beeilen

Swiftly - Zügig; schnell, flink, behände

6. An army may march great distances without distress, if it marches through country where the enemy is not.

[Ts'ao Kung sums up very well: "emerge from the void [q.d. like "a bolt from the blue"], strike at vulnerable points, shun places that are defended, attack in unexpected quarters."]

sums up - (sum up) zusammen fassen, addieren, zusammenfassen

emerge from - hervorgehen aus

void - nichtig

bolt - Riegel, Ballen, Blitz, Bolzen; durchgehen (Pferd), sausen

vulnerable - verwundbar

shun - aus dem Weg gehen, ausweichen, meiden, scheuen

defended - verteidigt; verteidigen

7. You can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places which are undefended.

succeeding - Erfolgreich; nachfolgen, gelingen, geraten, nachfolgen

undefended - unverteidigt

[Wang Hsi explains "undefended places" as "weak points; that is to say, where the general is lacking in capacity, or the soldiers in spirit; where the walls are not strong enough, or the precautions not strict enough; where relief comes too late, or provisions are too scanty, or the defenders are variance amongst themselves."]

lacking - Mangelhaft; ermangeln, fehlen

relief - Erleichterung, Befreiung, Linderung, Unterstützung

scanty - spärlich; dürftig, kärglich, knapp

defenders - Verteidiger, Verteidigerin, Verteidiger

variance - Abweichung; Varianz

amongst - zwischen, unter

You can ensure the safety of your defence if you only hold positions that cannot be attacked.

hold - halten; innehaben

positions - Positionen; Stellung, Position, Position, Arbeitsplatz, Stelle

[I.e., where there are none of the weak points mentioned above. There is rather a nice point involved in the interpretation of this later clause. Tu Mu, Ch'en Hao, and Mei Yao-ch'en assume the meaning to be: "In order to make your defence quite safe, you must defend even those places that are not likely to be attacked;" and Tu Mu adds: "How much more, then, those that will be attacked." Taken thus, however, the clause balances less well with the preceding"always a consideration in the highly antithetical style which is natural to the Chinese.

Involved - Involviert; umfassen, etwas komplizieren, gehen um, verwirren

assume - annehmen, voraussetzen, vermuten, unterstellen

safe - sicher, gefahrlos, Tresor, Safe, Geldschrank

balances - Gleichgewichte; Ausgewogenheit, Bilanz, Saldo, Guthaben

antithetical - gegensätzlich

Chang Yu, therefore, seems to come nearer the mark in saying: "He who is skilled in attack flashes forth from the topmost heights of heaven [see IV. § 7], making it impossible for the enemy to guard against him. This being so, the places that I shall attack are precisely those that the enemy cannot defend¦. He who is skilled in defence hides in the most secret recesses of the earth, making it impossible for the enemy to estimate his whereabouts. This being so, the places that I shall hold are precisely those that the enemy cannot attack."]

guard - Wächter; Parierstange; Schutz; schützen, bewachen

precisely - genau; präzise

8. Hence that general is skilful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skilful in defence whose opponent does not know what to attack.

[An aphorism which puts the whole art of war in a nutshell.]

aphorism - Aphorismus

nutshell - Nussschale

9. O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible;

divine - göttlich

subtlety - Geschicklichkeit, Feinheit, Feinsinn, Feinsinnigkeit

invisible - unsichtbar; versteckt

inaudible - nicht hörbar

[Literally, "without form or sound," but it is said of course with reference to the enemy.]

and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands.

10. You may advance and be absolutely irresistible, if you make for the enemy's weak points; you may retire and be safe from pursuit if your movements are more rapid than those of the enemy.

absolutely - absolut, durchaus, total, unbedingt

irresistible - unwiderstehlich

retire - in den Ruhestand gehen; pensionieren, zurücktreten

safe from - sicher vor

pursuit - Verfolgung

11. If we wish to fight, the enemy can be forced to an engagement even though he be sheltered behind a high rampart and a deep ditch. All we need do is attack some other place that he will be obliged to relieve.

forced - gezwungen; zwingen, forcieren, erzwingen; Stärke, Macht

sheltered - beschützt; Zuflucht, Obdach

rampart - Festungswall, Bollwerk

ditch - Straßengraben, Wassergraben, Bach; auf dem Wasser notlanden

be obliged - müssen

relieve - Erleichterung; erleichtern; lindern; entlasten; ablösen; seine Notdurft verrichten

[Tu Mu says: "If the enemy is the invading party, we can cut his line of communications and occupy the roads by which he will have to return; if we are the invaders, we may direct our attack against the sovereign himself." It is clear that Sun TzĹ­, unlike certain generals in the late Boer War, was no believer in frontal attacks.]

invading - Invasion; eindringen, verletzen, überfallen, einmarschieren

communications - Kommunikation, Informationsaustausch, Kommunikation, Mitteilung

occupy - in Anspruch nehmen, belegen, bewohnen, besetzen, okkupieren

invaders - Eindringlinge; Eindringling, Eroberer, Erobererin

Boer War - Burenkrieg

believer - Gläubiger, Gläubige

12. If we do not wish to fight, we can prevent the enemy from engaging us even though the lines of our encampment be merely traced out on the ground. All we need do is to throw something odd and unaccountable in his way.

engaging - engagieren; beschäftigen, anstellen, angreifen, anlegen

encampment - Lager, Feldlager, Lagerplatz

traced out - trassierte

throw - Wurf; werfen (du wirfst, er wirft), ich/er/sie würfe

odd - einzeln; seltsam, merkwürdig, komisch, ungerade

unaccountable - nicht rechenschaftspflichtig

[This extremely concise expression is intelligibly paraphrased by Chia Lin: "even though we have constructed neither wall nor ditch." Li Ch'uan says: "we puzzle him by strange and unusual dispositions;" and Tu Mu finally clinches the meaning by three illustrative anecdotes"one of Chu-ko Liang, who when occupying Yang-p'ing and about to be attacked by Ssu-ma I, suddenly struck his colors, stopped the beating of the drums, and flung open the city gates, showing only a few men engaged in sweeping and sprinkling the ground.

extremely - extrem, äußerst, krass

intelligibly - Verständlich

paraphrased - paraphrasiert; Umschreibung, sinngemäße Wiedergabe, umschreiben

constructed - konstruiert; bauen, konstruieren

puzzle - Rätsel; Puzzle, Geduldspiel, Geduldsspiel

unusual - ungewöhnlich, unüblich, ungebräuchlich

finally - schließlich; endlich; definitiv, checkletztendlich

clinches - klammert; Clinch

anecdotes - Anekdoten; Anekdote, Anekdote

ko - K.o. Knockout

occupying - in Anspruch nehmen, belegen, bewohnen, besetzen, okkupieren

drums - Schlagzeug; Trommel

flung - geschleudert; Affäre (Liebesaffäre)

gates - Tor, Flugsteig, Pforte, Schranke

engaged - verlobt; beschäftigen, anstellen, angreifen, anlegen, einrasten

sweeping - erman:; Fegen, Kehren; (sweep); fegen, kehren, rauschen

sprinkling - Berieselung; berieselnd; (sprinkle); sprühen; besprühen; Nieselregen

This unexpected proceeding had the intended effect; for Ssu-ma I, suspecting an ambush, actually drew off his army and retreated. What Sun TzĹ­ is advocating here, therefore, is nothing more nor less than the timely use of "bluff."]

actually - Ja, also eigentlich ...;eigentlich, wirklich, tatsächlich

retreated - zurückgezogen; Rückzug

advocating - befürworten; Rechtsanwalt, Rechtsanwältin, Verteidiger

timely - pünktlich; zeitgerecht, fristgerecht, zur rechten Zeit

bluff - bluffen; täuschen; Bluff

13. By discovering the enemy's dispositions and remaining invisible ourselves, we can keep our forces concentrated, while the enemy's must be divided.

remaining - Überrest (2), de

concentrated - konzentriert; konzentrieren, sich konzentrieren, konzentrieren

[The conclusion is perhaps not very obvious, but Chang Yu (after Mei Yao-ch'en) rightly explains it thus: "If the enemy's dispositions are visible, we can make for him in one body; whereas, our own dispositions being kept secret, the enemy will be obliged to divide his forces in order to guard against attack from every quarter."]

conclusion - Schluss, Ende, Abschluss, Ergebnis, Schlussfolgerung

rightly - zurecht, zu Recht, richtig

visible - sichtbar

kept secret - verschwieg

14. We can form a single united body, while the enemy must split up into fractions. Hence there will be a whole pitted against separate parts of a whole, which means that we shall be many to the enemy's few.

United - Vereint; Einheit, Einheit

Fractions - Brüche; Bruchteil, Bruch

pitted - entsteint; Fallgrube, Schachtgrube, Box (Sport)

15. And if we are able thus to attack an inferior force with a superior one, our opponents will be in dire straits.

opponents - Gegner, Gegnerin, Gegner (1, 2, 3), Gegenspieler

dire - schrecklich; düster, böse, fatal, verzweifelt, händeringend

straits - die Meerenge; Meerenge, Enge, Straße

16. The spot where we intend to fight must not be made known; for then the enemy will have to prepare against a possible attack at several different points;

intend - beabsichtigen, vorhaben, intendieren

made known - bekannt gemacht, bekanntgemacht [alt]

[Sheridan once explained the reason of General Grant's victories by saying that "while his opponents were kept fully employed wondering what he was going to do, he was thinking most of what he was going to do himself."]

Grant - gewähren; erteilen; bewilligen

fully employed - vollbeschäftigt

wondering - und fragen sich; (wonder) sich wundern (über)

and his forces being thus distributed in many directions, the numbers we shall have to face at any given point will be proportionately few.

distributed - verteilt; aufteilen, verteilen, ausliefern, verteilen

directions - Richtungen; Richtung, Führung, Regie

proportionately - verhältnismäßig

17. For should the enemy strengthen his van, he will weaken his rear; should he strengthen his rear, he will weaken his van; should he strengthen his left, he will weaken his right; should he strengthen his right, he will weaken his left. If he sends reinforcements everywhere, he will everywhere be weak.

strengthen - verstärken, bestärken, erman: stark#German

van - Lieferwagen; Van

weaken - schwächen, abschwächen, schwächeln

everywhere - überall

[In Frederick the Great's Instructions to his Generals we read: "A defensive war is apt to betray us into too frequent detachment. Those generals who have had but little experience attempt to protect every point, while those who are better acquainted with their profession, having only the capital object in view, guard against a decisive blow, and acquiesce in small misfortunes to avoid greater."]

apt - passend; Hochgeschwindigkeitszug; geeignet, begabt

betray - verraten; im Stich lassen, von etwas zeugen, verleiten

frequent - häufig; aufsuchen

Experience - Erlebnis, Erfahrung, Praxis

decisive - entscheidend

blow - (to blow) blasen, wehen, pusten

acquiesce - hinnehmen, einwilligen, dulden

misfortunes - Unglücke; Pech

18. Numerical weakness comes from having to prepare against possible attacks; numerical strength, from compelling our adversary to make these preparations against us.

compelling - zwingend, fesselnd, unwiderstehlich

[The highest generalship, in Col. Henderson's words, is "to compel the enemy to disperse his army, and then to concentrate superior force against each fraction in turn."]

compel - zwingen, nötigen

disperse - zerstreuen

concentrate - konzentrieren, sich konzentrieren, konzentrieren

fraction - Fraktion; Bruchteil; Bruch

19. Knowing the place and the time of the coming battle, we may concentrate from the greatest distances in order to fight.

[What Sun TzĹ­ evidently has in mind is that nice calculation of distances and that masterly employment of strategy which enable a general to divide his army for the purpose of a long and rapid march, and afterwards to effect a junction at precisely the right spot and the right hour in order to confront the enemy in overwhelming strength.

evidently - offensichtlich

masterly - meisterhaft, virtuos

employment - Anstellung; Beschäftigung, Erwerbstätigkeit, Arbeit, Gebrauch

confront - konfrontieren, entgegentreten, Sache, begegnen, gegenübertreten

overwhelming - überwältigend; überwältigen, übermannen, überrumpeln, de

Among many such successful junctions which military history records, one of the most dramatic and decisive was the appearance of Blucher just at the critical moment on the field of Waterloo.]

junctions - Kreuzungen; Kreuzung, Kreuzung, Knotenpunkt, Grenzzone

records - Aufzeichnungen; protokollieren, erfassen, aufzeichnen

dramatic - dramatisch

Blucher - Blücher

20. But if neither time nor place be known, then the left wing will be impotent to succour the right, the right equally impotent to succour the left, the van unable to relieve the rear, or the rear to support the van. How much more so if the furthest portions of the army are anything under a hundred li apart, and even the nearest are separated by several li!

Wing - Flügel, Schwinge, Gebäudeflügel, Tragfläche, tTragflügel

impotent - impotent

succour - Beistand, Hilfe, Unterstützung, beistehen, unterstützen

support - Rückendeckung, Auflage, Unterstützung; abstützen, befürworten

portions - Portionen; Teil

separated - einzeln, getrennt, separat, getrennt, separat, trennen

[The Chinese of this last sentence is a little lacking in precision, but the mental picture we are required to draw is probably that of an army advancing towards a given rendezvous in separate columns, each of which has orders to be there on a fixed date. If the general allows the various detachments to proceed at haphazard, without precise instructions as to the time and place of meeting, the enemy will be able to annihilate the army in detail. Chang Yu's note may be worth quoting here: "If we do not know the place where our opponents mean to concentrate or the day on which they will join battle, our unity will be forfeited through our preparations for defence, and the positions we hold will be insecure.

lacking - Mangelhaft; Gummilack

precision - Präzision, Genauigkeit, Messpräzision, Wiederholgenauigkeit

mental - seelisch, geistig

required - erforderlich; erfordern, brauchen, benötigen

advancing - fortschreitend; erhöhen, erheben, befördern, vorrücken

towards - zu, in Richtung, nach, auf, zu, gegenüber, für, um, zwecks

rendezvous - Rendezvous; erman: sich treffen

columns - Spalten; Säule, Spalte, Spalte, Druckspalte, Kolumne, Kolonne

allows - erlaubt; erlauben, zulassen, akzeptieren, erlauben, zulassen

detachments - Abkommandierungen; Militäreinheit, Trennung, Abteilung

proceed - fortfahren; vorgehen

at haphazard - wahllos, aufs Geratewohl, willkürlich

precise - präzise, genau, exakt, präzisieren

worth - wert

quoting - Zitat

know the place - Ortskenntnis besitzen, ortskundig sein

unity - Einigkeit; Einheit; Identität

forfeited - verwirkt; Strafe, Pfand

insecure - unsicher

Suddenly happening upon a powerful foe, we shall be brought to battle in a flurried condition, and no mutual support will be possible between wings, vanguard or rear, especially if there is any great distance between the foremost and hindmost divisions of the army."]

powerful - mächtig

flurried - leichter) Schneefall, (lkurzer) Schneeschauer, Windstoß, Bö

mutual - wechselseitig, gegenseitig, beiderseitig, gemeinsam

wings - Flügel, t+Schwinge, Flügel, Flügel, t+Gebäudeflügel, Flügel

vanguard - Vorhut; Avantgarde, Spitze

distance between - Abstand zwischen

foremost - vor allem

hindmost - hintersten; letzte, hinterste

21. Though according to my estimate the soldiers of YĂĽeh exceed our own in number, that shall advantage them nothing in the matter of victory. I say then that victory can be achieved.

exceed - überschreiten, hinausgehen über, übertreffen, übersteigen

[Alas for these brave words! The long feud between the two states ended in 473 B.C. with the total defeat of Wu by Kou Chien and its incorporation in YĂĽeh. This was doubtless long after Sun TzĹ­'s death. With his present assertion compare IV. § 4. Chang Yu is the only one to point out the seeming discrepancy, which he thus goes on to explain: "In the chapter on Tactical Dispositions it is said, ˜One may know how to conquer without being able to do it,'whereas here we have the statement that ˜victory'can be achieved.'The explanation is, that in the former chapter, where the offensive and defensive are under discussion, it is said that if the enemy is fully prepared, one cannot make certain of beating him. But the present passage refers particularly to the soldiers of YĂĽeh who, according to Sun TzĹ­'s calculations, will be kept in ignorance of the time and place of the impending struggle.

Alas - leider [Gottes]; (ala) leider [Gottes]

feud - Fehde

incorporation - Eingliederung; Angliederung, Verbindung, Vereinigung

doubtless - zweifelsfrei, zweifellos

assertion - Versicherung, Zusicherung, Behauptung, Beteuerung

discrepancy - Diskrepanz, Widerspruch, Unstimmigkeit, Abweichung

explanation - Erläuterung, Erklärung, Ausführung

former - erstgenannt, ehem. ehemalig, frühere, früher

fully - vollständig; völlig

particularly - besonders

impending - bevorstehend; bevorstehen, drohen, sich ankündigen

Struggle - Kämpfen; Kampf, Gefecht, sich durchbeißen, sich schwer tun

That is why he says here that victory can be achieved."]

22. Though the enemy be stronger in numbers, we may prevent him from fighting. Scheme so as to discover his plans and the likelihood of their success.

scheme - Schema; Programm, Plan, Projekt, Intrige, Komplott

likelihood - Wahrscheinlichkeit

[An alternative reading offered by Chia Lin is: "Know beforehand all plans conducive to our success and to the enemy's failure."

alternative - alternativ; Alternative

offered - angeboten; offerieren, anbieten, bieten, zeigen; Antrag

conducive - förderlich

failure - Versagen; Misserfolg, Ausfall, Verschlechterung, Misslingen

23. Rouse him, and learn the principle of his activity or inactivity.

rouse - aufrütteln; wachrufen, wecken

inactivity - Untätigkeit

[Chang Yu tells us that by noting the joy or anger shown by the enemy on being thus disturbed, we shall be able to conclude whether his policy is to lie low or the reverse. He instances the action of Cho-ku Liang, who sent the scornful present of a woman's head-dress to Ssu-ma I, in order to goad him out of his Fabian tactics.]

joy - Wonne (Freude, Vergnügen); Freude (über)

disturbed - beunruhigt; stören

conclude - beenden, schließen, zu Ende führen, abschließen, entscheiden

low - tief, niedrig, nieder, leise (Stimme); muhen, blöken (Rind)

reverse - umkehren; invers, umgedreht, Kehrseite

scornful - verächtlich

goad - Stachelstock; anstacheln, antreiben, anspornen, reizen

Fabian - fabisch, Fabian

Force him to reveal himself, so as to find out his vulnerable spots.

reveal - enthüllen; offenbaren

spots - Flecken; Fleck, Punkt, Fleck, Pickel, Pustel, Bisschen

24. Carefully compare the opposing army with your own, so that you may know where strength is superabundant and where it is deficient.

opposing - gegen; ablehnen, widersprechen

superabundant - im Überfluss vorhanden

deficient - mangelhaft; defizient

[Cf. IV. § 6.]

25. In making tactical dispositions, the highest pitch you can attain is to conceal them;

pitch - werfen, festsetzen, errichten; Tonhöhe, Tonlage, Pech

attain - erreichen, erlangen

[The piquancy of the paradox evaporates in translation. Concealment is perhaps not so much actual invisibility (see supra § 9) as "showing no sign" of what you mean to do, of the plans that are formed in your brain.]

piquancy - Pikanterie

evaporates - verdunstet; verdampfen, verdunsten, evaporieren, dörren

invisibility - Unsichtbarkeit

brain - Gehirn, Superhirn, Intelligenzbestie, Kopf, Verstand, Köpfchen

conceal your dispositions, and you will be safe from the prying of the subtlest spies, from the machinations of the wisest brains.

prying - neugierig schauend, neugierig; (pry) neugierig schauend

subtlest - am subtilsten; subtil, fast unmerklich, haarfein, dezent

machinations - Machenschaften; Machenschaft

wisest - am weisesten; klug, vernünftig

brains - Gehirne; Gehirn

[Tu Mu explains: "Though the enemy may have clever and capable officers, they will not be able to lay any plans against us."]

capable - fähig

26. How victory may be produced for them out of the enemy's own tactics"that is what the multitude cannot comprehend.

produced - produziert; produzieren, herstellen, vorlegen, produzieren

multitude - Vielfältigkeit; Vielzahl, Menge, Menschenmenge, Volk

comprehend - umfassen; verstehen, begreifen, erfassen, einsehen

27. All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.

evolved - weiterentwickelt; andauern, fortdauern, verändern, entwickeln

[I.e., everybody can see superficially how a battle is won; what they cannot see is the long series of plans and combinations which has preceded the battle.]

superficially - oberflächlich

preceded - vorausgegangen; vorangehen, vorausgehen

28. Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances.

regulated - geregelt; regeln, regulieren

variety - Vielfalt; Sorte; Varietät, Sprachform, Sprachvarietät

[As Wang Hsi sagely remarks: "There is but one root-principle underlying victory, but the tactics which lead up to it are infinite in number." With this compare Col. Henderson: "The rules of strategy are few and simple. They may be learned in a week.

sagely - weise; klughaft, klug

underlying - zugrunde liegen

simple - einfach, simpel

They may be taught by familiar illustrations or a dozen diagrams. But such knowledge will no more teach a man to lead an army like Napoleon than a knowledge of grammar will teach him to write like Gibbon."]

illustrations - Illustrationen; Illustration, Illustration, Illustration

dozen - Dutzend; Dutzende (''of'': von)

diagrams - Diagramme; Diagramm

Grammar - Grammatik, Sprachlehre, Grammatiktheorie

Gibbon - Gibbon

29. Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards.

runs away - entläuft

Hastens - Eilt; hasten, beeilen

downwards - abwärts, nach unten, runter, nach unten gehend, absteigend

30. So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.

[Like water, taking the line of least resistance.]

31. Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing.

shapes - Zustand, Form, Form, Form, Gestalt, Form

flows - fließt; Wasserführung; ich flösse, ich/er/sie floss (floß

relation - Beziehung; Relation; Verwandter, Verwandte, Verwandtschaft

32. Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions.

retains - beibehalten; behalten, festhalten

shape - Zustand, Form, Gestalt, Form

33. He who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent and thereby succeed in winning, may be called a heaven-born captain.

Succeed - Erfolgreich; nachfolgen; gelingen, geraten

captain - Stabshauptmann, Kapitän zur See, Kapitän, Flugkapitän

34. The five elements (water, fire, wood, metal, earth) are not always equally predominant;

wood - Holz

metal - Metall; Metal

predominant - vorherrschend

[That is, as Wang Hsi says: "they predominate alternately."]

predominate - überwiegen; vorherrschen

alternately - abwechselnd

the four seasons make way for each other in turn.

[Literally, "have no invariable seat."]

invariable - unveränderlich

seat - Sitz, Sitzplatz, Sitzgelegenheit, Stuhl, Sitzmöbel

There are short days and long; the moon has its periods of waning and waxing.

[Cf. V. § 6. The purport of the passage is simply to illustrate the want of fixity in war by the changes constantly taking place in Nature. The comparison is not very happy, however, because the regularity of the phenomena which Sun Tzŭ mentions is by no means paralleled in war.]

purport - vorgeben, unterstellen, beabsichtigen

illustrate - veranschaulichen; illustrieren

fixity - Festigkeit; Beständigkeit

constantly - ständig; regelmäßig; konstant

regularity - Regelmäßigkeit

mentions - Erwähnungen; Erwähnung, erwähnen

paralleled - parallel zueinander; parallel, parallel zu, parallel, Parallele

[1] See Col. Henderson's biography of Stonewall Jackson, 1902 ed., vol. II, p. 490.

biography - Biografie

Stonewall - mauern


1. Sun TzĹ­ said: In war, the general receives his commands from the sovereign.

commands - Befehl, Kommando

2. Having collected an army and concentrated his forces, he must blend and harmonise the different elements thereof before pitching his camp.

collected - gesammelt; eintreiben (Schulden), sammeln, einsammeln

blend - Mischung; mischen, mixen, vermischen

harmonise - harmonisieren

thereof - davon

pitching - werfend, Stampfen (eines Schiffs); (pitch) werfend

Camp - lagern, zelten, campen, kampieren; Lager

["Chang Yu says: "the establishment of harmony and confidence between the higher and lower ranks before venturing into the field;" and he quotes a saying of Wu TzĹ­ (chap. 1 ad init.): "Without harmony in the State, no military expedition can be undertaken; without harmony in the army, no battle array can be formed.

establishment - Einrichtung; Verankerung (von Rechten), Feststellung

lower - niedriger, niedrigerer, ausfahren (Fahrgestell); abdämpfen

venturing - (venture) wagen, herauswagen; (venture); Wagnis

chap - Kerl; Bursche, Riss (in der Haut)

ad - Anzeige; n. Chr. (nach Christus, nach Christo); n. Chr. Geb

expedition - Expedition

undertaken - unternommen; unternehmen, ausführen, verpflichten

In an historical romance Sun TzĹ­ is represented as saying to Wu Yuan: "As a general rule, those who are waging war should get rid of all the domestic troubles before proceeding to attack the external foe."]

romance - Romantik; Liebesgeschichte; qual

represented - vorstellen, darstellen, vertreten

Yuan - Yuan

waging - zu führen; führen

rid - loswerden; befreien

domestic - häuslich, Haus

troubles - Probleme; Ärger, Schwierigkeit, Anstrengung, Bemühung, Mühe

external - außen-, extern, äußerlich

3. After that, comes tactical manĹ"uvering, than which there is nothing more difficult.

[I have departed slightly from the traditional interpretation of Ts'ao Kung, who says: "From the time of receiving the sovereign's instructions until our encampment over against the enemy, the tactics to be pursued are most difficult." It seems to me that the tactics or manĹ"uvers can hardly be said to begin until the army has sallied forth and encamped, and Ch'ien Hao's note gives color to this view: "For levying, concentrating, harmonizing and entrenching an army, there are plenty of old rules which will serve.

departed - abgereist; verlassen, aufbrechen, verlassen, abweichen

traditional - traditionell

receiving - bekommen, erhalten, empfangen, kriegen, empfangen

most difficult - schwierigste

sallied - geflüchtet; aufbrechen

levying - Erhebungen; Erhebung; erheben

harmonizing - harmonieren, harmonieren, harmonisieren, harmonisieren

entrenching - Verschanzung; graben, ausheben, eingraben, verschanzen

plenty - viel; Fülle, Überfluss

The real difficulty comes when we engage in tactical operations." Tu Yu also observes that "the great difficulty is to be beforehand with the enemy in seizing favourable position."]

The difficulty of tactical manĹ"uvering consists in turning the devious into the direct, and misfortune into gain.

devious - heimtückisch, hinterrücks, unaufrichtig, verschlagen

gain - Gewinn, Zunahme, Verstärkung; erwerben, gewinnen, erlangen

[This sentence contains one of those highly condensed and somewhat enigmatical expressions of which Sun TzĹ­ is so fond. This is how it is explained by Ts'ao Kung: "Make it appear that you are a long way off, then cover the distance rapidly and arrive on the scene before your opponent." Tu Mu says: "Hoodwink the enemy, so that he may be remiss and leisurely while you are dashing along with utmost speed." Ho Shih gives a slightly different turn: "Although you may have difficult ground to traverse and natural obstacles to encounter this is a drawback which can be turned into actual advantage by celerity of movement.

condensed - kondensiert; kondensieren, verkleinern, kondensieren

somewhat - etwas, einigermaßen

enigmatical - rätselhaft

expressions - Ausdrücke; Ausdruck, Redensart, Ausdruck, Miene, Ausdruck

fond - (to be fond of sb/sth) jemanden/etwas gerne mögen

cover - Versicherungsdeckung ;überdecken;bespannen (mit Stoff ...), decken, überziehen;Ăśberzug , Umschlag , Hülle , Titel

rapidly - schnell

scene - Szene

hoodwink - übers Ohr hauen, an der Nase herumführen, hinters Licht führen

remiss - verantwortungslos; nachlässig, träge

leisurely - gemütlich; gemächlich

dashing - schneidig; Bindestrich, Gedankenstrich, Querstrich, Strich

although - obwohl, obschon, trotzdem

traverse - durchkreuzen, durchqueren, überqueren

obstacles - Hindernisse; Hindernis

encounter - mit etw. in Berührung kommen;entgegentreten, sich begegnen, treffen auf;Begegnung , Treffen , Zusammenstoß

drawback - Nachteil, Minuspunkt, Schattenseite, Haken, Zollrückvergütung

celerity - Schnelligkeit; Geschwindigkeit

Signal examples of this saying are afforded by the two famous passages across the Alps"that of Hannibal, which laid Italy at his mercy, and that of Napoleon two thousand years later, which resulted in the great victory of Marengo.]

signal - Signal; Signal; signalisieren

afforded - gewährt wird; leisten

passages - Passagen; Durchfahrt, Ăśbergang, Gang

Alps - Alpen; (alp); Alm

Hannibal - Hannibal

laid - gelegt; richten (Tisch)

Italy - Italien

mercy - Barmherzigkeit, Erbarmen, Gnade, Mitleid

4. Thus, to take a long and circuitous route, after enticing the enemy out of the way, and though starting after him, to contrive to reach the goal before him, shows knowledge of the artifice of deviation.

circuitous - umständlich

route - Route, Leitung, Strecke, Richtung; leiten, routen, lotsen

enticing - verlockend; überredend, abwerbend, lockend; (entice); locken

contrive - ausdenken; ersinnen; entwerfen; bewerkstelligen

goal - Ziel; Tor; ein Tor schießen

artifice - Kunstgriff

deviation - Abweichung, Abweichen, Übertretung, Verfehlung, Sünde

[Tu Mu cites the famous march of Chao She in 270 B.C. to relieve the town of O-yu, which was closely invested by a Ch'in army. The King of Chao first consulted Lien P'o on the advisability of attempting a relief, but the latter thought the distance too great, and the intervening country too rugged and difficult. His Majesty then turned to Chao She, who fully admitted the hazardous nature of the march, but finally said: "We shall be like two rats fighting in a whole"and the pluckier one will win!" So he left the capital with his army, but had only gone a distance of 30 li when he stopped and began throwing up entrenchments. For 28 days he continued strengthening his fortifications, and took care that spies should carry the intelligence to the enemy.

closely - dicht, eng, nah, nahe

invested - investiert; investieren; (Geld) anlegen (in)

consulted - konsultiert; Rat halten, beraten, beratschlagen, beraten

lien - Pfandrecht

advisability - Ratsamkeit

intervening - eingreifen, einschreiten, dazwischengehen, dazwischenfahren

rugged - robust, schroff; (rug); Teppich, Brücke

hazardous - gefährlich

rats - Ratten; Ratte

pluckier - zupfen; beherzt, tapfer

strengthening - Stärkung; verstärken, stärken, bestärken, stärken, verstärken

fortifications - Befestigungen; Festungsbau, Befestigen

took care - (take care) sich Mühe geben, sich hüten, achten auf

intelligence - Intelligenz, Klugheit, intelligentes Leben

The Ch'in general was overjoyed, and attributed his adversary's tardiness to the fact that the beleaguered city was in the Han State, and thus not actually part of Chao territory. But the spies had no sooner departed than Chao She began a forced march lasting for two days and one night, and arrive on the scene of action with such astonishing rapidity that he was able to occupy a commanding position on the "North hill" before the enemy had got wind of his movements. A crushing defeat followed for the Ch'in forces, who were obliged to raise the siege of O-yu in all haste and retreat across the border.]

overjoyed - überglücklich machen

attributed - zugeschrieben; Eigenschaft, Merkmal

beleaguered - bedrängt; belagern, umzingeln, bedrängen, belästigen, stören

actually - eigentlich, tatsächlich, in Wirklichkeit, in Wahrheit

lasting - nachhaltig, anhaltend, dauerhaft, bleibend; (last) nachhaltig

astonishing - Erstaunlich; erstaunen

Hill - Hügel; Hang, Steigung, Steigung, Anstieg, häufeln

crushing - erdrückend; Schwarm, zerdrücken

5. ManĹ"uvering with an army is advantageous; with an undisciplined multitude, most dangerous.

advantageous - vorteilhaft

undisciplined - undiszipliniert

most dangerous - gefährlichste

[I adopt the reading of the T'ung Tien, Cheng Yu-hsien and the T'u Shu, since they appear to apply the exact nuance required in order to make sense. The commentators using the standard text take this line to mean that manĹ"uvers may be profitable, or they may be dangerous: it all depends on the ability of the general.]

adopt - adoptieren; annehmen, übernehmen

apply - gelten; zutreffen, auflegen, anwenden, anlegen

nuance - Nuance

Standard - üblich, standardmäßig, Standard, Banner, Standarte

be profitable - sich rentieren

6. If you set a fully equipped army in march in order to snatch an advantage, the chances are that you will be too late. On the other hand, to detach a flying column for the purpose involves the sacrifice of its baggage and stores.

equipped - ausgestattet; ausrüsten, ausstatten, anlegen, ausrüsten

detach - abtrennen; entfernen, ablösen, loslösen

column - Säule; Spalte, Druckspalte, Kolumne, Kolonne

involves - involviert; umfassen, etwas komplizieren, gehen um, verwirren

sacrifice - opfern; Opfer

baggage - Gepäck, Reisegepäck

stores - Geschäfte; Lager

[Some of the Chinese text is unintelligible to the Chinese commentators, who paraphrase the sentence. I submit my own rendering without much enthusiasm, being convinced that there is some deep-seated corruption in the text. On the whole, it is clear that Sun Tzŭ does not approve of a lengthy march being undertaken without supplies. Cf. infra, § 11.]

unintelligible - unverständlich

submit - sich unterwerfen;ich/er/sie gab ab, abgeben;ermöglichen, vorlegen, vorschlagen, einreichen

enthusiasm - Begeisterung, Enthusiasmus, Schwärmerei

Convinced - Überzeugt; überzeugen

seated - sitzend; Sitz, Sitzplatz, Sitzgelegenheit, Stuhl, Sitzmöbel

7. Thus, if you order your men to roll up their buff-coats, and make forced marches without halting day or night, covering double the usual distance at a stretch,

roll up - aufkrempeln

Buff - starkes Leder, lederfarben, Lederfarbe; abrauen, abrauhen

halting - anhaltend, zögerlich; (halt) anhaltend, zögerlich

covering - Abdeckung; zudeckend; (cover); Deckel, Abdeckung, Versteck

usual - gewöhnlich, üblich

at a stretch - ohne Unterbrechung

[The ordinary day's march, according to Tu Mu, was 30 li; but on one occasion, when pursuing Liu Pei, Ts'ao Ts'ao is said to have covered the incredible distance of 300 li within twenty-four hours.]

pursuing - verfolgend; (pursue); verfolgen, beschreiten, nachjagen

doing a hundred li in order to wrest an advantage, the leaders of all your three divisions will fall into the hands of the enemy.

wrest - Ringen; erzwingen

leaders - Anführer, Anführerin, Leiter, Hauptmann, Kopf, Führer, Führerin

8. The stronger men will be in front, the jaded ones will fall behind, and on this plan only one-tenth of your army will reach its destination.

jaded - abgestumpft; Jade

fall behind - zurückbleiben

tenth - zehnten; zehnte

destination - Zielort; Bestimmung; Reiseziel, Bestimmungsort

9. If you march fifty li in order to outmanĹ"uver the enemy, you will lose the leader of your first division, and only half your force will reach the goal.

[Literally, "the leader of the first division will be torn away."]

torn away - weggerissen

10. If you march thirty li with the same object, two-thirds of your army will arrive.

thirds - Dritteln; dritte, Dritter, Dritte, Drittel

[In the T'ung Tien is added: "From this we may know the difficulty of manĹ"uvering."]

11. We may take it then that an army without its baggage-train is lost; without provisions it is lost; without bases of supply it is lost.

bases - Grundlagen; Bas

[I think Sun Tzŭ meant "stores accumulated in dépôts." But Tu Yu says "fodder and the like," Chang Yu says "Goods in general," and Wang Hsi says "fuel, salt, foodstuffs, etc."]

accumulated - angehäuft; aufstauen, sich vermehren

fodder - Futtermittel; Futter

fuel - Kraftstoff; Brennstoff; betanken; anheizen, schüren

foodstuffs - Lebensmittel; Nahrungsmittel

12. We cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbours.

enter into - einspringen

alliances - Allianzen; Allianz, Zusammenschluss, Verbund, Bund, Bündnis

13. We are not fit to lead an army on the march unless we are familiar with the face of the country"its mountains and forests, its pitfalls and precipices, its marshes and swamps.

Forests - Wälder; Wald, t+Forst, t+Gehölz

pitfalls - Fallstricke; Fallstrick, Fallgrube, Fanggrube, Wildgrube

precipices - Abgründe; Abgrund, Steilhang

marshes - Sümpfe; Marsch, Moor

swamps - Sümpfe; Sumpf, Moor

14. We shall be unable to turn natural advantages to account unless we make use of local guides.

guides - lenken, führen, anleiten, leiten; Handbuch, Anleitung, Führer

[§§. 12-14 are repeated in chap. XI. § 52.]

15. In war, practise dissimulation, and you will succeed.

dissimulation - Verstellung, Verheimlichung

[In the tactics of Turenne, deception of the enemy, especially as to the numerical strength of his troops, took a very prominent position. [2] ]

Move only if there is a real advantage to be gained.

16. Whether to concentrate or to divide your troops, must be decided by circumstances.

17. Let your rapidity be that of the wind,

[The simile is doubly appropriate, because the wind is not only swift but, as Mei Yao-ch'en points out, "invisible and leaves no tracks."]

doubly - zweifach; doppelt

appropriate - angebracht, angemessen, passend, zugewiesen, anpassen, aneignen

your compactness that of the forest.

compactness - Kompaktheit

forest - Wald, Forst, Gehölz, Hain, aufforsten; (fore); Wald, Forst

[Meng Shih comes nearer to the mark in his note: "When slowly marching, order and ranks must be preserved""so as to guard against surprise attacks. But natural forest do not grow in rows, whereas they do generally possess the quality of density or compactness.]

slowly - langsam

preserved - Konserve, Eingemachtes

rows - Reihen; Reihe, Zeile

generally - im Allgemeinen

possess - besitzen

density - Dichte, Massendichte

18. In raiding and plundering be like fire,

raiding - Raubzüge; Razzia, Überfall, überfallen

plundering - ausplündern, plündern, plündern, plündern, ausbeuten

[Cf. Shih Ching, IV. 3. iv. 6: "Fierce as a blazing fire which no man can check."]

fierce - wild, heftig, bedrohlich

blazing - lodernd; Lohe, Brand, Großbrand, brenne, Glut

in immovability like a mountain.

immovability - Unbeweglichkeit; Unerschütterlichkeit

[That is, when holding a position from which the enemy is trying to dislodge you, or perhaps, as Tu Yu says, when he is trying to entice you into a trap.]

dislodge - verdrängen; herauslösen; außer Position bringen

19. Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

impenetrable - undurchdringlich; undurchlässig

[Tu Yu quotes a saying of T'ai Kung which has passed into a proverb: "You cannot shut your ears to the thunder or your eyes to the lighting"so rapid are they." Likewise, an attack should be made so quickly that it cannot be parried.]

passed - bestanden; (to pass) durchgehen, passieren, durchlaufen

proverb - Sprichwort, Denkspruch, Redensart; Proverb

shut - geschlossen; (to shut) schließen, zumachen

parried - pariert; parieren, abwehren

20. When you plunder a countryside, let the spoil be divided amongst your men;

plunder - ausplündern, ausbeuten, Plünderung, Beute, Raubgut

countryside - Landleben; Land

spoil - plündern; ruinieren, verderben, kaputtmachen, verwöhnen

[Sun TzĹ­ wishes to lessen the abuses of indiscriminate plundering by insisting that all booty shall be thrown into a common stock, which may afterwards be fairly divided amongst all.]

lessen - abnehmen; verringern, vermindern, nachlassen, herabsetzen

abuses - Missbräuche; missbrauchen, beschimpfen; Missbrauch, Schmähung

indiscriminate - wahllos

insisting - darauf bestehen; auf , bestehen

booty - Beute

stock - in Bausch und Bogen, Aktien, Inventar

when you capture new territory, cut it up into allotments for the benefit of the soldiery.

allotments - Zuteilungen; Anteil, Schrebergarten; Kleingarten

soldiery - Soldatentum; Soldaten, Soldatinnen, Heeresdienst, Kriegsdienst

[Ch'en Hao says "quarter your soldiers on the land, and let them sow and plant it." It is by acting on this principle, and harvesting the lands they invaded, that the Chinese have succeeded in carrying out some of their most memorable and triumphant expeditions, such as that of Pan Ch'ao who penetrated to the Caspian, and in more recent years, those of Fu-k'ang-an and Tso Tsung-t'ang.]

sow - Sau; aussäen

acting on - einwirkend

harvesting - Ernte, Ernte, Frucht, qualifier

invaded - eindringen, verletzen, überfallen, einmarschieren, einfallen

succeeded - erfolgreich; nachfolgen, gelingen, geraten, nachfolgen

carrying out - (carry out) vollziehen

memorable - erinnerungswürdig; denkwürdig, merkwürdig, einprägsam

triumphant - triumphieren

expeditions - Expeditionen; Expedition

pan - Pfanne, Tiegel

penetrated - durchdrungen; eindringen, penetrieren, penetrieren

21. Ponder and deliberate before you make a move.

ponder - grübeln; überlegen, nachdenken

deliberate - absichtlich, bewusst, vorsätzlich, wohlerwogen, wohlüberlegt

[Chang Yu quotes Wei Liao Tzŭ as saying that we must not break camp until we have gained the resisting power of the enemy and the cleverness of the opposing general. Cf. the "seven comparisons" in I. § 13.]

resisting power - Widerstandskraft

comparisons - Vergleich, Komparation, Vergleichen

22. He will conquer who has learnt the artifice of deviation.

[See supra, §§ 3, 4.]

Such is the art of manĹ"uvering.

[With these words, the chapter would naturally come to an end. But there now follows a long appendix in the shape of an extract from an earlier book on War, now lost, but apparently extant at the time when Sun TzĹ­ wrote. The style of this fragment is not noticeably different from that of Sun TzĹ­ himself, but no commentator raises a doubt as to its genuineness.]

appendix - Anhang, Beiheft

extract - Auszug; Extrakt; entnehmen, herausziehen, entziehen

apparently - offensichtlich, offenbar, scheinbar, anscheinend

extant - existent, bestehend, vorhanden, überlebend

fragment - Fragment, Bruchstück, Satzfragment, fragmentieren

noticeably - spürbar

commentator - Kommentator, Kommentatorin

raises - erhebt; Gehaltszulage; aufsteigen, anheben, erhöhen

doubt - bezweifeln, Zweifel

genuineness - Unverfälschtheit; Aufrichtigkeit, Wahrhaftigkeit, Echtheit

23. The Book of Army management says:

management - Verwaltung , Unternehmen , Leitung ;betriebswirtschaftlich

[It is perhaps significant that none of the earlier commentators give us any information about this work. Mei Yao- Ch'en calls it "an ancient military classic," and Wang Hsi, "an old book on war." Considering the enormous amount of fighting that had gone on for centuries before Sun TzĹ­'s time between the various kingdoms and principalities of China, it is not in itself improbable that a collection of military maxims should have been made and written down at some earlier period.

significant - bedeutsam; signifikant, bedeutend

classic - klassisch; Klassiker

amount - Anzahl, Menge, Betrag, beträgt

kingdoms - Königreiche; Königreich

improbable - unwahrscheinlich

collection - Sammlung, Kollektion, Menge, Sammeln

maxims - Maximen; Grundsatz, Sprichwort, Lebensweisheit

On the field of battle,

[Implied, though not actually in the Chinese.]

implied - angedeutet; implizieren, zur Folge haben, implizieren, bedeuten

the spoken word does not carry far enough: hence the institution of gongs and drums. Nor can ordinary objects be seen clearly enough: hence the institution of banners and flags.

Institution - Institution

gongs - gong

banners - Banner, Fahne, Spruchbanner

24. Gongs and drums, banners and flags, are means whereby the ears and eyes of the host may be focussed on one particular point.

focussed - fokussiert; Brennpunkt, Fokus, Brennpunkt, Fokus, Fokus

particular - besonders; speziell, bestimmt, spezifisch, genau

[Chang Yu says: "If sight and hearing converge simultaneously on the same object, the evolutions of as many as a million soldiers will be like those of a single man."!]

converge - konvergieren, zusammenstreben, zusammenlaufen, zusammengehen

simultaneously - gleichzeitig

25. The host thus forming a single united body, is it impossible either for the brave to advance alone, or for the cowardly to retreat alone.

cowardly - feige

[Chuang Yu quotes a saying: "Equally guilty are those who advance against orders and those who retreat against orders." Tu Mu tells a story in this connection of Wu Ch'i, when he was fighting against the Ch'in State. Before the battle had begun, one of his soldiers, a man of matchless daring, sallied forth by himself, captured two heads from the enemy, and returned to camp.

guilty - schuldig

matchless - unnachahmlich, unvergleichlich

daring - gewagt; mutig; Wagemut, Kühnheit; (dare) gewagt; mutig; Wagemut

Wu Ch'i had the man instantly executed, whereupon an officer ventured to remonstrate, saying: "This man was a good soldier, and ought not to have been beheaded." Wu Ch'i replied: "I fully believe he was a good soldier, but I had him beheaded because he acted without orders."]

instantly - sofort; unmittelbar

executed - ausgeführt; hinrichten, ausführen, durchführen, ausführen

officer - Funktionär, Funktionärin, Beamter, Beamtin, Offizier, Offizierin

ventured - gewagt; Wagnis

remonstrate - protestieren, missbilligen, einwenden, remonstrieren

beheaded - enthauptet; enthaupten, köpfen

This is the art of handling large masses of men.

handling - Handhabung; Fahrverhalten, Warenumschlag

masses - Massen; Messe (kirchlich), Gottesdienst, Menge

26. In night-fighting, then, make much use of signal-fires and drums, and in fighting by day, of flags and banners, as a means of influencing the ears and eyes of your army.

influencing - Einfluss, Beeinflussung, Einfluss, Beeinflusser, Einfluss

[Ch'en Hao alludes to Li Kuang-pi's night ride to Ho-yang at the head of 500 mounted men; they made such an imposing display with torches, that though the rebel leader Shih Ssu-ming had a large army, he did not dare to dispute their passage.]

mounted - montiert; Reittier, Berg, Lafette (Waffe); einbauen, aufsteigen

imposing - imposant; auferlegen, aufzwingen, auferlegen

torches - Fackeln; Fackel, anzünden

rebel - rebellieren; Rebell; auflehnen, aufbäumen

dare - sich getrauen, wagen, jemanden herausfordern

27. A whole army may be robbed of its spirit;

robbed - ausgeraubt; rauben, berauben, Raubbau treiben, ausrauben

["In war," says Chang Yu, "if a spirit of anger can be made to pervade all ranks of an army at one and the same time, its onset will be irresistible. Now the spirit of the enemy's soldiers will be keenest when they have newly arrived on the scene, and it is therefore our cue not to fight at once, but to wait until their ardor and enthusiasm have worn off, and then strike. It is in this way that they may be robbed of their keen spirit." Li Ch'uan and others tell an anecdote (to be found in the Tso Chuan, year 10, § 1) of Ts'ao Kuei, a protege of Duke Chuang of Lu. The latter State was attacked by Ch'i, and the duke was about to join battle at Ch'ang-cho, after the first roll of the enemy's drums, when Ts'ao said: "Not just yet." Only after their drums had beaten for the third time, did he give the word for attack.

pervade - durchdringen; durchziehen

keenest - am schärfsten; eifrig, scharf

newly - neu

cue - Stichwort; Aufruf, Billardstock, Billardqueue

ardor - Leidenschaft; Begeisterung, Feuereifer, Hitze, Überschwang

protege - Schützling

Not just yet - Nicht gerade jetzt!

beaten - besiegt; Schlag; jdn. bezwingen

Then they fought, and the men of Ch'i were utterly defeated. Questioned afterwards by the Duke as to the meaning of his delay, Ts'ao Kuei replied: "In battle, a courageous spirit is everything. Now the first roll of the drum tends to create this spirit, but with the second it is already on the wane, and after the third it is gone altogether. I attacked when their spirit was gone and ours was at its height. Hence our victory." Wu TzĹ­ (chap. 4) puts "spirit" first among the "four important influences" in war, and continues: "The value of a whole army"a mighty host of a million men"is dependent on one man alone: such is the influence of spirit!"]

courageous - mutig

drum - Trommel

tends - neigt; abzielen

wane - abnehmen, abflauen, schwinden

altogether - ganz und gar, ohne Ausnahme, ausnahmslos, insgesamt

influences - Einflüsse; Einfluss, Beeinflussung, Einfluss, Beeinflusser

continues - fortsetzen, weiterhin

mighty - gewaltig, mächtig

dependent - abhängig, angewiesen, Unterhaltsempfänger

a commander-in-chief may be robbed of his presence of mind.

[Chang Yu says: "Presence of mind is the general's most important asset. It is the quality which enables him to discipline disorder and to inspire courage into the panic-stricken." The great general Li Ching (A.D. 571-649) has a saying: "Attacking does not merely consist in assaulting walled cities or striking at an army in battle array; it must include the art of assailing the enemy's mental equilibrium."]

asset - Aktiva, Vermögenswert, Anlage, Gut

inspire - inspirieren; beatmen, einhauchen, einflößen, checkbegeistern

panic - Panik, panisch

stricken - angeschlagen; ergriffen, heimgesucht, betroffen

consist - zusammensetzend, besteht aus; bestehen (aus)

assailing - angreifen; anstürmend; (assail); angreifen

equilibrium - Gleichgewicht, Balance, Ausgeglichenheit

28. Now a soldier's spirit is keenest in the morning;

[Always provided, I suppose, that he has had breakfast. At the battle of the Trebia, the Romans were foolishly allowed to fight fasting, whereas Hannibal's men had breakfasted at their leisure. See Livy, XXI, liv. 8, lv. 1 and 8.]

had breakfast - frühstückte

Romans - Die Römer; Römer; röm. römisch, römisch

foolishly - töricht; dummerweise (aus Dummheit), albernes

leisure - Muße; Freizeit

by noonday it has begun to flag; and in the evening, his mind is bent only on returning to camp.

noonday - Mittag, Mittagszeit

flag - markieren, beflaggen, kennzeichnen; Kennzeichen, Platte, Flag

29. A clever general, therefore, avoids an army when its spirit is keen, but attacks it when it is sluggish and inclined to return. This is the art of studying moods.

avoids - vermeidet; ausweichen, meiden, fernbleiben, vermeiden

sluggish - träge; faul, schwach, inaktiv, lustlos

moods - Stimmungen; Anwandlung, Stimmung, launisch

30. Disciplined and calm, to await the appearance of disorder and hubbub amongst the enemy:"this is the art of retaining self-possession.

Calm - ruhig; windstill; Ruhe; Windstille; beruhigen, ruhig stellen

await - abwarten; erwarten, harren, warten

hubbub - Tumult, Wirrwarr, Tohuwabohu, Trubel

retaining - zurückhaltend; behalten, festhalten

possession - Gut; Besessenheit; Ballbesitz

31. To be near the goal while the enemy is still far from it, to wait at ease while the enemy is toiling and struggling, to be well-fed while the enemy is famished:"this is the art of husbanding one's strength.

at ease - ungezwungen

toiling - schuftend, quälend; (toil); Mühe; schuften, sich plagen

struggling - sich abmühen; kämpfend, ringend; (struggle); Kampf, Gefecht

famished - verhungert; verhungern, hungern

32. To refrain from intercepting an enemy whose banners are in perfect order, to refrain from attacking an army drawn up in calm and confident array:"this is the art of studying circumstances.

refrain from - unterlassen, bleiben lassen

intercepting - abzufangen; abfangen, abfangen, Achsenabschnitt

33. It is a military axiom not to advance uphill against the enemy, nor to oppose him when he comes downhill.

axiom - Axiom, Annahme, Postulat, Grundannahme

uphill - bergauf

downhill - bergab; Abfahrt

34. Do not pursue an enemy who simulates flight; do not attack soldiers whose temper is keen.

pursue - verfolgen, beschreiten, nachjagen, nachgehen

simulates - simuliert; simulieren, nachahmen

35. Do not swallow a bait offered by the enemy.

swallow - schlucken, verschlingen, anbeißen, einstecken

[Li Ch'uan and Tu Mu, with extraordinary inability to see a metaphor, take these words quite literally of food and drink that have been poisoned by the enemy. Ch'en Hao and Chang Yu carefully point out that the saying has a wider application.]

inability - Unfähigkeit, Unvermögen

poisoned - vergiftet; Gift

wider - breiter; breit, weit

application - Anwendung; Anwendung, Applikation, App, Antrag, Bewerbung

Do not interfere with an army that is returning home.

interfere - eingreifen, einmischen

returning home - heimgehend

[The commentators explain this rather singular piece of advice by saying that a man whose heart is set on returning home will fight to the death against any attempt to bar his way, and is therefore too dangerous an opponent to be tackled. Chang Yu quotes the words of Han Hsin: "Invincible is the soldier who hath his desire and returneth homewards." A marvelous tale is told of Ts'ao Ts'ao's courage and resource in ch. 1 of the San Kuo Chi, In 198 A.D., he was besieging Chang Hsiu in Jang, when Liu Piao sent reinforcements with a view to cutting off Ts'ao's retreat. The latter was obliged to draw off his troops, only to find himself hemmed in between two enemies, who were guarding each outlet of a narrow pass in which he had engaged himself.

singular - einzeln; einzigartig; ungewöhnlich; singularisch; singulär; Einzahl

heart - Herz, Herzstück

bar - Takt; Schankstube; Latte (Sport); Balken, Leiste, Stange, Strich

tackled - in Angriff genommen; Angel, Tackling

invincible - unbesiegbar

returneth - zurückkehrt

homewards - nach Hause; (homeward journey) Heimfahrt, heimwärts

marvelous - Wunderbar

Tale - Geschichte, Erzählung, Fabel

San - Speichernetzwerk

besieging - belagernd; (besiege); belagern, einkesseln, umzingeln, umstellen

draw off - abzapfen

hemmed - gesäumt; säumen, einfassen, einsäumen, einschließen [Mil.]; Saum

enemies - Feinde; Feind, Feindin, Gegner, Gegnerin, feindlich

guarding - Bewachung; Wächter, Parierstange, Schutz, schützen, bewachen

outlet - Steckdose; Ausgang, Auslass, Direktverkauf, Werksverkauf

pass in - einreichen

In this desperate plight Ts'ao waited until nightfall, when he bored a tunnel into the mountain side and laid an ambush in it. As soon as the whole army had passed by, the hidden troops fell on his rear, while Ts'ao himself turned and met his pursuers in front, so that they were thrown into confusion and annihilated. Ts'ao Ts'ao said afterwards: "The brigands tried to check my army in its retreat and brought me to battle in a desperate position: hence I knew how to overcome them."]

desperate - verzweifelt bemüht, sehnsuchtsvoll verlangend, aussichtslos

plight - Notlage; sich verloben; Misere, schlimmer Zustand, Verlobung

nightfall - Einbruch der Nacht, Einbruch der Dunkelheit, Zwielicht

tunnel - Tunnel, Stollen

hidden - versteckt; verbergen, verheimlichen, verstecken, verdecken

annihilated - ausgelöscht; vernichten

brigands - Räuber; Brigant

overcome - überwunden; überwinden

36. When you surround an army, leave an outlet free.

[This does not mean that the enemy is to be allowed to escape. The object, as Tu Mu puts it, is "to make him believe that there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair." Tu Mu adds pleasantly: "After that, you may crush him."]

escape - entgehen, ausweichen, davonkommen, Flucht

pleasantly - angenehme, angenehm

Do not press a desperate foe too hard.

press - Presse (Maschine), Presse (Zeitung); drängen, drücken

[Ch'en Hao quotes the saying: "Birds and beasts when brought to bay will use their claws and teeth." Chang Yu says: "If your adversary has burned his boats and destroyed his cooking-pots, and is ready to stake all on the issue of a battle, he must not be pushed to extremities." Ho Shih illustrates the meaning by a story taken from the life of Yen-ch'ing. That general, together with his colleague Tu Chung-wei was surrounded by a vastly superior army of Khitans in the year 945 A.D. The country was bare and desert-like, and the little Chinese force was soon in dire straits for want of water. The wells they bored ran dry, and the men were reduced to squeezing lumps of mud and sucking out the moisture. Their ranks thinned rapidly, until at last Fu Yen-ch'ing exclaimed: "We are desperate men.

beasts - Biester; Tier

bay - Erker, Bucht, Gestell, Bellen

claws - Krallen; zerkratzen; Kralle, Fang (Vogelkralle), Klaue

burned - verbrannt; brennen, feuern, leuchten

destroyed - zerstört; zerstören, vernichten, qualifier

pots - Töpfe; Blumentopf

stake - Pfahl, Pflock, Marterpfahl, Scheiterhaufen, Anteil, Einsatz

issue - Problem; ausgehen

pushed - geschoben; schieben, drängen, stoßen

extremities - Extremitäten; Extremität, äußerstes Ende

illustrates - veranschaulicht; illustrieren, illustrieren

Yen - der Yen

colleague - Kollege, Kollegin, Mitarbeiter, Mitarbeiterin

desert - Wüste, wüst, Ă–de; verlassen, desertieren, im Stich lassen

dry - trocken; trocknen, abtrocknen

reduced - ermäßigt; reduzieren, herabsetzen, vermindern, abnehmen

squeezing - abquetschend, quetschend; (squeeze); drücken, klemmen, pressen

lumps - Klumpen, Kloß, Stück

mud - Schmutz, Schlamm; Rollenspiel im Internet

sucking - Saugen; (suck); saugen; lutschen; mies sein, zum Kotzen sein

moisture - Feuchtigkeit, Nässe

exclaimed - ausgerufen; ausrufen

Far better to die for our country than to go with fettered hands into captivity!" A strong gale happened to be blowing from the northeast and darkening the air with dense clouds of sandy dust. To Chung-wei was for waiting until this had abated before deciding on a final attack; but luckily another officer, Li Shou-cheng by name, was quicker to see an opportunity, and said: "They are many and we are few, but in the midst of this sandstorm our numbers will not be discernible; victory will go to the strenuous fighter, and the wind will be our best ally." Accordingly, Fu Yen-ch'ing made a sudden and wholly unexpected onslaught with his cavalry, routed the barbarians and succeeded in breaking through to safety.]

fettered - gefesselt; Fessel; q

captivity - Gefangenschaft

gale - Orkan; Sturm

blowing - (to blow) blasen, wehen, pusten

northeast - Nordosten

darkening - Verdunkelung; verdunkeln, verdunkeln

dense - dicht

Sandy - sandig, sandfarben

dust - Staub; entstauben, abstauben, ein Sandbad nehmen, sandbaden

abated - nachgelassen; vermindern, verzehren (Rauch), verringern

luckily - glücklicherweise, auf glückliche Weise, mit Glück, zum Glück

by name - namentlich

midst - mittendrin; Mitten, Mitte, inmitten

sandstorm - Sandsturm

discernible - wahrnehmbar; erkennbar

strenuous - anstrengend

ally - Verbündeten; vereinigen, verbinden; Bündnispartner, Verbündete

onslaught - Angriff, Ansturm, Strum

barbarians - Barbaren; barbarisch, Barbar, Barbarin, Barbar, Barbar

breaking through - durchbrechend

37. Such is the art of warfare.

[1] See Col. Henderson, op. cit. vol. I. p. 426.

op - Teesorte

cit - Zitat

[2] For a number of maxims on this head, see "Marshal Turenne" (Longmans, 1907), p. 29.

Marshal - Marschall, Feldmarschall


variation - Veränderung; Variante; Variation

[The heading means literally "The Nine Variations," but as Sun TzĹ­ does not appear to enumerate these, and as, indeed, he has already told us (V §§ 6-11) that such deflections from the ordinary course are practically innumerable, we have little option but to follow Wang Hsi, who says that "Nine" stands for an indefinitely large number. "All it means is that in warfare we ought to vary our tactics to the utmost degree¦.

variations - Variationen; Veränderung, Variante, Variation

enumerate - aufzählen

deflections - Ablenkungen; Ablenkung, Ablenkung

innumerable - Unzählige

option - Alternative, Option

indefinitely - auf unbestimmte Zeit

vary - variieren; verändern; sich ändern, checkvariieren

I do not know what Ts'ao Kung makes these Nine Variations out to be, but it has been suggested that they are connected with the Nine Situations" - of chapt. XI. This is the view adopted by Chang Yu. The only other alternative is to suppose that something has been lost"a supposition to which the unusual shortness of the chapter lends some weight.]

connected - verbunden; verbinden, anschließen, verbinden

chapt - Bursche, Riss (in der Haut)

adopted - angenommen; adoptieren, annehmen, übernehmen

supposition - Vermutung; Annahme, Supposition, Annehmen

shortness - Knappheit; Kürze

lends - leiht; leihen

1. Sun TzĹ­ said: In war, the general receives his commands from the sovereign, collects his army and concentrates his forces.

collects - sammelt; eintreiben (Schulden), sammeln, einsammeln

concentrates - Konzentrate; konzentrieren, sich konzentrieren, konzentrieren

[Repeated from VII. § 1, where it is certainly more in place. It may have been interpolated here merely in order to supply a beginning to the chapter.]

interpolated - interpoliert; interpolieren

2. When in difficult country, do not encamp. In country where high roads intersect, join hands with your allies. Do not linger in dangerously isolated positions.

encamp - einlagern; lagern

intersect - kreuzen; erman: sich schneiden

linger - herumlungern, verzögern, Zeit brauchen, verweilen

dangerously - Gefährlich

[The last situation is not one of the Nine Situations as given in the beginning of chap. XI, but occurs later on (ibid. § 43. q.v.). Chang Yu defines this situation as being situated across the frontier, in hostile territory. Li Ch'uan says it is "country in which there are no springs or wells, flocks or herds, vegetables or firewood;" Chia Lin, "one of gorges, chasms and precipices, without a road by which to advance."]

given in - eingelenkt

occurs - auftritt; passieren, vorkommen, stattfinden, vorkommen

situated - gelegen; aufstellen, unterbringen

flocks - Schwärme; (to flock together) sich rotten, sich zusammenrotten

herds - Herden; Herde

firewood - Brennholz, Feuerholz

gorges - Schluchten; Schlucht, Kehle; ich/er/sie fräße, fressen

chasms - Abgründe; Abgrund, Kluft, Spalte, Kluft

In hemmed-in situations, you must resort to stratagem. In a desperate position, you must fight.

resort - Ferienort; umsortieren; Badeort (Seebad)

3. There are roads which must not be followed,

["Especially those leading through narrow defiles," says Li Ch'uan, "where an ambush is to be feared."]

defiles - verunreinigt; defilieren

feared - gefürchtet; fürchten, befürchten, Angst haben; Furcht, Schreck

armies which must be not attacked,

[More correctly, perhaps, "there are times when an army must not be attacked." Ch'en Hao says: "When you see your way to obtain a rival advantage, but are powerless to inflict a real defeat, refrain from attacking, for fear of overtaxing your men's strength."]

rival - Rivalen; Gegner, Rivale, Konkurrent, Gegnerin

powerless - kraftlos; machtlos

refrain - zurückhalten; Refrain, Kehrreim

overtaxing - überfordernd; überbesteuern

towns which must not be besieged,

besieged - belagert; belagern, einkesseln, umzingeln, umstellen, belagern

[Cf. III. § 4 Ts'ao Kung gives an interesting illustration from his own experience. When invading the territory of Hsu-chou, he ignored the city of Hua-pi, which lay directly in his path, and pressed on into the heart of the country. This excellent strategy was rewarded by the subsequent capture of no fewer than fourteen important district cities. Chang Yu says: "No town should be attacked which, if taken, cannot be held, or if left alone, will not cause any trouble." Hsun Ying, when urged to attack Pi-yang, replied: "The city is small and well-fortified; even if I succeed intaking it, it will be no great feat of arms; whereas if I fail, I shall make myself a laughing-stock.

illustration - Illustration

ignored - ignoriert; ignorieren, missachten

path - Weg, Pfad

pressed - gedrückt; (pre) vor..

excellent - ausgezeichnet, hervorragend, großartig

subsequent - anschließend, später, darauffolgend

district - Bezirk, Kreis, Landkreis, Stadtteil

held - gehalten; innehaben

urged - gedrängt; Drang, drängen, mahnen, treiben, anspornen

intaking - Einnahme

feat - Leistung; Kunststück

myself - mich selbst; mich

In the seventeenth century, sieges still formed a large proportion of war. It was Turenne who directed attention to the importance of marches, countermarches and manĹ"uvers. He said: "It is a great mistake to waste men in taking a town when the same expenditure of soldiers will gain a province." [1] ]

seventeenth - siebzehnten; siebzehnter; siebzehnte

proportion - Verhältnis; Teil, Proportion, Anteil

province - Provinz, Land

positions which must not be contested, commands of the sovereign which must not be obeyed.

contested - angefochten; Auseinandersetzung, Debatte, Wettkampf, Wettbewerb

obeyed - gehorcht; gehorchen, befolgen

[This is a hard saying for the Chinese, with their reverence for authority, and Wei Liao TzĹ­ (quoted by Tu Mu) is moved to exclaim: "Weapons are baleful instruments, strife is antagonistic to virtue, a military commander is the negation of civil order!" The unpalatable fact remains, however, that even Imperial wishes must be subordinated to military necessity.]

reverence - Ehrfurcht, Bewunderung, Verehrung, Hochachtung, Ehrerbietung

exclaim - ausrufen

baleful - verderblich, unheilvoll

instruments - Instrumente; Instrument

strife - Streit, Unfriede

antagonistic - antagonistisch

virtue - Tugend; Keuschheit

negation - Verneinung, Negierung, Negation

unpalatable - ungenießbar

Imperial - kaiserlich; imperial

subordinated - untergeordnet, nachgeordnet, untergeordnet, nachgeordnet

necessity - Notwendigkeit, Nezessität, Not, Bedürfnis

4. The general who thoroughly understands the advantages that accompany variation of tactics knows how to handle his troops.

accompany - begleiten, geleiten, beiliegen

5. The general who does not understand these, may be well acquainted with the configuration of the country, yet he will not be able to turn his knowledge to practical account.

configuration - Konfiguration

[Literally, "get the advantage of the ground," which means not only securing good positions, but availing oneself of natural advantages in every possible way. Chang Yu says: "Every kind of ground is characterized by certain natural features, and also gives scope for a certain variability of plan. How it is possible to turn these natural features to account unless topographical knowledge is supplemented by versatility of mind?"]

securing - sicher, geschützt, beschützt, sicher, geschützt, sicher, sicher

availing - zur Verfügung; ausnutzen, helfen, nützen, Erfolg

oneself - sich selbst; selbst, sich

characterized - gekennzeichnet; charakterisieren, charakterisieren

features - Merkmale; Besonderheit, Charakteristikum

scope - Umfang; Zielfernrohr (am Gewehr); Bereich, Kompetenzbereich

variability - Variabilität

topographical - topographisch

supplemented - aufgestockt; Nachtrag; q

versatility - Vielseitigkeit, Einsatzvielfalt, vielseitige Anwendbarkeit

6. So, the student of war who is unversed in the art of war of varying his plans, even though he be acquainted with the Five Advantages, will fail to make the best use of his men.

unversed - unerfahren

be acquainted with - bekannt sein mit

[Chia Lin tells us that these imply five obvious and generally advantageous lines of action, namely: "if a certain road is short, it must be followed; if an army is isolated, it must be attacked; if a town is in a parlous condition, it must be besieged; if a position can be stormed, it must be attempted; and if consistent with military operations, the ruler's commands must be obeyed." But there are circumstances which sometimes forbid a general to use these advantages. For instance, "a certain road may be the shortest way for him, but if he knows that it abounds in natural obstacles, or that the enemy has laid an ambush on it, he will not follow that road.

imply - implizieren, zur Folge haben, bedeuten

parlous - prekär; furchtbar

stormed - gestürmt; stürmen; Sturm

attempted - Versucht; versuchen, Versuch, Bestreben

consistent - konsequent

forbid - verbieten, untersagen, verweigern, vorenthalten

abounds - im Überfluss; in

A hostile force may be open to attack, but if he knows that it is hard-pressed and likely to fight with desperation, he will refrain from striking," and so on.]

pressed - gedrückt; Presse (Maschine), Presse (Zeitung); drängen, drücken

desperation - Verzweiflung

7. Hence in the wise leader's plans, considerations of advantage and of disadvantage will be blended together.

disadvantage - Nachteil

blended - gemischt; Mischung, mischen, mixen, vermischen

["Whether in an advantageous position or a disadvantageous one," says Ts'ao Kung, "the opposite state should be always present to your mind."]

disadvantageous - nachteilig

8. If our expectation of advantage be tempered in this way, we may succeed in accomplishing the essential part of our schemes.

expectation - Erwartung

tempered - temperiert; Gereiztheit, Laune, Temperament

accomplishing - zu erreichen; vollenden, vollenden, vollenden, vollenden

essential - unerlässlich; essenziell, notwendig, unverzichtbar, wesentlich

[Tu Mu says: "If we wish to wrest an advantage from the enemy, we must not fix our minds on that alone, but allow for the possibility of the enemy also doing some harm to us, and let this enter as a factor into our calculations."]

Fix - reparieren, flicken, fixieren, befestigen

enter - reingehen, hineingehen, hereingehen, eintreten

9. If, on the other hand, in the midst of difficulties we are always ready to seize an advantage, we may extricate ourselves from misfortune.

difficulties - Schwierigkeiten; Schwierigkeit

seize - ergreifen, fassen, packen, beschlagnahmen, erfassen

extricate - befreien

[Tu Mu says: "If I wish to extricate myself from a dangerous position, I must consider not only the enemy's ability to injure me, but also my own ability to gain an advantage over the enemy. If in my counsels these two considerations are properly blended, I shall succeed in liberating myself¦. For instance; if I am surrounded by the enemy and only think of effecting an escape, the nervelessness of my policy will incite my adversary to pursue and crush me; it would be far better to encourage my men to deliver a bold counter-attack, and use the advantage thus gained to free myself from the enemy's toils." See the story of Ts'ao Ts'ao, VII. § 35, note.

Consider - überlegen; halten; betrachten, in Betracht ziehen

injure - verletzen

counsels - berät; Beratung, Rat, Ratschlag, Anwalt, Anwältin

blended - gemischt; Blende (Erz)

liberating - befreiend; befreien

effecting - Auswirkung, Wirkung, Eindruck, Effekt, Effekt, Eindruck, Effekt

nervelessness - Unerschrockenheit; Feigheit

incite - anstiften; anstacheln

encourage - ermutigen, ermuntern, empfehlen

bold - kräftig, kühn, klar, keck, heftig, deutlich, fett

counter - Zähler, Ladentisch; kontern

toils - Mühen; Mühe, schuften, sich plagen, sich quälen, roboten

10. Reduce the hostile chiefs by inflicting damage on them;

reduce - reduzieren, herabsetzen, vermindern, abnehmen, checkreduzieren

chiefs - Häuptlinge; Häuptling, Oberhaupt

[Chia Lin enumerates several ways of inflicting this injury, some of which would only occur to the Oriental mind:""Entice away the enemy's best and wisest men, so that he may be left without counselors. Introduce traitors into his country, that the government policy may be rendered futile. Foment intrigue and deceit, and thus sow dissension between the ruler and his ministers. By means of every artful contrivance, cause deterioration amongst his men and waste of his treasure.

enumerates - aufzählt; aufzählen

Oriental - orientalisch, Orientale, östlich

counselors - Betreuer; Berater, Beraterin

traitors - Verräter, Verräterin, Vaterlandsverräter, Vaterlandsverräterin

foment - schüren; fördern

intrigue - Intrige; intrigieren; faszinieren

deceit - Betrügerei, Betrug, Täuschung, Falschheit

dissension - Uneinigkeit, Meinungsverschiedenheit

ministers - Ministerinnen und Minister; Gesandter, Pastor, Minister

artful - kunstvoll; geschickt, trickreich

contrivance - Einfallsreichtum; Vorrichtung, Maschinerie, Apparat, Behelf

deterioration - Verschlimmerung, Verschlechterung, Verschärfung, Abgrund

Corrupt his morals by insidious gifts leading him into excess. Disturb and unsettle his mind by presenting him with lovely women." Chang Yu (after Wang Hsi) makes a different interpretation of Sun TzĹ­ here: "Get the enemy into a position where he must suffer injury, and he will submit of his own accord."]

corrupt - korrupt; verderben, korrumpieren

morals - moralisch, moralisch, sittlich, moralisch, moralisch, Moral

insidious - heimtückisch

gifts - Geschenke; Geschenk

excess - Exzess; Überfluss; Überschuss, Übermaß, Völlerei

disturb - stören

unsettle - verunsichern; verwirren, beunruhigen

lovely - schön, hübsch, wunderbar, herrlich

submit - sich fügen; vorlegen, einreichen, unterwerfen

and make trouble for them,

[Tu Mu, in this phrase, in his interpretation indicates that trouble should be made for the enemy affecting their "possessions," or, as we might say, "assets," which he considers to be "a large army, a rich exchequer, harmony amongst the soldiers, punctual fulfillment of commands." These give us a whip-hand over the enemy.]

affecting - beeinflussen; beeinträchtigen, eine Vorliebe haben für, bewohnen

possessions - Besitztümer; Gut

assets - Vermögenswerte; Aktiva

punctual - pünktlich

fulfillment - Vollziehung, Erfüllung

whip - Peitsche, Knute, Zagel, peitschen, auspeitschen

and keep them constantly engaged;

[Literally, "make servants of them." Tu Yu says "prevent them from having any rest."]

servants - Diener, Dienerin, Lakai, Kammerdiener, Zofe, Bediensteter

hold out specious allurements, and make them rush to any given point.

specious - fadenscheinig; trügerisch

allurements - Verlockungen; Lockung

[Meng Shih's note contains an excellent example of the idiomatic use of: "cause them to forget pien (the reasons for acting otherwise than on their first impulse), and hasten in our direction."]

idiomatic - idiomatisch

acting - Schauspielerei; amtierend, stellvertretend, geschäftsführend

impulse - Anstoß; Impuls, Triebkraft, Drang, innerer Antrieb, Kraftstoß

direction - Richtung; Führung; Regie

11. The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.

readiness - Bereitschaft

receive - bekommen, erhalten, empfangen, kriegen

chance - riskieren, zufällig geschehen; Chance, Zufall, Gelegenheit

unassailable - unanfechtbar

12. There are five dangerous faults which may affect a general: (1) Recklessness, which leads to destruction;

faults - Fehlern; Fehler, Schuld, Fehler, Charakterschwäche, Verfehlung

affect - beeinflussen; beeinträchtigen, eine Vorliebe haben für, bewohnen

recklessness - Leichtsinnigkeit, Fahrlässigkeit, Gewagtheit

destruction - Zerstörung, Vernichtung

["Bravery without forethought," as Ts'ao Kung analyzes it, which causes a man to fight blindly and desperately like a mad bull. Such an opponent, says Chang Yu, "must not be encountered with brute force, but may be lured into an ambush and slain." Cf. Wu TzĹ­, chap. IV. ad init.: "In estimating the character of a general, men are wont to pay exclusive attention to his courage, forgetting that courage is only one out of many qualities which a general should possess. The merely brave man is prone to fight recklessly; and he who fights recklessly, without any perception of what is expedient, must be condemned.

bravery - Tapferkeit

forethought - Voraussicht; Vorsorge, Vorbedacht

analyzes - analysiert; untersuchen; analysieren

blindly - blindlings

desperately - verzweifelt

mad - wahnsinnig, verrückt, toll, irre

Bull - Bulle, Stier

encountered - begegnet; treffen, begegnen, Begegnung, Treffen

brute force - rohe Gewalt

lured - gelockt; Lure

Estimating - Schätzung, Abschätzung, Kostenvoranschlag, abschätzen, schätzen

character - Figur, Person, Charakter, Original, Buchstabe, Zeichen

wont - nicht

exclusive - ausschließlich; exklusiv

prone - in Bauchlage; schräg; anfällig, geneigt

recklessly - leichtsinnig; rücksichtslos

expedient - zweckmäßig; angebracht, opportun, hilfreich, passend

Ssu-ma Fa, too, makes the incisive remark: "Simply going to one's death does not bring about victory."]

incisive - prägnant

remark - bemerken; Anmerkung, Bemerkung

bring about - zu Stande bringen, zustande [alt] bringen

(2) cowardice, which leads to capture;

[Ts'ao Kung defines the Chinese word translated here as "cowardice" as being of the man "whom timidity prevents from advancing to seize an advantage," and Wang Hsi adds "who is quick to flee at the sight of danger." Meng Shih gives the closer paraphrase "he who is bent on returning alive," this is, the man who will never take a risk. But, as Sun TzĹ­ knew, nothing is to be achieved in war unless you are willing to take risks. T'ai Kung said: "He who lets an advantage slip will subsequently bring upon himself real disaster." In 404 A.D., Liu Yu pursued the rebel Huan Hsuan up the Yangtsze and fought a naval battle with him at the island of Ch'eng-hung. The loyal troops numbered only a few thousands, while their opponents were in great force. But Huan Hsuan, fearing the fate which was in store for him should be be overcome, had a light boat made fast to the side of his war-junk, so that he might escape, if necessary, at a moment's notice.

prevents - verhindert; verhindern, vorbeugen

bent on - versessen sein

alive - lebendig

risks - Risiken; Risiko

disaster - Katastrophe; Desaster

naval battle - Seeschlacht

hung - aufgehängt; hängen

loyal - loyal, treu

fearing - fürchten, befürchten, Angst haben; Furcht, Schreck, Befürchtung

in store - vorrätig

junk - Schrott; Klamotte, Kluft (Kleider), Klamotten

at a moment's notice - jeden Augenblick

The natural result was that the fighting spirit of his soldiers was utterly quenched, and when the loyalists made an attack from windward with fireships, all striving with the utmost ardor to be first in the fray, Huan Hsuan's forces were routed, had to burn all their baggage and fled for two days and nights without stopping. Chang Yu tells a somewhat similar story of Chao Ying-ch'i, a general of the Chin State who during a battle with the army of Ch'u in 597 B.C. had a boat kept in readiness for him on the river, wishing in case of defeat to be the first to get across.]

fighting spirit - Kampfgeist

quenched - abgeschreckt; stillen, löschen, löschen, ablöschen, verlöschen

loyalists - Loyalisten; Loyalist, Loyalistin

windward - luvwärts gelegen, windwärts gelegen, im Wind gelegen

striving - bestrebend, strebsam, strebend; (strive) bestrebend, strebsam

fray - Gefecht (auch fig.), Schlägerei; ausfransen

burn - verbrennen; brennen, feuern, leuchten

fled - geflohen; fliehen, flüchten, fliehen, entfliehen, flüchten

wishing - (wish) wünschen, möchten; (wish); Wunsch; wünschen

(3) a hasty temper, which can be provoked by insults;

provoked - provoziert; provozieren, aufreizen, aufwühlen, aufhetzen

insults - Beleidigungen; beleidigen, Beleidigung, Kränkung, Verletzung

[Tu Mu tells us that Yao Hsing, when opposed in 357 A.D. by Huang Mei, Teng Ch'iang and others shut himself up behind his walls and refused to fight. Teng Ch'iang said: "Our adversary is of a choleric temper and easily provoked; let us make constant sallies and break down his walls, then he will grow angry and come out. Once we can bring his force to battle, it is doomed to be our prey." This plan was acted upon, Yao Hsiang came out to fight, was lured as far as San-yuan by the enemy's pretended flight, and finally attacked and slain.

refused - abgelehnt; Müll; abweisen, verweigern, abschlagen, ablehnen

easily - leicht

sallies - Streifzüge; aufbrechen

doomed - dem Untergang geweiht; Bann, Urteil

prey - Beute; lauern, auflauern

lured - gelockt; ködern; Köder

pretended - vorgetäuscht; vorgeben, prätendieren, vortäuschen, so tun

(4) a delicacy of honour which is sensitive to shame;

delicacy - Feinheit, Zartheit, Delikatesse, Leckerbissen, Köstlichkeit

honour - Ehrung, Ehre; ehren; beehren, akzeptieren, annehmen, honorieren

sensitive - empfindlich, sensibel

shame - Schamgefühl; Scham, Schande

This need not be taken to mean that a sense of honour is really a defect in a general. What Sun TzĹ­ condemns is rather an exaggerated sensitiveness to slanderous reports, the thin-skinned man who is stung by opprobrium, however undeserved. Mei Yao-ch'en truly observes, though somewhat paradoxically: "The seeker after glory should be careless of public opinion."]

sense of honour - Ehrgefühl

defect - Fehler, Defekt, überlaufen, zurückziehen

condemns - verurteilt; verurteilen, verurteilen, verdammen, verurteilen

exaggerated - Übertrieben; übertreiben

sensitiveness - Feingefühl, Empfindlichkeit

slanderous - verleumderisch

skinned - gehäutet; Haut, Haut, tHäutchen

stung - gestochen; Stachel, brennender Schmerz

opprobrium - Missbilligung; Opprobration

paradoxically - paradoxerweise

seeker - Suchender, Sucher, Sucherin

glory - Pracht, Herrlichkeit, Prunk, Gepränge, Ruhm

careless - unvorsichtig, unbedacht, unachtsam, leichtsinnig

public - öffentlich; Publikum, Öffentlichkeit

(5) over-solicitude for his men, which exposes him to worry and trouble.

solicitude - Fürsorge; Besorgnis, Besorgtheit

exposes - entlarvt; aufdecken, offenbaren, entblößen, bloßlegen

worry - besorgt sein, sich Sorgen machen, besorgen, Sorge

[Here again, Sun TzĹ­ does not mean that the general is to be careless of the welfare of his troops. All he wishes to emphasize is the danger of sacrificing any important military advantage to the immediate comfort of his men. This is a shortsighted policy, because in the long run the troops will suffer more from the defeat, or, at best, the prolongation of the war, which will be the consequence. A mistaken feeling of pity will often induce a general to relieve a beleaguered city, or to reinforce a hard-pressed detachment, contrary to his military instincts. It is now generally admitted that our repeated efforts to relieve Ladysmith in the South African War were so many strategical blunders which defeated their own purpose.

welfare - Wohlergehen, Wohlfahrt, Sozialhilfe

emphasize - betonen, unterstreichen, hervorheben, akzentuieren

sacrificing - opfern, opfern, Opfer

immediate - sofortig; unmittelbar, immediat

comfort - Behaglichkeit, Bequemlichkeit, Komfort, Trost, Tröstung

shortsighted - kurzsichtig

prolongation - Verlängerung, Prolongation

consequence - Konsequenz, Folge

pity - Mitleid; schade; bemitleiden, Mitleid haben mit

induce - einleiten; dazu bringen, anstacheln, bewirken, verursachen

reinforce - verstärken, aussteifen, versteifen, festigen, bekräftigen

contrary - entgegengesetzt, gegenläufig, entgegenstehend, ungünstig

instincts - Instinkte; Instinkt

African - afrikanisch; Afrikaner, Afrikanerin

blunders - Patzer, Schnitzer, Fehler, Fehlgriff, Mißgriff, Fauxpas

And in the end, relief came through the very man who started out with the distinct resolve no longer to subordinate the interests of the whole to sentiment in favour of a part. An old soldier of one of our generals who failed most conspicuously in this war, tried once, I remember, to defend him to me on the ground that he was always "so good to his men." By this plea, had he but known it, he was only condemning him out of Sun TzĹ­'s mouth.]

resolve - auflösen, beschließen

sentiment - Gefühlen; Gefühl

in favour - zugunsten [alt], zu Gunsten, für

failed - gescheitert; mangelhaft (Zensur 5)

conspicuously - auffallend

plea - Plädoyer; Ersuchen, Flehen, Bitte, Appell, Entschuldigung

condemning - Verurteilung; verurteilen, verurteilen, verdammen, verurteilen

13. These are the five besetting sins of a general, ruinous to the conduct of war.

besetting - befallen, bedrängen

sins - Sünden; Sünde, sündigen; eine Sünde begehen

ruinous - ruinös; verderblich

conduct of war - Kriegsführung

14. When an army is overthrown and its leader slain, the cause will surely be found among these five dangerous faults. Let them be a subject of meditation.

overthrown - umgestürzt; umstürzen (Politik)

meditation - Meditation

[1] "Marshal Turenne," p. 50.


[The contents of this interesting chapter are better indicated in § 1 than by this heading.]

Contents - Inhalt; (to be content with) sich mit etwas begnügen

indicated - angezeigt; anzeigen, anweisen, andeuten, anzeigen, andeuten

1. Sun TzĹ­ said: We Come now to the question of encamping the army, and observing signs of the enemy. Pass quickly over mountains, and keep in the neighbourhood of valleys.

Come now - Ja, das ist etwas anderes.

encamping - lagern

observing - Beobachtung; beobachten, beachten, halten, bemerken

pass - passen; (to pass) durchgehen, passieren, durchlaufen

in the neighbourhood - in der Nachbarschaft

valleys - Tälern; Senke, Tal

[The idea is, not to linger among barren uplands, but to keep close to supplies of water and grass. Cf. Wu TzĹ­, ch. 3: "Abide not in natural ovens," i.e. "the openings of valleys." Chang Yu tells the following anecdote: Wu-tu Ch'iang was a robber captain in the time of the Later Han, and Ma Yuan was sent to exterminate his gang. Ch'iang having found a refuge in the hills, Ma Yuan made no attempt to force a battle, but seized all the favourable positions commanding supplies of water and forage.

barren - steril, unfruchtbar, dürr, karg, ausgetrocknet

uplands - Hochland

grass - Gras; Rasen; Spitzel; verpfeifen

abide - aushalten; ausstehen, ertragen, zahlen, verbleiben, weilen

ovens - Öfen; Ofen

openings - Eröffnungen; Erschließung; aufklappend, Ă–ffnung, Eröffnung

robber - Räuber, Räuberin

exterminate - ausrotten

gang - Clique, Bande, Rotte, Gruppe; abgleichen

refuge - Zuflucht; Herberge

hills - Hügeln; Hügel, Hang, Steigung, Steigung, Anstieg, häufeln

Ch'iang was soon in such a desperate plight for want of provisions that he was forced to make a total surrender. He did not know the advantage of keeping in the neighbourhood of valleys."]

surrender - kapitulieren, ergeben

neighbourhood - Viertel (Wohngegend), Nachbarschaft; Nähe, Stadtteil

2. Camp in high places,

[Not on high hills, but on knolls or hillocks elevated above the surrounding country.]

knolls - Hügeln; niedriger Hügel, Hügelchen

hillocks - Hügeln; kleiner Hügel, Ätzhügel, Hügelchen

elevated - erhöht; gehoben; (elevate); erhöhen, anheben

surrounding - Umgebung; umliegend; (surround); umgeben, umringen, umzingeln

facing the sun.

[Tu Mu takes this to mean "facing south," and Ch'en Hao "facing east." Cf. infra, §§ 11, 13.

Do not climb heights in order to fight. So much for mountain warfare.

3. After crossing a river, you should get far away from it.

Crossing - Kreuzung; Überfahrt; (cross); Kreuz; Kreuzzeichen; Kreuzung; Cross; Flanke; quer; entgegengesetzt

["In order to tempt the enemy to cross after you," according to Ts'ao Kung, and also, says Chang Yu, "in order not to be impeded in your evolutions." The T'ung Tien reads, "If the enemy crosses a river," etc. But in view of the next sentence, this is almost certainly an interpolation.]

tempt - in Versuchung führen, versuchen, locken

impeded - behindert; behindern, erschweren, hemmen, hindern, vereiteln

interpolation - Interpolation

4. When an invading force crosses a river in its onward march, do not advance to meet it in mid-stream. It will be best to let half the army get across, and then deliver your attack.

onward - vorwärts

mid - mittler

[Li Ch'uan alludes to the great victory won by Han Hsin over Lung Chu at the Wei River. Turning to the Ch'ien Han Shu, ch. 34, fol. 6 verso, we find the battle described as follows: "The two armies were drawn up on opposite sides of the river. In the night, Han Hsin ordered his men to take some ten thousand sacks filled with sand and construct a dam higher up. Then, leading half his army across, he attacked Lung Chu; but after a time, pretending to have failed in his attempt, he hastily withdrew to the other bank. Lung Chu was much elated by this unlooked-for success, and exclaiming: "I felt sure that Han Hsin was really a coward!

lung - Lunge

sand - Sand

sacks - Säcke; Sack; plündern, entlassen

construct - bauen, konstruieren

dam - stauen; Staudamm, Muttertier, Damm

pretending - vorgeben, prätendieren, vortäuschen, so tun, als ob, tun

hastily - hastig

withdrew - zurückgezogen; annullieren, entziehen, abziehen, ausscheiden

elated - hocherfreut; beschwingen, ermutigen

unlooked - Unbeachtet

exclaiming - ausrufen

coward - Feigling

he pursued him and began crossing the river in his turn. Han Hsin now sent a party to cut open the sandbags, thus releasing a great volume of water, which swept down and prevented the greater portion of Lung Chu's army from getting across. He then turned upon the force which had been cut off, and annihilated it, Lung Chu himself being amongst the slain. The rest of the army, on the further bank, also scattered and fled in all directions.]

sandbags - Sandsäcke; Sandsack

volume - Volumen; Lautstärke; Jahrgang; Band; Volume

swept - gekehrt; fegen, kehren, fegen, rauschen, auf den Kopf stellen

prevented - verhindert; verhindern, vorbeugen

portion - Anteil; Teil

scattered - verstreut; zerstreuen, zerstreuen, streuen, verstreuen

5. If you are anxious to fight, you should not go to meet the invader near a river which he has to cross.

anxious - ängstlich, besorgt

go to meet - entgegengehen

invader - Eindringling, Eroberer, Erobererin

[For fear of preventing his crossing.]

preventing - verhindern, vorbeugen, etwas daran hindern (zu geschehen)

6. Moor your craft higher up than the enemy, and facing the sun.

moor - verankern; Moor

craft - Handwerk; Schlauheit, Durchtriebenheit, Gerissenheit, Gilde

[See supra, § 2. The repetition of these words in connection with water is very awkward. Chang Yu has the note: "Said either of troops marshalled on the river-bank, or of boats anchored in the stream itself; in either case it is essential to be higher than the enemy and facing the sun." The other commentators are not at all explicit.]

repetition - Wiederholung, Wdh(lg). Wiederholung

marshalled - marschiert; Marschall, Marschall, Feldmarschall

anchored - verankert; Anker

explicit - ausdrücklich, explizit

Do not move up-stream to meet the enemy.

[Tu Mu says: "As water flows downwards, we must not pitch our camp on the lower reaches of a river, for fear the enemy should open the sluices and sweep us away in a flood. Chu-ko Wu-hou has remarked that ˜in river warfare we must not advance against the stream,'which is as much as to say that our fleet must not be anchored below that of the enemy, for then they would be able to take advantage of the current and make short work of us.

Reaches - Erreicht; erzielen, greifen (nach), sich erstrecken; eintreffen

sluices - Schleuse, Schleusentor

sweep - fegen, kehren, rauschen, auf den Kopf stellen, fahren

flood - Hochwasser; Flut; überschwemmen, überfluten, überfüllen

remarked - bemerkt; bemerken; Anmerkung, Bemerkung

Fleet - Flotte; Fahrzeugpark

current - Strömung; Strom; gegenwärtig, aktuell, zeitnah

There is also the danger, noted by other commentators, that the enemy may throw poison on the water to be carried down to us.]

poison - Gift, Giftstoff, vergiften

So much for river warfare.

7. In crossing salt-marshes, your sole concern should be to get over them quickly, without any delay.

sole - Seezunge, Sohle, einzig

concern - Bedenken; Sorge, Anliegen, Betroffenheit, Besorgnis, Konzern

[Because of the lack of fresh water, the poor quality of the herbage, and last but not least, because they are low, flat, and exposed to attack.]

fresh water - Süßwasser

poor quality - schlechte Qualität

herbage - Kraut; Kräuter, Gras

8. If forced to fight in a salt-marsh, you should have water and grass near you, and get your back to a clump of trees.

Marsh - Marsch, Moor, Sumpf, Sumpfgebiet

clump - Klumpen; Büschel; Plumps

[Li Ch'uan remarks that the ground is less likely to be treacherous where there are trees, while Tu Mu says that they will serve to protect the rear.]

treacherous - verräterisch

So much for operations in salt-marshes.

9. In dry, level country, take up an easily accessible position with rising ground to your right and on your rear,

accessible - zugänglich

rising - steigend, aufgehend; (rise); steigend, aufgehend

[Tu Mu quotes T'ai Kung as saying: "An army should have a stream or a marsh on its left, and a hill or tumulus on its right."]

tumulus - Tumulus, Grabhügel, Hügel

so that the danger may be in front, and safety lie behind. So much for campaigning in flat country.

campaigning - Wahlkampf; Einsatz, Feldzug, Heereszug, Kampagne, einsetzen

flat country - Flachland

10. These are the four useful branches of military knowledge

branches - Ast, t+Zweig, Abzweigung, (''rare'') tÄstelung

[Those, namely, concerned with (1) mountains, (2) rivers, (3) marshes, and (4) plains. Compare Napoleon's "Military Maxims," no. 1.]

concerned - besorgt; Sorge, Anliegen

plains - Ebenen; unscheinbar, einfach, vollständige, ehrlich

which enabled the Yellow Emperor to vanquish four several sovereigns.

enabled - aktiviert; berechtigen, befähigen, ermöglichen, anordnen

vanquish - bezwingen; besiegen

[Regarding the "Yellow Emperor": Mei Yao-ch'en asks, with some plausibility, whether there is an error in the text as nothing is known of Huang Ti having conquered four other Emperors. The Shih Chi (ch. 1 ad init.) speaks only of his victories over Yen Ti and Ch'ih Yu. In the Liu T'ao it is mentioned that he "fought seventy battles and pacified the Empire.

regarding - bezüglich; schätzen, betrachten, berücksichtigen

plausibility - Plausibilität

error - Fehler; Irrtum; aussteigen; fehlschlagen, misslingen

emperors - Imperatoren; Kaiser, Imperator

pacified - befriedet; befrieden, friedlich stimmen

Ts'ao Kung's explanation is, that the Yellow Emperor was the first to institute the feudal system of vassals princes, each of whom (to the number of four) originally bore the title of Emperor. Li Ch'uan tells us that the art of war originated under Huang Ti, who received it from his Minister Feng Hou.]

Institute - einrichten, gründen; Anstalt, Institut

vassals - Vasallen; Vasall, Lehnsmann, Gefolgsmann, Gefolgsleute, Höriger

originally - ursprünglich

bore - langweilig; (to bear fruit) Früchte tragen; (bear) langweilig; (to bear fruit) Früchte tragen

originated - entstanden ist; entwickeln, erzeugen, entstehen, entspringen

received - bekommen, erhalten, empfangen, kriegen, empfangen

minister - Gesandter, Pastor, Minister

11. All armies prefer high ground to low,

["High Ground," says Mei Yao-ch'en, "is not only more agreeable and salubrious, but more convenient from a military point of view; low ground is not only damp and unhealthy, but also disadvantageous for fighting."]

agreeable - angenehm; verträglich, liebenswürdig, gefällig

salubrious - gesundheitsfördernd

more convenient - genehmere

damp - feucht; Feuchtigkeit; ersticken, dämpfen

unhealthy - ungesund, gesundheitsschädlich

and sunny places to dark.

sunny - sonnig, heiter

12. If you are careful of your men,

[Ts'ao Kung says: "Make for fresh water and pasture, where you can turn out your animals to graze."]

pasture - Weide; weiden

graze - grasen; Kratzen, Schrammen, Schaben, Schleifen

and camp on hard ground, the army will be free from disease of every kind,

disease - Krankheit

[Chang Yu says: "The dryness of the climate will prevent the outbreak of illness."]

dryness - Trockenheit

climate - Klima

outbreak - Ausbruch, Auftreten, Entfesselung, sprunghafter Anstieg

illness - Krankheit

and this will spell victory.

13. When you come to a hill or a bank, occupy the sunny side, with the slope on your right rear. Thus you will at once act for the benefit of your soldiers and utilise the natural advantages of the ground.

sunny side - Sonnenseite

act for - vertreten

14. When, in consequence of heavy rains up-country, a river which you wish to ford is swollen and flecked with foam, you must wait until it subsides.

ford - Furt; durchqueren

swollen - geschwollen; Schwellen

flecked - gesprenkelt; Fleck, Tupfen

foam - Schaum; Schaumgummi; schäumen

subsides - nachlässt; einsinken, abklingen, nachlassen, abschwellen

15. Country in which there are precipitous cliffs with torrents running between, deep natural hollows,

precipitous - überstürzt

cliffs - Klippen; Kliff, Felsvorsprung, Klippe

torrents - Sturzbach, Sturzflut

hollows - Vertiefungen; hohl, dumpf

The latter defined as "places enclosed on every side by steep banks, with pools of water at the bottom."]

defined - definiert; bestimmen, definieren, definieren

enclosed - eingeschlossen; beifügen, einschliessen

steep - steil; einweichen, abschüssig

bottom - unten; Boden, Grund, Unterseite, passiv

confined places,

[Defined as "natural pens or prisons" or "places surrounded by precipices on three sides"easy to get into, but hard to get out of."]

prisons - Gefängnisse; Gefängnis

tangled thickets,

tangled - verwickelt; Wirrwarr, Gewirr

thickets - Dickicht

[Defined as "places covered with such dense undergrowth that spears cannot be used."]

undergrowth - Gestrüpp; Unterholz, Unterwuchs


quagmires - Sümpfe; Sumpf, Morast, Morastboden, Sumpfboden, Zwickmühle

[Defined as "low-lying places, so heavy with mud as to be impassable for chariots and horsemen."]

low-lying - (low-lying) tiefliegend

impassable - unpassierbar

and crevasses,

crevasses - Gletscherspalten; Gletscherspalte

[Defined by Mei Yao-ch'en as "a narrow difficult way between beetling cliffs." Tu Mu's note is "ground covered with trees and rocks, and intersected by numerous ravines and pitfalls." This is very vague, but Chia Lin explains it clearly enough as a defile or narrow pass, and Chang Yu takes much the same view. On the whole, the weight of the commentators certainly inclines to the rendering "defile.

beetling - vorstehend; (beetle) vorstehend

rocks - schaukeln, schütteln, rocken, sich wiegen (Boot); Geldstück

intersected - gekreuzt; erman: sich schneiden, erman: sich schneiden

ravines - Schluchten; Klamm, Schlucht

vague - vage; nebelhaft, schwach, unklar, undeutlich

inclines - Steigungen; neigen, neigen, neigen, Neigung, Anstieg, Gefälle

But the ordinary meaning of the Chinese in one place is "a crack or fissure" and the fact that the meaning of the Chinese elsewhere in the sentence indicates something in the nature of a defile, make me think that Sun TzĹ­ is here speaking of crevasses.]

crack - Riss, Knall, Aufbruch, Bresche; aufbrechen, knallen, platzen

fissure - Riss, Spalte, rissig werden

elsewhere - anderswo

should be left with all possible speed and not approached.

approached - angesprochen; sich nähern, nahekommen, ähnlich sein

16. While we keep away from such places, we should get the enemy to approach them; while we face them, we should let the enemy have them on his rear.

keep away - abhalten, fernhalten

17. If in the neighbourhood of your camp there should be any hilly country, ponds surrounded by aquatic grass, hollow basins filled with reeds, or woods with thick undergrowth, they must be carefully routed out and searched; for these are places where men in ambush or insidious spies are likely to be lurking.

hilly - hügelig

ponds - Teiche; Weiher, Teich

aquatic - Wasser

hollow - hohl, dumpf

basins - Becken

reeds - Schilf, Ried, Schilfrohr

woods - Wälder; Holz

searched - durchsucht; Suche, suchen, absuchen, durchsuchen, suchen

lurking - auf der Lauer liegen; lauernd; (lurk); lauern

[Chang Yu has the note: "We must also be on our guard against traitors who may lie in close covert, secretly spying out our weaknesses and overhearing our instructions."]

covert - verdeckt; Versteck; Unterholz; Deckfeder

spying out - (spy out) ausspionieren, ausspähen, auskundschaften

weaknesses - Schwächen; Schwäche, Schwäche, Faible

overhearing - mitgehört; zufällig mit anhören

18. When the enemy is close at hand and remains quiet, he is relying on the natural strength of his position.

relying - sich verlassen (auf)

[Here begin Sun TzĹ­'s remarks on the reading of signs, much of which is so good that it could almost be included in a modern manual like Gen. Baden-Powell's "Aids to Scouting."]

manual - Leitfaden, manuell, Manual, Handbuch

gen - (genially) freundlich, heiter

Aids - AIDS; (aid); AIDS

scouting - Pfadfinderbewegung; (scout); Pfadfinderbewegung

19. When he keeps aloof and tries to provoke a battle, he is anxious for the other side to advance.

aloof - unnahbar; (ein Stück) entfernt, auf (etwas) Abstand

provoke - provozieren, aufreizen, aufwühlen, aufhetzen

[Probably because we are in a strong position from which he wishes to dislodge us. "If he came close up to us, says Tu Mu, "and tried to force a battle, he would seem to despise us, and there would be less probability of our responding to the challenge."]

close up - Großaufnahme

probability - Wahrscheinlichkeit

responding - antworten, reagieren

challenge - Herausforderung, (schwierige) Aufgabe, herausfordern

20. If his place of encampment is easy of access, he is tendering a bait.

access - Zutritt, Zugang, Einsicht, Zugriff; zugreifen

Tendering - Ausschreibungen; anbietend; (tender) Ausschreibungen; anbietend

21. Movement amongst the trees of a forest shows that the enemy is advancing.

[Ts'ao Kung explains this as "felling trees to clear a passage," and Chang Yu says: "Every man sends out scouts to climb high places and observe the enemy. If a scout sees that the trees of a forest are moving and shaking, he may know that they are being cut down to clear a passage for the enemy's march."]

felling - fällen; jdn. hinstrecken; fiel, gefallen

scouts - Pfadfinder; Späher, Kundschafter, Aufklärer

observe - beobachten; beachten, halten, bemerken

shaking - schüttelnd, erschütternd; (shake); schütteln, erschüttern

cut down - umgehaut;(Baum) fällen;(Ausgaben) einschränken

The appearance of a number of screens in the midst of thick grass means that the enemy wants to make us suspicious.

screens - Bildschirme; Schirm, Paravent, Sichtschutz, Insektengitter

suspicious - verdächtig; misstrauisch, argwöhnisch

[Tu Yu's explanation, borrowed from Ts'ao Kung's, is as follows: "The presence of a number of screens or sheds in the midst of thick vegetation is a sure sign that the enemy has fled and, fearing pursuit, has constructed these hiding-places in order to make us suspect an ambush." It appears that these "screens" were hastily knotted together out of any long grass which the retreating enemy happened to come across.]

borrowed from - ausgeborgt

sheds - Schuppen; (to shed) vergießen, abstoßen, lsowerden

vegetation - Vegetation, Pflanzenwuchs

suspect - vermuten; misstrauen; verdächtigen; einen Verdacht haben; Verdächtiger

knotted - verknotet; Knoten, Knäuel

retreating - den Rückzug antreten; Rückzug

22. The rising of birds in their flight is the sign of an ambuscade.

ambuscade - Hinterhalt; auflauern

[Chang Yu's explanation is doubtless right: "When birds that are flying along in a straight line suddenly shoot upwards, it means that soldiers are in ambush at the spot beneath."]

straight line - Gerade [math.]

upwards - nach oben; ansteigend, aufwärts

Startled beasts indicate that a sudden attack is coming.

startled - erschrocken; aufschrecken, scheuen, erschrecken

23. When there is dust rising in a high column, it is the sign of chariots advancing; when the dust is low, but spread over a wide area, it betokens the approach of infantry.

spread - verteilen; spreizen; ausstreuen, verbreiten, auftragen

wide - breit, weit

["High and sharp," or rising to a peak, is of course somewhat exaggerated as applied to dust. The commentators explain the phenomenon by saying that horses and chariots, being heavier than men, raise more dust, and also follow one another in the same wheel-track, whereas foot-soldiers would be marching in ranks, many abreast. According to Chang Yu, "every army on the march must have scouts some way in advance, who on sighting dust raised by the enemy, will gallop back and report it to the commander-in-chief." Cf.

Peak - Höchststand; Höchstwert, Pik (Berg), Spitze

phenomenon - Phänomen, Erscheinung

wheel - Rad; Steuerrad; Felge; kreisen

track - Spur; Fußspur; Fußsohle; Trampelpfad; Bahn, Strecke, Kurs

marching in - Einzug , Einmarsch (in)

abreast - übereinstimmend; beieinander, nebeneinander, auf dem Laufenden

sighting - Sichtung; (sight); Sehenswürdigkeit, Gesicht, Visier, erblicken

Gen. Baden-Powell: "As you Move along, say, in a hostile country, your eyes should be looking afar for the enemy or any signs of him: figures, dust rising, birds getting up, glitter of arms, etc." [1] ]

Move along - weitergehen;Platz da!

afar - in der Ferne; Afar, Danakil

getting up - aufstehend

glitter - Glitter; glitzern

When it branches out in different directions, it shows that parties have been sent to collect firewood. A few clouds of dust moving to and fro signify that the army is encamping.

collect - eintreiben (Schulden), sammeln, einsammeln

signify - bedeuten

[Chang Yu says: "In apportioning the defences for a cantonment, light horse will be sent out to survey the position and ascertain the weak and strong points all along its circumference. Hence the small quantity of dust and its motion."]

apportioning - aufzuteilen; aufteilen, proportional aufteilen

defences - Verteidigungsmaßnahmen; Verteidigung, Abwehr

cantonment - Kantonierung

survey - Umfrage; Untersuchung; Vermessung; überblicken; untersuchen; abschätzen

ascertain - festzustellen; feststellen

circumference - Umfang, Kreisumfang

motion - Bewegung

24. Humble words and increased preparations are signs that the enemy is about to advance.

humble - bescheiden; demütig, ergeben

increased - erhöht; zunehmen, steigen, ansteigen, wachsen, anwachsen

["As though they stood in great fear of us," says Tu Mu. "Their object is to make us contemptuous and careless, after which they will attack us." Chang Yu alludes to the story of T'ien Tan of the Ch'i-mo against the Yen forces, led by Ch'i Chieh. In ch. 82 of the Shih Chi we read: "T'ien Tan openly said: ˜My only fear is that the Yen army may cut off the noses of their Ch'i prisoners and place them in the front rank to fight against us; that would be the undoing of our city.'The other side being informed of this speech, at once acted on the suggestion; but those within the city were enraged at seeing their fellow-countrymen thus mutilated, and fearing only lest they should fall into the enemy's hands, were nerved to defend themselves more obstinately than ever. Once again T'ien Tan sent back converted spies who reported these words to the enemy: "What I dread most is that the men of Yen may dig up the ancestral tombs outside the town, and by inflicting this indignity on our forefathers cause us to become faint-hearted.'Forthwith the besiegers dug up all the graves and burned the corpses lying in them. And the inhabitants of Chi-mo, witnessing the outrage from the city-walls, wept passionately and were all impatient to go out and fight, their fury being increased tenfold. T'ien Tan knew then that his soldiers were ready for any enterprise. But instead of a sword, he himself took a mattock in his hands, and ordered others to be distributed amongst his best warriors, while the ranks were filled up with their wives and concubines. He then served out all the remaining rations and bade his men eat their fill. The regular soldiers were told to Keep out of sight, and the walls were manned with the old and weaker men and with women. This done, envoys were dispatched to the enemy's camp to arrange terms of surrender, whereupon the Yen army began shouting for joy.

contemptuous - verächtlich; respektlos

mo - US-Bundesstaat

openly - offen, öffentlich

prisoners - Gefangener, Gefangene, Häftling, Strafgefangener, Gefangener

undoing - Verderben; Annullieren

Speech - Sprache; Rede, Ansprache

acted on - eingewirkt

suggestion - Anregung; Vorschlag; Suggestion

enraged - wütend machen, in Wut versetzen, in Rage versetzen

fellow - Stipendiat, Typ, Kerl, Bursche; Gefährte, Kerl

countrymen - Landsmänner; Landsmann, Landsmännin, Landsmann, Landsmännin

mutilated - verstümmelt; verstümmeln, verschandeln

nerved - genervt; Nerv, Nerv, Nerv, Nerv, Nerv

obstinately - hartnäckig

sent back - zurückgeschickt

converted - bekehrt; konvertieren, umwandeln, Konvertit

dread - schaudern, grauen, gruseln, grausen

dig up - umgraben, roden (Kartoffeln)

ancestral - Vorfahren

tombs - Gräber; Grabmal

indignity - Demütigung; Entwürdigung

forefathers - Vorväter; Vorfahre

faint - leise, schwach, undeutlich, ohnmächtig werden

hearted - herzlichen; Herz, Herzstück

forthwith - sofort, unverzüglich

besiegers - Belagerer

dug up - umgegraben

graves - Gräber; feierlich, Gruft, massiv, würdig, ernst

corpses - Leichen; Leiche, Leichnam

lying - Lügen; liegend; (lie) Lügen; liegend

inhabitants - Einwohner, Einwohnerin, Bewohner, Bewohnerin

witnessing - Zeugenschaft; Zeugnis

outrage - Empörung; Untat, Gräueltat, (empörendes) Verbrechen

wept - geweint; weinen

passionately - leidenschaftlich

impatient - ungeduldig

fury - Wut; Furie

increased tenfold - verzehnfachte

enterprise - Unternehmen; Unterfangen, Vorhaben, Unternehmungsgeist

instead - stattdessen, anstatt

sword - Schwert; Schwertkämpfer, Schwertkämpferin

mattock - Mattock, Hacke

warriors - Kriegern; Krieger, Kriegerin

filled up - aufgefüllt

concubines - Konkubinen; Konkubine

served - bedient; Angabe, dienen, servieren, aufschlagen

rations - Rationen; Ration, rationieren

bade - geboten

Keep out - Eintritt verboten!;Betreten verboten!

weaker - schwächer; schwach, schwach, schwach, out, unschön, häßlich

envoys - Gesandten; Gesandter, Gesandte, Gesandter, Gesandte

dispatched - abgefertigt; verschicken, versenden, beeilen, besiegen

arrange - sich einigen (über);etwas in die Wege leiten;anordnen, einrichten, sortieren, übereinkommen

shouting - Schreien, Geschrei; (shout); Schreien, Geschrei

T'ien Tan also collected 20,000 ounces of silver from the people, and got the wealthy citizens of Chi-mo to send it to the Yen general with the prayer that, when the town capitulated, he would not allow their homes to be plundered or their women to be maltreated. Ch'i Chieh, in high good humor, granted their prayer; but his army now became increasingly slack and careless. Meanwhile, T'ien Tan got together a thousand oxen, decked them with pieces of red silk, painted their bodies, dragon-like, with colored stripes, and fastened sharp blades on their horns and well-greased rushes on their tails. When night came on, he lighted the ends of the rushes, and drove the oxen through a number of holes which he had pierced in the walls, backing them up with a force of 5000 picked warriors. The animals, maddened with pain, dashed furiously into the enemy's camp where they caused the utmost confusion and dismay; for their tails acted as torches, showing up the hideous pattern on their bodies, and the weapons on their horns killed or wounded any with whom they came into contact. In the meantime, the band of 5000 had crept up with gags in their mouths, and now threw themselves on the enemy. At the same moment a frightful din arose in the city itself, all those that remained behind making as much noise as possible by banging drums and hammering on bronze vessels, until heaven and earth were convulsed by the uproar. Terror-stricken, the Yen army fled in disorder, hotly pursued by the men of Ch'i, who succeeded in slaying their general Ch'i Chien¦. The result of the battle was the ultimate recovery of some seventy cities which had belonged to the Ch'i State."]

tan - bräunen; gerben

wealthy - wohlhabend, reich

citizens - Staatsbürger, Staatsbürgerin, Bürger, Bürgerin, Einwohner

prayer - Gebet; (the Lord's Prayer) Paternoster

capitulated - kapituliert; kapitulieren, ergeben

plundered - geplündert; ausplündern, plündern, plündern, plündern

maltreated - malträtiert; misshandeln

humor - Komik, Humor

granted - gewährt; gewähren, erteilen, bewilligen

increasingly - zunehmend

Slack - Schlupf, flau, schlaff

Meanwhile - In der Zwischenzeit; währenddessen, inzwischen, derweil

got together - zusammen bekommene, zusammenbekommene [alt]

decked - ausstaffiert; Verdeck; jdm. eine knallen

silk - Seide

Dragon - Drachen, Drache

stripes - gestreift; Streifen

fastened - befestigen, festmachen

blades - Klingen; Klinge, Turbinenschaufel, Grashalm, Klinge, Blatt

horns - Hörner; Horn

Greased - GETRAGEN; Fett

tails - Schwänze; Zipfel

holes - Löcher; Bohrung, Markierung, Höhle, Loch

pierced - gepierct; lochen, durchbohren

picked - ausgewählt; Hacke, Pickel, Spitzhacke, Dietrich, pflücken

maddened - verärgert; rasend machen

pain - Schmerzen; Qual, Stich (Schmerz), Schmerz

furiously - wütend, heftig

dismay - Bestürzung; Furcht, Ohnmacht

hideous - scheußlich; abscheulich

pattern - Muster, Schablone, Modell, Struktur, Schnittmuster

killed - getötet; vernichten, totmachen, löschen, zerstören, töten

wounded - verwundet; anschießen, verwunden

contact - Kontakt, Berührung, Verbindung, Kontaktlinse, berühren

meantime - Inzwischen; unterdessen

crept - gekrochen; kriechen, schleichen, schleichen, kriechen, Kriechen

gags - Knebel, Maulkorberlass, Witz, Gag, würgen, knebeln

frightful - schrecklich

din - Lärm, Getöse; dröhnen

arose - entstanden ist; sich erheben, aufstehen, entstehen, auftreten

remained - geblieben; Überrest (2), de

banging - Klopfen; Schlag, Knall; knallen (derb koitieren), schlagen

hammering - hämmernd; (hammer); Hammer; Schlagstück, Hahn, Schlaghebel

bronze - Bronze; bronzen

vessels - Schiffe; Schiff, Boot

convulsed - verkrampft; erschüttern

uproar - Aufruhr

terror - Schrecken, Grauen, schreckliche Furcht, Terror

slaying - tötend, erschlagend; (slay) tötend, erschlagend

ultimate - letzter, ultimativ, äußerster

recovery - Wiedererlangung, Wiedergewinnung, Zurückgewinnung, Genesung

belonged - gehörte; zugehören; gehören (zu)

Violent language and driving forward as if to the attack are signs that he will retreat.

violent - heftig, gewaltig, brutal, gewalttätig, gewaltbereit, grell

forward - nachsenden, fördern, befördern, versenden, senden; dreist

25. When the light chariots come out first and take up a position on the wings, it is a sign that the enemy is forming for battle.

26. Peace proposals unaccompanied by a sworn covenant indicate a plot.

proposals - Vorschläge; Vorschlag, Heiratsantrag

unaccompanied - unbegleitet

sworn - geschworen; schwören

covenant - Pakt; Bund; Zusage

plot - Handlung, Plot, Ausdruck, Komplott, planen, ausarbeiten

[The reading here is uncertain. Li Ch'uan indicates "a treaty confirmed by oaths and hostages." Wang Hsi and Chang Yu, on the other hand, simply say "without reason," "on a frivolous pretext."]

uncertain - unsicher

Treaty - Vertrag, Bündnis

confirmed - bestätigt; bestätigen, bestätigen, bekräftigen

oaths - Eide; Eid, Schwur, Eid, Fluch, erman:

hostages - Geiseln; Geisel

frivolous - leichtsinnig

pretext - Vorwand, Deckmantel, fadenscheinige Begründung, Ausrede

27. When there is much running about

[Every man hastening to his proper place under his own regimental banner.]

hastening to - zueilend

regimental - Regiments..

banner - Banner, Fahne, Spruchbanner

and the soldiers fall into rank, it means that the critical moment has come.

28. When some are seen advancing and some retreating, it is a lure.

29. When the soldiers stand leaning on their spears, they are faint from want of food.

leaning - (to lean) sich an etwas lehnen

30. If those who are sent to draw water begin by drinking themselves, the army is suffering from thirst.

suffering - leidend; Leiden; (suffer); leiden; erleiden

thirst - Durst; dürsten

[As Tu Mu remarks: "One may know the condition of a whole army from the behavior of a single man."]

behavior - Verhalten, Benehmen, Betragen, Verhaltensweise

31. If the enemy sees an advantage to be gained and makes no effort to secure it, the soldiers are exhausted.

effort - Anstrengung, Aufwand

32. If birds gather on any spot, it is unoccupied.

gather - sammeln, versammeln

unoccupied - unbesetzt

[A useful fact to bear in mind when, for instance, as Ch'en Hao says, the enemy has secretly abandoned his camp.]

abandoned - im Stich lassen, preisgeben, verlassen, abbrechen

Clamour by night betokens nervousness.

clamour - zetern; Geschrei, Aufschrei, Lärm

by night - nachts

nervousness - Nervosität, Unruhe

33. If there is disturbance in the camp, the general's authority is weak. If the banners and flags are shifted about, sedition is afoot. If the officers are angry, it means that the men are weary.

disturbance - Störung; Störenfried, Geistesstörung

shifted - verlagert; Schicht, Verschiebung, Verlagerung, Verstellung

sedition - Aufwiegelung, Verhetzung, Volksverhetzung, Aufruhr

afoot - im Gange; zu Fuß; auf den Füssen, stehend

weary - müde

[Tu Mu understands the sentence differently: "If all the officers of an army are angry with their general, it means that they are broken with fatigue" owing to the exertions which he has demanded from them.]

fatigue - Müdigkeit, Ermüdung, Schlappheit, Überdruss

owing to - aufgrund, dank, durch, infolge

exertions - Strapazen; Anstrengung, Kraftanstrengung, Anspannung, Ausübung

demanded from - abverlangt

34. When an army feeds its horses with grain and kills its cattle for food,

feeds - Zuführung, Papierzuführung, Zufuhr; verpflegen, hegen, zuführen

kills - tötet; vernichten, totmachen, löschen, zerstören, töten

[In the ordinary course of things, the men would be fed on grain and the horses chiefly on grass.]

chiefly - hauptsächlich

and when the men do not hang their cooking-pots over the camp-fires, showing that they will not return to their tents, you may know that they are determined to fight to the death.

hang - hängen

tents - Zelte; Zelt

determined - bestimmt; bestimmen, eingrenzen, festlegen

[I may quote here the illustrative passage from the Hou Han Shu, ch. 71, given in abbreviated form by the P'ei Wen Yun Fu: "The rebel Wang Kuo of Liang was besieging the town of Ch'en- ts'ang, and Huang-fu Sung, who was in supreme command, and Tung Cho were sent out against him. The latter pressed for hasty measures, but Sung turned a deaf ear to his counsel. At last the rebels were utterly worn out, and began to throw down their weapons of their own accord.

abbreviated - abgekürzt; verkürzen, kürzen, abkürzen

supreme command - Oberbefehl

measures - Maßnahmen; Maß

deaf - taub, gehörlos, die gehörlos

rebels - Rebellen; Rebell; auflehnen, aufbäumen

throw down - hinwerfen

Sung was not advancing to the attack, but Cho said: ˜It is a principle of war not to pursue desperate men and not to press a retreating host.'Sung answered: ˜That does not apply here. What I am about to attack is a jaded army, not a retreating host; with disciplined troops I am falling on a disorganized multitude, not a band of desperate men.'Thereupon he advances to the attack unsupported by his colleague, and routed the enemy, Wang Kuo being slain."]

disorganized - desorganisiert; desorganisieren

thereupon - daraufhin; darauf

unsupported - ungestützt

35. The sight of men whispering together in small knots or speaking in subdued tones points to disaffection amongst the rank and file.

whispering - Geflüster; (whisper); Geflüster, Flüstern, Wispern

knots - Knoten, Knäuel

subdued - gedämpft; unter Kontrolle bringen, unterwerfen, unterwerfen

tones - Töne; Farbton, Klang, Umgangston, Ton

disaffection - Enttäuschung; Unzufriedenheit

file - Datei; Kartei, File, Aktenmappe, Reihe; ablegen (Briefe usw.)

36. Too frequent rewards signify that the enemy is at the end of his resources;

[Because, when an army is hard pressed, as Tu Mu says, there is always a fear of mutiny, and lavish rewards are given to keep the men in good temper.]

mutiny - Meuterei

lavish - freigiebig, verschwenderisch, überreich, üppig, verschleudern

too many punishments betray a condition of dire distress.

punishments - Bestrafungen; Strafe, Bestrafung, Bestrafung

[Because in such case discipline becomes relaxed, and unwonted severity is necessary to keep the men to their duty.]

unwonted - ungewohnt

severity - Schweregrad; Härte, Stärke, Gewichtung

Duty - Die Pflicht; Pflicht; Schicht, Arbeitszeit, Zoll, Einfuhrsteuer

37. To begin by bluster, but afterwards to take fright at the enemy's numbers, shows a supreme lack of intelligence.

bluster - schimpfen; Getöse, Aufblasen, Aufplustern, Kraftmeierei

take fright - scheust

[I follow the interpretation of Ts'ao Kung, also adopted by Li Ch'uan, Tu Mu, and Chang Yu. Another possible meaning set forth by Tu Yu, Chia Lin, Mei Tao-ch'en and Wang Hsi, is: "The general who is first tyrannical towards his men, and then in terror lest they should mutiny, etc." This would connect the sentence with what went before about rewards and punishments.]

set forth - darlegen

tyrannical - tyrannisch

connect - verbinden; anschließen

38. When envoys are sent with compliments in their mouths, it is a sign that the enemy wishes for a truce.

compliments - Komplimente; Kompliment

truce - Waffenstillstand, Waffenruhe

[Tu Mu says: "If the enemy open friendly relations be sending hostages, it is a sign that they are anxious for an armistice, either because their strength is exhausted or for some other reason." But it hardly needs a Sun TzĹ­ to draw such an obvious inference.]

relations - Beziehungen; Beziehung, Relation, Relation, Verwandter

Armistice - Waffenstillstand

inference - Schlussfolgern, Schlussfolgerung, Inferenz

39. If the enemy's troops march up angrily and remain facing ours for a long time without either joining battle or taking themselves off again, the situation is one that demands great vigilance and circumspection.

angrily - verärgert, wütend

demands - Forderungen; Nachfrage, Bedarf, Nachfrage, Anspruch, verlangen

vigilance - Wachsamkeit

circumspection - Vorsichtsmaßnahmen; Umsicht

[Ts'ao Kung says a manĹ"uver of this sort may be only a ruse to gain time for an unexpected flank attack or the laying of an ambush.]

flank attack - Flankenangriff

40. If our troops are no more in number than the enemy, that is amply sufficient; it only means that no direct attack can be made.

amply - reichlich

sufficient - genügend, ausreichend, hinreichend

[Literally, "no martial advance." That is to say, cheng tactics and frontal attacks must be eschewed, and stratagem resorted to instead.]

martial - kriegerisch, martialisch, kampflustig, soldatisch, militärisch

eschewed - gemieden; meiden, scheuen

resorted - gegriffen; umsortieren; Badeort (Seebad)

What we can do is simply to concentrate all our available strength, keep a close watch on the enemy, and obtain reinforcements.

available - verfügbar

[This is an obscure sentence, and none of the commentators succeed in squeezing very good sense out of it. I follow Li Ch'uan, who appears to offer the simplest explanation: "Only the side that gets more men will win." Fortunately we have Chang Yu to expound its meaning to us in language which is lucidity itself: "When the numbers are even, and no favourable opening presents itself, although we may not be strong enough to deliver a sustained attack, we can find additional recruits amongst our sutlers and camp-followers, and then, concentrating our forces and keeping a close watch on the enemy, contrive to snatch the victory.

obscure - obskur, dunkel, vernebelt, finster

simplest - am einfachsten; einfach, simpel, einfach, simpel

fortunately - mit Glück, glücklich, zum Glück; Gott sei Dank

expound - erläutern, erklären, darlegen, verbreiten

lucidity - Klarheit, Luzidität, Deutlichkeit, Übersichtlichkeit

sustained - unterhalten, aufrechterhalten, versorgen, unterhalten

additional - zusätzlich

recruits - Rekruten; Rekrut, rekrutieren, rekrutieren

sutlers - Marketenderinnen; Marketender, Marketenderin

followers - Mitläufer; Nachfolger, Nachfolgerin, Anhänger, Follower

But we must avoid borrowing foreign soldiers to help us." He then quotes from Wei Liao TzĹ­, ch. 3: "The nominal strength of mercenary troops may be 100,000, but their real value will be not more than half that figure."]

borrowing - (borrow) leihen, entleihen; (borrow) (borrow) leihen, entleihen

foreign - Ausland; fremd, ausländisch

nominal - nominal, substantivisch

mercenary - Söldner, Söldnerin, Mietsoldat, käuflich, gewinnsüchtig

real value - Sachwert

41. He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them.

[Ch'en Hao, quoting from the Tso Chuan, says: "If bees and scorpions carry poison, how much more will a hostile state! Even a puny opponent, then, should not be treated with contempt."]

bees - Bienen; Wettbewerb, Biene

scorpions - Skorpione; Skorpion

puny - kläglich, klein, kümmerlich, mickrig

contempt - Verachtung; Schande, Blamage, Mißachtung, Beamtenbeleidigung

42. If soldiers are punished before they have grown attached to you, they will not prove submissive; and, unless submissive, then will be practically useless. If, when the soldiers have become attached to you, punishments are not enforced, they will still be useless.

attached - befestigt; anbringen

Prove - er/sie hat/hatte bewiesen, beweisen, erhärten

submissive - unterwürfig

useless - nutzlos, unnützlich, wertlos

43. Therefore soldiers must be treated in the first instance with humanity, but kept under control by means of iron discipline.

of iron - stählern (Körper, Wille)

[Yen TzĹ­ [B.C. 493] said of Ssu-ma Jang-chu: "His civil virtues endeared him to the people; his martial prowess kept his enemies in awe." Cf. Wu TzĹ­, ch. 4 init.: "The ideal commander unites culture with a warlike temper; the profession of arms requires a combination of hardness and tenderness."]

endeared - geliebt; teuer machen

prowess - Geschicklichkeit; Können, Fähigkeiten, Heldenmut, Tapferkeit

awe - Ehrfurcht; Staunen; einschüchtern

Ideal - ideal, bestmöglich, optimal, vollendet

unites - eint; vereinen

warlike - streitlustig, angriffslustig, kampfeslustig, kriegerisch

requires - erfordert; erfordern, brauchen, benötigen

hardness - Härte

tenderness - Zärtlichkeit

This is a certain road to victory.

44. If in training soldiers commands are habitually enforced, the army will be well-disciplined; if not, its discipline will be bad.

habitually - gewohnheitsmäßig

45. If a general shows confidence in his men but always insists on his orders being obeyed,

insists - darauf besteht; auf , bestehen

[Tu Mu says: "A general ought in time of peace to show kindly confidence in his men and also make his authority respected, so that when they come to face the enemy, orders may be executed and discipline maintained, because they all trust and look up to him." What Sun Tzŭ has said in § 44, however, would lead one rather to expect something like this: "If a general is always confident that his orders will be carried out," etc."]

respected - respektiert; Achtung, Respekt, respektieren, respektieren

trust - Vertrauen, Hoffnung, Trust, anschreiben

the gain will be mutual.

[Chang Yu says: "The general has confidence in the men under his command, and the men are docile, having confidence in him. Thus the gain is mutual." He quotes a pregnant sentence from Wei Liao TzĹ­, ch. 4: "The art of giving orders is not to try to rectify minor blunders and not to be swayed by petty doubts." Vacillation and fussiness are the surest means of sapping the confidence of an army.]

docile - fügsam, gefügig, steuerbar, handhabbar

pregnant - schwanger; bedeutungsvoll

rectify - berichtigen; destillieren; korrigieren

minor - minderjährig; gering, geringfügig, klein, unbedeutend

swayed - schwankte; Schwingen

petty - gering, geringfügig, klein, kleinlich

doubts - bezweifeln, zweifeln, Zweifel

vacillation - Wankelmütigkeit; Unentschlossenheit, Zögerlichkeit

fussiness - Aufregung; Umständlichkeit

sapping - auslaugen; Trottel, Saft

[1] "Aids to Scouting," p. 26.

Chapter X. TERRAIN

terrain - Terrain, Gelände, Land

[Only about a third of the chapter, comprising §§ 1-13, deals with "terrain," the subject being more fully treated in ch. XI. The "six calamities" are discussed in §§ 14-20, and the rest of the chapter is again a mere string of desultory remarks, though not less interesting, perhaps, on that account.]

comprising - umfassend; bestehen aus, beinhalten

deals - Angebote; Menge, Handel, Teil, Abkommen

mere - einfach; nur, schier, bloß

string - Schnur; Zeichenkette, String, Saite, auffädeln, einfädeln

desultory - desultorisch

on that account - dafür

1. Sun TzĹ­ said: We may distinguish six kinds of terrain, to wit: (1) Accessible ground;

wit - Witz; nämlich, und zwar

[Mei Yao-ch'en says: "plentifully provided with roads and means of communications."]

plentifully - ausgiebig

provided with - versehen mit

(2) entangling ground;

entangling - Verstrickung; verwickeln

[The same commentator says: "Net-like country, venturing into which you become entangled."]

net - vernetzen; netzartig, Tüll, Netto, Netz; einnetzen

entangled - verwickelt; verwickeln

(3) temporising ground;

temporising - Zeit schinden; (temporise) Zeit schinden

[Ground which allows you to "stave off" or "delay."]

stave - Daube; Sprosse; Strophe, Vers, Notenlinien, Notensystem

(4) narrow passes; (5) precipitous heights; (6) positions at a great distance from the enemy.

passes - Pässe; Schritt

[It is hardly necessary to point out the faultiness of this classification. A strange lack of logical perception is shown in the Chinaman's unquestioning acceptance of glaring cross-divisions such as the above.]

faultiness - Fehlerhaftigkeit

classification - Klassifikation, Klassifizierung

logical - logisch

Chinaman - Chinesen; Chinese

unquestioning - ohne Fragen zu stellen

acceptance - Akzeptanz; Annahme; Vertrag

glaring - grell; Blendung, entrüstetes Starren, missbilligend anstarren

2. Ground which can be freely traversed by both sides is called accessible.

traversed - durchquert; durchkreuzen, durchqueren, überqueren

3. With regard to ground of this nature, be before the enemy in occupying the raised and sunny spots, and carefully guard your line of supplies.

[The general meaning of the last phrase is doubtlessly, as Tu Yu says, "not to allow the enemy to cut your communications." In view of Napoleon's dictum, "the secret of war lies in the communications," [1] we could wish that Sun Tzŭ had done more than skirt the edge of this important subject here and in I. § 10, VII. § 11. Col. Henderson says: "The line of supply may be said to be as vital to the existence of an army as the heart to the life of a human being. Just as the duelist who finds his adversary's point menacing him with certain death, and his own guard astray, is compelled to conform to his adversary's movements, and to content himself with warding off his thrusts, so the commander whose communications are suddenly threatened finds himself in a false position, and he will be fortunate if he has not to change all his plans, to split up his force into more or less isolated detachments, and to fight with inferior numbers on ground which he has not had time to prepare, and where defeat will not be an ordinary failure, but will entail the ruin or surrender of his whole army.

doubtlessly - zweifellose

dictum - Diktum; Machtspruch

edge - Rand; Seite, Kante, Vorsprung, Klinge, Schneide, schieben

line of supply - Nachschublinie

human - menschlich

duelist - Duellant

menacing - bedrohlich; Landplage, androhen

astray - in die Irre; fehlgeleitet, abwegig, irregeleitet

compelled - gezwungen; zwingen, zwingen, nötigen, zwingen

conform - anpassen; entsprechen, passen, gerecht werden, genügen

warding - Vorbeugung; (ward) abwehren

thrusts - Schübe; Stoß, Stoß, Stich, Vorstoß, Schub, Schubkraft, Druck

threatened - bedroht; drohen, bedrohen, bedrohen, androhen

be fortunate - Glück haben

entail - mit sich bringen; nach sich ziehen


Then you will be able to fight with advantage.

4. Ground which can be abandoned but is hard to re-occupy is called entangling.

5. From a position of this sort, if the enemy is unprepared, you may sally forth and defeat him. But if the enemy is prepared for your coming, and you fail to defeat him, then, return being impossible, disaster will ensue.

sally - aufbrechen

6. When the position is such that neither side will gain by making the first move, it is called temporising ground.

[Tu Mu says: "Each side finds it inconvenient to move, and the situation remains at a deadlock."]

inconvenient - Unbequem

deadlock - Sackgasse; toter Punkt, Stillstand, Deadlock, Verklemmung

7. In a position of this sort, even though the enemy should offer us an attractive bait,

attractive - attraktiv

[Tu Yu says, "turning their backs on us and pretending to flee." But this is only one of the lures which might induce us to quit our position.]

lures - ködern; Köder

quit - kündigen; verlassen; aufgeben, verlassen

it will be advisable not to stir forth, but rather to retreat, thus enticing the enemy in his turn; then, when part of his army has come out, we may deliver our attack with advantage.

advisable - ratsam

stir - erschüttern, bewegen, sich rühren, verrühren; Aufregung

8. With regard to narrow passes, if you can occupy them first, let them be strongly garrisoned and await the advent of the enemy.

garrisoned - Garnisoniert; Standort, Garnison, Standort

advent - Ankunft

[Because then, as Tu Yu observes, "the initiative will lie with us, and by making sudden and unexpected attacks we shall have the enemy at our mercy."]

initiative - Initiative

9. Should the enemy forestall you in occupying a pass, do not go after him if the pass is fully garrisoned, but only if it is weakly garrisoned.

forestall - abwenden; verhindern

weakly - Schwach

10. With regard to precipitous heights, if you are beforehand with your adversary, you should occupy the raised and sunny spots, and there wait for him to come up.

[Ts'ao Kung says: "The particular advantage of securing heights and defiles is that your actions cannot then be dictated by the enemy." [For the enunciation of the grand principle alluded to, see VI. § 2]. Chang Yu tells the following anecdote of P'ei Hsing-chien (A.D. 619-682), who was sent on a punitive expedition against the Turkic tribes. "At night he pitched his camp as usual, and it had already been completely fortified by wall and ditch, when suddenly he gave orders that the army should shift its quarters to a hill near by. This was highly displeasing to his officers, who protested loudly against the extra fatigue which it would entail on the men. P'ei Hsing-chien, however, paid no heed to their remonstrances and had the camp moved as quickly as possible. The same night, a terrific storm came on, which flooded their former place of encampment to the depth of over twelve feet.

dictated - diktiert; Diktat

enunciation - Erklärung; (deutliche) Aussprache, Artikulation, Ausdrucksweise

grand - großartig, prächtig, groß, bedeutend

alluded - angedeutet; andeuten, erwähnen

sent on - nachgeschickt

punitive expedition - Strafexpedition

Turkic - turkisch, Turk-, turksprachlich, türkisch

tribes - Stämme; Stamm, Volksstamm, Sippe, Volk

completely - vollständig, völlig, ganz, vollumfänglich

shift - Schicht; Verschiebung, Verlagerung, Verstellung, Gangschaltung

displeasing - unangenehm; missfallen

protested - protestiert; protestieren, demonstrieren, Einspruch erheben

loudly - lautstark; laut

heed - beachtet; beherzigen, beachten

remonstrances - Gegenargumente; Protest, Einspruch, Beschwerde

terrific - großartig; fürchterlich, furchtbar, schrecklich

flooded - überschwemmt; Flut, Flut, überschwemmen, überfluten, überfüllen

depth - Tiefe

The recalcitrant officers were amazed at the sight, and owned that they had been in the wrong. ˜How did you know what was going to happen?'they asked. P'ei Hsing-chien replied: ˜From this time forward be content to obey orders without asking unnecessary questions.'From this it may be seen," Chang Yu continues, "that high and sunny places are advantageous not only for fighting, but also because they are immune from disastrous floods."]

recalcitrant - widerspenstig, störrisch, bockig, aufsässig

amazed - erstaunt; verwundern

immune - immun

floods - Überschwemmungen; Flut, Flut, überschwemmen, überfluten

11. If the enemy has occupied them before you, do not follow him, but retreat and try to entice him away.

[The turning point of Li Shih-min's campaign in 621 A.D. against the two rebels, Tou Chien-te, King of Hsia, and Wang Shih-ch'ung, Prince of Cheng, was his seizure of the heights of Wu-lao, in spite of which Tou Chien-te persisted in his attempt to relieve his ally in Lo-yang, was defeated and taken prisoner. See Chiu T'ang Shu, ch. 2, fol. 5 verso, and also ch. 54.]

turning point - Wende

seizure - Beschlagnahmung; Beschlagnahme; Anfall

persisted - fortbestehen; beharren

prisoner - Gefangener, Gefangene, Häftling, Strafgefangener

12. If you are situated at a great distance from the enemy, and the strength of the two armies is equal, it is not easy to provoke a battle,

[The point is that we must not think of undertaking a long and wearisome march, at the end of which, as Tu Yu says, "we should be exhausted and our adversary fresh and keen."]

undertaking - Unternehmung; Unternehmen; (undertake); unternehmen, ausführen

wearisome - ermüdend, langweilig, lästig

and fighting will be to your disadvantage.

13. These six are the principles connected with Earth.

[Or perhaps, "the principles relating to ground." See, however, I. § 8.]

The general who has attained a responsible post must be careful to study them.

responsible - verantwortlich; vernünftig; verantwortungsvoll; zuverlässig

14. Now an army is exposed to six several calamities, not arising from natural causes, but from faults for which the general is responsible. These are: (1) Flight; (2) insubordination; (3) collapse; (4) ruin; (5) disorganisation; (6) rout.

arising from - entspringend

insubordination - Ungehorsamkeit, Befehlsverweigerung, Insubordination

collapse - Zusammenbruch; einstürzen, kollabieren, zusammenfallen

disorganisation - Desorganisation

15. Other conditions being equal, if one force is hurled against another ten times its size, the result will be the flight of the former.

hurled - geschleudert; schleudern

size - Konfektionsgröße, Körpergröße, Format; ausmessen

16. When the common soldiers are too strong and their officers too weak, the result is insubordination.

[Tu Mu cites the unhappy case of T'ien Pu [Hsin T'ang Shu, ch. 148], who was sent to Wei in 821 A.D. with orders to lead an army against Wang T'ing-ts'ou. But the whole time he was in command, his soldiers treated him with the utmost contempt, and openly flouted his authority by riding about the camp on donkeys, several thousands at a time.

unhappy - unglücklich

flouted - missachtet; sich hinwegsetzen über, missachten, pfeifen auf

riding about - herumreitend

T'ien Pu was powerless to put a stop to this conduct, and when, after some months had passed, he made an attempt to engage the enemy, his troops turned tail and dispersed in every direction. After that, the unfortunate man committed suicide by cutting his throat.]

conduct - Leitung, Führung, leiten, führen, sich verhalten, sich benehmen

dispersed - verstreut; zerstreuen, qualifier

unfortunate - unglücklich, unglückselig

committed - verpflichtet; einweisen, einliefern, begehen, verbrechen

suicide - Selbstmord; Suizid, Freitod, Selbstmörder, Selbstmörderin

When the officers are too strong and the common soldiers too weak, the result is collapse.

[Ts'ao Kung says: "The officers are energetic and want to press on, the common soldiers are feeble and suddenly collapse."]

energetic - energisch, energiegeladen, Energie

feeble - kraftlos, schwach, dürftig

17. When the higher officers are angry and insubordinate, and on meeting the enemy give battle on their own account from a feeling of resentment, before the commander-in-chief can tell whether or no he is in a position to fight, the result is ruin.

insubordinate - aufmüpfig; unbotmäßig, aufsässig, aufrührerisch

resentment - Ressentiments; Ressentiment, Abneigung, Missgunst, Ärger

[Wang Hsi's note is: "This means, the general is angry without cause, and at the same time does not appreciate the ability of his subordinate officers; thus he arouses fierce resentment and brings an avalanche of ruin upon his head."]

arouses - erregt; reizen, aufreizen, anregen, erregen, entfachen

avalanche - Lawine, Schneelawine

18. When the general is weak and without authority; when his orders are not clear and distinct;

[Wei Liao TzĹ­ (ch. 4) says: "If the commander gives his orders with decision, the soldiers will not wait to hear them twice; if his moves are made without vacillation, the soldiers will not be in two minds about doing their duty." General Baden-Powell says, italicizing the words: "The secret of getting successful work out of your trained men lies in one nutshell"in the clearness of the instructions they receive.

clearness - Klarheit; Ăśbersichtlichkeit, Deutlichkeit

[3] Cf. also Wu TzĹ­ ch. 3: "the most fatal defect in a military leader is difference; the worst calamities that befall an army arise from hesitation."]

most fatal - fatalste

befall - eintreten; befallen, zustoßen, hereinbrechen, widerfahren

arise from - sich entwickeln aus, hervorgehen aus;entspringen

hesitation - Zögern

when there are no fixed duties assigned to officers and men,

duties - Pflichten; Pflicht, Schicht, Arbeitszeit, Zoll, Einfuhrsteuer

assigned - zugewiesen; zuweisen, zuteilen, zuweisen

[Tu Mu says: "Neither officers nor men have any regular routine."]

and the ranks are formed in a slovenly haphazard manner, the result is utter disorganisation.

slovenly - schluderig, nachlässig, schlampig

haphazard - planlos, willkürlich

manner - Art und Weise; Weise, Manier

utter - Äußerlich; äußerst

19. When a general, unable to estimate the enemy's strength, allows an inferior force to engage a larger one, or hurls a weak detachment against a powerful one, and neglects to place picked soldiers in the front rank, the result must be a rout.

hurls - schleudert; schleudern

neglects - vernachlässigt; vernachlässigen, verabsäumen, versäumen

[Chang Yu paraphrases the latter part of the sentence and continues: "Whenever there is fighting to be done, the keenest spirits should be appointed to serve in the front ranks, both in order to strengthen the resolution of our own men and to demoralize the enemy." Cf. the primi ordines of Caesar ("De Bello Gallico," V. 28, 44, et al.).]

paraphrases - Paraphrasen; Umschreibung, sinngemäße Wiedergabe, umschreiben

whenever - wann auch immer

spirits - Geister; Geist, Seele, Geist, Stimmung, Schnaps, qualifier

appointed - ernannt; bestimmen, festlegen, ausstatten, ausrüsten, festlegen

resolution - Entschlossenheit, Standfestigkeit, Vorsatz, Auflösung

demoralize - demoralisieren

et - und

20. These are six ways of courting defeat, which must be carefully noted by the general who has attained a responsible post.

courting - Umwerben; huldigend, freiend; (court); Hof, Hofstaat, Gericht

[See supra, § 13.]

21. The natural formation of the country is the soldier's best ally;

[Ch'en Hao says: "The advantages of weather and season are not equal to those connected with ground."]

season - Jahreszeit, Saison; abschmecken (würzen), würzen

but a power of estimating the adversary, of controlling the forces of victory, and of shrewdly calculating difficulties, dangers and distances, constitutes the test of a great general.

controlling - Kontrolle; kontrollierend

shrewdly - schlau; geschickt

calculating - kalkulieren, berechnen, ausrechnen, rechnen, kalkulieren

dangers - Gefahren; Gefahr, Risiko

constitutes - ausmacht; gründen, begründen, bilden, einrichten

22. He who knows these things, and in fighting puts his knowledge into practice, will win his battles. He who knows them not, nor practises them, will surely be defeated.

23. If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight, even though the ruler forbid it; if fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight even at the ruler's bidding.

bidding - (to bid) befehlen, bieten, bitten; (bid) (to bid) befehlen

[Cf. VIII. § 3 fin. Huang Shih-kung of the Ch'in dynasty, who is said to have been the patron of Chang Liang and to have written the San Lueh, has these words attributed to him: "The responsibility of setting an army in motion must devolve on the general alone; if advance and retreat are controlled from the Palace, brilliant results will hardly be achieved. Hence the god-like ruler and the enlightened monarch are content to play a humble part in furthering their country's cause [lit.

fin - Flosse, Grat, Naht

responsibility - Verantwortung, Verantwortlichkeit

setting - Kontext; Einstellung; Vertonung; untergehend; (set); Seth

devolve - devolvieren; übertragen

controlled - kontrolliert; steuern, kontrollieren, regeln, Kontrolle

Palace - Palast; Schloss

God - Gott

enlightened - aufgeklärt; aufklären

monarch - Monarch, Monarchin, Fürst

furthering - zu fördern; fördern, fördern, weiter, ferner, weiter, weiter

kneel down to push the chariot wheel]." This means that "in matters lying outside the zenana, the decision of the military commander must be absolute." Chang Yu also quote the saying: "Decrees from the Son of Heaven do not penetrate the walls of a camp."]

kneel - knien

push - schieben, drängen, stoßen

matters - zählt; Materie, Materie, Masse, Substanz, Stoff, Angelegenheit

decrees - Dekrete; Erlass, Dekret

penetrate - durchdringen; eindringen, penetrieren

24. The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace,

coveting - begehren, sehnen, begehren, de

fame - Ruhm, Berühmtheit, Bekanntheit

disgrace - Ungnade, Schande, Schmach

[It was Wellington, I think, who said that the hardest thing of all for a soldier is to retreat.]

whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.

do good - Wohltun

service - warten; Bedienung, Dienstleistung, Betrieb

jewel - Edelstein, Juwel, Schmuckstück, Kleinod

[A noble presentiment, in few words, of the Chinese "happy warrior." Such a man, says Ho Shih, "even if he had to suffer punishment, would not regret his conduct."]

noble - edel; Adeliger, Adliger, Adelige, Adlige

presentiment - Vorahnung

warrior - Krieger, Kriegerin

regret - bedauern, bereuen, leidtun, Reue, Bedauern

25. Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.

deepest - tiefsten; tief, tief, tief, tief, tief, tief, tief, tiefgründig

beloved - beliebt, geliebt, Liebe, Liebchen, Liebling; (belove); beliebt

[Cf. I. § 6. In this connection, Tu Mu draws for us an engaging picture of the famous general Wu Ch'i, from whose treatise on war I have frequently had occasion to quote: "He wore the same clothes and ate the same food as the meanest of his soldiers, refused to have either a horse to ride or a mat to sleep on, carried his own surplus rations wrapped in a parcel, and shared every hardship with his men. One of his soldiers was suffering from an abscess, and Wu Ch'i himself sucked out the virus. The soldier's mother, hearing this, began wailing and lamenting. Somebody asked her, saying: ˜Why do you cry? Your son is only a common soldier, and yet the commander-in-chief himself has sucked the poison from his sore.'The woman replied, ˜Many years ago, Lord Wu performed a similar service for my husband, who never left him afterwards, and finally met his death at the hands of the enemy. And now that he has done the same for my son, he too will fall fighting I know not where.'" Li Ch'uan mentions the Viscount of Ch'u, who invaded the small state of Hsiao during the winter.

frequently - häufig

mat - Matte

sleep on - überschlafen

surplus - Überschuss, Rest

wrapped - eingewickelt; einhüllen, einwickeln, wickeln, einpacken, hüllen

parcel - Paket; Parzelle

hardship - Härtefall; Härte, Not, Entbehrung, Mühsal

abscess - Abszess, Eiterbeule

sucked - gesaugt; saugen, saugen, lutschen, mies sein, zum Kotzen sein

virus - Virus; Computervirus

wailing - (to wail) jammern, wehklagen, klagen; (wail) (to wail) jammern

lamenting - klagend, beklagend; (lament); Klage, Wehklage, Klagen

cry - weinen; schreien; rufen; Weinen; Schrei

sore - sauer; weh, wund, schmerzend, schmerzhaft

performed - durchgeführt; verrichten, Arbeit leisten, Arbeit verrichten

Viscount - Vicomte

The Duke of Shen said to him: "Many of the soldiers are suffering severely from the cold." So he made a round of the whole army, comforting and encouraging the men; and straightway they felt as if they were clothed in garments lined with floss silk.]

severely - ernsthaft

comforting - tröstlich; Behaglichkeit, Bequemlichkeit, Komfort, Trost

encouraging - ermutigend; ermutigen, ermuntern, empfehlen

clothed - bekleidet; Stoff, Tuch

garments - Kleidungsstücke; Kleidungsstück

floss - Zahnseide; Seide

26. If, however, you are indulgent, but unable to make your authority felt; kind-hearted, but unable to enforce your commands; and incapable, moreover, of quelling disorder: then your soldiers must be likened to spoilt children; they are useless for any practical purpose.

indulgent - Nachsichtig

incapable - nicht fähig; unfähig

quelling - unterdrücken

spoilt - verdorben; verwöhnt, verzogen; (spoil); plündern; ruinieren

[Li Ching once said that if you could make your soldiers afraid of you, they would not be afraid of the enemy. Tu Mu recalls an instance of stern military discipline which occurred in 219 A.D., when Lu Meng was occupying the town of Chiang-ling. He had given stringent orders to his army not to molest the inhabitants nor take anything from them by force. Nevertheless, a certain officer serving under his banner, who happened to be a fellow-townsman, ventured to appropriate a bamboo hat belonging to one of the people, in order to wear it over his regulation helmet as a protection against the rain. Lu Meng considered that the fact of his being also a native of Ju-nan should not be allowed to palliate a clear breach of discipline, and accordingly he ordered his summary execution, the tears rolling down his face, however, as he did so. This act of severity filled the army with wholesome awe, and from that time forth even articles dropped in the highway were not picked up.

recalls - zurückrufen, erinnern

stern - ernst, Heck

occurred - aufgetreten; passieren, vorkommen, stattfinden, vorkommen

ling - Leng (Fischart)

stringent - Streng; stringent

molest - belästigen

by force - zwangsweise

serving - dienen; Portion

townsman - Bürger, Stadtbewohner

bamboo - Bambus, Bambusrohr

belonging - Zugehörigkeit; gehörend

regulation - Regeln; Regelung, Regulativ, Bestimmung, Verordnung

helmet - Helm

protection - Schutz

native of - gebürtig

palliate - lindern; beschönigen

breach - Bruch; Verstoß, Bresche, Brechen

execution - Ausführung; Hinrichtung

Tears - Tränen; zerreißen, ich/er/sie/es riss, riß

wholesome - gesund, heilsam, gesundheitsfördernd, gesundheitsförderlich

dropped in - (drop in) Störsignal

highway - Autobahn; Hauptstraße, Chaussee

27. If we know that our own men are in a condition to attack, but are unaware that the enemy is not open to attack, we have gone only halfway towards victory.

unaware - ahnungslos; unwissend, nicht wissend, unaufmerksam, gedankenlos

halfway - auf halbem Weg; halbwegs

[That is, Ts'ao Kung says, "the issue in this case is uncertain."]

28. If we know that the enemy is open to attack, but are unaware that our own men are not in a condition to attack, we have gone only halfway towards victory.

[Cf. III. § 13 (1).]

29. If we know that the enemy is open to attack, and also know that our men are in a condition to attack, but are unaware that the nature of the ground makes fighting impracticable, we have still gone only halfway towards victory.

impracticable - undurchführbar

30. Hence the experienced soldier, once in motion, is never bewildered; once he has broken camp, he is never at a loss.

experienced - Erlebnis

bewildered - verwirrt; verwirren, durcheinanderbringen

[The reason being, according to Tu Mu, that he has taken his measures so thoroughly as to ensure victory beforehand. "He does not move recklessly," says Chang Yu, "so that when he does move, he makes no mistakes."]

31. Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.

[Li Ch'uan sums up as follows: "Given a knowledge of three things"the affairs of men, the seasons of heaven and the natural advantages of earth", victory will invariably crown your battles."]

affairs - Angelegenheiten; Angelegenheit, Angelegenheit, Scharmützel

crown - Zenit; krönen; Bombage (ballige Fläche), Zahnkrone; Baumkrone

[1] See "Pensees de Napoleon 1er," no. 47.

[2] "The Science of War," chap. 2.

[3] "Aids to Scouting," p. xii.


1. Sun TzĹ­ said: The art of war recognises nine varieties of ground: (1) Dispersive ground; (2) facile ground; (3) contentious ground; (4) open ground; (5) ground of intersecting highways; (6) serious ground; (7) difficult ground; (8) hemmed-in ground; (9) desperate ground.

recognises - anerkennt; anerkennen

varieties - Sorten; Sorte, Varietät, Varietät, Sprachform, Sprachvarietät

facile - leichtfertig; leicht, mühelos

contentious - umstritten

intersecting - Überschneidungen; erman: sich schneiden, erman: sich schneiden

highways - Autobahnen; Hauptstraße, Chaussee

serious - ernst, seriös, ernsthaft, schwerwiegend

2. When a chieftain is fighting in his own territory, it is dispersive ground.

chieftain - Häuptling

[So called because the soldiers, being near to their homes and anxious to see their wives and children, are likely to seize the opportunity afforded by a battle and scatter in every direction. "In their advance," observes Tu Mu, "they will lack the valor of desperation, and when they retreat, they will find harbors of refuge."]

Scatter - zerstreuen, verstreuen, ausstreuen; (scat); zerstreuen

valor - die Tapferkeit

harbors - Häfen; Zufluchtsort, Hafen

3. When he has penetrated into hostile territory, but to no great distance, it is facile ground.

[Li Ch'uan and Ho Shih say "because of the facility for retreating," and the other commentators give similar explanations. Tu Mu remarks: "When your army has crossed the border, you should burn your boats and bridges, in order to make it clear to everybody that you have no hankering after home."]

facility - Leichtigkeit; Einrichtung, Vorrichtung, Anlage

explanations - Erklärungen; Erläuterung, Erklärung, Ausführung, Erklärung

bridges - überbrücken, eine Brücke schlagen; Einschraubbrücke; Brücke

hankering - Sehnsucht; sich sehnend, Verlangen; (hanker); verlangen

4. Ground the possession of which imports great advantage to either side, is contentious ground.

imports - Importe; importieren; Einfuhr

[Tu Mu defines the ground as ground "to be contended for." Ts'ao Kung says: "ground on which the few and the weak can defeat the many and the strong," such as "the neck of a pass," instanced by Li Ch'uan. Thus, Thermopylae was of this classification because the possession of it, even for a few days only, meant holding the entire invading army in check and thus gaining invaluable time. Cf. Wu TzĹ­, ch. V. ad init.: "For those who have to fight in the ratio of one to ten, there is nothing better than a narrow pass." When Lu Kuang was returning from his triumphant expedition to Turkestan in 385 A.D., and had got as far as I-ho, laden with spoils, Liang Hsi, administrator of Liang-chou, taking advantage of the death of Fu Chien, King of Ch'in, plotted against him and was for barring his way into the province. Yang Han, governor of Kao-ch'ang, counseled him, saying: "Lu Kuang is fresh from his victories in the west, and his soldiers are vigorous and mettlesome.

contended - bestritten; streiten, sich auseinandersetzen, ringen mit

neck - knutschen; Genick, Zapfen (Wellenhals), Nacken

instanced - instanziert; Beispiel

Thermopylae - Thermopylen

gaining - zu gewinnen; gewinnend

invaluable - unbezahlbar

ratio - Verhältnis

laden - beladen, belastet, schwer; (lade); beladen, belastet, schwer

administrator - Verwalter, Verwalterin, Verwaltungsleiter, Sachbearbeiter

plotted - aufgezeichnet; Handlung, Plot, Ausdruck, Komplott

barring - Sperrung; ausgenommen; (bar) Sperrung; ausgenommen

governor - Gouverneur, Gouverneurin, Regler

counseled - beraten; Beratung, Rat, Ratschlag, Anwalt, Anwältin

vigorous - kräftig, stark, energisch, lebhaft

mettlesome - beschaulich

If we oppose him in the shifting sands of the desert, we shall be no match for him, and we must therefore try a different plan. Let us hasten to occupy the defile at the mouth of the Kao-wu pass, thus cutting him off from supplies of water, and when his troops are prostrated with thirst, we can dictate our own terms without moving. Or if you think that the pass I mention is too far off, we could make a stand against him at the I-wu pass, which is nearer. The cunning and resource of TzĹ­-fang himself would be expended in vain against the enormous strength of these two positions." Liang Hsi, refusing to act on this advice, was overwhelmed and swept away by the invader.]

shifting - Verschieben; wechseln; (shift); Schicht; Verschiebung

sands - Sande; Sand

match - Wettkampf, Kampf (Sport), Spiel (Sport); sich messen mit

prostrated - niedergeworfen; niedergestreckt, niederwerfen, erniedrigen

dictate - Diktat, Gebot, diktieren, bestimmen, vorschreiben

mention - Erwähnung; erwähnen

stand against - Widerstand gegen etw.

Fang - Fang, Fangzahn

in vain - vergebens

refusing - Müll; abweisen, verweigern, abschlagen, ablehnen

act on - einwirken auf

overwhelmed - überwältigt; überwältigen, übermannen, überrumpeln, de

swept away - weggefegt

5. Ground on which each side has liberty of movement is open ground.

liberty - Freiheit

[There are various interpretations of the Chinese adjective for this type of ground. Ts'ao Kung says it means "ground covered with a network of roads," like a chessboard. Ho Shih suggested: "ground on which intercommunication is easy."]

interpretations - Interpretationen; Interpretation, Auslegung, Interpretation

adjective - Adjektiv, Eigenschaftswort, Beiwort, Wiewort

network - Netzwerk; vernetzen

chessboard - Schachbrett

intercommunication - Interkommunikation

6. Ground which forms the key to three contiguous states,

contiguous - zusammenhängend

[Ts'au Kung defines this as: "Our country adjoining the enemy's and a third country conterminous with both." Meng Shih instances the small principality of Cheng, which was bounded on the north-east by Ch'i, on the west by Chin, and on the south by Ch'u.]

adjoining - angrenzend

third country - Drittland

conterminous - zusammenhängend

principality - Fürstentum

bounded - begrenzt; Sprung

so that he who occupies it first has most of the Empire at his command,

occupies - in Anspruch nehmen, belegen, bewohnen, besetzen, okkupieren

[The belligerent who holds this dominating position can constrain most of them to become his allies.]

belligerent - kriegführend, Krieg führend, kampflustig, kriegerisch, Krieg

holds - hält; innehaben

dominating position - Vormachtstellung

constrain - zwingen;etw. einschränken

is ground of intersecting highways.

7. When an army has penetrated into the heart of a hostile country, leaving a number of fortified cities in its rear, it is serious ground.

[Wang Hsi explains the name by saying that "when an army has reached such a point, its situation is serious."]

reached - erreicht; erzielen, greifen (nach), sich erstrecken; eintreffen

8. Mountain forests,

[Or simply "forests."]

rugged steeps, marshes and fens"all country that is hard to traverse: this is difficult ground.

steeps - einweichen, abschüssig

fens - Sümpfe; Sumpf, Moor, Marschland, Sumpfland

9. Ground which is reached through narrow gorges, and from which we can only retire by tortuous paths, so that a small number of the enemy would suffice to crush a large body of our men: this is hemmed in ground.

tortuous - verschlungen; gewunden

paths - Wege; Weg, Pfad

suffice - ausreichen, genügen, genug sein, zufriedenstellen

10. Ground on which we can only be saved from destruction by fighting without delay, is desperate ground.

saved - gerettet; retten, erretten, sichern, speichern, sparen

[The situation, as pictured by Ts'ao Kung, is very similar to the "hemmed-in ground" except that here escape is no longer possible: "A lofty mountain in front, a large river behind, advance impossible, retreat blocked." Ch'en Hao says: "to be on ˜desperate ground'is like sitting in a leaking boat or crouching in a burning house." Tu Mu quotes from Li Ching a vivid description of the plight of an army thus entrapped: "Suppose an army invading hostile territory without the aid of local guides:"it falls into a fatal snare and is at the enemy's mercy. A ravine on the left, a mountain on the right, a pathway so perilous that the horses have to be roped together and the chariots carried in slings, no passage open in front, retreat cut off behind, no choice but to proceed in single file. Then, before there is time to range our soldiers in order of battle, the enemy is overwhelming strength suddenly appears on the scene. Advancing, we can nowhere take a breathing-space; retreating, we have no haven of refuge.

lofty - erhaben; hoch

blocked - blockiert; Block, Block

leaking - undicht

crouching - hockend; sich ducken (vor), kriechen; kauern, hocken

burning - Verbrennen; brennend; Verbrennung; (burn) Verbrennen; brennend; Verbrennung

entrapped - gefangen; verstricken, verleiten

aid - Hilfsmittel, Hilfe, Mithilfe; helfen, beispringen

fatal - verhängnisvoll, fatal, tödlich

snare - Schlinge, Falle

ravine - Klamm, Schlucht

pathway - Weg; Bahn, Pfad

perilous - lebensgefährlich; gefährlich, gefahrvoll

roped - angeseilt; Tau, Seil, Strang

slings - Schleudern; Armschlinge

choice - Wahl; Auswahl; erlesen

range - Reichweite; Gebirgskette, Gebirge, Gebirgszug, Herd, Spanne

nowhere - nirgendwo, nirgends

breathing - Atmen, Atmung; (breath); Atmen, Atmung, Atemzug, Atem, Atempause

We seek a pitched battle, but in vain; yet standing on the defensive, none of us has a moment's respite. If we simply maintain our ground, whole days and months will crawl by; the moment we make a move, we have to sustain the enemy's attacks on front and rear. The country is wild, destitute of water and plants; the army is lacking in the necessaries of life, the horses are jaded and the men worn-out, all the resources of strength and skill unavailing, the pass so narrow that a single man defending it can check the onset of ten thousand; all means of offense in the hands of the enemy, all points of vantage already forfeited by ourselves:"in this terrible plight, even though we had the most valiant soldiers and the keenest of weapons, how could they be employed with the slightest effect?" Students of Greek history may be reminded of the awful close to the Sicilian expedition, and the agony of the Athenians under Nicias and Demonsthenes. [See Thucydides, VII. 78 sqq.].]

vain - eitel; unnützlich

respite - Aufschub, Frist, Atempause, Bedenkzeit

crawl - krabbeln; kriechen

sustain - unterstützen; unterhalten, aufrechterhalten, versorgen

wild - wild, rau

destitute - notleidend

necessaries of life - Lebensbedürfnisse

unavailing - vergeblich

defending - verteidigen

offense - Beleidigung; beleidigt sein, gekränkt sein

vantage - Blickwinkel; Vorteil; Aussichtspunkt

valiant - mutig; beherzt, heldenhaft, heroisch, kühn

employed - Beschäftigter, Arbeitnehmer, Angestellter

slightest - das Geringste; geringfügig, leicht, gering, unbedeutend, wenig

Greek - griechisch; Griechisch, griechische Sprache, Grieche, Griechin

awful - schrecklich, furchtbar, schrecklich (1), checkfurchtbar (1)

Sicilian - sizilianisch; Sizilianisch; Sizilianer, Sizilianerin

agony - Qualen; Agonie, Qual, Pein, Todeskampf, Freudenausbruch

Athenians - Athener, Athenerin, Athener, athenisch

Thucydides - Thukydides; Thucydides

11. On dispersive ground, therefore, fight not. On facile ground, halt not. On contentious ground, attack not.

halt - anhalten; unterbrechen, halten; Halt

[But rather let all your energies be bent on occupying the advantageous position first. So Ts'ao Kung. Li Ch'uan and others, however, suppose the meaning to be that the enemy has already forestalled us, sot that it would be sheer madness to attack. In the Sun TzĹ­ Hsu Lu, when the King of Wu inquires what should be done in this case, Sun TzĹ­ replies: "The rule with regard to contentious ground is that those in possession have the advantage over the other side.

energies - Energien; Energie, Energie, Energie

be bent on - erpicht sein auf

forestalled - vorgebeugt; verhindern

sot - Säufer

madness - Wahnsinn, Verrücktheit, Tollheit

inquires - Erkundigungen; erkundigen

If a position of this kind is secured first by the enemy, beware of attacking him. Lure him away by pretending to flee"show your banners and sound your drums"make a dash for other places that he cannot afford to lose"trail brushwood and raise a dust"confound his ears and eyes"detach a body of your best troops, and place it secretly in ambuscade. Then your opponent will sally forth to the rescue."]

secured - gesichert; sicher, geschützt, beschützt, sicher, geschützt

Beware - Aufpassen; sich hüten (vor)

Dash - Bindestrich, Gedankenstrich, Querstrich, Spurt, Sprint

afford - leisten

trail - Pfad; folgen, verfolgen, nachstellen, nacheilen

brushwood - Reisig; Gestrüpp

Confound - verwirren; verschlimmern, verschlechtern, besiegen, verfluchen

rescue - retten; Rettung

12. On open ground, do not try to block the enemy's way.

block - Kloben, Block, Klotz, Trakt; absperren, blockieren

[Because the attempt would be futile, and would expose the blocking force itself to serious risks. There are two interpretations available here. I follow that of Chang Yu. The other is indicated in Ts'ao Kung's brief note: "Draw closer together""i.e., see that a portion of your own army is not cut off.]

expose - entlarven; aufdecken, offenbaren, entblößen, bloßlegen

blocking - Blockieren; (block) Kloben, Block, Klotz, Trakt; (bloc); Block

On ground of intersecting highways, join hands with your allies.

[Or perhaps, "form alliances with neighbouring states."]

13. On serious ground, gather in plunder.

[On this, Li Ch'uan has the following delicious note: "When an army penetrates far into the enemy's country, care must be taken not to alienate the people by unjust treatment. Follow the example of the Han Emperor Kao Tsu, whose march into Ch'in territory was marked by no violation of women or looting of valuables.

penetrates - durchdringt; eindringen, penetrieren, penetrieren

care - kümmern; Sorgfalt, Aufbewahrung, Behandlung

alienate - befremden, entfremden

unjust - ungerecht

treatment - Behandeln, Behandlung, Umgang

marked by - gekennzeichnet durch

violation - Verstoß; Verletzung

looting - Plünderung; (loot); Plünderung

valuables - Wertsachen; wertvoll, Wertgegenstand, Wertsache

[Nota bene: this was in 207 B.C., and may well cause us to blush for the Christian armies that entered Peking in 1900 A.D.] Thus he won the hearts of all. In the present passage, then, I think that the true reading must be, not ˜plunder,'but ˜do not plunder.'" Alas, I fear that in this instance the worthy commentator's feelings outran his judgment. Tu Mu, at least, has no such illusions. He says: "When encamped on ˜serious ground,'there being no inducement as yet to advance further, and no possibility of retreat, one ought to take measures for a protracted resistance by bringing in provisions from all sides, and keep a close watch on the enemy."]

blush - Schamröte; erröten, sich schämen

Christian - Christ, Christin, Christian, christlich

entered - eingegeben; reingehen, hineingehen, hereingehen, eintreten

hearts - Herzen; Herz, Herzstück

worthy - würdig

feelings - Gefühle; Gefühl, Eindruck

outran - überholt; überholen

judgment - Urteil; Urteilsvermögen; Beurteilung; Richtspruch

illusions - Illusionen; Illusion, Wahnvorstellung, Sinnestäuschung, Illusion

inducement - Ansporn; Veranlassung

as yet - bislang, bis jetzt

take measures - Maßnahmen ergreifen

bringing in - einspielend

all sides - allseitig

In difficult ground, keep steadily on the march.

[Or, in the words of VIII. § 2, "do not encamp.]

14. On hemmed-in ground, resort to stratagem.

[Ts'au Kung says: "Try the effect of some unusual artifice;" and Tu Yu amplifies this by saying: "In such a position, some scheme must be devised which will suit the circumstances, and if we can succeed in deluding the enemy, the peril may be escaped." This is exactly what happened on the famous occasion when Hannibal was hemmed in among the mountains on the road to Casilinum, and to all appearances entrapped by the dictator Fabius. The stratagem which Hannibal devised to baffle his foes was remarkably like that which T'ien Tan had also employed with success exactly 62 years before.

amplifies - verstärkt; erman: verstärken glossore intense; vergrößern gloss

devised - erdacht; ausdenken, entwerfen, erdenken, planen

suit - Anzug; Anzugträger; Farbe; passen

deluding - Täuschung; irreführen, täuschen

escaped - entkommen; entgehen, entgehen, ausweichen, davonkommen, Flucht

exactly - genau; ganz genau

all appearances - allem Anschein nach

Dictator - Diktator

baffle - Ablenkungsmanöver; verblüffen, verdutzen, verwirren

foes - Feinde; Feind

remarkably - bemerkenswert

[See IX. § 24, note.] When night came on, bundles of twigs were fastened to the horns of some 2000 oxen and set on fire, the terrified animals being then quickly driven along the mountain side towards the passes which were beset by the enemy. The strange spectacle of these rapidly moving lights so alarmed and discomfited the Romans that they withdrew from their position, and Hannibal's army passed safely through the defile. [See Polybius, III. 93, 94; Livy, XXII. 16 17.]

bundles - Bündel

twigs - Zweige; Zweig

terrified - verängstigt; erschrecken

beset - bedrängt; befallen, bedrängen

alarmed - beunruhigt; Alarm, Alarm, Alarmsignal

discomfited - beunruhigt; Unbehagen bereiten, aus der Fassung bringen

safely - sicher

On desperate ground, fight.

[For, as Chia Lin remarks: "if you fight with all your might, there is a chance of life; where as death is certain if you cling to your corner."]

cling to - anschmiegen

corner - Ecke, Winkel, in die Enge treiben

15. Those who were called skilful leaders of old knew how to drive a wedge between the enemy's front and rear;

wedge - verkeilen, festklemmen, mit einem Keil spalten; keilen

[More literally, "cause the front and rear to lose touch with each other."]

to prevent co-operation between his large and small divisions; to hinder the good troops from rescuing the bad, the officers from rallying their men.

Co - US-Bundesstaat

hinder - behindern, aufhalten, hindern; (hind) behindern, aufhalten

rescuing - retten, Rettung

rallying - Rallye; zusammenscharend

16. When the enemy's men were scattered, they prevented them from concentrating; even when their forces were united, they managed to keep them in disorder.

managed - verwaltet; verwalten, leiten, hinbekommen, schaffen, schaffen

17. When it was to their advantage, they made a forward move; when otherwise, they stopped still.

[Mei Yao-ch'en connects this with the foregoing: "Having succeeded in thus dislocating the enemy, they would push forward in order to secure any advantage to be gained; if there was no advantage to be gained, they would remain where they were."]

connects - verbindet; verbinden, anschließen, verbinden

foregoing - vorstehenden Ausführungen; vorhergehend; (forego) vorstehenden Ausführungen; vorhergehend

dislocating - auskugeln, ausrenken, verrenken, dislozieren

push forward - vorstoßen

18. If asked how to cope with a great host of the enemy in orderly array and on the point of marching to the attack, I should say: "Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will."

cope - bewältigen

orderly - ordnungsgemäß; ordentlich; Pflegehelfer, Krankenpfleger

amenable - aufnahmefähig

[Opinions differ as to what Sun TzĹ­ had in mind. Ts'ao Kung thinks it is "some strategical advantage on which the enemy is depending." Tu Mu says: "The three things which an enemy is anxious to do, and on the accomplishment of which his success depends, are: (1) to capture our favourable positions; (2) to ravage our cultivated land; (3) to guard his own communications.

differ - sich unterscheiden

depending - abhängig; abhängen, ankommen

accomplishment - Ausführung; Fertigkeit, Errungenschaft, Fähigkeit, Leistung

ravage - verwüsten, zerstören, Verwüstung

cultivated - kultiviert; kultivieren, anbauen, kultivieren, pflegen

Our object then must be to thwart his plans in these three directions and thus render him helpless. [Cf. III. § 3.] By boldly seizing the initiative in this way, you at once throw the other side on the defensive.]

thwart - durchkreuzen, entgegenwirken, vereiteln, konterkarieren

helpless - hilflos

boldly - kühn, tapfer

19. Rapidity is the essence of war:

essence - Wesen; Essenz, Extrakt, Parfüm

[According to Tu Mu, "this is a summary of leading principles in warfare," and he adds: "These are the profoundest truths of military science, and the chief business of the general." The following anecdotes, told by Ho Shih, shows the importance attached to speed by two of China's greatest generals. In 227 A.D., Meng Ta, governor of Hsin-ch'eng under the Wei Emperor Wen Ti, was meditating defection to the House of Shu, and had entered into correspondence with Chu-ko Liang, Prime Minister of that State. The Wei general Ssu-ma I was then military governor of Wan, and getting wind of Meng Ta's treachery, he at once set off with an army to anticipate his revolt, having previously cajoled him by a specious message of friendly import. Ssu-ma's officers came to him and said: "If Meng Ta has leagued himself with Wu and Shu, the matter should be thoroughly investigated before we make a move." Ssu-ma I replied: "Meng Ta is an unprincipled man, and we ought to go and punish him at once, while he is still wavering and before he has thrown off the mask." Then, by a series of forced marches, be brought his army under the walls of Hsin-ch'eng with in a space of eight days. Now Meng Ta had previously said in a letter to Chu-ko Liang: "Wan is 1200 li from here. When the news of my revolt reaches Ssu-ma I, he will at once inform his imperial master, but it will be a whole month before any steps can be taken, and by that time my city will be well fortified. Besides, Ssu-ma I is sure not to come himself, and the generals that will be sent against us are not worth troubling about." The next letter, however, was filled with consternation: "Though only eight days have passed since I threw off my allegiance, an army is already at the city-gates. What miraculous rapidity is this!" A fortnight later, Hsin- ch'eng had fallen and Meng Ta had lost his head.

profoundest - am tiefsten; tiefgehend, tiefgehend, tief, profund

truths - Wahrheiten; Wahrheit, Wahrheit, Wahrheit, Treue, Wahrheit

military science - Wehrwissenschaft

attached - befestigt; Aktentasche, Attache, Aktenkoffer

meditating - meditieren

defection - Abtrünnigkeit, Treuebruch, Überlaufen (to the other party)

entered into - (enter into) einspringen

correspondence - Briefwechsel, Korrespondenz

prime - wichtigste

wan - Großraumnetzwerk

treachery - Verrat

revolt - revoltieren; Revolte

cajoled - beschwatzt; beschwatzen

import - importieren; Einfuhr

leagued - gepachtet; Liga, Spielklasse, Bund

investigated - untersucht; untersuchen, erforschen, recherchieren, untersuchen

unprincipled - prinzipienlos

punish - bestrafen

mask - Maske; abkleben (zum Schutz); abdecken, maskieren

inform - benachrichtigen, mitteilen, informieren

Master - Haupt.., Grund, Meister, führend, leitend; bewältigen, meistern

steps - Schritte; treten, treten (du trittst

besides - Außerdem; neben, neben

troubling - beunruhigend; störend; (trouble); Ärger; Schwierigkeit; Anstrengung

consternation - Bestürzung, Fassungslosigkeit

allegiance - Treue, Loyalität, Treuherzigkeit, Gefolgschaft

miraculous - wundersam; wundertätig, mirakulös, Wunder

fortnight - vierzehn Tage; vierzehn Tag age, zwei Wochen

[See Chin Shu, ch. 1, f. 3.] In 621 A.D., Li Ching was sent from K'uei-chou in Ssu-ch'uan to reduce the successful rebel Hsiao Hsien, who had set up as Emperor at the modern Ching-chou Fu in Hupeh. It was autumn, and the Yangtsze being then in flood, Hsiao Hsien never dreamt that his adversary would venture to come down through the gorges, and consequently made no preparations. But Li Ching embarked his army without loss of time, and was just about to start when the other generals implored him to postpone his departure until the river was in a less dangerous state for navigation. Li Ching replied: "To the soldier, overwhelming speed is of paramount importance, and he must never miss opportunities. Now is the time to strike, before Hsiao Hsien even knows that we have got an army together. If we seize the present moment when the river is in flood, we shall appear before his capital with startling suddenness, like the thunder which is heard before you have time to stop your ears against it. [See VII. § 19, note.] This is the great principle in war. Even if he gets to know of our approach, he will have to levy his soldiers in such a hurry that they will not be fit to oppose us. Thus the full fruits of victory will be ours." All came about as he predicted, and Hsiao Hsien was obliged to surrender, nobly stipulating that his people should be spared and he alone suffer the penalty of death.]

dreamt - geträumt; Traum, Traum, t+Wunsch, träumen, träumen, t+wünschen

Venture - Wagnis

consequently - folglich

embarked - eingeschifft; einschiffen, an Bord gehen, beginnen, antreten

loss of time - Zeitverlust

implored - angefleht; anflehen

postpone - verschieben, aufschieben, zurückstellen

departure - Abreise; Abfahrt

navigation - Navigation; Schifffahrt

opportunities - Möglichkeiten; Gelegenheit, Chance, Möglichkeit, Gelegenheit

startling - verblüffend; überraschend, alarmierend, erschreckend

suddenness - Plötzlichkeit

hurry - Eile; beeilen

be fit - geeignet sein

came about - (come about) zustandegekommen [alt], zu Stande gekommen

predicted - vorhergesagt; vorhersagen, prophezeien

nobly - großmütig, edel

stipulating - vorschreiben; vereinbaren

be spared - von etw. verschont bleiben

penalty - Strafe

take advantage of the enemy's unreadiness, make your way by unexpected routes, and attack unguarded spots.

unreadiness - nicht bereit; mangelnde Bereitschaft

routes - Route, Leitung, Strecke, Richtung; leiten, routen, lotsen

20. The following are the principles to be observed by an invading force: The further you penetrate into a country, the greater will be the solidarity of your troops, and thus the defenders will not prevail against you.

observed - beobachtet; beobachten, beachten, halten, bemerken

solidarity - Solidarität, Unterstützung

prevail - erman: die Vorherrschaft erringen (''over'' über); sich durchsetzen (''against'' gegen); vorherrschen; überzeugen können

21. Make forays in fertile country in order to supply your army with food.

forays - Streifzüge; plötzlicher Überfall, überraschender Überfall

fertile - fruchtbar, geil

[Cf. supra, § 13. Li Ch'uan does not venture on a note here.]

22. Carefully study the well-being of your men,

[For "well-being", Wang Hsi means, "Pet them, humor them, give them plenty of food and drink, and look after them generally."]

pet - Haustier, Liebling

look after - aufpassen, sich bemühen, pfleglich behandeln

and do not overtax them. Concentrate your energy and hoard your strength.

overtax - überbesteuern

hoard - Schatz, Vorrat; horten, sich Vorräte anlegen, hamstern

[Ch'en recalls the line of action adopted in 224 B.C. by the famous general Wang Chien, whose military genius largely contributed to the success of the First Emperor. He had invaded the Ch'u State, where a universal levy was made to oppose him. But, being doubtful of the temper of his troops, he declined all invitations to fight and remained strictly on the defensive. In vain did the Ch'u general try to force a battle: day after day Wang Chien kept inside his walls and would not come out, but devoted his whole time and energy to winning the affection and confidence of his men. He took care that they should be well fed, sharing his own meals with them, provided facilities for bathing, and employed every method of judicious indulgence to weld them into a loyal and homogenous body.

genius - Genie; Genialität

largely - groß, weitgehend, große

contributed - beigetragen; beisteuern, beitragen

universal - allgemein, Allgemein-, universell, weltweit, Welt-

doubtful - zweifelhaft; zweifelnd

declined - abgelehnt; Sinken

invitations - Einladungen; Einladung, Einladen

inside - Innenseite, Inneres, Innen-, Inner-, drinnen, hinein, innerhalb

devoted - hingebungsvoll; widmen

affection - Zuneigung; Rührung

facilities - Einrichtungen; Leichtigkeit, Einrichtung, Vorrichtung, Anlage

judicious - vernünftig

indulgence - Ablasshandel; Nachgiebigkeit, Nachsicht, Milde, Nachsichtigkeit

Weld - schweißen

homogenous - homogen

After some time had elapsed, he told off certain persons to find out how the men were amusing themselves. The answer was, that they were contending with one another in putting the weight and long-jumping. When Wang Chien heard that they were engaged in these athletic pursuits, he knew that their spirits had been strung up to the required pitch and that they were now ready for fighting. By this time the Ch'u army, after repeating their challenge again and again, had marched away eastwards in disgust. The Ch'in general immediately broke up his camp and followed them, and in the battle that ensued they were routed with great slaughter. Shortly afterwards, the whole of Ch'u was conquered by Ch'in, and the king Fu-ch'u led into captivity.]

elapsed - verstrichen; vergehen, verrinnen

told off - heimgeleuchtet

amusing - amüsant; amüsieren, vergnügen, belustigen, erheitern

contending - konkurrieren; streitend, disputierend; (contend); streiten

jumping - (to jump) springen, hüpfen

athletic - athletisch, sportlich

pursuits - Verfolgungen; Verfolgung

strung - bespannt; Schnur, Zeichenkette, String, Saite, String

eastwards - ostwärts

in disgust - mit Abscheu, angewidert

ensued - folgten; folgen, ansetzen, erfolgen, nachfolgen, resultieren

slaughter - Gemetzel; Schlachtung, rituelles Schlachten, Schächten

shortly - in Kürze; bald

Keep your army continually on the move,

continually - ständig, andauernd, immer wieder, immerzu

[In order that the enemy may never know exactly where you are. It has struck me, however, that the true reading might be "link your army together."]

link - Verknüpfung, Gelenk, Bindeglied; verbinden, binden; Kulisse

and devise unfathomable plans.

devise - erfinden; ausdenken, entwerfen, erdenken, planen

unfathomable - undurchschaubar

23. Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. If they will face death, there is nothing they may not achieve.

whence - woher; von daher

achieve - erreichen, realisieren, schaffen, erlangen

[Chang Yu quotes his favourite Wei Liao TzĹ­ (ch. 3): "If one man were to run amok with a sword in the market-place, and everybody else tried to get our of his way, I should not allow that this man alone had courage and that all the rest were contemptible cowards. The truth is, that a desperado and a man who sets some value on his life do not meet on even terms."]

run amok - Amok laufen

contemptible - verachtenswürdig, verachtenswert

desperado - Schurke

sets - Seth

Officers and men alike will put forth their uttermost strength.

alike - ähneln; gleich; gleichermaßen

uttermost - Äußerste

[Chang Yu says: "If they are in an awkward place together, they will surely exert their united strength to get out of it."]

exert - anstrengen; ausüben

24. Soldiers when in desperate straits lose the sense of fear. If there is no place of refuge, they will stand firm. If they are in the heart of a hostile country, they will show a stubborn front. If there is no help for it, they will fight hard.

place of refuge - Zufluchtsort

stand firm - feststehen

stubborn - starrköpfig; stur, dickköpfig

25. Thus, without waiting to be marshalled, the soldiers will be constantly on the qui vive; without waiting to be asked, they will do your will;

marshalled - marschiert; Marshall

[Literally, "without asking, you will get."]

without restrictions, they will be faithful; without giving orders, they can be trusted.

restrictions - Einschränkungen; Beschränkung, Verbot

faithful - treu

trusted - vertrauenswürdig; Vertrauen

26. Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared.

prohibit - verbieten

omens - Omen

superstitious - abergläubisch

[The superstitious, "bound in to saucy doubts and fears," degenerate into cowards and "die many times before their deaths." Tu Mu quotes Huang Shih-kung: "˜Spells and incantations should be strictly forbidden, and no officer allowed to inquire by divination into the fortunes of an army, for fear the soldiers'minds should be seriously perturbed.

bound - gebunden; Sprung; (bind); binden; verbinden, konnektieren

Saucy - soßenartig; keck, kess, frech, schamlos, gewagt

fears - Ängste; fürchten, befürchten, Angst haben; Furcht, Schreck

degenerate - entartet; widernatürlich, dekadent, degeneriert, Asozialer

deaths - Todesfälle; Tod, Exitus, Tod, der Tod, Tod, Untergang

incantations - Beschwörungen; Beschwörung

forbidden - Verboten; verbieten, untersagen, verweigern, vorenthalten

inquire - erkundigen

divination - Weissagung; Wahrsagerei, Wahrsagen

perturbed - beunruhigt; stören

The meaning is," he continues, "that if all doubts and scruples are discarded, your men will never falter in their resolution until they die."]

scruples - Skrupel

discarded - entsorgt; verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen

falter - Wanken, wackeln, schwächeln, stolpern, straucheln, zögern

27. If our soldiers are not overburdened with money, it is not because they have a distaste for riches; if their lives are not unduly long, it is not because they are disinclined to longevity.

overburdened - überlastet; Abraum, überlasten

distaste - Abneigung; Widerwille

unduly - unangemessen; über Gebühr, übermäßig

disinclined - abgeneigt machen

longevity - Langlebigkeit, llange

[Chang Yu has the best note on this passage: "Wealth and long life are things for which all men have a natural inclination. Hence, if they burn or fling away valuables, and sacrifice their own lives, it is not that they dislike them, but simply that they have no choice.

inclination - Neigung

fling away - wegschmeißen

dislike - Abneigung; Unbehagen; ablehnen

Sun TzĹ­ is slyly insinuating that, as soldiers are but human, it is for the general to see that temptations to shirk fighting and grow rich are not thrown in their way.]

slyly - durchtrieben; verschmitzt, schlau

insinuating - angedeutet; andeuten, unterstellen, insinuieren, einschmeicheln

temptations - Versuchungen; Versuchung, Verführung, Versuchung

shirk - sich drücken; drücken

thrown in - eingeworfen

28. On the day they are ordered out to battle, your soldiers may weep,

weep - weinen

[The word in the Chinese is "snivel." This is taken to indicate more genuine grief than tears alone.]

snivel - schluchzen; tief einatmen; schniefen

genuine - echt, original, genuin

grief - Kummer, Gram, Leid

those sitting up bedewing their garments, and those lying down letting the tears run down their cheeks.

sitting up - aufbleibend

run down - überfahren;heruntergewirtschaftet

cheeks - Wangen; Backe, qualifierormal, Backe, Stirn, Mick, Pumpenmick

[Not because they are afraid, but because, as Ts'ao Kung says, "all have embraced the firm resolution to do or die." We may remember that the heroes of the Iliad were equally childlike in showing their emotion. Chang Yu alludes to the mournful parting at the I River between Ching K'o and his friends, when the former was sent to attempt the life of the King of Ch'in (afterwards First Emperor) in 227 B.

embraced - umarmt; umarmen, annehmen, umarmen, Umarmung

firm - fest, straff (Busen), Fa. Firma, gesetzt, hart

heroes - Helden; Held, Heldin, Kriegsheld, Held, Hauptfigur

Iliad - Ilias, Iliade

childlike - kindlich

emotion - Emotionen; Gefühl, Empfindung

mournful - schwermütig; traurig, melancholisch, trübsinnig

. The tears of all flowed down like rain as he bade them farewell and uttered the following lines: "The shrill blast is blowing, Chilly the burn; Your champion is going"Not to return." [1] ]

flowed - geflossen; Wasserführung; ich flösse, ich/er/sie floss (floß

Farewell - Abschied nehmen; Lebewohl, Adieu, Abschied, Lebewohl sagen

uttered - geäußert; äußerst

shrill - schrill; scharf

blast - schlagen, vernichten, sprengen; mit Wucht schießen; Bö

chilly - frostig, kalt, kühl

champion - Sieger, Siegerin, Gewinner, Gewinnerin

But let them once be brought to bay, and they will display the courage of a Chu or a Kuei.

[Chu was the personal name of Chuan Chu, a native of the Wu State and contemporary with Sun TzĹ­ himself, who was employed by Kung-tzu Kuang, better known as Ho Lu Wang, to assassinate his sovereign Wang Liao with a dagger which he secreted in the belly of a fish served up at a banquet. He succeeded in his attempt, but was immediately hacked to pieces by the king's bodyguard. This was in 515 B.C. The other hero referred to, Ts'ao Kuei (or Ts'ao Mo), performed the exploit which has made his name famous 166 years earlier, in 681 B.C. Lu had been thrice defeated by Ch'i, and was just about to conclude a treaty surrendering a large slice of territory, when Ts'ao Kuei suddenly seized Huan Kung, the Duke of Ch'i, as he stood on the altar steps and held a dagger against his chest.

native - gebürtig; einheimisch; nativ; Ureinwohner, Ureinwohnerin

contemporary - zeitgemäß; zeitgenössisch, modern, zeitnah, Zeitgenosse

assassinate - ermorden, meucheln, Meuchelmord begehen

dagger - Dolch

secreted - abgesondert; absondern, abscheiden in flüssiger Form

belly - Bauch, Magen

banquet - Festmahl, Bankett, Gastmahl, Festessen

hacked - gehackt; hacken; Hacke, Hieb, Hack

bodyguard - Leibwächter, Bodyguard, Personenschützer

hero - Held, Heldin, Kriegsheld, Hauptfigur

referred - verwiesen; überweisen (an)

thrice - dreimal

surrendering - aufgeben; kapitulieren, ergeben

slice - Brotscheibe, Anteil

altar - Altar

chest - Kiste, Brustkasten, Brust, Koffer

None of the duke's retainers dared to move a muscle, and Ts'ao Kuei proceeded to demand full restitution, declaring the Lu was being unjustly treated because she was a smaller and a weaker state. Huan Kung, in peril of his life, was obliged to consent, whereupon Ts'ao Kuei flung away his dagger and quietly resumed his place amid the terrified assemblage without having so much as changed color. As was to be expected, the Duke wanted afterwards to repudiate the bargain, but his wise old counselor Kuan Chung pointed out to him the impolicy of breaking his word, and the upshot was that this bold stroke regained for Lu the whole of what she had lost in three pitched battles.]

retainers - Zahnspangen; Dienstmann, Gefolgsmann, Vasall, Bediensteter

dared - gewagt; sich getrauen, wagen, jemanden herausfordern

muscle - Muskeln; Muskel

proceeded - fortgefahren; vorgehen

restitution - Entschädigung, Rückerstattung

declaring - bekanntmachen, bekanntgeben, deklarieren, ausrufen, aussagen

unjustly - zu Unrecht; ungerecht

consent - zustimmen, einwilligen, Zustimmung, Konsens, Einverständnis

resumed - wiederaufgenommen; weiter; Lebenslauf; fortsetzen

assemblage - Sammlung, Menge, Versammlung

repudiate - ablehnen; verleugnen (sb./sth.); abstreiten, zurückweisen

bargain - Angebot; Vereinbarung, Abmachung, Schnäppchen, Anschaffung

counselor - Betreuer; Berater, Beraterin

impolicy - unpolitisch

the upshot - das Ende vom Lied

stroke - Schlaganfall; streicheln; Stoß, Schlag, Streich, Hub

regained - wiedergewonnen; wiedergewinnen

29. The skilful tactician may be likened to the shuai-jan. Now the shuai-jan is a snake that is found in the Ch˜ang mountains.

["Shuai-jan" means "suddenly" or "rapidly," and the snake in question was doubtless so called owing to the rapidity of its movements. Through this passage, the term in the Chinese has now come to be used in the sense of "military manĹ"uvers."]

so called - sogenannt

Strike at its head, and you will be attacked by its tail; strike at its tail, and you will be attacked by its head; strike at its middle, and you will be attacked by head and tail both.

Middle - Mittelpunkt; Mitte; Mittel-, mittlere, mittig

30. Asked if an army can be made to imitate the shuai-jan,

imitate - imitieren

[That is, as Mei Yao-ch'en says, "Is it possible to make the front and rear of an army each swiftly responsive to attack on the other, just as though they were part of a single living body?"]

responsive - ansprechbar

I should answer, Yes. For the men of Wu and the men of YĂĽeh are enemies;

[Cf. VI. § 21.]

yet if they are crossing a river in the same boat and are caught by a storm, they will come to each other's assistance just as the left hand helps the right.

are caught - verfängst

assistance - Unterstützung; Hilfe

[The meaning is: If two enemies will help each other in a time of common peril, how much more should two parts of the same army, bound together as they are by every tie of interest and fellow-feeling. Yet it is notorious that many a campaign has been ruined through lack of cooperation, especially in the case of allied armies.]

bound together - zusammen gebunden, zusammengebunden [alt]

tie - Unentschieden; zusammenbinden

notorious - notorisch

many a - manch ein, manches, manche

ruined - ruiniert; Ruine, Ruin, Ruin, ruinieren, auf die Knie zwingen

cooperation - Zusammenarbeit, Kooperation, Mitarbeit

allied - vereinigen, verbinden; Bündnispartner, Verbündete

31. Hence it is not enough to put one's trust in the tethering of horses, and the burying of chariot wheels in the ground.

tethering - Strick, Haltegurt, Spannseil

burying - vergraben, verbergen, begraben

[These quaint devices to prevent one's army from running away recall the Athenian hero Sophanes, who carried the anchor with him at the battle of Plataea, by means of which he fastened himself firmly to one spot. [See Herodotus, IX. 74.] It is not enough, says Sun TzĹ­, to render flight impossible by such mechanical means.

quaint - malerisch; wunderlich, originell, anheimelnd

running away - ausreißend

recall - zurückrufen; erinnern

Athenian - Athener, Athenerin, athenisch

anchor - Anker

firmly - sicher, fest

Herodotus - Herodot

mechanical - mechanisch

You will not succeed unless your men have tenacity and unity of purpose, and, above all, a spirit of sympathetic cooperation. This is the lesson which can be learned from the shuai-jan.]

tenacity - Hartnäckigkeit; Zähigkeit, Beharrlichkeit

sympathetic - sympathisch; mitfühlend

32. The principle on which to manage an army is to set up one standard of courage which all must reach.

manage - verwalten, leiten, hinbekommen, schaffen

[Literally, "level the courage [of all] as though [it were that of] one." If the ideal army is to form a single organic whole, then it follows that the resolution and spirit of its component parts must be of the same quality, or at any rate must not fall below a certain standard. Wellington's seemingly ungrateful description of his army at Waterloo as "the worst he had ever commanded" meant no more than that it was deficient in this important particular"unity of spirit and courage.

organic - biologisch, organisch, Organ

component - Komponente

fall below - unterschreiten

seemingly - scheinbar; anscheinende

ungrateful - undankbar

commanded - befohlen; Befehl, Kommando

Had he not foreseen the Belgian defections and carefully kept those troops in the background, he would almost certainly have lost the day.]

foreseen - vorhersehbar; vorhersehen, voraussehen

Belgian - Belgier, Belgierin, belgisch

defections - Überläufer; Abtrünnigkeit, Treuebruch, Überlaufen

background - Hintergrund

33. How to make the best of both strong and weak"that is a question involving the proper use of ground.

involving - einbeziehen; umfassen, etwas komplizieren, gehen um, verwirren

[Mei Yao-ch'en's paraphrase is: "The way to eliminate the differences of strong and weak and to make both serviceable is to utilize accidental features of the ground." Less reliable troops, if posted in strong positions, will hold out as long as better troops on more exposed terrain. The advantage of position neutralizes the inferiority in stamina and courage. Col. Henderson says: "With all respect to the text books, and to the ordinary tactical teaching, I am inclined to think that the study of ground is often overlooked, and that by no means sufficient importance is attached to the selection of positions¦ and to the immense advantages that are to be derived, whether you are defending or attacking, from the proper utilization of natural features.

eliminate - eliminieren, zerstören:, umbringen, beseitigen

serviceable - brauchbar, nutzerfreundlich, praktisch, reparierbar

utilize - anwenden, nutzen, ausbeuten, nutzbar machen

accidental - versehentlich, zufällig, Zufall, Versehen

reliable - verlässlich, zuverlässig

neutralizes - neutralisiert; neutralisieren

inferiority - Unterlegenheit; Minderwertigkeit

stamina - Ausdauer, Durchhaltevermögen

overlooked - Übersicht, Überblick, bemerken

selection - Anwahl, Auswahl

immense - immens

utilization - Nutzung

[2] ]

34. Thus the skilful general conducts his army just as though he were leading a single man, willy-nilly, by the hand.

conducts - verhält; Leitung, Führung, leiten, führen, sich verhalten

nilly - unbedacht

[Tu Mu says: "The simile has reference to the ease with which he does it."]

35. It is the business of a general to Be quiet and thus ensure secrecy; upright and just, and thus maintain order.

Be quiet - Sei doch mal still!

upright - aufrecht; hochkant

36. He must be able to mystify his officers and men by false reports and appearances,

mystify - verblüffen, irritieren

[Literally, "to deceive their eyes and ears."]

deceive - betrügen, täuschen

and thus keep them in total ignorance.

[Ts'ao Kung gives us one of his excellent apophthegms: "The troops must not be allowed to share your schemes in the beginning; they may only rejoice with you over their happy outcome." "To mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy," is one of the first principles in war, as had been frequently pointed out. But how about the other process"the mystification of one's own men? Those who may think that Sun TzĹ­ is over-emphatic on this point would do well to read Col. Henderson's remarks on Stonewall Jackson's Valley campaign: "The infinite pains," he says, "with which Jackson sought to conceal, even from his most trusted staff officers, his movements, his intentions, and his thoughts, a commander less thorough would have pronounced useless""etc. etc. [3] In the year 88 A.D., as we read in ch. 47 of the Hou Han Shu, "Pan Ch'ao took the field with 25,000 men from Khotan and other Central Asian states with the object of crushing Yarkand. The King of Kutcha replied by dispatching his chief commander to succour the place with an army drawn from the kingdoms of Wen-su, Ku-mo, and Wei-t'ou, totaling 50,000 men. Pan Ch'ao summoned his officers and also the King of Khotan to a council of war, and said: ˜Our forces are now outnumbered and unable to make head against the enemy. The best plan, then, is for us to separate and disperse, each in a different direction.

rejoice - freuen

outcome - Ergebnis, Ausgang

mislead - in die Irre führen, irreführen

mystification - Mystifizierung; Verblüffung

emphatic - nachdrücklich; emphatisch

Valley - Senke, Tal

pains - Schmerzen; Qual, Stich (Schmerz), Schmerz

sought - gesucht; suchen

staff - Stab

thoughts - Gedanken; Gedanke

thorough - gründlich

pronounced - ausgeprägt; verkünden, aussprechen, pronunzieren, aussprechen

Asian - Asiate, Asiat, Asiatin, asiatisch

dispatching - Abfertigung; verschicken, versenden, beeilen, besiegen

place with - vergeben

totaling - zusammenzählen; Gesamtbetrag, Gesamtsumme, Summe, ganz, gesamt

summoned - vorgeladen; auffordern, vorladen

Council - Rat

outnumbered - in der Unterzahl; in der Überzahl/Mehrzahl sein

The King of Khotan will march away by the easterly route, and I will then return myself towards the west. Let us wait until the evening drum has sounded and then start.'Pan Ch'ao now secretly released the prisoners whom he had taken alive, and the King of Kutcha was thus informed of his plans. Much elated by the news, the latter set off at once at the head of 10,000 horsemen to bar Pan Ch'ao's retreat in the west, while the King of Wen-su rode eastward with 8000 horse in order to intercept the King of Khotan. As soon as Pan Ch'ao knew that the two chieftains had gone, he called his divisions together, got them well in hand, and at cock-crow hurled them against the army of Yarkand, as it lay encamped. The barbarians, panic-stricken, fled in confusion, and were closely pursued by Pan Ch'ao. Over 5000 heads were brought back as trophies, besides immense spoils in the shape of horses and cattle and valuables of every description. Yarkand then capitulating, Kutcha and the other kingdoms drew off their respective forces. From that time forward, Pan Ch'ao's prestige completely overawed the countries of the west." In this case, we see that the Chinese general not only kept his own officers in ignorance of his real plans, but actually took the bold step of dividing his army in order to deceive the enemy.]

easterly - östlich

eastward - ostwärts

intercept - abfangen; Achsenabschnitt

cock-crow - (cock-crow) Hahnenschrei

in confusion - durcheinander

brought back - wiedergebracht

trophies - Trophäen; Trophäe

capitulating - kapitulieren, ergeben

respective - bzw

prestige - Prestige, Ansehen, Geltung, Wertschätzung

overawed - eingeschüchtert; einschüchtern

step - treten, treten (du trittst

37. By altering his arrangements and changing his plans,

altering - verändern, ändern, wandeln, modifizieren, abändern

[Wang Hsi thinks that this means not using the same stratagem twice.]

he keeps the enemy without definite knowledge.

definite - Definitiv

[Chang Yu, in a quotation from another work, says: "The axiom, that war is based on deception, does not apply only to deception of the enemy. You must deceive even your own soldiers. Make them follow you, but without letting them know why."]

quotation - Zitat; Angebot, Preisangebot

By shifting his camp and taking circuitous routes, he prevents the enemy from anticipating his purpose.

anticipating - vorausschauend; vorgreifen, voraussehen, vorausahnen

38. At the critical moment, the leader of an army acts like one who has climbed up a height and then kicks away the ladder behind him. He carries his men deep into hostile territory before he shows his hand.

climbed up - hinaufgestiegen

kicks - treten, (Pferd) ausschlagen; Stoß

ladder - Leiter; Laufmasche

[Literally, "releases the spring" (see V. § 15), that is, takes some decisive step which makes it impossible for the army to return"like Hsiang Yu, who sunk his ships after crossing a river. Ch'en Hao, followed by Chia Lin, understands the words less well as "puts forth every artifice at his command."]

releases - Veröffentlichungen; Freigabe, Freisetzung, Befreiung, Erlösung

sunk - versenkt; nachlassen, untergehen, abgesackt

39. He burns his boats and breaks his cooking-pots; like a shepherd driving a flock of sheep, he drives his men this way and that, and none knows whither he is going.

burns - Verbrennungen; brennen, feuern, leuchten

shepherd - Schafhirte; Schäfer, Schafhirt, q

flock of sheep - Schafherde

whither - wohin

[Tu Mu says: "The army is only cognizant of orders to advance or retreat; it is ignorant of the ulterior ends of attacking and conquering."]

cognizant - Erkennst du es

ulterior - Hintergedanken

40. To muster his host and bring it into danger:"this may be termed the business of the general.

termed - bezeichnet; Termin, Semester, Begriff; Spielzeit

[Sun TzĹ­ means that after mobilization there should be no delay in aiming a blow at the enemy's heart. Note how he returns again and again to this point. Among the warring states of ancient China, desertion was no doubt a much more present fear and serious evil than it is in the armies of today.]

mobilization - Mobilmachung, Mobilisierung

aiming - zielen (auf); Ziel, Zweck; beabsichtigen

blow at - anblasen

warring - Krieg führen; Krieg, Krieg, Krieg führen, qualifier

desertion - Fahnenflucht, Desertion, Desertation

evil - böse; Sünde, übel, üblen, Ăśbel

41. The different measures suited to the nine varieties of ground;

suited - geeignet; Anzug, Anzugträger, Farbe, passen, passen

[Chang Yu says: "One must not be hide-bound in interpreting the rules for the nine varieties of ground."]

hide - verbergen, verheimlichen, verstecken, verdecken

interpreting - interpretieren, interpretieren, dolmetschen, übersetzen

the expediency of aggressive or defensive tactics; and the fundamental laws of human nature: these are things that must most certainly be studied.

expediency - Zweckmäßigkeit, Zweckdienlichkeit, Opportunität

aggressive - aggressiv

42. When invading hostile territory, the general principle is, that penetrating deeply brings cohesion; penetrating but a short way means dispersion.

penetrating - durchdringend; eindringen, penetrieren, penetrieren

deeply - tief; zutiefst

cohesion - Zusammenhalt

dispersion - Verteilung

[Cf. supra, § 20.]

43. When you leave your own country behind, and take your army across neighbourhood territory, you find yourself on critical ground.

[This "ground" is curiously mentioned in VIII. § 2, but it does not figure among the Nine Situations or the Six Calamities in chap. X. One's first impulse would be to translate it distant ground," but this, if we can trust the commentators, is precisely what is not meant here. Mei Yao-ch'en says it is "a position not far enough advanced to be called ˜facile,'and not near enough to home to be ˜dispersive,'but something between the two.

curiously - neugierige

translate - übersetzen, übertragen, verdolmetschen

distant - weit entfernt; abgelegen, abstehend, distanziert, entfernt

advanced - fortgeschritten; erhöhen, erheben, befördern, vorrücken

Wang Hsi says: "It is ground separated from home by an interjacent state, whose territory we have had to cross in order to reach it. Hence, it is incumbent on us to settle our business there quickly." He adds that this position is of rare occurrence, which is the reason why it is not included among the Nine Situations.]

interjacent - dazwischen liegen

incumbent - Amtsinhaber; obligatorisch, Pflicht

settle - regeln; abklären

rare - selten; rar, blutig (Steak)

When there are means of communication on all four sides, the ground is one of intersecting highways.

communication - Kommunikation, Informationsaustausch, Mitteilung

44. When you penetrate deeply into a country, it is serious ground. When you penetrate but a little way, it is facile ground.

45. When you have the enemy's strongholds on your rear, and narrow passes in front, it is hemmed-in ground. When there is no place of refuge at all, it is desperate ground.

strongholds - Hochburgen; Festung, Hochburg

46. Therefore, on dispersive ground, I would inspire my men with unity of purpose.

[This end, according to Tu Mu, is best attained by remaining on the defensive, and avoiding battle. Cf. supra, § 11.]

avoiding - ausweichen, meiden, fernbleiben, vermeiden, entkräften

On facile ground, I would see that there is close connection between all parts of my army.

[As Tu Mu says, the object is to guard against two possible contingencies: "(1) the desertion of our own troops; (2) a sudden attack on the part of the enemy." Cf. VII. § 17. Mei Yao-ch'en says: "On the march, the regiments should be in close touch; in an encampment, there should be continuity between the fortifications."]

contingencies - Eventualitäten; Kontingenz, Eventualität, Zufall, Eventualität

continuity - Kontinuität; Stetigkeit

47. On contentious ground, I would hurry up my rear.

[This is Ts'ao Kung's interpretation. Chang Yu adopts it, saying: "We must quickly bring up our rear, so that head and tail may both reach the goal." That is, they must not be allowed to straggle up a long way apart. Mei Yao-ch'en offers another equally plausible explanation: "Supposing the enemy has not yet reached the coveted position, and we are behind him, we should advance with all speed in order to dispute its possession." Ch'en Hao, on the other hand, assuming that the enemy has had time to select his own ground, quotes VI.

Adopts - Adoptiert; adoptieren, annehmen, übernehmen

straggle - Nachzügler; abweichen, abschweifen, umherwandern, herumwandern

offers - Angebote; offerieren, anbieten, bieten, zeigen; Antrag, Offerte

supposing - Angenommen; vermutend; (suppose); annehmen, vermuten, vermeinen

coveted - begehrt; begehren, sehnen, begehren, de

assuming - annehmend, angenommen; (assume); annehmen, voraussetzen

select - auswählen

§ 1, where Sun Tzŭ warns us against coming exhausted to the attack. His own idea of the situation is rather vaguely expressed: "If there is a favourable position lying in front of you, detach a picked body of troops to occupy it, then if the enemy, relying on their numbers, come up to make a fight for it, you may fall quickly on their rear with your main body, and victory will be assured." It was thus, he adds, that Chao She beat the army of Ch'in. (See p. 57.)]

warns - warnt; warnen, mahnen, warnen

vaguely - undeutlich

expressed - ausgedrückt; bekunden, Eilzug, Schnellzug

beat - schlagen; Schlag; jdn. bezwingen

48. On open ground, I would keep a vigilant eye on my defences. On ground of intersecting highways, I would consolidate my alliances.

vigilant - Wachsam

consolidate - vereinigen, zusammenlegen, zusammenführen, festigen

49. On serious ground, I would try to ensure a continuous stream of supplies.

continuous - kontinuierlich

[The commentators take this as referring to forage and plunder, not, as one might expect, to an unbroken communication with a home base.]

referring - verweisen; überweisen (an)

unbroken - ungebrochen

base - Grundzahl, Unterlage, Basis, Grund; Bettrost

On difficult ground, I would keep pushing on along the road.

pushing - schieben, drängen, stoßen

50. On hemmed-in ground, I would block any way of retreat.

[Meng Shih says: "To make it seem that I meant to defend the position, whereas my real intention is to burst suddenly through the enemy's lines." Mei Yao-ch'en says: "in order to make my soldiers fight with desperation." Wang Hsi says, "fearing lest my men be tempted to run away." Tu Mu points out that this is the converse of VII. § 36, where it is the enemy who is surrounded. In 532 A.D., Kao Huan, afterwards Emperor and canonized as Shen-wu, was surrounded by a great army under Erh-chu Chao and others. His own force was comparatively small, consisting only of 2000 horse and something under 30,000 foot.

intention - Absicht

burst - geplatzt; platzen, zerplatzen, bersten, sprengen, Bersten

tempted - in Versuchung; in Versuchung führen, versuchen, locken

converse - Umkehrung, umgekehrt, Gegenteil

canonized - kanonisiert; heiligsprechen

comparatively - vergleichsweise

The lines of investment had not been drawn very closely together, gaps being left at certain points. But Kao Huan, instead of trying to escape, actually made a shift to block all the remaining outlets himself by driving into them a number of oxen and donkeys roped together. As soon as his officers and men saw that there was nothing for it but to conquer or die, their spirits rose to an extraordinary pitch of exaltation, and they charged with such desperate ferocity that the opposing ranks broke and crumbled under their onslaught.]

investment - Investitionen; Investition, Anlage

gaps - Lücken; Zahnlücke; Lücke, Bresche, Leerstelle, Kluft

outlets - Steckdosen; Ausgang, Auslass, Direktverkauf, Werksverkauf

driving into - einfahrend

rose - Rosa; (rise); Rosa

exaltation - Erhöhen, Erhöhung

charged - aufgeladen; Entgelt

ferocity - Grausamkeit, Wildheit

crumbled - zerkrümelt; bröckeln, zerbröckeln, krümeln, zerkrümeln, Crumble

On desperate ground, I would proclaim to my soldiers the hopelessness of saving their lives.

proclaim - verkünden, verkündigen, erklären

hopelessness - Hoffnungslosigkeit

saving - Sparen; Ersparnisse; (save); retten; erretten; sichern

Tu Yu says: "Burn your baggage and impedimenta, throw away your stores and provisions, choke up the wells, destroy your cooking-stoves, and make it plain to your men that they cannot survive, but must fight to the death." Mei Yao-ch'en says: "The only chance of life lies in giving up all hope of it." This concludes what Sun Tzŭ has to say about "grounds" and the "variations" corresponding to them. Reviewing the passages which bear on this important subject, we cannot fail to be struck by the desultory and unmethodical fashion in which it is treated. Sun Tzŭ begins abruptly in VIII. § 2 to enumerate "variations" before touching on "grounds" at all, but only mentions five, namely nos. 7, 5, 8 and 9 of the subsequent list, and one that is not included in it. A few varieties of ground are dealt with in the earlier portion of chap. IX, and then chap. X sets forth six new grounds, with six variations of plan to match. None of these is mentioned again, though the first is hardly to be distinguished from ground no. 4 in the next chapter. At last, in chap. XI, we come to the Nine Grounds par excellence, immediately followed by the variations. This takes us down to § 14.

throw away - wegwerfen, verscherzen

choke - erwürgen, erdrosseln, ersticken, überwältigen

stoves - Öfen; einschlagen, Küchenherd, abwehren, Ofen

plain - unscheinbar, einfach, vollständige, ehrlich

survive - überleben

concludes - Schlussfolgerungen; beenden, schließen, zu Ende führen

grounds - Gründe; Masse (elektrisch); Erdboden, Grund, Boden, geschliffen

corresponding - entsprechend; entsprechen, korrespondieren, korrespondieren

reviewing - Rezensionen; Durchsicht, Nachprüfung, Überprüfung, Rezension

unmethodical - unmethodisch

abruptly - abrupt, plötzlich, unerwartet, abgerissen, abschüssig

touching - (to touch) anfassen, streifen, berühren; (touch); anfassen

nos - Netwerkbetriebsystem

par - Pari

In §§ 43-45, fresh definitions are provided for nos. 5, 6, 2, 8 and 9 (in the order given), as well as for the tenth ground noticed in chap. VIII; and finally, the nine variations are enumerated once more from beginning to end, all, with the exception of 5, 6 and 7, being different from those previously given. Though it is impossible to account for the present state of Sun Tzŭ's text, a few suggestive facts maybe brought into prominence: (1) Chap. VIII, according to the title, should deal with nine variations, whereas only five appear. (2) It is an abnormally short chapter. (3) Chap. XI is entitled The Nine Grounds. Several of these are defined twice over, besides which there are two distinct lists of the corresponding variations. (4) The length of the chapter is disproportionate, being double that of any other except IX. I do not propose to draw any inferences from these facts, beyond the general conclusion that Sun Tzŭ's work cannot have come down to us in the shape in which it left his hands: chap. VIII is obviously defective and probably out of place, while XI seems to contain matter that has either been added by a later hand or ought to appear elsewhere.]

definitions - Definitionen; Begriffserklärung, Definition, Definierung

noticed - bemerkt; Bekanntmachung, Benachrichtigung, Mitteilung

enumerated - aufgezählt; aufzählen

suggestive - suggestiv

prominence - Prominenz; Protuberanz

deal - Menge, Handel, Teil, Abkommen

abnormally - abnormal

entitled - berechtigt; betiteln, benennen, den Titel verleihen

disproportionate - verhältniswidrig, unverhältnismäßige; überproportional (zu)

propose - vorschlagen; einen Heiratsantrag machen; beabsichtigen

inferences - Schlussfolgerungen; Schlussfolgern

contain - enthalten

51. For it is the soldier's disposition to offer an obstinate resistance when surrounded, to fight hard when he cannot help himself, and to obey promptly when he has fallen into danger.

promptly - unverzüglich; bereit

[Chang Yu alludes to the conduct of Pan Ch'ao's devoted followers in 73 A.D. The story runs thus in the Hou Han Shu, ch. 47: "When Pan Ch'ao arrived at Shan-shan, Kuang, the King of the country, received him at first with great politeness and respect; but shortly afterwards his behavior underwent a sudden change, and he became remiss and negligent. Pan Ch'ao spoke about this to the officers of his suite: ˜Have you noticed,'he said, ˜that Kuang's polite intentions are on the wane? This must signify that envoys have come from the Northern barbarians, and that consequently he is in a state of indecision, not knowing with which side to throw in his lot. That surely is the reason. The truly wise man, we are told, can perceive things before they have come to pass; how much more, then, those that are already manifest!'Thereupon he called one of the natives who had been assigned to his service, and set a trap for him, saying: ˜Where are those envoys from the Hsiung-nu who arrived some day ago?'The man was so taken aback that between surprise and fear he presently blurted out the whole truth.

politeness - Höflichkeit

underwent - unterzog; durchmachen

negligent - fahrlässig

suite - Suite

Northern - Nordisch; nördlich, Nord

indecision - Unentschlossenheit, Unschlüssigkeit

throw in - als Zugabe geben, einwerfen

perceive - wahrnehmen

natives - Einheimische; gebürtig, gebürtig, einheimisch, nativ

some day - eines Tages, einst, irgendwann, dereinst

taken aback - verblüfft, sprachlos, erstaunt, bestürzt

Presently - Gegenwärtig; sogleich

blurted out - herausgeplatzt

Pan Ch'ao, keeping his informant carefully under lock and key, then summoned a general gathering of his officers, thirty-six in all, and began drinking with them. When the wine had mounted into their heads a little, he tried to rouse their spirit still further by addressing them thus: ˜Gentlemen, here we are in the heart of an isolated region, anxious to achieve riches and honour by some great exploit. Now it happens that an ambassador from the Hsiung-no arrived in this kingdom only a few days ago, and the result is that the respectful courtesy extended towards us by our royal host has disappeared. Should this envoy prevail upon him to seize our party and hand us over to the Hsiung-no, our bones will become food for the wolves of the desert. What are we to do?'With one accord, the officers replied: ˜Standing as we do in peril of our lives, we will follow our commander through life and death.'For the sequel of this adventure, see chap. XII. § 1, note.]

informant - Informant, Informantin

lock - sperren; Schloss

gathering - Erfassung, Sammeln, Lese; (gather); sammeln, versammeln

region - Gegend, Region, Raum, Gebiet, Bezirk

ambassador - Botschafter, Botschafterin

respectful - respektvoll

courtesy - Höflichkeit

extended - erweitert; erweitern, ausdehnen, erweitern, ausdehnen, ausweiten

Royal - königlich; Royal; Royalsegel

disappeared - verschwunden; verschwinden, entschwinden

envoy - Gesandter, Gesandte

bones - Knochen

wolves - Wölfe; Wolf, Meister Graubein, herunterschlingen

sequel - Fortsetzung, Folge

adventure - Abenteuer

52. We cannot enter into alliance with neighbouring princes until we are acquainted with their designs. We are not fit to lead an army on the march unless we are familiar with the face of the country"its mountains and forests, its pitfalls and precipices, its marshes and swamps. We shall be unable to turn natural advantages to account unless we make use of local guides.

alliance - Allianz, Zusammenschluss, Verbund

[These three sentences are repeated from VII. §§ 12-14"in order to emphasize their importance, the commentators seem to think. I prefer to regard them as interpolated here in order to form an antecedent to the following words. With regard to local guides, Sun Tzŭ might have added that there is always the risk of going wrong, either through their treachery or some misunderstanding such as Livy records (XXII.

antecedent - Vorläufer; früher, vorausgehend, vorgängig, voriger

Risk - Risiko; riskieren; wagen

going wrong - schiefgehend

misunderstanding - Missverständnis; (misunderstand); missverstehen

13): Hannibal, we are told, ordered a guide to lead him into the neighbourhood of Casinum, where there was an important pass to be occupied; but his Carthaginian accent, unsuited to the pronunciation of Latin names, caused the guide to understand Casilinum instead of Casinum, and turning from his proper route, he took the army in that direction, the mistake not being discovered until they had almost arrived.]

Guide - Leitfaden; lenken, führen, anleiten, leiten; Handbuch

be occupied - beschäftigt sein

Carthaginian - karthagisch, punisch, Karthager, Karthagerin

accent - Dialekt, Akzent, Betonung; betonen, akzentuieren

pronunciation - Aussprache

Latin - lateinisch, Latein

53. To be ignorant of any one of the following four or five principles does not befit a warlike prince.

befit - Angemessen; anstehen, entsprechen, zukommen

54. When a warlike prince attacks a powerful state, his generalship shows itself in preventing the concentration of the enemy's forces. He overawes his opponents, and their allies are prevented from joining against him.

concentration - Konzentration

overawes - überwältigt; einschüchtern

[Mei Tao-ch'en constructs one of the chains of reasoning that are so much affected by the Chinese: "In attacking a powerful state, if you can divide her forces, you will have a superiority in strength; if you have a superiority in strength, you will overawe the enemy; if you overawe the enemy, the neighbouring states will be frightened; and if the neighbouring states are frightened, the enemy's allies will be prevented from joining her." The following gives a stronger meaning: "If the great state has once been defeated (before she has had time to summon her allies), then the lesser states will hold aloof and refrain from massing their forces." Ch'en Hao and Chang Yu take the sentence in quite another way.

constructs - Konstrukte; bauen, konstruieren

chains - Kette, Kette, Kette, Kette, anketten, ketten

much affected by - sehr beliebt bei

overawe - überwältigen; einschüchtern

be frightened - sich erschrecken (über)

summon - beschwören; auffordern, vorladen

massing - Massierung; Messe (kirchlich), Gottesdienst, Menge

The former says: "Powerful though a prince may be, if he attacks a large state, he will be unable to raise enough troops, and must rely to some extent on external aid; if he dispenses with this, and with overweening confidence in his own strength, simply tries to intimidate the enemy, he will surely be defeated." Chang Yu puts his view thus: "If we recklessly attack a large state, our own people will be discontented and hang back. But if (as will then be the case) our display of military force is inferior by half to that of the enemy, the other chieftains will take fright and refuse to join us."]

extent - Umfang, Ausdehnung, Ausmaß, Größe

dispenses - ausgibt; ausgeben, austeilen, verteilen, dosieren, ausstellen

intimidate - einschüchtern

discontented - Unzufriedenheit

fright - erschrecken; Angst, Schreck, Schrecken

refuse - Müll; abweisen, verweigern, abschlagen, ablehnen

55. Hence he does not strive to ally himself with all and sundry, nor does he foster the power of other states. He carries out his own secret designs, keeping his antagonists in awe.

strive - erstreben, bestreben

foster - aufziehen, pflegen

carries out - (carry out) vollziehen

antagonists - Antagonisten; Antagonist, Widersacher, Gegner, Antagonist

[The train of thought, as said by Li Ch'uan, appears to be this: Secure against a combination of his enemies, "he can afford to reject entangling alliances and simply pursue his own secret designs, his prestige enable him to dispense with external friendships."]

reject - verwerfen, ablehnen, zurückweisen

dispense with - überflüssig machen, verzichten auf

friendships - Freundschaften; Freundschaft, Freundschaft

Thus he is able to capture their cities and overthrow their kingdoms.

overthrow - umstürzen (Politik)

[This paragraph, though written many years before the Ch'in State became a serious menace, is not a bad summary of the policy by which the famous Six Chancellors gradually paved the way for her final triumph under Shih Huang Ti. Chang Yu, following up his previous note, thinks that Sun TzĹ­ is condemning this attitude of cold-blooded selfishness and haughty isolation.]

menace - Bedrohung; Landplage, androhen

Chancellors - Kanzlerinnen und Kanzler; Kanzler, Kanzlerin, Bundeskanzler

gradually - nach und nach, allmählich, stufenweise, schrittweise

paved - gepflastert; mit Platten auslegen, pflastern, bepflastern

previous - früher; vorhergehend

cold-blooded - (cold-blooded) kaltblütig

selfishness - Egoismus, Selbstsucht

haughty - hochmütig, stolz, überheblich, arrogant

isolation - Isolierung, Isolation

56. Bestow rewards without regard to rule,

bestow - verstauen, einlagern, unterbringen, schenken, verleihen

[Wu TzĹ­ (ch. 3) less wisely says: "Let advance be richly rewarded and retreat be heavily punished."]

wisely - weise

richly - reich; wohlhabend

heavily - schwerlich, stark

issue orders

[Literally, "hang" or post up."]

without regard to previous arrangements;

["In order to prevent treachery," says Wang Hsi. The general meaning is made clear by Ts'ao Kung's quotation from the Ssu-ma Fa: "Give instructions only on sighting the enemy; give rewards when you see deserving deeds." Ts'ao Kung's paraphrase: "The final instructions you give to your army should not correspond with those that have been previously posted up.

made clear - klargemacht

deserving - verdient; (deserve); verdienen

deeds - Taten; Tat, Akt, Werk

correspond - entsprechen, korrespondieren

Chang Yu simplifies this into "your arrangements should not be divulged beforehand." And Chia Lin says: "there should be no fixity in your rules and arrangements." Not only is there danger in letting your plans be known, but war often necessitates the entire reversal of them at the last moment.]

simplifies - vereinfacht; vereinfachen, sich vereinfachen, einfacher werden

necessitates - erforderlich ist; erfordern, zwingen

and you will be able to handle a whole army as though you had to do with but a single man.

[Cf. supra, § 34.]

57. Confront your soldiers with the deed itself; never let them know your design.

deed - Tat, Akt, Werk, Urkunde, urkundlich übertragen; (dee); Tat, Akt

[Literally, "do not tell them words;" i.e. do not give your reasons for any order. Lord Mansfield once told a junior colleague to "give no reasons" for his decisions, and the maxim is even more applicable to a general than to a judge.]

junior - jünger

decisions - Entscheidungen; Entscheidung, Beschluss

maxim - Maxime; Grundsatz, Sprichwort, Lebensweisheit

applicable - anwendbar

judge - urteilen (nach), richten; Richter, Jurist

When the outlook is bright, bring it before their eyes; but tell them nothing when the situation is gloomy.

outlook - Aussichtspunkt; Aussicht, Ausblick, Einstellung

bright - fröhlich, aufgeweckt, leuchtend, klar, hell

gloomy - düster, finster, trübe, dunkel

58. Place your army in deadly peril, and it will survive; plunge it into desperate straits, and it will come off in safety.

plunge - stürzen; eintauchen, tauchen

come off - glücken, gelingen, klappen

[These words of Sun TzĹ­ were once quoted by Han Hsin in explanation of the tactics he employed in one of his most brilliant battles, already alluded to on p. 28. In 204 B.C., he was sent against the army of Chao, and halted ten miles from the mouth of the Ching-hsing pass, where the enemy had mustered in full force. Here, at midnight, he detached a body of 2000 light cavalry, every man of which was furnished with a red flag. Their instructions were to make their way through narrow defiles and keep a secret watch on the enemy. "When the men of Chao see me in full flight," Han Hsin said, "they will abandon their fortifications and give chase. This must be the sign for you to rush in, pluck down the Chao standards and set up the red banners of Han in their stead." Turning then to his other officers, he remarked: "Our adversary holds a strong position, and is not likely to come out and attack us until he sees the standard and drums of the commander-in-chief, for fear I should turn back and escape through the mountains." So saying, he first of all sent out a division consisting of 10,000 men, and ordered them to form in line of battle with their backs to the River Ti. Seeing this manĹ"uver, the whole army of Chao broke into loud laughter. By this time it was broad daylight, and Han Hsin, displaying the generalissimo's flag, marched out of the pass with drums beating, and was immediately engaged by the enemy. A great battle followed, lasting for some time; until at length Han Hsin and his colleague Chang Ni, leaving drums and banner on the field, fled to the division on the river bank, where another fierce battle was raging. The enemy rushed out to pursue them and to secure the trophies, thus denuding their ramparts of men; but the two generals succeeded in joining the other army, which was fighting with the utmost desperation. The time had now come for the 2000 horsemen to play their part.

most brilliant - geistvollstem, geistvollste

halted - angehalten; unterbrechen, halten; Halt

mustered - mustern; antreten lassen

detached - losgelöst; entfernen, ablösen, lösen, loslösen, abtrennen

furnished - eingerichtet; möblieren, einrichten, ausrüsten

abandon - aufgeben; im Stich lassen, preisgeben, verlassen, abbrechen

chase - verfolgtes Wild, Verfolgung; jagen; Jagd (nach)

pluck - pflücken, abrupfen, zupfen, schlagen, ausrupfen

standards - Normen; üblich, standardmäßig, Standard, Standard, Banner

stead - Stelle

turn back - umkehren

loud - laut

laughter - Gelächter, Lachen

daylight - Tageslicht; Tag

displaying - die Anzeige; Vorführung, Vorstellung, Display

generalissimo - Generalissimus

at length - schließlich, endlich, ausführlich

raging - wütend; Wut, Zorn, Raserei, Rage, wüten, rasen, toben, toben

rushed - überstürzt; stürzen, drängen, hetzen, rasen; Eile, Andrang

denuding - entblößen

As soon as they saw the men of Chao following up their advantage, they galloped behind the deserted walls, tore up the enemy's flags and replaced them by those of Han. When the Chao army looked back from the pursuit, the sight of these red flags struck them with terror. Convinced that the Hans had got in and overpowered their king, they broke up in wild disorder, every effort of their leader to stay the panic being in vain. Then the Han army fell on them from both sides and completed the rout, killing a number and capturing the rest, amongst whom was King Ya himself¦. After the battle, some of Han Hsin's officers came to him and said: "In the Art of War we are told to have a hill or tumulus on the right rear, and a river or marsh on the left front. [This appears to be a blend of Sun TzĹ­ and T'ai Kung. See IX § 9, and note.] You, on the contrary, ordered us to draw up our troops with the river at our back. Under these conditions, how did you manage to gain the victory?" The general replied: "I fear you gentlemen have not studied the Art of War with sufficient care. Is it not written there: ˜Plunge your army into desperate straits and it will come off in safety; place it in deadly peril and it will survive'? Had I taken the usual course, I should never have been able to bring my colleague round. What says the Military Classic"˜Swoop down on the market-place and drive the men off to fight.'[This passage does not occur in the present text of Sun TzĹ­.] If I had not placed my troops in a position where they were obliged to fight for their lives, but had allowed each man to follow his own discretion, there would have been a general dĂ©bandade, and it would have been impossible to do anything with them." The officers admitted the force of his argument, and said: "These are higher tactics than we should have been capable of." [See Ch'ien Han Shu, ch. 34, ff. 4, 5.] ]

galloped - galoppiert; Galopp, galoppieren

deserted - Wüste, wüst, Ă–de; verlassen, desertieren, im Stich lassen

tore up - zerfetzte

replaced - ersetzt; zurückstellen, ersetzen

Hans - Bauer; (Han) Bauer

overpowered - übermächtig; überwältigen, übermannen

killing - Töten, Erlegen; (kill); Töten, Erlegen

capturing - Erfassen; Fang, Festnahme, Gefangennahme, Erfassung, fangen

Ya - Ja; Yum

draw up - verfassen, entwerfen

discretion - Diskretion, Takt, Verschwiegenheit, Angemessenheit

argument - Diskussion, Auseinandersetzung, Beweis

59. For it is precisely when a force has fallen into harm's way that is capable of striking a blow for victory.

[Danger has a bracing effect.]

bracing - Verspannung; erfrischend, anregend; (brace); Klafter, Armspanne

60. Success in warfare is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy's purpose.

accommodating - zuvorkommend; machen, endigen, in Übereinstimmung bringen

[Ts'ao Kung says: "Feign stupidity""by an appearance of yielding and falling in with the enemy's wishes. Chang Yu's note makes the meaning clear: "If the enemy shows an inclination to advance, lure him on to do so; if he is anxious to retreat, delay on purpose that he may carry out his intention." The object is to make him remiss and contemptuous before we deliver our attack.]

stupidity - Dummheit

yielding - nachgeben; (yield) hervorbringen, er/sie hat/hatte ergeben

on purpose - gewollt

61. By persistently hanging on the enemy's flank,

persistently - beharrliche, beharrlich

hanging - (to hang) hängen, schweben; (hang) (to hang) hängen, schweben

flank - in der Flanke angreifen; flankieren; Flanke

[I understand the first four words to mean "accompanying the enemy in one direction." Ts'ao Kung says: "unite the soldiers and make for the enemy." But such a violent displacement of characters is quite indefensible.]

accompanying - begleiten, begleiten, begleiten, begleiten, geleiten, beiliegen

unite - vereinen

displacement - Verdrängung; Verstellung, Verlagerung, Vertreibung, Verschiebung

characters - Figur, Person, Charakter, Charakter, Original

indefensible - unvertretbar

we shall succeed in the long run

[Literally, "after a thousand li."]

in killing the commander-in-chief.

[Always a great point with the Chinese.]

62. This is called ability to accomplish a thing by sheer cunning.

accomplish - zu erreichen; vollenden

63. On the day that you take up your command, block the frontier passes, destroy the official tallies,

official - offiziell, amtlich, dienstlich, Beamter, Beamtin

tallies - Zahlenangaben; Zähler; übereinstimmen (Angaben)

[These were tablets of bamboo or wood, one half of which was issued as a permit or passport by the official in charge of a gate. Cf. the "border-warden" of Lun Yu III. 24, who may have had similar duties. When this half was returned to him, within a fixed period, he was authorized to open the gate and let the traveler through.]

tablets - Tabletten; Tafel

issued - ausgestellt; ausgehen

permit - Genehmigung; zulassen, erlauben; Erlaubnis, Erlaubnisschein

official in charge - Sachbearbeiter

Gate - Tor, Flugsteig, Pforte, Schranke

warden - Aufseher; der Direktor / die Direktorin

authorized - berechtigt; autorisieren, berechtigen, befugen, ermächtigen

and stop the passage of all emissaries.

emissaries - Emissär, Emissärin, Abgesandter

[Either to or from the enemy's country.]

64. Be stern in the council-chamber,

chamber - Raum, Schlafzimmer, Kammer

[Show no weakness, and insist on your plans being ratified by the sovereign.]

insist - darauf bestehen; auf , bestehen

ratified - ratifiziert; bestätigen, ratifizieren

so that you may control the situation.

[Mei Yao-ch'en understands the whole sentence to mean: Take the strictest precautions to ensure secrecy in your deliberations.]

strictest - am strengsten; streng, streng

65. If the enemy leaves a door open, you must rush in.

66. Forestall your opponent by seizing what he holds dear,

[Cf. supra, § 18.]

and subtly contrive to time his arrival on the ground.

subtly - subtil

arrival - Ankunft

[Ch'en Hao's explanation: "If I manage to seize a favourable position, but the enemy does not appear on the scene, the advantage thus obtained cannot be turned to any practical account. He who intends therefore, to occupy a position of importance to the enemy, must begin by making an artful appointment, so to speak, with his antagonist, and cajole him into going there as well." Mei Yao-ch'en explains that this "artful appointment" is to be made through the medium of the enemy's own spies, who will carry back just the amount of information that we choose to give them.

intends - beabsichtigt; beabsichtigen, vorhaben, intendieren

appointment - Ernennung, Berufung, Termin, Verabredung

antagonist - Antagonist, Widersacher, Gegner

cajole - beschwatzen

going there - hingehend

medium - Medium; mittelgroß

Then, having cunningly disclosed our intentions, "we must manage, though starting after the enemy, to arrive before him (VII. § 4). We must start after him in order to ensure his marching thither; we must arrive before him in order to capture the place without trouble. Taken thus, the present passage lends some support to Mei Yao-ch'en's interpretation of § 47.]

cunningly - schlau

disclosed - offengelegt; enthüllen, veröffentlichen, bekanntgeben

thither - dorthin, dahin

67. Walk in the path defined by rule,

[Chia Lin says: "Victory is the only thing that matters, and this cannot be achieved by adhering to conventional canons." It is unfortunate that this variant rests on very slight authority, for the sense yielded is certainly much more satisfactory. Napoleon, as we know, according to the veterans of the old school whom he defeated, won his battles by violating every accepted canon of warfare.]

adhering to - (adhere to) aufrechterhalten (Meinung), festhalten an

conventional - konventionell

canons - Kanonen; Stiftsherr, Domherr (kirchlich)

rests - ruht; Ruhe, Stütze, Lehne, ein Ăśbriges; bleiben, ruhen

Slight - geringfügig, leicht, unbedeutend

yielded - nachgegeben; hervorbringen, er/sie hat/hatte ergeben, weichen

satisfactory - befriedigend, zufriedenstellend

veterans - Veteranen; Veteran, Veteran, Kriegsveteran

violating - verletzen, brechen, überschreiten, mißachten, übertreten

accepted - akzeptiert; annehmen, abnehmen, akzeptieren, aufnehmen

and accommodate yourself to the enemy until you can fight a decisive battle.

accommodate - machen, endigen, in Übereinstimmung bringen, anpassen

[Tu Mu says: "Conform to the enemy's tactics until a favourable opportunity offers; then come forth and engage in a battle that shall prove decisive."]

68. At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to oppose you.

exhibit - zeigen, zur Schau stellen, ausstellen, vorzeigen

coyness - Schüchternheit; Scheuheit

maiden - Jungfrau

emulate - nachahmen; emulieren

[As the hare is noted for its extreme timidity, the comparison hardly appears felicitous. But of course Sun TzĹ­ was thinking only of its speed. The words have been taken to mean: You must flee from the enemy as quickly as an escaping hare; but this is rightly rejected by Tu Mu.]

felicitous - Glücklich

escaping - fliehen; entgehen, entgehen, ausweichen, davonkommen, Flucht

rejected - abgelehnt; verwerfen, ablehnen, zurückweisen

[1] Giles'Biographical Dictionary, no. 399.

Giles - Gil

[2] "The Science of War," p. 333.

[3] "Stonewall Jackson," vol. I, p. 421.


[Rather more than half the chapter (§§ 1-13) is devoted to the subject of fire, after which the author branches off into other topics.]

author - Autor, Autorin, Verfasser, Verfasserin

1. Sun TzĹ­ said: There are five ways of attacking with fire. The first is to burn soldiers in their camp;

[So Tu Mu. Li Ch'uan says: "Set fire to the camp, and kill the soldiers" (when they try to escape from the flames). Pan Ch'ao, sent on a diplomatic mission to the King of Shan-shan [see XI. § 51, note], found himself placed in extreme peril by the unexpected arrival of an envoy from the Hsiung-nu [the mortal enemies of the Chinese]. In consultation with his officers, he exclaimed: "Never venture, never win! [1] The only course open to us now is to make an assault by fire on the barbarians under cover of night, when they will not be able to discern our numbers. Profiting by their panic, we shall exterminate them completely; this will cool the King's courage and cover us with glory, besides ensuring the success of our mission.'The officers all replied that it would be necessary to discuss the matter first with the Intendant. Pan Ch'ao then fell into a passion: ˜It is today,'he cried, ˜that our fortunes must be decided! The Intendant is only a humdrum civilian, who on hearing of our project will certainly be afraid, and everything will be brought to light. An inglorious death is no worthy fate for valiant warriors.'All then agreed to do as he wished. Accordingly, as soon as night came on, he and his little band quickly made their way to the barbarian camp. A strong gale was blowing at the time. Pan Ch'ao ordered ten of the party to take drums and hide behind the enemy's barracks, it being arranged that when they saw flames shoot up, they should begin drumming and yelling with all their might. The rest of his men, armed with bows and crossbows, he posted in ambuscade at the gate of the camp. He then set fire to the place from the windward side, whereupon a deafening noise of drums and shouting arose on the front and rear of the Hsiung-nu, who rushed out pell-mell in frantic disorder. Pan Ch'ao slew three of them with his own hand, while his companions cut off the heads of the envoy and thirty of his suite.

flames - Flammen; Flamme, q

diplomatic mission - diplomatische Vertretung

mortal - sterblich; tödlich; Sterblicher, Sterbliche

consultation - Beratung, Konsultation

cover - Deckel, Abdeckung, Versteck, Einband, agazine, Decke, Gedeck

profiting - profitierend; (profit); Gewinn, Profit, nützen, profitieren

ensuring - sicherstellen, gewährleisten

intendant - Intendant

passion - Leidenschaft, Passion

cried - geweint hat; weinen, schreien, schreien, rufen, Weinen

humdrum - langweilig, monoton, eintönig, dröge

civilian - Zivilist, Zivilistin, Zivilperson

inglorious - unrühmlich

wished - gewollt; Wunsch, wünschen, wünschen

barbarian - barbarisch; Barbar, Barbarin

blowing at - anblasend

Barracks - Kaserne; (barrack) Kaserne

arranged - vereinbart; arrangieren, systematisieren, aufstellen, ordnen

drumming - trommeln; Trommel

yelling - (yell) kreischen, schreien; (yell) (yell) kreischen, schreien

crossbows - Armbrüste; Armbrust

deafening - ohrenbetäubend, ohrenzerreißend; (deafen); betäuben

mell - mischen

frantic - verzweifelt; außer sich, rasend

slew - schwenken; sich drehen

Companions - Gefährten; Begleiter, Freund, Liebhaber, Kamerad, Gefährte

The remainder, more than a hundred in all, perished in the flames. On the following day, Pan Ch'ao, divining his thoughts, said with uplifted hand: ˜Although you did not go with us last night, I should not think, Sir, of taking sole credit for our exploit.'This satisfied Kuo Hsun, and Pan Ch'ao, having sent for Kuang, King of Shan-shan, showed him the head of the barbarian envoy. The whole kingdom was seized with fear and trembling, which Pan Ch'ao took steps to allay by issuing a public proclamation. Then, taking the king's sons as hostage, he returned to make his report to Tou Ku." Hou Han Shu, ch. 47, ff. 1, 2.] ]

remainder - Rest, Teilungsrest, Restposten, runtersetzen

perished - umgekommen; verderben, schlecht werden, umkommen

divining - Wahrsagen; göttlich

uplifted - Erhöht; hochheben, erheben

satisfied - befriedigen, zufriedenstellen

seized with - befallen

trembling - Zittern, Beben; (tremble); zittern; Zittern

allay - beschwichtigen; beruhigen, dämpfen, erleichtern, lindern

issuing - ausstellen; ausgehen

proclamation - Proklamation

hostage - Geisel

the second is to burn stores;

[Tu Mu says: "Provisions, fuel and fodder." In order to subdue the rebellious population of Kiangnan, Kao Keng recommended Wen Ti of the Sui dynasty to make periodical raids and burn their stores of grain, a policy which in the long run proved entirely successful.]

subdue - unter Kontrolle bringen, unterwerfen

rebellious - rebellisch

periodical - Zeitschrift; Periodikum

raids - Razzien; Razzia, Überfall, überfallen

entirely - vollständig; ganz, total, entirely

the third is to burn baggage-trains;

[An example given is the destruction of Yuan Shao's wagons and impedimenta by Ts'ao Ts'ao in 200 A.D.]

wagons - Waggons; Wagen, Bollerwagen

the fourth is to burn arsenals and magazines;

arsenals - Arsenale; Zeughaus

[Tu Mu says that the things contained in "arsenals" and "magazines" are the same. He specifies weapons and other implements, bullion and clothing. Cf. VII. § 11.]

specifies - spezifiziert; spezifizieren

bullion - Goldbarren; Barren

clothing - Kleidung; (cloth); Stoff, Tuch

the fifth is to hurl dropping fire amongst the enemy.

hurl - kotzen; schleudern

dropping - Fallenlassen; Kot; (drop) Fallenlassen; Kot

[Tu Yu says in the T'ung Tien: "To drop fire into the enemy's camp. The method by which this may be done is to set the tips of arrows alight by dipping them into a brazier, and then shoot them from powerful crossbows into the enemy's lines."]

tips - Tipps; Tip

alight - aussteigen; landen

dipping - eintauchen; einfallen, sich senken, sich neigen, färben; Dip

brazier - Kohlenpfanne

2. In order to carry out an attack, we must have means available.

[T'sao Kung thinks that "traitors in the enemy's camp" are referred to. But Ch'en Hao is more likely to be right in saying: "We must have favourable circumstances in general, not merely traitors to help us." Chia Lin says: "We must avail ourselves of wind and dry weather."]

the material for raising fire should always be kept in readiness.

[Tu Mu suggests as material for making fire: "dry vegetable matter, reeds, brushwood, straw, grease, oil, etc." Here we have the material cause. Chang Yu says: "vessels for hoarding fire, stuff for lighting fires."]

suggests - vorschlägt; vorschlagen, vorschlagen

straw - Halm, Strohhalm, Stroh, strohfarben, strohgelb, Stroh-

grease - Fett; Schmierfett, Schmiere, schmieren, bestechen

oil - ölen; Ă–l

hoarding - hortend; (hoard) hortend

stuff - Sachen, Kram, Zeug, Ding, Stoff, Material

3. There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, and special days for starting a conflagration.

conflagration - Feuersbrunst, Großbrand, Flächenbrand

4. The proper season is when the weather is very dry; the special days are those when the moon is in the constellations of the Sieve, the Wall, the Wing or the Cross-bar;

constellations - Konstellationen; Sternbild

sieve - Sieb; sieben, durchsieben

cross-bar - (cross-bar) Querstange

[These are, respectively, the 7th, 14th, 27th, and 28th of the Twenty-eight Stellar Mansions, corresponding roughly to Sagittarius, Pegasus, Crater and Corvus.]

stellar - stellar, Stern

mansions - Villen; Herrenhaus

roughly - ungefähr; grob; uneben

Sagittarius - Schütze, Schütze

Pegasus - Pegasos, Pegasus, Pegasus

crater - Krater; Becher

Corvus - Rabe

for these four are all days of rising wind.

5. In attacking with fire, one should be prepared to meet five possible developments:

developments - Entwicklungen; Entwicklung, Entwicklung

6. (1) When fire breaks out inside the enemy's camp, respond at once with an attack from without.

breaks out - (break out) ausbrechen

respond - antworten; reagieren

7. (2) If there is an outbreak of fire, but the enemy's soldiers remain quiet, bide your time and do not attack.

bide - ausharren; erwarten, abwarten

[The prime object of attacking with fire is to throw the enemy into confusion. If this effect is not produced, it means that the enemy is ready to receive us. Hence the necessity for caution.]

caution - Warnung, Vorsicht, Achtsamkeit, Behutsamkeit, Kaution, warnen

8. (3) When the force of the flames has reached its height, follow it up with an attack, if that is practicable; if not, stay where you are.

practicable - durchführbar, ausführbar, praktikabel

[Ts'ao Kung says: "If you see a possible way, advance; but if you find the difficulties too great, retire."]

9. (4) If it is possible to make an assault with fire from without, do not wait for it to break out within, but deliver your attack at a favourable moment.

break out - ausbrechen

[Tu Mu says that the previous paragraphs had reference to the fire breaking out (either accidentally, we may suppose, or by the agency of incendiaries) inside the enemy's camp. "But," he continues, "if the enemy is settled in a waste place littered with quantities of grass, or if he has pitched his camp in a position which can be burnt out, we must carry our fire against him at any seasonable opportunity, and not await on in hopes of an outbreak occurring within, for fear our opponents should themselves burn up the surrounding vegetation, and thus render our own attempts fruitless." The famous Li Ling once baffled the leader of the Hsiung-nu in this way. The latter, taking advantage of a favourable wind, tried to set fire to the Chinese general's camp, but found that every scrap of combustible vegetation in the neighbourhood had already been burnt down. On the other hand, Po-ts'ai, a general of the Yellow Turban rebels, was badly defeated in 184 A.D. through his neglect of this simple precaution. "At the head of a large army he was besieging Ch'ang-she, which was held by Huang-fu Sung. The garrison was very small, and a general feeling of nervousness pervaded the ranks; so Huang-fu Sung called his officers together and said: "In war, there are various indirect methods of attack, and numbers do not count for everything.

breaking out - ausbrechend

accidentally - zufällig, durch Zufall, aus Versehen, versehentlich

agency - Wille; Agency; Agentur; Behörde

incendiaries - Brandstifter; Brand

littered - verstreut; Sänfte, Trage, Bahre, Wurf, Streu, Stroh

quantities - Mengen; Quantität, Menge, Quantität, Menge, in Klammern

burnt out - ausgebrannt

seasonable - saisonal

occurring - auftritt; passieren, vorkommen, stattfinden, vorkommen

fruitless - erfolglos; fruchtlos, unfruchtbar, ergebnislos, resultatlos

baffled - verblüfft; verblüffen, verdutzen, verwirren, ratlos machen

scrap - ausrangieren; Abfallholz, Teil, Schrott

combustible - brennbar, verbrennbar, Brennstoff

burnt down - abgebrannt

turban - Turban

badly - schlecht

neglect - Vernachlässigung; vernachlässigen, verabsäumen, versäumen

precaution - Vorsorge; Vorsichtsmaßnahme

garrison - Standort, Garnison

pervaded - durchdrungen; durchziehen

count - rechnen, abzählen, zählen

[The commentator here quotes Sun Tzŭ, V. §§ 5, 6 and 10.] Now the rebels have pitched their camp in the midst of thick grass which will easily burn when the wind blows. If we set fire to it at night, they will be thrown into a panic, and we can make a sortie and attack them on all sides at once, thus emulating the achievement of T'ien Tan.'[See p. 90.] That same evening, a strong breeze sprang up; so Huang-fu Sung instructed his soldiers to bind reeds together into torches and mount guard on the city walls, after which he sent out a band of daring men, who stealthily made their way through the lines and started the fire with loud shouts and yells. Simultaneously, a glare of light shot up from the city walls, and Huang-fu Sung, sounding his drums, led a rapid charge, which threw the rebels into confusion and put them to headlong flight." [Hou Han Shu, ch. 71.] ]

blows - Schläge; (to blow) blasen, wehen

sortie - Einsätze; Ausflug; einen Ausfall wagen

emulating - nachahmen, emulieren

achievement - Errungenschaft, Leistung, Großtat, Heldentat, Erfolg

breeze - Brise, Hauch

sprang up - (spring up) aus dem Boden schießen, (Wind) aufkommen

instructed - belehrt; instruieren, briefen, anweisen

bind - binden; verbinden, konnektieren

mount - Reittier, Berg, Lafette (Waffe); einbauen, aufsteigen

stealthily - heimlich, verstohlen

shouts - schreit; Schrei, Zuruf; rufen, schreien, laut schreien

yells - schreit; kreischen, schreien

glare - Blendung; entrüstetes Starren; missbilligend anstarren

charge - Gebühr; Entgelt; Ladung; Last; Rempeln; beauftragen, belasten

headlong - kopflos; mit dem Kopf zuerst; kopfüber; Hals über Kopf

10. (5) When you start a fire, be to windward of it. Do not attack from the leeward.

leeward - nach Lee; leewärts gelegen, windabwärts gelegen

[Chang Yu, following Tu Yu, says: "When you make a fire, the enemy will retreat away from it; if you oppose his retreat and attack him then, he will fight desperately, which will not conduce to your success." A rather more obvious explanation is given by Tu Mu: "If the wind is in the east, begin burning to the east of the enemy, and follow up the attack yourself from that side.

conduce - führen; dienen

more obvious - ersichtlichere

If you start the fire on the east side, and then attack from the west, you will suffer in the same way as your enemy."]

11. A wind that rises in the daytime lasts long, but a night breeze soon falls.

rises - aufsteigt; Kursanstieg; Aufgang, Gehaltszulage, Aufschwung

daytime - tagsüber; heller Tag, Tageszeit

lasts - dauert; letzte, zuletzt, letzter, vorig; dauern, andauern

[Cf. Lao TzĹ­'s saying: "A violent wind does not last the space of a morning." (Tao Te Ching, chap. 23.) Mei Yao-ch'en and Wang Hsi say: "A day breeze dies down at nightfall, and a night breeze at daybreak. This is what happens as a general rule." The phenomenon observed may be correct enough, but how this sense is to be obtained is not apparent.]

te - (to) nach, zu, auf, z. zu, zum, zur, an

at nightfall - bei Anbruch der Nacht

daybreak - Tagesanbruch

apparent - offensichtlich; offenbar

12. In every army, the five developments connected with fire must be known, the movements of the stars calculated, and a watch kept for the proper days.

[Tu Mu says: "We must make calculations as to the paths of the stars, and watch for the days on which wind will rise, before making our attack with fire." Chang Yu seems to interpret the text differently: "We must not only know how to assail our opponents with fire, but also be on our guard against similar attacks from them."]

Interpret - interpretieren; dolmetschen, übersetzen

assail - angreifen

13. Hence those who use fire as an aid to the attack show intelligence; those who use water as an aid to the attack gain an accession of strength.

accession - Beitritt; Zuwachs; Vermögenszuwachs; Antritt, Besteigung

14. By means of water, an enemy may be intercepted, but not robbed of all his belongings.

intercepted - abgefangen werden; abfangen, abfangen, Achsenabschnitt

belongings - Hab und Gut; gehörend, zugehörig

[Ts'ao Kung's note is: "We can merely obstruct the enemy's road or divide his army, but not sweep away all his accumulated stores." Water can do useful service, but it lacks the terrible destructive power of fire. This is the reason, Chang Yu concludes, why the former is dismissed in a couple of sentences, whereas the attack by fire is discussed in detail.

obstruct - behindern, versperren

sweep away - wegfegen

lacks - ermangeln, fehlen

destructive - zerstörerisch

couple - Paar; einige, ein paar

Wu TzĹ­ (ch. 4) speaks thus of the two elements: "If an army is encamped on low-lying marshy ground, from which the water cannot run off, and where the rainfall is heavy, it may be submerged by a flood. If an army is encamped in wild marsh lands thickly overgrown with weeds and brambles, and visited by frequent gales, it may be exterminated by fire."]

marshy - sumpfig, morastig, versumpft, moosig

rainfall - Niederschlag, Regenfall

submerged - untergetaucht; abtauchen, versinken, untertauchen

thickly - dick auftragen; dick

overgrown - überwuchert; überwuchern

weeds - Unkraut; (weed) aussondern

brambles - Brombeersträucher; Brombeerstrauch

gales - Stürme; Wach auf!; Mädel

exterminated - ausgerottet; ausrotten, ausrotten

15. Unhappy is the fate of one who tries to win his battles and succeed in his attacks without cultivating the spirit of enterprise; for the result is waste of time and general stagnation.

cultivating - kultivieren, anbauen, kultivieren, pflegen, bestellen

stagnation - Stagnation, Stagnierung

[This is one of the most perplexing passages in Sun TzĹ­. Ts'ao Kung says: "Rewards for good service should not be deferred a single day." And Tu Mu: "If you do not take opportunity to advance and reward the deserving, your subordinates will not carry out your commands, and disaster will ensue." For several reasons, however, and in spite of the formidable array of scholars on the other side, I prefer the interpretation suggested by Mei Yao-ch'en alone, whose words I will quote: "Those who want to make sure of succeeding in their battles and assaults must seize the favourable moments when they come and not shrink on occasion from heroic measures: that is to say, they must resort to such means of attack of fire, water and the like.

perplexing - verwirrend; verwirren

deferred - aufgeschoben; verzögern, verschieben, aufschieben, zurückstellen

subordinates - untergeordnet, nachgeordnet, untergeordnet, nachgeordnet

formidable - Beeindruckend; respekteinflößend, furchteinflößend

scholars - Student, Schüler, Schülerin, Studentin, Gelehrter, Gelehrter

assaults - Angriffe; Anschlag, Überfall, Angriff, überfallen, angreifen

shrink - Psychiater; schrumpfen, abnehmen, drücken

heroic - heldenhaft, heroisch

What they must not do, and what will prove fatal, is to sit still and simply hold to the advantages they have got."]

16. Hence the saying: The enlightened ruler lays his plans well ahead; the good general cultivates his resources.

lays - liegt; richten (Tisch)

[Tu Mu quotes the following from the San Lueh, ch. 2: "The warlike prince controls his soldiers by his authority, kits them together by good faith, and by rewards makes them serviceable. If faith decays, there will be disruption; if rewards are deficient, commands will not be respected."]

controls - steuern, kontrollieren, regeln, Kontrolle, Kontrollen, Regelung

kits - Bausätze; Wir bleiben in Verbindung!; Bausatz

decays - zerfällt; Verfall, Verwesung, Fäulnis, verfallen, verderben

disruption - Unterbrechung, Störung, Störfaktor, Durcheinander, Unordnung

17. Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical.

[Sun TzĹ­ may at times appear to be over-cautious, but he never goes so far in that direction as the remarkable passage in the Tao Te Ching, ch. 69. "I dare not take the initiative, but prefer to act on the defensive; I dare not advance an inch, but prefer to retreat a foot."]

cautious - zurückhaltend; vorsichtig, zaghaft, behutsam

inch - Zoll (2, 54 cm), Zoll (Längenmaß)

18. No ruler should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no general should fight a battle simply out of pique.

gratify - befriedigen, erfreuen

spleen - Milz; Groll, Trübsinn

pique - reizen

19. If it is to your advantage, make a forward move; if not, stay where you are.

[This is repeated from XI. § 17. Here I feel convinced that it is an interpolation, for it is evident that § 20 ought to follow immediately on § 18.]

evident - offensichtlich; offenkundig

20. Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content.

change to - übergehen in, auf übergehen

gladness - Fröhlichkeit, Freude

vexation - Verärgerung; Ärger, Störung, Irritation, Ärgernis

21. But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being;

[The Wu State was destined to be a melancholy example of this saying.]

melancholy - Melancholie, Schwermut, Wehmut

nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.

dead - tot, gestorben, leblos, bewegungslos, regungslos, erstarrt

22. Hence the enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution. This is the way to keep a country at peace and an army intact.

heedful - achtsam

[1] "Unless you enter the tiger's lair, you cannot get hold of the tiger's cubs."

tiger - Tiger

lair - Versteck; lagern

cubs - Jungtiere; Tollpatsch, Flegel


1. Sun TzĹ­ said: Raising a host of a hundred thousand men and marching them great distances entails heavy loss on the people and a drain on the resources of the State. The daily expenditure will amount to a thousand ounces of silver.

entails - mit sich bringt; nach sich ziehen

drain - Abfluss; entwässern, abfließen lassen, ablassen, trocknen

daily - tgl, tägl. täglich, tägliche, tagtäglich

[Cf. II. §§ 1, 13, 14.]

There will be commotion at home and abroad, and men will drop down exhausted on the highways.

commotion - Aufruhr; Aufregung; Spektakel, Theater, Zirkus, Aufstand

abroad - Ausland

[Cf. Tao Te Ching, ch. 30: "Where troops have been quartered, brambles and thorns spring up. Chang Yu has the note: "We may be reminded of the saying: ˜On serious ground, gather in plunder.'Why then should carriage and transportation cause exhaustion on the highways?"The answer is, that not victuals alone, but all sorts of munitions of war have to be conveyed to the army. Besides, the injunction to ˜forage on the enemy'only means that when an army is deeply engaged in hostile territory, scarcity of food must be provided against.

thorns - Dornen; Dorn, Dorn

carriage - Kutsche; Gang, Haltung, Wagen, Frachtgeld, Fracht, Fuhrlohn

transportation - Beförderung, Transport, checkTransport

sorts - Sorten; Sortierung, Gattung, Art, Sorte; sortieren, ordnen

conveyed - übermittelt; befördern, transportieren, verfrachten, befördern

injunction - Unterlassungsanordnung; Verfügung, Verfügen, Anordnen

scarcity - Mangel, Knappheit

Hence, without being solely dependent on the enemy for corn, we must forage in order that there may be an uninterrupted flow of supplies. Then, again, there are places like salt deserts where provisions being unobtainable, supplies from home cannot be dispensed with."]

solely - nur; einzig und allein; ausschließlich, exklusiv, alleinig

uninterrupted - ohne Unterbrechung; ununterbrochen

deserts - Wüsten; Wüste, wüst, Ă–de; verlassen, desertieren

unobtainable - Unerreichbar

dispensed - ausgeteilt; ausgeben, austeilen, verteilen, dosieren

As many as seven hundred thousand families will be impeded in their labor.

labor - Arbeit

[Mei Yao-ch'en says: "Men will be lacking at the plough-tail." The allusion is to the system of dividing land into nine parts, each consisting of about 15 acres, the plot in the center being cultivated on behalf of the State by the tenants of the other eight. It was here also, so Tu Mu tells us, that their cottages were built and a well sunk, to be used by all in common.

be lacking - fehlen

plough - Pflug; pflügen; ficken

allusion - Anspielung, Allusion

acres - Hektar; Morgen, Acker, Joch

center - Zentrum, Mitte, Mittelpunkt

behalf - für; Vorteil, Nutzen, Interesse

tenants - Pächter, Mieter

cottages - Hütten; Cottage

[See II. § 12, note.] In time of war, one of the families had to serve in the army, while the other seven contributed to its support. Thus, by a levy of 100,000 men (reckoning one able-bodied soldier to each family) the husbandry of 700,000 families would be affected.]

reckoning - Rechenschaft ablegen; Abrechnung; (reckon) Rechenschaft ablegen; Abrechnung

husbandry - Bewirtschaftung; Haltung, Landwirtschaft, Ackerbau und Viehzucht

affected - betroffen; beeinträchtigen, eine Vorliebe haben für, bewohnen

2. Hostile armies may face each other for years, striving for the victory which is decided in a single day. This being so, to remain in ignorance of the enemy's condition simply because one grudges the outlay of a hundred ounces of silver in honours and emoluments,

striving for - eifernd

grudges - Groll, Neid, missgönnen

outlay - Kosten; Ausgabe, Aufwand

honours - Ehrung, Ehre; ehren; beehren, akzeptieren, annehmen, honorieren

emoluments - Bezüge; Vergütung, Honorar

["For spies" is of course the meaning, though it would spoil the effect of this curiously elaborate exordium if spies were actually mentioned at this point.]

is the height of inhumanity.

inhumanity - Unmenschlichkeit, Inhumanität

[Sun TzĹ­'s agreement is certainly ingenious. He begins by adverting to the frightful misery and vast expenditure of blood and treasure which war always brings in its train. Now, unless you are kept informed of the enemy's condition, and are ready to strike at the right moment, a war may drag on for years. The only way to get this information is to employ spies, and it is impossible to obtain trustworthy spies unless they are properly paid for their services.

agreement - Vereinbarung, Zustimmung, Einigkeit, Einvernehmen

adverting - Werbung; Zeitungsanzeige; hinweisen

misery - Misere, Elend

drag - Planierschleppe; nachschleppen, schleppen, ziehen

employ - beschäftigen; einstellen, anstellen, anwerben, einsetzen

trustworthy - vertrauenswürdig, glaubwürdig

But it is surely false economy to grudge a comparatively trifling amount for this purpose, when every day that the war lasts eats up an incalculably greater sum. This grievous burden falls on the shoulders of the poor, and hence Sun TzĹ­ concludes that to neglect the use of spies is nothing less than a crime against humanity.]

grudge - Groll, Neid, missgönnen

trifling - unbedeutend; Leichtfertigkeit

eats up - verspeist

incalculably - unberechenbar

sum - Betrag, Summe, Geldbetrag

grievous - schmerzlich; ernst, ernsthaft, schwerwiegend

burden - Belastung; Refrain, Last, Möller (Hüttenwesen); belasten

shoulders - schultern

crime - Straftat; Verbrechen; Kriminalität

3. One who acts thus is no leader of men, no present help to his sovereign, no master of victory.

[This idea, that the true object of war is peace, has its root in the national temperament of the Chinese. Even so far back as 597 B.C., these memorable words were uttered by Prince Chuang of the Ch'u State: "The [Chinese] character for ˜prowess'is made up of [the characters for] ˜to stay'and ˜a spear'(cessation of hostilities).

national - national, Staats-, Staatsangehöriger, Staatsangehörige

temperament - Temperament, Charakter, Veranlagung, Stimmung

spear - Speer, Lanze (Wurflanze); aufspießen, spießen, durchbohren

cessation - Beendigung; Unterbrechung, Einstellung

Military prowess is seen in the repression of cruelty, the calling in of weapons, the preservation of the appointment of Heaven, the firm establishment of merit, the bestowal of happiness on the people, putting harmony between the princes, the diffusion of wealth."]

Repression - Repression, Unterdrückung, Verdrängung

cruelty - Grausamkeit, Quälerei

calling in - hinzuziehend

preservation - Erhaltung

bestowal - Verleihung, Schenkung

Happiness - Glücklich sein; Glück, Glücklichkeit, Fröhlichkeit

diffusion - Streuung; Diffusion

4. Thus, what enables the wise sovereign and the good general to strike and conquer, and achieve things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is foreknowledge.

foreknowledge - Voraussicht, Vorauswissen, Vorwissen

[That is, knowledge of the enemy's dispositions, and what he means to do.]

5. Now this foreknowledge cannot be elicited from spirits; it cannot be obtained inductively from experience,

elicited - erregt; hervorlocken, hervorrufen, auslösen, erzeugen

inductively - induktiv

from experience - erfahrungsgemäß

[Tu Mu's note is: "[knowledge of the enemy] cannot be gained by reasoning from other analogous cases."]

cases - Fälle; Gehäuse, Prozess, Kiste, Fach

nor by any deductive calculation.

deductive - deduktiv

[Li Ch'uan says: "Quantities like length, breadth, distance and magnitude, are susceptible of exact mathematical determination; human actions cannot be so calculated."]

breadth - Weite; Breite

magnitude - Ausmaß; Betrag

mathematical - mathematisch; rechnerisch

determination - Bestimmung; Determination; Bestimmtheit; Feststellung; Entschluss; Unterscheidung

6. Knowledge of the enemy's dispositions can only be obtained from other men.

[Mei Yao-ch'en has rather an interesting note: "Knowledge of the spirit-world is to be obtained by divination; information in natural science may be sought by inductive reasoning; the laws of the universe can be verified by mathematical calculation: but the dispositions of an enemy are ascertainable through spies and spies alone."]

spirit-world - (spirit-world) Geisterwelt

inductive - induktiv

universe - Universum, Weltall

verified - verifiziert; belegen, beweisen, verifizieren, überprüfen

ascertainable - ermittelbar

7. Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1) Local spies; (2) inward spies; (3) converted spies; (4) doomed spies; (5) surviving spies.

inward - innere; innen

surviving - überleben, überleben, überleben

8. When these five kinds of spy are all at work, none can discover the secret system. This is called "divine manipulation of the threads." It is the sovereign's most precious faculty.

spy - Spion, Spionin, Spitzel, ausspionieren, erspähen

manipulation - Manipulation; Manipulierung, Manipulieren

threads - Fäden; Faden, Garn

most precious - kostbarste

faculty - der Fakultät; Kollegium, Lehrpersonal, Fakultät, Vermögen

[Cromwell, one of the greatest and most practical of all cavalry leaders, had officers styled ˜scout masters,'whose business it was to collect all possible information regarding the enemy, through scouts and spies, etc., and much of his success in war was traceable to the previous knowledge of the enemy's moves thus gained." [1] ]

most practical - praktischste

scout - Späher, Kundschafter, Aufklärer

traceable - nachvollziehbar

previous knowledge - Vorkenntnis , Vorwissen

9. Having local spies means employing the services of the inhabitants of a district.

employing - Anstellung; Beschäftigter, Arbeitnehmer, Angestellter

[Tu Mu says: "In the enemy's country, win people over by kind treatment, and use them as spies."]

10. Having inward spies, making use of officials of the enemy.

officials - offiziell, offiziell, amtlich, dienstlich, Beamter, Beamtin

[Tu Mu enumerates the following classes as likely to do good service in this respect: "Worthy men who have been degraded from office, criminals who have undergone punishment; also, favourite concubines who are greedy for gold, men who are aggrieved at being in subordinate positions, or who have been passed over in the distribution of posts, others who are anxious that their side should be defeated in order that they may have a chance of displaying their ability and talents, fickle turncoats who always want to have a foot in each boat. Officials of these several kinds," he continues, "should be secretly approached and bound to one's interests by means of rich presents. In this way you will be able to find out the state of affairs in the enemy's country, ascertain the plans that are being formed against you, and moreover disturb the harmony and create a breach between the sovereign and his ministers." The necessity for extreme caution, however, in dealing with "inward spies," appears from an historical incident related by Ho Shih: "Lo Shang, Governor of I-Chou, sent his general Wei Po to attack the rebel Li Hsiung of Shu in his stronghold at P'i. After each side had experienced a number of victories and defeats, Li Hsiung had recourse to the services of a certain P'o-t'ai, a native of Wu-tu.

degraded - verschlechtert; degradieren, herabstufen, herunterstufen

criminals - kriminell, kriminell, kriminell, Krimineller, Kriminelle

undergone - durchlaufen; durchmachen

greedy - gierig, habgierig, habsüchtig, gefräßig

gold - Gold

aggrieved - geschädigt; kränken, verletzen

passed over - übertrat

distribution - Verteilung; Distribution, Verbreitung, Austeilung, Aufteilung

talents - Talente; Talent

fickle - schwankend, wankelmütig

turncoats - Abtrünnige; Überläufer, Überläuferin

dealing - handelnd; (deal) handelnd

incident - Vorfall, Begebenheit, Ereignis, Geschehnis

related - verwandt; sich beziehen, erzählen, berichten

stronghold - Festung; Hochburg

defeats - Niederlagen; vernichten, ablehnen, vereiteln

recourse - Regress, Rückgriff

He began to have him whipped until the blood came, and then sent him off to Lo Shang, whom he was to delude by offering to cooperate with him from inside the city, and to give a fire signal at the right moment for making a general assault. Lo Shang, confiding in these promises, march out all his best troops, and placed Wei Po and others at their head with orders to attack at P'o-t'ai's bidding. Meanwhile, Li Hsiung's general, Li Hsiang, had prepared an ambuscade on their line of march; and P'o-t'ai, having reared long scaling-ladders against the city walls, now lighted the beacon-fire. Wei Po's men raced up on seeing the signal and began climbing the ladders as fast as they could, while others were drawn up by ropes lowered from above. More than a hundred of Lo Shang's soldiers entered the city in this way, every one of whom was forthwith beheaded. Li Hsiung then charged with all his forces, both inside and outside the city, and routed the enemy completely." [This happened in 303 A.D. I do not know where Ho Shih got the story from. It is not given in the biography of Li Hsiung or that of his father Li T'e, Chin Shu, ch. 120, 121.]

whipped - ausgepeitscht; Peitsche, Knute, Zagel, peitschen, auspeitschen

delude - irreführen, täuschen

offering to - erbietend

cooperate - zusammenarbeiten, kooperieren, harmonieren, zusammenspielen

fire signal - Feuerzeichen

confiding - vertrauensvoll; vertrauen, einweihen, ins Vertrauen ziehen

promises - Versprechen

reared - aufgezogen; Hinter.., hinterster, Heck, Rück..

scaling - Normieren, Skalierung, Skalieren; (scale) Normieren, Skalierung

ladders - Leitern; Leiter, Laufmasche

beacon - Leuchtfeuer; Bake, Orientierungspunkt

raced - gerannt; um die Wette rennen; Rasse, Menschenschlag, Rennen

ropes - Seile; Tau, Seil, Strang

lowered - gesenkt; niedriger, niedrigerer

11. Having converted spies, getting hold of the enemy's spies and using them for our own purposes.

getting hold of - ergatternd

[By means of heavy bribes and liberal promises detaching them from the enemy's service, and inducing them to carry back false information as well as to spy in turn on their own countrymen. On the other hand, Hsiao Shih-hsien says that we pretend not to have detected him, but contrive to let him carry away a false impression of what is going on. Several of the commentators accept this as an alternative definition; but that it is not what Sun Tzŭ meant is conclusively proved by his subsequent remarks about treating the converted spy generously (§ 21 sqq.). Ho Shih notes three occasions on which converted spies were used with conspicuous success: (1) by T'ien Tan in his defence of Chi-mo (see supra, p. 90); (2) by Chao She on his march to O-yu (see p. 57); and by the wily Fan Chu in 260 B.C., when Lien P'o was conducting a defensive campaign against Ch'in. The King of Chao strongly disapproved of Lien P'o's cautious and dilatory methods, which had been unable to avert a series of minor disasters, and therefore lent a ready ear to the reports of his spies, who had secretly gone over to the enemy and were already in Fan Chu's pay. They said: "The only thing which causes Ch'in anxiety is lest Chao Kua should be made general.

bribes - Bestechungsgelder; Bestechungsgeld

liberal - freiheitlich; liberal; Liberaler

detaching - entfernen, ablösen, lösen, loslösen, abtrennen, herausnehmen

inducing - auslösen; dazu bringen, anstacheln, bewirken, verursachen

detected - entdeckt; finden, ermitteln, aufspüren, entdecken, erkennen

carry away - mitreißen, davontragen, abtragen

impression - Abdruck; Eindruck, Impression, Werbeeinblendung

Accept - annehmen, abnehmen, akzeptieren, aufnehmen

conclusively - schlüssig

treating - behandelnd; (treat); behandeln; bewirten, einladen, heilen

generously - freigebige, großzügig, generös, dankenswerterweise

occasions - Anlässe; Gelegenheit, Gelegenheit, Anlass

conspicuous - auffallend; auffällig, augenfällig, offensichtlich, sichtbar

wily - schlau, listig, gerissen

fan - wedeln (Seitenruder); Fächer, Lüfter, Gebläse, Liebhaber

conducting - Leitung, Führung, leiten, führen, sich verhalten, sich benehmen

disapproved - missbilligt; missbilligen

dilatory - zögernd

lent - verliehen; lieh

anxiety - Ängste; Besorgnis, Angst, Sorge

Lien P'o they consider an easy opponent, who is sure to be vanquished in the long run." Now this Chao Kua was a son of the famous Chao She. From his boyhood, he had been wholly engrossed in the study of war and military matters, until at last he came to believe that there was no commander in the whole Empire who could stand against him. His father was much disquieted by this overweening conceit, and the flippancy with which he spoke of such a serious thing as war, and solemnly declared that if ever Kua was appointed general, he would bring ruin on the armies of Chao. This was the man who, in spite of earnest protests from his own mother and the veteran statesman Lin Hsiang-ju, was now sent to succeed Lien P'o. Needless to say, he proved no match for the redoubtable Po Ch'i and the great military power of Ch'in. He fell into a trap by which his army was divided into two and his communications cut; and after a desperate resistance lasting 46 days, during which the famished soldiers devoured one another, he was himself killed by an arrow, and his whole force, amounting, it is said, to 400,000 men, ruthlessly put to the sword.]

boyhood - Jungenschaft; Kindheit, Jugend

engrossed - vertieft; beschlagnahmen, beanspruchen

disquieted - beunruhigt; Beunruhigung, Unbehagen

conceit - Eingebung; Einbildung; Konzept

flippancy - Schnoddrigkeit; Leichfertigkeit, fehlende Ernsthaftigkeit

solemnly - feierlich, festlich, ernst

earnest - ernsthaft; gesetzt, ernst; (earn) ernsthaft; gesetzt, ernst

protests - Proteste; protestieren, demonstrieren, Einspruch erheben

veteran - Veteran, Kriegsveteran

statesman - Staatsmann

redoubtable - furchteinflößend

devoured - verschlungen; verschlingen, fressen, schlingen

arrow - Richtungspfeil, Pfeil

amounting - Anzahl, Menge, Betrag, Menge, beträgt

ruthlessly - ruchlos, rücksichtslos, unbarmherzig, unerbittlich

12. Having doomed spies, doing certain things openly for purposes of deception, and allowing our own spies to know of them and report them to the enemy.

allowing - erlauben, zulassen, akzeptieren, erlauben, zulassen, erlauben

[Tu Yu gives the best exposition of the meaning: "We ostentatiously do things calculated to deceive our own spies, who must be led to believe that they have been unwittingly disclosed. Then, when these spies are captured in the enemy's lines, they will make an entirely false report, and the enemy will take measures accordingly, only to find that we do something quite different. The spies will thereupon be put to death." As an example of doomed spies, Ho Shih mentions the prisoners released by Pan Ch'ao in his campaign against Yarkand. (See p. 132.) He also refers to T'ang Chien, who in 630 A.D. was sent by T'ai Tsung to lull the Turkish Kahn Chieh-li into fancied security, until Li Ching was able to deliver a crushing blow against him. Chang Yu says that the Turks revenged themselves by killing T'ang Chien, but this is a mistake, for we read in both the old and the New T'ang History (ch.

exposition - Ausstellung, Exposition, Einführung

ostentatiously - ostentativ

unwittingly - unwissentlich

false report - Falschmeldung

lull - Flaute; Windstille

Turkish - Türkisch

fancied - Lust gehabt; extravagant, originell

Turks - Türken; Türke, Türkin

revenged - gerächt; Rache, rächen

58, fol. 2 and ch. 89, fol. 8 respectively) that he escaped and lived on until 656. Li I-chi played a somewhat similar part in 203 B.C., when sent by the King of Han to open peaceful negotiations with Ch'i. He has certainly more claim to be described a "doomed spy", for the king of Ch'i, being subsequently attacked without warning by Han Hsin, and infuriated by what he considered the treachery of Li I-chi, ordered the unfortunate envoy to be boiled alive.]

peaceful - einträchtig, geruhsam, friedlich

negotiations - Verhandlungen; Verhandlung

claim - Anspruch; Rechtstitel, Behauptung, Mutung, beanspruchen

warning - Warnung, Mahnung, Achtung; (warn); warnen, mahnen

infuriated - wütend machen, zur Weißglut bringen

boiled - gekocht; kochen, sieden, ich/er/sie/es siedete, sott; Furunkel

13. Surviving spies, finally, are those who bring back news from the enemy's camp.

[This is the ordinary class of spies, properly so called, forming a regular part of the army. Tu Mu says: "Your surviving spy must be a man of keen intellect, though in outward appearance a fool; of shabby exterior, but with a will of iron. He must be active, robust, endowed with physical strength and courage; thoroughly accustomed to all sorts of dirty work, able to endure hunger and cold, and to put up with shame and ignominy." Ho Shih tells the following story of Ta'hsi Wu of the Sui dynasty: "When he was governor of Eastern Ch'in, Shen-wu of Ch'i made a hostile movement upon Sha-yuan. The Emperor T'ai Tsu [? Kao Tsu] sent Ta-hsi Wu to spy upon the enemy.

intellect - Intellekt

outward appearance - äußerliche Erscheinung

fool - dumme Gans, Dummkopf, Narr, Närrin

shabby - schäbig

exterior - Außen-; Äußeres, Außenseite

iron - eisern; bügeln; in Eisen legen

robust - robust

endowed - dotiert; ausstatten

physical - physisch, materiell, stofflich, physikalisch, körperlich

accustomed - Gewöhnt; gewöhnen, gewöhnen

endure - ertragen, aushalten, dulden, von Bestand sein

hunger - hungern; Hunger

ignominy - Schmach, Schande, Schändlichkeit, Unaussprechlichkeit

eastern - Osten; östlich, Ost

spy upon - nachspionieren, abhören, jemanden bespitzeln

He was accompanied by two other men. All three were on horseback and wore the enemy's uniform. When it was dark, they dismounted a few hundred feet away from the enemy's camp and stealthily crept up to listen, until they succeeded in catching the passwords used in the army. Then they got on their horses again and boldly passed through the camp under the guise of night-watchmen; and more than once, happening to come across a soldier who was committing some breach of discipline, they actually stopped to give the culprit a sound cudgeling! Thus they managed to return with the fullest possible information about the enemy's dispositions, and received warm commendation from the Emperor, who in consequence of their report was able to inflict a severe defeat on his adversary."]

on horseback - zu Pferde, reitend (auf einem Pferd)

uniform - gleichförmig, gleichmäßig, einheitlich, Uniform, Dienstkleidung

dismounted - Abgesessen; abnehmen, absteigen

catching - nehmend, fangend

passwords - Passwörter; Codewort, Passwort

passed through - durchgelaufen

guise - Aufmachung; Gewand (fig.), Erscheinung, Gestalt

watchmen - Wächter

committing - sich zu engagieren; einweisen, einliefern, begehen, verbrechen

culprit - Übeltäter; Beschuldigter, Missetäter, Schuldiger

cudgeling - Knüppeln; Knüppel

commendation - Empfehlung, Belobigung

14. Hence it is that with none in the whole army are more intimate relations to be maintained than with spies.

more intimate - innigere

[Tu Mu and Mei Yao-ch'en point out that the spy is privileged to enter even the general's private sleeping-tent.]

privileged - privilegiert; Privileg

private - privat; privat

None should be more liberally rewarded. In no other business should greater secrecy be preserved.

liberally - freizügig

[Tu Mu gives a graphic touch: all communication with spies should be carried "mouth-to-ear." The following remarks on spies may be quoted from Turenne, who made perhaps larger use of them than any previous commander: "Spies are attached to those who give them most, he who pays them ill is never served. They should never be known to anybody; nor should they know one another.

graphic - Grafik; graphisch, grafisch, drastisch, Graphik

Anybody - Ist da jemand; jemand, wer

When they propose anything very material, secure their persons, or have in your possession their wives and children as hostages for their fidelity. Never communicate anything to them but what is absolutely necessary that they should know. [2] ]

fidelity - Redlichkeit; Genauigkeit; Treue; Wiedergabetreue, Klangtreue

communicate - mitteilen, übermitteln, kommunizieren, kundtun, weitergeben

15. Spies cannot be usefully employed without a certain intuitive sagacity.

usefully - nützlich

intuitive - intuitiv

sagacity - Klugheit; Weisheit

[Mei Yao-ch'en says: "In order to use them, one must know fact from falsehood, and be able to discriminate between honesty and double-dealing.

falsehood - Unwahrheit, Falschheit, Lüge, unwahre Behauptung, Falschsein

discriminate - diskriminieren

honesty - Ehrlichkeit; Mondviole, Silberblatt

Wang Hsi in a different interpretation thinks more along the lines of "intuitive perception" and "practical intelligence." Tu Mu strangely refers these attributes to the spies themselves: "Before using spies we must assure ourselves as to their integrity of character and the extent of their experience and skill." But he continues: "A brazen face and a crafty disposition are more dangerous than mountains or rivers; it takes a man of genius to penetrate such." So that we are left in some doubt as to his real opinion on the passage."]

strangely - seltsame, merkwürdige

attributes - Attribute; Eigenschaft, Merkmal

assure - sichern; versichern

integrity - Integrität

brazen - schamlos; messingen, aus Messing, Messing-, metallisch, metallen

crafty - raffiniert; geschickt; gerissen, schlau, listig

more dangerous - gefährlichere

16. They cannot be properly managed without benevolence and straightforwardness.

straightforwardness - Geradlinigkeit; Ehrlichkeit

[Chang Yu says: "When you have attracted them by substantial offers, you must treat them with absolute sincerity; then they will work for you with all their might."]

attracted - angezogen; anziehen, anziehen (1, 2)

substantial - wesentlich, essenziell, substanziell

treat - behandeln; bewirten, einladen, heilen, kurieren

17. Without subtle ingenuity of mind, one cannot make certain of the truth of their reports.

subtle - subtil, fast unmerklich, haarfein, dezent

ingenuity - Erfindungsreichtum; Einfallsreichtum, Findigkeit, Raffinesse

[Mei Yao-ch'en says: "Be on your guard against the possibility of spies going over to the service of the enemy."]

18. Be subtle! be subtle! and use your spies for every kind of business.

[Cf. VI. § 9.]

19. If a secret piece of news is divulged by a spy before the time is ripe, he must be put to death together with the man to whom the secret was told.

ripe - reif

[Word for word, the translation here is: "If spy matters are heard before [our plans] are carried out," etc. Sun TzĹ­'s main point in this passage is: Whereas you kill the spy himself "as a punishment for letting out the secret," the object of killing the other man is only, as Ch'en Hao puts it, "to stop his mouth" and prevent news leaking any further.

letting out - durchlassend

If it had already been repeated to others, this object would not be gained. Either way, Sun TzĹ­ lays himself open to the charge of inhumanity, though Tu Mu tries to defend him by saying that the man deserves to be put to death, for the spy would certainly not have told the secret unless the other had been at pains to worm it out of him."]

deserves - verdient; verdienen

worm - Wurm; elender Wurm

20. Whether the object be to crush an army, to storm a city, or to assassinate an individual, it is always necessary to begin by finding out the names of the attendants, the aides-de- camp,

finding out - herausfindend

attendants - Betreuer; Begleiter, Wächter, Aufpasser, Aufseher, Wärter

aides - Assistenten; hilft; (aid) Assistenten; hilft

[Literally "visitors", is equivalent, as Tu Yu says, to "those whose duty it is to keep the general supplied with information," which naturally necessitates frequent interviews with him.]

the door-keepers and sentries of the general in command. Our spies must be commissioned to ascertain these.

keepers - Hüter, Wächter, Hüter, Torwart, Tormann

sentries - Wachen; Wache, Wachposten, Schildwache, Wachturm

commissioned - beauftragt; Auftrag, Kommission, Ausschuss, Abschlußprämie

[As the first step, no doubt towards finding out if any of these important functionaries can be won over by bribery.]

functionaries - Funktionäre; Funktionär, Funktionärin

bribery - Bestechung

21. The enemy's spies who have come to spy on us must be sought out, tempted with bribes, led away and comfortably housed. Thus they will become converted spies and available for our service.

spy on - abhören, nachspionieren, jemanden bespitzeln

comfortably - bequem, komfortabel

22. It is through the information brought by the converted spy that we are able to acquire and employ local and inward spies.

acquire - erwerben, akquirieren

[Tu Yu says: "through conversion of the enemy's spies we learn the enemy's condition." And Chang Yu says: "We must tempt the converted spy into our service, because it is he that knows which of the local inhabitants are greedy of gain, and which of the officials are open to corruption."]

conversion - Bekehrung; Umwandlung

23. It is owing to his information, again, that we can cause the doomed spy to carry false tidings to the enemy.

tidings - Nachrichten; Kunde; q

[Chang Yu says, "because the converted spy knows how the enemy can best be deceived."]

be deceived - sich täuschen lassen, sich irren (in)

24. Lastly, it is by his information that the surviving spy can be used on appointed occasions.

Lastly - Und schließlich; schließlich, zuletzt

25. The end and aim of spying in all its five varieties is knowledge of the enemy; and this knowledge can only be derived, in the first instance, from the converted spy.

aim - zielen (auf); Ziel, Zweck; beabsichtigen

spying - Spionage; (spy); Spion, Spionin, Spitzel, ausspionieren

[As explained in §§ 22-24. He not only brings information himself, but makes it possible to use the other kinds of spy to advantage.]

Hence it is essential that the converted spy be treated with the utmost liberality.

liberality - Liberalität, Freizügigkeit

26. Of old, the rise of the Yin dynasty

[Sun TzĹ­ means the Shang dynasty, founded in 1766 B.C. Its name was changed to Yin by P'an Keng in 1401.

founded - gegründet; gefunden, aufgefunden; begründen, gründen

was due to I Chih

due - fällig

[Better known as I Yin, the famous general and statesman who took part in Ch'eng T'ang's campaign against Chieh Kuei.]

who had served under the Hsia. Likewise, the rise of the Chou dynasty was due to LĂĽ Ya

[Lu Shang rose to high office under the tyrant Chou Hsin, whom he afterwards helped to overthrow. Popularly known as T'ai Kung, a title bestowed on him by Wen Wang, he is said to have composed a treatise on war, erroneously identified with the Liu T'ao.]

tyrant - Tyrann, Tyrannin, checkTyrannin

popularly - populär

bestowed - verliehen; verstauen, einlagern, unterbringen, schenken

composed - komponiert; compos

erroneously - irrtümlich

identified - identifiziert; identifizieren, gleichsetzen, identifizieren

who had served under the Yin.

[There is less precision in the Chinese than I have thought it well to introduce into my translation, and the commentaries on the passage are by no means explicit. But, having regard to the context, we can hardly doubt that Sun TzĹ­ is holding up I Chih and Lu Ya as illustrious examples of the converted spy, or something closely analogous. His suggestion is, that the Hsia and Yin dynasties were upset owing to the intimate knowledge of their weaknesses and shortcoming which these former ministers were able to impart to the other side. Mei Yao-ch'en appears to resent any such aspersion on these historic names: "I Yin and Lu Ya," he says, "were not rebels against the Government. Hsia could not employ the former, hence Yin employed him.

commentaries - Kommentaren; Kommentar

having regard to - unter Berücksichtigung von

holding up - überfallend

illustrious - erlaucht; glorreich

dynasties - Dynastien; Dynastie, Herrschergeschlecht

upset - verärgert; aufgebracht, aufgewühlt, verstimmt, gereizt, nervös

intimate - vertraut, innig, intim, vorsichtig andeuten

shortcoming - Schwäche, Manko

impart - übermitteln; weitergeben, gewähren, mitteilen, vermitteln

resent - zurückgesandt; verübeln

aspersion - Verleumdung; abfällige Bemerkung

historic - historisch, geschichtsträchtig

Yin could not employ the latter, hence Hou employed him. Their great achievements were all for the good of the people." Ho Shih is also indignant: "How should two divinely inspired men such as I and Lu have acted as common spies? Sun TzĹ­'s mention of them simply means that the proper use of the five classes of spies is a matter which requires men of the highest mental caliber like I and Lu, whose wisdom and capacity qualified them for the task. The above words only emphasize this point." Ho Shih believes then that the two heroes are mentioned on account of their supposed skill in the use of spies. But this is very weak.]

achievements - Errungenschaften; Errungenschaft, Leistung, Großtat, Heldentat

indignant - entrüstet

divinely - göttlich

inspired - inspiriert; inspirieren, inspirieren, beatmen, einhauchen

caliber - Messschieber, Schublehre, Kaliber

qualified - qualifiziert; qualifizieren, qualifizieren, qualifizieren

task - Pensum; beschäftigen, in Anspruch nehmen; Arbeit, Aufgabe

on account - auf Rechnung

supposed - angenommen; annehmen, vermuten, vermeinen, vermuten, annehmen

27. Hence it is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for purposes of spying and thereby they achieve great results.

[Tu Mu closes with a note of warning: "Just as water, which carries a boat from bank to bank, may also be the means of sinking it, so reliance on spies, while production of great results, is oft-times the cause of utter destruction."]

sinking - sinken; Untergang; (sink); sinken; senken, versenken, Spüle

reliance - Verlass, Vertrauen, Abhängigkeit, Vertrauende, Abhängige

production - Produktion, Herstellung, Inszenierung

Spies are a most important element in war, because on them depends an army's ability to move.

element - Element; Bauelement

[Chia Lin says that an army without spies is like a man with ears or eyes.]

[1] "Aids to Scouting," p. 2.

[2] "Marshal Turenne," p. 311.

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