The Eyes Have It with English-German Dictionary by Philip Kindred Dick (online free books)

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The Eyes Have It Text

kindred - Stammesbrüder, Stammesgeschwister, Artgenossen, verwandt

Dick - Schwanz, erigierter Penis (vulg.)

IT WAS quite by accident I discovered this incredible invasion of Earth by lifeforms from another planet. as yet, I haven't done anything about it; I can't think of anything to do. I wrote to the government, and they sent back a pamphlet on the repair and maintenance of frame houses. Anyhow, the whole thing is known; I'm not the first to discover it. Maybe it's even under control.

by accident - zufällig, zufälligerweise, durch Zufall

discovered - entdeckt; entdecken, erleben, erfahren, dabei sein

invasion - Invasion, Überfall, Einfall, Einmarsch

earth - Erde, Land, Grund

lifeforms - Lebensformen

planet - Planet, Wandelstern

as yet - bislang, bis jetzt

government - staatlich;Regierung , Regierung , Landesregierung

sent back - zurückgeschickt

pamphlet - Flugschrift

repair - reparieren, instandsetzen, ausbessern

maintenance - Instandhaltung, Wartung, Unterhalt

frame - ausarbeiten, entwerfen, einfassen, einrahmen, festlegen

anyhow - irgendwie

control - steuern, kontrollieren, regeln, Kontrolle, Kontrollen, Regelung

I was sitting in my easy-chair, idly turning the pages of a paperbacked book someone had left on the bus, when I came across the reference that first put me on the trail. For a moment I didn't respond. It took some time for the full import to sink in. After I'd comprehended, it seemed odd I hadn't noticed it right away.

idly - untätig, träge

paperbacked - als Taschenbuch herausgegeben; Broschur, broschiert

reference - Referenz; Quelle; referenzieren; sich beziehen

trail - Pfad; folgen, verfolgen, nachstellen, nacheilen

respond - antworten; reagieren

import - importieren; Einfuhr

sink - Waschbecken; sinken; senken, versenken, Spüle, Spülbecken

comprehended - begriffen; umfassen, verstehen, begreifen, erfassen, einsehen

seemed - schien; scheinen, dünken

odd - einzeln; seltsam, merkwürdig, komisch, ungerade

noticed - bemerkt; Bekanntmachung, Benachrichtigung, Mitteilung

The reference was clearly to a nonhuman species of incredible properties, not indigenous to Earth. A species, I hasten to point out, customarily masquerading as ordinary human beings. Their disguise, however, became transparent in the face of the following observations by the author.

Clearly - Eindeutig; klar, deutlich

nonhuman - nicht menschlich

species - Arten; Hartgeld

properties - Eigenschaften; Eigentum

indigenous - Einheimische

hasten to - zueilen

customarily - üblicherweise

masquerading - Maskenspiel

ordinary - Heroldsbild; gewöhnlich, normal

beings - Wesen

disguise - Verkleidung; Tarnung; verstellen

observations - Beobachtungen; Beobachtung, Bemerkung

author - Autor, Autorin, Verfasser, Verfasserin

It was at once obvious the author knew everything. Knew everything‰"‰and was taking it in his stride. The line (and I tremble remembering it even now) read:

obvious - offensichtlich; selbstverständlich; deutlich; überdeutlich; offenbar; q

stride - schreiten

tremble - zittern; Zittern

... his eyes slowly roved about the room.

slowly - langsam

roved about - herumgetrieben

Vague chills assailed me. I tried to picture the eyes. Did they roll like dimes? The passage indicated not; they seemed to move through the air, not over the surface. Rather rapidly, apparently. No one in the story was surprised. That's what tipped me off. No sign of amazement at such an outrageous thing. Later the matter was amplified.

vague - vage; nebelhaft, schwach, unklar, undeutlich

chills - Schüttelfrost; Mutlosigkeit, Frostgefühl

assailed - angegriffen; angreifen

roll - Rolle, Roulade, Walze, Semmel; drehen, wälzen, wickeln, rollen

dimes - Groschen; 10 Cent-Stück

passage - Durchfahrt, Ăśbergang, Gang

indicated - angezeigt; anzeigen, anweisen, andeuten, anzeigen, andeuten

surface - Oberfläche; auftauchen; publik werden, ans Licht kommen

rapidly - schnell

apparently - offensichtlich, offenbar, scheinbar, anscheinend

surprised - überrascht; Überraschung, Überraschung

tipped - gekippt; Tip

sign - Wert, Zeichen, Hinweistafel, Indiz; unterschreiben, signieren

amazement - Erstaunen; Staunen, Verwunderung

such - solch, derartig, so ein

matter - Materie; Masse, Substanz, Stoff, Angelegenheit, Anlass

amplified - verstärkt; erman: verstärken glossore intense; vergrößern gloss

... his eyes moved from person to person.

There it was in a nutshell. The eyes had clearly come apart from the rest of him and were on their own. My heart pounded and my breath choked in my windpipe. I had stumbled on an accidental mention of a totally unfamiliar race. Obviously non-Terrestrial. Yet, to the characters in the book, it was perfectly natural‰"‰which suggested they belonged to the same species.

nutshell - Nussschale

come apart - entzwei gehen

heart - Herz, Herzstück

breath - Atmen, Atmung, Atemzug, Atem, Atempause

choked - gewürgt; erwürgen, erdrosseln, ersticken, überwältigen

windpipe - Trachea, Luftröhre

stumbled - gestolpert; Stolpern

accidental - versehentlich, zufällig, Zufall, Versehen

mention - Erwähnung; erwähnen

totally - total; vollständig, komplett, völlig, absolut

unfamiliar - ungewohnt

race - um die Wette rennen; Rasse, Menschenschlag, Rennen

Obviously - Offensichtlich; augenscheinlich

non - nicht..

terrestrial - irdisch, terrestrisch, Erde

characters - Figur, Person, Charakter, Charakter, Original

perfectly - perfekt, einwandfrei, vollkommen, durchaus

suggested - vorgeschlagen; vorschlagen, vorschlagen

belonged - gehörte; zugehören; gehören (zu)

And the author? A slow suspicion burned in my mind. The author was taking it rather too easily in his stride. Evidently, he felt this was quite a usual thing. He made absolutely no attempt to conceal this knowledge. The story continued:

suspicion - Verdacht, Argwohn, Verdächtigung

burned - verbrannt; brennen, feuern, leuchten

mind - Verstand, Geist, Sinn, Bewusstsein, Gedächtnis, Gedanken

easily - leicht

evidently - offensichtlich

usual - gewöhnlich, üblich

absolutely - absolut, durchaus, total, unbedingt

attempt - versuchen; Versuch, Bestreben, Bestrebung, Anschlag, Attentat

conceal - verbergen, verheimlichen, verschleiern, verschweigen

knowledge - Wissen, Kenntnis

continued - fortgesetzt; fortsetzen, weiterhin

... presently his eyes fastened on Julia.

Presently - Gegenwärtig; sogleich

fastened - befestigen, festmachen

Julia, being a lady, had at least the breeding to feel indignant. She is described as blushing and knitting her brows angrily. At this, I sighed with relief. They weren't all non-Terrestrials. The narrative continues:

lady - Herrin des Hauses, Hausherrin, Ehefrau des Hausherrn

breeding - Aufzucht, Vermehrung (biol.), züchtend; (breed); aufziehen

indignant - entrüstet

blushing - errötend; (blush) errötend

knitting - Stricken; (knit); stricken

brows - Augenbrauen; Brauen; (brow) Augenbrauen; Brauen

angrily - verärgert, wütend

sighed - geseufzt; Seufzen, Seufzer, Säuseln (Wind); säuseln (Wind)

relief - Erleichterung, Befreiung, Linderung, Unterstützung

weren - wer

Terrestrials - Außerirdische; irdisch, terrestrisch, Erde

narrative - erzählend, erzählerisch, in erzählender Form darlegend

continues - fortsetzen, weiterhin

... slowly, calmly, his eyes examined every inch of her.

calmly - ruhig

examined - untersucht; untersuchen, untersuchen, untersuchen, prüfen

inch - Zoll (2, 54 cm), Zoll (Längenmaß)

Great Scott! But here the girl turned and stomped off and the matter ended. I lay back in my chair gasping with horror. My wife and family regarded me in wonder.

stomped - gestampft; stampfen, zerstampfen, trampeln, Stampfer

lay - legen; richten (Tisch)

gasping - keuchend; (gasp); keuchen; japsen, prusten, Atemzug, Luftholen

horror - Angst, Furcht, Horror, Grauen

regarded - betrachtet; schätzen, betrachten, berücksichtigen

wonder - Wunder, Mirakel, wundern

śWhat's wrong, dear?ť my wife asked.

I couldn't tell her. Knowledge like this was too much for the ordinary run-of-the-mill person. I had to keep it to myself. śNothing,ť I gasped. I leaped up, snatched the book, and hurried out of the room.

Mill - Promille, 1/10 Prozent; Mühle, Fabrik; fräsen, anfräsen

myself - mich selbst; mich

gasped - keuchte; keuchen, japsen, prusten, keuchen, Atemzug, Luftholen

leaped - gesprungen; hervorspringen, hüpfen, überspringen

snatched - geschnappt; klauen, stehlen, Reißen

hurried - eilig; Eile, beeilen

IN THE garage, I continued reading. There was more. Trembling, I read the next revealing passage:

garage - Garage

trembling - Zittern, Beben; (tremble); zittern; Zittern

revealing - aufschlussreich; gewagt

... he put his arm around Julia. Presently she asked him if he would remove his arm. He immediately did so, with a smile.

remove - entfernen; beseitigen; verdrängen; umziehen

immediately - sofort, alsbald, unverzüglich, auf der Stelle

smile - Lächeln

It's not said what was done with the arm after the fellow had removed it. Maybe it was left standing upright in the corner. Maybe it was thrown away. I don't care. In any case, the full meaning was there, staring me right in the face.

fellow - Stipendiat, Typ, Kerl, Bursche; Gefährte, Kerl

removed - entfernt; entfernen, beseitigen, verdrängen, umziehen

left standing - gelassen

upright - aufrecht; hochkant

corner - Ecke, Winkel, in die Enge treiben

thrown away - verscherztem

care - kümmern; Sorgfalt, Aufbewahrung, Behandlung

case - Fall; Gehäuse, Prozess, Kiste, Fach

Here was a race of creatures capable of removing portions of their anatomy at will. Eyes, arms‰"‰and maybe more. Without batting an eyelash. my knowledge of biology came in handy, at this point. Obviously they were simple beings, uni-cellular, some sort of primitive single-celled things. Beings no more developed than starfish. Starfish can do the same thing, you know.

creatures - Kreaturen; Wesen

capable - fähig

removing - entfernen, beseitigen, verdrängen, umziehen

portions - Portionen; Teil

anatomy - Anatomie

at will - nach Belieben, nach Wunsch, beliebig, absichtlich

batting - Schlägerei; schlagend; (bat) Schlägerei; schlagend

eyelash - Wimper, Augenwimper

my knowledge - meines Wissens, soviel ich weiß

biology - Biologie

came in handy - (come in handy) gelegen kommen

simple - einfach, simpel

uni - Uni

cellular - zellulär

sort - Sortierung, Gattung, Art, Sorte; sortieren, ordnen

primitive - primitiv; Wortstamm & Stamm, Stammwort, Urwort

single - einzeln, einzig, allein, einheitlich

celled - zelluliert; Zelle, Speicherzelle

developed - entwickelt; entwickeln, entwickeln, entwickeln, entwickeln

starfish - Seesterne; Seestern

I read on. And came to this incredible revelation, tossed off coolly by the author without the faintest tremor:

read on - weitergelesen

revelation - Enthüllung, Offenbarung, Erkenntnis

tossed - geworfen; Wurf, Münzwurf, werfen, werfen, verwerfen, wegwerfen

coolly - kühl; gelassen

faintest - am schwächsten; leise, schwach, undeutlich, ohnmächtig werden

tremor - Zittern; Tremor; Beben

... outside the movie theater we split up. Part of us went inside, part over to the cafe for dinner.

movie theater - Kino

split - gespalten; Riss, Spalt, Spaltung, Spagat

inside - Innenseite, Inneres, Innen-, Inner-, drinnen, hinein, innerhalb

Binary fission, obviously. Splitting in half and forming two entities. Probably each lower half went to the cafe, it being farther, and the upper halves to the movies. I read on, hands shaking. I had really stumbled onto something here. My mind reeled as I made out this passage:

binary - binär; Binärsystem; Binärdatei

fission - Spaltung; Zellteilung; spalten

splitting - (split) geteilt, Spalt, Spaltung

entities - Einheiten; Wesen

lower - niedriger, niedrigerer, ausfahren (Fahrgestell); abdämpfen

shaking - schüttelnd, erschütternd; (shake); schütteln, erschüttern

onto - auf

reeled - aufgespult; Spule, Haspel, Demoband

... I'm afraid there's no doubt about it. Poor Bibney has lost his head again.

I'm afraid - leider, ich bedaure, ich fürchte

there's no doubt about it - darüber besteht kein Zweifel

Which was followed by:

... and Bob says he has utterly no guts.

Bob - Troddel; tanzen (Boot); Bob (Frisur)

utterly - völlig

guts - Eingeweide; Mumm; (gut); Darm, Eingeweide, Bauch, Ranzen, Darm

Yet Bibney got around as well as the next person. The next person, however, was just as strange. He was soon described as:

got around - (get around) herumkommen (herumfahren), Umweglösung finden

strange - seltsam, sonderbar, komisch, verwunderlich, fremd, ausländisch

... totally lacking in brains.

lacking - Mangelhaft; ermangeln, fehlen

brains - Gehirne; Gehirn

THERE was no doubt of the thing in the next passage. Julia, whom I had thought to be the one normal person, reveals herself as also being an alien life form, similar to the rest:

doubt - bezweifeln, Zweifel

whom - wen; wem; dem, der, den, die

normal - normal; Normale

reveals - enthüllt; enthüllen, offenbaren

alien - Außerirdische; Fremdling, Fremder, Fremde, Ausländer

rest - Ruhe, Stütze, Lehne, ein Ăśbriges; bleiben, ruhen, ausruhen

... quite deliberately, Julia had given her heart to the young man.

deliberately - absichtlich

It didn't relate what the final disposition of the organ was, but I didn't really care. It was evident Julia had gone right on living in her usual manner, like all the others in the book. Without heart, arms, eyes, brains, viscera, dividing up in two when the occasion demanded. Without a qualm.

relate - verbinden; sich beziehen, erzählen, berichten

disposition - Neigung, Gesinnung, Hang, Veranlagung, Einteilung

organ - Organ; Orgel

evident - offensichtlich; offenkundig

manner - Art und Weise; Weise, Manier

dividing - Aufteilen; abteilend, teilend; (divide); aufteilen, einteilen

Occasion - Gelegenheit; Anlass

demanded - gefordert; Nachfrage, Bedarf, Nachfrage, Anspruch, verlangen

qualm - Gewissensbisse; Skrupel, checkUnbehagen, checkBedenken

... thereupon she gave him her hand.

thereupon - daraufhin; darauf

I sickened. The rascal now had her hand, as well as her heart. I shudder to think what he's done with them, by this time.

sickened - erkrankt; erkranken

rascal - Schlingel; Gauner, Strolch, Bösewicht, Schurke, Bengel

shudder - erschaudern; Schauder; (wohliger) Schauder; schaudern; zittern

... he took her arm.

Not content to wait, he had to start dismantling her on his own. Flushing crimson, I slammed the book shut and leaped to my feet. But not in time to escape one last reference to those carefree bits of anatomy whose travels had originally thrown me on the track:

content - Inhalt; (to be content with) sich mit etwas begnügen

dismantling - Demontage; entmanteln, abwracken, ausschlachten, demontieren

flushing - Wasserspülung (Vorgang); Spülung, durchflutend

crimson - Karmesinrot; Purpur, Purpurrot, Karmesin, purpurn

slammed - zugeknallt; zuschlagen, hart anpacken, zuknallen; harte Kritik

shut - geschlossen; (to shut) schließen, zumachen

escape - entgehen, ausweichen, davonkommen, Flucht

Last - letzte, zuletzt, letzter, vorig; dauern, andauern

those - die; jene

carefree - sorglos

bits - Häppchen, Gebiss, Bit, Bissen

whose - wessen; dessen, deren, wem gehört/gehören?

originally - ursprünglich

thrown - geworfen; Wurf; werfen (du wirfst, er wirft), ich/er/sie würfe

track - Spur; Fußspur; Fußsohle; Trampelpfad; Bahn, Strecke, Kurs

... her eyes followed him all the way down the road and across the meadow.

meadow - Wiese, Weide, Aue

I rushed from the garage and back inside the warm house, as if the accursed things were following me. My wife and children were playing Monopoly in the kitchen. I joined them and played with frantic fervor, brow feverish, teeth chattering.

rushed - überstürzt; stürzen, drängen, hetzen, rasen; Eile, Andrang

monopoly - Monopol

frantic - verzweifelt; außer sich, rasend

fervor - Inbrunst, Eifer, Begeisterung, Leidenschaft

brow - Stirn; Braue, Augenbraue

feverish - fiebrig, febril, fieberhaft

chattering - Geplapper; plappernd

I had had enough of the thing. I want to hear no more about it. Let them come on. Let them invade Earth. I don't want to get mixed up in it.

invade - eindringen, verletzen, überfallen, einmarschieren, einfallen

get mixed up - durcheinandergeraten [alt], durcheinander geraten

I have absolutely no stomach for it.

stomach - Magen; Bauch

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