The Horror of the Heights with English-French Dictionary by Arthur Conan Doyle (online free books)

Peur Dans les Hauteurs avec un dictionnaire anglais-français pratique (best ebooks to read)

The Horror of the Heights Text

horror - l'horreur, horreur, effroi, dégout, aversion

heights - les hauteurs, hauteur, taille

The idea that the extraordinary narrative which has been called the Joyce-Armstrong Fragment is an elaborate practical joke evolved by some unknown person, cursed by a perverted and sinister sense of humour, has now been abandoned by all who have examined the matter.

extraordinary - extraordinaire

narrative - narratif, récit

fragment - fragment, fragmenter

elaborate - élaborer, approfondir

practical joke - Une blague

evolved - évolué, évoluer, progresser, élaborer

unknown - inconnu, inconnue

cursed - maudis, maudite, maudites, maudits, maudit, (curs) maudis

perverted - pervers, déviant

sinister - sinistre

sense - sens, acception, sentir

humour - l'humour, humour, humeur, disposition, amadouer

abandoned - abandonnée, abandonner

examined - examinés, examiner

matter - matiere, matiere, affaire, question, cause, substance

The most macabre and imaginative of plotters would hesitate before linking his morbid fancies with the unquestioned and tragic facts which reinforce the statement. Though the assertions contained in it are amazing and even monstrous, it is none the less forcing itself upon the general intelligence that they are true, and that we must readjust our ideas to the new situation.

macabre - macabre, morbide, gothique, thanatophile

imaginative - imaginatif

hesitate - hésiter

linking - l'établissement d'un lien, maillon, chaînon

morbid - morbide, checkmacabre, checkmalsain, checkpathologique

fancies - des fantaisies, envie, caprice

unquestioned - incontesté

tragic - tragique

reinforce - renforcer

though - mais, néanmoins, cependant, malgré, bien que

assertions - affirmations, assertion, qualifier

contained - contenu, contenir

monstrous - monstrueux

none - aucun, ne nulle

forcing - le forçage, force

itself - elle-meme, se, soi-meme

upon - sur, a

general - général, communal, en chef, universal, d'ensemble

intelligence - l'intelligence, intelligence, renseignements

readjust - rééquilibrer, rajuster, réadapter, réajuster

This world of ours appears to be separated by a slight and precarious margin of safety from a most singular and unexpected danger.

Appears - apparaît, apparaître, paraître, sembler

be separated - etre séparés

Slight - insignifiant, léger

precarious - précaire

margin - marge

safety - la sécurité, sécurité, sureté

singular - singulier

unexpected - inattendu

danger - danger, péril

I will endeavour in this narrative, which reproduces the original document in its necessarily somewhat fragmentary form, to lay before the reader the whole of the facts up to date, prefacing my statement by saying that, if there be any who doubt the narrative of Joyce-Armstrong, there can be no question at all as to the facts concerning Lieutenant Myrtle, R. N., and Mr.

endeavour - l'effort, peiner

reproduces - se reproduit, reproduire, se reproduire

original document - le document original

necessarily - nécessairement

somewhat - en quelque sorte, assez, quelque peu

lay - laique, pondre, pose

prefacing - le préambule, préface, préfacer

doubt - des doutes, douter, doute

concerning - concernant, inquiétude, souci, soin, préoccupation

lieutenant - lieutenant

Myrtle - myrte

Mr - monsieur

Hay Connor, who undoubtedly met their end in the manner described.

Hay - foin

Undoubtedly - sans doute

manner - maniere, maniere, façon, mode

The Joyce-Armstrong Fragment was found in the field which is called Lower Haycock, lying one mile to the westward of the village of Withyham, upon the Kent and Sussex border.

field - champ, campo, terrain, corps, rubrique, attraper

lower - plus bas, abaisser, en privé, rabattre, baissent

Haycock - Haycock

lying - gisant, sis, mentant, (lie) gisant

border - frontiere, frontiere, bord, bordure, délimiter, border

It was on the 15th September last that an agricultural labourer, James Flynn, in the employment of Mathew Dodd, farmer, of the Chauntry Farm, Withyham, perceived a briar pipe lying near the footpath which skirts the hedge in Lower Haycock. A few paces farther on he picked up a pair of broken binocular glasses.

Last - derniere, dernier, durer, dernierere, durez, passé, durent

agricultural labourer - travailleur agricole

James - james, Jacques

employment - l'emploi, emploi, travail

perceived - perçue, percevoir

briar - bruyere

pipe - cornemuse, conduit, tuyau, barre verticale, tube, pipe

footpath - sentier, trottoir

hedge - couverture, haie

paces - des allures, pas

picked - choisi, pioche, passe-partout, choix, écran, prendre, cueillir

Finally, among some nettles in the ditch, he caught sight of a flat, canvas-backed book, which proved to be a note-book with detachable leaves, some of which had come loose and were fluttering along the base of the hedge. These he collected, but some, including the first, were never recovered, and leave a deplorable hiatus in this all-important statement.

finally - enfin, définitivement

among - parmi

nettles - des orties, ortie, piquer, irriter, vexer

ditch - fossé

caught - pris, prise, touche, loquet, loqueteau, verrou, hic, couille

sight - vue, quelque chose a voir, truc a voir, mire, viseur

canvas - toile, canevas

proved - prouvé, prouver

detachable - détachable

loose - en vrac, ample, desserré

fluttering - flottement, faséyer, voleter, voltiger, battement

along - le long de, accompagné, rench: t-needed r

base - base, baser, basent, socle, basez, Assise, basons

collected - collectés, (se) rassembler

recovered - récupéré, recouvrer (la santé)

deplorable - déplorable

hiatus - hiatus, lacune, discordance

The note-book was taken by the labourer to his master, who in turn showed it to Dr. J. H. Atherton, of Hartfield. This gentleman at once recognized the need for an expert examination, and the manuscript was forwarded to the Aero Club in London, where it now lies.

Labourer - ouvrier

Master - maître, patron, maîtriser, maitre, maîtrisent

gentleman - gentilhomme, monsieur, messieurs

recognized - reconnu, reconnaître

expert - expert

examination - l'examen, examen

manuscript - manuscrit

forwarded - transmis, en avant

lies - mensonges, mensonge

The first two pages of the manuscript are missing. There is also one torn away at the end of the narrative, though none of these affect the general coherence of the story. It is conjectured that the missing opening is concerned with the record of Mr.

torn away - arraché

affect - affecter, affectez, influer, concernent, affectons

coherence - cohérence

conjectured - conjecturé, conjecture, conjecturer

concerned - préoccupé, inquiétude, souci, soin, préoccupation

record - record, enregistrent, enregistrez, enregistrons

Joyce-Armstrong's qualifications as an aeronaut, which can be gathered from other sources and are admitted to be unsurpassed among the air-pilots of England.

qualifications - les qualifications, qualification

aeronaut - aéronaute

gathered - rassemblés, rassembler, ramasser, recueillir

sources - sources, source

admitted - admis, admettre, avouer, reconnaître

unsurpassed - inégalée

pilots - pilotes, pilote, programme pilote

For many years he has been looked upon as among the most daring and the most intellectual of flying men, a combination which has enabled him to both invent and test several new devices, including the common gyroscopic attachment which is known by his name.

daring - audacieux, courageux, checktéméraire, checkhardi

intellectual - intellectuel, intellectuelle, intello

combination - combinaison, sélection, association, groupement, side-car

enabled - activée, autoriser, permettre, activer

invent - inventer

several - plusieurs

devices - des appareils, appareil, dispositif, stratageme, ruse, manouvre

gyroscopic - gyroscopique

attachment - l'attachement, attachement, dépendance, piece jointe, saisie

The main body of the manuscript is written neatly in ink, but the last few lines are in pencil and are so ragged as to be hardly legible-exactly, in fact, as they might be expected to appear if they were scribbled off hurriedly from the seat of a moving aeroplane.

main body - le corps principal

neatly - proprement, élégamment

ink - encre

ragged - dépenaillé, loqueteuxse, (rag) dépenaillé

hardly - a peine, dur, durement, guere, a peine

legible - lisible

exactly - exactement

expected - attendue, attendre, s'attendre a

appear - apparaître, sembler

scribbled - griffonné, griffonner

hurriedly - en toute hâte, a la hâte, a la sauvette, a la va-vite

seat - siege, place, siege, assise, séant, fond

aeroplane - avion, aéroplane

There are, it may be added, several stains, both on the last page and on the outside cover which have been pronounced by the Home Office experts to be blood-probably human and certainly mammalian.

be added - etre ajouté

stains - taches, tache, souillure, colorant, tacher, entacher, colorer

cover - une couverture

pronounced - prononcée, déclarer, prononcer, déclamer, lire

Home Office - Bureau a domicile

experts - des experts, expert

human - humain

Certainly - certainement, surement, sans nul doute, sans aucun doute

mammalian - mammiferes, mammalien

The fact that something closely resembling the organism of malaria was discovered in this blood, and that Joyce-Armstrong is known to have suffered from intermittent fever, is a remarkable example of the new weapons which modern science has placed in the hands of our detectives.

closely - de pres, étroitement, pres

resembling - ressemblant, ressembler

organism - organisme

malaria - le paludisme, paludisme, malaria

discovered - découvert, découvrir

suffered - souffert, souffrir, souffrir de, pâtir de, endurer

intermittent - intermittent

fever - de la fievre, fievre

remarkable - remarquable

weapons - des armes, arme

Detectives - détectives, détective, détectivef, enqueteur, enqueteuse

And now a word as to the personality of the author of this epoch-making statement. Joyce-Armstrong, according to the few friends who really knew something of the man, was a poet and a dreamer, as well as a mechanic and an inventor. He was a man of considerable wealth, much of which he had spent in the pursuit of his aeronautical hobby.

personality - personnalité

author - auteur, auteure, autrice, écrire, créer

epoch - époque, ere, période, singularité, évenement

according - selon, entente, accorder

poet - poete, poete

dreamer - reveur, reveur, reveuse

mechanic - mécanicien, mécanicienne

inventor - inventeur, inventrice

considerable - considérable

wealth - la richesse, richesse, profusion, abondance, checkfortune

pursuit - poursuite

aeronautical - aéronautique

He had four private aeroplanes in his hangars near Devizes, and is said to have made no fewer than one hundred and seventy ascents in the course of last year. He was a retiring man with dark moods, in which he would avoid the society of his fellows.

private - personnel, personnelle, privé, privée

aeroplanes - des avions, avion, aéroplane

hangars - hangars, hangar

retiring - a la retraite, prendre sa retraite

moods - d'humeur, humeur

avoid - éviter, fuir

Society - la société, société

fellows - des camarades, homme, type

Captain Dangerfield, who knew him better than anyone, says that there were times when his eccentricity threatened to develop into something more serious. His habit of carrying a shot-gun with him in his aeroplane was one manifestation of it.

captain - capitaine, capitaine de vaisseau, agir en capitaine, piloter

eccentricity - l'excentricité, excentricité

threatened - menacé, menacer

develop - se développer, créer

serious - sérieux

habit - habitude, configuration

shot-gun - (shot-gun) Un fusil a pompe

manifestation - manifestation

Another was the morbid effect which the fall of Lieutenant Myrtle had upon his mind. Myrtle, who was attempting the height record, fell from an altitude of something over thirty thousand feet. Horrible to narrate, his head was entirely obliterated, though his body and limbs preserved their configuration.

effect - effet, effets, effectuer

mind - l'esprit, esprit, raison, intelligence, mémoire

attempting - tenter, essayer, tentative, attentat

height - hauteur, taille

altitude - l'altitude, altitude, hauteur

horrible - horrible, affreux, épouvantable

narrate - raconter, narrer, rapporter, relater

entirely - entierement, entierement, entierement (1)

obliterated - anéantie, annihiler, effacer

limbs - membres, membre

preserved - préservée, confiture, conserve, réserve naturelle

configuration - configuration

At every gathering of airmen, Joyce-Armstrong, according to Dangerfield, would ask, with an enigmatic smile: "And where, pray, is Myrtle's head?"

gathering - rassemblement, cueillant, amassant, ramassage

enigmatic - énigmatique

smile - sourire

Pray - prier, prions, priez, prient

On another occasion after dinner, at the mess of the flying school on Salisbury Plain, he started a debate as to what will be the most permanent danger which airmen will have to encounter.

Occasion - occasion

mess - le désordre, purée, fouillis, bouillie

flying school - l'école de pilotage

plain - simple, unie, net, plaine

debate - débat, discussion, débattre

most permanent - le plus permanent

encounter - rencontre

Having listened to successive opinions as to air-pockets, faulty construction, and over-banking, he ended by shrugging his shoulders and refusing to put forward his own views, though he gave the impression that they differed from any advanced by his companions.

successive - successifs

pockets - poches, poche, empocher, de poche

faulty - défectueux

construction - construction

shrugging - hausser les épaules, haussement d'épaules

refusing - refusant, refuser de

forward - avant, acheminent, acheminer, avanten, acheminons

views - vues, vue, q

impression - impression

differed - différaient, différer (de)

advanced - avancé, élever, avancer, avancée, progression, progres

Companions - compagnons, compagnon, compagne

It is worth remarking that after his own complete disappearance it was found that his private affairs were arranged with a precision which may show that he had a strong premonition of disaster. With these essential explanations I will now give the narrative exactly as it stands, beginning at page three of the blood-soaked note-book:

worth - valeur

remarking - remarque

disappearance - disparition

affairs - affaires, aventure, liaison

arranged - arrangé, arranger, organiser

precision - précision

premonition - prémonition

disaster - désastre, catastrophe

essential - indispensable, essentiel, fondamental

explanations - des explications, explication

soaked - trempé, tremper, faire tremper, immerger, éponger

"Nevertheless, when I dined at Rheims with Coselli and Gustav Raymond I found that neither of them was aware of any particular danger in the higher layers of the atmosphere. I did not actually say what was in my thoughts, but I got so near to it that if they had any corresponding idea they could not have failed to express it.

nevertheless - néanmoins, toutefois, pourtant, malgré tout

dined - dîné, vacarme

neither - ni l'un ni l'autre, aucun des deux, ni X ni Y, non plus

aware - conscient, attentif, vigilant, en éveil, en alerte

particular - particulier

atmosphere - atmosphere, atmosphere, ambience, ambiance

actually - en fait

thoughts - réflexions, idée, pensée

corresponding - correspondant, correspondre (...a qqchose)

failed - a échoué, échouer (a)

express - express, exprimons, exprimez, exprimer, expriment

But then they are two empty, vainglorious fellows with no thought beyond seeing their silly names in the newspaper. It is interesting to note that neither of them had ever been much beyond the twenty-thousand-foot level. Of course, men have been higher than this both in balloons and in the ascent of mountains.

empty - vide, vider, cadavre

vainglorious - vaniteux

beyond - au-dela, au-dela, par-dela

silly - stupide, sot, insensé, idiot, bete

level - plat, a ras, au meme niveau, constant, niveau, profondeur

balloons - ballons, ballon, ballon de baudruche

It must be well above that point that the aeroplane enters the danger zone-always presuming that my premonitions are correct.

enters - entre, entrer, rench: -neededr, taper, saisir

zone - zone

presuming - présumer, supposer

premonitions - des prémonitions, prémonition

"Aeroplaning has been with us now for more than twenty years, and one might well ask: Why should this peril be only revealing itself in our day? The answer is obvious. In the old days of weak engines, when a hundred horse-power Gnome or Green was considered ample for every need, the flights were very restricted.

peril - péril, risque

obvious - évidentes, évident

weak - faible, débile

engines - moteurs, moteur

power - pouvoir, puissance, électricité, courant, alimenter

gnome - gnome

considered - envisagée, considérer, examiner, réfléchir, songer

ample - ample

restricted - restreint, restreindre, limiter

Now that three hundred horse-power is the rule rather than the exception, visits to the upper layers have become easier and more common. Some of us can remember how, in our youth, Garros made a world-wide reputation by attaining nineteen thousand feet, and it was considered a remarkable achievement to fly over the Alps.

exception - exception

youth - la jeunesse, jeunesse, jeune, jeune homme, les jeunes

wide - large

reputation - réputation, renommée (more slang)

attaining - atteindre

achievement - de la réussite, réalisation, accomplissement, haut fait

fly over - survoler

Alps - les alpes, Alpes, (alp) les alpes

Our standard now has been immeasurably raised, and there are twenty high flights for one in former years. Many of them have been undertaken with impunity. The thirty-thousand-foot level has been reached time after time with no discomfort beyond cold and asthma. What does this prove? A visitor might descend upon this planet a thousand times and never see a tiger.

Standard - standard, étalon, étendard

immeasurably - de maniere incommensurable

raised - soulevée, (sou)lever

former - ancien, ancienne, ci devant

undertaken - entrepris, entreprendre

impunity - l'impunité, impunité

reached - atteint, arriver/parvenir a

discomfort - malaise, inconfort

asthma - l'asthme, asthme

Prove - prouver, éprouvent, éprouvons, éprouvez, prouvent

descend - descendre

planet - planete, planete

tiger - tigre, tigresse

Yet tigers exist, and if he chanced to come down into a jungle he might be devoured. There are jungles of the upper air, and there are worse things than tigers which inhabit them. I believe in time they will map these jungles accurately out. Even at the present moment I could name two of them. One of them lies over the Pau-Biarritz district of France.

tigers - tigres, tigre/tigresse

exist - existent, exister

chanced - hasardeux, hasard

devoured - dévorée, dévorer

jungles - jungles, jungle, foret vierge, foret tropicale

inhabit - habiter

accurately - avec précision

district - district, checkrégion

France - la france, France

Another is just over my head as I write here in my house in Wiltshire. I rather think there is a third in the Homburg-Wiesbaden district.

third - troisieme, troisieme, trois, tiers, tierce

Homburg - Hombourg

"It was the disappearance of the airmen that first set me thinking. Of course, everyone said that they had fallen into the sea, but that did not satisfy me at all. First, there was Verrier in France; his machine was found near Bayonne, but they never got his body. There was the case of Baxter also, who vanished, though his engine and some of the iron fixings were found in a wood in Leicestershire.

set - set, Seth

satisfy - satisfaire

Bayonne - Bayonne

case - cas, affaire, fouille, étui, chose

vanished - disparue, disparaître, s'évanouir, s'annuler

engine - moteur

iron - le fer, fer, repasser

wood - du bois, (de) bois

Leicestershire - Leicestershire

In that case, Dr. Middleton, of Amesbury, who was watching the flight with a telescope, declares that just before the clouds obscured the view he saw the machine, which was at an enormous height, suddenly rise perpendicularly upwards in a succession of jerks in a manner that he would have thought to be impossible. That was the last seen of Baxter.

telescope - télescope, lunette

declares - déclare, expliquer, déclarer

clouds - nuages, s'obscurcir

obscured - obscurci, obscur, sibyllin, obscurcir

view - vue, vision, regard, point de vue, opinion, regarder

enormous - énorme

suddenly - soudain, soudainement, tout d'un coup

rise - hausse, remonte, élévation, débout, surcroît

perpendicularly - perpendiculairement

succession - succession

jerks - des abrutis, secousse

impossible - impossible, insupportable

There was a correspondence in the papers, but it never led to anything. There were several other similar cases, and then there was the death of Hay Connor. What a cackle there was about an unsolved mystery of the air, and what columns in the halfpenny papers, and yet how little was ever done to get to the bottom of the business! He came down in a tremendous vol-plane from an unknown height.

correspondence - correspondance, chronique

led - dirigé, DEL, LED, (lead) dirigé

cases - cas

Death - mort, déces, camarde, la mort, l'arcane sans nom

cackle - caquet, ricanement, gloussement, caqueter

unsolved - non résolue

mystery - mystere, mystere

columns - colonnes, colonne, colonne (1, 2, 3)

halfpenny - un demi-penny, demienny

bottom - fond, bas, dessous, arriere-train, cul

tremendous - formidable

vol - vol

an unknown - un inconnu

He never got off his machine and died in his pilot's seat. Died of what? 'Heart disease,'said the doctors. Rubbish! Hay Connor's heart was as sound as mine is. What did Venables say? Venables was the only man who was at his side when he died. He said that he was shivering and looked like a man who had been badly scared.

pilot - pilote, programme pilote

heart - cour

disease - maladie, mal

rubbish - des déchets, absurdités, inepties, décombres, pourri

mine - la mienne, mienne, miniere

side - côté, parti, flanc

shivering - des frissons, (shiver) des frissons

badly - mal, mauvaisement

scared - effrayé, (scar)

'Died of fright,'said Venables, but could not imagine what he was frightened about. Only said one word to Venables, which sounded like 'Monstrous.'They could make nothing of that at the inquest. But I could make something of it. Monsters! That was the last word of poor Harry Hay Connor. And he DID die of fright, just as Venables thought.

frightened - effrayé, effrayer, redouter, terrifier

inquest - enquete (criminelle)

monsters - des monstres, monstre, bete, monstrueux

Harry - Harry

"And then there was Myrtle's head. Do you really believe-does anybody really believe-that a man's head could be driven clean into his body by the force of a fall? Well, perhaps it may be possible, but I, for one, have never believed that it was so with Myrtle. And the grease upon his clothes-'all slimy with grease,'said somebody at the inquest. Queer that nobody got thinking after that!

Anybody - quelqu'un, n’importe qui (1), checkn’importe qui (2

force - force, forcez, contrainte, forçons, contraindre, forcent

Perhaps - peut-etre, peut-etre, possiblement

grease - graisse, graisser, graisser la patte, corrompre, lubrifier

slimy - visqueux, visqueuse, gluant, gluante

queer - pédé, étrange, bizarre

I did-but, then, I had been thinking for a good long time. I've made three ascents-how Dangerfield used to chaff me about my shot-gun-but I've never been high enough. Now, with this new, light Paul Veroner machine and its one hundred and seventy-five Robur, I should easily touch the thirty thousand tomorrow. I'll have a shot at the record. Maybe I shall have a shot at something else as well.

chaff - des paillettes, balle, bale

shot - tir, tirai, tiré, tirâmes, tirerent, tira

gun - pistolet, as, rigolo, fusil

Paul - paul

easily - facilement

touch - toucher, émouvoir, contact

shall - doit, rench: 'shall' followed by the infinitive is translated using the future tense'

Of course, it's dangerous. If a fellow wants to avoid danger he had best Keep out of flying altogether and subside finally into flannel slippers and a dressing-gown. But I'll visit the air-jungle tomorrow-and if there's anything there I shall know it. If I return, I'll find myself a bit of a celebrity.

fellow - un camarade, ensemble, mâle

Keep out - écarter

altogether - tout a fait, completement, en meme temps, quoi qu'il en soit

subside - s'atténuer, tomber, calmer

flannel - flanelle

slippers - des pantoufles, chausson, pantoufle

dressing-gown - (dressing-gown) robe de chambre

jungle - jungle, foret vierge, foret tropicale

myself - moi-meme, me, m'

bit - bit, mordis, mordit, mordîmes, mordirent, (bite), mordre

celebrity - célébrité, people

If I don't this note-book may explain what I am trying to do, and how I lost my life in doing it. But no drivel about accidents or mysteries, if YOU please.

drivel - du radotage

accidents - accidents, accident

mysteries - mysteres, mystere

"I chose my Paul Veroner monoplane for the job. There's nothing like a monoplane when real work is to be done. Beaumont found that out in very early days. For one thing it doesn't mind damp, and the weather looks as if we should be in the clouds all the time. It's a bonny little model and answers my hand like a tender-mouthed horse.

damp - humide, moite, mouillé, humidité, grisou, amortir

bonny - bonny

tender - l'appel d'offres, doux, adjudication, affectieux

The engine is a ten-cylinder rotary Robur working up to one hundred and seventy-five. It has all the modern improvements-enclosed fuselage, high-curved landing skids, brakes, gyroscopic steadiers, and three speeds, worked by an alteration of the angle of the planes upon the Venetian-blind principle. I took a shot-gun with me and a dozen cartridges filled with buck-shot.

cylinder - cylindre, bonbonne, cylindre phonographique, barillet

rotary - rotatif

improvements - des améliorations, amélioration

fuselage - fuselage

curved - courbé, courbe, courbes, courber

skids - des dérapages, déraper

brakes - freins, freiner

speeds - vitesses, vitesse

alteration - modification, altération, altérer

venetian - vénitien, Vénitienne

blind - aveugle, mal-voyant, mal-voyante, store, blind, aveugler

principle - principe

dozen - douzaine, dizaine

cartridges - cartouches, cartouche

Buck - buck, mâle

You should have seen the face of Perkins, my old mechanic, when I directed him to put them in. I was dressed like an Arctic explorer, with two jerseys under my overalls, thick socks inside my padded boots, a storm-cap with flaps, and my talc goggles. It was stifling outside the hangars, but I was going for the summit of the Himalayas, and had to dress for the part.

directed - dirigée, direct, mettre en scene, ordonner

Arctic - l'arctique, arctique

explorer - explorateur, exploratrice, sonde

jerseys - maillots, jersey, tricot, maillot

overalls - salopette, global, total, en général, blouse, combinaison

thick - épais, gros, dense, opaque, incompréhensible, lourd

socks - chaussettes

inside - a l'intérieur, intérieur, dedans, au-dedans, la-dedans

padded - rembourré, coussinet

storm - tempete, orage

cap - cap, bonnet, calotte, casquette, toque, képi

flaps - les volets, pan

talc - talc, talquer

stifling - étouffant, (stifle)

summit - sommet, apogée

Perkins knew there was something on and implored me to take him with me. Perhaps I should if I were using the biplane, but a monoplane is a one-man show-if you want to get the last foot of life out of it. Of course, I took an oxygen bag; the man who goes for the altitude record without one will either be frozen or smothered-or both.

biplane - biplan

oxygen - l'oxygene, oxygene

either - chaque, non plus, ou, soit

frozen - gelé, geler

smothered - étouffé, étouffer

"I had a good look at the planes, the rudder-bar, and the elevating lever before I got in. Everything was in order so far as I could see. Then I switched on my engine and found that she was running sweetly. When they let her go she rose almost at once upon the lowest speed.

rudder - le gouvernail, gouvernail

bar - bar, barrent, barrons, barrer, barrez, tringle

elevating - l'élévation, élever, augmenter

lever - levier, lever

switched on - allumée

sweetly - avec douceur, doucement

rose - Rose, (rise)

almost - presque, quasiment

lowest - le plus bas, bas

Speed - la vitesse, galoper, vitesse

I circled my home field once or twice just to warm her up, and then with a wave to Perkins and the others, I flattened out my planes and put her on her highest. She skimmed like a swallow down wind for eight or ten miles until I turned her nose up a little and she began to climb in a great spiral for the cloud-bank above me.

circled - encerclée, cercle, disque, yeux cernés-p, cerne

wave to - faire signe

flattened - aplatie, aplatir

skimmed - écrémé, dépasser doucement, effleurer, frôler, raser, faire

swallow - avaler, avalons, empiffrer, hirondelle, avalez

wind - vent, emmailloter, détortiller, langer, enrouler

spiral - spirale, hélice, spiraler

cloud - nuage, s'obscurcir

It's all-important to rise slowly and adapt yourself to the pressure as you go.

slowly - lentement

adapt - adapter, s'adapter, adapté

pressure - pression

"It was a close, warm day for an English September, and there was the hush and heaviness of impending rain. Now and then there came sudden puffs of wind from the south-west-one of them so gusty and unexpected that it caught me napping and turned me half-round for an instant.

Hush - chut !, silence

heaviness - lourdeur

sudden - soudain, soudaine, subit

puffs - bouffées, souffle, bouffée

gusty - grose

napping - la sieste, sieste, petit somme

round - ronde, cyclo, arrondissent, arrondis, arrondir

instant - instantanée, moment

I remember the time when gusts and whirls and air-pockets used to be things of danger-before we learned to put an overmastering power into our engines. Just as I reached the cloud-banks, with the altimeter marking three thousand, down came the rain. My word, how it poured! It drummed upon my wings and lashed against my face, blurring my glasses so that I could hardly see.

gusts - des rafales, rafale

whirls - tourbillons, tourbillonner

altimeter - altimetre, altimetre

marking - le marquage, marquant, repere, (mark), Marc

poured - versé, verser, se déverser

drummed - tambouriné, tambour

wings - des ailes, aile, ailier

lashed - fouetté, cil

against - contre, face a, pour

blurring - flou, estomper, brouiller, s'estomper, tache, salissure

I got down on to a low speed, for it was painful to travel against it. As I got higher it became hail, and I had to turn tail to it. One of my cylinders was out of action-a dirty plug, I should imagine, but still I was rising steadily with plenty of power. After a bit the trouble passed, whatever it was, and I heard the full, deep-throated purr-the ten singing as one.

low - faible, inférieure

painful - douloureux, laborieux

hail - grele

turn tail - tourner la queue

cylinders - cylindres, cylindre

plug - fiche, bouchon, boucher, fermer, bourrer, faire la pub

steadily - régulierement

plenty - l'abondance, abondance

trouble - des problemes, peine, mal, probleme, emmerde, checksouci

passed - passé, passer (devant), dépasser

whatever - quoi qu'il en soit, quel que soit, n'importe quel

deep - profond, épais, grave, foncé, foncée, profondeurs

throated - gorgée, gorge, goulot

purr - ronronner, ronron, ronronnement

That's where the beauty of our modern silencers comes in. We can at last control our engines by ear. How they squeal and squeak and sob when they are in trouble! All those cries for help were wasted in the old days, when every sound was swallowed up by the monstrous racket of the machine.

beauty - la beauté, beauté

silencers - des silencieux, silencieux

control - contrôler, maîtrise, contrôle, commandes

by ear - a l'oreille

squeal - grincement, crissement, crier, hurler, crisser, dénoncer

squeak - grincement, crissement, craquement, craquer, crisser

sob - sanglot, fdp

those - ceux-ci, ces, celles-la, ceux-la

cries for help - des appels a l'aide

wasted - gaspillé, gaspiller

swallowed up - englouti

racket - racket, vacarme

If only the early aviators could come back to see the beauty and perfection of the mechanism which have been bought at the cost of their lives!

aviators - aviateurs, aviateur, aviatrice

perfection - la perfection, perfection

mechanism - mécanisme

"About nine-thirty I was nearing the clouds. Down below me, all blurred and shadowed with rain, lay the vast expanse of Salisbury Plain. Half a dozen flying machines were doing hackwork at the thousand-foot level, looking like little black swallows against the green background. I dare say they were wondering what I was doing up in cloud-land.

blurred - floue, estomper, brouiller, s'estomper, flou, tache, salissure

shadowed - ombragée, ombre, prendre en filature, t+filer

vast - vaste

flying machines - des machines volantes

hackwork - travail de bricoleur

swallows - hirondelles, avaler

background - arriere-plan, trame, fond

dare - oser, aventurer

wondering - se demander, (wonder), merveille, conjecturer

doing up - fais debout

Suddenly a grey curtain drew across beneath me and the wet folds of vapours were swirling round my face. It was clammily cold and miserable. But I was above the hail-storm, and that was something gained. The cloud was as dark and thick as a London fog. In my anxiety to get clear, I cocked her nose up until the automatic alarm-bell rang, and I actually began to slide backwards.

curtain - rideau

beneath - dessous

wet - humide, mouillé, mouiller, se mouiller

folds - plis, plier

vapours - des vapeurs, vapeur

swirling - tourbillonnant, tourbillonner, tourbillon, remous-p

clammily - gluant

miserable - misérable

hail - grele, charretée, greler

Gained - gagné, gagner

Fog - le brouillard, masquer, brume, brouillard

anxiety - l'anxiété, anxiété, inquiétude, angoisse

clear - clair, transparent, libre, dégagé, sans ambiguité, s'éclaircir

cocked - armé, oiseau mâle, coq

automatic - automatique, semi-automatique

alarm-bell - (alarm-bell) Un signal d'alarme

actually - en fait, effectivement

slide - glisser, déraper, toboggan, glissoire, glissement

backwards - a l'envers, arriéré, en arriere, a reculons

My sopped and dripping wings had made me heavier than I thought, but presently I was in lighter cloud, and soon had cleared the first layer. There was a second-opal-coloured and fleecy-at a great height above my head, a white, unbroken ceiling above, and a dark, unbroken floor below, with the monoplane labouring upwards upon a vast spiral between them. It is deadly lonely in these cloud-spaces.

dripping - goutte a goutte, dégoulinade

heavier - plus lourd, lourd

cleared - autorisé, clair, transparent, libre, dégagé

layer - couche, (lay) couche

opal - opale

fleecy - molletonné

unbroken - ininterrompue

ceiling - plafond, (ceil) plafond

labouring - le travail, effort, travail, labeur, besogne, travailleurs-p

deadly - mortelle, mortel, fatal, létal

lonely - solitaire, seul, désert, abandonné

Once a great flight of some small water-birds went past me, flying very fast to the westwards. The quick whir of their wings and their musical cry were cheery to my ear. I fancy that they were teal, but I am a wretched zoologist. Now that we humans have become birds we must really learn to know our brethren by sight.

whir - whir

musical - musical, musicale, musicien, musicienne, comédie musicale

cry - pleurer, crier, hurler, gueuler, pleur, cri

cheery - heureuse

fancy - fantaisie, imaginer, songer

teal - sarcelle, bleu sarcelle, bleu canard

wretched - misérable

zoologist - zoologiste, zoologue

humans - humains, humain

brethren - freres

by sight - a vue

"The wind down beneath me whirled and swayed the broad cloud-plain. Once a great eddy formed in it, a whirlpool of vapour, and through it, as down a funnel, I caught sight of the distant world. A large white biplane was passing at a vast depth beneath me. I fancy it was the morning mail service betwixt Bristol and London. Then the drift swirled inwards again and the great solitude was unbroken.

whirled - tourbillonné, tourbillonner

swayed - balancés, autorité, poids, influence, prépondérance, balancer

broad - large

eddy - eddy, tourbillon

whirlpool - whirlpool, tourbillon

vapour - vapeur, fumées

funnel - entonnoir

distant - distante, distant, lointain, éloigné

passing - en passant, passager, éminent, rapide, extremement

depth - profondeur, épaisseur

mail - courrier, postal

service - service, messe

betwixt - entre les deux, entre

Bristol - bristol

drift - dérive, dériver, errer, dévier

swirled - tourbillonné, tourbillonner, tourbillon, remous-p

inwards - vers l'intérieur, intérieur

solitude - la solitude, solitude

"Just after ten I touched the lower edge of the upper cloud-stratum. It consisted of fine diaphanous vapour drifting swiftly from the westwards. The wind had been steadily rising all this time and it was now blowing a sharp breeze-twenty-eight an hour by my gauge. Already it was very cold, though my altimeter only marked nine thousand.

touched - touché, toucher, émouvoir, contact

edge - bord, côté, arete, carre

stratum - couche, strate, stratum, classe

consisted - consisté, consister (en)

diaphanous - diaphane

drifting - a la dérive, dérive, dériver, errer, dévier

blowing - souffler, coup

sharp - pointu, affilé, coupant, affuté, tranchant

breeze - brise

gauge - jauge, gabarit, étalon, mesurer, estimer, jauger

marked - marqué, Marc

The engines were working beautifully, and we went droning steadily upwards.

beautifully - magnifique

droning - bourdonnement, faux-bourdon

The cloud-bank was thicker than I had expected, but at last it thinned out into a golden mist before me, and then in an instant I had shot out from it, and there was an unclouded sky and a brilliant sun above my head-all blue and gold above, all shining silver below, one vast, glimmering plain as far as my eyes could reach.

thicker - plus épais, épais, gros, dense

mist - brouillard, brume

sky - ciel, nue

brilliant - brillante, brillant, perle

gold - l'or, or

shining - brillant, briller, éclairer

silver - l'argent, argent

glimmering - scintillant, (glimmer), lueur, émettre une lueur

reach - atteindre, parviens, allonge, parvenir, préhension

It was a quarter past ten o'clock, and the barograph needle pointed to twelve thousand eight hundred. Up I went and up, my ears concentrated upon the deep purring of my motor, my eyes busy always with the watch, the revolution indicator, the petrol lever, and the oil pump. No wonder aviators are said to be a fearless race. With so many things to think of there is no time to trouble about oneself.

barograph - barographe

needle - aiguille, saphir, coudre, taquiner, monter

concentrated - concentré, concentrer

purring - ronronner, (pur) ronronner

motor - moteur

revolution - révolution, coup d'état, tour

indicator - indicateur, aiguille, clignotant, signofile

petrol - l'essence, essence

oil pump - la pompe a huile

wonder - merveille, se demander, conjecturer

fearless - sans peur, courageux, brave, intrépide

race - course, race

oneself - soi-meme, soi-meme

About this time I noted how unreliable is the compass when above a certain height from earth. At fifteen thousand feet mine was pointing east and a point south. The sun and the wind gave me my true bearings.

unreliable - pas fiable, non-fiable

compass - boussole, compas

Certain - certain, quelconque

earth - terre, terrier, relier a la terre, tmettre a la terre, enterrer

"I had hoped to reach an eternal stillness in these high altitudes, but with every thousand feet of ascent the gale grew stronger. My machine groaned and trembled in every joint and rivet as she faced it, and swept away like a sheet of paper when I banked her on the turn, skimming down wind at a greater pace, perhaps, than ever mortal man has moved.

eternal - éternelle, éternel

stillness - l'immobilité, calme, immobilité

altitudes - altitudes, altitude, hauteur

gale - coup de vent, tempete

groaned - gémi, râle, râlement, gémissement, grognement, grondement

trembled - tremblait, trembler, vibrer, tremblement, vibration

joint - conjoint, commun, articulation, rotule, jointure, assemblage

Rivet - rivet, riveter

swept away - balayé

sheet - feuille, plaque, écoute

skimming - écrémage, écrémant, (skim), dépasser doucement, effleurer

pace - rythme, pas

mortal - mortel, mortelle

Yet I had always to turn again and tack up in the wind's eye, for it was not merely a height record that I was after. By all my calculations it was above little Wiltshire that my air-jungle lay, and all my labour might be lost if I struck the outer layers at some farther point.

tack - tack, punaise

merely - simplement, uniquement, seulement

calculations - calculs, calcul

labour - le travail, effort, travail, labeur, besogne, travailleurs

be lost - etre perdue

struck - frappé, biffer, rayer, barrer, frapper, battre

"When I reached the nineteen-thousand-foot level, which was about midday, the wind was so severe that I looked with some anxiety to the stays of my wings, expecting momentarily to see them snap or slacken. I even cast loose the parachute behind me, and fastened its hook into the ring of my leathern belt, so as to be ready for the worst.

midday - midi, (de) midi

severe - sévere, grave, sévere

momentarily - momentanément

snap - snap, claquer, claquement de doigts, photographie, photo

cast - casting, jeter, diriger, lancer, additionner, sommer, muer

parachute - parachute, rench: t-needed r

fastened - fixé, attacher, fixer

hook into - se brancher

ring - anneau, cerne, ring, tinter

leathern - leathern

belt - ceinture, courroie, région

Now was the time when a bit of scamped work by the mechanic is paid for by the life of the aeronaut. But she held together bravely. Every cord and strut was humming and vibrating like so many harp-strings, but it was glorious to see how, for all the beating and the buffeting, she was still the conqueror of Nature and the mistress of the sky.

held together - Tenir ensemble

bravely - courageusement, bravement

cord - corde, cordon

strut - jambe de force, se pavaner

humming - fredonner, (hum), bourdonner, fourmiller

vibrating - vibrant, vibrer

harp - harpe

strings - cordes, corde, suite, série, chaîne de caracteres

glorious - glorieux, splendide

beating - battre, battage, battement, (beat) battre

Conqueror - conquérant, conquérante

nature - nature

Mistress - madame, maîtresse, amante

There is surely something divine in man himself that he should rise so superior to the limitations which Creation seemed to impose-rise, too, by such unselfish, heroic devotion as this air-conquest has shown. Talk of human degeneration! When has such a story as this been written in the annals of our race?

surely - surement, surement, assurément

divine - divine, divin

superior - supérieur

limitations - limitations, limitation

creation - création

seemed - semblait, sembler, paraître, avoir l'air

impose - imposer

such - tel, tellement, ainsi

unselfish - désintéressé

heroic - héroique, héroique

devotion - la dévotion, dévouement, dévotion

conquest - conquete, conquete

degeneration - dégénérescence, dégénération

"These were the thoughts in my head as I climbed that monstrous, inclined plane with the wind sometimes beating in my face and sometimes whistling behind my ears, while the cloud-land beneath me fell away to such a distance that the folds and hummocks of silver had all smoothed out into one flat, shining plain. But suddenly I had a horrible and unprecedented experience.

whistling - siffler, (whistle), sifflet, sifflement, sifflements

distance - distance, éloigner, checks'éloigner

smoothed - lissé, lisse, doux, facile, sophistiqué, naturel, souple

shining - brillant, tibia

unprecedented - sans précédent

Experience - expérience, éprouver, vivre

I have known before what it is to be in what our neighbours have called a tourbillon, but never on such a scale as this. That huge, sweeping river of wind of which I have spoken had, as it appears, whirlpools within it which were as monstrous as itself. Without a moment's warning I was dragged suddenly into the heart of one.

tourbillon - tourbillon

scale - échelle, escaladez, escalader, escaladent, gravir, bareme

huge - énorme

sweeping - balayage, a l'emporteiece, radical, complet

whirlpools - tourbillons, tourbillon

within - a l'intérieur, dedans, avant, d'ici

warning - l'avertissement, avertissement, attention, (warn), avertir

dragged - traîné, tirer, entraîner

I spun round for a minute or two with such velocity that I almost lost my senses, and then fell suddenly, left wing foremost, down the vacuum funnel in the centre. I dropped like a stone, and lost nearly a thousand feet. It was only my belt that kept me in my seat, and the shock and breathlessness left me hanging half-insensible over the side of the fuselage.

spun round - tourner en rond

velocity - la vélocité, vecteur vitesse, vélocité, fréquence

senses - sens, acception, sentir

Wing - aile, ailier, improviser

foremost - avant tout

vacuum - vide, vacuum, passer l'aspirateur

dropped - a déposé, goutte

stone - pierre, roche, caillou, roc

nearly - presque

shock - choc, choquons, offusquer, choquez, choquer, secouer

breathlessness - l'essoufflement, essoufflement, haletement

hanging - suspension, (hang) suspension

insensible - insensible

But I am always capable of a supreme effort-it is my one great merit as an aviator. I was conscious that the descent was slower. The whirlpool was a cone rather than a funnel, and I had come to the apex. With a terrific wrench, throwing my weight all to one side, I levelled my planes and brought her head away from the wind. In an instant I had shot out of the eddies and was skimming down the sky.

capable - capable

supreme - supreme, supreme

effort - l'effort, effort

merit - mérite, mériter

aviator - aviateur, aviatrice

conscious - conscient

descent - descente, origine, ascendance

cone - surface conique, cône, pomme de pin, pive

apex - apex, sommet, apogée

terrific - formidable, fantastique

wrench - clé a molette, déménager, clef, clé

throwing - jetant, (throw) jetant

weight - poids, lest, graisse, alourdir, lester, appesantir

levelled - nivelé, plat, a ras, au meme niveau, constant, niveau

eddies - tourbillons, tourbillon

Then, shaken but victorious, I turned her nose up and began once more my steady grind on the upward spiral. I took a large sweep to avoid the danger-spot of the whirlpool, and soon I was safely above it. Just after one o'clock I was twenty-one thousand feet above the sea-level. To my great joy I had topped the gale, and with every hundred feet of ascent the air grew stiller.

shaken - secoué, secouer, agiter

victorious - victorieux

steady - stable, lisse, régulier

grind - broyage, crisser, moudre

upward - a la hausse

sweep - balayer, balayage

spot - spot, tache, bouton, peu, endroit, zone, détecter, trouver

safely - prudemment, en toute sécurité

sea-level - (sea-level) le niveau de la mer

joy - joie

topped - étetée, dessus, sommet, couvercle, hune, premiere demi-manche

On the other hand, it was very cold, and I was conscious of that peculiar nausea which goes with rarefaction of the air. For the first time I unscrewed the mouth of my oxygen bag and took an occasional whiff of the glorious gas. I could feel it running like a cordial through my veins, and I was exhilarated almost to the point of drunkenness.

peculiar - particulier, extraordinaire, bizarre, curieux

nausea - des nausées, nausée, dégout

rarefaction - raréfaction, dilution

unscrewed - dévissé, dévisser

occasional - occasionnel

whiff - whiff, souffle, bouffée, effluve

cordial - cordial, sirop

veins - veines, veine

drunkenness - l'ivresse, ébriété, ivresse

I shouted and sang as I soared upwards into the cold, still outer world.

shouted - crié, cri

soared - s'est envolée, planer, monter, s'élever

"It is very clear to me that the insensibility which came upon Glaisher, and in a lesser degree upon Coxwell, when, in 1862, they ascended in a balloon to the height of thirty thousand feet, was due to the extreme speed with which a perpendicular ascent is made.

insensibility - l'insensibilité

lesser - moins (de), inférieur (a)

degree - diplôme, degré, ordre

ascended - ascensionné, monter

balloon - ballon, ballon de baudruche, ballon en baudruche

due - due, du

extreme - extreme, extreme, excessif, excessive

perpendicular - perpendiculaire, fil a plomb

Doing it at an easy gradient and accustoming oneself to the lessened barometric pressure by slow degrees, there are no such dreadful symptoms. At the same great height I found that even without my oxygen inhaler I could breathe without undue distress. It was bitterly cold, however, and my thermometer was at zero, Fahrenheit.

gradient - pente, gradient, dégradé

accustoming - l'accoutumance, accoutumer

lessened - diminuée, amoindrir, atténuer, diminuer, réduire

barometric - barométrique

degrees - degrés, diplôme, degré, ordre

dreadful - épouvantable, redoutable, affreux, terrible

symptoms - des symptômes, symptôme

inhaler - inhalateur

breathe - respirer, inspirer, expirer, reprendre son souffle

distress - la détresse, détresse

bitterly - amerement, amerement

thermometer - thermometre, thermometre

Fahrenheit - Fahrenheit

At one-thirty I was nearly seven miles above the surface of the earth, and still ascending steadily. I found, however, that the rarefied air was giving markedly less support to my planes, and that my angle of ascent had to be considerably lowered in consequence. It was already clear that even with my light weight and strong engine-power there was a point in front of me where I should be held.

surface - surface, faire surface

ascending - ascendante, monter

markedly - de façon marquée, nettement

support - soutien, soutenez, appuyez, appuyons, appuyent, soutiens

Considerably - considérablement, largement

lowered - abaissé, (s')assombrir

consequence - conséquence

held - détenus, (main)tenir

To make matters worse, one of my sparking-plugs was in trouble again and there was intermittent misfiring in the engine. My heart was heavy with the fear of failure.

matters - questions, matiere, affaire, question, cause

sparking - des étincelles, étincelle

plugs - bouchons, fiche, bouchon, boucher, fermer, bourrer

misfiring - des ratés, s'enrayer, caler

heavy - lourd, emporté

fear - peur, angoisse, craignent, crainte, crains, craignons

failure - l'échec, échec, daube, flop, panne

"It was about that time that I had a most extraordinary experience. Something whizzed past me in a trail of smoke and exploded with a loud, hissing sound, sending forth a cloud of steam. For the instant I could not imagine what had happened.

whizzed - sifflé, passer en sifflant

trail of smoke - une traînée de fumée

exploded - explosé, exploser, détoner, sauter

loud - bruyante, fort

forth - avant, en avant

steam - de la vapeur

Then I remembered that the earth is for ever being bombarded by meteor stones, and would be hardly inhabitable were they not in nearly every case turned to vapour in the outer layers of the atmosphere. Here is a new danger for the high-altitude man, for two others passed me when I was nearing the forty-thousand-foot mark.

for ever - pour toujours

bombarded - bombardé, bombarder

meteor - météorite, météore

stones - des pierres, pierre, t+roche, t+caillou, t+roc

inhabitable - habitable

mark - marque, Marc

I cannot doubt that at the edge of the earth's envelope the risk would be a very real one.

envelope - enveloppe

Risk - risque

"My barograph needle marked forty-one thousand three hundred when I became aware that I could go no farther. Physically, the strain was not as yet greater than I could bear but my machine had reached its limit. The attenuated air gave no firm support to the wings, and the least tilt developed into side-slip, while she seemed sluggish on her controls.

physically - physiquement

strain - souche, accablement

as yet - a ce jour

bear - ours, endurer, naîs, produire, souffrir, subir

limit - limite, circonscrivez, limitons, circonscrivons, limitez

firm - ferme, social, robuste, maison de commerce, solide

tilt - tilisation, basculer, rendement maximum, pencher

developed - développé, se développer, développer

slip - glisser, fiche, lapsus, patiner

sluggish - léthargique, poussif, faiblard, rétamé

controls - des contrôles, contrôler, maîtrise, contrôle, commandes-p

Possibly, had the engine been at its best, another thousand feet might have been within our capacity, but it was still misfiring, and two out of the ten cylinders appeared to be out of action. If I had not already reached the zone for which I was searching then I should never see it upon this journey. But was it not possible that I had attained it?

Possibly - peut-etre, possiblement, peut-etre

capacity - capacité

appeared - est apparu, apparaître, paraître, sembler

searching - a la recherche, recherche, chercher, fouiller

attained - atteint, atteindre

Soaring in circles like a monstrous hawk upon the forty-thousand-foot level I let the monoplane guide herself, and with my Mannheim glass I made a careful observation of my surroundings. The heavens were perfectly clear; there was no indication of those dangers which I had imagined.

soaring - l'envol, (soar), planer, monter, s'élever, grimper en fleche

circles - cercles, cercle, disque, yeux cernés-p, cerne

hawk - faucon, autour

Guide - guide, conduire, guider, guident, diriger, guidez, mener

careful - prudent, soigneux, attentif

observation - observation, remarque

heavens - les cieux, ciel, paradis, au-dela, cieux-p

perfectly - parfaitement

indication - indication

dangers - dangers, danger, péril, qualifier

"I have said that I was soaring in circles. It struck me suddenly that I would do well to take a wider sweep and open up a new airtract. If the hunter entered an earth-jungle he would drive through it if he wished to find his game. My reasoning had led me to believe that the air-jungle which I had imagined lay somewhere over Wiltshire. This should be to the south and west of me.

wider - plus large, large

Hunter - hunter, chasseur, chien de chasse, cheval de chasse, chercheur

entered - a pénétré, entrer, rench: -neededr, taper, saisir

wished - souhaité, souhait, souhaiter, espérer

somewhere - quelque part

I took my bearings from the sun, for the compass was hopeless and no trace of earth was to be seen-nothing but the distant, silver cloud-plain. However, I got my direction as best I might and kept her head straight to the mark.

hopeless - sans espoir, désespéré

trace - trace, projection horizontale, décalquer

direction - direction

straight - droit, rectiligne, comme il faut, pur, pure, hétéro, tout droit

I reckoned that my petrol supply would not last for more than another hour or so, but I could afford to use it to the last drop, since a single magnificent vol-plane could at any time take me to the earth.

reckoned - a calculé, considérer

supply - l'approvisionnement, livraison, fournir, pourvoir, provision

afford - se permettre, offrir

drop - chute, goutte, tomber

Since - depuis lors, depuis, depuis que, puisque, vu que

single - seul, célibataire f, célibataire, simple

magnificent - magnifique

"Suddenly I was aware of something new. The air in front of me had lost its crystal clearness. It was full of long, ragged wisps of something which I can only compare to very fine cigarette smoke. It hung about in wreaths and coils, turning and twisting slowly in the sunlight.

crystal - cristal, de cristal, en cristal

clearness - clarté

wisps - des feux follets, brin, fétu, touffe

cigarette smoke - la fumée de cigarette

hung about - traîner

wreaths - couronnes, couronne, guirlande, tortil

Coils - bobines, enrouler

twisting - torsion, (twist), twist, entortiller, tordre

sunlight - la lumiere du soleil, lumiere du soleil

As the monoplane shot through it, I was aware of a faint taste of oil upon my lips, and there was a greasy scum upon the woodwork of the machine. Some infinitely fine organic matter appeared to be suspended in the atmosphere. There was no life there. It was inchoate and diffuse, extending for many square acres and then fringing off into the void. No, it was not life.

shot through - tiré a travers

faint - évanouissement, s'évanouir, défailles, défaillez, défaillir

taste - gout, gout, saveur, avant-gout, gouter, avoir un gout

oil - huile

lips - levres, levre

scum - racaille, écume, couche, mousse, crasse, ordure

woodwork - le travail du bois, charpenterie, checkmenuiserie

infinitely - a l'infini

organic - organique, bio, biologique

suspended - suspendue, suspendre

inchoate - inchoatif, embryonnaire

diffuse - diffuse, répandre, répandez, répandent, répandons, répands

extending - s'étendant, étendre, prolonger

square - carré, équerre, place, case, carreau, rench: perpendiculaire a

acres - acres, acre

fringing - des franges, frange, périphérie, radicaux

void - vide, vacuum

But might it not be the remains of life? Above all, might it not be the food of life, of monstrous life, even as the humble grease of the ocean is the food for the mighty whale? The thought was in my mind when my eyes looked upwards and I saw the most wonderful vision that ever man has seen. Can I hope to convey it to you even as I saw it myself last Thursday?

remains - reste, rester, demeurer

humble - humble

Ocean - l'océan, océan

mighty - puissant

whale - baleine

most wonderful - le plus merveilleux

vision - vision, vue, aspiration, apparition

convey - transmettre, transporter, véhiculer, communiquer

"Conceive a jelly-fish such as sails in our summer seas, bell-shaped and of enormous size-far larger, I should judge, than the dome of St. Paul's. It was of a light pink colour veined with a delicate green, but the whole huge fabric so tenuous that it was but a fairy outline against the dark blue sky. It pulsated with a delicate and regular rhythm.

conceive - concevoir, tomber enceinte

jelly - gelée

sails - voiles, voile

bell - cloche, sonnette

shaped - en forme, forme

size - taille, ampleur, pointure

judge - juge, juger

dome - dôme

veined - veiné, veine

delicate - délicate, délicat, délicat (1, 2)

fabric - structure, tissu, textile

tenuous - ténu

fairy - fée, tapette, folle

outline - les grandes lignes, contour, silhouette, esquisse, aperçu

dark blue - bleu foncé

regular - réguliere, régulier, habitué, habituée, habitués, habituées

rhythm - rythme

From it there depended two long, drooping, green tentacles, which swayed slowly backwards and forwards. This gorgeous vision passed gently with noiseless dignity over my head, as light and fragile as a soap-bubble, and drifted upon its stately way.

depended - dépendait, dépendre, pendre

drooping - en train de tomber, tomber, s'affaisser, bec

tentacles - des tentacules, tentacule, pieuvre

forwards - pour l'avancement, en avant

gorgeous - magnifique

noiseless - sans bruit, silencieux

dignity - dignité, forme, rang

fragile - fragile

soap-bubble - (soap-bubble) bulle de savon

drifted - a la dérive, dérive, dériver, errer, dévier

stately - majestueux, imposant

"I had half-turned my monoplane, that I might look after this beautiful creature, when, in a moment, I found myself amidst a perfect fleet of them, of all sizes, but none so large as the first. Some were quite small, but the majority about as big as an average balloon, and with much the same curvature at the top.

look after - s'occuper

creature - créature, etre

amidst - au milieu

Fleet - la flotte, flotte

sizes - tailles, taille, dimension(s)

majority - majorité

average - moyenne

curvature - la courbure, courbure

top - haut, dessus, sommet, couvercle, hune, premiere demi-manche

There was in them a delicacy of texture and colouring which reminded me of the finest Venetian glass. Pale shades of pink and green were the prevailing tints, but all had a lovely iridescence where the sun shimmered through their dainty forms.

delicacy - délicatesse, gourmandise

texture - texture

reminded - rappelée, rappeler

pale - pâle, hâve

shades - nuances, alose

prevailing - prévalant, dominer, prévaloir, l'emporter, prédominer

tints - teintes, nuance, teinte

lovely - charmant, beau, cher, irritant, amene, délicieux

iridescence - iridescence

shimmered - chatoyante, miroiter

dainty - délicate, délicat, mignon

Some hundreds of them drifted past me, a wonderful fairy squadron of strange unknown argosies of the sky-creatures whose forms and substance were so attuned to these pure heights that one could not conceive anything so delicate within actual sight or sound of earth.

squadron - escadron, escadre

strange - étrange, anormal, inconnu, étranger

creatures - créatures, créature, etre

whose - a qui, de qui, dont, duquel (de + lequel), duquel

substance - substance, fond, biens

attuned - en phase, accorder

pure - pure, pur, pudique

actual - réel, effectif, checkeffectif, checkprésent

"But soon my attention was drawn to a new phenomenon-the serpents of the outer air. These were long, thin, fantastic coils of vapour-like material, which turned and twisted with great speed, flying round and round at such a pace that the eyes could hardly follow them.

attention - attention, attentions, garde a vous

phenomenon - phénomene, phénomene

serpents - des serpents, serpent

outer air - l'air extérieur

material - matériel, matériau, matiere, étoffe, tissu

twisted - tordu, twist, torsion, entortiller, tordre

flying round - Voler autour

Some of these ghost-like creatures were twenty or thirty feet long, but it was difficult to tell their girth, for their outline was so hazy that it seemed to fade away into the air around them. These air-snakes were of a very light grey or smoke colour, with some darker lines within, which gave the impression of a definite organism.

ghost - fantôme, spectre, esprit, revenant

girth - la circonférence, circonférence, maille

hazy - brumeux, flou, trouble, vague

fade away - s'éteindre

smoke - la fumée, fumons, griller, fumer, fument, fumée, fumez

definite - définitif

One of them whisked past my very face, and I was conscious of a cold, clammy contact, but their composition was so unsubstantial that I could not connect them with any thought of physical danger, any more than the beautiful bell-like creatures which had preceded them. There was no more solidity in their frames than in the floating spume from a broken wave.

whisked - au fouet, aller a toute allure, emmener immédiatement

clammy - moite

contact - contact, lentille, connaissance, toucher, contacter

composition - composition, ouvre

unsubstantial - non substantielle

connect - se connecter, accoupler, connecter, brancher

physical - physique, physiologique, visite médicale, check-up

preceded - précédé, précéder

solidity - solidité

frames - cadres, encadrer, cadre, armature, ossature

floating - flottant, (float), flotter, flotteur, taloche, char

spume - spume

wave - vague, brandir, onde, flottge

"But a more terrible experience was in store for me. Floating downwards from a great height there came a purplish patch of vapour, small as I saw it first, but rapidly enlarging as it approached me, until it appeared to be hundreds of square feet in size.

more terrible - plus terrible

in store - en magasin

purplish - violâtre, violacé

patch - patch, rapiécer

rapidly - rapidement

enlarging - l'élargissement, agrandir, élargir, accroître

approached - approché, (s')approcher (de)

Though fashioned of some transparent, jelly-like substance, it was none the less of much more definite outline and solid consistence than anything which I had seen before.

fashioned - a la mode, mode, vogue, façon, façonner

solid - solide, massif, plein, continu

consistence - consistance, cohérence

There were more traces, too, of a physical organization, especially two vast, shadowy, circular plates upon either side, which may have been eyes, and a perfectly solid white projection between them which was as curved and cruel as the beak of a vulture.

traces - des traces, trace

organization - l'organisation, organisation

especially - spécialement, particulierement, surtout, en particulier

shadowy - ombrageux, sombre

circular - circulaire, rond

plates - plaques, assiette

projection - saillie, projection

cruel - cruel

beak - bec

vulture - vautour, carencro, charognard

"The whole aspect of this monster was formidable and threatening, and it kept changing its colour from a very light mauve to a dark, angry purple so thick that it cast a shadow as it drifted between my monoplane and the sun.

aspect - aspect, rench: t-needed r

monster - monstre, bete, monstrueux

formidable - formidable

threatening - menaçante, menaçant, (threaten), menacer

mauve - mauve

shadow - l'ombre, ombre, prendre en filature, filer

On the upper curve of its huge body there were three great projections which I can only describe as enormous bubbles, and I was convinced as I looked at them that they were charged with some extremely light gas which served to buoy up the misshapen and semi-solid mass in the rarefied air.

curve - courbe, courbes, courber

projections - des projections, saillie, projection

bubbles - bulles, bulle, trou, vent, ambiance, bouillonner

Convinced - convaincu, convaincre, persuader

charged - chargé, frais-p, charge, chef d’accusation, chef d’inculpation

extremely - extremement, extremement, vachement

served - servi, service, servir, signifier, purger

buoy - bouée, flotteur, balise, surnager

semi - semi

mass - masse, foule, amas

The creature moved swiftly along, keeping pace easily with the monoplane, and for twenty miles or more it formed my horrible escort, hovering over me like a bird of prey which is waiting to pounce. Its method of progression-done so swiftly that it was not easy to follow-was to throw out a long, glutinous streamer in front of it, which in turn seemed to draw forward the rest of the writhing body.

escort - escorte, escorter

hovering - en vol stationnaire, éventiller, faire du sur-place, hésiter

bird of prey - un oiseau de proie

pounce - bondir

method - méthode, modalité

progression - progression

throw out - jeter

glutinous - glutineux

streamer - streamer, fanion

rest - se reposer, reposent, reposez, reposons, se, reposer, débris

So elastic and gelatinous was it that never for two successive minutes was it the same shape, and yet each change made it more threatening and loathsome than the last.

elastic - élastique

gelatinous - gélatineux

shape - forme

more threatening - plus menaçante

loathsome - détestable, odieux, dégoutant

"I knew that it meant mischief. Every purple flush of its hideous body told me so. The vague, goggling eyes which were turned always upon me were cold and merciless in their viscid hatred. I dipped the nose of my monoplane downwards to escape it.

mischief - méfaits, espieglerie, betise, polissonnerie, méfait

flush - la chasse d'eau, vidanger, rougeur

hideous - hideux, strident, atroce, répugnant

vague - vague

merciless - sans pitié

viscid - visqueux

hatred - la haine, haine

dipped - trempé, tremper

escape - échapper, s'échapper, éviter, échapper (a quelqu'un), évasion

As I did so, as quick as a flash there shot out a long tentacle from this mass of floating blubber, and it fell as light and sinuous as a whip-lash across the front of my machine. There was a loud hiss as it lay for a moment across the hot engine, and it whisked itself into the air again, while the huge, flat body drew itself together as if in sudden pain.

flash - flash, clignoter

tentacle - tentacule, pieuvre

blubber - de la graisse, lard, lard de mammifere marin, chialer

sinuous - sinueux

whip - fouet, whip, fouetter, flageller, défaire, battre

hiss - sifflement, siffler

pain - douleur, mal, diuleur

I dipped to a vol-pique, but again a tentacle fell over the monoplane and was shorn off by the propeller as easily as it might have cut through a smoke wreath. A long, gliding, sticky, serpent-like coil came from behind and caught me round the waist, dragging me out of the fuselage.

pique - pique, dépit

Shorn - tondus, (shear), couper, tondre, cisailler, cisailles, cisaille

propeller - hélice

cut through - couper a travers

wreath - couronne, guirlande, tortil

gliding - le vol a voile, vol a voile, (glide), glisser, planer

sticky - collant, gluant

serpent - serpent

coil - bobine, spirale

waist - taille, ceinture

dragging - traînant, tirer, entraîner

I tore at it, my fingers sinking into the smooth, glue-like surface, and for an instant I disengaged myself, but only to be caught round the boot by another coil, which gave me a jerk that tilted me almost on to my back.

tore - a la déchirure

fingers - doigts, pointer, tripoter, doigter

sinking - en train de couler, naufrage, (sink), couler, s'enfoncer

smooth - lisse, doux, facile, sophistiqué, naturel, souple, régulier

glue - colle, coller

disengaged - désengagé, désengager

be caught - etre attrapé

jerk - con, par secousse, soubresaut

tilted - incliné, pencher

"As I fell over I blazed off both barrels of my gun, though, indeed, it was like attacking an elephant with a pea-shooter to imagine that any human weapon could cripple that mighty bulk. And yet I aimed better than I knew, for, with a loud report, one of the great blisters upon the creature's back exploded with the puncture of the buck-shot.

blazed - brulé, feu, embrasement

barrels - tonneaux, tonneau, barrique, baril, canon, barillet, embariller

indeed - certainement, vraiment, en effet, bien sur, certes

attacking - attaquant, attaque, attaquer, apostropher

pea - pois

Shooter - tireur, tireuse, flingue, jeu de fusillade

weapon - arme

cripple - estropié, infirme, estropier, bridé

bulk - en vrac, grosseur, gros, ensemble, vrac

aimed - visé, viser, pointer

blisters - des ampoules, ampoule, cloque, boursouflure, phlyctene

puncture - crevaison, piqure, perforation, perforer

It was very clear that my conjecture was right, and that these vast, clear bladders were distended with some lifting gas, for in an instant the huge, cloud-like body turned sideways, writhing desperately to find its balance, while the white beak snapped and gaped in horrible fury.

conjecture - conjecture, conjecturer

bladders - vessies, vésicule, vessie, cubi

distended - distendu, distendre

lifting - de levage, soulever

desperately - désespérément

balance - l'équilibre, contrepoids, équilibre, solde, balancier, apurer

snapped - cassé, claquer, claquement de doigts, photographie, photo

gaped - béante, espace, vide, trou

But already I had shot away on the steepest glide that I dared to attempt, my engine still full on, the flying propeller and the force of gravity shooting me downwards like an aerolite. Far behind me I saw a dull, purplish smudge growing swiftly smaller and merging into the blue sky behind it. I was safe out of the deadly jungle of the outer air.

steepest - le plus raide, escarpé, raide

glide - glisser, planer

dared - osé, oser

attempt - tenter, essayer, tentative, attentat

force of gravity - la force de gravité

shooting - le tir, tir, fusillade, (shoot) le tir

aerolite - aérolite, aérolithe

dull - émoussé, ennuyeux, barbant, mat, terne, sot, obtus

smudge - salissure, salir, souillure

merging - fusionner, (merge), amalgamer

safe - sur, en sécurité, o longer in danger, sans danger, sur, sauf

"Once out of danger I throttled my engine, for nothing tears a machine to pieces quicker than running on full power from a height. It was a glorious, spiral vol-plane from nearly eight miles of altitude-first, to the level of the silver cloud-bank, then to that of the storm-cloud beneath it, and finally, in beating rain, to the surface of the earth.

out of danger - hors de danger

throttled - étranglé, accélérateur, arrivée de gaz

Tears - des larmes, larme

full power - a pleine puissance

I saw the Bristol Channel beneath me as I broke from the clouds, but, having still some petrol in my tank, I got twenty miles inland before I found myself stranded in a field half a mile from the village of Ashcombe.

Channel - canal, tube, tuyau

tank - réservoir, tank, cuirass, char

stranded - en panne, etre échoué

There I got three tins of petrol from a passing motor-car, and at ten minutes past six that evening I alighted gently in my own home meadow at Devizes, after such a journey as no mortal upon earth has ever yet taken and lived to tell the tale. I have seen the beauty and I have seen the horror of the heights-and greater beauty or greater horror than that is not within the ken of man.

tins - boîtes de conserve, étain, conserve, boîte de conserve, moule

motor-car - (motor-car) voiture

alighted - descendus, descendre (de)

meadow - prairie, pré

ken - ken

Tale - conte, récit

"And now it is my plan to go once again before I give my results to the world. My reason for this is that I must surely have something to show by way of proof before I lay such a tale before my fellow-men. It is true that others will soon follow and will confirm what I have said, and yet I should wish to carry conviction from the first.

Proof - la preuve, preuve, épreuve

fellow-men - (fellow-men) camarades

confirm - confirmer

wish - souhait, souhaiter, espérer

Those lovely iridescent bubbles of the air should not be hard to capture. They drift slowly upon their way, and the swift monoplane could intercept their leisurely course. It is likely enough that they would dissolve in the heavier layers of the atmosphere, and that some small heap of amorphous jelly might be all that I should bring to earth with me.

iridescent - iridescent

capture - capture, prisonnier, saisir, capturer, enregistrer, prendre

swift - rapide, martinet, dévidoir

intercept - intercepter

leisurely - tranquillement

Likely - probable

dissolve - se dissoudre, dissoudre, checkrompre, checkannuler

heap - tas, pile, monceau

amorphous - amorphe

And yet something there would surely be by which I could substantiate my story. Yes, I will go, even if I run a risk by doing so. These purple horrors would not seem to be numerous. It is probable that I shall not see one. If I do I shall dive at once. At the worst there is always the shot-gun and my knowledge of ..."

horrors - des horreurs, horreur, effroi, dégout, aversion

Seem - sembler, paraître, avoir l'air

numerous - nombreux

probable - probable

dive - plongée, plongeons, plongez, plonge, plongent, plonger

my knowledge - mes connaissances

Here a page of the manuscript is unfortunately missing. On the next page is written, in large, straggling writing:

unfortunately - malheureusement, malencontreusement

straggling - en retard, (straggle) en retard

"Forty-three thousand feet. I shall never see earth again. They are beneath me, three of them. God help me; it is a dreadful death to die!"

God - dieu, idolâtrer, déifier

Such in its entirety is the Joyce-Armstrong Statement. Of the man nothing has since been seen. Pieces of his shattered monoplane have been picked up in the preserves of Mr. Budd-Lushington upon the borders of Kent and Sussex, within a few miles of the spot where the note-book was discovered.

entirety - l'intégralité, entiereté

shattered - brisé, fracasser, réduire en miettes, mettre en pieces, briser

preserves - conserves, confiture, conserve, réserve naturelle

borders - frontieres, frontiere, bord, bordure, délimiter, border

If the unfortunate aviator's theory is correct that this air-jungle, as he called it, existed only over the south-west of England, then it would seem that he had fled from it at the full speed of his monoplane, but had been overtaken and devoured by these horrible creatures at some spot in the outer atmosphere above the place where the grim relics were found.

unfortunate - malheureux, infortuné, malencontreux

theory - théorie

existed - a existé, exister

fled - fui, s'enfuir, prendre la fuite, fuir, échapper

overtaken - dépassé, dépasser, doubler, surprendre

grim - sinistre

relics - des reliques, reliquat, relique

The picture of that monoplane skimming down the sky, with the nameless terrors flying as swiftly beneath it and cutting it off always from the earth while they gradually closed in upon their victim, is one upon which a man who valued his sanity would prefer not to dwell.

nameless - sans nom, innomé

terrors - terreurs, terreur, effroi, terrorisme

gradually - progressivement

victim - victime

valued - valorisée, valeur

sanity - la santé mentale, santé mentale

dwell - s'attarder, résider, s'appesantir sur

There are many, as I am aware, who still jeer at the facts which I have here set down, but even they must admit that Joyce-Armstrong has disappeared, and I would commend to them his own words: "This note-book may explain what I am trying to do, and how I lost my life in doing it. But no drivel about accidents or mysteries, if YOU please."

jeer - jeer, huer

set down - mettre en place

admit - admettre, avouer, reconnaître

disappeared - a disparu, disparaître

commend - féliciter, recommander

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