The House of the Vampire with English-French Dictionary by George Sylvester Viereck (online free books)

avec un dictionnaire anglais-français pratique (best ebooks to read)

Table of Content

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI

The House of the Vampire Text

THE HOUSE OF THE VAMPIRE, BY George Sylvester Viereck

vampire - vampire, chauve-souris vampire

George - george, Georges, Jorioz

Chapter I

Chapter - chapitre, branche, section

The freakish little leader of the orchestra, newly imported from Sicily to New York, tossed his conductor's wand excitedly through the air, drowning with musical thunders the hum of conversation and the clatter of plates.

leader - chef, leader, dirigeant

orchestra - l'orchestre, orchestre

newly - nouvellement, récemment

imported - importé, importer

Sicily - la sicile, Sicile

York - york, Yorck, Yorque

tossed - ballotté, jet, au pile ou face, tirage au sort, pile ou face

conductor - chef d'orchestre, contrôleur, poinçonneur (ancient, in bus)

wand - baguette

excitedly - avec enthousiasme

drowning - la noyade, noyade, (drown), noyer, checksubmerger

musical - musical, musicale, musicien, musicienne, comédie musicale

thunders - tonnerres, tonnerre, tonner, tonitruer

Hum - hum, fredonner, bourdonner, fourmiller

clatter - claquer, craquer, claquement, craquement, vacarme

plates - plaques, assiette

Yet neither his apish demeanour nor the deafening noises that responded to every movement of his agile body detracted attention from the figure of Reginald Clarke and the young man at his side as they smilingly wound their way to the exit.

neither - ni l'un ni l'autre, aucun des deux, ni X ni Y, non plus

demeanour - comportement

nor - ni, NON-OU

deafening - assourdissante, assourdissant, (deafen), assourdir

noises - bruits, bruit, vacarme, brouhaha, boucan, tintamarre

responded - a répondu, répondre

movement - mouvement

agile - agile

detracted - détourné, nuire a

attention - attention, attentions, garde a vous

figure - figure, forme, personnage, personnalité, chiffre

side - côté, parti, flanc

smilingly - en souriant

wound - blessons, blessent, blessez, blessure, blesser

exit - sortie, débouché, trémie de sortie

The boy's expression was pleasant, with an inkling of wistfulness, while the soft glimmer of his lucid eyes betrayed the poet and the dreamer. The smile of Reginald Clarke was the smile of a conqueror. A suspicion of silver in his crown of dark hair only added dignity to his bearing, while the infinitely ramified lines above the heavy-set mouth spoke at once of subtlety and of strength.

expression - expression

pleasant - agréable, plaisant

inkling - l'étincelle, idée, soupçon

wistfulness - la nostalgie

soft - souple, moelleux, alcoolsans, mou, doux

glimmer - l'éclat, lueur, émettre une lueur

lucid - clair, claire, lucide

betrayed - trahi, trahir, livrer

poet - poete, poete

dreamer - reveur, reveur, reveuse

smile - sourire

Conqueror - conquérant, conquérante

suspicion - suspicion, soupçon

silver - l'argent, argent

crown - couronne, couronner

dignity - dignité, forme, rang

bearing - naissant, coussinet, (bear) naissant

infinitely - a l'infini

heavy - lourd, emporté

set - set, Seth

subtlety - subtilité, entremets

strength - la force, force, vigueur, effectif, point fort

Without stretch of the imagination one might have likened him to a Roman cardinal of the days of the Borgias, who had miraculously stepped forth from the time-stained canvas and slipped into twentieth century evening-clothes.

stretch - étendre, s'étendre, s'étirer, étirement

imagination - l'imagination, imagination

likened - assimilée, comparer

cardinal - cardinal, rouge cardinal

miraculously - miraculeusement

stepped - en escalier, steppe

forth - avant, en avant

stained - taché, tache, souillure, colorant, tacher, entacher, colorer

canvas - toile, canevas

slipped - a glissé, glisser

twentieth - vingtieme, vingtieme

With the affability of complete self-possession he nodded in response to greetings from all sides, inclining his head with special politeness to a young woman whose sea-blue eyes were riveted upon his features with a look of mingled hate and admiration.

affability - l'affabilité, affabilité, liant

self - soi, soi-meme

possession - bien, possession, propriété, possessions

nodded - hoché la tete, dodeliner, hocher, hochement

response - réponse

greetings - salutations, salutation, salut

all sides - de tous les côtés

inclining - l'inclinaison, inclinant, (incline) l'inclinaison

politeness - la politesse, politesse

whose - a qui, de qui, dont, duquel (de + lequel), duquel

riveted - rivetés, rivet, riveter

upon - sur, a

features - caractéristiques, caractéristique, particularité, spécialité

mingled - mélangés, mélanger

admiration - l'admiration, admiration

The woman, disregarding his silent salutation, continued to stare at him wild-eyed, as a damned soul in purgatory might look at Satan passing in regal splendour through the seventy times sevenfold circles of hell.

disregarding - le non-respect, mépris, ignorer, mépriser

silent - silencieux

salutation - salutation, titre

continued - suite, continuer

stare - fixer, regarder (fixement), dévisager

wild - sauvage, pétulant, grose

damned - foutu, maudit, condamné, (damn), condamner, réprouver

soul - âme

Satan - Satan

passing - en passant, passager, éminent, rapide, extremement

regal - royal

splendour - splendeur

sevenfold - septuple

circles - cercles, cercle, disque, yeux cernés-p, cerne

hell - l'enfer, enfer

Reginald Clarke walked on unconcernedly through the rows of gay diners, still smiling, affable, calm. But his companion bethought himself of certain rumours he had heard concerning Ethel Brandenbourg's mad love for the man from whose features she could not even now turn her eyes. Evidently her passion was unreciprocated. It had not always been so.

unconcernedly - en toute sérénité

rows - rangées, rang(ée)

gay - gay, gai

diners - les dîneurs, café-restaurant, wagon-restaurant

smiling - souriant, (smile), sourire

affable - affable, aimable, doux

Calm - calme, tranquille, calme plat, calmer, apaiser

companion - compagnon, compagne

Certain - certain, quelconque

rumours - rumeurs, rumeur

concerning - concernant, inquiétude, souci, soin, préoccupation

mad - fou, folle, fol, fâché, en colere

evidently - évidemment, de toute évidence, manifestement

passion - passion

unreciprocated - sans contrepartie

There was a time in her career, some years ago in Paris, when it was whispered that she had secretly married him and, not much later, obtained a divorce. The matter was never cleared up, as both preserved an uncompromising silence upon the subject of their matrimonial experience.

whispered - chuchoté, chuchotement, chuchoter, susurrer, murmurer

secretly - secretement, secretement, en cachette

obtained - obtenu, obtenir, se procurer, réussir, avoir succes, avoir

divorce - divorce, divorcer

matter - matiere, matiere, affaire, question, cause, substance

cleared up - éclairci

preserved - préservée, confiture, conserve, réserve naturelle

uncompromising - intransigeant

silence - le silence, silence

matrimonial - matrimonial

Experience - expérience, éprouver, vivre

Certain it was that, for a space, the genius of Reginald Clarke had completely dominated her brush, and that, ever since he had thrown her aside, her pictures were but plagiarisms of her former artistic self.

genius - génie

completely - completement, completement

brush - brosse, brossage, accrochage, brosser, se brosser, peindre

Since - depuis lors, depuis, depuis que, puisque, vu que

thrown - jeté, jeter, lancer

aside - a part, a côté, en passant, aparté

plagiarisms - plagiats, plagiat

former - ancien, ancienne, ci devant

artistic - artistique

The cause of the rupture between them was a matter only of surmise; but the effect it had on the woman testified clearly to the remarkable power of Reginald Clarke. He had entered her life and, behold!

cause - cause, raison, causer

rupture - rupture

surmise - présumer, supposer, suspecter

effect - effet, effets, effectuer

testified - a témoigné, témoigner, attester

Clearly - en clair, clairement

remarkable - remarquable

power - pouvoir, puissance, électricité, courant, alimenter

entered - a pénétré, entrer, rench: -neededr, taper, saisir

behold - regarder, voir, observer, voici, voila

the world was transfixed on her canvases in myriad hues of transcending radiance; he had passed from it, and with him vanished the brilliancy of her colouring, as at sunset the borrowed amber and gold fade from the face of the clouds.

canvases - des toiles, toile

myriad - myriade, nombreux

hues - teintes, teinte

transcending - transcender

passed - passé, passer (devant), dépasser

vanished - disparue, disparaître, s'évanouir, s'annuler

brilliancy - brillance

sunset - coucher de soleil, crépuscule

borrowed - emprunté, emprunter

amber - l'ambre, ambre, ambre jaune, couleur d'ambre, feu orange

gold - l'or, or

fade - s'estomper, déteignez, déteindre, déteins, déteignons

clouds - nuages, s'obscurcir

The glamour of Clarke's name may have partly explained the secret of his charm, but, even in circles where literary fame is no passport, he could, if he chose, exercise an almost terrible fascination. Subtle and profound, he had ransacked the coffers of medićval dialecticians and plundered the arsenals of the Sophists.

glamour - glamour, charme

partly - en partie

secret - secret

charm - charme, excitation, grâce

literary - littéraire

fame - la notoriété, gloire, célébrité

almost - presque, quasiment

subtle - subtile, subtil, délicat, astucieux

profound - profond

ransacked - saccagé, mettre a sac, saccager, fouiller

coffers - les caisses de l'état, coffre, caisson

medićval - médiévale

plundered - pillés, piller, fr

arsenals - arsenaux, arsenal

Many years later, when the vultures of misfortune had swooped down upon him, and his name was no longer mentioned without a sneer, he was still remembered in New York drawing-rooms as the man who had brought to perfection the art of talking. Even to dine with him was a liberal education.

vultures - des vautours, vautour, carencro, charognard

misfortune - malchance, mésaventure, malheur

swooped - en piqué, précipitation

mentioned - mentionnée, mentionner

sneer - ricaner

perfection - la perfection, perfection

dine - dîner

liberal - libéral, large, généreux, de gauche

education - l'éducation, éducation, enseignement

Clarke's marvellous conversational power was equalled only by his marvellous style. Ernest Fielding's heart leaped in him at the thought that henceforth he would be privileged to live under one roof with the only writer of his generation who could lend to the English language the rich strength and rugged music of the Elizabethans.

marvellous - merveilleux

conversational - conversationnel

equalled - égalée, égal, égaler a, égale

Fielding - fielding, jeu, (field), champ, campo, terrain, corps, rubrique

heart - cour

leaped - a sauté, sauter, bondir

privileged - privilégiée, privilege, privilégier

roof - toit

generation - génération, création, generation

lend - preter, pretons, conférer, pretent, emprunter

rugged - robuste, déchiqueté, accidenté, (rug), tapis, couverture

Elizabethans - les élisabéthains, élisabéthain

Reginald Clarke was a master of many instruments. Milton's mighty organ was no less obedient to his touch than the little lute of the troubadour. He was never the same; that was his strength. Clarke's style possessed at once the chiselled chasteness of a Greek marble column and the elaborate deviltry of the late Renaissance.

Master - maître, patron, maîtriser, maitre, maîtrisent

instruments - des instruments, instrument, acte

mighty - puissant

organ - organe, orgue

obedient - obéissant

touch - toucher, émouvoir, contact

lute - lut

troubadour - troubadour, trouvere, trobairitz, troubadouresse

possessed - possédé, posséder, s'emparer de

chiselled - ciselé, ciseau

chasteness - pureté

Greek - grec, grecque, grecques

marble - marbre, bille, grillot, marbrer

column - colonne, colonne (1, 3)

elaborate - élaborer, approfondir

At times his winged words seemed to flutter down the page frantically like Baroque angels; at other times nothing could have more adequately described his manner than the timeless calm of the gaunt pyramids.

winged - ailée, aile, ailier, improviser

seemed - semblait, sembler, paraître, avoir l'air

flutter - flottement, faséyer, voleter, voltiger, battement

frantically - frénétiquement

angels - anges, ange

adequately - de maniere adéquate

manner - maniere, maniere, façon, mode

timeless - intemporelle, intemporel

gaunt - décharné, maigre, osseux, anguleux, émacié

pyramids - les pyramides, pyramide

The two men had reached the street. Reginald wrapped his long spring coat round him.

reached - atteint, arriver/parvenir a

wrapped - enveloppé, enrouler (autour de)

round - ronde, cyclo, arrondissent, arrondis, arrondir

"I shall expect you to-morrow at four," he said.

shall - doit, rench: 'shall' followed by the infinitive is translated using the future tense'

expect - s'attendre a, attendre, s'attendre a

morrow - lendemain, matin

The tone of his voice was deep and melodious, suggesting hidden depths and cadences.

tone - ton, tonalité, tonale

voice - voix

deep - profond, épais, grave, foncé, foncée, profondeurs

melodious - mélodieux

suggesting - suggérer, proposer

hidden - caché, (se) cacher

depths - profondeurs, profondeur, épaisseur

cadences - cadences, cadence

"I shall be punctual."

punctual - ponctuel

The younger man's voice trembled as he spoke.

trembled - tremblait, trembler, vibrer, tremblement, vibration

"I look forward to your coming with much pleasure. I am interested in you."

forward - avant, acheminent, acheminer, avanten, acheminons

pleasure - plaisir, volupté, désir

The glad blood mounted to Ernest's cheeks at praise from the austere lips of this arbiter of literary elegance.

Glad - heureux, heureuse

mounted - monté, monter

cheeks - joues, joue, fesse, culot, toupet, potence de bringuebale

Praise - des louanges, louange, louer, féliciter, prôner, vénérer

austere - austere, austere

lips - levres, levre

arbiter - arbitre

elegance - l'élégance, élégance, grâce, finesse

An almost imperceptible smile crept over the other man's features.

imperceptible - imperceptible

crept - rampé, ramper, rampement, fatigue, fluage, reptation

"I am proud that my work interests you," was all the boy could say.

proud - fiers, fier, orgueilleux

"I think it is quite amazing, but at present," here Clarke drew out a watch set with jewels, "I am afraid I must bid you good-bye."

jewels - bijoux, joyau, bijou, pierre d'horlogerie, rubis

bid - offre, impératifs, prier

Good-bye - (Good-bye) Au revoir

He held Ernest's hand for a moment in a firm genial grasp, then turned away briskly, while the boy remained standing open-mouthed. The crowd jostling against him carried him almost off his feet, but his eyes followed far into the night the masterful figure of Reginald Clarke, toward whom he felt himself drawn with every fiber of his body and the warm enthusiasm of his generous youth.

held - détenus, (main)tenir

firm - ferme, social, robuste, maison de commerce, solide

genial - génial, aimable, chaleureux

grasp - saisir, agripper, comprendre

briskly - rapidement, vivement

remained - est restée, reste, rester, demeurer

crowd - foule, acculer, amas, marée humaine

jostling - bousculade, (jostle), bousculer

against - contre, face a, pour

masterful - magistral

toward - vers, envers, pour, pres de

whom - que, qui

fiber - fibre

enthusiasm - l'enthousiasme, enthousiasme, passion

generous - généreux

youth - la jeunesse, jeunesse, jeune, jeune homme, les jeunes

Chapter II

With elastic step, inhaling the night-air with voluptuous delight, Reginald Clarke made his way down Broadway, lying stretched out before him, bathed in light and pulsating with life.

elastic - élastique

step - étape, marche

inhaling - l'inhalation, inspirer, aspirer, inhaler, ingurgiter

voluptuous - voluptueux

delight - plaisir, délice, joie, enchanter, ravir

lying - gisant, sis, mentant, (lie) gisant

stretched - étiré, étendre, s'étendre, s'étirer, étirement

His world-embracing intellect was powerfully attracted by the Giant City's motley activities. On the street, as in the salon, his magnetic power compelled recognition, and he stepped through the midst of the crowd as a Circassian blade cleaves water.

embracing - embrasser, étreindre, accolade

powerfully - puissamment

attracted - attiré, attirer

giant - géant

motley - motley, hétéroclite, bigarré

salon - salon, salon de coiffure, salon de beauté, institut de beauté

magnetic - magnétique

compelled - contraint, contraindre, forcer, obliger

recognition - reconnaissance

stepped - en escalier, pas

midst - centre, milieu

blade - lame

cleaves - clivage, fendre

After walking a block or two, he suddenly halted before a jeweller's shop. Arrayed in the window were priceless gems that shone in the glare of electricity, like mystical serpent-eyes-green, pomegranate and water-blue. And as he stood there the dazzling radiance before him was transformed in the prism of his mind into something great and very wonderful that might, some day, be a poem.

block - bloc, bloquer, bloquent, bloquons, obstruer, buche

suddenly - soudain, soudainement, tout d'un coup

halted - arreté, (s')arreter

jeweller's shop - la bijouterie

arrayed - en tableau, gamme, kyrielle, ribambelle, éventail, tableau

priceless - inestimable

gems - des pierres précieuses, joyau, pierre précieuse, merle blanc

shone - briller, éclairer

glare - éblouissement, éclat

electricity - l'électricité, électricité

mystical - mystique

serpent - serpent

pomegranate - grenade, grenadier

transformed - transformé, transformer, transformée

prism - prisme

mind - l'esprit, esprit, raison, intelligence, mémoire

some day - un jour

poem - poeme, poeme

Then his attention was diverted by a small group of tiny girls dancing on the sidewalk to the husky strains of an old hurdy-gurdy. He joined the circle of amused spectators, to watch those pink-ribboned bits of femininity swaying airily to and fro in unison with the tune. One especially attracted his notice-a slim olive-coloured girl from a land where it is always spring.

diverted - détourné, dévier, divertir

tiny - minuscule

sidewalk - trottoir

husky - husky, enroué

strains - les souches, tendre fortement

circle - cercle, disque, yeux cernés, cerne, cercler, entourer, encercler

amused - amusé, amuser

spectators - spectateurs, spectateur, spectatrice, badaud, badaude

those - ceux-ci, ces, celles-la, ceux-la

ribboned - enrubanné, ruban

bits - bits, (petit) morceau

femininity - féminité

swaying - se balancer, (sway), autorité, poids, influence, prépondérance

airily - aérienne

fro - fro

unison - a l'unisson, unisson

tune - l'accord, mélodie, air, tube, accorder, syntoniser

especially - spécialement, particulierement, surtout, en particulier

notice - remarquer, notification, préavis, s'apercevoir

slim - mince, svelte, maigrir, mincir

olive - olive

Her whole being translated into music, with hair dishevelled and feet hardly touching the ground, the girl suggested an orange-leaf dancing on a sunbeam. The rasping street-organ, perchance, brought to her melodious reminiscences of some flute-playing Savoyard boy, brown-limbed and dark of hair.

translated - traduit, traduire, translater

hardly - a peine, dur, durement, guere, a peine

touching - toucher, attendrissant, (touch), émouvoir

ground - sol, foncierere, terre, terrain, (grind) sol

suggested - suggéré, proposer, suggérer

leaf - feuille, rallonge, battant, ouvrant, vantail, feuiller

sunbeam - rayon de soleil

rasping - râpeux, grinçant, (rasp) râpeux

perchance - par hasard

reminiscences - des réminiscences, réminiscence

flute - flute

Savoyard - Savoyard

limbed - limbé, membre

For several minutes Reginald Clarke followed with keen delight each delicate curve her graceful limbs described. Then-was it that she grew tired, or that the stranger's persistent scrutiny embarrassed her?-the music oozed out of her movements. They grew slower, angular, almost clumsy.

several - plusieurs

keen - enthousiaste, désireux, poivré, vif

delicate - délicate, délicat, délicat (1, 2)

curve - courbe, courbes, courber

graceful - gracieux

limbs - membres, membre

Stranger - étranger, (strang) étranger

persistent - persistante, persistant, tenace

embarrassed - embarrassé, embarrasser, gener

oozed out - a suinté

movements - mouvements, mouvement

angular - angulaire

clumsy - empoté, gauche, lourd, maladroit

The look of interest in Clarke's eyes died, but his whole form quivered, as if the rhythm of the music and the dance had mysteriously entered into his blood.

quivered - a tremblé, frémir

rhythm - rythme

entered into - entrer

He continued his stroll, seemingly without aim; in reality he followed, with nervous intensity, the multiform undulations of the populace, swarming through Broadway in either direction. Like the giant whose strength was rekindled every time he touched his mother, the earth, Reginald Clarke seemed to draw fresh vitality from every contact with life.

stroll - promenade, flânerie, balade, promener

seemingly - censément

aim - objectif, visez, dgssein, mire, visons, but, peiner, visent

reality - la réalité, réalité, vérité

nervous - nerveux

intensity - l'intensité, intensité

multiform - multiforme

populace - population, bas peuple, plebe

swarming - l'essaimage, (swarm), essaim (flying insects)

either - chaque, non plus, ou, soit

direction - direction

rekindled - ravivée, rallumer, raviver

touched - touché, toucher, émouvoir, contact

earth - terre, terrier, relier a la terre, tmettre a la terre, enterrer

fresh - frais

vitality - vitalité

contact - contact, lentille, connaissance, toucher, contacter

He turned east along Fourteenth street, where cheap vaudevilles are strung together as glass-pearls on the throat of a wanton. Gaudy bill-boards, drenched in clamorous red, proclaimed the tawdry attractions within.

along - le long de, accompagné, rench: t-needed r

Fourteenth - quatorzieme, quatorzieme ('before the noun'), ('in names of monarchs and popes') quatorze ('after the name') ('abbreviation' XIV)

vaudevilles - vaudevilles, vaudeville

strung - cordée, corde, suite, série, chaîne de caracteres

pearls - perles, perle, joyau, perlure, parisienne, sédanoise

throat - gorge, goulot

wanton - indiscipliné, lascif, lubrique, dévergondé, licencieux, gratuit

gaudy - criardes, criard

boards - des planches, planche

drenched - trempé, tremper

clamorous - clameur

proclaimed - proclamé, proclamer, déclarer

tawdry - sordide, kitsch, tape-a-l’oil

attractions - des attractions, attraction, attirance

within - a l'intérieur, dedans, avant, d'ici

Much to the surprise of the doorkeeper at a particularly evil-looking music hall, Reginald Clarke lingered in the lobby, and finally even bought a ticket that entitled him to enter this sordid wilderness of décolleté art.

surprise - surprise, surprendre, étonner

doorkeeper - portier, portiere, concierge

particularly - en particulier

evil - le mal, mauvais, torve

hall - couloir, corridor, salle, salon, manoir, foyer

lingered - s'est attardé, s'installer, stagner, s'incruster, s'éteindre

lobby - lobby, hall

finally - enfin, définitivement

entitled - habilité, intituler

enter - entrer, rench: t-needed r, taper, saisir

sordid - saleté, sordide, avide, crapuleux (1, 3)

wilderness - la nature sauvage, désert, naturalité, nature sauvage

décolleté - décolleté

Street-snipes, a few workingmen, dilapidated sportsmen, and women whose ruined youth thick layers of powder and paint, even in this artificial light, could not restore, constituted the bulk of the audience.

snipes - snipes, tirer (en restant caché)

dilapidated - délabré, délabrer, dilapider

sportsmen - sportifs, sportif, athlete

ruined - ruiné, ruine, ruiner, abîmer, foutre en l'air

thick - épais, gros, dense, opaque, incompréhensible, lourd

powder - poudre, réduire en poudre, pulvériser, poudrer

artificial light - la lumiere artificielle

restore - restaurer, rétablir, rendre, restituer

constituted - constitué, constituer

bulk - en vrac, grosseur, gros, ensemble, vrac

audience - assistance, public, auditoire, lectorat, audience

Reginald Clarke, apparently unconscious of the curiosity, surprise and envy that his appearance excited, seated himself at a table near the stage, ordering from the solicitous waiter only a cocktail and a programme. The drink he left untouched, while his eyes greedily ran down the lines of the announcement.

apparently - apparemment, évidemment, en apparence

unconscious - inconscient, subconscient

curiosity - curiosité

envy - l'envie, envie, jalousie, convoitise, envier

appearance - l'apparence, apparition, apparence, comparution

seated - assis, place, siege, assise, séant, fond

stage - scene, étape, phase, scene, caleche, platine, mettre en scene

solicitous - sollicitante

cocktail - cocktail

untouched - intacte

greedily - avec avidité, avidement

ran down - s'écraser

announcement - annoncement, annonce

When he had found what he sought, he lit a cigar, paying no attention to the boards, but studying the audience with cursory interest until the appearance of Betsy, the Hyacinth Girl.

sought - recherchée, chercher

cigar - cigare

cursory - superficielle, rapide, superficiel

hyacinth - jacinthe

When she began to sing, his mind still wandered. The words of her song were crude, but not without a certain lilt that delighted the uncultured ear, while the girl's voice was thin to the point of being unpleasant. When, however, she came to the burden of the song, Clarke's manner changed suddenly. laying down his cigar, he listened with rapt attention, eagerly gazing at her.

wandered - erré, errer, vaguer, divaguer

crude - cru, vulgaire, brut

delighted - ravie, plaisir, délice, joie, enchanter, ravir

uncultured - inculte

unpleasant - déplaisant, pénible, désagréable

burden - charge, accablement, alourdissons, alourdir, alourdissez

laying down - en s'allongeant

rapt - rapt, captivé, absorbé, fasciné, ravi

eagerly - avec empressement, avidement

gazing at - a regarder

For, as she sang the last line and tore the hyacinth-blossoms from her hair, there crept into her voice a strangely poignant, pathetic little thrill, that redeemed the execrable faultiness of her singing, and brought the rude audience under her spell.

Last - derniere, dernier, durer, dernierere, durez, passé, durent

tore - a la déchirure

blossoms - fleurs, fleur, floraison, fleurir, s'épanouir

strangely - étrangement

pathetic - pathétique

thrill - l'excitation, exciter

redeemed - rachetés, racheter, libérer, secourir, soulager

execrable - exécrable

faultiness - la faute

rude - grossier, impoli, malpoli

Clarke, too, was captivated by that tremour, the infinite sadness of which suggested the plaint of souls moaning low at night, when lust preys on creatures marked for its spoil.

captivated - captivé, captiver

tremour - tremblement

infinite - infini, un nombre infini de

sadness - tristesse, malheur

plaint - plaint

souls - âmes, âme

moaning - gémissements, gémissement, se plaindre, geindre, gémir, mugir

low - faible, inférieure

lust - la convoitise, luxure, concupiscence, convoitise, joie

preys - proies, butin, prise, proie

creatures - créatures, créature, etre

marked - marqué, Marc

spoil - gâter, gâcher, tourner, dévoiler, révéler

The singer paused. Still those luminous eyes were upon her. She grew nervous. It was only with tremendous difficulty that she reached the refrain. As she sang the opening lines of the last stanza, an inscrutable smile curled on Clarke's lips. She noticed the man's relentless gaze and faltered. When the burden came, her singing was hard and cracked: the tremour had gone from her voice.

paused - en pause, pauser, pause

luminous - lumineux

tremendous - formidable

difficulty - difficulté

refrain - refrain

stanza - strophe, stance

inscrutable - impénétrable

curled - frisé, boucle, rotationnel, boucler

noticed - remarqué, remarquer, notification, préavis

relentless - sans relâche, implacable, impitoyable, tenace

gaze - regard, fixer

faltered - a faibli, vaciller

cracked - fissuré, (se) feler

Chapter III

Long before the appointed time Ernest walked up and down in front of the abode of Reginald Clarke, a stately apartment-house overlooking Riverside Drive.

appointed time - l'heure prévue

abode - domicile, demeure, (abide), endurer, tolérer

stately - majestueux, imposant

overlooking - en surplomb, vue, panorama, surplomber, négliger, louper

riverside - au bord de la riviere, berge, rive

Misshapen automobiles were chasing by, carrying to the cool river's marge the restlessness and the fever of American life. But the bustle and the noise seemed to the boy only auspicious omens of the future.

automobiles - automobiles, voiture, auto, automobile, char

chasing - chassant, (chas) chassant

marge - marger

restlessness - l'agitation, agitation, impatience

fever - de la fievre, fievre

bustle - l'agitation, affairement, branlebas, remue-ménage, agitation

noise - bruit, vacarme, brouhaha, boucan

auspicious - de bon augure

omens - des présages, présage

Jack, his room-mate and dearest friend, had left him a month ago, and, for a space, he had felt very lonely. His young and delicate soul found it difficult to grapple with the vague fears that his nervous brain engendered, when whispered sounds seemed to float from hidden corners, and the stairs creaked under mysterious feet.

Jack - Jeannot, Jacques, Jacob, Jack

mate - compagnon, appareiller

lonely - solitaire, seul, désert, abandonné

grapple with - aux prises avec

vague - vague

fears - des craintes, peur

brain - cerveau, or when used as food, tete, processeur

float - flotter, flotteur, taloche, char, flottant, float

corners - coins, coin, rencogner, piéger, acculer

stairs - escaliers, marche, escalier, volée

creaked - a grincé, craquement, craquer

mysterious - mystérieux

He needed the voice of loving kindness to call him back from the valley of haunting shadows, where his poet's soul was wont to linger overlong; in his hours of weakness the light caress of a comrade renewed his strength and rekindled in his hand the flaming sword of song.

kindness - la gentillesse, bonté

Valley - la vallée, vallée, val

haunting - la hantise, hantise, (haunt), hanter, demeurer

shadows - ombres, ombre, prendre en filature, t+filer

wont - de la volonté

linger - s'attarder, s'installer, stagner, s'incruster, s'éteindre

overlong - trop long

weakness - faiblesse, point faible

caress - caresse, caresser

comrade - camarade f, camarade

renewed - renouvelée, renouveler

flaming - flammes, enflammé, flambant, (flame), flamme, polémique

sword - l'épée, épée, glaive, épéiste

And at nightfall he would bring the day's harvest to Clarke, as a worshipper scattering precious stones, incense and tapestries at the feet of a god.

at nightfall - a la tombée de la nuit

harvest - la récolte, récolte, moisson, récolter, moissonner, recueillir

worshipper - adorateur, fidele

scattering - la dispersion, diffusion, éparpillement, (scatter), disperser

precious - précieux

stones - des pierres, pierre, t+roche, t+caillou, t+roc

incense - de l'encens, encens

tapestries - tapisseries, tapisserie, rench: -neededr

God - dieu, idolâtrer, déifier

Surely he would be very happy. And as the heart, at times, leads the feet to the goal of its desire, while multicoloured dreams, like dancing-girls, lull the will to sleep, he suddenly found himself stepping from the elevator-car to Reginald Clarke's apartment.

surely - surement, surement, assurément

leads - des pistes, conduire, mener

goal - objectif, but, but (marqué), marquer un but

desire - désirer, désir

multicoloured - multicolore

dreams - reves, reve, t+songe, t+voeu, t+souhait, t+vou

lull - l'accalmie, pause, bonace, calme, apaiser, bercer, calmer

stepping - en marche, pas

Already was he raising his hand to strike the electric bell when a sound from within made him pause half-way.

strike - greve, biffer, rayer, barrer, frapper, battre, faire greve

Electric - électrique, voiture électrique

bell - cloche, sonnette

pause - pauser, pause

"No, there's no help!" he heard Clarke say. His voice had a hard, metallic clangour.

metallic - métallique, métalisé

A boyish voice answered plaintively. What the words were Ernest could not distinctly hear, but the suppressed sob in them almost brought the tears to his eyes. He instinctively knew that this was the finale of some tragedy.

boyish - garçon

plaintively - plaintivement

distinctly - distinctement

suppressed - supprimée, contenir, fr

sob - sanglot, fdp

Tears - des larmes, larme

finale - finale

tragedy - tragédie

He withdrew hastily, so as not to be a witness of an interview that was not meant for his ears.

withdrew - s'est retiré, (se) retirer

hastily - hâtivement, précipitamment, a la hâte

witness - témoin

Reginald Clarke probably had good reason for parting with his young friend, whom Ernest surmised to be Abel Felton, a talented boy, whom the master had taken under his wings.

surmised - supposé, présumer, supposer, suspecter

Abel - abel

talented - talentueux

wings - des ailes, aile, ailier

In the apartment a momentary silence had ensued.

momentary - momentanée

ensued - s'ensuivit, résulter, découler

This was interrupted by Clarke: "It will come again, in a month, in a year, in two years."

interrupted - interrompu, interrompre, couper

"No, no! It is all gone!" sobbed the boy.

sobbed - sangloté, fdp-p

"Nonsense. You are merely nervous. But that is just why we must part. There is no room in one house for two nervous people."

nonsense - des absurdités, betise, absurdité, sottise (s)

merely - simplement, uniquement, seulement

just why - Mais pourquoi

"I was not such a nervous wreck before I met you."

such - tel, tellement, ainsi

wreck - épave, carcasse, accident, bousiller, ruiner

"Am I to blame for it-for your morbid fancies, your extravagance, the slow tread of a nervous disease, perhaps?"

blame - blâme, gronder, blâment, blâmons, blâmez, blâmer

morbid - morbide, checkmacabre, checkmalsain, checkpathologique

fancies - des fantaisies, envie, caprice

tread - la bande de roulement, piétiner, escabeau

disease - maladie, mal

Perhaps - peut-etre, peut-etre, possiblement

"Who can tell? But I am all confused. I don't know what I am saying. Everything is so puzzling-life, friendship, you. I fancied you cared for my career, and now you end our friendship without a thought!"

confused - confus, rendre perplexe, confondre

friendship - l'amitié, amitié

fancied - aimée, envie, caprice

cared for - pris en charge

"We must all follow the law of our being."

law - loi

"The laws are within us and in our control."

laws - des lois, loi(s), législation

control - contrôler, maîtrise, contrôle, commandes

"They are within us and beyond us. It is the physiological structure of our brains, our nerve-cells, that makes and mars our lives.

beyond - au-dela, au-dela, par-dela

physiological - physiologique

structure - structure

brains - cerveau, qualifierejorative or when used as food

nerve - nerf, nervure, toupet, culot, cran

cells - cellules, cellule

"Our mental companionship was so beautiful. It was meant to last."

mental - mentale, affectif, mental

"That is the dream of youth. Nothing lasts. Everything flows-panta rei. We are all but sojourners in an inn. Friendship, as love, is an illusion. Life has nothing to take from a man who has no illusions."

dream - reve, reve, songe, voeu

lasts - dure, dernier

flows - flux, couler

rei - rei

Inn - l'auberge, auberge

take from - Prendre de

illusions - des illusions, illusion

"It has nothing to give him."

They said good-bye.

At the door Ernest met Abel.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"For a little pleasure trip."

pleasure trip - voyage d'agrément

Ernest knew that the boy lied.

lied - menties, gésîmes, gési, gésie, gésirent, menti

He remembered that Abel Felton was at work upon some book, a play or a novel. It occurred to him to inquire how far he had progressed with it.

novel - roman, nouveau

occurred - s'est produite, produire

inquire - demander, enqueter

progressed - a progressé, progres

Abel smiled sadly. "I am not writing it."

smiled - souriait, sourire

sadly - tristement, malheureusement

"Not writing it?"

"Reginald is."

"I am afraid I don't understand."

I don't understand - Je ne comprends pas

"Never mind. Some day you will."

Chapter IV

"I am so happy you came," Reginald Clarke said, as he conducted Ernest into his studio. It was a large, luxuriously furnished room overlooking the Hudson and Riverside Drive.

conducted - conduite, comportement, se comporter, conduire, mener

studio - studio, atelier

luxuriously - luxueusement

furnished - meublé, meubler, fournir, livrer

Dazzled and bewildered, the boy's eyes wandered from object to object, from picture to statue. Despite seemingly incongruous details, the whole arrangement possessed style and distinction.

dazzled - éblouie, éblouir

bewildered - déconcertés, abasourdir, confondre, déconcerter, dérouter

object to - s'opposer a

statue - statue

despite - en dépit de, malgré

incongruous - incongru

arrangement - arrangement, disposition, composition, préparatifs, accord

distinction - distinction, différence

A satyr on the mantelpiece whispered obscene secrets into the ears of saint Cecilia. The argent limbs of Antinous brushed against the garments of Mona Lisa. And from a corner a little rococo lady peered coquettishly at the gray image of an Egyptian sphinx. There was a picture of Napoleon facing the image of the Crucified.

satyr - satyre

mantelpiece - tablette de cheminée

obscene - obscene, obscene

secrets - secrets, secret

saint - Saint

argent - argent

brushed - brossé, brosse, brossage, accrochage, brosser

garments - vetements, vetement

corner - coin, rencogner, piéger, acculer, négocier un prix de gros

lady - dame, madame, lady

peered - regardé, pair

coquettishly - coquettement

Gray - gris

image - image

Egyptian - égyptien, égyptienne

sphinx - sphinx

crucified - crucifié, crucifier

Above all, in the semi-darkness, artificially produced by heavy draperies, towered two busts.

semi - semi

darkness - l'obscurité, obscurité, ténebres

artificially - artificiellement

produced - produit, produire, produits-p

draperies - draperies, rideau

towered - en hauteur, tour

busts - des bustes, poitrine

"Shakespeare and Balzac!" Ernest exclaimed with some surprise.

Shakespeare - shakespeare

Balzac - balzac

exclaimed - s'est exclamé, exclamer

"Yes," explained Reginald, "they are my gods."

gods - dieux, idolâtrer, déifier

His gods! Surely there was a key to Clarke's character. Our gods are ourselves raised to the highest power.

character - caractere, personnage, caractere

ourselves - nous-memes, nous-meme

raised - soulevée, (sou)lever

Clarke and Shakespeare!

Even to Ernest's admiring mind it seemed almost blasphemous to name a contemporary, however esteemed, in one breath with the mighty master of song, whose great gaunt shadow, thrown against the background of the years has assumed immense, unproportionate, monstrous dimensions.

admiring - admiratif, admirer

blasphemous - blasphématoire

contemporary - contemporain

esteemed - estimé, estime, respect, respecter

breath - respiration, souffle, haleine

shadow - l'ombre, ombre, prendre en filature, filer

background - arriere-plan, trame, fond

assumed - supposé, supposer, présupposer, présumer, assumer, adopter

immense - immense

unproportionate - disproportionné

monstrous - monstrueux

dimensions - dimensions, dimension

Yet something might be said for the comparison. Clarke undoubtedly was universally broad, and undoubtedly concealed, with no less exquisite taste than the Elizabethan, his own personality under the splendid raiment of his art. They certainly were affinities. It would not have been surprising to him to see the clear calm head of Shakespeare rise from behind his host.

comparison - comparaison, degré

Undoubtedly - sans doute

universally - universellement

broad - large

concealed - dissimulée, dissimuler, cacher

exquisite - exquis

taste - gout, gout, saveur, avant-gout, gouter, avoir un gout

Elizabethan - l'époque élisabéthaine, élisabéthain

personality - personnalité

splendid - splendide, fameux

raiment - vetements

Certainly - certainement, surement, sans nul doute, sans aucun doute

affinities - affinités, affinité

surprising - surprenant, étonnant, surprenante

clear - clair, transparent, libre, dégagé, sans ambiguité, s'éclaircir

rise - hausse, remonte, élévation, débout, surcroît

Host - l'hôte, hote, hôte

Perhaps-who knows?-the very presence of the bust in his room had, to some extent, subtly and secretly moulded Reginald Clarke's life. A man's soul, like the chameleon, takes colour from its environment. Even comparative trifles, the number of the house in which we live, or the colour of the wallpaper of a room, may determine a destiny.

presence - présence

bust - buste

extent - mesure, étendue

subtly - subtilement

moulded - moulé, terreau, humus

chameleon - caméléon

environment - l'environnement, environnement

comparative - comparatif

trifles - des broutilles, bagatelle, broutille, babiole, bricole

wallpaper - papier peint, fond d'écran, arrierelan, papiereint, tapisser

determine - déterminer

destiny - destin, destinée, sort

The boy's eyes were again surveying the fantastic surroundings in which he found himself; while, from a corner, Clarke's eyes were watching his every movement, as if to follow his thoughts into the innermost labyrinth of the mind. It seemed to Ernest, under the spell of this passing fancy, as though each vase, each picture, each curio in the room, was reflected in Clarke's work.

thoughts - réflexions, idée, pensée

innermost - le plus profond

labyrinth - labyrinthe

fancy - fantaisie, imaginer, songer

vase - vase

curio - curio, bibelot, curiosité

reflected - réfléchie, refléter, réfléchir

In a long-queued, porcelain Chinese mandarin he distinctly recognised a quaint quatrain in one of Clarke's most marvellous poems. And he could have sworn that the grin of the Hindu monkey-god on the writing-table reappeared in the weird rhythm of two stanzas whose grotesque cadence had haunted him for years.

queued - en file d'attente, queue, natte, file

porcelain - porcelaine

Chinese - chinois, langue chinoise

Mandarin - le mandarin, mandarin

quaint - pittoresque, singulier, intéressant, curieux

quatrain - quatrain

poems - poemes, poeme

sworn - assermenté, jurer

grin - sourire, rictus

Hindu - hindous, hindou, hindoue

monkey - singe, guenon

reappeared - réapparaît, réapparaître

weird - bizarre, étrange

stanzas - strophes, strophe, stance

grotesque - grotesque

cadence - cadence

haunted - hanté, hanter, demeurer, point de rencontre

At last Clarke broke the silence. "You like my studio?" he asked.

The simple question brought Ernest back to reality.

simple - simple

"Like it? Why, it's stunning. It set up in me the queerest train of thought."

stunning - époustouflant, étourdir, étonner, époustoufler

queerest - le plus rapide, étrange, bizarre

"I, too, have been in a whimsical mood to-night. Fancy, unlike genius, is an infectious disease."

whimsical - fantaisiste, capricieux, étrange, drôle, amusant

mood - l'humeur, humeur, changeant, ambiance, diapason

unlike - contrairement a, différent

infectious disease - une maladie infectieuse

"What is the peculiar form it assumed in your case?"

peculiar - particulier, extraordinaire, bizarre, curieux

case - cas, affaire, fouille, étui, chose

"I have been wondering whether all the things that environ us day by day are, in a measure, fashioning our thought-life. I sometimes think that even my little mandarin and this monkey-idol which, by the way, I brought from India, are exerting a mysterious but none the less real influence upon my work."

wondering - se demander, (wonder), merveille, conjecturer

whether - si, que, soit, si oui ou non

environ - environ

measure - mesure, mesurer

fashioning - de la mode, mode, vogue, façon, façonner

idol - idole

India - l'inde, Inde

exerting - exercer

none - aucun, ne nulle

influence - influence, influencer, influer

"Great God!" Ernest replied, "I have had the identical thought!"

replied - a répondu, répondre, réponse

identical - identique, meme

"How very strange!" Clarke exclaimed, with seeming surprise.

strange - étrange, anormal, inconnu, étranger

seeming - en apparence, paraissant, (seem), sembler, paraître, avoir l'air

"It is said tritely but truly, that great minds travel the same roads," Ernest observed, inwardly pleased.

tritely - triment

truly - vraiment

minds - les esprits, esprit, t+raison, t+intelligence, mémoire

observed - observée, observer, remarquer, respecter, garder

inwardly - intérieurement

"No," the older man subtly remarked, "but they reach the same conclusion by a different route."

remarked - remarqué, remarque

reach - atteindre, parviens, allonge, parvenir, préhension

conclusion - conclusion, fin

route - itinéraire, parcours, chemin, acheminement

"And you attach serious importance to our fancy?"

attach - attacher

serious - sérieux

importance - importance

"Why not?"

Clarke was gazing abstractedly at the bust of Balzac.

gazing - regarder, fixer

abstractedly - de maniere abstraite

"A man's genius is commensurate with his ability of absorbing from life the elements essential to his artistic completion. Balzac possessed this power in a remarkable degree. But, strange to say, it was evil that attracted him most. He absorbed it as a sponge absorbs water; perhaps because there was so little of it in his own make-up.

commensurate - proportionné

ability - capacité, pouvoir, habileté

absorbing - absorbant, absorber, éponger

elements - éléments, élément, membre

essential - indispensable, essentiel, fondamental

completion - l'achevement, achevement, exécution

degree - diplôme, degré, ordre

strange to say - étrange a dire

absorbed - absorbé, absorber, éponger

sponge - éponge, ivrogne, soulard, éponger

absorbs - absorbe, absorber, éponger

He must have purified the atmosphere around him for miles, by bringing all the evil that was floating in the air or slumbering in men's souls to the point of his pen.

purified - purifié, purifier

atmosphere - atmosphere, atmosphere, ambience, ambiance

for miles - sur des kilometres

floating - flottant, (float), flotter, flotteur, taloche, char

slumbering - dormir, (slumber), somnolence, somnoler

"And he"-his eyes were resting on Shakespeare's features as a man might look upon the face of a brother-"he, too, was such a nature. In fact, he was the most perfect type of the artist. Nothing escaped his mind. From life and from books he drew his material, each time reshaping it with a master-hand. Creation is a divine prerogative.

resting - au repos, (rest) au repos

nature - nature

most perfect - le plus parfait

escaped - s'est échappé, échapper, s'échapper, éviter, tirer

material - matériel, matériau, matiere, étoffe, tissu

creation - création

divine - divine, divin

prerogative - prérogative

Re-creation, infinitely more wonderful than mere calling into existence, is the prerogative of the poet. Shakespeare took his colours from many palettes. That is why he is so great, and why his work is incredibly greater than he. It alone explains his unique achievement. Who was he? What education did he have, what opportunities? None.

more wonderful - plus merveilleux

mere - simple

existence - l'existence, existence

palettes - palettes, palette

incredibly - incroyable

alone - seul

unique - unique

achievement - de la réussite, réalisation, accomplissement, haut fait

opportunities - des opportunités, occasion, opportunité, occasion favorable

And yet we find in his work the wisdom of Bacon, Sir Walter Raleigh's fancies and discoveries, Marlowe's verbal thunders and the mysterious loveliness of Mr. W.H."

wisdom - la sagesse, sagesse

bacon - bacon, lard, lardon

discoveries - découvertes, découverte

verbal - verbal, oral

loveliness - la beauté, beauté, charme

Mr - monsieur

Ernest listened, entranced by the sound of Clarke's mellifluous voice. He was, indeed, a master of the spoken word, and possessed a miraculous power of giving to the wildest fancies an air of vraisemblance.

entranced - envouté, entrée

mellifluous - mélodieux

indeed - certainement, vraiment, en effet, bien sur, certes

miraculous - miraculeux

wildest - le plus sauvage, sauvage

vraisemblance - vraisemblance

Chapter V

"Yes," said Walkham, the sculptor, "it's a most curious thing."

sculptor - sculpteur

most curious - le plus curieux

"What is?" asked Ernest, who had been dreaming over the Sphinx that was looking at him from its corner with the sarcastic smile of five thousand years.

dreaming - en train de rever, revant, (dream), reve, songe, voeu

sarcastic - sarcastique

"How our dreams of yesterday stare at us like strangers to-day."

"On the contrary," remarked Reginald, "it would be strange if they were still to know us. In fact, it would be unnatural. The skies above us and the earth underfoot are in perpetual motion. Each atom of our physical nature is vibrating with unimaginable rapidity. Change is identical with life."

contrary - contraire, contrepied

unnatural - contre nature

skies - skies, ciel

underfoot - sous les pieds

perpetual - perpétuel

motion - mouvement, motion

atom - atome

physical - physique, physiologique, visite médicale, check-up

vibrating - vibrant, vibrer

unimaginable - inimaginable

rapidity - rapidité, célérité

"It sometimes seems," said the sculptor, "as if thoughts evaporated like water."

Seems - semble-t-il, sembler, paraître, avoir l'air

evaporated - s'est évaporée, évaporer

"Why not, under favorable conditions?"

favorable - favorable

conditions - conditions, condition

"But where do they go? Surely they cannot perish utterly?"

perish - périr

utterly - tout a fait

"Yes, that is the question. Or, rather, it is not a question. Nothing is ever lost in the spiritual universe."

spiritual - spirituel

universe - univers

"But what," inquired Ernest, "is the particular reason for your reflection?"

inquired - a demandé, enqueter, renseigner

particular - particulier

reflection - réflexion, reflet, eaning 4

"It is this," the sculptor replied; "I had a striking motive and lost it."

striking - frappant, éclatant, (strike), biffer, rayer, barrer, frapper

motive - motif, mobile, theme, motiver, moteur, mouvant

"Do you remember," he continued, speaking to Reginald, "the Narcissus I was working on the last time when you called at my studio?"

narcissus - narcisse

"Yes; it was a striking thing and impressed me very much, though I cannot recall it at the moment."

impressed - impressionné, impressionner

though - mais, néanmoins, cependant, malgré, bien que

recall - rappeler

"Well, it was a commission. An eccentric young millionaire had offered me eight thousand dollars for it. I had an absolutely original conception. But I cannot execute it. It's as if a breeze had carried it away."

commission - commission, commission d'agent immobilier, courtage, charger

eccentric - excentrique

millionaire - millionnaire

offered - proposé, offrir, proposer

absolutely - absolument

original - originel, original

conception - conception

execute - exécuter, mettre a mort

breeze - brise

"That is very regrettable."

regrettable - regrettable

"Well, I should say so," replied the sculptor.

Ernest smiled. For everybody knew of Walkham's domestic troubles. Having twice figured in the divorce court, he was at present defraying the expenses of three households.

domestic - domestique, amily, intérieur

troubles - des problemes, peine, mal, probleme, emmerde, fr

figured - figuré, figure, forme, personnage, personnalité

Court - la cour, cour, tribunal, court de tennis, court, courtiser

defraying - défrayer

expenses - dépenses, dépense

households - ménages, foyer, ménage, maisonnée, domestique

The sculptor had meanwhile seated himself at Reginald's writing-table, unintentionally scanning a typewritten page that was lying before him. Like all artists, something of a madman and something of a child, he at first glanced over its contents distractedly, then with an interest so intense that he was no longer aware of the impropriety of his action.

Meanwhile - pendant ce temps

unintentionally - involontairement

scanning - le balayage, (scan), scanner, fouiller, numériser, scander, scan

madman - fou, insensé

glanced - a glissé, jeter un coup d’oil, coup d'oil

Contents - contenu, satisfait

distractedly - distraitement

intense - intense

aware - conscient, attentif, vigilant, en éveil, en alerte

"By Jove!" he cried. "What is this?"

Jove - jove, Jupin

cried - pleuré, pleurer, crier, hurler, gueuler, pleur, cri

"It's an epic of the French Revolution," Reginald replied, not without surprise.

epic - épique, épopée

French - français, tlangue française, t+Français

revolution - révolution, coup d'état, tour

"But, man, do you know that I have discovered my motive in it?"

discovered - découvert, découvrir

"What do you mean?" asked Ernest, looking first at Reginald and then at Walkham, whose sanity he began to doubt.

sanity - la santé mentale, santé mentale

doubt - des doutes, douter, doute


And the sculptor read, trembling with emotion, a long passage whose measured cadence delighted Ernest's ear, without, however, enlightening his mind as to the purport of Walkham's cryptic remark.

emotion - l'émotion, émotion

passage - passage, corridoir, couloir

measured - mesurée, mesure, mesurer

enlightening - éclairant, éclairer, informer

purport - purport, prétendre, avoir l'intention

cryptic - cryptique, mystérieux, énigmatique

remark - remarque, remarquent, remarquez, remarquons

Reginald said nothing, but the gleam in his eye showed that this time, at least, his interest was alert.

gleam - briller, luisent, luisez, brillant, luisons

alert - alerte, alarme, vif

Walkham saw the hopelessness of making clear his meaning without an explanation.

hopelessness - le désespoir, désespérance

making clear - etre clair

explanation - explication

"I forget you haven't a sculptor's mind. I am so constituted that, with me, all impressions are immediately translated into the sense of form. I do not hear music; I see it rise with domes and spires, with painted windows and Arabesques. The scent of the rose is to me tangible. I can almost feel it with my hand.

impressions - impressions, impression

immediately - immédiatement, tout de suite, aussitôt

sense - sens, acception, sentir

domes - dômes, dôme

spires - spires, fleche

arabesques - arabesques, arabesque

scent - parfum, odeur, odorat, sentir

rose - Rose, (rise)

tangible - tangible, palpable

So your prose suggested to me, by its rhythmic flow, something which, at first indefinite, crystallised finally into my lost conception of Narcissus."

prose - prose

flow - flux, coulons, couler, coulez, courant, écoulement

"It is extraordinary," murmured Reginald. "I had not dreamed of it."

extraordinary - extraordinaire

murmured - murmuré, murmure, rumeur, souffle, murmurer

dreamed - revé, reve, t+songe, t+voeu, t+souhait, t+vou

"So you do not think it rather fantastic?" remarked Ernest, circumscribing his true meaning.

circumscribing - circonscrire

"No, it is quite possible. Perhaps his Narcissus was engaging the sub-conscious strata of my mind while I was writing this passage. And surely it would be strange if the undercurrents of our mind were not reflected in our style."

engaging - engageant, attirer l'attention, engager, embrayer

sub - sous, sous-, sub-

conscious - conscient

strata - strates, (stratum), couche, strate, stratum, classe

undercurrents - les courants sous-jacents, courant sous-marin, sous-courant

"Do you mean, then, that a subtle psychologist ought to be able to read beneath and between our lines, not only what we express, but also what we leave unexpressed?"

Psychologist - psychologue

beneath - dessous

unexpressed - non exprimée


"Even if, while we are writing, we are unconscious of our state of mind? That would open a new field to psychology."

state - l'État

field - champ, campo, terrain, corps, rubrique, attraper

psychology - la psychologie, psychologie

"Only to those that have the key, that can read the hidden symbols. It is to me a matter-of-course that every mind-movement below or above the threshold of consciousness must, of a necessity, leave its imprint faintly or clearly, as the case may be, upon our activities."

symbols - des symboles, symbole

threshold - seuil, seuil de tolérance

consciousness - la conscience, conscience

necessity - nécessité, besoin

imprint - impression, empreinte

faintly - faiblement

"This may explain why books that seem intolerably dull to the majority, delight the hearts of the few," Ernest interjected.

Seem - sembler, paraître, avoir l'air

intolerably - intolérable

dull - émoussé, ennuyeux, barbant, mat, terne, sot, obtus

majority - majorité

hearts - des cours, coeur

interjected - s'est interposé, intervenir

"Yes, to the few that possess the key. I distinctly remember how an uncle of mine once laid down a discussion on higher mathematics and blushed fearfully when his innocent wife looked over his shoulder. The man who had written it was a roué."

possess - posséder, s'emparer de

mine - la mienne, mienne, miniere

laid down - mis en place

discussion - discussion

blushed - rougi, rougeur

fearfully - avec crainte

innocent - innocent

"Then the seemingly most harmless books may secretly possess the power of scattering in young minds the seed of corruption," Walkham remarked.

most harmless - le plus inoffensif

seed - semences, semailles, semence, pépin

corruption - corruption, pourriture, concussion

"If they happen to understand," Clarke observed thoughtfully. "I can very well conceive of a lecherous text-book of the calculus, or of a reporter's story of a picnic in which burnt, under the surface, undiscoverable, save to the initiate, the tragic passion of Tristram and Iseult."

thoughtfully - de maniere réfléchie

conceive of - concevoir

lecherous - lubrique

calculus - calcul, lithiase

reporter - reporter, rapporteur, rapporteuse, journaliste

picnic - pique-nique, piquenique, picnic, jeu d’enfant

burnt - brulé, brulé, (burn) brulé

surface - surface, faire surface

undiscoverable - indécouvrable

save - sauver, sauvegarder, épargner, préserver, protéger

initiate - initié, commencer, démarrer, initier

tragic - tragique

Tristram - Tristram

Iseult - Iseult

Chapter VI

Several weeks had elapsed since the conversation in Reginald Clarke's studio. The spring was now well advanced and had sprinkled the meadows with flowers, and the bookshelves of the reviewers with fiction. The latter Ernest turned to good account, but from the flowers no poem blossomed forth.

elapsed - s'est écoulé, passer

advanced - avancé, élever, avancer, avancée, progression, progres

sprinkled - saupoudré, saupoudrer, asperger

meadows - prairies, pré

bookshelves - des étageres, bibliotheque, étagere

reviewers - évaluateurs, relecteur, réviseur

fiction - fiction, belles-lettres

account - compte, supputation, demande

blossomed - s'est épanouie, fleur, floraison, fleurir, s'épanouir

In writing about other men's books, he almost forgot that the springtide had brought to him no bouquet of song. Only now and then, like a rippling of water, disquietude troubled his soul.

springtide - le printemps

bouquet - bouquet

rippling - ondulation, (ripple) ondulation

disquietude - inquiétude, angoisse, affres, anxiété, stress

troubled - troublé, peine, mal, probleme, emmerde, fr

The strange personality of the master of the house had enveloped the lad's thoughts with an impenetrable maze. The day before Jack had come on a flying visit from Harvard, but even he was unable to free Ernest's soul from the obsession of Reginald Clarke.

enveloped - enveloppé, envelopper

lad - lad, garçon, gars, jeune homme, palefrenier

impenetrable - impénétrable

maze - labyrinthe, dédale

flying visit - Visite éclair

Harvard - Harvard, Harvarde

unable - incapable, inapte, inhabile

obsession - l'obsession, idée fixe, obsession, checkfixation

Ernest was lazily stretching himself on a couch, waving the smoke of his cigarette to Reginald, who was writing at his desk.

lazily - paresseusement

stretching - l'étirement, étendre, s'étendre, s'étirer, étirement

couch - canapé, divan

waving - en faisant signe de la main, (wave) en faisant signe de la main

smoke - la fumée, fumons, griller, fumer, fument, fumée, fumez

cigarette - cigarette

"Your friend Jack is delightful," Reginald remarked, looking up from his papers. "And his ebon-coloured hair contrasts prettily with the gold in yours. I should imagine that you are temperamental antipodes."

delightful - délicieux

ebon - ebon

contrasts - des contrastes, contraste, contraster

prettily - joliment

temperamental - capricieux

"So we are; but friendship bridges the chasm between."

bridges - des ponts, pont

chasm - chasme, crevasse, fossé, gouffre

"How long have you known him?"

"We have been chums ever since our sophomore year."

chums - les copains, copain/copine

sophomore - deuxieme année, étudiant de deuxieme année

"What attracted you in him?"

"It is no simple matter to define exactly one's likes and dislikes. Even a tiny protoplasmic animal appears to be highly complex under the microscope. How can we hope to analyse, with any degree of certitude, our souls, especially when, under the influence of feeling, we see as through a glass darkly."

define - déterminer, définir

exactly - exactement

dislikes - n'aime pas, antipathie, ne pas aimer

protoplasmic - protoplasmique

Appears - apparaît, apparaître, paraître, sembler

highly - hautement, extremement

complex - complexe

microscope - microscope

analyse - analyser

certitude - certitude

darkly - sombrement

"It is true that personal feeling colours our spectacles and distorts the perspective. Still, we should not shrink from self-analysis. We must learn to see clearly into our own hearts if we would give vitality to our work. Indiscretion is the better part of literature, and it behooves us to hound down each delicate elusive shadow of emotion, and convert it into copy."

spectacles - lunettes, spectacle

distorts - déforme, déformer, distordre

perspective - perspective, perspectif

shrink - rétrécissement, se réduire, rétrécir, se resserrer

analysis - analyse

indiscretion - indiscrétion

literature - la littérature, littérature

hound - chien de chasse, chien (de chasse)

elusive - insaisissable

convert - se convertir, convertir, reconverti

copy - copie, exemplaire, copier, imiter, recevoir

"It is because I am so self-analytical that I realise the complexity of my nature, and am at a loss to define my emotions. Conflicting forces sway us hither and thither without neutralising each other. Physicology isn't physics. There were many things to attract me to Jack. He was subtler, more sympathetic, more feminine, perhaps, than the rest of my college-mates."

analytical - analytique

realise - comprendre

complexity - complexité

Loss - perte, déperdition, perdition, déchet, coulage

emotions - des émotions, émotion

conflicting - contradictoires, conflit, incompatibilité

forces - forces, force

sway - se balancer, autorité, poids, influence, prépondérance

thither - la, la, d'ici la

attract - attirer

subtler - plus subtil, subtil, délicat, astucieux

more sympathetic - plus sympathique

feminine - féminine, féminin, féminin (2)

rest - se reposer, reposent, reposez, reposons, se, reposer, débris

mates - les copains, (s')accoupler

"That I have noticed. In fact, his lashes are those of a girl. You still care for him very much?"

lashes - cils, cil

care - soins, s'occuper, soin, souci

"It isn't a matter of caring. We are two beings that live one life."

beings - etres, etre, créature, existence

"A sort of psychic Siamese twins?"

sort - tri, assortir, esrece, assortis, sorte

psychic - psychique, voyant, médium

Siamese twins - Des jumeaux siamois

"Almost. Why, the matter is very simple. Our hearts root in the same soil; the same books have nourished us, the same great winds have shaken our being, and the same sunshine called forth the beautiful blossom of friendship."

root - racine, enraciner, enracinez, enracinons, enracinent, rave

soil - sol, terre, barbouillons, barbouiller, foncierere

nourished - nourri, nourrir

winds - vents, vent

shaken - secoué, secouer, agiter

sunshine - soleil, lumiere du soleil

blossom - fleur, floraison, fleurir, s'épanouir

"He struck me, if you will pardon my saying so, as a rather commonplace companion."

struck - frappé, biffer, rayer, barrer, frapper, battre

Pardon - pardon, grâce, pardonner, gracier, désolé, excusez-moi

commonplace - ordinaire, banal, lieu commun

"There is in him a hidden sweetness, and a depth of feeling which only intimate contact reveals. He is now taking his post-graduate course at Harvard, and for well-nigh two months we have not met; yet so many invisible threads of common experience unite us that we could meet after years and still be near each other."

depth - profondeur, épaisseur

intimate - intime

reveals - révele, révéler, laisser voir

graduate - licencié, licenciée, diplômé, diplômée

nigh - nuit, proche, pres

invisible - invisible, caché

threads - fils, fil, processus léger, exétron

unite - s'unir, unir

"You are very young," Reginald replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Ah-never mind."

"So you do not believe that two hearts may ever beat as one?"

beat - battre

"No, that is an auditory delusion. Not even two clocks beat in unison. There is always a discrepancy, infinitesimal, perhaps, but a discrepancy nevertheless."

auditory - auditif

delusion - illusion, délire

beat - battre, abats, battement, battirent, battent, abattîmes

discrepancy - divergence, incohérence

infinitesimal - infinitésimal

nevertheless - néanmoins, toutefois, pourtant, malgré tout

A sharp ring of the bell interrupted the conversation. A moment later a curly head peeped through the door.

sharp - pointu, affilé, coupant, affuté, tranchant

ring - anneau, cerne, ring, tinter

curly - bouclé, frisé, courbe, courbé

peeped - épié, regarder qqch a la dérobée

"Hello, Ernest! How are you, old man?" the intruder cried, with a laugh in his voice. Then, noticing Clarke, he shook hands with the great man unceremoniously, with the nonchalance of the healthy young animal bred in the atmosphere of an American college.

intruder - intrus, importun

noticing - remarquer, notification, préavis

shook - secoué, (shake), secouer, agiter, se serrer la main, secousse

unceremoniously - sans cérémonie

nonchalance - nonchalance

bred - élevé, (breed), se reproduire, engendrer, élever, race

His touch seemed to thrill Clarke, who breathed heavily and then stepped to the window, as if to conceal the flush of vitality on his cheek.

breathed - respiré, respirer, inspirer, expirer

heavily - lourdement

conceal - dissimuler, cacher

flush - la chasse d'eau, vidanger, rougeur

cheek - joue, fesse, culot, toupet, potence de bringuebale

It was a breath of springtide that Jack had brought with him. Youth is a Prince Charming. To shrivelled veins the pressure of his hand imparts a spark of animation, and middle age unfolds its petals in his presence, as a sunflower gazing at late noon once more upon its lord.

Prince Charming - Le prince charmant

shrivelled - ratatiné, se flétrir, se rider

veins - veines, veine

pressure - pression

imparts - transmet, donner, communiquer, transmettre

spark - l'étincelle, flammeche, étincelle

animation - animation, invigoration

Middle - au milieu, milieu, moyen, central

unfolds - se déroule, déplier, dérouler, fr

petals - pétales, pétale

sunflower - tournesol

noon - midi

Lord - châtelain, seigneur, monsieur

"I have come to take Ernest away from you," said Jack. "He looks a trifle paler than usual, and a day's outing will stir the red corpuscles in his blood."

trifle - bagatelle, broutille, babiole, bricole

paler - plus pâle, copain/-ine

usual - habituel/habituelle

stir - remuer, affecter

corpuscles - corpuscules, corpuscule

"I have no doubt that you will take very good care of him," Reginald replied.

"Where shall we go?" Ernest asked, absent-mindedly.

absent - absente, absent

mindedly - avec l'esprit tranquille

But he did not hear the answer, for Reginald's scepticisms had more deeply impressed him than he cared to confess to himself.

deeply - profondément

confess - avouer, confesser

Chapter VII

The two boys had bathed their souls in the sea-breeze, and their eyes in light.

sea-breeze - (sea-breeze) Brise marine

The tide of pleasure-loving humanity jostling against them had carried their feet to the "Lion Palace." From there, seated at table and quenching their thirst with high-balls, they watched the feverish palpitations of the city's life-blood pulsating in the veins of Coney Island, to which they had drifted from Brighton Beach.

tide - marée, marées, reflux

humanity - l'humanité, humanité

Palace - le palais, palais

quenching - l'extinction, trempe, (quench), apaiser, étancher, rassasier

thirst - soif, avoir soif, désirer

feverish - fébrile, fiévreux

palpitations - des palpitations, palpitation

drifted - a la dérive, dérive, dériver, errer, dévier

Ernest blew thoughtful rings of smoke into the air.

blew - soufflé, coup

thoughtful - réfléchie, réfléchi, attentionné

rings - anneaux, anneau, bague

"Do you notice the ferocious look in the mien of the average frequenter of this island resort?" he said to Jack, whose eyes, following the impulse of his more robust youth, were examining specimens of feminine flotsam on the waves of the crowd.

ferocious - féroce

mien - mien, mine

average - moyenne

frequenter - fréquentation, (frequent) fréquentation

resort - station, avoir recours (a)

impulse - impulsion

more robust - plus robuste

examining - l'examen, examiner

specimens - spécimens, spécimen, exemple

flotsam - les déchets flottants, épave, débris

waves - des vagues, vague

"It is," he continued, speaking to himself for want of an audience, "the American who is in for having a 'good time.'And he is going to get it. Like a huntsman, he follows the scent of happiness; but I warrant that always it eludes him. Perhaps his mad race is only the epitome of humanity's vain pursuit of pleasure, the eternal cry that is never answered."

huntsman - chasseur

Happiness - le bonheur, bonheur

warrant - garantie, mandat, mandat de conformité

eludes - éludes, éluder

race - course, race

epitome - résumé, épitomé, personnification, incarnation, abrégé

vain - vaine, rench: vaniteux, frivole, vain, futile

pursuit - poursuite

eternal - éternelle, éternel

cry - pleurer, crier, hurler, gueuler, pleur, cri

But Jack was not listening. There are times in the life of every man when a petticoat is more attractive to him than all the philosophy of the world.

petticoat - cotillon, jupon, combinaison

more attractive - plus attrayante

Philosophy - philosophie

Ernest was a little hurt, and it was not without some silent remonstrance that he acquiesced when Jack invited to their table two creatures that once were women.

hurt - faire mal, blesser, blessé

acquiesced - acquiescé, acquiescer

invited - invités, inviter (a)


"But they are interesting."

"I cannot find so."

They both had seen better times-of course. Then money losses came, with work in shop or factory, and the voice of the tempter in the commercial wilderness.

losses - pertes, perte

factory - usine, fabrique, manufacture

tempter - tentateur

commercial - publicité, commercial

One, a frail nervous little creature, who had instinctively chosen a seat at Ernest's side, kept prattling in his ear, ready to tell the story of her life to any one who was willing to treat her to a drink. Something in her demeanour interested him.

frail - fragile, souffreteuxse

creature - créature, etre

seat - siege, place, siege, assise, séant, fond

prattling - bavardage, (prattle), bavarder

treat - négocier, traiter, régaler, guérir, soigner

"And then I had a stroke of luck. The manager of a vaudeville was my friend and decided to give me a trial. He thought I had a voice. They called me Betsy, the Hyacinth Girl. At first it seemed as if people liked to hear me. But I suppose that was because I was new. After a month or two they discharged me."

stroke of luck - Un coup de chance

manager - directeur

vaudeville - vaudeville

trial - proces, manipulation

suppose - supposer, imaginer

discharged - déchargée, licenciement, débit

"And why?"

"I suppose I was just used up, that's all."


frightful - effrayante, effrayant

"I never had much of a voice-and the tobacco smoke-and the wine-I love wine."

tobacco - le tabac, tabac

She gulped down her glass.

gulped - avalé, gorgée, trait

"And do you like your present occupation?"

occupation - profession, occupation

"Why not? Am I not young? Am I not pretty?"

This she said not parrotwise, but with a simple coquettishness that was all her own.

parrotwise - parrotwise

On the way to the steamer a few moments later, Ernest asked, half-reproachfully: "Jack-and you really enjoyed this conversation?"

steamer - vapeur

reproachfully - des reproches

"Didn't you?"

"Do you mean this?"

"Why, yes; she was-very agreeable."

agreeable - agréable, complaisant

Ernest frowned.

frowned - froncé les sourcils, froncer les sourcils

"We're twenty, Ernest. And then, you see, it's like a course in sociology. Susie-"

sociology - sociologie

"Susie, was that her name?"


"So she had a name?"

"Of course."

"She shouldn't. It should be a number."

shouldn - devrait

"They may not be pillars of society; still, they're human."

pillars - piliers, pilier, pile

Society - la société, société

human - humain

"Yes," said Ernest, "that is the most horrible part of it."

most horrible - le plus horrible

Chapter VIII

The moon was shining brightly.

moon - lune

shining - brillant, briller, éclairer

brightly - brillante, clairement, précisément

Swift and sure the prow of the night-boat parted the silvery foam.

swift - rapide, martinet, dévidoir

prow - proue

silvery - argenté, argentin

foam - écume, mousse, écumer, mousser

The smell of young flesh. Peals of laughter. A breathless pianola. The tripping of dancing-feet. Voices husked with drink and voices soft with love. The shrill accents of vulgarity. Hustling waiters. Shop-girls. Bourgeois couples. Tired families of four and upward. Sleeping children. A boy selling candy. The crying of babies.

smell - odeur, parfum, gout, odorat, sentir, humer

flesh - de la chair, chair, peau, viande, corps, pulpe

peals - peaux, carillon

laughter - rires, rire

pianola - Pianola

voices - voix

husked - décortiquée, enveloppe

shrill - strident, criard

accents - des accents, accent

vulgarity - la vulgarité, vulgarité, grossiereté

hustling - l'arnaque, (hustle), bousculer, bousculade

bourgeois - bourgeois, roturier

couples - couples, couple, paire, époux-p, quelques

upward - a la hausse

candy - des bonbons, bonbon(s)

crying - pleurer, pleur, (cry), crier, hurler, gueuler

The two friends were sitting on the upper deck, muffled in their long rain-coats.

upper deck - Le pont supérieur

muffled - étouffé, assourdir

In the distance the Empire City rose radiant from the mist.

distance - distance, éloigner, checks'éloigner

Empire - l'empire, empire

mist - brouillard, brume

"Say, Ernest, you should spout some poetry as of old. Are your lips stricken mute, or are you still thinking of Coney Island?"

spout - le bec verseur, bec verseur, jet, souffle, jaillir, palabrer

poetry - de la poésie, poésie

mute - muet

"Oh, no, the swift wind has taken it away. I am clean, I am pure. Life has passed me. It has kissed me, but it has left no trace."

wind - vent, emmailloter, détortiller, langer, enrouler

pure - pure, pur, pudique

kissed - embrassée, (s')embrasser

trace - trace, projection horizontale, décalquer

He looked upon the face of his friend. Their hands met. They felt, with keen enjoyment, the beauty of the night, of their friendship, and of the city beyond.

enjoyment - jouissance, plaisir

beauty - la beauté, beauté

Then Ernest's lips moved softly, musically, twitching with a strange ascetic passion that trembled in his voice as he began:

softly - en douceur, doucement

musically - musicalement

twitching - twitching, (twitch) twitching

ascetic - ascétique, ascete

"Huge steel-ribbed monsters rise into the air

huge - énorme

steel - l'acier, acier

ribbed - nervuré, côte

monsters - des monstres, monstre, bete, monstrueux

Her Babylonian towers, while on high,

Babylonian - babylonien

towers - tours, tour

Like gilt-scaled serpents, glide the swift trains by,

gilt - doré, dorure, (gild) doré

scaled - a l'échelle, graduation

serpents - des serpents, serpent

glide - glisser, planer

Or, underfoot, creep to their secret lair.

creep - rampant, ramper, rampement, fatigue, fluage, reptation

lair - repaire, taniere

A thousand lights are jewels in her hair,

The sea her girdle, and her crown the sky;

girdle - gaine, corset, ceinture

sky - ciel, nue

Her life-blood throbs, the fevered pulses fly.

throbs - des palpitations, battre, palpiter, vibrer, résonner

fevered - fébrile, fievre

pulses - impulsions, pouls

Immense, defiant, breathless she stands there.

"And ever listens in the ceaseless din,

ceaseless - incessant

din - din, vacarme

Waiting for him, her lover, who shall come,

lover - amante, amant, maîtresse

Whose singing lips shall boldly claim their own,

boldly - hardiment

claim - réclamation, titre, affirmation, revendication, demande

And render sonant what in her was dumb,

render - l'équarrissage, rendre

sonant - sonant

dumb - stupide, muet

The splendour, and the madness, and the sin,

madness - la folie, folie

sin - péché, mal

Her dreams in iron and her thoughts of stone."

iron - le fer, fer, repasser

stone - pierre, roche, caillou, roc

He paused. The boat glided on. For a long time neither spoke a word.

glided - glissé, glisser, planer

After a while Jack broke the silence: "And are you dreaming of becoming the lyric mouth of the city, of giving utterance to all its yearnings, its 'dreams in iron and its thoughts of stone'?"

utterance - énoncé

"No," replied Ernest, simply, "not yet. It is strange to what impressions the brain will respond. In Clarke's house, in the midst of inspiring things, inspiration failed me. But while I was with that girl an idea came to me-an idea, big, real."

Simply - tout simplement, simplement

respond - répondre

inspiring - inspirant, inspirer

inspiration - l'inspiration, inspiration

failed - a échoué, échouer (a)

"Will it deal with her?"

deal - accord, dispenser, distribuer

Ernest smiled: "Oh, no. She personally has nothing to do with it. At least not directly. It was the commotion of blood and-brain. The air-the change. I don't know what."

personally - personnellement

directly - directement, checktout droit

"What will it be?" asked Jack, with interest all alert.

"A play, a wonderful play. And its heroine will be a princess, a little princess, with a yellow veil."

heroine - l'héroine, héroine

princess - princesse

veil - voile, voiler

"What of the plot?"

plot - intrigue, lopin, diagramme, graphique, complot, comploter

"That I shall not tell you to-day. In fact, I shall not breathe a word to any one. It will take you all by surprise-and the public by storm."

breathe - respirer, inspirer, expirer, reprendre son souffle

public - public

storm - tempete, orage

"So it will be playable?"

playable - jouable

"If I am not very much mistaken, you will see it on Broadway within a year. And," he added graciously, "I will let you have two box-seats for the first night."

graciously - gracieusement

seats - sieges, place, siege, assise, séant, fond

first night - premiere nuit

They both chuckled at the thought, and their hearts leaped within them.

chuckled - ricané, glousser

"I hope you will finish it soon," Jack observed after a while. "You haven't done much of late."

"A similar reflection was on my mind when you came yesterday. That accounts for the low spirits in which you found me."

accounts - comptes, compte

low spirits - le moral a zéro

"Ah, indeed," Jack replied, measuring Ernest with a look of wonder. "But now your face is aglow. It seems that the blood rushes to your head swifter at the call of an idea than at the kiss of a girl."

measuring - mesurer, mesurant, (measure), mesure

wonder - merveille, se demander, conjecturer

aglow - l'éclat

rushes - des joncs, se précipiter, emmener d'urgence

swifter - plus rapide, (swift), rapide, martinet, dévidoir

kiss - baiser, baisent, biser, baisons, baisez, bécot, bise

"Thank God!" Ernest remarked with a sigh of relief. "Mighty forces within me are fashioning the limpid thought. Passion may grip us by the throat momentarily; upon our backs we may feel the lashes of desire and bathe our souls in flames of many hues; but the joy of activity is the ultimate passion."

sigh - soupir

relief - secours, allégement, relief, soulagement

limpid - limpide

grip - poignée, ballot, grippe, saisir, agripper, préhension

momentarily - momentanément

bathe - prendre un bain, se baigner, faire prendre un bain, baignade

flames - flammes, flamme, polémique

joy - joie

ultimate - dernier, ultime

Chapter IX

It seemed, indeed, as if work was to Ernest what the sting of pleasure is to the average human animal. The inter-play of his mental forces gave him the sensuous satisfaction of a woman's embrace. His eyes sparkled. His muscle tightened. The joy of creation was upon him.

sting - piqure, morsure, aiguillon, piquons, piquer, piquent

inter - inter, enterrer

satisfaction - satisfaction

Embrace - étreindre, embrasser, accolade, embrassement, embrassade

sparkled - étincelait, étincellement

muscle - muscle

tightened - serré, serrer, se resserrer, resserrer les taux

Often very material reasons, like stone weights tied to the wings of a bird, stayed the flight of his imagination. Magazines were waiting for his copy, and he was not in the position to let them wait. They supplied his bread and butter.

weights - poids, lest, graisse, alourdir

tied - attachée, attacher

position - position, poste

supplied - fourni, fournir, approvisionner

Between the bread and butter, however, the play was growing scene by scene. In the lone hours of the night he spun upon the loom of his fancy a brilliant weft of swift desire-heavy, perfumed, Oriental-interwoven with bits of gruesome tenderness. The thread of his own life intertwined with the thread of the story. All genuine art is autobiography.

scene - scene, scene, scene de ménage

Lone - solitaire, seul, isolé, unique

spun - filé, tournoyer, (faire) tourner

loom - métier a tisser

brilliant - brillante, brillant, perle

weft - rempli

perfumed - parfumé, parfum, fragrance, parfumer

interwoven - entrelacés, entrelacer

gruesome - macabre, horrible

tenderness - tendresse

thread - fil, processus léger, exétron, fil de discussion, filer

intertwined - entrelacés, enchevetrer, entrelacer

genuine - authentique

autobiography - autobiographie

It is not, however, necessarily a revelation of the artist's actual self, but of a myriad of potential selves. Ah, our own potential selves! They are sometimes beautiful, often horrible, and always fascinating. They loom to heavens none too high for our reach; they stray to yawning hells beneath our very feet.

necessarily - nécessairement

revelation - révélation

actual - réel, effectif, checkeffectif, checkprésent

potential - possibilité

selves - selves, soi-meme

horrible - horrible, affreux, épouvantable

fascinating - fascinant, fasciner

heavens - les cieux, ciel, paradis, au-dela, cieux-p

stray - égaré, écartez, écartent, écartons, écarter

yawning - bâillements, (yawn), bâiller, béer, bâillement

hells - l'enfer, enfer

The man who encompasses heaven and hell is a perfect man. But there are many heavens and more hells. The artist snatches fire from both. Surely the assassin feels no more intensely the lust of murder than the poet who depicts it in glowing words. The things he writes are as real to him as the things that he lives. But in his realm the poet is supreme.

encompasses - des englobements, encercler, entourer, englober, inclure

Heaven - le paradis, ciel, paradis, au-dela, cieux

snatches - des arrachages de dents, empoigner, happer, saisir, arracher

assassin - assassin, assassine

intensely - intensément

murder - meurtre, homicide, assassinat, occire

depicts - dépeint, représenter, décrire

glowing - rayonnante, briller, luire, irradier, lueur

realm - domaine, royaume

supreme - supreme, supreme

His hands may be red with blood or white with leprosy: he still remains king. Woe to him, however, if he transcends the limits of his kingdom and translates into action the secret of his dreams. The throng that before applauded him will stone his quivering body or nail to the cross his delicate hands and feet.

leprosy - la lepre, lepre

remains - reste, rester, demeurer

woe - tristesse, douleur, misere, malheur, hélas

transcends - transcende, transcender

limits - des limites, limite, limitation

Kingdom - royaume, regne

translates - traduit, traduire, translater

throng - essaim, foule

applauded - applaudi, applaudir, ovationner, louer, approuver

quivering - tremblant, frémir

nail - clou, ongle, enclouer, clouer, caboche

Cross - croix, signe de croix, direct du bras arriere, transversal

Sometimes days passed before Ernest could concentrate his mind upon his play. Then the fever seized him again, and he strung pearl on pearl, line on line, without entrusting a word to paper. Even to discuss his work before it had received the final brush-strokes would have seemed indecent to him.

concentrate - concentrer

seized - saisi, saisir

pearl - perle, joyau, perlure, parisienne, sédanoise

entrusting - confier

received - reçu, recevoir

strokes - coups, coup

indecent - indécent

Reginald, too, seemed to be in a turmoil of work. Ernest had little chance to speak to him. And to drop even a hint of his plans between the courses at breakfast would have been desecration.

turmoil - des turbulences, chaos, désordre, tourmente, tumulte

chance - chance, hasard

drop - chute, goutte, tomber

hint - indice, indication, soupçon, faire allusion

at breakfast - au petit-déjeuner

desecration - profanation

Sunset followed sunset, night followed night. The stripling April had made room for the lady May. The play was almost completed in Ernest's mind, and he thought, with a little shudder, of the physical travail of the actual writing. He felt that the transcript from brain to paper would demand all his powers.

shudder - frémir, tremblement, frisson, frissonner, trembler

travail - travail

transcript - transcription, transcrit, relevé de notes

demand - demande, exigence, exiger

powers - pouvoirs, pouvoir, puissance, électricité

For, of late, his thoughts seemed strangely evanescent; they seemed to run away from him whenever he attempted to seize them.

evanescent - évanescent

whenever - chaque fois que

attempted - tenté, tenter, essayer, tentative, attentat

seize - saisir, emparer

The day was glad with sunshine, and he decided to take a long walk in the solitude of the Palisades, to steady hand and nerve for the final task.

solitude - la solitude, solitude

palisades - palissades, palissade

steady - stable, lisse, régulier

task - tâche

He told Reginald of his intention, but met with little response. Reginald's face was wan and bore the peculiar pallor of one who had worked late at night.

intention - intention

wan - wan, pâle, blafard

bore - l'alésage, rencontrer, naquis, ennuyer, acabit, lasser

pallor - pâleur

"You must be frightfully busy?" Ernest asked, with genuine concern.

frightfully - effrayante

concern - inquiétude, souci, soin, préoccupation, concerner

"So I am," Reginald replied. "I always work in a white heat. I am restless, nervous, feverish, and can find no peace until I have given utterance to all that clamours after birth."

heat - chaleur, ardeur, chauffer

restless - inquiet, agité, checkimpatient

peace - la paix, paix, tranquillité

clamours - des clameurs, clameur

birth - naissance

"What is it that is so engaging your mind, the epic of the French Revolution?"

"Oh, no. I should never have undertaken that. I haven't done a stroke of work on it for several weeks. In fact, ever since Walkham called, I simply couldn't. It seemed as if a rough hand had in some way destroyed the web of my thought. Poetry in the writing is like red hot glass before the master-blower has fashioned it into birds and trees and strange fantastic shapes.

undertaken - entrepris, entreprendre

stroke - accident vasculaire cérébral, caresser

rough - rude, rugueux, brut, approximatif, difficile, brutal, ébaucher

destroyed - détruite, détruire, euthanasier

web - réseau, panier, poche, âme, âme (de rail), palmure, bobine

blower - soufflerie, ventilateur

fashioned - a la mode, mode, vogue, façon, façonner

shapes - formes, forme

A draught, caused by the opening of a door may distort it. But at present I am engaged upon more important work. I am modelling a vessel not of fine-spun glass, but of molten gold."

caused - causée, cause, raison, causer

distort - déformer, distordre

engaged - engagé, attirer l'attention, engager, embrayer

vessel - navire, vaisseau, vase

molten - fondu, incandescent, (melt), fondre (1), se dissoudre (2)

"You make me exceedingly anxious to know what you have in store for us. It seems to me you have reached a point where even you can no longer surpass yourself."

exceedingly - excessivement, extremement, énormément

anxious - anxieux, désireux

in store - en magasin

surpass - surpasser, dépasser, excéder

Reginald smiled. "Your praise is too generous, yet it warms like sunshine. I will confess that my conception is unique. It combines with the ripeness of my technique the freshness of a second spring."

combines - combine, combiner

technique - technique

freshness - fraîcheur

Ernest was bubbling with anticipated delights. His soul responded to Reginald's touch as a harp to the winds. "When," he cried, "shall we be privileged to see it?"

bubbling - des bulles d'air, bulle, trou, vent, ambiance

anticipated - anticipée, anticiper, prévoir

delights - des délices, plaisir, délice, joie, enchanter, ravir

harp - harpe

Reginald's eyes were already straying back to his writing table. "If the gods are propitious," he remarked, "I shall complete it to-night. To-morrow is my reception, and I have half promised to read it then."

straying - écartant, (stray) écartant

Propitious - favorable, propice, avantageux, de bonne augure

reception - réception, accueil

promised - promis, vou, promesse, promettre

"Perhaps I shall be in the position soon to let you see my play."

"Let us hope so," Reginald replied absent-mindedly. The egotism of the artist had once more chained him to his work.

chained - enchaîné, chaîne, enchaîner

Chapter X

That night a brilliant crowd had gathered in Reginald Clarke's house. From the studio and the adjoining salon arose a continual murmur of well-tuned voices. On bare white throats jewels shone as if in each a soul were imprisoned, and voluptuously rustled the silk that clung to the fair slim forms of its bearers in an undulating caress.

gathered - rassemblés, rassembler, ramasser, recueillir

adjoining - adjacente, adjoindre, toucher

arose - s'est élevé, se lever, relever

continual - continuelle

murmur - murmure, rumeur, souffle, murmurer

tuned - accordé, mélodie, air, tube, accorder, syntoniser

bare - a nu, dénudé, dégarnir, nu

throats - gorges, gorge, goulot

imprisoned - emprisonné, emprisonner, mettre en prison

voluptuously - voluptueusement

rustled - froissé, bruissement, froufrou, froufrouter

silk - soie

clung to - a laquelle il s'est accroché

fair - équitable, blond, exposition, foire, marché, kermesse, juste

bearers - porteurs, porteur, porteuse

undulating - ondulée, onduler, ondoyer

Subtle perfumes emanated from the hair and the hands of syren women, commingling with the soft plump scent of their flesh.

perfumes - parfums, parfum, fragrance, parfumer

emanated - émané, émaner

syren - syren

plump - dodu, douillet

Fragrant tapers, burning in precious crystal globules stained with exquisite colours, sprinkled their shimmering light over the fashionable assemblage and lent a false radiance to the faces of the men, while in the hair and the jewels of the women each ray seemed to dance like an imp with its mate.

fragrant - parfumée, odorant, aromatique

tapers - les cônes, cierge

burning - bruler, brulant, ardent, brulage, (burn) bruler

crystal - cristal, de cristal, en cristal

globules - globules, globule

shimmering - chatoyante, (shimmer) chatoyante

fashionable - a la mode, a la mode, en vogue, fashionable

assemblage - assemblage

lent - preté, pretés, preta, pretâmes, pretai, pretées, (lend) preté

ray - rayon, émission

imp - diablotin

A seat like a throne, covered with furs of tropic beasts of prey, stood in one corner of the room in the full glare of the light, waiting for the monarch to come. Above were arranged with artistic raffinement weird oriental draperies, resembling a crimson canopy in the total effect.

throne - trône

covered - couverts, couvercle, couverture, couvert

furs - fourrures, poil, pelage

Tropic - tropique

beasts - betes, bete, bete sauvage

prey - la proie, butin, prise, proie

monarch - monarque

arranged - arrangé, arranger, organiser

resembling - ressemblant, ressembler

crimson - cramoisi, carmin, pourpre

canopy - d'auvent, dais, baldaquin, voute, marquise, canopée

Total - total, somme, entier, tout, totaliser

Chattering visitors were standing in groups, or had seated themselves on the divans and curiously-fashioned chairs that were scattered in seeming disorder throughout the salon. There were critics and writers and men of the world. Everybody who was anybody and a little bigger than somebody else was holding court in his own small circle of enthusiastic admirers.

chattering - bavardage, (chatter) bavardage

in groups - en groupe

themselves - eux-memes, se, eux-memes, elles-memes

divans - divans, divan, canapé

curiously - curieusement

scattered - dispersé, disperser, se disperser, éparpiller, parsemer

disorder - désordre, trouble

throughout - tout au long de l'année, tout au long de, durant

critics - critiques, critique, critique (1-3), fr

Anybody - quelqu'un, n’importe qui (1), checkn’importe qui (2

holding - en attente, possession, (hold) en attente

enthusiastic - enthousiaste

admirers - admirateurs, admirateur, admiratrice

The Bohemian element was subdued, but not entirely lacking. The magic of Reginald Clarke's name made stately dames blind to the presence of some individuals whom they would have passed on the street without recognition.

element - élément, membre, point

subdued - atténué, soumettre, subjuguer, assujettir

entirely - entierement, entierement, entierement (1)

lacking - manquant, manquer de qqch

magic - la magie, magie, magique, sorcelerie, checkensorcelé

dames - dames, dame

blind - aveugle, mal-voyant, mal-voyante, store, blind, aveugler

individuals - des individus, individu, individuel, fr

Ernest surveyed this gorgeous assembly with the absent look of a sleep-walker. Not that his sensuous soul was unsusceptible to the atmosphere of culture and corruption that permeated the whole, nor to the dazzling colour effects that tantalised while they delighted the eye. But to-night they shrivelled into insignificance before the splendour of his inner vision.

surveyed - enquetés, sondage, arpentage, reconnaissance, enquete

gorgeous - magnifique

assembly - l'assemblée, groupe, bloc, assemblage, assemblée

sleep-walker - (sleep-walker) un somnambule

unsusceptible - insensible

permeated - imprégné, s'infiltrer, s'insinuer, imprégner

effects - effets, effet, effets-p, effectuer

insignificance - l'insignifiance, insignifiance

vision - vision, vue, aspiration, apparition

A radiant dreamland palace, his play, had risen from the night of inchoate thought. It was wonderful, it was real, and needed for its completion only the detail of actual construction. And now the characters were hovering in the recesses of his brain, were yearning to leave that many-winded labyrinth to become real beings of paper and ink.

dreamland - le pays des reves, pays de reve, pays imaginaire

risen - ressuscité, augmenter, monter, lever

inchoate - inchoatif, embryonnaire

construction - construction

characters - des personnages, personnage, caractere

hovering - en vol stationnaire, éventiller, faire du sur-place, hésiter

recesses - les récréations, reces, vacances-p, récréation, récré, pause

yearning - désir, (yearn) désir

winded - essoufflé

ink - encre

He would probably have tarried overlong in this fanciful mansion, had not the reappearance of an unexpected guest broken his reverie.

fanciful - fantaisiste

mansion - manoir, demeure

reappearance - réapparition

unexpected - inattendu

guest - invité, invitée, hôte, rench: invité(e) g

reverie - reverie

"Jack!" he exclaimed in surprise, "I thought you a hundred miles away from here."

"That shows that you no longer care for me," Jack playfully answered. "When our friendship was young, you always had a presentiment of my presence."

playfully - de façon ludique

had a presentiment - avoir un pressentiment

"Ah, perhaps I had. But tell me, where do you hail from?"

hail - grele

"Clarke called me up on the telephone-long-distance, you know. I suppose it was meant as a surprise for you. And you certainly looked surprised-not even pleasantly. I am really head-over-heels at work. But you know how it is. Sometimes a little imp whispers into my ears daring me to do a thing which I know is foolish. But What of it?

surprised - surpris, surprise, surprendre, étonner

pleasantly - agréablement

heels - talons, talon

whispers - chuchotements, chuchotement, chuchoter, susurrer, murmurer

daring - audacieux, courageux, checktéméraire, checkhardi

foolish - sot, stupide, bete, idiot

What of it - Qu'en est-il

My legs are strong enough not to permit my follies to overtake me."

permit - permis, permettre, permets, permettons, permettez

follies - folies, folie, sottise

overtake - dépasser, doubler, surprendre

"It was certainly good of you to come. In fact, you make me very glad. I feel that I need you to-night-I don't know why. The feeling came suddenly-suddenly as you. I only know I need you. How long can you stay?"

"I must leave you to-morrow morning. I have to hustle somewhat. You know my examinations are taking place in a day or two and I've got to cram up a lot of things."

hustle - se bousculer, bousculer, bousculade

somewhat - en quelque sorte, assez, quelque peu

examinations - les examens, examen

cram - bachotage, bourrer, ficher, foutre, emmancher

"Still," remarked Ernest, "your visit will repay you for the loss of time. Clarke will read to us to-night his masterpiece."

repay - rembourser

loss of time - perte de temps

masterpiece - chef-d'ouvre, chef-d'ouvre

"What is it?"

"I don't know. I only know it's the real thing. It's worth all the wisdom bald-headed professors may administer to you in concentrated doses at five thousand a year."

worth - valeur

bald - chauve, lisse

professors - professeurs, professeur, professeure, prof, professeuse

administer - administrer, gérer

concentrated - concentré, concentrer

doses - doses, dose

"Come now," Jack could not help saying, "is your memory giving way? Don't you remember your own days in college-especially the mathematical examinations? You know that your marks came always pretty near the absolute zero."

Come now - viens/venez maintenant

memory - mémoire, souvenir

giving way - céder le passage

mathematical - mathématique

marks - marques, Marc

absolute - absolue, absolu

"Jack," cried Ernest in honest indignation, "not the last time. The last time I didn't flunk."

honest - honnete, honnete, (hon) honnete

indignation - l'indignation, indignation

flunk - recalé, louper

"No, because your sonnet on Cartesian geometry roused even the math-fiend to compassion. And don't you remember Professor Squeeler, whose heart seemed to leap with delight whenever he could tell you that, in spite of incessant toil on your part, he had again flunked you in physics with fifty-nine and a half per cent.?"

sonnet - sonnet

Cartesian - cartésien

geometry - géométrie

roused - réveillé, réveiller

math - mathématiques

fiend - fieffé, démon, monstre, addict

compassion - la compassion, compassion

professor - professeur, professeure, prof, professeuse

leap - saut, sauter

spite - dépit, rancune

incessant - incessant

toil - labeur, travailler

flunked - recalé, louper

per - par, dans

"And he wouldn't raise the mark to sixty! God forgive him,-I cannot."

raise - augmenter, levent, arborent, entonner, levez, élever, levons

mark - marque, Marc

forgive - pardonner

Here their exchange of reminiscences was interrupted. There was a stir. The little potentates of conversation hastened to their seats, before their minions had wholly deserted them.

Exchange - l'échange, échangent, échangeons, échanger, échangez, échange

potentates - potentats, potentat, podestat

hastened to - s'est empressé de faire

minions - des sous-fifres, subalterne, sous-fifre, séide, laquais

wholly - entierement

deserted - désertée, abandonner

The king was moving to his throne!

king - roi, dame

Assuredly Reginald Clarke had the bearing of a king. Leisurely he took his seat under the canopy.

assuredly - assurément

leisurely - tranquillement

A hush fell on the audience; not a fan stirred as he slowly unfolded his manuscript.

Hush - chut !, silence

fan - fan, éventail, ventilateur

stirred - remué, brasser, agiter

slowly - lentement

unfolded - déployé, déplier, dérouler, fr

manuscript - manuscrit

Chapter XI

The music of Reginald Clarke's intonation captivated every ear. Voluptuously, in measured cadence, it rose and fell; now full and strong like the sound of an organ, now soft and clear like the tinkling of bells. His voice detracted by its very tunefulness from what he said. The powerful spell charmed even Ernest's accustomed ear.

intonation - l'intonation, intonation

tinkling - tintements, tintement, (tinkle), tinter

bells - cloches, cloche

tunefulness - la mélodie

powerful - puissant

charmed - charmé, charme

accustomed - habitué, accoutumer

The first page gracefully glided from Reginald's hand to the carpet before the boy dimly realised that he was intimately familiar with every word that fell from Reginald's lips. When the second page slipped with seeming carelessness from the reader's hand, a sudden shudder ran through the boy's frame. It was as if an icy hand had gripped his heart. There could be no doubt of it.

gracefully - gracieusement

carpet - tapis, moquette, tapisser

dimly - faiblement, obscurément, vaguement, confusément

intimately - intimement

familiar - familier, esprit familier

carelessness - l'insouciance, négligence, incurie

sudden - soudain, soudaine, subit

frame - encadrer, cadre, armature, ossature, image, manche, frame, trame

icy - glacé, glacial, gelé

gripped - saisi, empoigner

This was more than mere coincidence. It was plagiarism. He wanted to cry out. But the room swam before his eyes. Surely he must be dreaming. It was a dream. The faces of the audience, the lights, Reginald, Jack-all phantasmagoria of a dream.

coincidence - coincidence, coincidence

plagiarism - plagiat

phantasmagoria - fantasmagorie

Perhaps he had been ill for a long time. Perhaps Clarke was reading the play for him. He did not remember having written it. But he probably had fallen sick after its completion. What strange pranks our memories will play us! But no! He was not dreaming, and he had not been ill.

ill - malade, écouré, écourée

pranks - des farces, farce, tour

memories - des souvenirs, mémoire, souvenir

He could endure the horrible uncertainty no longer. His overstrung nerves must find relaxation in some way or break with a twang. He turned to his friend who was listening with rapt attention.

endure - endurer, perdurer, supporter

uncertainty - l'incertitude, incertitude

overstrung - trop tendu

nerves - des nerfs, nerf, nervure, toupet, culot, cran

relaxation - la détente, relaxation, détente, relaxation (1, 5)

"Jack, Jack!" he whispered.

"What is it?"

"That is my play!"

"You mean that you inspired it?"

inspired - inspirée, inspirer

"No, I have written it, or rather, was going to write it."

"Wake up, Ernest! You are mad!"

"No, in all seriousness. It is mine. I told you-don't you remember-when we returned from Coney Island-that I was writing a play."

seriousness - sérieux, sériosité, gravité

"Ah, but not this play."

"Yes, this play. I conceived it, I practically wrote it."

conceived - conçu, concevoir, tomber enceinte

practically - pratiquement, quasiment

"The more's the pity that Clarke had preconceived it."

pity - compassion, pitié, dommage, honte, plaindre, avoir pitié de

"But it is mine!"

"Did you tell him a word about it?"

"No, to be sure."

"Did you leave the manuscript in your room?"

"I had, in fact, not written a line of it. No, I had not begun the actual writing."

"Why should a man of Clarke's reputation plagiarise your plays, written or unwritten?"

reputation - réputation, renommée (more slang)

plagiarise - plagier

"I can see no reason. But-"

"Tut, tut."

For already this whispered conversation had elicited a look like a stab from a lady before them.

elicited - suscitée, susciter, causer, réaliser, obtenir, raisonner

stab - poignard, piquer

Ernest held fast to the edge of a chair. He must cling to some reality, or else drift rudderless in a dim sea of vague apprehensions.

edge - bord, côté, arete, carre

cling to - s'accrocher a

drift - dérive, dériver, errer, dévier

dim - dim, faible, vague

Or was Jack right?

Was his mind giving way? No! No! No! There must be a monstrous secret somewhere, but what matter? Did anything matter? He had called on his mate like a ship lost in the fog. For the first time he had not responded. He had not understood. The bitterness of tears rose to the boy's eyes.

somewhere - quelque part

ship - navire, manipuler, expédier, vaisseau

Fog - le brouillard, masquer, brume, brouillard

bitterness - l'amertume, amertume

Above it all, melodiously, ebbed and flowed the rich accents of Reginald Clarke.

melodiously - mélodieusement

ebbed - ebbed, reflux, jusant, refluer, décliner

flowed - s'est écoulée, couler

Ernest listened to the words of his own play coming from the older man's mouth. The horrible fascination of the scene held him entranced. He saw the creations of his mind pass in review before him, as a man might look upon the face of his double grinning at him from behind a door in the hideous hours of night.

creations - des créations, création

pass in review - Passer en revue

double - double, sosie, doublon, doubler

grinning at - Sourire a

hideous - hideux, strident, atroce, répugnant

They were all there! The mad king. The subtle-witted courtiers. The sombre-hearted Prince. The Queen-Mother who had loved a jester better than her royal mate, and the fruit of their shameful alliance, the Princess Marigold, a creature woven of sunshine and sin.

witted - d'esprit

courtiers - courtisans, courtisan

sombre - sombre

hearted - cour

prince - prince

Queen - la reine, reine, dame, folle, chatte, promouvoir, mener a dame

jester - bouffon, plaisantin

Royal - royal, royale, trochure, cacatois

shameful - honteux, scandaleux

alliance - l'alliance, alliance

marigold - le souci, souci

woven - tissé, (weave)

Swiftly the action progressed. Shadows of impending death darkened the house of the King. In the horrible agony of the rack the old jester confessed. Stripped of his cap and bells, crowned with a wreath of blood, he looked so pathetically funny that the Princess Marigold could not help laughing between her tears.

Death - mort, déces, camarde, la mort, l'arcane sans nom

darkened - assombri, obscurcir, assombrir, foncer

agony - l'agonie, agonie, angoisse

rack - rack, bâti

confessed - avoué, avouer, confesser

stripped - dépouillé, enlever

cap - cap, bonnet, calotte, casquette, toque, képi

crowned - couronné, couronne

wreath - couronne, guirlande, tortil

pathetically - pathétiquement

The Queen stood there all trembling and pale. Without a complaint she saw her lover die. The executioner's sword smote the old man's head straight from the trunk. It rolled at the feet of the King, who tossed it to Marigold. The little Princess kissed it and covered the grinning horror with her yellow veil.

pale - pâle, hâve

complaint - plainte, réclamation, porter plainte

executioner - exécuteur des hautes ouvres, bourreau

smote - smote, frapper

straight - droit, rectiligne, comme il faut, pur, pure, hétéro, tout droit

trunk - tronc, malle, coffre, trompe, coffre (de voiture), valise

rolled - roulé, rouleau

grinning - sourire, avoir un grand sourire

horror - l'horreur, horreur, effroi, dégout, aversion

The last words died away.

There was no applause. Only silence. All were stricken with the dread that men feel in the house of God or His awful presence in genius.

applause - applaudissements, applaudissement, acclamation

dread - peur, redouter, craindre, crainte

awful - terrible, épouvantable, horrible

But the boy lay back in his chair. The cold sweat had gathered on his brow and his temples throbbed. Nature had mercifully clogged his head with blood. The rush of it drowned the crying voice of the nerves, deadening for a while both consciousness and pain.

lay - laique, pondre, pose

cold sweat - des sueurs froides

brow - sourcils, andouiller d'oil, maître andouiller

temples - temples, temple

throbbed - a palpité, battre, palpiter, vibrer, résonner

mercifully - avec miséricorde

clogged - bouché, sabot, bouchon, boucher

rush - rush, ruée, affluence, gazer, galoper, bousculer

drowned - noyé, noyer

deadening - l'étouffement, (deaden), endormir, assourdir, isoler

pain - douleur, mal, diuleur

Chapter XII

Somehow the night had passed-somehow in bitterness, in anguish. But it had passed.

somehow - d'une maniere ou d'une autre

anguish - l'angoisse, angoissons, angoissez, angoisser, angoissent

Ernest's lips were parched and sleeplessness had left its trace in the black rings under the eyes, when the next morning he confronted Reginald in the studio.

parched - desséché, assoiffer

sleeplessness - insomnie

confronted - confronté, confronter

Reginald was sitting at the writing-table in his most characteristic pose, supporting his head with his hand and looking with clear piercing eyes searchingly at the boy.

characteristic - caractéristique

pose - poser, posez, posent, posons

supporting - appuyant, soutenant, (support) appuyant

piercing - piercing, perçant, (pierce)

searchingly - a la recherche

"Yes," he observed, "it's a most curious psychical phenomenon."

Curious - vous etes curieux, curieux, intéressant, singulier

phenomenon - phénomene, phénomene

"You cannot imagine how real it all seemed to me."

The boy spoke painfully, dazed, as if struck by a blow.

painfully - douloureusement

dazed - étourdi, stupéfaction, étourdir, abasourdir

blow - souffler, soufflons, soufflent, soufflez, coup

"Even now it is as if something has gone from me, some struggling thought that I cannot-cannot remember."

struggling - en difficulté, luttant, (struggle), lutte, lutter, s'efforcer

Reginald regarded him as a physical experimenter might look upon the subject of a particularly baffling mental disease.

regarded - considérée, considérer

experimenter - expérimentateur, expérimentatrice

baffling - déconcertant, (baffle), déconcerter, dérouter

mental disease - maladie mentale

"You must not think, my boy, that I bear you any malice for your extraordinary delusion. Before Jack went away he gave me an exact account of all that has happened. Divers incidents recurred to him from which it appears that, at various times in the past, you have been on the verge of a nervous collapse."

bear - ours, endurer, naîs, produire, souffrir, subir

malice - malveillance, méchanceté

went away - est parti

exact - exact, précis, exiger

divers - des plongeurs, plongeur, plongeuse

Incidents - incidents, incident, frait-divers, fr

recurred - s'est-elle reproduite, se reproduire

various - divers

verge - verge, bord

collapse - l'effondrement, s'effondrer, effondrement

A nervous collapse! What was the use of this term but a euphemism for insanity?

term - terme, ajournement, listing

euphemism - euphémisme

insanity - la folie, folie

"Do not despair, dear child," Reginald caressingly remarked. "Your disorder is not hopeless, not incurable. Such crises come to every man who writes. It is the tribute we pay to the Lords of Song. The minnesinger of the past wrote with his heart's blood; but we moderns dip our pen into the sap of our nerves.

despair - le désespoir, désespérer, désespoir

caressingly - caressant

hopeless - sans espoir, désespéré

incurable - incurable

crises - des crises, crise

tribute - hommage, tribut

lords - seigneurs, châtelain, seigneur, monsieur

minnesinger - minnesinger

dip - trempette, immersion

Sap - seve, jus, suc

We analyse life, love art-and the dissecting knife that we use on other men's souls finally turns against ourselves.

dissecting - disséquer, (dissect)

knife - couteau, frapper d'un coup de couteau

"But what shall a man do? Shall he sacrifice art to hygiene and surrender the one attribute that makes him chiefest of created things? Animals, too, think. Some walk on two legs. But introspection differentiates man from the rest.

sacrifice - sacrifier, sacrifice, offrande

Hygiene - l'hygiene, hygiene

surrender - la reddition, capituler, capitulation, reddition

attribute - attribut, épithete or déterminant

chiefest - chef de file, chef

differentiates - différencie, distinguer, dériver, différencier

Shall we yield up the sweet consciousness of self that we derive from the analysis of our emotion, for the contentment of the bull that ruminates in the shade of a tree or the healthful stupidity of a mule?"

yield - le rendement, rends, produit, rendement, rendons, rendent

sweet - doux, doucement, friandise, bonbon, sucreries

consciousness of self - la conscience de soi

derive from - dériver

contentment - le contentement, contentement

Bull - le taureau, taureau

ruminates - rumine, ruminer

shade - ombre, store, nuance, ton, esprit, ombrager, faire de l'ombre

healthful - saine, sain

stupidity - stupidité, idiotie, ânerie, sottise

mule - mule, mulet

"Assuredly not."

"But what shall a man do?"

"Ah, that I cannot tell. Mathematics offers definite problems that admit of a definite solution. Life states its problems with less exactness and offers for each a different solution. One and one are two to-day and to-morrow. Psychical values, on each manipulation, will yield a different result. Still, your case is quite clear. You have overworked yourself in the past, mentally and emotionally.

offers - offres, offrir, proposer

definite - définitif

admit of - admettre

solution - solution

States - les états, état, Etat, déclarer

exactness - l'exactitude, exactitude

values - valeurs, valeur

manipulation - manipulation

overworked - surchargés de travail, surmenage

mentally - mentalement

emotionally - sur le plan émotionnel

You have sown unrest, and must not be surprised if neurasthenia is the harvest thereof."

sown - semé, semer

unrest - le malaise, agitation

neurasthenia - neurasthénie

thereof - de ces derniers, de

"Do you think-that I should go to some sanitarium?" the boy falteringly asked.

sanitarium - sanatorium

falteringly - de maniere hésitante

"God forbid! Go to the seashore, somewhere where you can sleep and play. Take your body along, but leave your brain behind-at least do not take more of it with you than is necessary. The summer season in Atlantic City has just begun. There, as everywhere in American society, you will be much more welcome if you come without brains."

forbid - interdire, nier, dénier

seashore - rivage, rive, bord de mer

necessary - nécessaire

season - saison

Atlantic - atlantique

everywhere - partout

more welcome - plus bienvenue

Reginald's half-bantering tone reassured Ernest a little. Timidly he dared approach once more the strange event that had wrought such havoc with his nervous equilibrium.

bantering - badinage, (banter), plaisanterie, badiner, s'amuser

reassured - rassuré, tranquilliser, rassurer, réassurer

timidly - timidement

dared - osé, oser

approach - approche, approchons, abordent, abordez, rapprochons

havoc - le chaos, chaos, dévastation, bazar

equilibrium - l'équilibre, équilibre

"How do you account for my strange obsession-one might almost call it a mania?"

mania - la manie, manie

"If it could be accounted for it would not be strange."

accounted - comptabilisée, compte

"Can you suggest no possible explanation?"

suggest - proposer, suggérer

"Perhaps a stray leaf on my desk a few indications of the plot, a remark-who knows? Perhaps thought-matter is floating in the air. Perhaps-but we had better not talk of it now. It would needlessly excite you."

indications - indications, indication

needlessly - inutilement

excite - exciter

"You are right," answered Ernest gloomily, "let us not talk of it. But whatever may be said, it is a marvellous play."

whatever - quoi qu'il en soit, quel que soit, n'importe quel

"You flatter me. There is nothing in it that you may not be able to do equally well-some day."

equally - également

"Ah, no," the boy replied, looking up to Reginald with admiration. "You are the master."

Chapter XIII

Lazily Ernest stretched his limbs on the beach of Atlantic City. The sea, that purger of sick souls, had washed away the fever and the fret of the last few days. The wind was in his hair and the spray was in his breath, while the rays of the sun kissed his bare arms and legs. He rolled over in the glittering sand in the sheer joy of living.

purger - purger

washed away - lavée

fret - fret, (se) tracasser (pour)

spray - pulvériser, embrun

rays - rayons, rayon

glittering - scintillant, étincelant, (glitter), étincellement, paillette

sand - sable, sableuxse

sheer - transparent, pur

Now and then a wavelet stole far into the beach, as if to caress him, but pined away ere it could reach its goal. It was as if the enamoured sea was stretching out its arms to him. Who knows, perhaps through the clear water some green-eyed nymph, or a young sea-god with the tang of the sea in his hair, was peering amorously at the boy's red mouth.

wavelet - vaguelette, ondelette

Stole - volé, volâmes, volai, vola, volerent, (steal), voler, vol

pined - piné, épingle

ere - ici

nymph - nymphe

tang - tang, saveur/senteur forte (et piquante)

peering - peering, pair

amorously - amoureusement

The people of the deep love the red warm blood of human kind. It is always the young that they lure to their watery haunts, never the shrivelled limbs that totter shivering to the grave.

lure - leurre, attrait

watery - aqueux

haunts - hunts, hanter, demeurer, point de rencontre

totter - totter, tituber, chute, écroulement

shivering - des frissons, (shiver) des frissons

grave - tombe

Such fancies came to Ernest as he lay on the shore in his bathing attire, happy, thoughtless,-animal.

lay on - s'allonger

shore - rivage, riverain, parages, bord, rive, borde

thoughtless - inattentionné, irréfléchi

The sun and the sea seemed to him two lovers vying for his favor. The sudden change of environment had brought complete relaxation and had quieted his rebellious, assertive soul. He was no longer a solitary unit but one with wind and water, herb and beach and shell.

vying - en lice, concourir, rivaliser, etre en compétition pour

favor - favorable, faveur, favoriser

rebellious - rebelle

assertive - assertive

solitary - solitaire, seul, un a un

unit - unité

herb - l'herbe, herbe, herbes, plante médicinale

shell - coquille, coquillage, carapace, coque, cosse, douille, obus

Almost voluptuously his hand toyed with the hot sand that glided caressingly through his fingers and buried his breast and shoulder under its glittering burden.

toyed - jouée, jouet, jouer (avec), amuser

fingers - doigts, pointer, tripoter, doigter

buried - enterré, enterrer

breast - sein, poitrine, cour, poitrail, blanc

A summer girl who passed lowered her eyes coquettishly. He watched her without stirring. Even to open his mouth or to smile would have seemed too much exertion.

lowered - abaissé, (s')assombrir

stirring - l'agitation, passionnant

exertion - l'effort, effort, dépense

Thus he lay for hours. When at length noon drew nigh, it cost him a great effort of will to shake off his drowsy mood and exchange his airy costume for the conventional habilaments of the dining-room.

thus - donc, ainsi, tellement, pour cette raison, également

at length - longuement

effort - l'effort, effort

shake off - se secouer

drowsy - ensommeillé, somnolent, soporifique, stupide

airy - aéré

costume - costume, déguisement

conventional - conventionnelle

habilaments - habilaments

dining - dîner, vacarme

He had taken lodgings in a fashionable hotel. An unusual stroke of good luck, hack-work that paid outrageously well, had made it possible for him to idle for a time without a thought of the unpleasant necessity of making money.

lodgings - logements, logement, hébergement, verse

unusual - inhabituel, insolite, inusuel

luck - la chance, chance, veine

hack - hack, pic, hacher

idle - au ralenti, fainéant

One single article to which he signed his name only with reluctance had brought to him more gear than a series of golden sonnets.

single - seul, célibataire f, célibataire, simple

signed - signé, signe

reluctance - réticence, réluctance

gear - l'engrenage, panoplie, matériel, matos, engrenage, vitesse

series - suite, série

sonnets - sonnets, sonnet

"Surely," he thought, "the social revolution ought to begin from above. What right has the bricklayer to grumble when he receives for a week's work almost more than I for a song?"

social - sociale, social

bricklayer - maçon

grumble - grondement, gargouillement, grognement, gronder, gargouiller

Receives - reçoit, recevoir

Thus soliloquising, he reached the dining-room. The scene that unfolded itself before him was typical-the table over-loaded, the women over-dressed.

dining - dîner

itself - elle-meme, se, soi-meme

typical - typique, représentatif

loaded - chargé, charge, chargement

The luncheon was already in full course when he came. He mumbled an apology and seated himself on the only remaining chair next to a youth who reminded him of a well-dressed dummy. With slight weariness his eyes wandered in all directions for more congenial faces when they were arrested by a lady on the opposite side of the table.

mumbled - marmonné, marmonner

apology - des excuses, excuse, apologie

remaining - restant, reste, rester, demeurer

reminded - rappelée, rappeler

dummy - muet, idiot, idiote, imbécile, mannequin, mort

Slight - insignifiant, léger

directions - des directions, direction

congenial - semblable, sympathique, agréable

arrested - arreté, arrestation, arreter

opposite side - du côté opposé

She was clad in a silk robe with curiously embroidered net-work that revealed a nervous and delicate throat. The rich effect of the net-work was relieved by the studied simplicity with which her heavy chestnut-colored hair was gathered in a single knot. Her face was turned away from him, but there was something in the carriage of her head that struck him as familiar.

clad - vetu, nippé, (clothe), vetir, habiller

robe - robe de chambre, robe

embroidered - brodée, broder

net - net, réseau, filet

revealed - révélée, révéler, laisser voir

relieved - soulagé, soulager, relayer, faire ses besoins, se soulager

simplicity - la simplicité, simplicité

chestnut - châtaigne, marron, châtain, châtaigner, marronnier

knot - noud, nodale

carriage - transport, rench: t-needed r, carrosse, port, chariot

When at last she looked him in the face, the glass almost fell from his hand: it was Ethel Brandenbourg. She seemed to notice his embarrassment and smiled. When she opened her lips to speak, he knew by the haunting sweetness of the voice that he was not mistaken.

embarrassment - de l'embarras, embarras, (etre la) honte (de)

"Tell me," she said wistfully, "you have forgotten me? They all have."

wistfully - avec nostalgie

He hastened to assure her that he had not forgotten her. He recollected now that he had first been introduced to her in Walkham's house some years ago, when a mere college boy, he had been privileged to attend one of that master's famous receptions. She had looked quite resolute and very happy then, not at all like the woman who had stared so strangely at Reginald in the Broadway restaurant.

hastened - s'est hâté, dépecher

assure - assurer, rassurer

recollected - rappelée, se souvenir de

attend - assister, visiter, soigner

receptions - des réceptions, réception, accueil

resolute - résolu, résolue, ferme, déterminé

He regarded this encounter as very fortunate. He knew so much of her personal history that it almost seemed to him as if they had been intimate for years. She, too, felt on familiar ground with him. Neither as much as whispered the name of Reginald Clarke. Yet it was he, and the knowledge of what he was to them, that linked their souls with a common bond.

encounter - rencontre

knowledge - connaissance, science, connaissances, savoir

linked - liés, maillon, chaînon

common bond - lien commun

Chapter XIV

It was the third day after their meeting. Hour by hour their intimacy had increased. Ethel was sitting in a large wicker-chair. She restlessly fingered her parasol, mechanically describing magic circles in the sand. Ernest lay at her feet. With his knees clasped between his hands, he gazed into her eyes.

third - troisieme, troisieme, trois, tiers, tierce

intimacy - l'intimité, intimité

increased - augmenté, augmenter, croître, accroître, augmentation

wicker - l'osier, osier

restlessly - avec agitation

fingered - doigts, pointer, tripoter, doigter

parasol - ombrelle, parasol

mechanically - mécaniquement

clasped - serré, fermoir, serrer

gazed - regardé, fixer

"Why are you trying so hard to make love to me?" the woman asked, with the half-amused smile with which the Eve near thirty receives the homage of a boy. There is an element of insincerity in that smile, but it is a weapon of defence against love's artillery.

make love - faire l'amour

eve - veille

homage - hommage

weapon - arme

defence - la défense, défense

Artillery - l'artillerie, artillerie

Sometimes, indeed, the pleading in the boy's eyes and the cry of the blood pierces the woman's smiling superiority. She listens, loves and loses.

pleading - plaidoyer, (plead), plaider

pierces - des piercings, percer

superiority - supériorité

Ethel Brandenbourg was listening, but the idea of love had not yet entered into her mind. Her interest in Ernest was due in part to his youth and the trembling in his voice when he spoke of love. But what probably attracted her most powerfully was the fact that he intimately knew the man who still held her woman's heart in the hollow of his hand.

due - due, du

hollow - creux, cavez, caver, cavent, cavons

It was half in play, therefore, that she had asked him that question.

therefore - par conséquent, en conséquence, donc, pour ça

Why did he make love to her? He did not know. Perhaps it was the irresistible desire to be petted which young poets share with domesticated cats. But what should he tell her? Polite platitudes were out of place between them.

irresistible - irrésistible

petted - caressé, animal familier, apprivoisé

poets - poetes, poete

domesticated - domestiqué, domestiquer

polite - polie, poli

platitudes - des platitudes, platitude

Besides he knew the penalty of all tender entanglements. Women treat love as if it were an extremely tenuous wire that can be drawn out indefinitely. This is a very expensive process. It costs us the most precious, the only irretrievable thing in the universe-time. And to him time was song; for money he did not care.

besides - d'ailleurs, aupres

penalty - pénalité, penalisation, peine

tender - l'appel d'offres, doux, adjudication, affectieux

entanglements - des enchevetrements, intrication

extremely - extremement, extremement, vachement

tenuous - ténu

wire - fil de fer, fil

indefinitely - indéfiniment

process - processus, procédé

most precious - le plus précieux

irretrievable - irrécupérable

The Lord had hallowed his lips with rhythmic speech; only in the intervals of his singing might he listen to the voice of his heart-strangest of all watches, that tells the time not by minutes and hours, but by the coming and going of love.

Speech - parole, discours

intervals - intervalles, intervalle

Strangest - le plus étrange, étrange, anormal, inconnu, étranger

The woman beside him seemed to read his thoughts.

beside - a côté, aupres

"Child, child," she said, "why will you toy with love? Like Jehovah, he is a jealous god, and nothing but the whole heart can placate him. Woe to the woman who takes a poet for a lover. I admit it is fascinating, but it is playing va banque. In fact, it is fatal. Art or love will come to harm. No man can minister equally to both. A genuine poet is incapable of loving a woman."

toy - jouet, jouer (avec), caresser

Jehovah - jéhovah

jealous - jaloux, jalouse, envieux, rench:

placate - apaiser, calmer

admit - admettre, avouer, reconnaître

fatal - fatale, fatal

harm - le mal, mal, tort, dommage, nuire a, faire du mal a

minister - ministre, ministériel

incapable - incapable

"Pshaw! You exaggerate. Of course, there is a measure of truth in what you say, but it is only one side of the truth, and the truth, you know, is always Janus-faced. In fact, it often has more than two faces. I can assure you that I have cared deeply for the women to whom my love-poetry was written. And you will not deny that it is genuine."

Pshaw - pshaw

exaggerate - exagérer, outrer

truth - la vérité, vérité

Janus - janus

love-poetry - (love-poetry) Poésie damour

deny - refuser

"God forbid! Only you have been using the wrong preposition. You should have said that it was written at them."

preposition - préposition

Ernest stared at her in child-like wonder.

"By Jove! you are too devilishly clever!" he exclaimed.

devilishly - diaboliquement

clever - habile, agile, adroit, adroite, talentueux, malin, intelligent

After a little silence he said not without hesitation: "And do you apply your theory to all artists, or only to us makers of rhyme?"

hesitation - hésitation

apply - s'appliquent, applique, solicitez, solicitent, appliquent

theory - théorie

makers - les faiseurs, faiseur, fabricant, créateur

rhyme - strophe, vers, rime, rimer, faire rimer, checkrime, rimer 'vi'

"To all," she replied.

He looked at her questioningly.

questioningly - en posant des questions

"Yes," she said, with a new sadness in her voice, "I, too, have paid the price."

"You mean?"

"I loved."

"And art?"

"That was the sacrifice."

"Perhaps you have chosen the better part," Ernest said without conviction.

"No," she replied, "my tribute was brought in vain."

in vain - en vain

This she said calmly, but Ernest knew that her words were of tragic import.

calmly - calmement, paisiblement

import - l'importation, implanter, importons, importent, importez

"You love him still?" he observed simply.

Ethel made no reply. Sadness clouded her face like a veil or like a grey mist over the face of the waters. Her eyes went out to the sea, following the sombre flight of the sea-mews.

reply - répondre, réponse

clouded - obscurci, s'obscurcir

mews - miaulements, (mew) miaulements

In that moment he could have taken her in his arms and kissed her with infinite tenderness.

But tenderness between man and woman is like a match in a powder-magazine. The least provocation, and an amorous explosion will ensue, tumbling down the card-houses of platonic affection. If he yielded to the impulse of the moment, the wine of the springtide would set their blood afire, and from the flames within us there is no escape.

match - match, s'entremettre, allumette, concorder

provocation - provocation

amorous - amoureuse

explosion - explosion

ensue - s'ensuivre, résulter, découler

tumbling - la culbute, (tumble), culbute, dégringoler, culbuter

yielded - cédé, céder

afire - feu, ardent

escape - échapper, s'échapper, éviter, échapper (a quelqu'un), évasion

"Come, come," she said, "you do not love me."

He protested.

protested - protesté, protester, protestation, manifestation

"Ah!" she cried triumphantly, "how many sonnets would you give for me? If you were a usurer in gold instead of in rhyme, I would ask how many dollars. But it is unjust to pay in a coin that we value little. To a man starving in gold mines, a piece of bread weighs more than all the treasures of the earth. To you, I warrant your poems are the standard of appreciation. How many would you give for me?

usurer - usurier, usuriere

instead - a la place, a la place, au lieu de

unjust - injuste

pay in - payer

coin - piece de monnaie, piece de monnaie, jeton

value - valeur, évaluer, valoriser

Starving - affamés, affamant, (starve), mourir de faim, crever de faim

mines - mines, mien/-ienne, les miens/-iennes

weighs - pese, peser, lever l’ancre

treasures - des trésors, trésor, garder précieusement

Standard - standard, étalon, étendard

appreciation - l'appréciation, appréciation, estimation, évaluation

One, two, three?"


"Because you think love would repay you with compound interest," she observed merrily.

compound interest - l'intéret composé

merrily - joyeusement, gaiement

He laughed.

And when love turns to laughter the danger is passed for the moment.

danger - danger, péril

Chapter XV

Thus three weeks passed without apparent change in their relations. Ernest possessed a personal magnetism that, always emanating from him, was felt most deeply when withdrawn. He was at all times involuntarily exerting his power, which she ever resisted, always on the alert, always warding off.

apparent - apparente, apparent, visible, manifeste, criant, évident

relations - relations, relation, parent, parente

magnetism - le magnétisme, magnétisme

emanating - émanant, émaner

withdrawn - retiré, (se) retirer

involuntarily - involontairement

resisted - résisté, résister, s'opposer, rejeter, dégouter

on the alert - sur le qui-vive

warding - la garde, (ward) la garde

When at last pressure of work made his immediate departure for New York imperative, he had not apparently gained the least ground. But Ethel knew in her heart that she was fascinated, if not in love. The personal fascination was supplemented by a motherly feeling toward Ernest that, sensuous in essence, was in itself not far removed from love.

immediate - immédiate, immédiat, proche

departure - départ, déviation

imperative - impératif, essentiel, indispensable

Gained - gagné, gagner

fascinated - fasciné, fasciner

supplemented - complétée, supplément

essence - essence

removed - supprimée, enlever

She struggled bravely and with external success against her emotions, never losing sight of the fact that twenty and thirty are fifty.

struggled - en difficulté, lutte, lutter, s'efforcer, combattre

bravely - courageusement, bravement

external - externe

sight - vue, quelque chose a voir, truc a voir, mire, viseur

Increasingly aware of her own weakness, she constantly attempted to lead the conversation into impersonal channels, speaking preferably of his work.

increasingly - de plus en plus

constantly - constamment, en boucle

lead - du plomb

impersonal - impersonnelle

channels - chaînes, chenal

preferably - de préférence

"Tell me," she said, negligently fanning herself, "what new inspiration have you drawn from your stay at the seaside?"

negligently - par négligence

fanning - fanning, (fan) fanning

seaside - au bord de la mer, côte, rivage, littoral

"Why," he exclaimed enthusiastically, "volumes and volumes of it. I shall write the great novel of my life after I am once more quietly installed at Riverside Drive."

enthusiastically - avec enthousiasme

volumes - volumes, volume, tome

quietly - paisablement, tranquillement, quietement

installed - installée, installer

"The great American novel?" she rejoined.


"Who will be your hero-Clarke?"

hero - héros, protagoniste

There was a slight touch of malice in her words, or rather in the pause between the penultimate word and the last. Ernest detected its presence, and knew that her love for Reginald was dead. Stiff and cold it lay in her heart's chamber-beside how many others?-all emboxed in the coffin of memory.

penultimate - avant-dernier, pénultieme

detected - détecté, détecter

dead - morts, mort, milieu, cour, profondeurs

stiff - rigide, raide, macchabée

lay in - s'allonger

chamber - chambre, piece, salle

emboxed - emboîté

coffin - cercueil

"No," he replied after a while, a little piqued by her suggestion, "Clarke is not the hero. What makes you think that he casts a spell on everything I do?"

piqued - piquée, dépit

suggestion - suggestion, proposition

casts - les plâtres, jeter, diriger, lancer, additionner, sommer

"Dear child," she replied, "I know him. He cannot fail to impress his powerful personality upon all with whom he comes in contact, to the injury of their intellectual independence. Moreover, he is so brilliant and says everything so much better than anybody else, that by his very splendor he discourages effort in others.

fail - échouer

impress - impressionner

injury - blessure

intellectual - intellectuel, intellectuelle, intello

Independence - l'indépendance, indépendance

Moreover - de plus, en plus, au surplus, en outre

splendor - splendeur

discourages - décourage, décourager, dissuader

At best his influence will shape your development according to the tenets of his mind-curious, subtle and corrupted. You will become mentally distorted, like one of those hunchback Japanese trees, infinitely wrinkled and infinitely grotesque, whose laws of growth are not determined by nature, but by the diseased imagination of the East."

shape - forme

development - développement

according - selon, entente, accorder

tenets - principes, principe, croyance, dogme

corrupted - corrompu, dévoyé, corrompre

distorted - déformé, déformer, distordre

hunchback - bossu, bossue

Japanese - japonais, Japonaise, Nippon, Nippone

wrinkled - ridé, ride

growth - croissance

determined - déterminé, déterminer

by nature - par nature

diseased - malade, maladie, mal

"I am no weakling," Ernest asserted, "and your picture of Clarke is altogether out of perspective. His splendid successes are to me a source of constant inspiration. We have some things in common, but I realise that it is along entirely different lines that success will come to me. He has never sought to influence me, in fact, I never received the smallest suggestion from him.

weakling - faible, gringalet, poule mouillée

asserted - affirmée, affirmer, attester, asseoir

altogether - tout a fait, completement, en meme temps, quoi qu'il en soit

source - source

constant - constant, constante

entirely different - entierement différente

" Here the Princess Marigold seemed to peer at him through the veil of the past, but he waved her aside. "As for my story," he continued, "you need not go so far out of your way to find the leading character?"

peer - pair

waved - salué, vague

far out - loin

leading character - personnage principal

"Who can it be?" Ethel remarked, with a merry twinkle, "You?"

merry - joyeux, gai, heureuse, jovial

Twinkle - twinkle, briller, cligner, virevolter

"Ethel," he said sulkingly, "be serious. You know that it is you."

sulkingly - boudeur

"I am immensely flattered," she replied. "Really, nothing pleases me better than to be immortalised in print, since I have little hope nowadays of perpetuating my name by virtue of pencil or brush. I have been put into novels before and am consumed with curiosity to hear the plot of yours."

immensely - immensément

flattered - flattée, flatter

immortalised - immortalisé, immortaliser

print - imprimer, imprimé, empreinte, estampe

nowadays - actuellement, de nos jours, aujourd'hui, présentement

perpetuating - perpétuer, maintenir

virtue - la vertu, vertu

novels - romans, roman

consumed - consommée, consommer, consumer, rench: -neededr

"If you don't mind, I had rather not tell you just yet," Ernest said. "It's going to be called Leontina-that's you. But all depends on the treatment. You know It doesn't matter much what you say so long as you say it well. That's what counts. At any rate, any indication of the plot at this stage would be decidedly inadequate."

just yet - pour le moment

depends - dépend, dépendre, pendre

treatment - traitement

It doesn't matter - Ça n'a pas d'importance

counts - compte, comte

rate - taux, taxer, évaluer, tarifaire, dividende, rang

indication - indication

decidedly - résolument, décidément, clairement

inadequate - inadéquate, inadéquat

"I think you are right," she ventured. "By all means choose your own time to tell me. Let's talk of something else. Have you written anything since your delightful book of verse last spring? Surely now is your singing season. By the time we are thirty the springs of pure lyric passion are usually exhausted."

ventured - s'est aventuré, s'aventurer, risquer, oser

verse - vers, strophe

exhausted - épuisé, épuiser, échappement

Ethel's inquiry somehow startled him. in truth, he could find no satisfactory answer. A remark relative to his play-Clarke's play-rose to the threshold of his lips, but he almost bit his tongue as soon as he realised that the strange delusion which had possessed him that night still dominated the undercurrents of his cerebration.

inquiry - demande, enquete

startled - surpris, sursauter, surprendre

in truth - en vérité

satisfactory - satisfaisante, satisfaisant

relative - relative, relatif, parent, géniteur, génitrice

bit - bit, mordis, mordit, mordîmes, mordirent, (bite), mordre

tongue - langue, languette

cerebration - cérébration

No, he had accomplished but little during the last few months-at least, by way of creative literature. So he replied that he had made money. "That is something," he said. "Besides, who can turn out a masterpiece every week? An artist's brain is not a machine, and in the respite from creative work I have gathered strength for the future. But," he added, slightly annoyed, "you are not listening."

accomplished - accompli, accomplir

creative - créatif, créative, checkcréative

respite - un répit, répit

slightly - légerement, finement, délicatement, légerement

annoyed - agacé, gener, ennuyer, embeter, agacer, asticoter

His exclamation brought her back from the train of thoughts that his words had suggested. For in his reasoning she had recognised the same arguments that she had hourly repeated to herself in defence of her inactivity when she was living under the baneful influence of Reginald Clarke. Yes, baneful; for the first time she dared to confess it to herself.

exclamation - exclamation

train of thoughts - train de pensées

inactivity - l'inactivité, inactivité

baneful - nuisible, funeste

In a flash the truth dawned upon her that it was not her love alone, but something else, something irresistable and very mysterious, that had dried up the well of creation in her. Could it be that the same power was now exerting its influence upon the struggling soul of this talented boy?

flash - flash, clignoter

dawned - s'est levé, se lever, naître, aube, lever du soleil

irresistable - irrésistible

dried up - sécher

Rack her brains as she might, she could not definitely formulate her apprehensions and a troubled look came into her eyes.

definitely - définitivement

formulate - formuler

"Ethel," the boy repeated, impatiently, "why are you not listening? Do you realise that I must leave you in half an hour?"

impatiently - avec impatience

She looked at him with deep tenderness. Something like a tear lent a soft radiance to her large child-like eyes.

tear - déchirure, déchirer, fissure, larme, pleur

Ernest saw it and was profoundly moved. In that moment he loved her passionately.

profoundly - profondément

passionately - passionnément

"Foolish boy," she said softly; then, lowering her voice to a whisper: "You may kiss me before you go."

lowering - baissant, (lower) baissant

whisper - chuchotement, chuchoter, susurrer, murmurer

His lips gently touched hers, but she took his head between her hands and pressed her mouth upon his in a long kiss.

pressed - pressé, appuyer sur, presser

Ernest drew back a little awkwardly. He had not been kissed like this before.

"Poet though you are," Ethel whispered, "you have not yet learned to kiss."

She was deeply agitated when she noticed that his hand was fumbling for the watch in his vest-pocket. She suddenly released him, and said, a little hurt: "No, you must not miss your train. Go by all means."

fumbling - le tâtonnement, tâtonner

Pocket - poche, empocher, de poche

released - libéré, libérer

Vainly Ernest remonstrated with her.

vainly - vainement

"Go to him," she said, and again, "go to him."

With a heavy heart the boy obeyed. He waved his hat to her once more from below, and then rapidly disappeared in the crowd. For a moment strange misgivings cramped her heart, and something within her called out to him: "Do not go! Do not return to that house." But no sound issued from her lips. Worldly wisdom had sealed them, had stifled the inner voice.

obeyed - obéi, obéir, obtempérer

rapidly - rapidement

disappeared - a disparu, disparaître

misgivings - des réticences, état d'âme

cramped - a l'étroit, crampe

issued - émis, sortie, émission, livraison, délivrance, drain

worldly - laique

sealed - scellé, sceau

stifled - étouffé, étouffer

And soon the boy's golden head was swallowed up in the distance.

swallowed up - englouti

Chapter XVI

While the train sped to New York, Ethel Brandenbourg was the one object engaging Ernest's mind. He still felt the pressure of her lips upon his, and his nostrils dilated at the thought of the fragrance of her hair brushing against his forehead.

sped - sped, vitesse

nostrils - narines, narine, qualifier

dilated - dilaté, dilater, se dilater

fragrance - parfum, fragrance

brushing - le brossage, brossant, (brush), brosse, brossage, accrochage

forehead - front

But the moment his foot touched the ferry-boat that was to take him to Manhattan, the past three weeks were, for the time being at least, completely obliterated from his memory. All his other interests that he had suppressed in her company because she had no part in them, came rushing back to him. He anticipated with delight his meeting with Reginald Clarke.

ferry-boat - (ferry-boat) le ferry

obliterated - anéantie, annihiler, effacer

rushing - se précipiter, (rush) se précipiter

The personal attractiveness of the man had never seemed so powerful to Ernest as when he had not heard from him for some time. Reginald's letters were always brief. "Professional writers," he was wont to say, "cannot afford to put fine feeling into their private correspondence. They must turn it into copy.

attractiveness - l'attractivité, attractivité, attrait

brief - bref, court

professional - professionnel, professionnelle

afford - se permettre, offrir

private - personnel, personnelle, privé, privée

correspondence - correspondance, chronique

" He longed to sit with the master in the studio when the last rays of the daylight were tremulously falling through the stained window, and to discuss far into the darkening night philosophies young and old. He longed for Reginald's voice, his little mannerisms, the very perfume of his rooms.

daylight - la lumiere du jour, jour, lumiere du jour

tremulously - avec force

darkening - l'assombrissement, obscurcir, assombrir, foncer

philosophies - philosophies, philosophie

longed for - désiré

perfume - parfum, fragrance, parfumer

There also was a deluge of letters likely to await him in his apartment. For in his hurried departure he had purposely left his friends in the dark as to his whereabouts. Only to Jack he had dropped a little note the day after his meeting with Ethel.

deluge - déluge, avalanche, inonder

Likely - probable

await - attendre, s'attendre a, servir, guetter

hurried - pressé, précipitation, hâte, dépecher

purposely - a dessein, expres

whereabouts - ou se trouve-t-il, jusque la

dropped - a déposé, goutte

He earnestly hoped to find Reginald at home, though it was well nigh ten o'clock in the evening, and he cursed the "rapid transit" for its inability to annihilate space and time. It is indeed disconcerting to think how many months, if not years, of our earthly sojourn the dwellers in cities spend in transportation conveyances that must be set down as a dead loss in the ledger of life.

earnestly - sincerement, sérieusement

cursed - maudis, maudite, maudites, maudits, maudit, (curs) maudis

rapid - rapide, rapides

Transit - transit, transiter

inability - l'incapacité, incapacité

annihilate - annihiler, anéantir

disconcerting - déconcertant, déconcerter, fr

earthly - terrestre

sojourn - séjour, séjourner

transportation - le transport, transport, transportation

set down - mettre en place

dead loss - perte seche

ledger - le grand livre, grand livre, longrine, moise, registre

A nervous impatience against things material overcame Ernest in the subway. It is ever the mere stupid obstacle of matter that weights down the wings of the soul and prevents it from soaring upward to the sun.

Impatience - impatience

overcame - surmonté, vaincre, surmonter, envahir

subway - métro, métropolitain

stupid - stupide, bete

obstacle - obstacle

prevents - empeche, empecher

soaring - l'envol, (soar), planer, monter, s'élever, grimper en fleche

When at last he had reached the house, he learned from the hall-boy that Clarke had gone out. Ruffled in temper he entered his rooms and went over his mail. There were letters from editors with commissions that he could not afford to reject. Everywhere newspapers and magazines opened their yawning mouths to swallow up what time he had.

gone out - sorti

ruffled - ébouriffé, falbala, ébouriffer

temper - caractere, tempérament, humeur, état d'esprit, recuit

mail - courrier, postal

editors - éditeurs, rédacteur, lecteur-correcteur, correcteur, réviseur

commissions - des commissions, commission, fr

reject - rejeter

swallow - avaler, avalons, empiffrer, hirondelle, avalez

He realised at once that he would have to postpone the writing of his novel for several weeks, if not longer.

postpone - repousser, remettre, reporter, différer

Among the letters was one from Jack. It bore the postmark of a little place in the Adirondacks where he was staying with his parents. Ernest opened the missive not without hesitation. On reading and rereading it the fine lines on his forehead, that would some day deepen into wrinkles, became quite pronounced and a look of displeasure darkened his face.

among - parmi

postmark - le cachet de la poste, cachet de la poste

little place - petit endroit

Adirondacks - Adirondacks

staying with - Rester avec

missive - missive

rereading - relecture, (reread), relire

deepen - approfondir, intensifier, devenir plus profond

wrinkles - rides, ride

pronounced - prononcée, déclarer, prononcer, déclamer, lire

displeasure - mécontentement, dépncisir, courroux

Something was wrong with Jack, a slight change that defied analysis. Their souls were out of tune. It might only be a passing disturbance; perhaps it was his own fault. It pained him, nevertheless. Somehow it seemed of late that Jack was no longer able to follow the vagaries of his mind.

defied - défié, défier, désobéir a

out of tune - désaccordé

disturbance - perturbation, trouble, tapage

fault - défaut, faute, faille

pained - douloureux, douleur

vagaries - vagabondage, extravagance, caprice

Only one person in the world possessed a similar mental vision, only one seemed to understand what he said and what he left unsaid. Reginald Clarke, being a man and poet, read in his soul as in an open book. Ethel might have understood, had not love, like a cloud, laid itself between her eyes and the page.

cloud - nuage, s'obscurcir

laid - posé, poser

It was with exultation that Ernest heard near midnight the click of Reginald's key in the door. He found him unchanged, completely, radiantly himself. Reginald possessed the psychic power of undressing the soul, of seeing it before him in primal nakedness.

exultation - exultation

click - cliquer, se fermer rapidement, claquer

unchanged - inchangée

radiantly - de façon rayonnante

undressing - se déshabiller, déshabillant, (undress), déshabiller

primal - primitif

nakedness - la nudité, nudité

Although no word was said of Ethel Brandenbourg except the mere mention of her presence in Atlantic City, Ernest intuitively knew that Reginald was aware of the transformation that absence had wrought in him.

although - bien que, combien que, encore que, nonobstant que

Except - sauf, faire une exception

mention - mentionner

intuitively - intuitivement

transformation - transformation

absence - absence, manque, absence du fer

In the presence of this man he could be absolutely himself, without shame or fear of mis-understanding; and by a strange metamorphosis, all his affection for Ethel and Jack went out for the time being to Reginald Clarke.

shame - la honte, honte, vergogne

fear - peur, angoisse, craignent, crainte, crains, craignons

Mis - mis, (MI) mis

metamorphosis - métamorphose

Chapter XVII

The next day Ernest wrote a letter of more or less superficial tenderness to Ethel. She had wounded his pride by proving victorious in the end over his passion and hers; besides, he was in the throes of work. When after the third day no answer came, he was inclined to feel aggrieved.

superficial - superficielle, superficiel

pride - l'orgueil, orgueil, fierté

proving - prouvant, prouver

victorious - victorieux

It was plain now that she had not cared for him in the least, but had simply played with him for lack of another toy. A flush of shame rose to his cheeks at the thought. He began to analyse his own emotions, and stunned, if not stabbed, his passion step by step. Work was calling to him. It was that which gave life its meaning, not the love of a season.

plain - simple, unie, net, plaine

lack - manque

stunned - stupéfait, étourdir, étonner, époustoufler

stabbed - poignardé, poignarder

How far away, how unreal, she now seemed to him. Yes, she was right, he had not cared deeply; and his novel, too, would be written only at her. It was the heroine of his story that absorbed his interest, not the living prototype.

unreal - irréel

prototype - prototype

Once in a conversation with Reginald he touched upon the subject. Reginald held that modern taste no longer permitted even the photographer to portray life as it is, but insisted upon an individual visualisation. "No man," he remarked, "was ever translated bodily into fiction. In contradiction to life, art is a process of artificial selection."

permitted - autorisé, permettre

photographer - photographe, photoseur

portray - portrait, dépeindre, représenter, portraire, décrire

insisted - insisté, insister

individual - individu, individuel, checkindividuelle

visualisation - visualisation

bodily - corporel

contradiction - contradiction

artificial - artificiels

selection - sélection

Bearing in mind this motive, Ernest went to work to mould from the material in hand a new Ethel, more real than life. Unfortunately he found little time to devote to his novel. It was only when, after a good day's work, a pile of copy for a magazine lay on his desk, that he could think of concentrating his mind upon "Leontina.

mould - moule, modeler

more real - plus réel

unfortunately - malheureusement, malencontreusement

devote - dévote, consacrer, vouer

pile - pile, tapée, pilotis, foule, amas

concentrating - se concentrer, concentrer

" The result was that when he went to bed his imagination was busy with the plan of his book, and the creatures of his own brain laid their fingers on his eyelid so that he could not sleep.

eyelid - paupiere, paupiere

When at last sheer weariness overcame him, his mind was still at work, not in orderly sequence but along trails monstrous and grotesque. Hobgoblins seemed to steal through the hall, and leering incubi oppressed his soul with terrible burdens. In the morning he awoke unrested. The tan vanished from his face and little lines appeared in the corners of his mouth.

orderly - ordonné, planton

sequence - suite, séquence

trails - sentiers, pister, suivre, traîner, piste, traces-p

hobgoblins - les hobgobelins, lutin

steal - voler, vol

leering - lécher, (leer) lécher

oppressed - opprimés, opprimer, oppresser

burdens - charges, poids écrasant

awoke - s'est réveillé, (se) réveiller, (s')éveiller

unrested - sans arret, agitation

tan - tan, bronzer

appeared - est apparu, apparaître, paraître, sembler

It was as if his nervous vitality were sapped from him in some unaccountable way. He became excited, hysterical. Often at night when he wrote his pot-boilers for the magazines, fear stood behind his seat, and only the buzzing of the elevator outside brought him back to himself.

sapped - sappé, seve

unaccountable - sans avoir a rendre de comptes

hysterical - hystérique

pot - l'herbe, pot

buzzing - bourdonnement, vrombissement, (buzz), coup de fil, bourdonner

In one of his morbid moods he wrote a sonnet which he showed to Reginald after the latter's return from a short trip out of town. Reginald read it, looking at the boy with a curious, lurking expression.

moods - d'humeur, humeur

lurking - se cacher, (lurk), s'embusquer, se dissimuler

O gentle Sleep, turn not thy face away,

gentle - gentil, doux

thy - de l'homme, ton/ta, tes

But place thy finger on my brow, and take

finger - doigt, pointer, tripoter, doigter

All burthens from me and all dreams that ache;

ache - mal, diuleur

Upon mine eyes a cooling balsam lay,

balsam - pommade, baume, balsamine

Seeing I am aweary of the day.

aweary - peur

But, lo! thy lips are ashen and they quake.

ashen - cendré

What spectral vision sees thou that can shake

spectral - spectrale, spectral, spectral?

thou - tu

shake - secouer, agiter, se serrer la main, secousse

Thy sweet composure, and thy heart dismay?

composure - le sang-froid, calme, quiétude

dismay - affliger, mortifier, avoir peur, désarroi, consternation

Perhaps some murderer's cruel eye agleam

murderer - meurtrier, meurtriere, assassin, assassine

cruel - cruel

agleam - agleam

Is fixed upon me, or some monstrous dream

fixed - fixé, réparer, fixer, préparer, truquer, tricher, réparation

Might bring such fearful guilt upon the head

fearful - effrayant, redoutable, peureux, craintif, terrible, affreux

guilt - culpabilité

Of my unvigilant soul as would arouse

unvigilant - peu vigilant

arouse - éveiller, émoustiller, exciter

The Borgian snake from her envenomed bed,

Or startle Nero in his golden house.

startle - sursauter, surprendre

"Good stuff," Reginald remarked, laying down the manuscript; "when did you write it?"

stuff - trucs, truc, substance (1), checkmachin (2), checktruc (2)

laying - pose, (lay) pose

"The night when you were out of town," Ernest rejoined.

"I see," Reginald replied.

There was something startling in his intonation that at once aroused Ernest's attention.

aroused - excité, émoustiller, exciter

"What do you see?" he asked quickly.

"Nothing," Reginald replied, with immovable calm, "only that your state of nerves is still far from satisfactory."

immovable - inamovible, immeuble

state - l'état, état, Etat, déclarer, indiquer

Chapter XVIII

After Ernest's departure Ethel Brandenbourg's heart was swaying hither and thither in a hurricane of conflicting feelings. Before she had time to gain an emotional equilibrium, his letter had hurled her back into chaos. A false ring somewhere in Ernest's words, reechoing with an ever-increasing volume of sound, stifled the voice of love. His jewelled sentences glittered, but left her cold.

hither - ici, ça

hurricane - ouragan

feelings - sentiments

gain - gain, gagner, produit

hurled - lancé, projeter, débecter, débecqueter

chaos - le chaos, chaos, (chao) le chaos

increasing - en augmentation, augmentant, (increase), augmenter, croître

volume - volume, tome

jewelled - bijoux, joyau, bijou, pierre d'horlogerie, rubis

glittered - pailleté, étincellement, paillette, briller

They lacked that spontaneity which renders even simple and hackeneyed phrases wonderful and unique. Ethel clearly realised that her hold upon the boy's imagination had been a fleeting midsummer night's charm, and that a word from Reginald's lips had broken the potency of her spell.

lacked - manquée, manquer de qqch

spontaneity - la spontanéité, spontanéité

renders - les rendus, rendre

hold - tenir, stopper, tiens, tiennent, tenons

fleeting - éphémere, flotte

She almost saw the shadow of Reginald's visage hovering over Ernest's letter and leering at her from between the lines in sinister triumph. Finally reason came and whispered to her that it was extremely unwise to give her heart into the keeping of a boy. His love, she knew, would have been exacting, irritating at times.

sinister - sinistre

triumph - triomphe, triomphal

exacting - exigeant, exact, précis, exiger

irritating - irritant, agacer (displeasure)

He would have asked her to sympathise with every phase of his life, and would have expected active interest on her part in much that she had done with long ago. Thus, untruth would have stolen into her life and embittered it. When mates are unequal, Love must paint its cheeks and, in certain moods at least, hide its face under a mask.

sympathise - sympathiser

phase - phase

expected - attendue, attendre, s'attendre a

active - active, actif

untruth - contre-vérité, mensonge, menterie, contrevérité

stolen - volé, voler, vol

embittered - aigri, aigrir

hide - cacher, planquer, peau, fourrure

mask - masque

Its lips may be honeyed, but it brings fret and sorrow in its train.

honeyed - mielleux, miel

sorrow - peine, chagrin

These things she told herself over and over again while she penned a cool and calculating answer to Ernest's letter. She rewrote it many times, and every time it became more difficult to reply. At last she put her letter aside for a few days, and when it fell again into her hand it seemed so unnatural and strained that she destroyed it.

penned - écrit

calculating - calculant, calculer

rewrote - réécrit, réécrire, récrire

strained - tendu, tendre fortement

Thus several weeks had passed, and Ernest no longer exclusively occupied her mind when, one day early in September, while glancing over a magazine, she came upon his name in the table of contents. Once more she saw the boy's wistful face before her, and a trembling something stirred in her heart.

exclusively - exclusivement, uniquement

occupied - occupée, occuper, habiter

glancing - un coup d'oil, (glance), jeter un coup d’oil

wistful - nostalgique, bonjour

Her hand shook as she cut the pages, and a mist of tears clouded her vision as she attempted to read his poem. It was a piece of sombre brilliance. Like black-draped monks half crazed with mystic devotion, the poet's thoughts flitted across the page. It was the wail of a soul that feels reason slipping from it and beholds madness rise over its life like a great pale moon.

draped - drapé, draper

monks - moines, moine

crazed - fou, engouement

mystic - mystique

devotion - la dévotion, dévouement, dévotion

flitted - flotté, voltiger, voleter, papillonner, virevolter

wail - gémir, se lamenter

slipping - glissement, glisser

beholds - se tient, regarder, voir, observer, voici, voila

A strange unrest emanated from it and took possession of her. And again, with an insight that was prophetic, she distinctly recognised behind the vague fear that had haunted the poet the figure of Reginald Clarke.

took possession of - a pris possession de

insight - de la perspicacité, introspection, perspicacité, aperçu

prophetic - prophétique

A half-forgotten dream, struggling to consciousness, staggered her by its vividness. She saw Clarke as she had seen him in days gone by, grotesquely transformed into a slimy sea-thing, whose hungry mouths shut sucking upon her and whose thousand tentacles encircled her form. She closed her eyes in horror at the reminiscence.

staggered - en décalé, tituber

gone by - passé

grotesquely - de façon grotesque

slimy - visqueux, visqueuse, gluant, gluante

shut - fermé, fermer

sucking - sucer, succion, sucement, (suck), téter, etre chiant

tentacles - des tentacules, tentacule, pieuvre

encircled - encerclé, encercler

reminiscence - la réminiscence, réminiscence

And in that moment it became clear to her that she must take into her hands the salvation of Ernest Fielding from the clutches of the malign power that had mysteriously enveloped his life.

Salvation - le salut, salut

clutches - embrayages, se raccrocher (a)

malign - malin, vilipender, injurier

enveloped - enveloppé, enveloppe

Chapter XIX

The summer was brief, and already by the middle of September many had returned to the pleasures of urban life. Ethel was among the first-comers; for, after her resolve to enter the life of the young poet once more, it would have been impossible for her to stay away from the city much longer. Her plan was all ready.

pleasures - plaisirs, plaisir, volupté, désir

Urban - urbain, citadin

resolve - résoudre, résolvons, résolvent, résolvez

impossible - impossible, insupportable

Before attempting to see Ernest she would go to meet Reginald and implore him to free the boy from his hideous spell. An element of curiosity unconsciously entered her determination. When, years ago, she and Clarke had parted, the man had seemed, for once, greatly disturbed and had promised, in his agitation, that some day he would communicate to her what would exonerate him in her eyes.

attempting - tenter, essayer, tentative, attentat

go to meet - aller a la rencontre

unconsciously - inconsciemment

determination - détermination

greatly - grandement

disturbed - perturbé, déranger, perturber, gener

agitation - l'agitation, agitation

communicate - communiquer, communier

exonerate - disculper, exonérer

She had answered that all words between them were purposeless, and that she hoped never to see his face again. The experience that the years had brought to her, instead of elucidating the mystery of Reginald's personality, had, on the contrary, made his behaviour appear more and more unaccountable.

elucidating - élucider, expliquer

mystery - mystere, mystere

behaviour - manieres

appear - apparaître, sembler

She had more than once caught herself wishing to meet him again and to analyse dispassionately the puzzling influences he had exerted upon her. And she could at last view him dispassionately; there was triumph in that. She was dimly aware that something had passed from her, something by which he had held her, and without which his magnetism was unable to play upon her.

caught - pris, prise, touche, loquet, loqueteau, verrou, hic, couille

wishing - souhaitant, désirant, (wish), souhait, souhaiter, espérer

dispassionately - sans passion

influences - influences, influence, influencer, influer

exerted - exercé, exercer

view - vue, vision, regard, point de vue, opinion, regarder

So when Walkham sent her an invitation to one of his artistic "at homes" she accepted, in the hope of meeting Reginald. It was his frequentation of Walkham's house that had for several years effectively barred her foot from crossing the threshold.

invitation - invitation

accepted - acceptée, accepter, accepter (de), prendre sur soi

frequentation - fréquentation

effectively - efficacement

barred - interdit, barre

Crossing - carrefour, croisement, traversée, (cross), croix

It was with a very strange feeling she greeted the many familiar faces at Walkham's now; and when, toward ten o'clock, Reginald entered, politely bowing in answer to the welcome from all sides, her heart beat in her like a drum. But she calmed herself, and, catching his eye, so arranged it that early in the evening they met in an alcove of the drawing-room.

greeted - salué, saluer, accueillir

politely - poliment

bowing - s'incliner, (bow) s'incliner

sides - côtés, côté

drum - tambour

calmed - calmé, calme, tranquille, calme plat, calmer

catching - de capture, attrapant, (catch), prise, touche, loquet

alcove - alcôve

"It was inevitable," Reginald said. "I expected it."

inevitable - inévitable

"Yes," she replied, "we were bound to meet."

bound - lié, entrain, (bind), lier, attacher, nouer, connecter, coupler

Like a great rush of water, memory came back to her. He was still horribly fascinating as of old-only she was no longer susceptible to his fascination. He had changed somewhat in those years. The lines about his mouth had grown harder and a steel-like look had come into his eyes. Only for a moment, as he looked at her, a flash of tenderness seemed to come back to them.

horribly - horriblement

susceptible - sensible, susceptible

Then he said, with a touch of sadness: "Why should the first word between us be a lie?"

lie - mentir, mensonge, mentez, gésir, gis, mentons

Ethel made no answer.

Reginald looked at her half in wonder and said: "And is your love for the boy so great that it overcame your hate of me?"

Ah, he knew! She winced.

winced - a fait un clin d'oil, grimacer

"He has told you?"

"Not a word."

There was something superhuman in his power of penetration. Why should she wear a mask before him, when his eyes, like the eyes of God, pierced to the core of her being?

penetration - pénétration

pierced - percé, percer

core - noyau

"No," she replied, "it is not love, but compassion for him."


"Yes, compassion for your victim."

victim - victime

"You mean?"


"I am all ear."

"I implore you."


"You have ruined one life."

He raised his eyebrows derogatively.

eyebrows - sourcils, sourcil

derogatively - de maniere péjorative

"Yes," she continued fiercely, "ruined it! Is not that enough?"

fiercely - férocement, âprement, farouchement

"I have never wilfully ruined any one's life."

wilfully - volontairement

"You have ruined mine."


"How else shall I explain your conduct?"

conduct - comportement, conduite, se comporter, conduire, mener

"I warned you."

warned - averti, avertir, alerter, prévenir

"Warning, indeed! The warning that the snake gives to the sparrow helpless under its gaze."

warning - l'avertissement, avertissement, attention, (warn), avertir

sparrow - moineau, bruant, piaf

helpless - sans défense, désemparé

"Ah, but who tells you that the snake is to blame? Is it not rather the occult power that prescribes with blood on brazen scroll the law of our being?"

occult - occulter, occulte, occultisme

prescribes - prescrit, prescrire, indiquer, ordonner

brazen - effronté, cuivreux, aigu, dur comme de la pierre

scroll - rouleau, volute, coquille, faire défiler, scroller

"This is no solace to the sparrow. But whatever may be said, let us drop the past. Let us consider the present. I beg of you, leave this boy-let him develop without your attempting to stifle the life in him or impressing upon it the stamp of your alien mind."

solace - consolation, réconfort, soulager, consoler

Consider - envisager, considérer, examiner, réfléchir, songer

beg - mendier, implorer, prier

develop - se développer, créer

stifle - étouffer

impressing - impressionner

Stamp - cachet, tampon, timbre, taper du pied, taper (du pied)

alien - étranger, étrangere, extraterrestre, alien

"Ethel," he protested, "you are unjust. If you knew-" Then an idea seemed to take hold of him. He looked at her curiously.

take hold - s'installer

"What if I knew?" she asked.

"You shall know," he said, simply. "Are you strong?"

"Strong to withstand anything at your hand. There is nothing that you can give me, nothing that you can take away."

withstand - résister

"No," he remarked, "nothing. Yes, you have changed. Still, when I look upon you, the ghosts of the past seem to rise like live things."

ghosts - fantômes, fantôme, t+spectre, t+esprit, t+revenant

"We both have changed. We meet now upon equal grounds. You are no longer the idol I made of you."

Equal - l'égalité, égal, égaler a, égale

"Don't you think that to the idol this might be a relief, not a humiliation? It is a terrible torture to sit in state with lips eternally shut. Sometimes there comes over the most reticent of us a desire to break through the eternal loneliness that surrounds the soul. It is this feeling that prompts madmen to tear off their clothes and exhibit their nakedness in the market-place.

humiliation - l'humiliation, humiliation

torture - la torture, torture, torturer

eternally - éternellement

reticent - réticent

break through - Franchir

loneliness - la solitude, solitude

surrounds - les environs, entourer, enceindre

prompts - des messages d'encouragement, ponctuel, indicateur

madmen - des fous, fou, insensé

tear off - Détacher

exhibit - exposer, exposition, piece a conviction

It's madness on my part, or a whim, or I don't know what; but it pleases me that you should know the truth."

whim - caprice

"You promised me long ago that I should."

"To-day I will redeem my promise, and I will tell you another thing that you will find hard to believe."

redeem - racheter, libérer, secourir, soulager, liquider, réparer

promise - vou, promesse, promettre

"And that is?"

"That I loved you."

Ethel smiled a little sceptically. "You have loved often."

sceptically - avec scepticisme

"No," he replied. "Loved, seriously loved, I have, only once."

seriously - sérieusement, gravement, sérieux

Chapter XX

They were sitting in a little Italian restaurant where they had often, in the old days, lingered late into the night over a glass of Lacrimć Christi. But no pale ghost of the past rose from the wine. Only a wriggling something, with serpent eyes, that sent cold shivers down her spine and held her speechless and entranced.

Italian - italien, italophone, Italienne

ghost - fantôme, spectre, esprit, revenant

wriggling - se tortiller, (wriggle), remuer

shivers - des frissons, frissonner

spine - la colonne vertébrale, colonne vertébrale, échine, dos, épine

speechless - sans voix

When their order had been filled and the waiter had posted himself at a respectful distance, Reginald began-at first leisurely, a man of the world. But as he proceeded a strange exultation seemed to possess him and from his eyes leaped the flame of the mystic.

respectful - respectueux

proceeded - a procédé, avancer, procéder

flame - flamme, polémique

"You must Pardon me," he commenced, "if I monopolise the conversation, but the revelations I have to make are of such a nature that I may well claim your attention. I will start with my earliest childhood. You remember the picture of me that was taken when I was five?"

Pardon me - Pardon

commenced - commencé, commencer

monopolise - monopoliser

revelations - des révélations, révélation

childhood - l'enfance, enfance

She remembered, indeed. Each detail of his life was deeply engraven on her mind.

engraven - gravé, graver

"At that time," he continued, "I was not held to be particularly bright. The reason was that my mind, being pre-eminently and extraordinarily receptive, needed a stimulus from without. The moment I was sent to school, however, a curious metamorphosis took place in me. I may say that I became at once the most brilliant boy in my class.

bright - lumineux, éclatant, clair

pre - pré

eminently - éminemment

extraordinarily - extraordinairement

receptive - réceptif

stimulus - stimulus

most brilliant - le plus brillant

You know that to this day I have always been the most striking figure in any circle in which I have ever moved."

most striking - le plus frappant

Ethel nodded assent. Silently watching the speaker, she saw a gleam of the truth from afar, but still very distant and very dim.

assent - l'assentiment, assentir, assentiment

silently - en silence, silencieusement

speaker - l'orateur, parleur, parleuse

from afar - de loin

distant - distante, distant, lointain, éloigné

Reginald lifted the glass against the light and gulped its contents. Then in a lower voice he recommenced: "Like the chameleon, I have the power of absorbing the colour of my environment."

lifted - soulevée, soulever

lower - plus bas, abaisser, en privé, rabattre, baissent

recommenced - repris, recommencer

"Do you mean that you have the power of absorbing the special virtues of other people?" she interjected.

virtues - vertus, vertu

"That is exactly what I mean."

"Oh!" she cried, for in a heart-beat many things had become clear to her. For the first time she realised, still vaguely but with increasing vividness, the hidden causes of her ruin and, still more plainly, the horrible danger of Ernest Fielding.

become clear - devenir evident

vaguely - vaguement

causes - causes, cause, raison, causer

ruin - la ruine, ruine, ruiner, abîmer, foutre en l'air

plainly - en toute clarté, simplement, clairement

He noticed her agitation, and a look of psychological curiosity came into his eyes.

psychological - psychologique

"Ah, but that is not all," he observed, smilingly. "That is nothing. We all possess that faculty in a degree. The secret of my strength is my ability to reject every element that is harmful or inessential to the completion of my self. This did not come to me easily, nor without a struggle. But now, looking back Upon my life, many things become transparent that were obscure even to me at the time.

faculty - la faculté, faculté

harmful - dangereux, nuisible, nocif, préjudiciable

inessential - inessentiel, superflu

easily - facilement

Struggle - lutte, lutter, s'efforcer, combattre

Upon my life - Sur ma vie

obscure - obscure, obscur, sibyllin, obscurcir

I can now follow the fine-spun threads in the intricate web of my fate, and discover in the wilderness of meshes a design, awful and grandly planned."

intricate - complexe

fate - le destin, destin, destinée, sort

discover - découvrir

meshes - mailles, maillage, maille, engrenage, concorder

grandly - en grande pompe

His voice shook with conviction, as he uttered these words. There was something strangely gruesome in this man. It was thus that she had pictured to herself the high-priest of some terrible and mysterious religion, demanding a human sacrifice to appease the hunger of his god. She was fascinated by the spell of his personality, and listened with a feeling not far removed from awe.

uttered - prononcée, complet, total

priest - pretre, pretre, pretresse, sacrificateur

religion - religion

demanding - exigeant, demande, exigence, exiger

human sacrifice - le sacrifice humain

appease - apaiser

hunger - la faim, faim

awe - la stupeur, crainte, révérence, admiration

But Reginald suddenly changed his tone and proceeded in a more conversational manner.

"The first friend I ever cared for was a boy marvellously endowed for the study of mathematics. At the time of our first meeting at school, I was unable to solve even the simplest algebraical problem. But we had been together only for half a month, when we exchanged parts.

marvellously - merveilleusement

endowed - dotés, doter, enrichir

solve - résoudre, régler, solutionner

simplest - le plus simple, simple

algebraical - algébrique

exchanged - échangé, (é)changer

It was I who was the mathematical genius now, whereas he became hopelessly dull and stuttered through his recitations only with a struggle that brought the tears to his eyes. Then I discarded him. Heartless, you say? I have come to know better. Have you ever tasted a bottle of wine that had been uncorked for a long time?

whereas - tandis que, alors que, compte tenu de, vu que

hopelessly - sans espoir

stuttered - bégayé, bégaiement

recitations - récitations, récitation

discarded - jeté, rejeter, écarter, défausser

heartless - sans cour, sans-cour

tasted - dégustée, gout, saveur, avant-gout, gouter, avoir un gout

uncorked - débouchée, déboucher

If you have, you have probably found it flat-the essence was gone, evaporated. Thus it is when we care for people. Probably-no, assuredly-there is some principle prisoned in their souls, or in the windings of their brains, which, when escaped, leaves them insipid, unprofitable and devoid of interest to us.

principle - principe

prisoned - emprisonné, prison, qualifier

insipid - insipide

unprofitable - non rentable

devoid - dépourvu

Sometimes this essence-not necessarily the finest element in a man's or a woman's nature, but soul-stuff that we lack-disappears. In fact, it invariably disappears. It may be that it has been transformed in the processes of their growth; it may also be that it has utterly vanished by some inadvertence, or that we ourselves have absorbed it."

disappears - disparaît, disparaître

invariably - invariablement

processes - processus, procédé

inadvertence - par inadvertance

"Then we throw them away?" Ethel asked, pale, but dry-eyed. A shudder passed through her body and she clinched her glass nervously. At that moment Reginald resembled a veritable Prince of Darkness, sinister and beautiful, painted by the hand of a modern master. Then, for a space, he again became the man of the world.

throw - lancer, jetent, jetez, jetons, mise bas

dry - sec, anhydre, sécher, tfaire sécher

passed through - Passé a travers

clinched - conclu, agrafer, attache, fixation, clinch

nervously - nerveusement

resembled - ressemblait, ressembler

veritable - véritable

Smiling and self-possessed, he filled the glasses, took a long sip of the wine and resumed his narrative.

sip - gorgée, siroter

resumed - reprise, reprendre

narrative - narratif, récit

"That boy was followed by others. I absorbed many useless things and some that were evil. I realised that I must direct my absorptive propensities. This I did. I selected, selected well. And all the time the terrible power of which I was only half conscious grew within me."

useless - inutile, inutilisable, bon a rien

Direct - direct, mettre en scene, ordonner

absorptive - absorbant

propensities - propensions, propension, tendance

selected - sélectionné, sélect, choisir, sélectionner

"It is indeed a terrible power," she cried; "all the more terrible for its subtlety. Had I not myself been its victim, I should not now find it possible to believe in it."

more terrible - plus terrible

myself - moi-meme, me, m'

"The invisible hand that smites in the dark is certainly more fearful than a visible foe. It is also more merciful. Think how much you would have suffered had you been conscious of your loss."

visible - visible

smites - smites, frapper

more fearful - plus craintif

foe - ennemi, ennemi/-ie

merciful - miséricordieux

suffered - souffert, souffrir, souffrir de, pâtir de, endurer

"Still it seems even now to me that it cannot have been an utter, irreparable loss. There is no action without reaction. Even I-even we-must have received from you some compensation for what you have taken away."

utter - l'utérus, émettre

irreparable - irréparable

reaction - réaction

compensation - compensation, dédommagement, émolument, indemnisation

"In the ordinary processes of life the law of action and reaction is indeed potent. But no law is without exception. Think of radium, for instance, with its constant and seemingly inexhaustible outflow of energy. It is a difficult thing to imagine, but our scientific men have accepted it as a fact. Why should we find it more difficult to conceive of a tremendous and infinite absorptive element?

ordinary - piece, ordinaire, quelconque

potent - puissant

exception - exception

radium - le radium, radium

instance - instance

inexhaustible - inépuisable

outflow - le flux de sortie, sortie

energy - l'énergie, énergie, courage

scientific - scientifique

conceive - concevoir, tomber enceinte

I feel sure that it must somewhere exist. But every phenomenon in the physical world finds its counterpart in the psychical universe. There are radium-souls that radiate without loss of energy, but also without increase. And there are souls, the reverse of radium, with unlimited absorptive capacities."

exist - existent, exister

counterpart - contreartie, homologue, duplicat, checkpendant, checkéquivalent

radiate - rayonner

increase - augmenter, croître, accroître, augmentation

the reverse - l'inverse

unlimited - illimité

capacities - capacités, capacité

"Vampire-souls," she observed, with a shudder, and her face blanched.

"No," he said, "don't say that." And then he suddenly seemed to grow in stature. His face was ablaze, like the face of a god.

ablaze - en feu, embrasé

"In every age," he replied, with solemnity, "there are giants who attain to a greatness which by natural growth no men could ever have reached. But in their youth a vision came to them, which they set out to seek. They take the stones of fancy to build them a palace in the kingdom of truth, projecting into reality dreams, monstrous and impossible.

solemnity - solennité

giants - géants, géant

attain - atteindre

greatness - la grandeur, grandeur

seek - chercher

Often they fail and, tumbling from their airy heights, end a quixotic career. Some succeed. They are the chosen. Carpenter's sons they are, who have laid down the Law of a World for milleniums to come; or simple Corsicans, before whose eagle eye have quaked the kingdoms of the earth. But to accomplish their mission they need a will of iron and the wit of a hundred men.

fail - échouer, faillent, faillons, taper a côté

heights - les hauteurs, hauteur, taille

Succeed - succéder, réussir, avoir du succes

Carpenter - menuisier, menuisiere, charpentier, charpentiere

milleniums - millénaires

Corsicans - les corses, corse

eagle - aigle, eagle, réussir un aigle

kingdoms - royaumes, royaume, regne

accomplish - accomplir

mission - mission

of iron - de fer

wit - wit, esprit

And from the iron they take the strength, and from a hundred men's brains they absorb their wisdom. Divine missionaries, they appear in all departments of life. In their hand is gathered to-day the gold of the world. Mighty potentates of peace and war, they unlock new seas and from distant continents lift the bars.

absorb - absorber, éponger

missionaries - missionnaires, missionnaire

departments - départements, ministere, département

war - guerre, bataille, entrer en guerre, tfaire la guerre

unlock - déverrouiller, débloquer

continents - continents, continent

lift - l'ascenseur, élevons, élevez, ascenseur, lever, ennoblir

bars - bars, barre, tablette

Single-handed, they accomplish what nations dared not hope; with Titan strides they scale the stars and succeed where millions fail. In art they live, the makers of new periods, the dreamers of new styles. They make themselves the vocal sun-glasses of God.

nations - nations, nation

Titan - titan

strides - foulées, marcher a grands pas

scale - échelle, escaladez, escalader, escaladent, gravir, bareme

dreamers - des reveurs, reveur, reveuse

vocal - vocal

Homer and Shakespeare, Hugo and Balzac-they concentrate the dispersed rays of a thousand lesser luminaries in one singing flame that, like a giant torch, lights up humanity's path."

Hugo - hugo

dispersed - dispersé, disperser, qualifier

lesser - moins (de), inférieur (a)

luminaries - luminaires, lumiere, astre, luminaire

torch - torche, flambeau, incendier

lights up - s'allume

path - chemin, sentier

She gazed at him, open-mouthed. The light had gone from his visage. He paused, exhausted, but even then he looked the incarnation of a force no less terrible, no less grand. She grasped the immensity of his conception, but her woman's soul rebelled at the horrible injustice to those whose light is extinguished, as hers had been, to feed an alien flame.

gazed at - Regarder

incarnation - incarnation

force - force, forcez, contrainte, forçons, contraindre, forcent

grand - grand, grandiose

grasped - saisi, saisir, agripper, comprendre

immensity - immensité

rebelled - s'est rebellé, rebelle

injustice - l'injustice, injustice

extinguished - éteinte, éteindre

feed - l'alimentation, nourrir, alimentent, alimentez, alimentons

And then, for a moment, she saw the pale face of Ernest staring at her out of the wine.

the pale - la pâleur

"Cruel," she sobbed, "how cruel!"

"What matter?" he asked. "Their strength is taken from them, but the spirit of humanity, as embodied in us, triumphantly marches on."

spirit - l'esprit, esprit, moral, élan, spiritueux

embodied - incarnée, incarner, personnifier, représenter

Chapter XXI

Reginald's revelations were followed by a long silence, interrupted only by the officiousness of the waiter. The spell once broken, they exchanged a number of more or less irrelevant observations. Ethel's mind returned, again and again, to the word he had not spoken. He had said nothing of the immediate bearing of his monstrous power upon her own life and that of Ernest Fielding.

officiousness - l'officialité

observations - observations, observation, remarque

At last, somewhat timidly, she approached the subject.

approached - approché, (s')approcher (de)

"You said you loved me," she remarked.

"I did."

"But why, then-"

"I could not help it."

"Did you ever make the slightest attempt?"

slightest - le moins du monde, insignifiant, léger

attempt - tenter, essayer, tentative, attentat

"In the horrible night hours I struggled against it. I even implored you to leave me."

"Ah, but I loved you!"

"You would not be warned, you would not listen. You stayed with me, and slowly, surely, the creative urge went out of your life."

stayed with - resté avec

creative urge - envie de créer

"But what on earth could you find in my poor art to attract you? What were my pictures to you?"

"I needed them, I needed you. It was a certain something, a rich colour effect, perhaps. And then, under your very eyes, the colour that vanished from your canvases reappeared in my prose. My style became more luxurious than it had been, while you tortured your soul in the vain attempt of calling back to your brush what was irretrievably lost."

more luxurious - plus luxueux

tortured - torturé, torture, torturer

calling back - rappeler

irretrievably - irrémédiablement

"Why did you not tell me?"

"You would have laughed in my face, and I could not have endured your laugh. Besides, I always hoped, until it was too late, that I might yet check the mysterious power within me. Soon, however, I became aware that it was beyond my control. The unknown god, whose instrument I am, had wisely made it stronger than me."

endured - enduré, endurer, perdurer, supporter

unknown - inconnu, inconnue

instrument - instrument, acte

wisely - a bon escient, sagement, savamment

"But why," retorted Ethel, "was it necessary to discard me, like a cast-off garment, like a wanton who has lost the power to please?"

retorted - a rétorqué, rétorquer

discard - rejeter, écarter, défausser

cast - casting, jeter, diriger, lancer, additionner, sommer, muer

garment - de l'habillement, vetement

Her frame shook with the remembered emotion of that moment, when years ago he had politely told her that she was nothing to him.

"The law of being," Reginald replied, almost sadly, "the law of my being. I should have pitied you, but the eternal reproach of your suffering only provoked my anger. I cared less for you every day, and when I had absorbed all of you that my growth required, you were to me as one dead, as a stranger you were.

pitied - pitié, compassion, dommage, honte, plaindre

reproach - des reproches, reproche, opprobre, reprocher

suffering - la souffrance, souffrance, douleur

provoked - provoquée, provoquer

anger - la colere, colere, ire, courroux, rage

required - nécessaires, exiger, demander, avoir besoin de, requérir

There was between us no further community of interest; henceforth, I knew, our lives must move in totally different spheres. You remember that day when we said good-bye?"

further - encourager, ultérieur, plus loin, de plus, (furth)

community of interest - communauté d'intérets

totally - totalement

spheres - spheres, sphere, boule

"You mean that day when I lay before you on my knees," she corrected him.

"That day I buried my last dream of personal happiness. I would have gladly raised you from the floor, but love was utterly gone. If I am tenderer to-day than I am wont to be, it is because you mean so much to me as the symbol of my renunciation. When I realised that I could not even save the thing I loved from myself, I became hardened and cruel to others.

gladly - heureusement, volontiers

tenderer - soumissionnaire, (tender) soumissionnaire

symbol - symbole

renunciation - renoncement, renonciation

Not that I know no kindly feeling, but no qualms of conscience lay their prostrate forms across my path. There is nothing in life for me but my mission."

kindly - avec bienveillance

qualms - des scrupules, scrupule

conscience - conscience

prostrate - prostrée, prosterner

His face was bathed in ecstasy. The pupils were luminous, large and threatening. He had the look of a madman or a prophet.

ecstasy - l'ecstasy, extase, ecstasy, exta

pupils - éleves, écolier/-iere

threatening - menaçante, menaçant, (threaten), menacer

prophet - prophete, prophete, prophétesse, devin

After a while Ethel remarked: "But you have grown into one of the master-figures of the age. Why not be content with that? Is there no limit to your ambition?"

figures - chiffres, figure, forme, personnage, personnalité

content with - etre satisfait de

limit - limite, circonscrivez, limitons, circonscrivons, limitez

Ambition - l'ambition, ambition, ambition (1-5)

Reginald smiled: "Ambition! Shakespeare stopped when he had reached his full growth, when he had exhausted the capacity of his contemporaries. I am not yet ready to lay down my pen and rest."

capacity - capacité

contemporaries - contemporains, contemporain

"And will you always continue in this criminal course, a murderer of other lives?"

continue - continuer

criminal - criminel, criminelle

He looked her calmly in the face. "I do not know."

"Are you the slave of your unknown god?"

slave - esclave, serf, serve

"We are all slaves, wire-pulled marionettes: You, Ernest, I. There is no freedom on the face of the earth nor above. The tiger that tears a lamb is not free, I am not free, you are not free. All that happens must happen; no word that is said is said in vain, in vain is raised no hand."

slaves - esclaves, esclave, t+serf, t+serve

pulled - tiré, tirer, retirer, tirer un coup, influence

marionettes - marionnettes, marionnette

freedom - la liberté, liberté

tiger - tigre, tigresse

lamb - agneau, agnelle, mettre bas

"Then," Ethel retorted, eagerly, "if I attempted to wrest your victim from you, I should also be the tool of your god?"

wrest - lutte

tool - outil, mouton, façonner

"Assuredly. But I am his chosen."

"Can you-can you not set him free?"

"I need him-a little longer. Then he is yours."

"But can you not, if I beg you again on my knees, at least loosen his chains before he is utterly ruined?"

loosen - se desserrer, desserrer

chains - chaînes, chaîne, enchaîner

"It is beyond my power. If I could not rescue you, whom I loved, what in heaven or on earth can save him from his fate? Besides, he will not be utterly ruined. It is only a part of him that I absorb. In his soul are chords that I have not touched. They may vibrate one day, when he has gathered new strength.

rescue - secours, délivrer, secourir, sauver, checksauver, sauvetage

chords - accords, accord, corde

vibrate - vibrer

You, too, would have spared yourself much pain had you striven to attain success in different fields-not where I had garnered the harvest of a lifetime. It is only a portion of his talent that I take from him. The rest I cannot harm. Why should he bury that remainder?"

spared - épargnée, espar

striven - strivées, s'efforcer de

fields - champs, champ, t+campo, terrain, corps

garnered - récoltés, grenier, engranger, rassembler, fr

lifetime - a vie, durée de vie (objects), vie (persons), éternité

portion - part, portion

talent - talent

bury - enterrer, enterrez, enterrent, enterrons

remainder - reste, restant, checkreste, checkrésidu, checkinvendu

His eyes strayed through the window to the firmament, as if to say that words could no more bend his indomitable will than alter the changeless course of the stars.

strayed - égaré, s'écarter de

firmament - firmament

bend - plier, courber, tordre, tourner

indomitable - indomptable

alter - modifier, altérent, altérez, altérer, altérons

Changeless - immuable

Ethel had half-forgotten the wrong she herself had suffered at his hands. He could not be measured by ordinary standards, this dazzling madman, whose diseased will-power had assumed such uncanny proportions. But here a young life was at stake.

standards - normes, standard, étalon, étendard

uncanny - déroutant, déroutante, étrange, troublant

proportions - proportions, proportion

stake - enjeu, pieu, pal, tuteur, jalon

In her mind's eye she saw Reginald crush between his relentless hands the delicate soul of Ernest Fielding, as a magnificent carnivorous flower might close its glorious petals upon a fly.

crush - le coup de foudre, barricade, béguin, amourette, faible

magnificent - magnifique

carnivorous - carnivore

glorious - glorieux, splendide

Love, all conquering love, welled up in her. She would fight for Ernest as a tiger cat fights for its young. She would place herself in the way of the awful force that had shattered her own aspirations, and save, at any cost, the brilliant boy who did not love her.

conquering - a la conquete, conquérir

fights - combats, (se) battre

shattered - brisé, fracasser, réduire en miettes, mettre en pieces, briser

Chapter XXII

The last rays of the late afternoon sun fell slanting through Ernest's window. He was lying on his couch, in a leaden, death-like slumber that, for the moment at least, was not even perturbed by the presence of Reginald Clarke.

slanting - en biais, biais, connotation, bridé, qualifier

slumber - sommeil, somnolence, somnoler

perturbed - perturbé, perturber, troubler

The latter was standing at the boy's bedside, calm, unmoved as ever. The excitement of his conversation with Ethel had left no trace on the chiselled contour of his forehead. Smilingly fastening an orchid of an indefinable purple tint in his evening coat, radiant, buoyant with life, he looked down upon the sleeper. Then he passed his hand over Ernest's forehead, as if to wipe off beads of sweat.

bedside - au chevet du malade

unmoved - indifférent, insensible

excitement - l'excitation, excitation

contour - contour, ligne de niveau

fastening - fermeture, liage, (fasten), attacher, fixer

Orchid - orchidée

indefinable - indéfinissable

tint - teinte, nuance, teindre

buoyant - flottant, flottable, gai, léger, joyeux

sleeper - wagon lit, dormant

wipe off - essuyer

beads of sweat - Gouttes de sueur

At the touch of his hand the boy stirred uneasily. When it was not withdrawn his countenance twitched in pain. He moaned as men moan under the influence of some anćsthetic, without possessing the power to break through the narrow partition that separates them from death on the one side and from consciousness on the other. At last a sigh struggled to his seemingly paralysed lips, then another.

uneasily - mal a l'aise

countenance - visage, approuver

twitched - a tressailli, donner, avoir un mouvement convulsif

moaned - gémi, gémissement, se plaindre, geindre, gémir, mugir

anćsthetic - anesthésique

possessing - posséder, s'emparer de

narrow - étroite, pressé, étroit

partition - partition, division, checkséparation, checkpartition

separates - des séparations, séparé, séparée, séparer

paralysed - paralysé, paralyser

then another - puis un autre

Finally the babbling became articulate.

babbling - babillage, bavardant, (babble), marmonner, marmotter, jargonner

articulate - articuler, articulez, articulons, articulent

"For God's sake," he cried, in his sleep, "take that hand away!"

For God's sake - Pour l'amour de Dieu

And all at once the benignant smile on Reginald's features was changed to a look of savage fierceness. He no longer resembled the man of culture, but a disappointed, snarling beast of prey. He took his hand from Ernest's forehead and retired cautiously through the half-open door.

benignant - bénigne

savage - barbare, féroce, sauvage

fierceness - férocité, acharnement

disappointed - déçue, décevoir, désappointer

beast of prey - une bete de proie

retired - a la retraite, prendre sa retraite

cautiously - avec prudence, précautionneusement

half-open - (half-open) a moitié ouvert

Hardly had he disappeared when Ernest awoke. For a moment he looked around, like a hunted animal, then sighed with relief and buried his head in his hand. At that moment a knock at the door was heard, and Reginald re-entered, calm as before.

hunted - chassé, chasser, chercher, chasse

sighed - soupiré, soupirer

knock at - frapper

as before - comme avant

"I declare," he exclaimed, "you have certainly been sleeping the sleep of the just."

declare - expliquer, déclarer

"It isn't laziness," Ernest replied, looking up rather pleased at the interruption. "But I've a splitting headache."

laziness - la paresse, paresse, flemme

interruption - interruption

splitting headache - un mal de tete foudroyant

"Perhaps those naps are not good for your health."

naps - des siestes, sieste, petit somme

"Probably. But of late I have frequently found it necessary to exact from the day-hours the sleep which the night refuses me. I suppose it is all due to indigestion, as you have suggested. The stomach is the source of all evil."

frequently - fréquemment

refuses - refuse, refuser de

indigestion - une indigestion, indigestion

stomach - l'estomac, estomac, ventre, bedon (pot belly), digérer

"It is also the source of all good. The Greeks made it the seat of the soul. I have always claimed that the most important item in a great poet's biography is an exact reproduction of his menu."

Greeks - les grecs, grec, grecque, grecques

claimed - réclamé, réclamation, titre, affirmation

item - article, truc, point

biography - biographie

reproduction - reproduction

"True, a man who eats a heavy beefsteak for breakfast in the morning is incapable of writing a sonnet in the afternoon."

beefsteak - beefsteak, bifteck

"Yes," Reginald added, "we are what we eat and what our forefathers have eaten before us. I ascribe the staleness of American poetry to the griddle-cakes of our Puritan ancestors. I am sorry we cannot go deeper into the subject at present. But I have an invitation to dinner where I shall study, experimentally, the influence of French sauces on my versification."

forefathers - les ancetres, aieul, ancetre

ascribe - imputer, attribuer, preter

staleness - la stagnation

griddle - la plaque de cuisson

Puritan - puritain

ancestors - ancetres, ancetre

deeper - plus profond, profond, épais, grave, foncé, foncée

experimentally - de maniere expérimentale

sauces - sauces, sauce

versification - versification


"Au revoir." And, with a wave of the hand, Reginald left the room.

au - au, SPL

wave - vague, brandir, onde, flottge

When the door had closed behind him, Ernest's thoughts took a more serious turn. The tone of light bantering in which the preceding conversation had taken place had been assumed on his part. For the last few weeks evil dreams had tortured his sleep and cast their shadow upon his waking hours. They had ever increased in reality, in intensity and in hideousness.

preceding - précédent, précéder

Even now he could see the long, tapering fingers that every night were groping in the windings of his brain. It was a well-formed, manicured hand that seemed to reach under his skull, carefully feeling its way through the myriad convolutions where thought resides.

tapering - le tapering, (taper) le tapering

groping - tripotage, tâter, tâtonner, tripoter, peloter

manicured - manucuré, manucure

skull - crâne, crane

carefully - attentivement, soigneusement

convolutions - les circonvolutions, circonvolution

resides - réside, habiter, résider, demeurer

And, oh, the agony of it all! A human mind is not a thing of stone, but alive, horribly alive to pain. What was it those fingers sought, what mysterious treasures, what jewels hidden in the under-layer of his consciousness? His brain was like a human gold-mine, quaking under the blow of the pick and the tread of the miner. The miner! Ah, the miner!

alive - en vie, vivant

layer - couche, (lay) couche

quaking - tremblements, (quake) tremblements

pick - pioche, passeartout, choix, écran, prendre, cueillir, choisir

Miner - mineur

Ceaselessly, thoroughly, relentlessly, he opened vein after vein and wrested untold riches from the quivering ground; but each vein was a live vein and each nugget of gold a thought!

ceaselessly - sans cesse

thoroughly - a fond, absolument, completement

relentlessly - sans relâche

vein - veine

untold - inédit

nugget - pépite, bleu

No wonder the boy was a nervous wreck. Whenever a tremulous nascent idea was formulating itself, the dream-hand clutched it and took it away, brutally severing the fine threads that bind thought to thought. And when the morning came, how his head ached! It was not an acute pain, but dull, heavy, incessant.

tremulous - tremblant

nascent - naissante, naissant, émergent

formulating - la formulation, formuler

clutched - serré, se raccrocher (a)

brutally - brutalement, sauvagement

severing - le découpage, rompre, trancher, sectionner

bind - lier, attacher, nouer, connecter, coupler

ached - a souffert, douleur

acute - aigu, aiguë

These sensations, Ernest frequently told himself, were morbid fancies. But then, the monomaniac who imagines that his arms have been mangled or cut from his body, might as well be without arms. Mind can annihilate obstacles. It can also create them.

sensations - sensations, sensation

monomaniac - monomaniaque

mangled - mutilée, écraser, mutiler

obstacles - obstacles, obstacle

Psychology was no unfamiliar ground to Ernest, and it was not difficult for him to seek in some casual suggestion an explanation for his delusion, the fixed notion that haunted him day and night. But he also realized that to explain a phenomenon is not to explain it away.

unfamiliar - peu familier

casual - fortuit, accidentel, de hasard, occasionnel, désinvolte, sport

notion - notion

realized - réalisé, réaliser, se rendre compte, prendre conscience

The man who analyses his emotions cannot wholly escape them, and the shadow of fear-primal, inexplicable fear-may darken at moments of weakness the life of the subtlest psychologist and the clearest thinker.

analyses - analyses, analyse

inexplicable - inexplicable

darken - s'assombrir, obscurcir, assombrir, foncer

subtlest - le plus subtil, subtil, délicat, astucieux

clearest - le plus clair, clair, transparent, libre, dégagé

thinker - penseur, penseuse, intellectuel

He had never spoken to Reginald of his terrible nightmares. Coming on the heel of the fancy that he, Ernest, had written "The Princess With the Yellow Veil," a fancy that, by the way, had again possessed him of late, this new delusion would certainly arouse suspicion as to his sanity in Reginald's mind. He would probably send him to a sanitarium; he certainly would not keep him in the house.

nightmares - des cauchemars, cauchemar, mauvais reve, tourment

heel - talon, alinéa

Beneficence itself in all other things, his host was not to be trifled with in any matter that interfered with his work. He would act swiftly and without mercy.

beneficence - bienfaisance

trifled - trifouillé, bagatelle, broutille, babiole, bricole

interfered - interféré, meler

act - acte, loi, action, agir, faire, jouer, se comporter, faire (1)

mercy - la pitié, miséricorde, pitié

For the first time in many days Ernest thought of Abel Felton. Poor boy! What had become of him after he had been turned from the house? He would not wait for any one to tell him to pack his bundle. But then, that was impossible; Reginald was fond of him.

pack - pack, emballer, emballons, emballent, emballez, ballot

bundle - bundle, faisceau, fagot, paquet, ballot (of goods)

fond - fond, tendre, amoureux

Suddenly Ernest's meditations were interrupted by a noise at the outer door. A key was turned in the lock. It must be he-but why so soon? What could have brought him back at this hour? He opened the door and went out into the hall to see what had happened.

meditations - méditations, méditation

turned in - rendu

lock - serrure, clôturer, cerrure, arret, obturer, pene

The figure that he beheld was certainly not the person expected, but a woman, from whose shoulders a theatre-cloak fell in graceful folds,-probably a visitor for Reginald. Ernest was about to withdraw discreetly, when the electric light that was burning in the hallway fell upon her face and illumined it.

beheld - a été observée, regarder, voir, observer, voici, voila

cloak - cape, pelisse, pelerine

folds - plis, plier

withdraw - se retirer, dégarnir, claustrer

discreetly - discretement, discretement

hallway - traversant

Then indeed surprise overcame him. "Ethel," he cried, "is it you?"

Chapter XXIII

Ernest conducted Ethel Brandenbourg to his room and helped her to remove her cloak.

remove - supprimer, enlever

While he was placing the garment upon the back of a chair, she slipped a little key into her hand-bag. He looked at her with a question in his eyes.

"Yes," she replied, "I kept the key; but I had not dreamed that I would ever again cross this threshold."

Meanwhile it had grown quite dark. The reflection of the street lanterns without dimly lit the room, and through the twilight fantastic shadows seemed to dance.

lanterns - lanternes, lanterne

twilight - demi-jour, crépuscule, entre chien et loup, pénombre, brumes

The perfume of her hair pervaded the room and filled the boy's heart with romance. Tenderness long suppressed called with a thousand voices. The hour, the strangeness and unexpectedness of her visit, perhaps even a boy's pardonable vanity, roused passion from its slumbers and once again wrought in Ernest's soul the miracle of love.

pervaded - imprégné, saturer, pénétrer, envahir

romance - le romantisme, romance, idylle, amour romantique

strangeness - l'étrangeté, étrangeté

unexpectedness - soudaineté

pardonable - pardonnable

vanity - la vanité, vanité

slumbers - sommeil, somnolence, somnoler

miracle - miracle

His arm encircled her neck and his lips stammered blind, sweet, crazy and caressing things.

neck - cou, kiki

stammered - balbutié, balbutier, bégayer, bégaiement

crazy - fou, insensé, avoir une araignée au plafond, chtarbé

caressing - caressant, (cares) caressant

"Turn on the light," she pleaded.

pleaded - plaidée, plaider

"You were not always so cruel."

"No matter, I have not come to speak of love."

"Why, then, have you come?"

Ernest felt a little awkward, disappointed, as he uttered these words.

awkward - maladroit, gauche, embarrassant, inconvenant

What could have induced her to come to his rooms? He loosened his hold on her and did as she asked.

induced - induite, induire

loosened - desserré, desserrer

How pale she looked in the light, how beautiful! Surely, she had sorrowed for him; but why had she not answered his letter? Yes, why?

looked in - regardé

sorrowed - chagriné, peine, chagrin

"Your letter?" She smiled a little sadly. "Surely you did not expect me to answer that?"

"Why not?" He had again approached her and his lips were close to hers. "Why not? I have yearned for you. I love you."

yearned - désiré, aspirer a

His breath intoxicated her; it was like a subtle perfume. Still she did not yield.

intoxicated - en état d'ébriété, intoxiquer

"You love me now-you did not love me then. The music of your words was cold-machine-made, strained and superficial. I shall not answer, I told myself: in his heart he has forgotten you. I did not then realise that a dangerous force had possessed your life and crushed in your mind every image but its own."

crushed - écrasé, barricade, béguin, amourette, faible, coup de cour

"I don't understand."

"Do you think I would have come here if it were a light matter? No, I tell you, it is a matter of life and death to you, at least as an artist."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Have you done a stroke of work since I last saw you?"

"Yes, let me see, surely, magazine articles and a poem."

"That is not what I want to know. Have you accomplished anything big? Have you grown since this summer? How about your novel?"

"I-I have almost finished it in my mind, but I have found No chance to begin with the actual writing. I was sick of late, very sick."

No chance - Aucune chance

No doubt of it! His face was pinched and pale, and the lines about the mouth were curiously contorted, like those of a man suffering from a painful internal disease.

pinched - pincé, pincer, chiper, pincement, pincée

contorted - déformé, se contorsionner

painful - douloureux, laborieux

internal - interne

"Tell me," she ventured, "do you ever miss anything?"

"Do you mean-are there thieves?"

thieves - voleurs, voleur, voleuse

"Thieves! Against thieves one can protect oneself."

thieves - voleurs, voler

protect - protéger

oneself - soi-meme, soi-meme

He stared at her wildly, half-frightened, in anticipation of some dreadful revelation. His dream! His dream! That hand! Could it be more than a dream? God! His lips quivered.

wildly - sauvage, sauvagement

frightened - effrayé, effrayer, redouter, terrifier

dreadful - épouvantable, redoutable, affreux, terrible

Ethel observed his agitation and continued more quietly, but with the same insistence: "Have you ever had ideas, plans that you began without having strength to complete them? Have you had glimpses of vocal visions that seemed to vanish no sooner than seen? Did it ever seem to you as if some mysterious and superior will brutally interfered with the workings of your brain?"

insistence - l'insistance, insistance

glimpses - des aperçus, aperçu, entrevoir

visions - visions, vision, vue, aspiration, apparition

vanish - disparaître, s'évanouir, s'annuler

superior - supérieur

Did it seem so to him! He himself could not have stated more plainly the experience of the last few months. Each word fell from her lips like the blow of a hammer. Shivering, he put his arm around her, seeking solace, not love. This time she did not repulse him and, trustingly, as a child confides to his mother, he depicted to her the suffering that harrowed his life and made it a hell.

stated - a déclaré, état, Etat, déclarer

hammer - marteau, chien, malléus, marteler, (ham)

seeking - a la recherche, chercher

repulse - repousser

trustingly - en toute confiance

confides - se confie, faire confiance, confier

depicted - représenté, représenter, décrire

As she listened, indignation clouded her forehead, while rising tears of anger and of love weighed down her lashes. She could bear the pitiful sight no longer.

weighed - pesée, peser, lever l’ancre

pitiful - pitoyable

"Child," she cried, "do you know who your tormentor is?"

tormentor - bourreau

And like a flash the truth passed from her to him. A sudden intimation told him what her words had still concealed.

intimation - intimation

"Don't! For Christ's sake, do not pronounce his name!" he sobbed. "Do not breathe it. I could not endure it. I should go mad."

Christ - le christ, Christ, Messie, bon Dieu de merde

sake - du saké, dans l'intéret de qqn

pronounce - déclarer, prononcer, déclamer, lire

go mad - devenir fou

Chapter XXIV

Very quietly, with difficulty restraining her own emotion so as not to excite him further, Ethel had related to Ernest the story of her remarkable interview with Reginald Clarke. In the long silence that ensued, the wings of his soul brushed against hers for the first time, and Love by a thousand tender chains of common suffering welded their beings into one.

restraining - de contention, (se) contenir/retenir

related - en rapport, raconter, relater

welded - soudé, souder

Caressingly the ivory of her fingers passed through the gold of his hair and over his brow, as if to banish the demon-eyes that stared at him across the hideous spaces of the past. In a rush a thousand incidents came back to him, mute witnesses of a damning truth.

ivory - ivoire

banish - bannir

demon - démon, diable

witnesses - des témoins, témoignage, témoin, preuve, témoigner

damning - accablant, condamner, damner, réprouver, foutu, putain

His play, the dreams that tormented him, his own inability to concentrate his mind upon his novel which hitherto he had ascribed to nervous disease-all, piling fact on fact, became one monstrous monument of Reginald Clarke's crime. At last Ernest understood the parting words of Abel Felton and the look in Ethel's eye on the night when he had first linked his fate with the other man's.

tormented - tourmenté, tourment, tourmenter

hitherto - jusqu'a présent, jusqu'ici, jusqu'alors, jusqu'a maintenant

ascribed - attribuée, imputer, attribuer, preter

monument - monument, mémorial

crime - délit (max 10 years imprisonment according to law) crime (15 years and more) (nothing strictly between 10 and 15)

Walkham's experience, too, and Reginald's remarks on the busts of Shakespeare and Balzac unmistakably pointed toward the new and horrible spectre that Ethel's revelation had raised in place of his host.

remarks - remarques, remarque

unmistakably - sans équivoque

spectre - spectre

And then, again, the other Reginald appeared, crowned with the lyric wreath. From his lips golden cadences fell, sweeter than the smell of many flowers or the sound of a silver bell. He was once more the divine master, whose godlike features bore no trace of malice and who had raised him to a place very near his heart.

sweeter - plus doux, doucement, friandise, bonbon, sucreries-p

godlike - comme un dieu, divin

"No," he cried, "it is impossible. It's all a dream, a horrible nightmare."

nightmare - cauchemar, mauvais reve, tourment

"But he has himself confessed it," she interjected.

"Perhaps he has spoken in symbols. We all absorb to some extent other men's ideas, without robbing them and wrecking their thought-life. Reginald may be unscrupulous in the use of his power of impressing upon others the stamp of his master-mind. So was Shakespeare. No, no, no!

robbing - vol, voler, dévaliser

wrecking - démolition, (wreck), épave, carcasse, accident, bousiller

unscrupulous - sans scrupules

You are mistaken; we were both deluded for the moment by his picturesque account of a common, not even a discreditable, fact. He may himself have played with the idea, but surely he cannot have been serious."

are mistaken - Se tromper

deluded - trompés, tricher, tromper

picturesque - pittoresque

discreditable - discréditable

"And your own experience, and Abel Felton's and mine-can they, too, be dismissed with a shrug of the shoulder?"

dismissed - licencié, renvoyer, limoger, licencier, démettre

shrug - haussement d'épaules, hausser les épaules

"But, come to think of it, the whole theory seems absurd. It is unscientific. It is not even a case of mesmerism. If he had said that he hypnotised his victims, the matter would assume a totally different aspect. I admit that something is wrong somewhere, and that the home of Reginald Clarke is no healthful abode for me.

absurd - absurde

unscientific - non scientifique

victims - victimes, victime

assume - supposer, présupposer, présumer, assumer, adopter, prendre

aspect - aspect, rench: t-needed r

But you must also remember that probably we are both unstrung to the point of hysteria."

hysteria - l'hystérie, hystérie

But to Ethel his words carried no conviction.

"You are still under his spell," she cried, anxiously.

anxiously - avec anxiété, anxieusement

A little shaken in his confidence, Ernest resumed: "Reginald is utterly incapable of such an action, even granting that he possessed the terrible power of which you speak. A man of his splendid resources, a literary Midas at whose very touch every word turns into gold, is under no necessity to prey on the thoughts of others. Circumstances, I admit, are suspicious.

confidence - assurance, confiance en soi, confiance, confidence

granting - l'octroi, accorder, admettre

resources - ressources, ressource(s)

Midas - midas

turns into - se transforme en

circumstances - circonstances, circonstance

suspicious - suspect, méfiant, soupçonneux, suspicieux

But in the light of common day this fanciful theory shrivels into nothing. Any court of law would reject our evidence as madness. It is too utterly fantastic, utterly alien to any human experience."

shrivels - se ratatine, se flétrir, se rider

evidence - des preuves, preuve, prouver, démontrer

"Is it though?" Ethel replied with peculiar intonation.

"Why, what do you mean?"

"Surely," she answered, "you must know that in the legends of every nation we read of men and women who were called vampires. They are beings, not always wholly evil, whom every night some mysterious impulse leads to steal into unguarded bedchambers, to suck the blood of the sleepers and then, having waxed strong on the life of their victims, cautiously to retreat.

legends - légendes, légende

nation - nation, peuple

vampires - vampires, vampire, chauve-souris vampire

suck - aspirer, sucer, téter, etre chiant, etre nul

waxed - ciré, cire

retreat - retraite

Thence comes it that their lips are very red. It is even said that they can find no rest in the grave, but return to their former haunts long after they are believed to be dead. Those whom they visit, however, pine away for no apparent reason. The physicians shake their wise heads and speak of consumption.

thence - d'ou, des lors

pine away - se languir

physicians - médecins, médecin, femme médecin, docteur

wise - sage, sensé, genre, raisonnable

consumption - la consommation, consommation

But sometimes, ancient chronicles assure us, the people's suspicions were aroused, and under the leadership of a good priest they went in solemn procession to the graves of the persons suspected. And on opening the tombs it was found that their coffins had rotted away and the flowers in their hair were black.

ancient - ancienne, antique

Chronicles - chroniques, chronique

suspicions - des soupçons, suspicion, soupçon

leadership - le leadership, autorité, charisme, leadership

solemn - solennel

procession - procession, cortege, kyrielle

graves - tombes, tombe

suspected - soupçonné, suspecter, soupçonner

tombs - tombes, tombe, tombeau

coffins - cercueils, cercueil

rotted - pourri, pourrir

But their bodies were white and whole; through no empty sockets crept the vermin, and their sucking lips were still moist with a little blood."

empty - vide, vider, cadavre

sockets - des prises, prise, douille, orbite (for the eye), cavité

vermin - la vermine, vermine

moist - humide, moite

Ernest was carried away in spite of himself by her account, which vividly resembled his own experience. Still he would not give in.

carried away - emportée

vividly - précise

give in - céder

"All this is impressive. I admit it is very impressive. But you yourself speak of such stories as legends. They are unfounded upon any tangible fact, and you cannot expect a man schooled in modern sciences to admit, as having any possible bearing upon his life, the crude belief of the Middle Ages!"

impressive - impressionnante

unfounded - sans fondement

belief - croyance, conviction, foi

Middle Ages - Le Moyen Âge

"Why not?" she responded. "Our scientists have proved true the wildest theories of medićval scholars. The transmutation of metals seems to-day no longer an idle speculation, and radium has transformed into potential reality the dream of perpetual motion. The fundamental notions of mathematics are being undermined.

proved - prouvé, prouver

theories - théories, théorie

scholars - des universitaires, étudiant, expert, savant, érudit

metals - métaux, métal, metal

speculation - spéculation

fundamental - fondamentale, fondement, fondamental

notions - notions, notion

undermined - minée, saper

One school of philosophers claims that the number of angles in a triangle is equal to more than two right angles; another propounds that it is less. Even great scientists who have studied the soul of nature are turning to spiritism. The world is overcoming the shallow scepticism of the nineteenth century. Life has become once more wonderful and very mysterious.

philosophers - philosophes, philosophe

claims - demandes, réclamation, titre, affirmation

triangle - triangle

propounds - propose, proposer

spiritism - le spiritisme, spiritisme

Overcoming - surmonter, vaincre, envahir

shallow - superficielle, peu profond, superficiel, haut-fond, baisse

scepticism - scepticisme

nineteenth - dix-neuvieme, dix-neuvieme ('before the noun'), ('in names of monarchs and popes') dix-neuf ('after the name') ('abbreviation' XIX)

But it also seems that, with the miracles of the old days, their terrors, their nightmares and their monsters have come back in a modern guise."

miracles - des miracles, miracle

terrors - terreurs, terreur, effroi, terrorisme

guise - guise, configuration

Ernest became even more thoughtful. "Yes," he observed, "there is something in what you say." Then, pacing the room nervously, he exclaimed: "And still I find it impossible to believe your explanation. Reginald a vampire! It seems so ludicrous.

more thoughtful - plus réfléchi

pacing - le rythme, pas

ludicrous - ridicule

If you had told me that such creatures exist somewhere, far away, I might have discussed the matter; but in this great city, in the shadow of the Flatiron Building-no!"

flatiron - flatiron

She replied with warmth: "Yet they exist-always have existed. Not only in the Middle Ages, but at all times and in all regions. There is no nation but has some record of them, in one form or another.

warmth - chaleur

existed - a existé, exister

regions - régions, région

record - record, enregistrent, enregistrez, enregistrons

And don't you think if we find a thought, no matter how absurd it may seem to us, that has ever occupied the minds of men-if we find, I say, such a perennially recurrent thought, are we not justified in assuming that it must have some basis in the actual experience of mankind?"

perennially - perpétuellement

recurrent - récurrente

justified - justifiée, justifier

assuming - en supposant, assumant, (assume), supposer, présupposer

basis - base

mankind - l'humanité, humanité, genre humain, hommes

Ernest's brow became very clouded, and infinite numbers of hidden premature wrinkles began to show. How wan he looked and how frail! He was as one lost in a labyrinth in which he saw no light, convinced against his will, or rather, against his scientific conviction, that she was not wholly mistaken.

premature - prématurée, prématuré

Convinced - convaincu, convaincre, persuader

"Still," he observed triumphantly, "your vampires suck blood; but Reginald, if vampire he be, preys upon the soul. How can a man suck from another man's brain a thing as intangible, as quintessential as thought?"

intangible - intangible

quintessential - quintessence

"Ah," she replied, "you forget, thought is more real than blood!"

Chapter XXV

Only three hours had passed since Ethel had startled Ernest from his sombre reveries, but within this brief space their love had matured as if each hour had been a year. The pallor had vanished from his cheeks and the restiveness from his eyes. The intoxication of her presence had rekindled the light of his countenance and given him strength to combat the mighty forces embodied in Reginald Clarke.

reveries - reveries, reverie

matured - muri, mur

restiveness - la résilience

intoxication - l'intoxication, intoxication

combat - combat, bataille, lutte, combattre

The child in him had made room for the man. He would not hear of surrendering without a struggle, and Ethel felt sure she might leave his fate in his own hand. Love had lent him a coat of mail. He was warned, and would not succumb. Still she made one more attempt to persuade him to leave the house at once with her.

hear of - Entendre parler de

surrendering - se rendre, capituler, rendre

succumb - succomber

persuade - persuader

"I must go now," she said. "Will you not come with me, after all? I am so afraid to think of you still here."

"No, dear," he replied. "I shall not desert my post. I must solve the riddle of this man's life; and if, indeed, he is the thing he seems to be, I shall attempt to wrest from him what he has stolen from me. I speak of my unwritten novel."

desert - désert, désertez, quitter, désertons, désertent, déserter

riddle - énigme

stolen from - Voler de

"Do not attempt to oppose him openly. You cannot resist him."

oppose - s'opposer a

openly - ouvertement

resist - résister

"Be assured that I shall be on my guard. I have in the last few hours lived through so much that makes life worth living, that I would not wantonly expose myself to any danger. Still, I cannot go without certainty-cannot, if there is some truth in our fears, leave the best of me behind."

assured - assurée, assurerent, assura, assurai

guard - garde, protection, gardien, arriere, défense, garder

wantonly - a tort et a travers

expose - exposer, dénoncer

certainty - certitude

"What are you planning to do?"

"My play-I am sure now that it is mine-I cannot take from him; that is irretrievably lost. He has read it to his circle and prepared for its publication. And, no matter how firmly convinced you or I may be of his strange power, no one would believe our testimony. They would pronounce us mad. Perhaps we are mad!"

publication - publication

testimony - témoignage

"No; we are not mad; but it is mad for you to stay here," she asserted.

"I shall not stay here one minute longer than is absolutely essential. Within a week I shall have conclusive proof of his guilt or innocence."

absolutely essential - absolument indispensable

conclusive - concluante

Proof - la preuve, preuve, épreuve

innocence - l'innocence, innocence, candeur

"How will you go about it?"

"His writing table-"


"Yes, perhaps I can discover some note, some indication, some proof-"

"It's a dangerous game."

"I have everything to gain."

"I wish I could stay here with you," she said. "Have you no friend, no one whom you could trust in this delicate matter?"

wish - souhait, souhaiter, espérer

trust - confiance, trust, faire confiance, avoir foi en quelqu’un

"Why, yes-Jack."

A shadow passed over her face.

passed over - Passé par-dessus

"Do you know," she said, "I have a feeling that you care more for him than for me?"

"Nonsense," he said, "he is my friend, you, you-immeasurably more."

immeasurably - de maniere incommensurable

"Are you still as intimate with him as when I first met you?"

"Not quite; of late a troubling something, like a thin veil, seems to have passed between us. But he will come when I call him. He will not fail me in my hour of need."

troubling - troublant, génant, (trouble), peine, mal, probleme, emmerde

"When can he be here?"

"In two or three days."

"Meanwhile be very careful. Above all, lock your door at night."

careful - prudent, soigneux, attentif

"I will not only lock, but barricade it. I shall try with all my power to elucidate this mystery without, however, exposing myself to needless risks."

barricade - barricade, barricader

elucidate - élucider, expliquer

exposing - exposer, dénoncer

needless - superflu, inutile

risks - risques, risque

"I will go, then. Kiss me good-bye."

"May I not take you to the car?"

"You had better not."

At the door she turned back once more. "Write me every day, or call me up on the telephone."

He straightened himself, as if to convince her of his strength. Yet when at last the door had closed behind her, his courage forsook him for a moment. And, if he had not been ashamed to appear a weakling before the woman he loved, who knows if any power on earth could have kept him in that house where from every corner a secret seemed to lurk!

straightened - redressé, redresser

convince - convaincre, persuader

courage - bravoure, courage, cour, vaillance

forsook - abandonné, abandonner, renoncer

ashamed - honteux

power on - Allumer

lurk - se cacher, s'embusquer, se dissimuler, traîner

There was a misgiving, too, in the woman's heart as she left the boy behind,-a prey to the occult power that, seeking expression in multiple activities, has made and unmade emperors, prophets and poets.

misgiving - des doutes, état d'âme, (misgive) des doutes

multiple - multiples, multiple

emperors - empereurs, empereur

prophets - prophetes, prophete, prophétesse, devin

As she stepped into a street car she saw from afar, as in a vision, the face of Reginald Clarke. It seemed very white and hungry. There was no human kindness in it-only a threat and a sneer.

afar - loin, afar

human kindness - la bonté humaine

threat - menace

Chapter XXVI

For over an hour Ernest paced up and down his room, wildly excited by Ethel's revelations. It required an immense amount of self-control for him to pen the following lines to Jack: "I need you. Come."

paced - rythmée, pas

amount - montant, quantité, monter, correspondre

self-control - (self-control) le contrôle de soi

After he had entrusted the letter to the hall-boy, a reaction set in and he was able to consider the matter, if not with equanimity, at least with a degree of calmness. The strangest thing to him was that he could not bring himself to hate Reginald, of whose evil influence upon his life he was now firmly convinced.

entrusted - confiés, confier

equanimity - l'équanimité, équanimité

calmness - le calme, calme

Here was another shattered idol; but one-like the fragment of a great god-face in the desert-intensely fascinating, even in its ruin. Then yielding to a natural impulse, Ernest looked over his photographs and at once laid hold upon the austere image of his master and friend. No-it was preposterous; there was no evil in this man.

fragment - fragment, fragmenter

yielding - rendant, (yield) rendant

preposterous - absurde

There was no trace of malice in this face, the face of a prophet or an inspired madman, a poet. And yet, as he scrutinised the picture closely a curious transformation seemed to take place in the features; a sly little line appeared insinuatingly about Reginald's well-formed mouth, and the serene calm of his Jupiter-head seemed to turn into the sneak smile of a thief.

closely - de pres, étroitement, pres

sly - sly, sournois, malin, rusé, matois, espiegle

insinuatingly - de maniere insinuante

serene - serein, enjoué

Jupiter - jupiter

sneak - sournois, resquilleur, faucher, piquer, resquiller, cacher

thief - voleur, voleuse

Nevertheless, Ernest was not afraid. His anxieties had at last assumed definite shape; it was possible now to be on his guard. It is only invisible, incomprehensible fear, crouching upon us from the night, that drives sensitive natures to the verge of madness and transforms stern warriors into cowards.

anxieties - angoisses, anxiété, inquiétude, angoisse

incomprehensible - incompréhensible

crouching - accroupi, s'accroupir

sensitive - sensible

natures - natures, nature

transforms - transforme, transformer, transformée

stern - sévere, poupe

warriors - guerriers, guerrier, guerriere

cowards - des lâches, couard, couarde, poltron, poltronne, froussard

Ernest realised the necessity of postponing the proposed investigation of Reginald's papers until the morning, as it was now near eleven, and he expected to hear at any moment the sound of his feet at the door. Before retiring he took a number of precautions. Carefully he locked the door to his bedroom and placed a chair in front of it.

postponing - le report, repousser, remettre, reporter, différer

proposed - proposée, proposer, demander en mariage

investigation - enquete, investigation

retiring - a la retraite, prendre sa retraite

precautions - des précautions, précaution

locked - verrouillé, serrure

To make doubly sure, he fastened the handle to an exquisite Chinese vase, a gift of Reginald's, that at the least attempt to force an entrance from without would come down with a crash.

doubly - doublement

fastened - fixé, attacher, fixer

handle - poignée, crosse, manions, traiter, manient, maniez

gift - présent, cadeau, don, talent, donner

entrance - entrée, cochere

crash - crash, fracas

Then, although sleep seemed out of the question, he went to bed. He had hardly touched the pillow when a leaden weight seemed to fall upon his eyes. The day's commotion had been too much for his delicate frame. by force of habit he pulled the cover over his ear and fell asleep.

pillow - oreiller, tetiere

weight - poids, lest, graisse, alourdir, lester, appesantir

by force - par la force

habit - habitude, configuration

cover - une couverture

asleep - endormi

All night he slept heavily, and the morning was far advanced when a knock at the door that, at first, seemed to come across an immeasurable distance, brought him back to himself. It was Reginald's manservant announcing that breakfast was waiting.

knock - coup, frapper

immeasurable - incommensurable

manservant - serviteur

announcing - annonçant, annoncer

Ernest got up and rubbed his eyes. The barricade at the door at once brought back to his mind with startling clearness the events of the previous evening.

rubbed - frotté, friction, hic, frotter, polir

brought back - ramené

clearness - clarté

previous - précédente, préalable

Everything was as he had left it. Evidently no one had attempted to enter the room while he slept. He could not help smiling at the arrangement which reminded him of his childhood, when he had sought by similar means security from burglars and bogeys. And in the broad daylight Ethel's tales of vampires seemed once more impossible and absurd.

Security - la sécurité, sécurité, sécurisant, titre négociable

burglars - des cambrioleurs, cambrioleur, cambrioleuse

bogeys - bogeys, bogie

tales - contes, conte, récit

Still, he had abundant evidence of Reginald's strange influence, and was determined to know the truth before nightfall. Her words, that thought is more real than blood, kept ringing in his ears. If such was the case, he would find evidence of Reginald's intellectual burglaries, and possibly be able to regain a part of his lost self that had been snatched from him by the relentless dream-hand.

abundant - abondante

nightfall - a la tombée de la nuit, tombée de la nuit

burglaries - cambriolages, cambriolage

Possibly - peut-etre, possiblement, peut-etre

regain - retrouver, reconquérir, reprendre

snatched from - arraché

But under no circumstances could he face Reginald in his present state of mind. He was convinced that if in the fleeting vision of a moment the other man's true nature should reveal itself to him, he would be so terribly afraid as to shriek like a maniac. So he dressed particularly slowly in the hope of avoiding an encounter with his host. But fate thwarted this hope.

reveal - révéler, laisser voir

Terribly - terriblement

shriek - cri, hurlement, crier

maniac - maniaque, cinglé, cinglée

avoiding - en évitant, éviter, fuir

encounter - rencontrer, rencontre

thwarted - contrecarrée, contrecarrer, contrarier, banc

Reginald, too, lingered that morning unusually long over his coffee. He was just taking his last sip when Ernest entered the room. His behaviour was of an almost bourgeois kindness. Benevolence fairly beamed from his face. But to the boy's eyes it had assumed a new and sinister expression.

unusually - de façon inhabituelle

benevolence - la bienveillance, bienveillance, bénévolence

fairly - équitable, justement, assez

beamed - téléporté, madrier, poutre, merrain, perche, limon, timon, age

"You are late this morning, Ernest," he remarked in his mildest manner. "Have you been about town, or writing poetry? Both occupations are equally unhealthy." As he said this he watched the young man with the inscrutable smile that at moments was wont to curl upon his lips.

are late - etre en retard

mildest - le plus doux, doux, douce, léger

occupations - professions, occupation

unhealthy - malsain, mauvais pour la santé

curl - boucle, rotationnel, boucler

Ernest had once likened it to the smile of Mona Lisa, but now he detected in it the suavity of the hypocrite and the leer of the criminal.

suavity - suavité, courtoisie

hypocrite - hypocrite, pharisien, pharisienne, tartufe

leer - leer, regard mauvais, (lee) leer

He could not endure it; he could not look upon that face any longer. His feet almost gave way under him, cold sweat gathered on his brow, and he sank on a chair trembling and studiously avoiding the other man's gaze.

gave way - céder le passage

sweat - de la sueur, transpirer, suer, transpiration

sank - a coulé, couler, s'enfoncer, évier, lavabo

At last Reginald rose to go. It seemed impossible to accuse this splendid impersonation of vigorous manhood of cunning and underhand methods, of plagiarisms and of theft. As he stood there he resembled more than anything a beautiful tiger-cat, a wonderful thing of strength and will-power, indomitable and insatiate. Yet who could tell whether this strength was not, after all, parasitic.

accuse - accuser

impersonation - l'usurpation d'identité

manhood - la virilité, humanité, virilité, masculinité

cunning - astucieux, rusé

underhand - en dessous de la main

methods - méthodes, méthode

theft - vol

insatiate - insatiable

parasitic - parasites

If Ethel's suspicions were justified, then, indeed, more had been taken from him than he could ever realise. For in that case it was his life-blood that circled in those veins and the fire of his intellect that set those lips aflame!

circled - encerclée, cercle, disque, yeux cernés-p, cerne

aflame - en feu

Chapter XXVII

Reginald Clarke had hardly left the room when Ernest hastily rose from his seat. While it was likely that he would remain in undisturbed possession of the apartment the whole morning, the stake at hand was too great to permit of delay.

remain - reste, rester, demeurer

undisturbed - sans etre dérangé

delay - délai, ajourner, décélération, surseoir, retard, retarder

Palpitating and a little uncertain, he entered the studio where, scarcely a year ago, Reginald Clarke had bidden him welcome. Nothing had changed there since then; only in Ernest's mind the room had assumed an aspect of evil. The Antinous was there and the Faun and the Christ-head. But their juxtaposition to-day partook of the nature of the blasphemous.

palpitating - des palpitations, palpiter

uncertain - incertaine

scarcely - a peine, a peine, guere

bidden - interdites, faire une enchere (de)

Faun - faune

juxtaposition - juxtaposition

partook - ont participé, participer

The statues of Shakespeare and Balzac seemed to frown from their pedestals as his fingers were running through Reginald's papers. He brushed against a semblance of Napoleon that was standing on the writing-table, so that it toppled over and made a noise that weirdly re-echoed in the silence of the room.

statues - statues, statue

frown - froncer les sourcils

pedestals - des piédestaux, piédestal

toppled - renversé, renverser, (of statues) déboulonner, tomber, chuter

weirdly - bizarrement

echoed - en écho, écho

At that moment a curious family resemblance between Shakespeare, Balzac, Napoleon-and Reginald, forcibly impressed itself upon his mind. It was the indisputable something that marks those who are chosen to give ultimate expression to some gigantic world-purpose. In Balzac's face it was diffused with kindliness, in that of Napoleon sheer brutality predominated.

resemblance - ressemblance, comparaison, probabilité

forcibly - de force

indisputable - indiscutable

gigantic - gigantesque, colossal

purpose - objectif, dgssein, dessein, finalité, but

diffused - diffusée, (se) diffuser, (se) répandre

kindliness - la gentillesse

brutality - brutalité

The image of one who was said to be the richest man of the world also rose before his eyes. Perhaps it was only the play of his fevered imagination, but he could have sworn that this man's features, too, bore the mark of those unoriginal, great absorptive minds who, for better or for worse, are born to rob and rule.

unoriginal - sans originalité

rob - rob, ravir, piller

They seemed to him monsters that know neither justice nor pity, only the law of their being, the law of growth.

justice - justice, équité, conseiller

Common weapons would not avail against such forces. Being one, they were stronger than armies; nor could they be overcome in single combat. Stealth, trickery, the outfit of the knave, were legitimate weapons in such a fight. In this case the end justified the means, even if the latter included burglary.

weapons - des armes, arme

avail - avail, profiter, saisir, servir

armies - armées, armée

overcome - vaincre, surmonter, envahir

single combat - Combat singulier

stealth - furtif, furtivité, discrétion

trickery - la tromperie, tricherie, magouillage

outfit - la tenue, complet, costume, tenue, nécessaire, maison

knave - chevalier, page, voyou, fourbe, valet

fight - combattre, combattons, rixe, combattez, combattent

burglary - cambriolage

After a brief and fruitless search of the desk, he attempted to force open a secret drawer, the presence of which he had one day accidentally discovered. He tried a number of keys to no account, and was thinking of giving up his researches for the day until he had procured a skeleton key, when at last the lock gave way.

fruitless - infructueux, abortif, abortive, vain

force open - forcer l'ouverture

drawer - tiroir, souscripteur

accidentally - accidentellement

researches - recherches, recherche, rechercher, examiner

procured - procuré, acquérir, obtenir, proxénétisme, procurer

skeleton key - passe-partout

The drawer disclosed a large file of manuscript. Ernest paused for a moment to draw breath. The paper rustled under his nervous fingers. And there-at last-his eyes lit upon a bulky bundle that bore this legend: "Leontina, A Novel."

disclosed - divulguée, découvrir, laisser voir, révéler, divulguer

file - fichier, ranger, dossier, classement, limer, lime, rangée

bulky - gros, corpulent ('of a person'), volumineux, encombrant

legend - légende

It was true, then-all, his dream, Reginald's confession. And the house that had opened its doors so kindly to him was the house of a Vampire!

confession - confession

Finally curiosity overcame his burning indignation. He attempted to read. The letters seemed to dance before his eyes-his hands trembled.

At last he succeeded. The words that had first rolled over like drunken soldiers now marched before his vision in orderly sequence. He was delighted, then stunned. This was indeed authentic literature, there could be no doubt about it. And it was his. He was still a poet, a great poet. He drew a deep breath. Sudden joy trembled in his heart.

succeeded - a réussi, succéder, réussir, avoir du succes

drunken - ivre

soldiers - soldats, soldat, mouillette

authentic - authentique

This story set down by a foreign hand had grown chapter by chapter in his brain.

foreign - étrangers, étranger, étrangere

There were some slight changes-slight deviations from the original plan. A defter hand than his had retouched it here and there, but for all that it remained his very own. It did not belong to that thief. The blood welled to his cheek as he uttered this word that, applied to Reginald, seemed almost sacrilegious.

deviations - des écarts, déviation, rench: -neededr

defter - defter, adroit, compétent, habile

belong - appartiennent, appartenons, faire partie de, appartiens

applied - appliquée, appliquer (sur)

sacrilegious - sacrilege

He had nearly reached the last chapter when he heard steps in the hallway. Hurriedly he restored the manuscript to its place, closed the drawer and left the room on tiptoe.

nearly - presque

steps - étapes, pas

hurriedly - en toute hâte, a la hâte, a la sauvette, a la va-vite

restored - restaurée, restaurer, rétablir, rendre, restituer

on tiptoe - sur la pointe des pieds

It was Reginald. But he did not come alone. Someone was speaking to him. The voice seemed familiar. Ernest could not make out what it said. He listened intently and-was it possible? Jack? Surely he could not yet have come in response to his note! What mysterious power, what dim presentiment of his friend's plight had led him hither?

intently - attentivement

presentiment - pressentiment

plight - situation difficile, situation critique

led - dirigé, DEL, LED, (lead) dirigé

But why did he linger so long in Reginald's room, instead of hastening to greet him? Cautiously he drew nearer. This time he caught Jack's words:

hastening to - se hâter

greet - saluer, saluons, saluez, saluent

"It would be very convenient and pleasant. Still, some way, I feel that it is not right for me, of all men, to take his place here."

Convenient - pratique, commode

"That need not concern you," Reginald deliberately replied; "the dear boy expressed the desire to leave me within a fortnight. I think he will go to some private sanitarium. His nerves are frightfully overstrained."

deliberately - délibérément

expressed - exprimée, exprimer

fortnight - quinze jours, deux semaines, quinzaine

"This seems hardly surprising after the terrible attack he had when you read your play."

attack - attaque, attaquer, apostropher, invectiver

"That idea has since then developed into a monomania."

developed - développé, se développer, développer

monomania - monomanie

"I am awfully sorry for him. I cared for him much, perhaps too much. But I always feared that he would come to such an end. Of late his letters have been strangely unbalanced."

awfully - terriblement

feared - craint, peur

unbalanced - déséquilibré, désaxer, déséquilibrer

"You will find him very much changed. In fact, he is no longer the same."

"No," said Jack, "he is no longer the friend I loved."

Ernest clutched for the wall. His face was contorted with intense agony. Each word was like a nail driven into his flesh. Crucified upon the cross of his own affection by the hand he loved, all white and trembling he stood there. Tears rushed to his eyes, but he could not weep. Dry-eyed he reached his room and threw himself upon his bed. Thus he lay-uncomforted and alone.

driven into - dans lequel il a été conduit

rushed - précipité, se précipiter, emmener d'urgence

weep - pleurer, pleurez, pleurons, pleurent

threw - jeté, jeter, lancer

uncomforted - mal a l'aise

Chapter XXVIII

Terrible as was his loneliness, a meeting with Jack would have been more terrible. And, after all, it was true, a gulf had opened between them.

Gulf - golfe

Ethel alone could bring solace to his soul. There was a great void in his heart which only she could fill. He hungered for the touch of her hand. He longed for her presence strongly, as a wanton lusts for pleasure and as sad men crave death.

void - vide, vacuum

hungered - faim

strongly - fort, fortement

lusts - des désirs, luxure, concupiscence, convoitise, joie, désirer

crave - envie, souhaiter, désirer, implorer

Noiselessly he stole to the door so as not to arouse the attention of the other two men, whose every whisper pierced his heart like a dagger. When he came to Ethel's home, he found that she had gone out for a breath of air. The servant ushered him into the parlor, and there he waited, waited, waited for her.

noiselessly - sans bruit

dagger - poignard, surin

servant - serviteur, domestique, servante, checkserviteur

ushered - huissier, ouvreur, escorte, garçon d'honneur, escorter

parlor - parloir, salon, salle de traite

Greatly calmed by his walk, he turned the details of Clarke's conversation over in his mind, and the conviction grew upon him that the friend of his boyhood was not to blame for his course of action. Reginald probably had encircled Jack's soul with his demoniacal influence and singled him out for another victim. That must never be. It was his turn to save now.

demoniacal - démoniaque

singled - célibataire, seul, célibatairef, simple

He would warn his friend of the danger that threatened him, even if his words should be spoken into the wind. For Reginald, with an ingenuity almost satanic, had already suggested that the delusion of former days had developed into a monomania, and any attempt on his part to warn Jack would only seem to confirm this theory. In that case only one way was left open.

warn - avertir, alerter, prévenir

threatened - menacé, menacer

ingenuity - l'ingéniosité, ingéniosité

satanic - satanique

confirm - confirmer

left open - laissé ouvert

He must plead with Reginald himself, confront at all risks that snatcher of souls. To-night he would not fall asleep. He would keep his vigil. And if Reginald should approach his room, if in some way he felt the direful presence, he must speak out, threaten if need be, to save his friend from ruin.

plead - plaider

confront - confronter

snatcher - voleur

fall asleep - s'endormir

vigil - veille, veillée

direful - terribles

threaten - menacer

He had fully determined upon this course when a cry of joy from Ethel, who had just returned from her walk, interrupted his reverie. But her gladness changed to anxiety when she saw how pale he was. Ernest recounted to her the happenings of the day, from the discovery of his novel in Reginald's desk to the conversation which he had accidentally overheard.

fully - pleinement, entierement, completement

gladness - la joie, allégresse

anxiety - l'anxiété, anxiété, inquiétude, angoisse

recounted - raconté, raconter

discovery - découverte

He noticed that her features brightened as he drew near the end of his tale.

Tale - conte, récit

"Was your novel finished?" she suddenly asked.

"I think so."

"Then you are out of danger. He will want nothing else of you. But you should have taken it with you."

out of danger - hors de danger

"I had only sufficient presence of mind to slip it back into the drawer. To-morrow I shall simply demand it."

sufficient - suffisante, suffisant

slip - glisser, fiche, lapsus, patiner

"You will do nothing of the kind. It is in his handwriting, and you have no legal proof that it is yours. You must take it away secretly. And he will not dare to reclaim it."

handwriting - l'écriture, écriture de main

legal - légale, juridique, légal

dare - oser, aventurer

reclaim - réclamer

"And Jack?"

She had quite forgotten Jack. Women are invariably selfish for those they love.

Selfish - égoiste, égoiste

"You must warn him," she replied.

"He would laugh at me. However, I must speak to Reginald."

"It is of no avail to speak to him. At least, you must not do so before you have obtained the manuscript. It would unnecessarily jeopardise our plans."

unnecessarily - inutilement

jeopardise - mettre en péril

"And after?"

"After, perhaps. But you must not expose yourself to any danger."

"No, dear," he said, and kissed her; "what danger is there, provided I keep my wits about me? He steals upon men only in their sleep and in the dark."

provided - fourni, fournir, procurer, pourvoir

wits - l'esprit, esprit

steals - vol, voler

"Be careful, nevertheless."

"I shall. In fact, I think he is not at home at this moment. If I go now I may be able to get hold of the manuscript and hide it before he returns."

"I cannot but tremble to think of you in that house."

tremble - trembler, vibrer, tremblement, vibration

"You shall have no more reason to tremble in a day or two."

"Shall I see you to-morrow?"

"I don't think so. I must go over my papers and things so as to be ready at any moment to leave the house."

I don't think so - Je ne pense pas.

"And then?"


He took her in his arms and looked long and deeply into her eyes.

"Yes," she replied-"at least, perhaps."

Then he turned to go, resolute and happy. How strangely he had matured since the summer! Her heart swelled with the consciousness that it was her love that had effected this transformation.

swelled - gonflé, enfler, gonfler

effected - affectée, effet, effets-p, effectuer

"As I cannot expect you to-morrow, I shall probably go to the opera, but I shall be at home before midnight. Will you call me up then? A word from you will put me at ease for the night, even if it comes over the telephone."

opera - l'opéra, opéra, (opus) l'opéra

at ease - a l'aise

"I will call you up. We moderns have an advantage over the ancients in this respect: the twentieth-century Pyramus can speak to Thisbe even if innumerable walls sever his body from hers."

advantage - avantage, avantager, favoriser

ancients - des anciens, ancien, antique

respect - respect, respecter

innumerable - innombrables

sever - sévere, rompre, trancher, sectionner

"A quaint conceit! But let us hope that our love-story will end less tragically," she said, tenderly caressing his hair. "Oh, we shall be happy, you and I," she added, after a while. "The iron finger of fate that lay so heavily on our lives is now withdrawn. Almost withdrawn. Yes, almost. Only almost."

conceit - la vanité, vanité, orgueil, concept

love-story - (love-story) histoire d'amour

tragically - tragiquement

tenderly - tendrement

And then a sudden fear overcame her.

"No," she cried, "do not go, do not go! Stay with me; stay here. I feel so frightened. I don't know what comes over me. I am afraid-afraid for you."

"No, dear," he rejoined, "you need not be afraid. In your heart you don't want me to desert a friend, and, besides, leave the best part of my artistic life in Reginald's clutch."

clutch - embrayage, agriffons, couplage, saisir, agriffez, agriffent

"Why should you expose yourself to God knows what danger for a friend who is ready to betray you?"

betray - trahir, livrer

"You forget friendship is a gift. If it exacts payment in any form, it is no longer either friendship or a gift. And you yourself have assured me that I have nothing to fear from Reginald. I have nothing to give to him."

exacts - exacts, exact, précis, exiger

payment - paiement, payement

She rallied under his words and had regained her self-possession when the door closed behind him. He walked a few blocks very briskly. Then his pace slackened. Her words had unsettled him a little, and when he reached home he did not at once resume his exploration of Reginald's papers. He had hardly lit a cigarette when, at an unusually early hour, he heard Reginald's key in the lock.

rallied - rallié, (se) rallier

regained - retrouvée, reconquérir, reprendre

blocks - blocs, bloc

pace - rythme, pas

unsettled - déstabilisé, perturber

resume - cv, resume, reprendent, reprends, reprenez, reprenons

exploration - l'exploration, exploration

Quickly he turned the light out and in the semi-darkness, lit up by an electric lantern below, barricaded the door as on the previous night. Then he went to bed without finding sleep.

lantern - lanterne

barricaded - barricadé, barricade, barricader

Supreme silence reigned over the house. Even the elevator had ceased to run. Ernest's brain was all ear. He heard Reginald walking up and down in the studio. Not the smallest movement escaped his attention. Thus hours passed. When the clock struck twelve, he was still walking up and down, down and up, up and down.

reigned - régnait, regne, régner

ceased - cessé, cesser, s'arreter, cesser de + 'infinitive'

One o'clock.

Still the measured beat of his footfall had not ceased. There was something hypnotic in the regular tread. Nature at last exacted its toll from the boy. He fell asleep.

hypnotic - hypnotique, narcotique

regular - réguliere, régulier, habitué, habituée, habitués, habituées

exacted - exigé, exact, précis, exiger

Toll - le péage, péage

Hardly had he closed his eyes when again that horrible nightmare-no longer a nightmare-tormented him. Again he felt the pointed delicate fingers carefully feeling their way along the innumerable tangled threads of nerve-matter that lead to the innermost recesses of self....

tangled - enchevetrés, désordre, enchevetrement

lead - plomb, guider, conduire, mener

A subconscious something strove to arouse him, and he felt the fingers softly withdrawn.

subconscious - subconscient

strove - s'efforcer, s'efforcer de

He could have sworn that he heard the scurrying of feet in the room. Bathed in perspiration he made a leap for the electric light.

scurrying - se précipiter, détaler, se sauver

perspiration - la transpiration, transpiration

But there was no sign of any human presence. The barricade at the door was undisturbed. But fear like a great wind filled the wings of his soul.

sign - signe, signent, signez, placard, caractériser

Yet there was nothing, nothing to warrant his conviction that Reginald Clarke had been with him only a few moments ago, plying his horrible trade. The large mirror above the fireplace only showed him his own face, white, excited,-the face of a madman.

plying - plier, exercer (un métier)

trade - le commerce

mirror - glace, miroir, copie, refléter

fireplace - âtre, foyer, cheminée

Chapter XXIX

The next morning's mail brought a letter from Ethel, a few lines of encouragement and affection. Yes, she was right; it would not do for him to stay under one roof with Reginald any longer. He must only obtain the manuscript and, if possible, surprise him in the attempt to exercise his mysterious and criminal power.

encouragement - d'encouragement, encouragement

obtain - obtenir, se procurer, réussir, avoir succes, s'établir

if possible - si possible

Then he would be in the position to dictate terms and to demand Jack's safety as the price of his silence.

dictate - dicter

terms - conditions, peine, mandat, période

safety - la sécurité, sécurité, sureté

Reginald, however, had closeted himself that day in his studio busily writing. Only the clatter of his typewriter announced his presence in the house. There was no chance for conversation or for obtaining the precious manuscript of "Leontina."

closeted - fermé, placard

busily - avec activité

typewriter - machine a écrire, machine a écrire, dactylo

announced - annoncée, annoncer

obtaining - l'obtention, obtenir, se procurer, réussir, avoir succes, avoir

Meanwhile Ernest was looking over his papers and preparing everything for a quick departure. Glancing over old letters and notes, he became readily interested and hardly noticed the passage of the hours.

everything for - tout pour

readily - facilement, volontiers, aisément

When the night came he only partly undressed and threw himself upon the bed. It was now ten. At twelve he had promised Ethel to speak to her over the telephone. He was determined not to sleep at all that night. At last he would discover whether or not on the previous and other nights Reginald had secretly entered his room.

undressed - déshabillé, déshabiller

When one hour had passed without incident, his attention relaxed a little. His eyes were gradually closing when suddenly something seemed to stir at the door. The Chinese vase came rattling to the floor.

incident - incident, checkfait-divers, checkaccident

gradually - progressivement

rattling - le cliquetis, (rattle) le cliquetis

At once Ernest sprang up. His face had blanched with terror. It was whiter than the linen in which they wrap the dead. But his soul was resolute.

sprang up - a surgi

terror - la terreur, terreur, effroi, terrorisme

linen - le linge, toile, lin, linge

wrap - l'emballage, langer, envelopper

He touched a button and the electric light illuminated the whole chamber. There was no nook for even a shadow to hide. Yet there was no one to be seen. From without the door came no sound. Suddenly something soft touched his foot. He gathered all his will power so as not to break out into a frenzied shriek. Then he laughed, not a hearty laugh, to be sure.

button - bouton

illuminated - éclairé, illuminer

nook - le livre, coin, angle, recoin

break out - S'échapper

frenzied - frénétique, frénésie

hearty - cordial, copieux

A tiny nose and a tail gracefully curled were brushing against him. The source of the disturbance was a little Maltese cat, his favourite, that by some chance had remained in his room. After its essay at midnight gymnastics the animal quieted down and lay purring at the foot of his bed.

tail - queue

Maltese - Maltais, Maltaise, bichon maltais

essay - essai, manipulation, these, traité, gradin

gymnastics - la gymnastique, gymnastique

purring - ronronner, (pur) ronronner

The presence of a living thing was a certain comfort, and the reservoir of his strength was well nigh exhausted.

comfort - le confort, confort, consoler

reservoir - réservoir

He dimly remembered his promise to Ethel, but his lids drooped with sheer weariness. Perhaps an hour passed in this way, when suddenly his blood congealed with dread.

lids - couvercles, couvercle

drooped - s'est affaissée, tomber, s'affaisser, bec

He felt the presence of the hand of Reginald Clarke-unmistakably-groping in his brain as if searching for something that had still escaped him.

searching - a la recherche, recherche, chercher, fouiller

He tried to move, to cry out, but his limbs were paralysed. When, by a superhuman effort, he at last succeeded in shaking off the numbness that held him enchained, he awoke just in time to see a figure, that of a man, disappearing in the wall that separated Reginald's apartments from his room....

shaking off - Secouer

numbness - l'engourdissement, engourdissement

disappearing - disparaître

separated - séparée, séparé, séparer

This time it was no delusion of the senses. He heard something like a secret door softly closing behind retreating steps. A sudden fierce anger seized him. He was oblivious of the danger of the terrible power of the older man, oblivious of the love he had once borne him, oblivious of everything save the sense of outraged humanity and outraged right.

senses - sens, acception, sentir

retreating - se retirer, battre en retraite

fierce - féroce

oblivious - inconscient

borne - porté, supporter

outraged - indignés, outrage, offense, colere, rage, indignation, indigner

The law permits us to shoot a burglar who goes through our pockets at night. Must he tolerate the ravages of this a thousand times more dastardly and dangerous spiritual thief? Was Reginald to enjoy the fruit of other men's labour unpunished? Was he to continue growing into the mightiest literary factor of the century by preying upon his betters?

permits - des permis, permettre

shoot - tirer, larguer, tirent, tirons, tirez

burglar - cambrioleur, cambrioleuse

pockets - poches, poche, empocher, de poche

tolerate - tolérer, supporter, souffrir

ravages - ravages, ravager

dastardly - ignoble

labour - le travail, effort, travail, labeur, besogne, travailleurs

unpunished - impunie

mightiest - le plus puissant, puissant

factor - facteur, factoriser

preying - en proie, butin, prise, proie

Abel, Walkham, Ethel, he, Jack, were they all to be victims of this insatiable monster?

insatiable - insatiable

monster - monstre, bete, monstrueux

Was this force resistless as it was relentless?

resistless - sans résistance

No, a thousand times, no!

He dashed himself against the wall at the place where the shadow of Reginald Clarke had disappeared. In doing so he touched upon a secret spring. The wall gave way noiselessly. Speechless with rage he crossed the next room and the one adjoining it, and stood in Reginald's studio.

dashed - en pointillés, tiret, trait, ta, sprint, soupçon, se précipiter

rage - rage, furie, fureur, courroux, rager, faire rage

crossed - croisé, crosse

The room was brilliantly lighted, and Reginald, still dressed, was seated at his writing-table scribbling notes upon little scraps of paper in his accustomed manner.

scraps - des déchets, bout

At Ernest's approach he looked up without evincing the least sign of terror or surprise. Calmly, almost majestically, he folded his arms over his breast, but there was a menacing glitter in his eyes as he confronted his victim.

evincing - évocation, montrer, prouver

majestically - majestueusement

folded - plié, plier

menacing - menaçante, menace

glitter - paillettes, étincellement, paillette, briller

Chapter XXX

Silently the two men faced each other. Then Ernest hissed:


Reginald shrugged his shoulders.

shrugged - haussé les épaules, haussement d'épaules, hausser les épaules


"So Ethel has infected you with her absurd fancies! Poor boy! I am afraid.... I have been wanting to tell you for some time.... But I think.... We have reached the parting of our road!"

infected - infecté, infecter

"And that you dare to tell me!"

The more he raged, the calmer Reginald seemed to become.

raged - enragée, rage, furie, fureur, courroux, rager, faire rage

calmer - plus calme, calme, tranquille, calme plat, calmer

"Really," he said, "I fail to understand.... I must ask you to leave my room!"

"You fail to understand? You cad!" Ernest cried. He stepped to the writing-table and opened the secret drawer with a blow. A bundle of manuscripts fell on the floor with a strange rustling noise. Then, seizing his own story, he hurled it upon the table. And behold-the last pages bore corrections in ink that could have been made only a few minutes ago!

manuscripts - manuscrits, manuscrit

rustling - bruissement, (rustle), froufrou, froufrouter

seizing - la saisie, emparant, (seize), saisir, emparer

corrections - corrections, correction, rectification

Reginald smiled. "Have you come to play havoc with my manuscripts?" he remarked.

"Your manuscripts? Reginald Clarke, you are an impudent impostor! You have written no word that is your own. You are an embezzler of the mind, strutting through life in borrowed and stolen plumes!"

impudent - impudent

impostor - imposteur, imposteuse

embezzler - détourneur de fonds

strutting - se pavaner, (strut) se pavaner

plumes - les panaches, plume(t)

And at once the mask fell from Reginald's face.

"Why stolen?" he coolly said, with a slight touch of irritation. "I absorb. I appropriate. That is the most any artist can say for himself. God creates; man moulds. He gives us the colours; we mix them."

coolly - froidement

irritation - l'irritation, irritation

appropriate - approprié, idoine, approprier

moulds - moules, terreau, humus

Mix - mélange, meler, mélangent, mélangeons, mixage, mélangez

"That is not the question. I charge you with having wilfully and criminally interfered in my life; I charge you with having robbed me of what was mine; I charge you with being utterly vile and rapacious, a hypocrite and a parasite!"

charge - frais, charge, chef d’accusation, chef d’inculpation, meuble

criminally - pénalement

robbed - volé, voler, dévaliser

vile - vil

rapacious - rapace

parasite - parasite, profiteur

"Foolish boy," Reginald rejoined austerely. "It is through me that the best in you shall survive, even as the obscure Elizabethans live in him of Avon. Shakespeare absorbed what was great in little men-a greatness that otherwise would have perished-and gave it a setting, a life."

austerely - austerement

survive - survivre

otherwise - autrement

perished - a péri, périr

setting - de l'environnement, réglage, configuration

"A thief may plead the same. I understand you better. It is your inordinate vanity that prompts you to abuse your monstrous power."

inordinate - démesuré

abuse - abus, défaut, abuser, insulter, tourmenter, abusons

"You err. Self-love has never entered into my actions. I am careless of personal fame. Look at me, boy! As I stand before you I am Homer, I am Shakespeare ... I am every cosmic manifestation in art. Men have doubted in each incarnation my individual existence. Historians have more to tell of the meanest Athenian scribbler or Elizabethan poetaster than of me.

err - err, errons, errez, errent

self-love - (self-love) l'amour de soi

careless - négligent, étourdi, distrait

cosmic - cosmique

manifestation - manifestation

doubted - douté, douter, doute

historians - les historiens, historien, historienne

Athenian - Athénien, Athénienne

scribbler - scribouillard, gribouilleur, gribouilleuse

poetaster - poete, poétastre

The radiance of my work obscured my very self. I care not. I have a mission. I am a servant of the Lord. I am the vessel that bears the Host!"

obscured - obscurci, obscur, sibyllin, obscurcir

bears - ours, supporter

He stood up at full length, the personification of grandeur and power. A tremendous force trembled in his very finger tips. He was like a gigantic dynamo, charged with the might of ten thousand magnetic storms that shake the earth in its orbit and lash myriads of planets through infinities of space....

full length - pleine longueur

personification - personnification

grandeur - grandeur, splendeur

finger tips - le bout des doigts

dynamo - dynamo

charged - chargé, frais-p, charge, chef d’accusation, chef d’inculpation

storms - tempetes, orage, tempete

orbit - orbite, mettre en orbite

lash - cils, amarrons, amarrez, amarrent, fustiger

myriads - myriades, myriade, nombreux

planets - planetes, planete

infinities - des infinis, infinité, infini

Under ordinary circumstances Ernest or any other man would have quailed before him. But the boy in that epic moment had grown out of his stature. He felt the sword of vengeance in his hands; to him was intrusted the cause of Abel and of Walkham, of Ethel and of Jack.

quailed - quailed, reculer (devant)

vengeance - vengeance

His was the struggle of the individual soul against the same blind and cruel fate that in the past had fashioned the ichthyosaurus and the mastodon.

Ichthyosaurus - ichtyosaure

Mastodon - mastodon, mastodonte

"By what right," he cried, "do you assume that you are the literary Messiah? Who appointed you? What divine power has made you the steward of my mite and of theirs whom you have robbed?"

Messiah - le messie, messie

appointed - nommés, fixer, gloss

steward - steward, intendant

mite - mite, acarien

"I am a light-bearer. I tread the high hills of mankind ... I point the way to the future. I light up the abysses of the past. Were not my stature gigantic, how could I hold the torch in all men's sight? The very souls that I tread underfoot realise, as their dying gaze follows me, the possibilities with which the future is big.... Eternally secure, I carry the essence of what is cosmic ...

bearer - porteur, porteuse

hills - collines, colline, côte

light up - Allumer

abysses - des abîmes, abîme, précipice, abysse, gouffre

dying - teignant, mourant, (dye) teignant

possibilities - possibilités, possibilité

secure - sécurisé, sur, sécuriser

of what is divine.... I am Homer ... Goethe ... Shakespeare.... I am an embodiment of the same force of which Alexander, Cćsar, Confucius and the Christos were also embodiments.... None so strong as to resist me."

Goethe - goethe

Alexander - alexandre

Confucius - confucius

embodiments - des incarnations, incarnation

resist - résister, s'opposer, rejeter, dégouter, vernis

A sudden madness overcame Ernest at this boast. He must strike now or never. He must rid humanity of this dangerous maniac-this demon of strength. With a power ten times intensified, he raised a heavy chair so as to hurl it at Reginald's head and crush it.

boast - se vanter, vantent, vantez, vantons, fanfaronner, vanter

rid - rid, débarrasser

intensified - intensifiée, intensifier, s'intensifier

hurl - hurler, projeter, débecter, débecqueter

Reginald stood there calmly, a smile upon his lips.... Primal cruelties rose from the depth of his nature.... Still he smiled, turning his luminous gaze upon the boy ... and, behold ... Ernest's hand began to shake ... the chair fell from his grasp.... He tried to call for help, but no sound issued from his lips.... Utterly paralysed he confronted ... the Force....

cruelties - cruautés, cruauté

Minutes-eternities passed.

eternities - éternités, éternité

And still those eyes were fixed upon him.

But this was no longer Reginald!

It was all brain ... only brain ... a tremendous brain-machine ... infinitely complex ... infinitely strong. Not more than a mile away Ethel endeavoured to call to him through the night. The telephone rang, once, twice, thrice, insistingly. But Ernest heard it not. Something dragged him ... dragged the nerves from his body dragged, dragged, dragged.... It was an irresistible suction ... pitiless .

endeavoured - s'est efforcé, s'efforcer (de)

thrice - trois fois

insistingly - avec insistance

dragged - traîné, tirer, entraîner

suction - l'aspiration, succion, sucer

.. passionless ... immense.

Sparks, blue, crimson and violet, seemed to play around the living battery. It reached the finest fibres of his mind.... Slowly ... every trace of mentality disappeared.... First the will ... then feeling ... judgment ... memory ... fear even.... All that was stored in his brain-cells came forth to be absorbed by that mighty engine....

sparks - des étincelles, étincelle

Violet - violet, violette

Battery - pile, coups et blessures, batterie

fibres - fibres, fibre

mentality - mentalité

judgment - jugement, sentence, verdict, jugement dernier

stored - stockée, entrepôt, stock, stocker, conserver

engine - moteur

The Princess With the Yellow Veil appeared ... flitted across the room and melted away. She was followed by childhood memories ... girls'heads, boys'faces.... He saw his dead mother waving her arms to him.... An expression of death-agony distorted the placid features.... Then, throwing a kiss to him, she, too, disappeared. Picture on picture followed.... Words of love that he had spoken ...

melted away - a fondu

placid - placide

throwing - jetant, (throw) jetant

sins, virtues, magnanimities, meannesses, terrors ... mathematical formulas even, and snatches of songs. Leontina came and was swallowed up.... No, it was Ethel who was trying to speak to him ... trying to warn.... She waved her hands in frantic despair.... She was gone.... A pale face ... dark, dishevelled hair.... Jack.... How he had changed!

sins - péchés, péché, mal

magnanimities - magnanimités, magnanimité

meannesses - méchancetés, abjection

formulas - formules, formule, aliment lacté pour nourrissons

swallowed - avalé, avaler

frantic - éperdu, paniqué, frénétique

He was in the circle of the vampire's transforming might. "Jack," he cried. Surely Jack had something to explain ... something to tell him ... some word that if spoken would bring rest to his soul. He saw the words rise to the boy's lips, but before he had time to utter them his image also had vanished. And Reginald ... Reginald, too, was gone.... There was only the mighty brain ... panting ...

transforming - la transformation, transformant, (transform), transformer

panting - haletant, (pant) haletant

whirling.... Then there was nothing.... The annihilation of Ernest Fielding was complete.

whirling - tourbillonnant, (whirl), tourbillonner

annihilation - l'anéantissement, annihilation

Vacantly he stared at the walls, at the room and at his master. The latter was wiping the sweat from his forehead. He breathed deeply.... The flush of youth spread over his features.... His eyes sparkled with a new and dangerous brilliancy.... He took the thing that had once been Ernest Fielding by the hand and led it to its room.

vacantly - vacante

wiping - essuyant, (wipe) essuyant

breathed - respiré, respiration, souffle, haleine

spread - se propager, étaler, écarter, disperser, répandre, éparpiller

Chapter XXXI

With the first flush of the morning Ethel appeared at the door of the house on Riverside Drive. She had not heard from Ernest, and had been unable to obtain connection with him at the telephone. Anxiety had hastened her steps. She brushed against Jack, who was also directing his steps to the abode of Reginald Clarke.

connection - connexion, liaison, lien, rapport, complicité, correspondance

directing - la mise en scene, direct, mettre en scene, ordonner

At the same time something that resembled Ernest Fielding passed from the house of the Vampire. It was a dull and brutish thing, hideously transformed, without a vestige of mind.

hideously - hideux

vestige - vestige

"Mr. Fielding," cried Ethel, beside herself with fear as she saw him descending.

descending - descendant, descendre

"Ernest!" Jack gasped, no less startled at the change in his friend's appearance.

gasped - haletant, retenir son souffle, haleter, ahaner, haletement

Ernest's head followed the source of the sound, but no spark of recognition illumined the deadness of his eyes. Without a present and without a past ... blindly ... a gibbering idiot ... he stumbled down the stairs.

deadness - la mort

blindly - aveuglément, a l’aveuglette

gibbering - baragouiner

idiot - idiot, idiote

stumbled - en état de choc, chute, faux pas, bourde, trébucher

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