The Mysterious Sketch with English-Spanish Dictionary by Emile Erckmann (online free books)

El Misterioso Bosquejo con un práctico diccionario inglés-espanol (best ebooks to read)

Table of Content

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III

The Mysterious Sketch Text

THE MYSTERIOUS SKETCH, by Erckmann-Chatrian

mysterious - misterioso

sketch - boceto; bosquejar, esbozar, pergenar, esbozo, bosquejo

Chapter I

Chapter - capítulo, sede, sección

Opposite the chapel of saint Sebalt in Nuremberg, at the corner of Trabaus Street, there stands a little tavern, tall and narrow, with a toothed gable and dusty windows, whose roof is surmounted by a plaster Virgin. It was there that I spent the unhappiest days of my life. I had gone to Nuremberg to study the old German masters; but in default of ready money, I had to paint portraits-and such portraits!

chapel - capilla

saint - Santo

tavern - taberna

gable - aguilón

dusty - polvoriento

plaster - esparadrapo; ungüento, yeso, escayola, enlucido, revoque

Virgin - virgen, doncel, doncella, senorita

German - alemán, alemana, germano, germana

masters - maestros; senor, dueno; senora, duena

default - mora, por defecto, predeterminado, predeterminada

portraits - retratos; retrato

Fat old women with their cats on their laps, big-wigged aldermen, burgomasters in three-cornered hats-all horribly bright with ochre and vermilion. From portraits I descended to sketches, and from sketches to silhouettes.

wigged - peluca

aldermen - concejales; concejal, regidor

burgomasters - urgomaestres; burgomaestre

horribly - horriblemente

ochre - ocre

vermilion - vermellón; bermellón, bermejo

descended - descendió; descender, bajar

sketches - esbozos; bosquejar, esbozar, pergenar, esbozo, bosquejo

silhouettes - siluetas; silueta

Nothing is more annoying than to have your landlord come to you every day with pinched lips, shrill voice, and impudent manner to say: "Well, sir, how soon are you going to pay me? Do you know how much your bill is? No; that doesn't worry you! You eat, drink, and sleep calmly enough. God feeds the sparrows. Your bill now amounts to two hundred florins and ten kreutzers-it is not worth talking about."

annoying - molesto; molestar, agobiar, jorobar

landlord - propietario; arrendador, casero

pinched - pellizcado; pellizcar, repizcar, afanar, chorizar, pellizco

lips - labios; labio, labro

shrill - chillón; estridente

impudent - imprudente; insolente, descarado, fresco

calmly - con calma; tranquilamente

sparrows - gorriones; pasérido, gorrión, pájaro

worth - vale la pena; valor

Those who have not heard any one talk in this way can form no idea of it; love of art, imagination, and the sacred enthusiasm for the beautiful are blasted by the breath of such an attack. You become awkward and timid; all your energy evaporates, as well as your feeling of personal dignity, and you bow respectfully at a distance to the burgomaster Schneegans.

imagination - imaginación, magín

sacred - sagrado

enthusiasm - entusiasmo

blasted - explotado; ráfaga

breath - respiración, aliento, respiro

awkward - torpe, desmanado, embarazoso, delicado, incómodo, tímido

timid - tímido

evaporates - se evapora; evaporar

dignity - dignidad

bow - arco; inclinar(se), hacer una reverencia

respectfully - con respeto; respetuosamente

Burgomaster - burgomaestre

One night, not having a sou, as usual, and threatened with imprisonment by this worthy Mister Rap, I determined to make him a bankrupt by cutting my throat. Seated on my narrow bed, opposite the window, in this agreeable mood, I gave myself up to a thousand philosophical reflections, more or less comforting.

threatened - amenazado; amenazar

imprisonment - encarcelamiento, encarcelación, aprisionamiento, cautiverio

worthy - Digno

rap - golpe seco

determined - determinado; determinar

bankrupt - en quiebra; quebrado, arruinado

throat - garganta, tráquea, cuello

agreeable - lisonjero, agradable, dispuesto, conforme

mood - estado de ánimo; humor

philosophical - filosófica; filosófico

reflections - reflexiones; reflexión, reflejo

comforting - confortante; comodidad, consuelo, confortar

"What is man?" I asked myself. "An omnivorous animal; his jaws, provided with canines, incisors, and molars, prove it. The canines are made to tear meat; the incisors to bite fruits; and the molars to masticate, grind, and triturate animal and vegetable substances that are pleasant to smell and to taste. But when he has nothing to masticate, this being is an absurdity in Nature, a superfluity, a fifth wheel to the coach."

omnivorous - omnívoro

jaws - mandíbulas; maxilar

canines - caninos; canino, perruno

incisors - incisivos; diente incisivo

molars - molares; molar, muela

Prove - probar

tear - desgarro; lágrima

bite - morder, picar, mordida, mordedura, mordisco, picadura

masticate - masticar

grind - moler, triturar, picar

triturate - Triturar

substances - sustancias; sustancia, enjundia

pleasant - agradable, placentero

absurdity - absurdo, absurdidad

superfluity - superfluidad

fifth wheel - quinta rueda

Such were my reflections. I dared not open my razor for fear that the invincible force of my logic would inspire me with the courage to make an end of it all. After having argued so finely, I blew out my candle, postponing the sequel till the morrow.

dared - se atrevió; atraverse, osar

razor - navaja, razuradora, cuchilla, gillete, gillette

invincible - invencible, invencible

force - fuerza

logic - lógica

inspire - inspirar, infundir

courage - coraje, valor, valentía

finely - Finamente

blew out - apagar; soplar; echar; romper

candle - una vela; vela, candela, cirio

postponing - posponer; aplazar, postergar, atrasar, perecear

sequel - secuela

morrow - manana; manana

That abominable Rap had completely stupefied me. I could do nothing but silhouettes, and my sole desire was to have some money to rid myself of his odious presence. But on this night a singular change came over my mind.

abominable - abominable, aborrecible

stupefied - estupefacto; pasmar, entorpecer, embotar

sole - suela; planta

desire - desear, deseo, gana

rid - cabalgar; librar

odious - odioso

presence - presencia

singular - singular, único, singular

I awoke about one o'clock-I lit my lamp, and, enveloping myself in my grey gabardine, I drew upon the paper a rapid sketch after the Dutch school-something strange and bizarre, which had not the slightest resemblance to my ordinary conceptions.

awoke - despertó; despertar(se)

enveloping - envolvente; envolver

gabardine - gabardina

upon - sobre, en, tras

rapid - rápido, rápido, rabión

Dutch - neerlandés, holandés, neerlandés, holandés

bizarre - raro, extrano, estrafalario, bizarro

slightest - lo más mínimo; insignificante, leve, ligero, falta de respeto

resemblance - semejanza, similitud, similaridad, parecido

conceptions - concepciones; concepción

Imagine a dreary courtyard enclosed by high dilapidated walls. These walls are furnished with hooks, seven or eight feet from the ground. You see, at a glance, that it is a butchery.

dreary - aburrido, triste

courtyard - patio

dilapidated - deteriorado; deteriorar, derrochar, deteriorarse

furnished - amueblado; amoblar, amueblar, suministrar, proporcionar, dotar

hooks - ganchos; gancho, garfio, enganchar

glance - mirada; ojear, echar un vistazo, mirar, pispear, vistazo

butchery - carnicería

On the left, there extends a lattice structure; you perceive through it a quartered beef suspended from the roof by enormous pulleys. Great pools of blood run over the flagstones and unite in a ditch full of refuse.

extends - se extiende; extender, ampliar

lattice - enrejado; celosía, trama, cuadrícula, retículo, checkrejilla

perceive - percibir, entender

suspended - suspendido; suspender

pulleys - poleas; polea, roldana

flagstones - placas; adoquín, laja

unite - unirse; unir, aunar, juntar, combinar

ditch - zanja, foso, cuneta

refuse - rechazar; negarse (a)

The light falls from above, between the chimneys where the weathercocks stand out from a bit of the sky the size of your hand, and the roofs of the neighbouring houses throw bold shadows from story to story.

chimneys - chimeneas; chimenea, tubo

weathercocks - veletas; veleta

bold - osado; valiente, audaz, atrevido

shadows - sombras; sombra

At the back of this place is a shed, beneath the shed a pile of wood, and upon the pile of wood some ladders, a few bundles of straw, some coils of rope, a chicken-coop, and an old dilapidated rabbit-hutch.

shed - cobertizo, nave

beneath - por debajo; bajo

pile - montón, pila

ladders - escaleras; escalera, escalafón, carrera

bundles - paquetes; haz, atado, fajo, atar, liar

straw - paja, pajizo, pajiza

Coils - bobinas; enroscarse

rope - cuerda

coop - gallinero, jaula

rabbit-hutch - (rabbit-hutch) conejera

How did these heterogeneous details suggest themselves to my imagination? I don't know; I had no reminiscences, and yet every stroke of the pencil seemed the result of observation, and strange because it was all so true. Nothing was lacking.

heterogeneous - heterogéneo

reminiscences - recuerdos; reminiscencia

stroke - ictus; golpe

observation - observación, vigilancia; observancia, anotación, registro

lacking - falta; carecer de

But on the right, one corner of the sketch remained a blank. I did not know what to put there.... Something suddenly seemed to writhe there, to move! Then I saw a foot, the sole of a foot. Notwithstanding this improbable position, I followed my inspiration without reference to my own criticism. This foot was joined to a leg-over this leg, stretched out with effort, there soon floated the skirt of a dress.

remained - se quedó; resto, restos, quedarse, sobrar, restar, permanecer

writhe - retorcerse; contorsionar

notwithstanding - a pesar de todo; no obstante

improbable - improbable, inverosímil

inspiration - inspiración

reference - referencia, referencia, referenciar

criticism - críticas; crítica

stretched - estirado; estirar, estirarse, dar, extenderse, estirón

effort - esfuerzo

floated - flotó; flotar, carroza

In short, there appeared by degrees an old woman, pale, dishevelled, and wasted, thrown down at the side of a well, and struggling to free herself from a hand that clutched her throat.

by degrees - Poco a poco

pale - pálido

dishevelled - desgrenado; desordenar

wasted - desperdiciado; desperdiciar, malgastar

thrown down - tirado, arrojado

struggling - con dificultades; (struggle); lucha, forcejeo, brega, luchar

clutched - aferrado; agarrar

It was a murder scene that I was drawing. The pencil fell from my hand.

murder - asesinato, asesinar, cepillarse, devorar

This woman, in the boldest attitude, with her thighs bent on the curb of the well, her face contracted by terror, and her two hands grasping the murderer's arm, frightened me. I could not look at her. But the man-he, the person to whom that arm belonged-I could not see him. It was impossible for me to finish the sketch.

boldest - el más audaz; valiente, audaz, atrevido

attitude - postura, actitud

thighs - muslos; muslo, muslamen

bent - Doblado; (bend); doblar, curvar, doblarse, agacharse

contracted - contratado; contraer

terror - terror

grasping - agarrando; agarrar, asir, comprender, asimiento, comprensión

murderer - asesino, asesina, victimario, victimaria

frightened - asustado; atemorizar

whom - a quién; quién, quiénes, cuyo, quien

"I am tired," I said, my forehead dripping with perspiration; "there is only this figure to do; I will finish it tomorrow. It will be easy then."

forehead - la frente; frente

dripping - goteo; chorreo; (drip) goteo; chorreo

perspiration - sudor

And again I went to bed, thoroughly frightened by my vision.

thoroughly - cabalmente, a cabalidad, a fondo, detenidamente

vision - vista, visión

The next morning, I got up very early. I was dressing in order to resume my interrupted work, when two little knocks were heard on my door.

resume - resumen; reanudar

interrupted - interrumpido; interrumpir, interrupción

"Come in!"

The door opened. An old man, tall, thin, and dressed in black, appeared on the threshold. This man's face, his eyes set close together and his large nose like the beak of an eagle, surmounted by a high bony forehead, had something severe about it. He bowed to me gravely.

threshold - umbral, entrada, límite

beak - pico

eagle - águila

bony - huesudo

severe - severo, grave, austero

bowed - inclinado; inclinar(se), hacer una reverencia

gravely - gravemente

"Mister Christian Vénius, the painter?" said he.

Christian - cristiano, cristiana, Cristián

"That is my name, sir."

He bowed again, adding:

"The Baron Frederick Van Spreckdal."

Baron - barón

The appearance of the rich amateur, Van Spreckdal, judge of the criminal court, in my poor lodging, greatly disturbed me. I could not help throwing a stealthy glance at my old worm-eaten furniture, my damp hangings and my dusty floor. I felt humiliated by such dilapidation; but Van Spreckdal did not seem to take any account of these details; and sitting down at my little table:

amateur - amateur, aficionado, diletante, inadaptado

judge - juez; juzgar

Court - patio, callejón, corte, tribunal, juzgado

lodging - alojamiento, hospedaje, encamado; (lodge); cabana, barraca

greatly - en gran medida; grandemente, enormemente, sobremanera

disturbed - molesto; perturbar, molestar

stealthy - sigiloso, furtivo

worm - gusano, lombriz, alimana, rata

damp - húmedo, humedad, amortiguar

hangings - Colgando

humiliated - humillada; humillar

dilapidation - deterioro; dilapidación

account - cuenta

"Mister Vénius," he resumed, "I come--" But at this instant his glance fell upon the unfinished sketch-he did not finish his phrase.

resumed - se reanuda; reanudar

instant - instantáneo, inmediato

unfinished - inacabado, inconcluso

I was sitting on the edge of my little bed; and the sudden attention that this personage bestowed upon one of my productions made my heart beat with an indefinable apprehension.

edge - orilla, borde, lado, arista, ventaja, filo

sudden - de repente; repentino, súbito, brusco

personage - personaje

bestowed - otorgado; guardar, estibar, depositar, alojar, acordar, conceder

productions - producciones; producción, elaboración

apprehension - aprehensión; arresto, aprensión

At the end of a minute, Van Spreckdal lifted his head:

"Are you the author of that sketch?" he asked me with an intent look.

intent - intención, intento, propósito, concentrado, entregado

"Yes, sir."

"What is the price of it?"

"I never sell my sketches. It is the plan for a picture."

"Ah!" said he, picking up the paper with the tips of his long yellow fingers.

He took a lens from his waistcoat pocket and began to study the design in silence.

lens - lente, cristalino

waistcoat - chaleco, chalequillo

silence - silencio, silenciar, hacer callar

The sun was now shining obliquely into the garret. Van Spreckdal never said a word; the hook of his immense nose increased, his heavy eyebrows contracted, and his long pointed chin took a turn upward, making a thousand little wrinkles in his long, thin cheeks. The silence was so profound that I could distinctly hear the plaintive buzzing of a fly that had been caught in a spider's web.

shining - brillante; brillar

obliquely - oblicuamente

garret - buhardilla

Hook - gancho, garfio, enganchar

immense - inmenso

eyebrows - cejas; ceja

chin - barbilla, mentón

upward - hacia arriba

wrinkles - arrugas; arruga

cheeks - mejilla, cacha, cachete, nalga, glúteo, descoco

profound - profundo

distinctly - laramente; distintamente

plaintive - planidera; morrinoso, melancólico, triste, nostálgico

"And the dimensions of this picture, Mister Vénius?" he said without looking at me.

dimensions - dimensiones; dimensión

"Three feet by four."

"The price?"

"Fifty ducats."

ducats - ducados; ducado

Van Spreckdal laid the sketch on the table, and drew from his pocket a large purse of green silk shaped like a pear; he drew the rings of it--

laid - tirado; poner, colocar

purse - bolsa, monedero, fruncir

silk - seda

pear - pera, peral

rings - anillos; anillo

"Fifty ducats," said he, "here they are."

I was simply dazzled.

Simply - simplemente, sencillamente

dazzled - deslumbrado; deslumbrar, obnubilar, encandilar, empaparotar

The Baron rose and bowed to me, and I heard his big ivory-headed cane resounding on each step until he reached the bottom of the stairs. Then recovering from my stupour, I suddenly remembered that I had not thanked him, and I flew down the five flights like lightning; but when I reached the bottom, I looked to the right and left; the street was deserted.

ivory - marfil, ebúrneo

cane - canón; cana, bastón, bastón blanco

resounding - resonante; resonar

recovering - recuperándose; recuperarse

stupour - stupor

lightning - un rayo; relámpago, rayo

"Well," I said, "this is strange."

And I went upstairs again all out of breath.

Chapter II

The surprising way in which Van Spreckdal had appeared to me threw me into deep wonderment. "Yesterday," I said to myself, as I contemplated the pile of ducats glittering in the sun, "yesterday I formed the wicked intention of cutting my throat, all for the want of a few miserable florins, and now today Fortune has showered them from the clouds. Indeed it was fortunate that I did not open my razor; and, if the same temptation ever comes to me again, I will take care to wait until the morrow.

wonderment - asombro; maravilla

contemplated - contemplado; contemplar

glittering - resplandeciente; chispeante; (glitter); brillo, purpurina

wicked - malvado, cruel, insoportable; (wick) malvado, cruel

intention - intención

miserable - miserable

Fortune - fortuna

indeed - de verdad; de hecho, realmente, efectivamente, verdaderamente

fortunate - afortunado, propicio, favorable, afortunada

temptation - tentación

After making these judicious reflections, I sat down to finish the sketch; four strokes of the pencil and it would be finished. But here an incomprehensible difficulty awaited me. It was impossible for me to take those four sweeps of the pencil; I had lost the thread of my inspiration, and the mysterious personage no longer stood out in my brain.

judicious - uiciosa; juicioso

strokes - golpes; golpe

incomprehensible - incomprensible

difficulty - dificultad

awaited - esperado; esperar, aguantar

sweeps - barridos; barrer, peinar

thread - hilo, hebra, hilaza, tema, argumento, hilazón, subproceso

I tried in vain to evoke him, to sketch him, and to recover him; he no more accorded with the surroundings than with a figure by Raphael in a Teniers inn-kitchen. I broke out into a profuse perspiration.

vain - vanidoso, vano, vacuo

evoke - evocar, rememorar

recover - recuperarse

accorded - oncedido; acuerdo, convenio, acordar, conceder, conferir

surroundings - alrededores; periferia, rededor, derredor, circundante

Inn - posada, venta

profuse - rofusa; profuso

At this moment, Rap opened the door without knocking, according to his praiseworthy custom. His eyes fell upon my pile of ducats and in a shrill voice he cried:

praiseworthy - encomiable, alabable, digno de alabanza, loable

custom - habituación, costumbre, usanza, a medida, especializado

"Eh! eh! so I catch you. Will you still persist in telling me, Mr. Painter, that you have no money?"

eh - no, qué, cómo

persist - persistir

And his hooked fingers advanced with that nervous trembling that the sight of gold always produces in a miser.

hooked - enganchado; gancho, garfio, enganchar

advanced - avanzado; avanzar, progresar, avance, progreso, adelanto, avance

sight - vista, lugar de interés, espectáculo, panorama, visor, mira, ver

miser - miserable; tacano, rata, pesetero, tacano

For a few seconds I was stupefied.

The memory of all the indignities that this individual had inflicted upon me, his covetous look, and his impudent smile exasperated me. With a single bound, I caught hold of him, and pushed him out of the room, slamming the door in his face.

indignities - indignidades; indignidad, ofensa, afrenta

inflicted - nfligido; infligir

exasperated - exasperado; exasperar

bound - atado; (bind); atar, atar (tie), empastar (books), liar

slamming - Golpeando; (slam) Golpeando

This was done with the crack and rapidity of a spring snuff-box.

crack - rajarse, resquebrajarse

rapidity - rapidez, celeridad

snuff - tabaco; rapé

But from outside the old usurer screamed like an eagle:

usurer - usurero, usurera

screamed - gritó; grito, gritar

"My money, you thief, my money!"

The lodgers came out of their rooms, asking:

lodgers - inquilinos; huésped

"What is the matter? What has happened?"

I opened the door suddenly and quickly gave Mister Rap a kick in the spine that sent him rolling down more than twenty steps.

kick - patear; dar un puntapié, golpear con el pie, dar una patada a

spine - espina dorsal; columna vertebral, espinazo, lomo, espina

rolling - rodando; rolar; (roll) rodando; rolar

"That's what's the matter!" I cried, quite beside myself. Then I shut the door and bolted it, while bursts of laughter from the neighbours greeted Mister Rap in the passage.

beside - al lado de, cabe

bolted - atornillado; pestillo

bursts - ráfagas; reventar, romper, ráfaga, estallo, reventón

passage - pasaje; pasillo, pasadizo

I was satisfied with myself; I rubbed my hands together. This adventure had put new life into me; I resumed my work, and was about to finish the sketch when I heard an unusual noise.

satisfied - satisfecho; satisfacer

rubbed - frotado; frotación, frotamiento, frote, frotar

Butts of muskets were grounded on the pavement. I looked out of my window and saw three soldiers in full uniform with grounded arms in front of my door.

Butts - culos; dar un cabezazo

muskets - mosquetes; mosquete

pavement - pavimento, asfalto

I said to myself in my terror: "Can it be that that scoundrel of a Rap has had any bones broken?"

scoundrel - sinvergüenza; bribón, canalla, bellaco, villano

And here is the strange peculiarity of the human mind: I, who the night before had wanted to cut my own throat, shook from head to foot, thinking that I might well be hanged if Rap were dead.

peculiarity - particularidad; peculiaridad

hanged - Colgado

The stairway was filled with confused noises. It was an ascending flood of heavy footsteps, clanking arms, and short syllables.

stairway - escalera

confused - confundido; confundir, confundirse, mezclar

ascending - ascendente; subir, ascender

flood - inundación; avenida, riada, diluvio, inundar

Footsteps - pasos; huella, paso

clanking - Tocando; (clank) Tocando

syllables - sílabas; sílaba

Suddenly somebody tried to open my door. It was shut.

Then there was a general clamour.

clamour - clamor, griterío

"In the name of the law-open!"

I arose, trembling and weak in the knees.

arose - surgió; surgir, levantarse, provenir, aparecer

"Open!" the same voice repeated.

I thought to escape over the roofs; but I had hardly put my head out of the little snuff-box window, when I drew back, seized with vertigo. I saw in a flash all the windows below with their shining panes, their flower-pots, their bird-cages, and their gratings. Lower, the balcony; still lower, the street-lamp; still lower again, the sign of the "Red Cask" framed in iron-work; and, finally, three glittering bayonets, only awaiting my fall to run me through the body from the sole of my foot to the crown of my head.

escape - escapar, liberarse, fugarse, eludir

hardly - apenas, a duras penas

seized with - agarrado, pillado, dominado por

vertigo - vértigo, mareo

flash - destello

shining - brillante; espinilla

panes - paneles; cristal, vidrio

pots - macetas; pote, cacerola, puchero; tarro; maceta, tiesto

cages - jaulas; jaula, cabina, enjaular

gratings - rejillas; rejilla, reja, enjaretado

balcony - balcón, palco

cask - barril; cuba, tonel

framed - enmarcado; levantar la estructura, armar, enmarcar, concebir

iron - hierro; férreo, planchar

bayonets - bayonetas; bayoneta

awaiting - esperando; esperar, aguantar

crown - corona

On the roof of the opposite house a tortoise-shell cat was crouching behind a chimney, watching a band of sparrows fighting and scolding in the gutter.

tortoise-shell - (tortoise-shell) caparazón de tortuga

crouching - agacharse, ponerse/estar en cuclillas

chimney - chimenea, tubo

scolding - reganar; regano, sermón, bronca, rapapolvo; (scold); reganar

gutter - arroyo, cuneta, canal, canalón

One cannot imagine to what clearness, intensity, and rapidity the human eye acquires when stimulated by fear.

clearness - claridad

intensity - intensidad

acquires - dquiere; obtener, adquirir

stimulated - estimulado; estimular

At the third summons I heard:

summons - Citaciones; (summon) Citaciones

"Open, or we shall force it!"

Seeing that flight was impossible, I staggered to the door and drew the bolt.

staggered - escalonada; tambalearse

bolt - perno; pestillo

Two hands immediately fell upon my collar. A dumpy, little man, smelling of wine, said:

collar - cuello, collar, yugo

dumpy - rechoncho

"I arrest you!"

arrest - paro, arresto, detenido, parar, detener, arrestar, prender

He wore a bottle-green redingote, buttoned to the chin, and a stovepipe hat. He had large brown whiskers, rings on every finger, and was named Passauf.

stovepipe - estufa

whiskers - bigotes; vibrisa, bigote

He was the chief of police.

chief - jefe, principal

Five bull-dogs with flat caps, noses like pistols, and lower jaws turning upward, observed me from outside.

Bull - toro

flat caps - gorra plana

pistols - pistolas; pistola

observed - observado; observar, seguir, tomar en cuenta

"What do you want?" I asked Passauf.

"Come downstairs," he cried roughly, as he gave a sign to one of his men to seize me.

roughly - a grandes rasgos; aproximadamente

seize - incautar; agarrar, apoderarse de, apresar, aferrar, tomar

This man took hold of me, more dead than alive, while several other men turned my room upside down.

upside - al alza; lado bueno, lado positivo, lado favorable

I went downstairs supported by the arms like a person in the last stages of consumption-with hair dishevelled and stumbling at every step.

went downstairs - Bajó las escaleras

consumption - consumo

stumbling - tropezando; tropezón, traspié, desliz, torpeza, tropiezo

They thrust me into a cab between two strong fellows, who charitably let me see the ends of their clubs, held to their wrists by a leather string-and then the carriage started off.

thrust - estocada, empuje, envión, impulso, énfasis, propulsar, asestar

cab - taxi

fellows - companeros; tipo

charitably - caritativamente

wrists - munecas; muneca

leather - piel; cuero

string - cordel, mecate, usic, cadena, cuerda, enhebrar, encordar

carriage - coche, carruaje

I heard behind us the feet of all the urchins of the town.

urchins - erizos; gamín, gamina, golfillo

"What have I done?" I asked one of my keepers.

keepers - custodios; guardián, guardiana, custodio

He looked at the other with a strange smile and said:

"Hans-he asks what he has done!"

That smile froze my blood.

froze - se congeló; congelar

Soon a deep shadow enveloped the carriage; the horses'hoofs resounded under an archway. We were entering the Raspelhaus. Of this place one might say:

shadow - sombra

enveloped - envuelto; envolver

hoofs - cascos; pezuna, casco

resounded - resonó; resonar

archway - arco

"Dans cet antre,

antre - ntre

Je vois fort bien comme l'on entre,

fort - fuerte, fortaleza

Et ne vois point comme on en sort."

et - y; ET

ne - No

All is not rose-coloured in this world; from the claws of Rap I fell into a dungeon, from which very few poor devils have a chance to escape.

claws - garras; garra

dungeon - mazmorra, calabozo

devils - demonios; diablo

Large dark courtyards and rows of windows like a hospital, and furnished with gratings; not a sprig of verdure, not a festoon of ivy, not even a weathercock in perspective-such was my new lodging. It was enough to make one tear his hair out by the roots.

courtyards - patios; patio

rows - filas; hilera, fila

sprig - ramillete; ramita, muchacho

verdure - verdor, vegetación, verdura

festoon - guirnalda, festón, guirnalda luminosa, panish: t-needed

ivy - hiedra

weathercock - veleta

perspective - perspectiva

roots - raíces; raíz

The police officers, accompanied by the jailer, took me temporarily to a lock-up.

accompanied - acompanado; acompanar

jailer - carcelero, carcelera, guardiacárcel, guardacárcel

temporarily - temporalmente

lock-up - (lock-up) Cerrar, bloquear

The jailer, if I remember rightly, was named Kasper Schlüssel; with his grey woollen cap, his pipe between his teeth, and his bunch of keys at his belt, he reminded me of the Owl-God of the Caribs. He had the same golden yellow eyes, that see in the dark, a nose like a comma, and a neck that was sunk between the shoulders.

rightly - verdad

woollen - Lana

cap - gorra

pipe - pipa; caramillo, flauta ), tubo de órgano, tubería, tubo

bunch of keys - manojo de llaves

reminded - recordado; recordar

Owl - búho, lechuza, tecolote

Caribs - Caribe

comma - coma

sunk - Hundido; (sink); hundir, sumergir, sumergirse, lavamanos

Schlüssel shut me up as calmly as one locks up his socks in a cupboard, while thinking of something else. As for me, I stood for more than ten minutes with my hands behind my back and my head bowed. At the end of that time I made the following reflection: "When falling, Rap cried out, 'I am assassinated,'but he did not say by whom. I will say it was my neighbour, the old merchant with the spectacles: he will be hanged in my place."

locks up - se bloquea

reflection - reflexión, reflejo

assassinated - asesinado; asesinar

merchant - comerciante, mercader

spectacles - gafas; espectáculo, papelón

This idea comforted my heart, and I drew a long breath. Then I looked about my prison. It seemed to have been newly whitewashed, and the walls were bare of designs, except in one corner, where a gallows had been crudely sketched by my predecessor. The light was admitted through a bull's-eye about nine or ten feet from the floor; the furniture consisted of a bundle of straw and a tub.

comforted - confortado; comodidad, consuelo, confortar

newly - recién; nuevamente

whitewashed - panish: t-needed

bare - desnudo, descubierto

gallows - la horca; horca; (gallow) la horca; horca

sketched - esbozado; bosquejar, esbozar, pergenar, esbozo, bosquejo

predecessor - predecesor, antecesor

admitted - admitido; admitir, dar entrada, dejar entrar, reconocer

consisted - consistió; componerse (de), constar (de)

bundle - haz, atado, fajo, atar, liar

tub - cuba, tina

I sat down upon the straw with my hands around my knees in deep despondency. It was with great difficulty that I could think clearly; but suddenly imagining that Rap, before dying, had denounced me, my legs began to tingle, and I jumped up coughing, as if the hempen cord were already tightening around my neck.

despondency - desánimo; desesperanza, desesperación, descorazonamiento

dying - Muriendo; (dye) Muriendo

denounced - denunciado; denunciar

coughing - Tos; (cough); toser, tos

cord - cuerda, cable, hilo, cordón

tightening - apretando; apretar, tensar, tensarse

At the same moment, I heard Schlüssel walking down the corridor; he opened the lock-up, and told me to follow him. He was still accompanied by the two officers, so I fell into step resolutely.

corridor - pasillo, corredor

resolutely - Decididamente

We walked down long galleries, lighted at intervals by small windows from within. Behind a grating I saw the famous Jic-Jack, who was going to be executed on the morrow. He had on a strait-jacket and sang out in a raucous voice:

intervals - intervalos; intervalo

within - dentro de, adentro

grating - rechinante; rejilla, reja

Jack - Juanito, Jacobo, Santiago

executed - ejecutado; ejecutar, ajusticiar, arrancar

Strait - estrecho, paso, aprieto

"Je suis le roi de ces montagnes."

roi - oi; retorno de la inversión

ces - es; E.C

Seeing me, he called out:

"Eh! comrade! I'll keep a place for you at my right."

comrade - companero, colega, camarada, correligionario, camarada

The two police officers and the Owl-God looked at each other and smiled, while I felt the goose-flesh creep down the whole length of my back.

goose - ganso

flesh - carne, pellejo, descarnar

creep - se arrastran; reptar, hormigueo, fatiga

Length - largo, eslora (nautical: length of a ship from bow to stern)

Chapter III

Schlüssel shoved me into a large and very dreary hall, with benches arranged in a semicircle. The appearance of this deserted hall, with its two high grated windows, and its Christ carved in old brown oak with His arms extended and His head sorrowfully inclined upon His shoulder, inspired me with I do not know what kind of religious fear that accorded with my actual situation.

shoved - empujado; empujar

benches - bancos; banco

semicircle - semicírculo

grated - rallado; rejilla

Christ - Cristo, Jesucristo, Cristo

carved - tallado; cortar, trinchar, tallar, esculpir

oak - roble, encina, carrasca

extended - extendido; extender, ampliar

sorrowfully - con tristeza

inspired - inspirado; inspirar, infundir

religious - religioso

actual - real, existente, verdadero, efectivo, actual

All my ideas of false accusation disappeared, and my lips tremblingly murmured a prayer.

accusation - acusación

tremblingly - Temblando

murmured - murmuró; soplo, murmurar

prayer - Oración

I had not prayed for a long time; but misfortune always brings us to thoughts of submission. Man is so little in himself!

prayed - rezó; rezar, orar

misfortune - infortunio, gafe, mala suerte, desgracia

thoughts - pensamientos; pensamiento

submission - Presentación

Opposite me, on an elevated seat, two men were sitting with their backs to the light, and consequently their faces were in shadow. However, I recognized Van Spreckdal by his aquiline profile, illuminated by an oblique reflection from the window. The other person was fat, he had round, chubby cheeks and short hands, and he wore a robe, like Van Spreckdal.

consequently - por consiguiente; consecuentemente

illuminated - iluminado; iluminar

oblique - oblicua; oblicuo

Chubby - gordito, rechoncho, regordete, morcillón

robe - túnica; bata, hábito, toga

Below was the clerk of the court, Conrad; he was writing at a low table and was tickling the tip of his ear with the feather-end of his pen. When I entered, he stopped to look at me curiously.

clerk - clérigo, oficinista, secretario, escribiente

tickling - Cosquillas; (tickle); cosquilla, hacer cosquillas, cosquillear

feather - pluma

curiously - con curiosidad; curiosamente

They made me sit down, and Van Spreckdal, raising his voice, said to me:

"Christian Vénius, where did you get this sketch?"

He showed me the nocturnal sketch which was then in his possession. It was handed to me. After having examined it, I replied:

nocturnal - nocturno, noctámbulo, trasnochador

examined - examinado; examinar, analizar, auscultar

"I am the author of it."

A long silence followed; the clerk of the court, Conrad, wrote down my reply. I heard his pen scratch over the paper, and I thought: "Why did they ask me that question? That has nothing to do with the kick I gave Rap in the back."

scratch - rascar, raspar, aranar, rasgunar, rayar, aranazo, rayadura

"You are the author of it?" asked Van Spreckdal. "What is the subject?"

"It is a subject of pure fancy."

pure - pura; puro

fancy - te apetece; capricho, antojo

"You have not copied the details from some spot?"

spot - unto; mancha, grano, poquito, poquita, zona, paraje, lámpara

"No, sir; I imagined it all."

"Accused Christian," said the judge in a severe tone, "I ask you to reflect. Do not lie."

accused - acusado; acusar, denunciar

tone - tono

reflect - reflejar, recapacitar, reflexionar, cavilar, discurrir

"I have spoken the truth."

truth - verdad

"Write that down, clerk," said Van Spreckdal.

The pen scratched again.

scratched - rayado; rascar, raspar, aranar, rasgunar, rayar, aranazo

"And this woman," continued the judge-"this woman who is being murdered at the side of the well-did you imagine her also?"

murdered - asesinado; asesinato, asesinar, cepillarse, devorar


"You have never seen her?"


Van Spreckdal rose indignantly; then, sitting down again, he seemed to consult his companion in a low voice.

indignantly - con indignación

consult - consultar

companion - companero; companero, companera

These two dark profiles silhouetted against the brightness of the window, and the three men standing behind me, the silence in the hall-everything made me shiver.

silhouetted - silueta

brightness - brillo

shiver - tiritando; temblar, tiritar, estremecerse

"What do you want with me? What have I done?" I murmured.

Suddenly Van Spreckdal said to my guardians:

guardians - guardianes; guardián, guardia, apoderado, tutor, custodio, jefe

"You can take the prisoner back to the carriage; we will go to Metzerstrasse."

prisoner - prisionero, preso

Then, addressing me:

"Christian Vénius," he cried, "you are in a deplorable situation. Collect your thoughts and remember that if the law of man is inflexible, there still remains for you the mercy of God. This you can merit by confessing your crime."

deplorable - deplorable, lamentable

inflexible - inflexible

remains - resto, restos, quedarse, sobrar, restar, permanecer, continuar

mercy - misericordia, piedad

merit - mérito, merecimiento, meritar

confessing - confesando; confesar, panish: t-needed

These words stunned me like a blow from a hammer. I fell back with extended arms, crying:

stunned - aturdido; anonadar, aturdir, pasmar, atontar

hammer - martillo, percutor, malleus, martillar; (ham); martillo

"Ah! what a terrible dream!"

And I fainted.

fainted - desmayado; débil, tenue

When I regained consciousness, the carriage was rolling slowly down the street; another one preceded us. The two officers were always with me. One of them on the way offered a pinch of snuff to his companion; mechanically I reached out my hand toward the snuff-box, but he withdrew it quickly.

regained - recuperado; recobrar

consciousness - conciencia

preceded - precedido; preceder, anteceder

offered - ofrecido; ofrecer

pinch - pellizcar, repizcar, afanar, chorizar, pellizco

mechanically - mecánicamente, maquinalmente

toward - hacia, sobre, para

withdrew - se retiró; retirar(se)

My cheeks reddened with shame, and I turned away my head to conceal my emotion.

reddened - enrojecido; enrojecer

shame - vergüenza, pena

conceal - esconder, ocultar

emotion - afecto, emoción

"If you look outside," said the man with the snuff-box, "we shall be obliged to put handcuffs on you."

be obliged - estar obligado

handcuffs - esposas, esposar

"May the devil strangle you, you infernal scoundrel!" I said to myself. And as the carriage now stopped, one of them got out, while the other held me by the collar; then, seeing that his comrade was ready to receive me, he pushed me rudely to him.

devil - demonio; diablo

strangle - estrangular

infernal - infernal

rudely - groseramente

These infinite precautions to hold possession of my person boded no good; but I was far from predicting the seriousness of the accusation that hung over my head until an alarming circumstance opened my eyes and threw me into despair.

infinite - infinito

precautions - precauciones; precaución

boded - Cuerpo

seriousness - seriedad, gravedad

hung over - resaca

alarming - alarmante; alarma, rebato, despertador, alarma, tocar a rebato

circumstance - circunstancia

despair - desesperar, desesperanzar, desesperación, desesperanza

They pushed me along a low alley, the pavement of which was unequal and broken; along the wall there ran a yellowish ooze, exhaling a fetid odour. I walked down this dark place with the two men behind me. A little further there appeared the chiaroscuro of an interior courtyard.

alley - callejón; callejuela

unequal - desigual

yellowish - amarillento

ooze - manar, rezumar

exhaling - exhalando; espirar, exhalar

fetid - fétido

odour - olor

chiaroscuro - claroscuro

interior - interior, interior

I grew more and more terror-sticken as I advanced. It was no natural feeling: it was a poignant anxiety, outside of nature-like a nightmare. I recoiled instinctively at each step.

sticken - Pegado

poignant - conmovedor; puntiagudo, punzo-cortante, claro, elocuente

anxiety - zozobra, ansiedad, inquietud

nightmare - pesadilla, mal sueno, tormento, suplicio

recoiled - retrocedió; retroceso, echarse atrás, recular

instinctively - instintivamente

"Go on!" cried one of the policemen, laying his hand on my shoulder; "go on!"

laying - colocación; (lay) colocación

But what was my astonishment when, at the end of the passage, I saw the courtyard that I had drawn the night before, with its walls furnished with hooks, its rubbish-heap of old iron, its chicken-coops, and its rabbit-hutch. Not a dormer window, high or low, not a broken pane, not the slightest detail had been omitted.

astonishment - asombro, estupefacción, sorpresa, extraneza

rubbish-heap - (rubbish-heap) un montón de basura

coops - cooperativas; gallinero, jaula

rabbit - conejo

hutch - conejera

dormer window - ventana de buhardilla

pane - panel; cristal, vidrio

omitted - omitido; omitir, dejar de lado, dejarse en el tintero

I was thunderstruck by this strange revelation.

revelation - revelación, develamiento

Near the well were the two judges, Van Spreckdal and Richter. At their feet lay the old woman extended on her back, her long, thin, grey hair, her blue face, her eyes wide open, and her tongue between her teeth.

judges - jueces; juzgar

lay - poner, colocar

tongue - lengua, tsinhueso, lengüeta

It was a horrible spectacle!

horrible - horrible, horrendo

spectacle - espectáculo, papelón

"Well," said Van Spreckdal, with solemn accents, "what have you to say?"

solemn - solemne

accents - acentos; acento, pronunciación

I did not reply.

"Do you remember having thrown this woman, Theresa Becker, into this well, after having strangled her to rob her of her money?"

strangled - estrangulado; estrangular

rob - robar

"No," I cried, "no! I do not know this woman; I never saw her before. May God help me!"

"That will do," he replied in a dry voice. And without saying another word he went out with his companion.

The officers now believed that they had best put handcuffs on me. They took me back to the Raspelhaus, in a state of profound stupidity. I did not know what to think; my conscience itself troubled me; I even asked myself if I really had murdered the old woman!

stupidity - estupidez, burricie, tontería, idiotez

conscience - conciencia

In the eyes of the officers I was condemned.

condemned - condenado; condenar, clausurar

I will not tell you of my emotions that night in the Raspelhaus, when, seated on my straw bed with the window opposite me and the gallows in perspective, I heard the watchmen cry in the silence of the night: "Sleep, people of Nuremberg; the Lord watches over you. One o'clock! Two o'clock! Three o'clock!"

emotions - emociones; afecto, emoción

watchmen - vigilantes; guardián, celador, guarda, vigía

Lord - senor; castellano, senor

Every one may form his own idea of such a night. There is a fine saying that it is better to be hanged innocent than guilty. For the soul, yes; but for the body, it makes no difference; on the contrary, it kicks, it curses its lot, it tries to escape, knowing well enough that its role ends with the rope. Add to this, that it repents not having sufficiently enjoyed life and at having listened to the soul when it preached abstinence.

innocent - inocente

guilty - culpable

soul - alma, espíritu

contrary - contrario

kicks - patadas; dar un puntapié, golpear con el pie, dar una patada a

curses - maldiciones; maldecir

repents - se arrepiente; arrepentirse

sufficiently - suficientemente

preached - predicado; predicar

abstinence - vigilia, abstinencia

"Ah! if I had only known!" it cried, "you would not have led me around by a string with your big words, your beautiful phrases, and your magnificent sentences! You would not have allured me with your fine promises. I should have had many happy moments that are now lost forever.

led - llevado; led; (lead) llevado; led

magnificent - magnífico, macanudo

allured - atraído; Attactivo, Encanto

forever - para siempre, por siempre, constantemente, sin cesar, eternidad

Everything is over! You said to me: 'Control your passions.'Very well! I did control them. Here I am now. They are going to hang me, and you-later they will speak of you as a sublime soul, a stoical soul, a martyr to the errors of justice. They will never think about me!"

passions - pasiones; pasión

hang - colgar

stoical - estoico

martyr - mártir, martirizar

errors of justice - errores de la justicia

Such were the sad reflections of my poor body.

Day broke; at first, dull and undecided, it threw an uncertain light on my bull's-eye window with its cross-bars; then it blazed against the wall at the back. Outside the street became lively. This was a market-day; it was Friday. I heard the vegetable wagons pass and also the country people with their baskets.

dull - sordo; romo, desafilado, embotado, aburrido, soso

undecided - indecisos; indeciso

uncertain - incierto

blazed - arde; llamarada, incendio; resplandor

lively - animado

wagons - vagones; carro, coche

baskets - cestas; cesta, cesto, canasta

Some chickens cackled in their coops in passing and some butter sellers chattered together. The market opposite opened, and they began to arrange the stalls.

cackled - cacareó; cacareo, cacarear

sellers - vendedores; Vendedor

chattered - charló; chacharear, parlotear

stalls - puestos; compartimento

Finally it was broad daylight and the vast murmur of the increasing crowd, housekeepers who assembled with baskets on their arms, coming and going, discussing and marketing, told me that it was eight o'clock.

broad - amplio; ancho

vast - vasta; vasto, enorme

murmur - murmullo; soplo, murmurar

housekeepers - amas de llaves; ama de llaves, ama de casa

assembled - montado; ensamblar, construir, montar, reunir, juntar

With the light, my heart gained a little courage. Some of my black thoughts disappeared. I desired to see what was going on outside.

Gained - ganado; ganar, adquirir, obtener, conseguir

desired - deseado; desear, deseo, gana

Other prisoners before me had managed to climb up to the bull's-eye; they had dug some holes in the wall to mount more easily. I climbed in my turn, and, when seated in the oval edge of the window, with my legs bent and my head bowed, I could see the crowd, and all the life and movement. Tears ran freely down my cheeks. I thought no longer of suicide-I experienced a need to live and breathe, which was really extraordinary.

prisoners - prisioneros; prisionero, preso

climb up - subir

mount - montar

oval - óvalo, oval, ovalado

Tears - lágrimas; lágrima

freely - libremente

suicide - suicidio, autolisis, suicida

breathe - respirar

extraordinary - extraordinario, descomunal

"Ah!" I said, "to live what happiness! Let them harness me to a wheelbarrow-let them put a ball and chain around my leg-nothing matters if I may only live!"

Happiness - la felicidad; felicidad

harness - arnés, arrear, aparejar, aprovechar

wheelbarrow - carretilla, carrucha

chain - cadena, encadenar

Now, while I looked about in this manner, a man-a butcher-passed, inclining forward and carrying an enormous quarter of beef on his shoulders; his arms were bare, his elbows were raised upward and his head was bent under them. His long hair, like that of Salvator's Sicambrian, hid his face from me; and yet, at the first glance, I trembled.

butcher - carnicero; (butch) carnicero

inclining - Inclinándose; (incline) Inclinándose

elbows - codos; codo, codazo, panish: t-needed

trembled - tembló; tiritar, temblar, temblor, vibración, temblequera

"It is he!" I said.

All the blood in my body rushed to my heart. I got down from the window trembling to the ends of my fingers, feeling my cheeks quiver, and the pallor spread over my face, stammering in a choked voice:

rushed - apurado; precipitarse, lanzarse, correr, ir rápidamente

quiver - tiemblo; estremecer(se)

pallor - palidez

spread - extender, dispersar, esparcir, untar, diseminar, difundir

stammering - tartamudeando; tartamudeo; (stammer); tartamudear, balbucir

choked - ahogado; ahogar, asfixiar

"It is he! he is there-there-and I, I have to die to expiate his crime. Oh, God! what shall I do? What shall I do?"

A sudden idea, an inspiration from Heaven, flashed across my mind. I put my hand in the pocket of my coat-my box of crayons was there!

Heaven - el cielo; cielo, firmamento, paraíso

flashed - flasheado; destello

crayons - crayones; creyón

Then rushing to the wall, I began to trace the scene of the murder with superhuman energy. No uncertainty, no hesitation! I knew the man! I had seen him! He was there before me!

rushing - Prisa; (rush) Prisa

trace - rastrear; rastro, huella, vestigio, indicio

superhuman - superhumano; sobrehumano

uncertainty - incertidumbre, incerteza

hesitation - hesitación, vacilación, dudas, titubeo

At ten o'clock the jailer came to my cell. His owl-like impassibility gave place to admiration.

cell - célula; celda

impassibility - Impasibilidad

admiration - admiración

"Is it possible?" he cried, standing at the threshold.

"Go, bring me my judges," I said to him, pursuing my work with an increasing exultation.

pursuing - Persiguiendo; (pursue); perseguir, apuntar a

exultation - exultación

Schlüssel answered:

"They are waiting for you in the trial-room."

trial - proceso, juicio

"I wish to make a revelation," I cried, as I put the finishing touches to the mysterious personage.

He lived; he was frightful to see. His full-faced figure, foreshortened upon the wall, stood out from the white background with an astonishing vitality.

frightful - aterrador; temible

foreshortened - escuadra

astonishing - asombroso; asombrar, sorprender, pasmar

vitality - vitalidad

The jailer went away.

A few minutes afterward the two judges appeared. They were stupefied. I, trembling, with extended hand, said to them:

afterward - después

"There is the murderer!"

After a few minutes of silence, Van Spreckdal asked me:

"What is his name?"

"I don't know; but he is at this moment in the market; he is cutting up meat in the third stall to the left as you enter from Trabaus Street."

cutting up - cortar

stall - parar; compartimento

"What do you think?" said he, leaning toward his colleague.

leaning - Inclinado; (lean) Inclinado

"send for the man," he replied in a grave tone.

send for - ir a buscar a, mandar a buscar a; hacer traer

grave - tumba

Several officers retained in the corridor obeyed this order. The judges stood, examining the sketch. As for me, I had dropped on my bed of straw, my head between my knees, perfectly exhausted.

retained - retenido; retener, detentar

obeyed - obedecer

examining - examinando; examinar, analizar, auscultar

perfectly - perfectamente

exhausted - exhausto; agotar, cansar, tubo de escape, gas de escape

Soon steps were heard echoing under the archway. Those who have never awaited the hour of deliverance and counted the minutes, which seem like centuries-those who have never experienced the sharp emotions of outrage, terror, hope, and doubt-can have no conception of the inward chills that I experienced at that moment. I should have distinguished the step of the murderer, walking between the guards, among a thousand others.

echoing - haciendo eco; eco, repercutir, repetir, hacer eco

deliverance - entrega, salvación, liberación

sharp - agudo, afilado, filoso, listo, sostenido, agrio, certero

outrage - atrocidad, ultraje, desafuero, atropello, indignación, rabia

doubt - dudas; dudar, duda, incertidumbre

conception - concepción

inward - hacia dentro; interior, adentro

chills - escalofríos; frío

distinguished - istinguido; distinguir

guards - guardias; guarda, guardia, guardés, guarda, tapador, bloque

They approached. The judges themselves seemed moved. I raised up my head, my heart feeling as if an iron hand had clutched it, and I fixed my eyes upon the closed door. It opened. The man entered. His cheeks were red and swollen, the muscles in his large contracted jaws twitched as far as his ears, and his little restless eyes, yellow like a wolf's, gleamed beneath his heavy yellowish red eyebrows.

approached - se acercó; acercarse, aproximarse

swollen - inflamado; hinchar(se), inflar(se)

muscles - músculos; músculo

twitched - se movió; crispar(se), mover(se) convulsivamente

restless - inquieto

wolf - lobo, mujeriego, devorar, engullir

gleamed - brillaba; relucir, brillar, destellar

Van Spreckdal showed him the sketch in silence.

sketch in - agregar, puntualizar

Then that murderous man, with the large shoulders, having looked, grew pale-then, giving a roar which thrilled us all with terror, he waved his enormous arms, and jumped backward to overthrow the guards. There was a terrible struggle in the corridor; you could hear nothing but the panting breath of the butcher, his muttered imprecations, and the short words and the shuffling feet of the guard, upon the flagstones.

murderous - asesino, homicida

roar - rugir, bramar, rugido, bramido

thrilled - emocionado; excitar; emocionar, conmover

backward - hacia atrás; atrasado, rezagado, subdesarrollado

overthrow - derrocar, derribar

Struggle - lucha, forcejeo, brega, luchar, esforzarse con denuedo

the panting - el jadeo

muttered - murmuró; hablar entre dientes, murmurar

shuffling - barajando; (shuffle); barajar, mezclar, barajear, arrastrar

guard - guarda, guardia, guardés, guarda, tapador, bloque

This lasted only about a minute.

Finally the assassin re-entered, with his head hanging down, his eyes bloodshot, and his hands fastened behind his back. He looked again at the picture of the murderer; he seemed to reflect, and then, in a low voice, as if talking to himself:

assassin - asesino, asesina

hanging - Colgando; (hang) Colgando

bloodshot - enrojecida; sanguinolento, inyectados en sangre

fastened - sujetado; atar, abrochar

"Who could have seen me," he said, "at midnight?"

I was saved!

Many years have passed since that terrible adventure. Thank Heaven! I make silhouettes no longer, nor portraits of burgomasters. Through hard work and perseverance, I have conquered my place in the world, and I earn my living honourably by painting works of art-the sole end, in my opinion, to which a true artist should aspire.

perseverance - perseverancia

conquered - conquistado; conquistar, debelar

honourably - honorablemente

aspire - aspirar, ambicionar

But the memory of that nocturnal sketch has always remained in my mind. Sometimes, in the midst of work, the thought of it recurs. Then I lay down my palette and dream for hours.

midst - en medio; centro

palette - paleta, gama de colores

How could a crime committed by a man that I did not know-at a place that I had never seen-have been reproduced by my pencil, in all its smallest details?

committed - comprometido; encomendar, cometer

reproduced - reproducido; reproducir, proliferar, reproducirse, procrear

Was it chance? No! And moreover, what is chance but the effect of a cause of which we are ignorant?

Moreover - además, adicionalmente, otrosí

ignorant - ignorante, ignaro, inculto

Was Schiller right when he said: "The immortal soul does not participate in the weaknesses of matter; during the sleep of the body, it spreads its radiant wings and travels, God knows where! What it then does, no one can say, but inspiration sometimes betrays the secret of its nocturnal wanderings."

immortal - inmortal, inmortal

participate - participar

weaknesses - debilidades; debilidad, flaqueza, punto débil, debilidad por

spreads - difunde; extender, dispersar, esparcir, untar, diseminar

radiant - radiante, punto radiante

wings - alas; ala, sección, parte, flanco, alero

Betrays - traicionar, entregar, vender, delatar, demostrar

wanderings - vagabundeos; errabundo, andariego, errante, peripatético, vagar

Who knows? Nature is more audacious in her realities than man in his most fantastic imagining.

audacious - audaz, insolente

realities - realidades; realidad

most fantastic - el más fantástico

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