The Were-Wolf with English-German Dictionary by H. B. Marryatt (online free books)

Der Werwolf mit einem zweisprachigen Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch (best ebooks to read)

The Were-Wolf Text

wolf - Wolf, Meister Graubein, herunterschlingen

My father was not born, or originally a resident, in the Hartz Mountains; he was the serf of an Hungarian nobleman, of great possessions, in Transylvania; but, although a serf, he was not by any means a poor or illiterate man. In fact, he was rich, and his intelligence and respectability were such, that he had been raised by his lord to the stewardship; but, whoever may happen to be born a serf, a serf must he remain, even though he become a wealthy man; such was the condition of my father. My father had been married for about five years; and, by his marriage, had three children-my eldest brother Cćsar, myself (Hermann), and a sister named Marcella. Latin is still the language spoken in that country; and that will account for our high-sounding names. My mother was a very beautiful woman, unfortunately more beautiful than virtuous: she was seen and admired by the lord of the soil; my father was sent away upon some mission; and, during his absence, my mother, flattered by the attentions, and won by the assiduities, of this nobleman, yielded to his wishes. It so happened that my father returned very unexpectedly, and discovered the intrigue. The evidence of my mother's shame was positive: he surprised her in the company of her seducer! carried away by the impetuosity of his feelings, he watched the opportunity of a meeting taking place between them, and murdered both his wife and her seducer. Conscious that, as a serf, not even the provocation which he had received would be allowed as a justification of his conduct, he hastily collected together what money he could lay his hands upon, and, as we were then in the depth of winter, he put his horses to the sleigh, and taking his children with him, he set off in the middle of the night, and was far away before the tragical circumstance had transpired. Aware that he would be pursued, and that he had No chance of escape if he remained in any portion of his native country (in which the authorities could lay hold of him), he continued his flight without intermission until he had buried himself in the intricacies and seclusion of the Hartz Mountains. Of course, all that I have now told you I learned afterwards. My oldest recollections are knit to a rude, yet comfortable cottage, in which I lived with my father, brother, and sister.

originally - ursprünglich

resident - ansässig; Einwohner, Einwohnerin, Bewohner, Bewohnerin

serf - Leibeigener

Hungarian - ungarisch; Ungar, Ungarin, Ungarisch

nobleman - Edelmann, Adeliger, Adliger, Aristokrat

possessions - Besitztümer; Gut

although - obwohl, obschon, trotzdem

illiterate - Analphabeten; analphabetisch; ungebildet, ungelehrt, Analphabet

intelligence - Intelligenz, Klugheit, intelligentes Leben

respectability - Respektabilität; Achtbarkeit

such - solch, derartig, so ein

raised - angehoben; Gehaltszulage; aufsteigen, anheben, erhöhen

Lord - Gebieter; Herr; herrschen

stewardship - Verwalterschaft; Stewardamt

Whoever - wer immer, wer auch immer

wealthy - wohlhabend, reich

condition - Zustand; Bedingung, Kondition, Voraussetzung, Verfassung

marriage - Ehe, Heirat, Hochzeit, Eheschließung

myself - mich selbst; mich

Latin - lateinisch, Latein

account - Rechnung, Bericht, Rechnung, Konto

unfortunately - leider, unglücklicherweise

more beautiful - schönere

virtuous - züchtig, tugendhaft, tugendsam

admired - bewundert; bewundern, verehren, hochschätzen

soil - Boden, (Erd-) Boden; beflecken, beschmutzen, schmutzig machen

sent away - weggeschickt

upon - auf; mit

absence - Abwesenheit, Absenz, Fehlen, Absence

flattered - geschmeichelt; schmeicheln

attentions - Aufmerksamkeiten; Aufmerksamkeit, Beachtung, Wachsamkeit

assiduities - Versicherungen; Fleiß

yielded - nachgegeben; hervorbringen, er/sie hat/hatte ergeben, weichen

wishes - Wunsch, wünschen, wünschen

unexpectedly - unerwartet, unerwarteterweise

discovered - entdeckt; entdecken, erleben, erfahren, dabei sein

intrigue - Intrige; intrigieren; faszinieren

evidence - Beweise; Beweis, Indiz, Beweismittel

shame - Schamgefühl; Scham, Schande

surprised - überrascht; Überraschung, Überraschung

seducer - Verführer

carried away - davongetragen

impetuosity - Ungezügeltheit; Unvorsichtigkeit, Heftigkeit, Ungestüm

feelings - Gefühle; Gefühl, Eindruck

opportunity - Gelegenheit, Chance, Möglichkeit

murdered - ermordet; Mord, Mord, Mord, mörderisch, ermorden, massakrieren

conscious - bei Bewusstsein, wach, aufmerksam

provocation - Provokation

received - bekommen, erhalten, empfangen, kriegen, empfangen

allowed - erlaubt; erlauben, zulassen, akzeptieren, erlauben, zulassen

justification - Rechtfertigung, Begründung, Ausrichtung, Blocksatz

conduct - Leitung, Führung, leiten, führen, sich verhalten, sich benehmen

hastily - hastig

collected - gesammelt; eintreiben (Schulden), sammeln, einsammeln

lay - legen; richten (Tisch)

depth - Tiefe

sleigh - Schlitten

set - gesetzt; Seth

Middle - Mittelpunkt; Mitte; Mittel-, mittlere, mittig

tragical - tragisch

circumstance - Umstand

transpired - stattgefunden; sich ereignen, geschehen; schwitzen

aware - wachsam, gewahr, bewusst, checkgewahr

pursued - Verfolgt; verfolgen, folgen, beschreiten, nachjagen, nachgehen

No chance - Ist nicht drin!, Unmöglich!

escape - entgehen, ausweichen, davonkommen, Flucht

remained - geblieben; Überrest (2), de

portion - Anteil; Teil

native country - Geburtsland , Vaterland

authorities - Behörden; Autorität, Autorität; Behörde, Autorität, Behörde

hold - halten; innehaben

continued - fortgesetzt; fortsetzen, weiterhin

intermission - Unterbrechung, Pause

buried - vergraben, verbergen, begraben

intricacies - Verwicklungen; Gewundenheit, Komplexität, Schwierigkeit

seclusion - Abgeschiedenheit, Abschottung, Absonderung

recollections - Erinnern Sie sich; Erinnerung

knit - stricken

rude - grob, unhöflich, frech, unverschämt

comfortable - komfortabel, bequem, behaglich, kommod, gemütlich

cottage - Cottage, Häuschen, Kotten

It was on the confines of one of those vast forests which cover the northern part of Germany; around it were a few acres of ground, which, during the summer months, my father cultivated, and which, though they yielded a doubtful harvest, were sufficient for our support. In the winter we remained much in doors, for, as my father followed the chase, we were left alone, and the wolves, during that season, incessantly prowled about. My father had purchased the cottage, and land about it, of one of the rude foresters, who gain their livelihood partly by hunting, and partly by burning charcoal, for the purpose of smelting the ore from the neighbouring mines; it was distant about two miles from any other habitation. I can call to mind the whole landscape now: the tall pines which rose up on the mountain above us, and the wide expanse of forest beneath, on the topmost boughs and heads of whose trees we looked down from our cottage, as the mountain below us rapidly descended into the distant valley. In summer time the prospect was beautiful; but during the severe winter, a more desolate scene could not well be imagined.

confines - Grenzen; beschränken, Begrenzung

those - die; jene

vast - riesig; beträchtlich, weit, ausgedehnt, enorm

Forests - Wälder; Wald, t+Forst, t+Gehölz

cover - Versicherungsdeckung ;überdecken;bespannen (mit Stoff ...), decken, überziehen;Ăśberzug , Umschlag , Hülle , Titel

Northern - Nordisch; nördlich, Nord

Germany - Deutschland

acres - Hektar; Morgen, Acker, Joch

ground - Masse (elektrisch); Erdboden, Grund, Boden

summer months - Sommermonate

cultivated - kultiviert; kultivieren, anbauen, kultivieren, pflegen

though - aber; trotzdem, doch, allerdings, obwohl, obgleich

doubtful - zweifelhaft; zweifelnd

harvest - Ernte; Frucht

sufficient - genügend, ausreichend, hinreichend

support - Rückendeckung, Auflage, Unterstützung; abstützen, befürworten

alone - allein, einsam, selbst, nur, ausschließlich

wolves - Wölfe; Wolf, Meister Graubein, herunterschlingen

season - Jahreszeit, Saison; abschmecken (würzen), würzen

incessantly - unaufhörlich

prowled - herumgeschlichen; durchstreifen, herumstreifen, herumstreifen

purchased - gekauft; Einkauf, Kauf, Kauf, Anschaffung, Anschaffung, kaufen

foresters - Förster, Försterin

gain - Gewinn, Zunahme, Verstärkung; erwerben, gewinnen, erlangen

livelihood - Lebensunterhalt, Lebensgrundlage, Auskommen, Existenzgrundlage

partly - teilweise, zum Teil

hunting - Jagd; (hunt); jagen; suchen; Jagd

burning - Verbrennen; brennend; Verbrennung; (burn) Verbrennen; brennend; Verbrennung

charcoal - Holzkohle

purpose - absicht, Absicht, Einsatzzweck, Zweck

smelting - Schmelzen; (smelt); Schmelzen

mines - Minen; mein, meiner

distant - weit entfernt; abgelegen, abstehend, distanziert, entfernt

habitation - Wohnsitz; Wohnen; Behausung

mind - Verstand, Geist, Sinn, Bewusstsein, Gedächtnis, Gedanken

landscape - Landschaft; Querformat

pines - Kiefern; pineapple = Ananasa

rose - Rosa; (rise); Rosa

wide - breit, weit

expanse - Fläche, Ausdehnung, Weite

beneath - unter

topmost - ganz oben; oberst

boughs - Zweige; Ast

whose - wessen; dessen, deren, wem gehört/gehören?

rapidly - schnell

descended - abstammen; absteigen, niedergehen, herunterkommen, herabsteigen

Valley - Senke, Tal

prospect - Anwärter; Sicht, Perspektive, Aussicht, Erwartung, Chance

severe - schwerwiegend; streng

desolate - verzweifelt; verlassen; verlassen

scene - Szene

I said that, in the winter, my father occupied himself with the chase; every day he left us, and often would he lock the door, that we might not leave the cottage. He had no one to assist him, or to take care of us-indeed, it was not easy to find a female servant who would live in such a solitude; but, could he have found one, my father would not have received her, for he had imbibed a horror of the sex, as a difference of his conduct toward us, his two boys, and my poor little sister, Marcella, evidently proved. You may suppose we were sadly neglected; indeed, we suffered much, for my father, fearful that we might come to some harm, would not allow us fuel, when he left the cottage; and we were obliged, therefore, to creep under the heaps of bears'-skins, and there to keep ourselves as warm as we could until he returned in the evening, when a blazing fire was our delight. That my father chose this restless sort of life may appear strange, but the fact was that he could not remain quiet; whether from remorse for having committed murder, or from the misery consequent on his change of situation, or from both combined, he was never happy unless he was in a state of activity.

occupied - besetzt; in Anspruch nehmen, belegen, bewohnen, besetzen

chase - verfolgtes Wild, Verfolgung; jagen; Jagd (nach)

lock - sperren; Schloss

assist - assistieren, helfen, beistehen, unterstützen, vorlegen, Vorlage

care - kümmern; Sorgfalt, Aufbewahrung, Behandlung

indeed - tatsächlich; in der Tat, genau, allerdings, checkgewiss

female - weiblich; Weib, Weibchen

servant - Diener, Dienerin, Lakai, Kammerdiener

solitude - Einsamkeit, Alleinsein

imbibed - aufgesaugt; trinken, vereinnahmen

horror - Angst, Furcht, Horror, Grauen

sex - Alter, Geschlecht, Wohnort?, Geschlecht

toward - zu, in Richtung, nach, auf

evidently - offensichtlich

proved - er/sie hat/hatte bewiesen, beweisen, erhärten

suppose - annehmen, vermuten, vermeinen

sadly - traurig, traurigerweise

neglected - vernachlässigt; vernachlässigen, verabsäumen, versäumen

suffered - gelitten; leiden, leiden, erleiden

fearful - furchtbar; furchtsam, ängstlich, verängstigt

harm - Schaden

allow - erlauben, zulassen, akzeptieren, mit einberechnen

fuel - Kraftstoff; Brennstoff; betanken; anheizen, schüren

obliged - verpflichtet; verpflichten, einen Gefallen tun

therefore - deswegen, deshalb, darum, also (folglich), daher

creep - Fiesling; kriechen; schleichen; Knilch, Widerling

heaps - haufenweise; Menschenmenge, Masse, Haufen, Haufe, Heap, Haufen

bears - Bären; (to bear) ertragen, aushalten

skins - Haut, Haut, tHäutchen

ourselves - uns selbst; uns

blazing - lodernd; Lohe, Brand, Großbrand, brenne, Glut

delight - Freude, Entzückung, Wohlgefallen, Lust

restless - unruhig; ruhelos, rastlos, checkunruhig

sort - Sortierung, Gattung, Art, Sorte; sortieren, ordnen

appear strange - befremden

remain - Überrest (2); Überreste (3); sterbliche Überreste (3); bleiben

whether - ob

remorse - Reue, Gewissensbisse

committed - verpflichtet; einweisen, einliefern, begehen, verbrechen

murder - Mord, mörderisch, ermorden, massakrieren, umbringen

misery - Misere, Elend

consequent - folgerichtig; folgend

combined - kombiniert; kombinieren, verbinden, vereinen

Unless - wenn nicht, es sei denn

state - Umstände ;Status , Zustand , Stand , Staat ;staatlich;darlegen, festlegen, konstatieren, festsetzen;Bundesland

Children, however, when left much to themselves, acquire a thoughtfulness not common to their age. So it was with us; and during the short cold days of winter we would sit silent, longing for the happy hours when the snow would melt, and the leaves burst out, and the birds begin their songs, and when we should again be set at liberty.

themselves - selbst; sich; sich selber

acquire - erwerben, akquirieren

thoughtfulness - Nachdenklichkeit

silent - still

longing for - ersehnend

melt - Schmelze; Schmelzwasser; schmelzen, zum Schmelzen bringen

burst - geplatzt; platzen, zerplatzen, bersten, sprengen, Bersten

liberty - Freiheit

Such was our peculiar and savage sort of life until my brother Cćsar was nine, myself seven, and my sister five, years old, when the circumstances occurred on which is based the extraordinary narrative which I am about to relate.

peculiar - eigentümlich; merkwürdig, seltsam

savage - Wilde; wild, wüst, unbebaut, unbändig, rasend

circumstances - Umstände; Umstand, Umstand

occurred - aufgetreten; passieren, vorkommen, stattfinden, vorkommen

based - basiert; Bas

extraordinary - außerordentlich, außergewöhnlich

narrative - erzählend, erzählerisch, in erzählender Form darlegend

relate - verbinden; sich beziehen, erzählen, berichten

One evening my father returned home rather later than usual; he had been unsuccessful, and, as the weather was very severe, and many feet of snow were upon the ground, he was not only very cold, but in a very bad humour. He had brought in wood, and we were all three of us gladly assisting each other in blowing on the embers to create the blaze, when he caught poor little Marcella by the arm and threw her aside; the child fell, struck her mouth, and bled very much. My brother ran to raise her up. Accustomed to ill usage, and afraid of my father, she did not dare to cry, but looked up in his face very piteously. My father drew his stool nearer to the hearth, muttered something in abuse of women, and busied himself with the fire, which both my brother and I had deserted when our sister was so unkindly treated. A cheerful blaze was soon the result of his exertions; but we did not, as usual, crowd round it. Marcella, still bleeding, retired to a corner, and my brother and I took our seats beside her, while my father hung over the fire gloomily and alone.

returned home - heimgegangen

usual - gewöhnlich, üblich

unsuccessful - erfolglos

humour - Humor; Laune, Stimmung, Körpersaft

wood - Holz

gladly - gerne; gern

assisting - assistieren, helfen, beistehen, unterstützen, vorlegen, Vorlage

blowing - (to blow) blasen, wehen, pusten

embers - Glut; Asche

blaze - lodern; Lohe, Brand, Großbrand, brenne, Glut

caught - erwischt; Fang, Fang, Haken, Fang, fangen, fangen, einfangen

threw - geworfen; Wurf; werfen (du wirfst, er wirft), ich/er/sie würfe

aside - beiseite, zur Seite

struck - angeschlagen; streichen, schlagen, prägen, streiken, scheinen

bled - geblutet; bluten, ausbluten, entlüften, Blutung, Beschnitt

raise - Gehaltszulage; aufsteigen, anheben, erhöhen, heranziehen

accustomed - Gewöhnt; gewöhnen, gewöhnen

ill - krank, siech, übel, schlecht, Übel

usage - Verwendung, Benutzung, Anwendung, Brauch, Gebrauch

dare - sich getrauen, wagen, jemanden herausfordern

cry - weinen; schreien; rufen; Weinen; Schrei

piteously - Mitleid erregend; kläglich, erbärmlich

stool - Stuhl, Kot, Hocker

hearth - Feuerstelle, Herdboden, Grund, Kaminboden

muttered - gemurmelt; murmeln

abuse - missbrauchen, beschimpfen; Missbrauch, Schmähung

deserted - Wüste, wüst, Ă–de; verlassen, desertieren, im Stich lassen

unkindly - unhöflich; unfreundlich, herzlos

treated - behandelt; behandeln, bewirten, einladen, heilen, kurieren

cheerful - fröhlich, vergnügt, freundlich

exertions - Strapazen; Anstrengung, Kraftanstrengung, Anspannung, Ausübung

crowd round - sich scharen um

bleeding - Blutungen; Blutung; (bleed); bluten; ausbluten; entlüften; Blutung; Beschnitt

retired - im Ruhestand; pensionieren, zurücktreten, sich zurückziehen

corner - Ecke, Winkel, in die Enge treiben

seats - Sitze; Sitz, Sitzplatz, Sitzgelegenheit, Stuhl, Sitzmöbel

beside - daneben; neben

hung over - überhängte

gloomily - düster, finster

Such had been our position for about half-an-hour, when the howl of a wolf, close under the window of the cottage, fell on our ears. My father started up, and seized his gun; the howl was repeated, he examined the priming, and then hastily left the cottage, shutting the door after him. We all waited (anxiously listening), for we thought that if he succeeded in shooting the wolf, he would return in a better humour; and although he was harsh to all of us, and particularly so to our little sister, still we loved our father, and loved to see him cheerful and happy, for what else had we to look up to? And I may here observe, that perhaps there never were three children who were fonder of each other; we did not, like other children, fight and dispute together; and if, by chance, any disagreement did arise between my elder brother and me, little Marcella would run to us, and kissing us both, seal, through her entreaties, the peace between us. Marcella was a lovely, amiable child; I can recall her beautiful features even now-Alas! poor little Marcella.

position - Stellung, Position, Arbeitsplatz, Stelle, positionieren

howl - Heulen, jaulen

started up - aufgefahren

seized - beschlagnahmt; ergreifen, fassen, greifen, packen, ergreifen

gun - Waffe; Geschütz, Gewehr, Knarre, Revolver

examined - untersucht; untersuchen, untersuchen, untersuchen, prüfen

priming - Grundierung; vorbereiten; (prim) Grundierung; vorbereiten

shutting - (to shut) schließen, zumachen

anxiously - ängstlich; besorgt, bang, unruhig

succeeded - erfolgreich; nachfolgen, gelingen, geraten, nachfolgen

shooting - Schießen, Schießerei; (shoot); Schießen, Schießerei

harsh - rau, harsch, unwirsch, scharf

particularly - besonders

observe - beobachten; beachten, halten, bemerken

Perhaps - vielleicht, wohl

fonder - zärtlicher; (to be fond of sb/sth) jemanden/etwas gerne mögen

fight - kämpfen; Kampf, Schlacht

dispute - Streit, Disput, Debatte, erörtern, bestreiten

by chance - zufällig

disagreement - Meinungsverschiedenheiten; Streit, Meinungsverschiedenheit

arise - sich erheben, aufstehen, entstehen, auftreten, erwachsen

kissing - küssen

seal - versiegeln;Siegel , Stempel , Seehund , Robbe ;sich etw. sichern;Plombe

entreaties - Bitten; Flehen

peace - Ruhe, Frieden, Friede

lovely - schön, hübsch, wunderbar, herrlich

amiable - liebenswürdig, liebenswert, gutmütig

recall - zurückrufen; erinnern

features - Merkmale; Besonderheit, Charakteristikum

Alas - leider [Gottes]; (ala) leider [Gottes]

We waited for some time, but the report of the gun did not reach us, and my elder brother then said, "Our father has followed the wolf, and will not be back for some time. Marcella, let us wash the blood from your mouth, and then we will leave this corner, and go to the fire and warm ourselves."

reach - erreichen; erzielen, greifen (nach)

blood - anbluten

We did so, and remained there until near midnight, every minute wondering, as it grew later, why our father did not return. We had no idea that he was in any danger, but we thought that he must have chased the wolf for a very long time. "I will look out and see if father is coming," said my brother Cćsar, going to the door. "Take care," said Marcella, "the wolves must be about now, and we cannot kill them, brother.

wondering - und fragen sich; (wonder) sich wundern (über)

danger - Gefahr, Risiko, Bedrohung; (dang); Gefahr, Risiko, Bedrohung

chased - gejagt; Chas

kill - vernichten, totmachen, löschen, zerstören, töten

My brother opened the door very cautiously, and but a few inches; he peeped out.-"I see nothing," said he, after a time, and once more he joined us at the fire. "We have had no supper," said I, for my father usually cooked the meat as soon as he came home; and during his absence we had nothing but the fragments of the preceding day.

cautiously - behutsam; vorsichtig

inches - Zoll (2, 54 cm), Zoll (Längenmaß)

peeped - gepiepst; (peep hole) Schauloch; (to peep through) durchgucken

supper - Abendbrot; Abendessen

fragments - Fragmente; Fragment

preceding - vorangegangen; vorangehen, vorausgehen

"And if our father comes home after his hunt, Cćsar," said Marcella, "he will be pleased to have some supper; let us cook it for him and for ourselves." Cćsar climbed upon the stool, and reached down some meat-I forget now whether it was venison or bear's meat; but we cut off the usual quantity, and proceeded to dress it, as we used to do under our father's superintendence.

hunt - jagen; suchen; Jagd

reached - erreicht; erzielen, greifen (nach), sich erstrecken; eintreffen

venison - Wildbret; Rehfleisch; q

bear - Bär; (to bear) ertragen, aushalten

quantity - Quantität, Menge, in Klammern

proceeded - fortgefahren; vorgehen

superintendence - Oberaufsicht

We were all busied putting it into the platters before the fire, to await his coming, when we heard the sound of a horn. We listened-there was a noise outside, and a minute afterwards my father entered, ushering in a young female, and a large dark man in a hunter's dress.

platters - Plattenteller; Platte (einer Festplatte); flache Schale

await - abwarten; erwarten, harren, warten

horn - Horn; Waldhorn; Jagdhorn; Hupe, Trichter, Blech, Muschel

noise - Lärm, Geräusch, Krach, Rauschen, Störung

entered - eingegeben; reingehen, hineingehen, hereingehen, eintreten

ushering - Platzanweiser, Gerichtsdiener, zuweisen, anweisen, führen

Hunter - Jäger, Jagdhund, Jäger, Verfolger

Perhaps I had better now relate, what was only known to me many years afterwards. When my father had left the cottage, he perceived a large white wolf about thirty yards from him; as soon as the animal saw my father, it retreated slowly, growling and snarling.

perceived - wahrgenommen; wahrnehmen

yards - (der) Yard

retreated - zurückgezogen; Rückzug

slowly - langsam

growling - knurrt; knurrend; (growl); Knurren; Magenknurren

snarling - knurrend; (snarl); knurrend

My father followed; the animal did not run, but always kept at some distance; and my father did not like to fire until he was pretty certain that his ball would take effect: thus they went on for some time, the wolf now leaving my father far behind, and then stopping and snarling defiance at him, and then again, on his approach, setting off at speed.

distance - Distanz, Entfernung, Abstand, Ferne, Weite, entfernen

Certain - gewiss, sicher, irgendein, bestimmt

effect - Auswirkung, Eindruck, Effekt, Kraft

thus - also; auf diese Weise, so, demnach, folglich, dieses

defiance - Trotzigkeit; Trotz, Auflehnung, Widerstand, offener Ungehorsam

approach - sich nähern, nahekommen, ähnlich sein

setting off - (set off) sich auf den Weg machen, anfangen

Speed - Geschwindigkeit; Drehzahl, Gang, rasen, Tempo, Eile

Anxious to shoot the animal (for the white wolf is very rare), my father continued the pursuit for several hours, during which he continually ascended the mountain.

anxious - ängstlich, besorgt

shoot - schießen; Jagd, Spross (Pflanze), Schuss; flitzen (Auto)

rare - selten; rar, blutig (Steak)

pursuit - Verfolgung

several - mehrere, einige, verschiedene, checkeinige

continually - ständig, andauernd, immer wieder, immerzu

ascended - aufgestiegen; steigen, aufsteigen

You must know that there are peculiar spots on those mountains which are supposed, and, as my story will prove, truly supposed, to be inhabited by the evil influences; they are well known to the huntsmen, who invariably avoid them. Now, one of these spots, an open space in the pine forests above us, had been pointed out to my father as dangerous on that account. But, whether he disbelieved these wild stories, or whether, in his eager pursuit of the chase, he disregarded them, I know not; certain, however, it is that he was decoyed by the white wolf to this open space, when the animal appeared to slacken her speed. My father approached, came close up to her, raised his gun to his shoulder, and was about to fire, when the wolf suddenly disappeared. He thought that the snow on the ground must have dazzled his sight, and he let down his gun to look for the beast-but she was gone; how she could have escaped over the clearance, without his seeing her, was beyond his comprehension. Mortified at the ill success of his chase, he was about to retrace his steps, when he heard the distant sound of a horn. Astonishment at such a sound-at such an hour-in such a wilderness, made him forget for the moment his disappointment, and he remained riveted to the spot.

spots - Flecken; Fleck, Punkt, Fleck, Pickel, Pustel, Bisschen

supposed - angenommen; annehmen, vermuten, vermeinen, vermuten, annehmen

Prove - er/sie hat/hatte bewiesen, beweisen, erhärten

truly - wirklich, wahrhaft, ehrlich, echt

inhabited - bewohnt; bewohnen

evil - böse; Sünde, übel, üblen, Ăśbel

influences - Einflüsse; Einfluss, Beeinflussung, Einfluss, Beeinflusser

huntsmen - Waidmänner; Jägersmann, Grünrock (Jäger), Waidmann

invariably - ausnahmslos

avoid - ausweichen; meiden, fernbleiben, vermeiden, entkräften

pine - Kiefer; pineapple = Ananasa

on that account - dafür

disbelieved - nicht geglaubt; ungläubig

eager - eifrig, erwartungsvoll, begierig

disregarded - nicht beachtet; Gleichgültigkeit, Nichtbeachten

decoyed - Geködert; Lockvogel, Köder, Lockvogel, ködern, locken

slacken - erlahmen; entspannen

approached - angesprochen; sich nähern, nahekommen, ähnlich sein

close up - Großaufnahme

suddenly - plötzlich, urplötzlich

disappeared - verschwunden; verschwinden, entschwinden

dazzled - geblendet; blenden, verblüffen, faszinieren, bezaubern, betören

sight - Sehenswürdigkeit, Gesicht, Visier, erblicken, anvisieren

let down - niederlassen, herablassen

beast - Tier, Bestie, Unmensch, Biest

escaped - entkommen; entgehen, entgehen, ausweichen, davonkommen, Flucht

clearance - Freigabe, Erlaubnis, Ausverkauf

beyond - darüber hinaus; jenseits

comprehension - Verständnis, Verstehen

mortified - gedemütigt; abtöten, töten, abtöten

retrace - nachvollziehen, zurückverfolgen

steps - Schritte; treten, treten (du trittst

astonishment - Staunen, Erstaunen, Verwunderung

wilderness - Wildnis, Wüste

disappointment - Enttäuschung, Verdruss, Misserfolg, Fehlschlag, Reinfall

riveted - genietet; Niet, vernieten, nieten, Aufmerksamkeit richten auf

In a minute the horn was blown a second time, and at no great distance; my father stood still, and listened: a third time it was blown. I forget the term used to express it, but it was the signal which, my father well knew, implied that the party was lost in the woods. In a few minutes more my father beheld a man on horseback, with a female seated on the crupper, enter the cleared space, and ride up to him. At first, my father called to mind the strange stories which he had heard of the supernatural beings who were said to frequent these mountains; but the nearer approach of the parties satisfied him that they were mortals like himself. As soon as they came up to him, the man who guided the horse accosted him. "Friend Hunter, you are out late, the better fortune for us: we have ridden far, and are in fear of our lives, which are eagerly sought after. These mountains have enabled us to elude our pursuers; but if we find not shelter and refreshment, that will avail us little, as we must perish from hunger and the inclemency of the night. My daughter, who rides behind me, is now more dead than alive-say, can you assist us in our difficulty?"

blown - aufgeflogen; (to blow) blasen, wehen, pusten

third - dritte; Dritter, Dritte, Drittel, Drittel, Terz, dreiteilen

term - Termin, Semester, Begriff; Spielzeit, Saison; Amtszeit

express - bekunden, Eilzug, Schnellzug, ausdrücklich; ausdrücken, äußern

signal - Signal; Signal; signalisieren

implied - angedeutet; implizieren, zur Folge haben, implizieren, bedeuten

woods - Wälder; Holz

beheld - gesehen; betrachten, sehen, schauen, anschauen, ansehen

on horseback - zu Pferde, reitend (auf einem Pferd)

seated - sitzend; Sitz, Sitzplatz, Sitzgelegenheit, Stuhl, Sitzmöbel

crupper - Schweifriemen, Schwanzriemen

enter - reingehen, hineingehen, hereingehen, eintreten

cleared - geklärt; klar, durchsichtig, klar, hell, klar, frei, klar

strange - seltsam, sonderbar, komisch, verwunderlich, fremd, ausländisch

supernatural - übernatürlich

beings - Wesen

frequent - häufig; aufsuchen

satisfied - befriedigen, zufriedenstellen

mortals - sterblich, tödlich, Sterblicher, Sterbliche

guided - geführt; lenken, führen, anleiten, leiten; Handbuch, Anleitung

accosted - belästigt; ansprechen

Fortune - Fortuna; Schicksal, Glück, Vermögen

fear - fürchten, befürchten, Angst haben; Furcht, Schreck, Befürchtung

eagerly - eifrig

sought - gesucht; suchen

enabled - aktiviert; berechtigen, befähigen, ermöglichen, anordnen

elude - entziehen

pursuers - Verfolger, Verfolgerin

shelter - Unterkunft; Zuflucht, Obdach, Zufluchtsort, Schutzraum

refreshment - Erfrischung

avail - zur Verfügung; ausnutzen; helfen, nützen, Erfolg

perish - untergehen; verderben, schlecht werden, umkommen

hunger - hungern; Hunger

inclemency - Unpünktlichkeit; Rauheit

dead - tot, gestorben, leblos, bewegungslos, regungslos, erstarrt

alive - lebendig

difficulty - Schwierigkeiten; Schwierigkeit

"My cottage is some few miles distant," replied my father, "but I have little to offer you besides a shelter from the weather; to the little I have you are welcome. May I ask whence you come?"

replied - geantwortet; antworten, erwidern, Antwort, Entgegnung, Antwort

besides - Außerdem; neben, neben

whence - woher; von daher

"Yes, friend, it is no secret now; we have escaped from Transylvania, where my daughter's honour and my life were equally in jeopardy!"

secret - Geheimnis

honour - Ehrung, Ehre; ehren; beehren, akzeptieren, annehmen, honorieren

equally - gleichermaßen, gleichmäßig

jeopardy - Gefährdung; Gefahr, Risiko

This information was quite enough to raise an interest in my father's heart. He remembered his own escape: he remembered the loss of his wife's honour, and the tragedy by which it was wound up. He immediately, and warmly, offered all the assistance which he could afford them.

heart - Herz, Herzstück

Loss - Verlust, Ausfall; Kursverlust

tragedy - Tragödie

wound - anschießen, verwunden

immediately - sofort, alsbald, unverzüglich, auf der Stelle

warmly - herzlich

offered - angeboten; offerieren, anbieten, bieten, zeigen; Antrag

assistance - Unterstützung; Hilfe

afford - leisten

"There is no time to be lost, then, good sir," observed the horseman; "my daughter is chilled with the frost, and cannot hold out much longer against the severity of the weather."

be lost - verloren gehen, nicht mehr weiterwissen, sich verirrt haben

observed - beobachtet; beobachten, beachten, halten, bemerken

horseman - Reiter

chilled - gekühlt; Mutlosigkeit, Frostgefühl

frost - Reif; Frost; glasieren

hold out - hinstrecken (z. B. Hand), aushalten, ausharren

against - gegen, mit, wider

severity - Schweregrad; Härte, Stärke, Gewichtung

"Follow me," replied my father, leading the way towards his home.

leading - führend; führen; (lead) führend; führen

towards - zu, in Richtung, nach, auf, zu, gegenüber, für, um, zwecks

"I was lured away in pursuit of a large white wolf," observed my father; "it came to the very window of my hut, or I should not have been out at this time of night."

lured - gelockt; Lure

hut - Hütte

"The creature passed by us just as we came out of the wood," said the female in a silvery tone.

creature - Wesen, Lebewesen, Fabelwesen

passed - bestanden; (to pass) durchgehen, passieren, durchlaufen

silvery - silbrig, silberig, silberhell, silbern

tone - Farbton, Klang, Umgangston, Ton

"I was nearly discharging my piece at it," observed the hunter; "but since it did us such good service, I am glad that I allowed it to escape."

nearly - beinahe, fast

discharging - entladen, entlassen, entlassen, entladen, Ablauf, Befreiung

Since - Seit wann; seitdem, seither, weil, da

service - warten; Bedienung, Dienstleistung, Betrieb

Glad - Erfreut; freudig, froh

In about an hour and a half, during which my father walked at a rapid pace, the party arrived at the cottage, and, as I said before, came in.

rapid - schnell; Stromschnelle

pace - Tempo, Stufe, Schritt

"We are in good time, apparently," observed the dark hunter, catching the smell of the roasted meat, as he walked to the fire and surveyed my brother and sister, and myself. "You have young cooks here, Mynheer." "I am glad that we shall not have to wait," replied my father.

in good time - rechtzeitig, beizeiten, frühzeitig

apparently - offensichtlich, offenbar, scheinbar, anscheinend

catching - nehmend, fangend

smell - Geruch; Geruchssinn, Riechen, stinken

Roasted - braten, rösten, Braten, Braten, gebraten

surveyed - befragt; Umfrage, Untersuchung, Vermessung, überblicken

shall - sollen

"Come, mistress, seat yourself by the fire; you require warmth after your cold ride." "And where can I put up my horse, Mynheer?" observed the huntsman. "I will take care of him," replied my father, going out of the cottage door.

Mistress - Frau, Meisterin, Herrscherin, Mätresse, Liebhaberin, Domina

seat - Sitz, Sitzplatz, Sitzgelegenheit, Stuhl, Sitzmöbel

require - erfordern; brauchen, benötigen

warmth - Wärme

huntsman - Jägersmann, Grünrock (Jäger), Waidmann

The female must, however, be particularly described. She was young, and apparently twenty years of age. She was dressed in a travelling dress, deeply bordered with white fur, and wore a cap of white ermine on her head. Her features were very beautiful, at least I thought so, and so my father has since declared. Her hair was flaxen, glossy and shining, and bright as a mirror; and her mouth, although somewhat large when it was open, showed the most brilliant teeth I have ever beheld. But there was something about her eyes, bright as they were, which made us children afraid; they were so restless, so furtive; I could not at that time tell why, but I felt as if there was cruelty in her eye; and when she beckoned us to come to her, we approached her with fear and trembling. Still she was beautiful, very beautiful.

deeply - tief; zutiefst

bordered - umrandet; Grenze, Rand, Rand, Beet

cap - Ventilkappe; Mütze, Haube, Kappe, Deckel; Laufflächenkrone

ermine - Hermelin; Hermelin

declared - erklärt; bekanntmachen, bekanntgeben, deklarieren, ausrufen

flaxen - flachsen; flachsfarben

glossy - glänzend

shining - glänzen; schimmern, wienern; Schein; putzen (Schuhe)

bright - fröhlich, aufgeweckt, leuchtend, klar, hell

mirror - Spiegel; Kopie

somewhat - etwas, einigermaßen

most brilliant - geistvollstem, geistvollste

furtive - geheim, heimlich, tarnen

cruelty - Grausamkeit, Quälerei

beckoned - winkte; heranwinken, herbeiwinken, winken, zuwinken, einladen

trembling - Zittern, Beben; (tremble); zittern; Zittern

She spoke kindly to my brother and myself, patted our heads, and caressed us; but Marcella would not come near her; on the contrary, she slunk away, and hid herself in the bed, and would not wait for the supper, which half an hour before she had been so anxious for.

kindly - freundlich, freundlicherweise, gütig, liebenswürdig

patted - getätschelt; Pat

caressed - gestreichelt; (care for) sich akk um jemanden/etwas kümmern

come near - herangekommen

contrary - entgegengesetzt, gegenläufig, entgegenstehend, ungünstig

slunk - geschlichen; schleichen, Frühgeburt

hid - versteckt; (hide) verstecken

My father, having put the horse into a close shed, soon returned, and supper was placed upon the table. When it was over, my father requested that the young lady would take possession of his bed, and he would remain at the fire, and sit up with her father. After some hesitation on her part, this arrangement was agreed to, and I and my brother crept into the other bed with Marcella, for we had as yet always slept together.

shed - Schuppen; (to shed) vergießen, abstoßen, lsowerden

requested - angefordert; anfordern, erwünschen, verlangen nach, begehren

lady - Herrin des Hauses, Hausherrin, Ehefrau des Hausherrn

take possession of - in Besitz nehmen, sich bemächtigen

sit up - aufrichten, aufbleiben

hesitation - Zögern

arrangement - Vereinbarung; Anordnung

crept - gekrochen; kriechen, schleichen, schleichen, kriechen, Kriechen

as yet - bislang, bis jetzt

But we could not sleep; there was something so unusual, not only in seeing strange people, but in having those people sleep at the cottage, that we were bewildered. As for poor little Marcella, she was quiet, but I perceived that she trembled during the whole night, and sometimes I thought that she was checking a sob.

unusual - ungewöhnlich, unüblich, ungebräuchlich

bewildered - verwirrt; verwirren, durcheinanderbringen

trembled - gezittert; zittern, Zittern

sob - schluchzen; Huso

My father had brought out some spirits, which he rarely used, and he and the strange hunter remained drinking and talking before the fire. Our ears were ready to catch the slightest whisper-so much was our curiosity excited.

brought out - herausgebracht

spirits - Geister; Geist, Seele, Geist, Stimmung, Schnaps, qualifier

rarely - selten

catch - Fang; Haken; fangen; einfangen; verstehen, begreifen, bekommen

slightest - das Geringste; geringfügig, leicht, gering, unbedeutend, wenig

whisper - Geflüster, Flüstern, Wispern

curiosity - Neugier, Neugierde, Kuriosität, Kuriosum

"You said you came from Transylvania?" observed my father.

"Even so, Mynheer," replied the hunter. "I was a serf to the noble house of--; my master would insist upon my surrendering up my fair girl to his wishes; it ended in my giving him a few inches of my hunting-knife."

noble - edel; Adeliger, Adliger, Adelige, Adlige

Master - Haupt.., Grund, Meister, führend, leitend; bewältigen, meistern

insist - darauf bestehen; auf , bestehen

surrendering - aufgeben; kapitulieren, ergeben

fair - gerecht, fair, heiter, schön, angemessen

hunting-knife - (hunting-knife) Weidmesser , Jagdmesser

"We are countrymen, and brothers in misfortune," replied my father, taking the huntsman's hand, and pressing it warmly.

countrymen - Landsmänner; Landsmann, Landsmännin, Landsmann, Landsmännin

misfortune - Pech, Ungemach, Unglück, Unfall, Unheil

pressing - auf etwas drücken, zusammendrücken, nachdrücklich

"Indeed! Are you, then, from that country?"

"Yes; and I too have fled for my life. But mine is a melancholy tale."

fled - geflohen; fliehen, flüchten, fliehen, entfliehen, flüchten

mine - mein, meiner

melancholy - Melancholie, Schwermut, Wehmut

Tale - Geschichte, Erzählung, Fabel

"Your name?" inquired the hunter.

inquired - nachgefragt; erkundigen


"What! Krantz of-I have heard your tale; you need not renew your grief by repeating it now. Welcome, most welcome, Mynheer, and, I may say, my worthy kinsman. I am your second cousin, Wilfred of Barnsdorf," cried the hunter, rising up and embracing my father.

renew - erneuern

grief - Kummer, Gram, Leid

most welcome - willkommenste

worthy - würdig

kinsman - Verwandten; Verwandter, Angehöriger, Landsmann

cried - geweint hat; weinen, schreien, schreien, rufen, Weinen

rising - steigend, aufgehend; (rise); steigend, aufgehend

embracing - umarmen, annehmen, umarmen, Umarmung

They filled their horn mugs to the brim, and drank to one another, after the German fashion. The conversation was then carried on in a low tone; all that we could collect from it was, that our new relative and his daughter were to take up their abode in our cottage, at least for the present. In about an hour they both fell back in their chairs, and appeared to sleep.

mugs - Tassen; Becher, Visage, Krug

brim - Krempe; übersprudeln; Rand

German - Deutscher, Deutsche, Germane, Germanin, Achtelcicero, Deutsch

fashion - Mode; Stil; fertigen, anfertigen

low - tief, niedrig, nieder, leise (Stimme); muhen, blöken (Rind)

collect - eintreiben (Schulden), sammeln, einsammeln

relative - vergleichsweise, relativ, Verwandter, Blutsverwandter, Verwandte

abode - Aufenthalt, bleiben, Wohnsitz

appeared - erschienen; erscheinen, auftauchen, erscheinen, auftauchen

"Marcella, dear, did you hear?" said my brother in a low tone.

"Yes," replied Marcella, in a whisper; "I heard all. Oh! brother, I cannot bear to look upon that woman-I feel so frightened."

frightened - verängstigt; Angst machen, erschrecken, schrecken, beängstigen

My brother made no reply, and shortly afterwards we were all three fast asleep.

reply - antworten, erwidern, Antwort, Entgegnung

shortly - in Kürze; bald

asleep - schlafen, schlafen

When we awoke the next morning, we found that the hunter's daughter had risen before us. I thought she looked more beautiful than ever. She came up to little Marcella and caressed her; the child burst into tears, and sobbed as if her heart would break.

awoke - erwacht; munter, wach; erwachen, aufwachen

risen - aufgestiegen; Kursanstieg; Aufgang, Gehaltszulage, Aufschwung

caressed - gestreichelt; Liebkosung, Umarmung, Streicheln

Tears - Tränen; zerreißen, ich/er/sie/es riss, riß

sobbed - geschluchzt; Huso

But, not to detain you with too long a story, the huntsman and his daughter were accommodated in the cottage. My father and he went out hunting daily, leaving Christina with us. She performed all the household duties; was very kind to us children; and, gradually, the dislike even of little Marcella wore away. But a great change took place in my father; he appeared to have conquered his aversion to the sex, and was most attentive to Christina. Often, after her father and we were in bed, would he sit up with her, conversing in a low tone by the fire. I ought to have mentioned, that my father and the huntsman Wilfred, slept in another portion of the cottage, and that the bed which he formerly occupied, and which was in the same room as ours, had been given up to the use of Christina.

detain - festhalten; verhaften

accommodated - untergebracht; machen, endigen, in Übereinstimmung bringen

daily - tgl, tägl. täglich, tägliche, tagtäglich

performed - durchgeführt; verrichten, Arbeit leisten, Arbeit verrichten

household - Haushalt

duties - Pflichten; Pflicht, Schicht, Arbeitszeit, Zoll, Einfuhrsteuer

gradually - nach und nach, allmählich, stufenweise, schrittweise

dislike - Abneigung; Unbehagen; ablehnen

conquered - erobert; erobern

aversion - Abneigung, Vorbehalt, Widerwillen, Aversion

most attentive - aufmerksamste

conversing - unterhalten; Umkehrung, umgekehrt, Gegenteil

mentioned - erwähnt; Erwähnung, erwähnen

Formerly - früher, ehemals

These visitors had been about three weeks at the cottage, when, one night, after we children had been sent to bed, a consultation was held. My father had asked Christina in marriage, and had obtained both her own consent and that of Wilfred; after this a conversation took place, which was, as nearly as I can recollect, as follows:

consultation - Beratung, Konsultation

held - gehalten; innehaben

obtained - erlangen, erhalten, bestehen

consent - zustimmen, einwilligen, Zustimmung, Konsens, Einverständnis

recollect - Erinnern Sie sich; sich erinnern an

"You may take my child, Mynheer Krantz, and my blessing with her, and I shall then leave you and seek some other habitation-it matters little where."

blessing - Segen, Segnung, Segnen, Segnen; (bless); Segen, Segnung, Segnen

seek - suchen

matters - zählt; Materie, Materie, Masse, Substanz, Stoff, Angelegenheit

"Why not remain here, Wilfred?"

"No, no, I am called elsewhere; let that suffice, and ask no more questions. You have my child."

elsewhere - anderswo

suffice - ausreichen, genügen, genug sein, zufriedenstellen

"I thank you for her, and will duly value her; but there is one difficulty."

duly - gebührend, ordnungsgemäß, pünktlich

value - Wert, Wichtigkeit, Notenwert, Tonwert, Werte, schätzen

"I know what you would say; there is no priest here in this wild country: true, neither is there any law to bind; still must some ceremony pass between you, to satisfy a father. Will you consent to marry her after my fashion? if so, I will marry you directly."

priest - Priester, Priesterin, Pfarrer, Pfarrerin; (prey); Beute; lauern

wild - wild, rau

neither - weder; weder X noch Y; keiner, keines

law - Gesetz, Jura, Rechtswissenschaft

bind - binden; verbinden, konnektieren

ceremony - Zeremonie, feierliche Handlung, Ritual, Feier

pass - passen; (to pass) durchgehen, passieren, durchlaufen

satisfy - befriedigen, zufriedenstellen

marry - heiraten, trauen, sich verehelichen

directly - direkt, gerade, unmittelbar

"I will," replied my father.

"Then take her by the hand. Now, Mynheer, swear."

swear - schwören

"I swear," repeated my father.

"By all the spirits of the Hartz Mountains--"

"Nay, why not by Heaven?" interrupted my father.

Nay - Nein; oder sogar

Heaven - Der Himmel; Himmel, Firmament, Paradies

interrupted - unterbrochen; unterbrechen

"Because it is not my humour," rejoined Wilfred; "if I prefer that oath, less binding perhaps, than another, surely you will not thwart me."

rejoined - wiedervereinigt; vereinigen

oath - Eid, Schwur, Fluch, erman:

binding - verbindlich; Bindung; (bind); binden; verbinden, konnektieren

surely - bestimmt, sicherlich

thwart - durchkreuzen, entgegenwirken, vereiteln, konterkarieren

"Well, be it so then; have your humour. Will you make me swear by that in which I do not believe?"

"Yet many do so, who in outward appearance are Christians," rejoined Wilfred; "say, will you be married, or shall I take my daughter away with me?"

outward appearance - äußerliche Erscheinung

Christians - Christen; Christ, Christin, Christian, christlich

"Proceed," replied my father, impatiently.

proceed - fortfahren; vorgehen

impatiently - Ungeduldig

"I swear by all the spirits of the Hartz Mountains, by all their power for good or for evil, that I take Christina for my wedded wife; that I will ever protect her, cherish her, and love her; that my hand shall never be raised against her to harm her."

power - Macht, Kraft, Großmacht, Stärke, Strom

wedded - verheiratet; trauen, verheiraten, vermählen, heiraten

protect - schützen, beschützen

cherish - hegen; wertschätzen

My father repeated the words after Wilfred.

"And if I fail in this, my vow, may all the vengeance of the spirits fall upon me and upon my children; may they perish by the vulture, by the wolf, or other beasts of the forest; may their flesh be torn from their limbs, and their bones blanch in the wilderness; all this I swear."

fail - mangelhaft (Zensur 5), ungenügend (Zensur 6);jdn. im Stich lassen;fehlschlagen, scheitern, misslingen, versagen

vow - Gelübde, Schwur, Eid, Gelöbnis, schwören

vengeance - Rache, Vergeltung

vulture - Geier, Geierin, Aasgeier

beasts - Biester; Tier

forest - Wald, Forst, Gehölz, Hain, aufforsten; (fore); Wald, Forst

flesh - Fleisch; Haut, Leib, Fruchtfleisch, Fleischfarbe, zunehmen

torn - zerrissen; zerreißen, ich/er/sie/es riss, riß

limbs - Gliedmaßen; Schenkel (geol. Falte), Glied

bones - Knochen

blanch - blanchieren; bleichen

My father hesitated, as he repeated the last words; little Marcella could not restrain herself, and as my father repeated the last sentence, she burst into tears. This sudden interruption appeared to discompose the party, particularly my father; he spoke harshly to the child, who controlled her sobs, burying her face under the bed-clothes.

hesitated - gezögert; zögern, zögern, stammeln

Last - letzte, zuletzt, letzter, vorig; dauern, andauern

restrain - zurückhalten

sudden - plötzlich, jäh

interruption - Unterbrechung

discompose - beschweren; aufregen

harshly - harsch

controlled - kontrolliert; steuern, kontrollieren, regeln, Kontrolle

sobs - schluchzt; Huso

burying - vergraben, verbergen, begraben

Such was the second marriage of my father. The next morning, the hunter Wilfred mounted his horse and rode away.

mounted - montiert; Reittier, Berg, Lafette (Waffe); einbauen, aufsteigen

My father resumed his bed, which was in the same room as ours; and things went on much as before the marriage, except that our new mother-in-law did not show any kindness towards us; indeed, during my father's absence, she would often beat us, particularly little Marcella, and her eyes would flash fire, as she looked eagerly upon the fair and lovely child.

resumed - wiederaufgenommen; weiter; Lebenslauf; fortsetzen

as before - wie bisher, wie zuvor, wie vorher

Except - ausnehmen, ausklammern, ausschließen, widersprechen, außer

kindness - Freundlichkeit; Liebenswürdigkeit

beat - Schlag ;jdn. bezwingen

flash - Blitzlicht; aufleuchten, blitzen, aufflammen

One night, my sister awoke me and my brother.

"What is the matter?" said Cćsar.

matter - Materie; Masse, Substanz, Stoff, Angelegenheit, Anlass

"She has gone out," whispered Marcella.

gone out - ausgegangen

whispered - geflüstert; Geflüster

"Gone out!"

"Yes, gone out at the door, in her night-clothes," replied the child; "I saw her get out of bed, look at my father to see if he slept, and then she went out at the door."

What could induce her to leave her bed, and all undressed to go out, in such bitter wintry weather, with the snow deep on the ground, was to us incomprehensible; we lay awake, and in about an hour we heard the growl of a wolf, close under the window.

induce - einleiten; dazu bringen, anstacheln, bewirken, verursachen

undressed - unbekleidet; erman: sich ausziehen, ausziehen

Bitter - herb, rau, bitter

wintry - winterlich

deep - tief, tiefgründig, dunkel, Tiefe

incomprehensible - unverständlich

awake - munter, wach; erwachen, aufwachen

growl - Knurren; Magenknurren

"There is a wolf," said Cćsar, "she will be torn to pieces."

"Oh, no!" cried Marcella.

In a few minutes afterwards our mother-in-law appeared; she was in her night-dress, as Marcella had stated. She let down the latch of the door, so as to make no noise, went to a pail of water, and washed her face and hands, and then slipped into the bed where my father lay.

stated - erklärt; Staat, Staat, Land

latch - einrasten; Riegel, Sperre, Klinke

pail - Eimer

slipped - ausgerutscht; Versprecher; Rutschen (geradeaus); Lapsus

My brother Cćsar was a courageous boy; he did not like to speak to my father until he knew more. He resolved that he would follow her out, and ascertain what she did. Marcella and I endeavoured to dissuade him from this project; but he would not be controlled, and, the very next night he lay down in his clothes, and as soon as our mother-in-law had left the cottage, he jumped up, took down my father's gun, and followed her.

courageous - mutig

resolved - geklärt; auflösen, beschließen

ascertain - festzustellen; feststellen

endeavoured - angestrebt; sich nach Kräften bemühen; Bestrebung

dissuade - abschrecken; abbringen, abraten

jumped up - aufgesprungen, arrogant, emporgekommen

You may imagine in what a state of suspense Marcella and I remained, during his absence. After a few minutes, we heard the report of a gun. It did not awaken my father, and we lay trembling with anxiety. In a minute afterwards we saw our mother-in-law enter the cottage-her dress was bloody. I put my hand to Marcella's mouth to prevent her crying out, although I was myself in great alarm.

state - Staat, Land, Bundesland, Zustand, erklären, darlegen, nennen

suspense - Hängen; Spannung, Anspannung

awaken - erwecken; aufwecken, aufwachen, erwachen, wach werden

anxiety - Ängste; Besorgnis, Angst, Sorge

bloody - blutig, blutbefleckt

prevent - verhindern, vorbeugen, etwas daran hindern (zu geschehen)

crying out - aufschreiend

alarm - Alarm, Alarmsignal, Alarmstimmung, Wecker, Alarm schlagen

Our mother-in-law approached my father's bed, looked to see if he was asleep, and then went to the chimney, and blew up the embers into a blaze.

chimney - Kamin, Esse, Schlot, Schornstein, Spalte

blew up - sprengte

"Who is there?" said my father, waking up.

waking up - (wake up) wecken, aufwachen, aufwecken

"Lie still, dearest," replied my mother-in-law, "it is only me; I have lighted the fire to warm some water; I am not quite well."

lie - lügen; (lie down) sich hinlegen

My father turned round and was soon asleep; but we watched our mother-in-law. She changed her linen, and threw the garments she had worn into the fire; and we then perceived that her right leg was bleeding profusely, as if from a gun-shot wound. She bandaged it up, and then dressing herself, remained before the fire until the break of day.

round - runden; Kontrollgang, Runde, Rundgang, rund

linen - Wäsche; Leinen; Heimtextilien

garments - Kleidungsstücke; Kleidungsstück

profusely - ausgiebig

shot - Schuss; (to shoot up) aufschießen

bandaged - bandagiert; Verband, bandagieren

Poor little Marcella, her heart beat quick as she pressed me to her side-so indeed did mine. Where was our brother, Cćsar? How did my mother-in-law receive the wound unless from his gun? At last my father rose, and then, for the first time I spoke, saying, "Father, where is my brother, Cćsar?"

beat - schlagen; Schlag; jdn. bezwingen

pressed - gedrückt; (pre) vor..

side - Seite; Flanke, Rand, Mannschaft, Team

receive - bekommen, erhalten, empfangen, kriegen

"Your brother!" exclaimed he, "why, where can he be?"

exclaimed - ausgerufen; ausrufen

"Merciful Heaven! I thought as I lay very restless last night," observed our mother-in-law, "that I heard somebody open the latch of the door; and, Dear me, husband, what has become of your gun?"

merciful - barmherzig

Dear me - Ach du liebe Zeit!, Du liebe Zeit!

My father cast his eyes up above the chimney, and perceived that his gun was missing. For a moment he looked perplexed, then seizing a broad axe, he went out of the cottage without saying another word.

cast - werfen; wegwerfen, hinwerfen, gießen, Cast, Besetzung, Ensemble

perplexed - perplex; verwirren

seizing - (to seize) erfassen, ergreifen, anpacken; (seize); ergreifen

broad - breit, deutliche, großräumig

axe - Axt, Beil

He did not remain away from us long: in a few minutes he returned, bearing in his arms the mangled body of my poor brother; he laid it down, and covered up his face.

bearing - tragend, Manieren, Lager (Maschinenbau); (bear) tragend

mangled - verstümmelt; zerfleischen, verstümmeln

laid - gelegt; richten (Tisch)

covered up - zugedeckt

My mother-in-law rose up, and looked at the body, while Marcella and I threw ourselves by its side wailing and sobbing bitterly.

wailing - (to wail) jammern, wehklagen, klagen; (wail) (to wail) jammern

sobbing - Schluchzen; (sob); Huso

bitterly - verbittert; bitterlich

"Go to bed again, children," said she sharply. "Husband," continued she, "your boy must have taken the gun down to shoot a wolf, and the animal has been too powerful for him. Poor boy! He has paid dearly for his rashness."

sharply - scharf, scharfzüngig, spitzzüngig

powerful - mächtig

Dearly - Liebevoll; teuer

rashness - Unbesonnenheit; Hast

My father made no reply; I wished to speak-to tell all-but Marcella, who perceived my intention, held me by the arm, and looked at me so imploringly, that I desisted.

wished - gewollt; Wunsch, wünschen, wünschen

intention - Absicht

imploringly - flehentlich

desisted - aufgegeben; aufhören

My father, therefore, was left in his error; but Marcella and I, although we could not comprehend it, were conscious that our mother-in-law was in some way connected with my brother's death.

error - Fehler; Irrtum; aussteigen; fehlschlagen, misslingen

comprehend - umfassen; verstehen, begreifen, erfassen, einsehen

connected - verbunden; verbinden, anschließen, verbinden

Death - Tod, Exitus, der Tod, Untergang

That day my father went out and dug a grave, and when he laid the body in the earth, he piled up stones over it, so that the wolves should not be able to dig it up. The shock of this catastrophe was to my poor father very severe; for several days he never went to the chase, although at times he would utter bitter anathemas and vengeance against the wolves.

dug - gegraben; (dig) gegraben

grave - Grab; feierlich, Gruft, massiv, würdig, ernst

earth - Erde, Land, Grund

piled up - angeschichtet

stones - Steine; Stein, Stein, Edelstein, t+Schmuckstein, Stein, Kern

dig - graben; Stoß, Puff, Seitenhieb

shock - Schock, Betroffenheit, Empörung, Schlag, Stoß

catastrophe - eine Katastrophe; Katastrophe, Unglück

utter - Äußerlich; äußerst

anathemas - Bannfluch, Bannstrahl, Kirchenbann, Anathema

But during this time of mourning on his part, my mother-in-law's nocturnal wanderings continued with the same regularity as before.

mourning - trauern; Trauer; Trauerkleidung

nocturnal - nachtaktiv; nächtlich

wanderings - Wanderungen; (wander) irren, wandern, umherschweifen

regularity - Regelmäßigkeit

At last, my father took down his gun, to repair to the forest; but he soon returned, and appeared much annoyed.

repair - reparieren, instandsetzen, ausbessern

annoyed - verärgert; stören, ärgern, belästigen, nerven, verägern

"Would you believe it, Christina, that the wolves-perdition to the whole race-have actually contrived to dig up the body of my poor boy, and now there is nothing left of him but his bones?"

perdition - Verderben; ewige; Hölle

race - um die Wette rennen; Rasse, Menschenschlag, Rennen

actually - Ja, also eigentlich ...;eigentlich, wirklich, tatsächlich

contrived - ausgeklügelt; ersinnen, entwerfen, bewerkstelligen

dig up - umgraben, roden (Kartoffeln)

"Indeed!" replied my mother-in-law. Marcella looked at me, and I saw in her intelligent eye all she would have uttered.

intelligent - klug; intelligent

uttered - geäußert; äußerst

"A wolf growls under our window every night, father," said I.

growls - knurrt; Knurren

"Aye, indeed?-why did you not tell me, boy?-wake me the next time you hear it."

Aye - gewiss, Ja-Stimme

I saw my mother-in-law turn away; her eyes flashed fire, and she gnashed her teeth.

turn away - abkehren

flashed - geflasht; aufleuchten, blitzen, aufflammen

gnashed - geknirscht; knirschen

My father went out again, and covered up with a larger pile of stones the little remnants of my poor brother which the wolves had spared. Such was the first act of the tragedy.

covered - abgedeckt; Deckel, Abdeckung, Deckung, Versteck

pile - Haufen, Pfahl, Pulk

remnants - Überreste; Rest, Überbleibsel

spared - verschont; Sparring; Holm (Tragfläche); Holm (Rotorblatt); boxen

act - handeln; Handlung, Tat, Akt, Gesetz, Akte, Spiel

The spring now came on: the snow disappeared, and we were permitted to leave the cottage; but never would I quit, for One moment, my dear little sister, to whom, since the death of my brother, I was more ardently attached than ever; indeed I was afraid to leave her alone with my mother-in-law, who appeared to have a particular pleasure in ill-treating the child.

permitted - erlaubt; zulassen, erlauben; Erlaubnis, Erlaubnisschein

quit - kündigen; verlassen; aufgeben, verlassen

One moment - Einen Augenblick bitte!

whom - wen; wem; dem, der, den, die

ardently - inbrünstig; feurige, heiß

attached - befestigt; anbringen

particular - besonders; speziell, bestimmt, spezifisch, genau

pleasure - Vergnügen; Freude, Spaß, Wollust

treating - behandelnd; (treat); behandeln; bewirten, einladen, heilen

My father was now employed upon his little farm, and I was able to render him some assistance.

employed - beschäftigt; einstellen, anstellen, anwerben, einsetzen

render - leisten, wiedergeben

Marcella used to sit by us while we were at work, leaving my mother-in-law alone in the cottage. I ought to observe that, as the spring advanced, so did my mother decrease her nocturnal rambles, and that we never heard the growl of the wolf under the window after I had spoken of it to my father.

advanced - fortgeschritten; erhöhen, erheben, befördern, vorrücken

decrease - abnehmen; verringern; Verringerung

rambles - Streifzüge; Abschweifen, umherziehen, spazieren, bummeln

One day, when my father and I were in the field, Marcella being with us, my mother-in-law came out, saying that she was going into the forest, to collect some herbs my father wanted, and that Marcella must go to the cottage and watch the dinner.

field - Feld, Gefilde, Heide, tHeideland

herbs - Kräuter; Kraut

Marcella went, and my mother-in-law soon disappeared in the forest, taking a direction quite contrary to that in which the cottage stood, and leaving my father and I, as it were, between her and Marcella.

direction - Richtung; Führung; Regie

About an hour afterwards we were startled by shrieks from the cottage, evidently the shrieks of little Marcella. "Marcella has burnt herself, father," said I, throwing down my spade. My father threw down his, and we both hastened to the cottage. Before we could gain the door, out darted a large white wolf, which fled with the utmost celerity.

startled - erschrocken; aufschrecken, scheuen, erschrecken

shrieks - Schreie; Kreischen

burnt - angebrannt, verbrannt, brennen, verbrennen; (burn) angebrannt

throwing down - hinwerfend

spade - Spaten, Schaufel (für Kinder); Pik (Kartenspiel)

hastened to - zugeeilt

darted - geworfen; Pfeil, Satz

utmost - äußerst, höchst, Äußerstes, Möglichstes

celerity - Schnelligkeit; Geschwindigkeit

My father had no weapon; he rushed into the cottage, and there saw poor little Marcella expiring; her body was dreadfully mangled, and the blood pouring from it had formed a large pool on the cottage floor. My father's first intention had been to seize his gun and pursue, but he was checked by this horrid spectacle; he knelt down by his dying child, and burst into tears: Marcella could just look kindly on us for a few seconds, and then her eyes were closed in death.

weapon - Waffe

rushed - überstürzt; stürzen, drängen, hetzen, rasen; Eile, Andrang

expiring - abläuft; ablaufen, erlöschen, verfallen, ausatmen

dreadfully - furchtbar

pouring - gießend, einschenkend; (pour) gießend, einschenkend

seize - ergreifen, fassen, packen, beschlagnahmen, erfassen

pursue - verfolgen, beschreiten, nachjagen, nachgehen

horrid - schrecklich; entsetzlich, grässlich, gräulich, grauenvoll

spectacle - Spektakel, Schauspiel

knelt - kniete; knien

dying - (to die) sterben, umkommen; (dye) (to die) sterben, umkommen

My father and I were still hanging over my poor sister's body, when my mother-in-law came in. At the dreadful sight she expressed much concern, but she did not appear to recoil from the sight of blood, as most women do.

hanging over - überhängend

dreadful - furchtbar, schrecklich

expressed - ausgedrückt; bekunden, Eilzug, Schnellzug

concern - Bedenken; Sorge, Anliegen, Betroffenheit, Besorgnis, Konzern

appear - erscheinen, auftauchen, auftreten

recoil - Rückstoß; zurückschrecken; zurückschlagen

"Poor child!" said she, "it must have been that great white wolf which passed me just now, and frightened me so-she's quite dead, Krantz."

"I know it-I know it!" cried my father in agony.

agony - Qualen; Agonie, Qual, Pein, Todeskampf, Freudenausbruch

I thought my father would never recover from the effects of this second tragedy: he mourned bitterly over the body of his sweet child, and for several days would not consign it to its grave, although frequently requested by my mother-in-law to do so. At last he yielded, and dug a grave for her close by that of my poor brother, and took every precaution that the wolves should not violate her remains.

recover from - abjagen

effects - Auswirkungen; Auswirkung, Wirkung, Eindruck, Effekt, Effekt

mourned - betrauert; trauern

sweet - Süßigkeit, Bonbon

consign - verschicken; übergeben, verladen

frequently - häufig

precaution - Vorsorge; Vorsichtsmaßnahme

violate - verletzen, brechen, überschreiten, mißachten

remains - bleibt; Überrest (2), de

I was now really miserable, as I lay alone in the bed which I had formerly shared with my brother and sister. I could not help thinking that my mother-in-law was implicated in both their deaths, although I could not account for the manner; but I no longer felt afraid of her: my little heart was full of hatred and revenge.

miserable - unglücklich; elend, erbärmlich, jämmerlich, miserabel

implicated - verwickelt; implikatieren

deaths - Todesfälle; Tod, Exitus, Tod, der Tod, Tod, Untergang

manner - Art und Weise; Weise, Manier

hatred - Hass

revenge - Rache; rächen

The night after my sister had been buried, as I lay awake, I perceived my mother-in-law get up and go out of the cottage. I waited for some time, then dressed myself, and looked out through the door, which I half-opened. The moon shone bright, and I could see the spot where my brother and my sister had been buried; and what was my horror, when I perceived my mother-in-law busily removing the stones from Marcella's grave.

moon - Mond, Erdtrabant, Erdsatellit

shone - leuchtete; schimmern, wienern; Schein; putzen (Schuhe)

spot - Fleck, Punkt, Pickel, Pustel, Bisschen, Stelle, Ort, Werbespot

busily - fleißig; eifrig, geschäftig, beschäftigt

removing - entfernen, beseitigen, verdrängen, umziehen

She was in her white night-dress, and the moon shone full upon her. She was digging with her hands, and throwing away the stones behind her with all the ferocity of a wild beast. It was some time before I could collect my senses and decide what I should do. At last, I perceived that she had arrived at the body, and raised it up to the side of the grave. I could bear it no longer; I ran to my father and awoke him.

digging - grabend; (dig) grabend

throwing away - verscherzend

ferocity - Grausamkeit, Wildheit

senses - Sinne; Sinn, Gefühl

"Father! father!" cried I, "dress yourself, and get your gun."

"What!" cried my father, "the wolves are there, are they?"

He jumped out of bed, threw on his clothes, and in his anxiety did not appear to perceive the absence of his wife. As soon as he was ready, I opened the door, he went out, and I followed him.

jumped out - herausgesprungen

perceive - wahrnehmen

"God of Heaven!" cried my father, sinking down upon the earth in a swoon, as soon as he had discharged his gun.

God - Gott

sinking down - zusammensinkend [alt], zusammen sinkend

swoon - in Ohnmacht fallen; Ohnmacht, schwinden

discharged - entladen, entlassen, entlassen, entladen, Ablauf, Befreiung

I remained some time by his side before he recovered. "Where am I?" said he, "what has happened?-Oh!-yes, yes! I recollect now. Heaven forgive me!"

recovered - erholt; wiederfinden, sich erholen, beikommen

forgive - vergeben, verzeihen, entschuldigen

He rose and we walked up to the grave; what again was our astonishment and horror to find that instead of the dead body of my mother-in-law, as we expected, there was lying over the remains of my poor sister, a large, white she wolf.

instead - stattdessen, anstatt

dead body - Leiche

expected - erwartet; erwarten, erwarten, erwarten

lying - Lügen; liegend; (lie) Lügen; liegend

"The white wolf!" exclaimed my father, "the white wolf which decoyed me into the forest-I see it all now-I have dealt with the spirits of the Hartz Mountains."

dealt - behandelt; Menge, Handel, Teil, Abkommen

For some time my father remained in silence and deep thought. He then carefully lifted up the body of my sister, replaced it in the grave, and covered it over as before, having struck the head of the dead animal with the heel of his boot, and raving like a madman. He walked back to the cottage, shut the door, and threw himself on the bed; I did the same, for I was in a stupor of amazement.

silence - Stille, Schweigen, zum Schweigen bringen, Ruhe

carefully - sorgfältig; vorsichtig

lifted - angehoben; Lüften (Bremse), Lift, Aufzug; fördern

replaced - ersetzt; zurückstellen, ersetzen

heel - Hinterende des Hobels, Ferse, Absatz; flitzen; Brotkanten

raving - (rave) wüten, toben, rasen; (rave) (rave) wüten, toben, rasen

madman - Irrer, Wahnsinniger, Verrückter

shut - geschlossen; (to shut) schließen, zumachen

stupor - Sopor, Topor

amazement - Erstaunen; Staunen, Verwunderung

Early in the morning we were both roused by a loud knocking at the door, and in rushed the hunter Wilfred.

roused - geweckt; wachrufen, wecken

loud - laut

knocking at - anklopfend

"My daughter!-man-my daughter!-where is my daughter!" cried he in a rage.

rage - Wut, Zorn, Raserei, Rage, wüten

"Where the wretch, the fiend, should be, I trust," replied my father, starting up and displaying equal choler; "where she should be-in hell!-Leave this cottage or you may fare worse."

wretch - Unglückliche; das Wesen

fiend - Unhold; Dämon, Dämonin, böser Geist, Teufel, Monster

trust - Vertrauen, Hoffnung, Trust, anschreiben

displaying - die Anzeige; Vorführung, Vorstellung, Display

Equal - Gleichberechtigt; gleich; gleichen; Gleichgestellter

choler - Ärger, Gereiztheit, Choleriker

hell - Hölle

fare - Tarifzone, Fahrpreiszone, Teilstrecke; Nahrung, Fahrpreis

"Ha-ha!" replied the hunter, "would you harm a potent spirit of the Hartz Mountains? Poor mortal, who must needs wed a were wolf."

ha - Das war jetzt aber ernst!

potent - Potente

spirit - Geist, Seele, Stimmung, Schnaps

mortal - sterblich; tödlich; Sterblicher, Sterbliche

wed - trauen, verheiraten, vermählen, zur Frau nehmen

"Out, demon! I defy thee and thy power."

demon - Dämon, Teufel

defy - herausfordern, die Stirn bieten, trotzen, widersetzen, lossagen

thee - dich, dir

thy - deine; dein

"Yet shall you feel it; remember your oath-your solemn oath-never to raise your hand against her to harm her."

solemn - feierlich; ernst

"I made no compact with evil spirits."

compact - zusammengedrängt

"You did; and if you failed in your vow, you were to meet the vengeance of the spirits. Your children were to perish by the vulture, the wolf--"

failed - gescheitert; mangelhaft (Zensur 5)

"Out, out, demon!"

"And their bones blanch in the wilderness. Ha!-ha!"

My father, frantic with rage, seized his axe, and raised it over Wilfred's head to strike.

frantic - verzweifelt; außer sich, rasend

strike - streichen; schlagen; prägen; streiken; scheinen; die Fahne streichen; Strike; Streik; Schlag

"All this I swear," continued the huntsman, mockingly.

mockingly - spöttisch

The axe descended; but it passed through the form of the hunter, and my father lost his balance, and fell heavily on the floor.

passed through - durchgelaufen

balance - Gleichgewicht; Ausgewogenheit; Bilanz, Saldo, Guthaben, Rest

heavily - schwerlich, stark

"Mortal!" said the hunter, striding over my father's body, "we have power over those only who have committed murder. You have been guilty of a double murder-you shall pay the penalty attached to your marriage vow. Two of your children are gone; the third is yet to follow-and follow them he will, for your oath is registered. Go-it were kindness to kill thee-your punishment is-that you live!"

striding - schreitend; schreiten

guilty - schuldig

double - doppelt; doppel-; doppellagig, zweilagig, gefüllt, kontra-

penalty - Strafe

attached - befestigt; Aktentasche, Attache, Aktenkoffer

registered - registriert; Register, Register

punishment - Strafe, Bestrafung

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